The Telescope 14.04

Page 1

Terry Trekell Crowned Queen Head Cheerleader Reigns Over Homecoming Festival Crowned Palomar's 1961 Homecoming Queen at the annual Circle K Banquet Wednesday night was Miss Terry Trekell, a vivacious, 19-year-old, blue-eyed blonde. Miss Trekell, serving as head cheerleader this year, represented Tau Epsilon. She was born in Los Angeles and lived in Escondido and San Diego, until moving to Virginia where she attended Limestone College her freshman year. Terry, whose parents reside in Virginia, is now living in San Marcos with her grandmother, Mrs. Marie Popper. As a business major, she plans to attend Woodbury College next year. Linda Thompson, candidate nominated by Sigma On;:cron, was chosen first princess. Miss Thompson, a sophomore from Vista, attended college in ~anta Barbara last year and plans to finish her education at San Diego State. She is majoring in elementary edu~ation. Eve Guthrie, sponsored by International Club, was selected second princess. Miss Guthrie, also an elementary education major, comes from New Jersey and is now living in Rancho Santa Fe. Joy and Jackie McCahon, twins from Fallbrook, received the title of third princess. The girls, who want to be models, were representing Circle K. Janet Van Der Windt, nominated by Business Club, was chosen fourth princess. Miss Van Der Windt is attending Palomar as a foreign exchange student from Holland.

The royal court will be presented to the student body at the pep rally today and at the Homecoming game tomorrow night during halftime. The queen and princesses will make their entrance at the football field tomorrow night on a float specially prepared for them by members of WRA and Circle K.

HER MAJESTY QUEEN TERRY TREKELL is crowned at the coronation ball Wednes-

Bonfire and tug-o-war: 7 p.m.

today. Debate: today and tomorrow

day night. Princesses of her court are L-R Janet Van Der Windt, twins Joy and Jackie (or is it Jackie and Joy) McCahon, Eve Guthrie and Linda Thompson. The Queen and her court will be presented at halftime at the homecoming game Saturday night at Vista High. - (TELESCOPE PHOTO By Gary Mansperger)

at San Diego State. Homecoming game: at 8 p.m.

tomorrow at Vista - Palomar vs Oceanside. Sigma Omicron: sponsoring homecoming dance after the game in SU from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. Pep assembly: Friday October 27, in the SU at 11 a.m. Football game: Saturday, October 28, at Imperial .· valley, 8 .p.m.

Ei§SCOJ:IE Vol. XIV, No.4

San Marcos, California

Friday, OctQber 20, 1961

Ticket Sales Lagging1 For Brubeck Concert As of yesterday approximately 650 of the 2450 tickets to the Dave Brubeck concert had been sold, said Joost Van Rees, student body vice-president.

PEACE CORPS A representative of the United States Peace Corps, Miss Annie Gutierrez , will be on campus next Friday for the purpose of interviewing students interested in the Peace Corps. the interview will be held at 11 a.m. inR-2.

CIVIL SERVICE JOBS Applications are now being accepted for student trainee positions with the Civil Service. Trainee positions pay $67 to $77 a week. Students can alternate periods of work with semesters of school or work only during vacation periods. Applications may be obtained in room 215 of the U.S. Post Office in San Diego.

DOWN BEAT CRITICS - Call Joe Morello top drummer

in the country. Joe will appear Wednesday night at Palomar ASH-sponsored concert by the Dave Brubeck Quartet. The concert will start at 8 p.m. in the Escondido High School gymnasium.

Shamrock Guilty of Book Buy

UC REQUIREMENT CHANGE Starting with the fall semester, 1962, applicants to the University of California must comply with the following: 1. Must have 56 units of credit acceptable for advanced standing. 2. Must have a grade point average of at least 2.4. These rules apply to those seeking advanced standing who were not eligible for admission at the time of high school graduation. '------------~


The Judicial Committee of Palomar College met last week and discussed the case of Frank Shamrock. Shamrock, an ASB member has been found guilty of using his ASB card to purchase books at the bookstore at the 10% discount for a student who had not purchased a card. The committee agreed on a sentence of "soc ial probation." Don Prough, chairman of the committee, Monday told the Student Council that the committee planned to meet this week to define the term "soc ial probation. " The Judicial Committee, according to the Student Handbook, has a three-fold purpose: First, to protect the rights and privileges of students as they are provided for in the constitu-

tion; second , to enforce the articles of the code of conduct as they were approved by the students; and third, to check the constitutionality of all legislation passed by the executive council. According to committee member Clayton Sketoe, "The ASB Identification Card entitles students to certain privileges, among which is the purchasing of books in the bookstore at a 10% discount. Our decision was based upon the extenuating circumstances surrounding the case, in other words, not the fact that Frank did this, but why he did it. " The other members of the committee are Daniel Lara, secretary, Bill Dunn and Frank Stafford.

"Ticket sales are expected to improve greatly as the publicity campaign moves into full swing," Van Rees said. Dave Brubeck's Quartet will come to Escondido under the sponsorship of Palomar College Associated Student Body. Tickets for this concert at 8 p.m. in the Escondido High School Gymnasium can be bought at the following locations: Barlow's music store and Port's in Fallbrook; Shine's Pharmacy and the Sports Center in Vista; Sears and Roebuck in Escondido; the North County Advertising Agency in Encinitas; the Market Basket in Solana Beach; Ponzi's House of Music in Oceanside, and OceansideCarlsbad College in Oceanside. Accompanying Dave Brubeck in his Quartet are Paul Desmond on alto sax, Joe Morello at drums, and Gene Wright on bass. Paul Desmond was the first of the members to join the present quarter. Paul added his alto sax to the Dave Brubeck trio, which became the Brubeck quartet in 1951. Since then the names Brubeck and Desmond have been synonymous, winning accolades from critics and thrilling audiences around the world. Joe Morello, ·the quartet's drummer, became a featured member in 1956 and since has been recognized as one of the outstanding drummers in the country. Gene Wright, bass player for the world famous Brubeck Quarter joined the quartet in 1958 just in time for Brubeck's history-making tour of Europe and Asia. One of the recent recordings, done with Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic, was "Dialogues for Jazz Combo and Orchestra," written by Howard Brubeck.

Budget Balance Expected By Next Semester AI Polus, Associated Student Body treasurer, has announced a $15,845 profit from the sale of ASB identification cards this semester. The amount fell $1,155 short of reaching the 1961-1962 ASB budget estimate for this and next semester's ASB Card Sales. Dr. John D. Schettler, business manager of the college, said he expects identification card purchases for the second semester to make up the difference. "Income from the sale of ASB Cards can be expected to exceed slightly the amount estimated on the budget," he said. He expects roughly a $2 ,000 profit from second semester purchases. Polus also announced a proft of $30.70 from the sale of freshman beanies and a profit of $94.29 from the student government conference held early in September.

SURVIVAL Survival of the hydrogen blast is the subject of a new Palomar Evening College course to be taught at Fallbrook High School beginning Thursday night. The class, instructed by Carlton Poling, is a non credit course.

Pag e 2

The Shamrock Case

Pa lomar Co l lege Telesco p e

October 20, 1961


A recent decision by the Judic ial Committee ha s brought both favorable and unfavorable criticism to bear on that body. Involved is an ASB member's use of his ID card to buy books at 10 per cent d isc ount for a noncard holder. He wa s sente nced to "social probat ion." The nature of "social probation" had not been officially determined at the time of sentence.

Some questions posed as a result of this decision are : Is there a law on the books forbiding this use of the ASB ca rd? If such a law exists is it posted in such a way as to adequately inform the student body? Is the definition of "social probation" to be ruled on after the sentence is passed, an ex post fa cto d ecision in the Shamrock case? Is it legal or ethical for a judicial body to legislate the laws which it will enforce? Are there any laws other than the constitution and code of conduct that the Judicial Committee can interpret? Just what should the function of the committee be?

These questions cast doubt not only on the validity of the committee's decision but on the validity of the whole ASB constitution as an ethical and legal document. Item B section 5 article IV of the constitution states, "It shall be the duty of this committee to interpret rules and regulations governing the conduct of the Executive Council and to interpret all matters pertaining to the associated students of Palomar College." The use of "all matters pertaining to the associated students .. . " instead of "rules and regulations" leaves the committee without any pattern or mold for dealing with students other than what laws the committee itself legislates.

Interpretation is definitely the Judicial Committee's function but in accord with the American judicial system it would seem that laws are prerequisite to their interpretation. If Article IV Section 5 Item B does vest legislative powers on the judicial branch of the ASB government, the constitution appears to contradict itself in Article IX Section 2, "By laws shall be created by the Associated Council and subject to review by % vote of the council, a nd even closer to the Shamr ock case, Article 1 Section Zltem B of the by laws, "The privileges stated on this card (ASB) shall be subject to regulation by the e xecutive Council." The Judicial Committee gains further power with Item VI of the Code of Conduct. "Any conduct which is deemed to be disorderly by the Judicial Commit-· tee shall be subject to penalties as deemed necessary by the Judicial Committee." The question arises, what basis does the committee have for deeming conduct disorderly. If no laws exist, or the ones that do are legislated~ by them, the only basis is their personal feelings, whether they be just or unjust.

Jones "I have the hottest bus (No.6), the best stud ents, and the longest route. We have a blast!" said Don Prough. One of the careful bus drivers for Palomar College, Don covers the Escond ido area. He claims his little yellow bomb can take the two newer buses. Don is a speech and pre-law major and serves as debate team manager. He holds the offices of ASB Representative at Large and Chairman oftheJudicial Committee. Prough likes to chew tooth picks, swim and water ski. Other hobbies are cars, food and girls!

"Women are wonderful for humor and other things but the day I understand them will be the day I die!" he told me. Don has an excuse for his many wrongs. When he was less than a year old he fell out of a tree and landed on his head.

A sophomore, originally from Orange High and now living in Fallbrook, is Deanne Durling. "I came to Palomar for a good education, to meet people, and also because of its convenience," she stated. She believes that, if the college has many activities for the students, it will keep the school spirit high. Deanne hopes to attend the University of California at Davis as a business-agriculture major. Later she plans to open a western shop and raise a few horses. I asked her, "Do you think you'll accomplish what you have planned to to?" "Things work out for the best; I don't worry about it. I think we should set our goals high and some will be accomplished," she replied.

At the age of four Roger Morris fell out of a car that was going 45 m.p.h.! Like Don, Roger is not responsible for his actions. While at Fallbrook Higb he played varsity football and was editor of the Tommy-Hawk, the school newspaper. He wants to be an accountant who will have private secretaries. "I dislike unfriendly girls! They must have pleasing personalities," added Roger.

His favorite sport is water skiing. He told me of an embarrassing experience that has happened several times. "When you've fallen off of wa ter skis, sometimes you loose your suit. You do not come out of the water!" Another water love r coming from San Dieguito was a California High School Federation scholar. Beachcomber Marlys Meyers inspired her scnool a s a song leader. She also was a homecoming princess her senior year. "The night of the coronation, the candidates and students were waiting for the crowning of the queen, and the dance band did not show up, but did come the next night," explained Miss Meyers.

Marlys is a secretary for an accountant. Roger Morris is looking for girls like her. But Marlys is happy with her job. I think?



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The constitution, being ambiguous on the subject of who will legislate, gives the Judicial Committee the power to decide. Article IX Section 1. "Any question of law not specifically covered in this constitution shall be reffered directly to the Judicial Committee."

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COME SEPTEMBER Rock Hudson & Gina Lollobrigida - Plus-




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THE GREEN HELMET Bill Travers & Nancy Walters


1008 Valley Blvd. ESCONDIDO

Phone SH 5-0553 Show Starts at 7:00 Thu rs. , Fri. & Sa t.

THIEF OF BAGHDAD Tbe TELESCOPE is the officia l publication of t he Associated Stude nts of Palomar College, San Ma rcos, California, Telephone SIMrwood 5-5711 (Escondido are a), and PAlace 7-7529 (Vista area). The paper is produced by the college journalis m class. Opinions expressed in t his news paper refl ect those of the wr iters and not ned!ssarily those of t he college or of the stude nts. All unsigned edito rials ar e those of the editor. Letters to the editor are we lcome; however, the ed it ors reserve t he right to cut letters to sui t space. All letters of this nature must be signed. Member Intercollegiate Press and JAJC Bob Newman . . .. . . . . .. ... ... ... . ... .. . ..... .. . . . .... . .. Editor-in-Chief Glen Duncan . . ............ ... ...• . ... . ........... . ... . ... Managing Editor Don Berry . ... . . . . . .... .. . . ... .. . . .... .. . .. . . . ... .. . . . .. Business Manager Dick Tarquinio .... . .. . . ... . . . . .............. . .. .... .• ..... Sports Editor Bob Janes •.. .. .. .. . . .. . ... . .. ..... .. . .. . ....... .. ... . .... Feature Editor Gary Manspercer . . ... .... . .... .. .. ........... .. .. . . . . .. Chief Photographer

Pat Searcy ... . ........•• . ...• •...... . .. . ...... Circulation Manager

Joor Advance

MuHier Shop

20 Minute Service ! PHONE SH 6-1877 CORNER OHIO and JUNIPER . . ....,....,._,

Written Lifetime Guarantee Factory Replacement and ~lass Pack Mufflers

Steve Reeves & Georgia Moll - Plus -

MARINES LET'S GO David Hedison & To~ Tryon Sun., Mon. & Tues.

FRANCIS OF ASSISI Bradford Dillman & Dolores Hart Thurs., F ri. & Sat.

THUNDER OF DRUMS Richard Boone & George Hamilton -Plus-

MAGIC BOY Feature lettgth carteon

Palomar College Telescop e

October 20, l 961

Page 3

Toyias Tells All

([lubs anb ([apers


Newman had d uties selling tickets to t his week's cor onation banquet held Wednesday night. (TELESCOPE PHOTO By Ray Tiedje)

The pep rally at 9:45 a.m. today will feature Ho mecoming Queen Terry Trekell and her princesses as they are presented to the student body. Distinguished Palomar alumni will be honored, and an Oceanside football team member will make an appearance. Sponsored by the Freshman Class, the bonfire rally will begin at 7 p.m. today behind the college. During the bonfire , teams consisting of four boys and four girls will be competing for first place in the tug-ofwar. Fred Schmidt will later lead the serpentine with the band playing "When the Saints Go Marching In." The Homecoming game against Oceans.ide will begin at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Vista High School field. During the halftime , this year's queen and court will be presented and several queens from the past will be honored. Then a team of eight students from Oceanside will try its luck against the mighty eight from Palomar in the tug-of-war finals.

During t he game, tic kets to the Dave Brubeck concert will be sold by members of Tau Epsilon. The after-game dance, sp onsore d by Sigma Omicron, will last u ntil 1 a.m. Mu sic will be provided by Pat Clancy a nd his band. Palomar a nd Oceanside ASB cards will be honored at the door. Witho ut cards, admission is $1. The sign-up sheet for rooters' bllsses for the Imperial Valley game Saturday, Oct. 28, is in the student activity office. Those interested in supporting the team in its second league game should pay the dollar fee as soon as possible. The new Poster Center for making advertisements and posters for clubs will be opened October 23 in the drama lab. Poster paints, paper, and brushes will be available for a small fee. A key can be obtained in the art department. All science majors and enthusiasts are urged to attend the first meeting of the Science Club, an organization being formed, Thursday, October 26,

in S-7 fr om 11:00 a.m. to 12 noo n. F ield trip s, lectures, a nd de monstrations are future act ivities being pla nned . Anyone interested may contact De nnis Madison, or a ny of the sc ience teach e rs, fo r add itiona l info rmation. Circle K has nominated Ch uck Rudolph to fil l the va cancy of Circle K District Secretary. His nomination was made at the cl u b's October 17 meeting, and it will be sent to the d istrict for acceptance. Results of the Business Club elections are as follows: Jim McCleod, president; Gerry Yagle, vice president; Sherrie Tyrrell , secretary; Sally Roden , treasurer; and Carol Colving, ICC representative.

Secret Soc ieties Illegal A state law prohibits on campus, secret societies, fraternities and select membership clubs. All school affiliated clubs must be recognized by the school according to the law.

had a



MEMBERS OF JOSEPH H. HYDOCK' S geology class tramped all over Yosemite National Park recently examining terrain, treeing bears and possum s, eating watermellon and canned beans and generally having a good time. The purpose of the trip was to examine rocks and minerals. The student's trip included a camp at the base of Mount Whitney and observation of rock formations at Red Mountain , Devils Post Pile, and Yosemite. (TELESCOPE , PHOTO By Don Sietz)

Film Series Offered A FILM SERIES of " Neglected Masterpieces" is being presented by the Solana Theatre in Solana Beach and the Ken Art Cinema in San Diego. The films, all box office failures, have been considered works of art according to their sponsor, University Extension, University of California. Information regarding the program of films can be obtained at either of the two theatres. Tickets sell for $1.

ESCONDIDO GOLF CENTER 802 West Grant RANGE- Special student rates PRO SHOP Everything for the golfer PUTIING GREEN & SAND TRAP

GAILEY'S PHOTO SUPPLY . ESCONDIDO's most complete Photographic service Phon~

230 East Grand Ave.

SH 5-7823

Find Lost Articles Students should work out their own systems of identifying books so that if lost books are found they can be returned to their proper owners , Dr. Terrel Spencer, dean of student personnel said Monday. All lost articles including books should be claimed at the book store.


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You: Why the gold bar s? Future Yom You're needed ... just as yo ur father and grandfather were. It's an obligation that a lot of qualified college me n have to meet. If we don't . .. You: All ri ght. But what can I do for the Ai r Force? Future You: The Air Force needs college trained men and wo men as officers. This is caused by the ra pid ly advancin g technology tha t goes wi th hype rsonic air and space fli ght. Your four years of college have equip ped yo u to handle complex jobs. You: Say I was interested .. . how can I get to be an officer? Future You: You know about Air Force ROTC and the Air Force Academy. Then there's the navigator tra inin g program. You've probabl y heard abo ut Officer Trainin g School . .. where the Air Force takes certai n college graduates, both men and women, and commissions them after th ree months of trai ning. You: Startin g salar y is important. What abou t that? Future You: Add it up. Base pay, tax-free all owances, free medical and dental care, retireme nt provision, perhaps fl ight pay. Yo u don't have to be an eco major to see it adds up to an attracti ve package. You: I've been thinkin g about getting my Master's. Futur e You: As an officer you can apply for the Air Force I nst itute of Technology. At no cost, and whil e on acti ve duty some officers may even win their Ph.D. degrees. You: Tell me more. That's the job of your local Air Force Recru iter. Or wri te to Officer Ca r eer Information, De pt. JSCllO, Box 7608, W ashing to n 4, D.C. , if you want furth e r information a b o ut the navigator training or Officer Training School prog rams.

There's a place for professional achievement in the

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Palomar College Telescope

Page 4

October 20, 1961


'A·Gross Ue' Says By Dick Tarquinio

A report that a Palomar College football player was given shots of painkiller before a game was this week called a "gross lie" by Dr. Keith Collins of San Marcos, the team physician.

Discussing the Palomar-San Diego State frosh game October 7, Bartlett wrote, in part:

He referred to a recent statement in a sports column written by Harlon Bartlett, sports editor of the Escondido Daily Times Advocate.

"Schultz, who injured his ankle in last Tuesday's practice session, was a surprise starter for Palomar. Coach Stu Carter decided he couldn't get along without him and pain-killing shots were given Schultz before the game.

"He lasted until the fourth quarter when he was carried from the game by two teammates." In a telephone conversation Tuesday with a Telescope reporter, Dr. Collins said: "I consider the Times Advocate report a gross lie. Bartlett did not report the truth. He did not investigate the facts. Mr. Bartlett and the T.A. have opened themselves up for a controversial law suit." Asked for comment, Bartlett said: "I was told that this (the administering of a pain-killing drug) happened." He declined to name the source of his information, and added: "I'd suggest that you just forget about the whole thing." In his account of the incident, Dr. Collins said that Schultz had suffered a sprained ankle, which was swollen. "An enzyme was administered to reduce the swelling," said the doctor. "Any housewife would get the same treatment." He added: "The inference was made (by Bartlett) that I had give cocaine to Gary. This is not true. The T.A. is libeling coach Carter and myself." Carter gave the Telescope this statement: "I have never used painkillers of any kind, and I never would. The doctor said ~chultz could play. Schultz wanted to play. I let him play."


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Palomar's never out of the cellar Comets are ready to grit their teeth and try again as they meet their traditional rivals the Oceanside Carlsbad Spartans before a homecoming crowd at Vista tomorrow night. The Comets are once more the underdogs. There is no use fooling anyone about this game, Palomar doesn't have a chance.

ED COOK FINGERS IN a pass as Comets lose to San Diego JV 42-13. (TELESCOPE PHOTO By Gary Mansperger) PALOMAR TROPHY CO.

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'lntramurals Competitive' Says Coach Intramural competition has gotten under way with a flurry of interest and activity, said Coach Joe Brennan, director of intramural activities. The intramural sports this semester, including volleyball and football, are designed to give the men enrolled a chance to take part in competitive sports without conflict with after-school jobs or studies. Teams are competing in league slates. Play-offs will be held in January and awards will be given to the champions. INTRAMURAL FOOTBALL SCHEDULE {Through October) National League

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This may be all the Comets can do. We might see a touchdown or two or some good defensive plays. This would be an extra trest.

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But as long as the team is out there getting the ball once in a while and doing a little more than dropping it again there is a game and we can all enjoy it.


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With every high school in this district producing champions last year, and with new coaching here, there seemed to be some wild dream that Palomar could win. But now the bubble is broken. And now everyone'~ rationalizing again or cussing the team or coaches and no one really knows what is wrong. But something is because Palomar won't win.

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