The Telescope 14.08

Page 1

Applications, Info On Scholarships Available To Sophomores Now available in the office of student personnel is a directory for the financial aid of students which lists scholarships offered by over 100 colleges and universities. Also listed are over 100 business, industrial and private scholarships. The directory was prepared by Oreon Keeslar, coordinator of secondary curriculum, Santa Clara County Office of Education, and distributed to high schools and junior colleges for student use. Also on file in the office of student personnel is information and applications for a number of other scholarships which include the following: University of California alumni scholarships ranging from $200 to $1000 awards are available. Tests and applications must be completed by March 1, 1962. These scholarships are good for any branch of the University. Stanford offers a scholarship program for junior college transfers. Board tests must be completed by May, 1962 and applications must be in by July 1, 1962. Further information may be obtained by writing Transfer Scholarship Committee, c/o Office of Admissions, Stanford University, Stanford, California. The University of California at Davis offers over 100 awards ranging from $100 to $800. Applications must be in by Feb.

~. 'B,.~AJ



"BUS STOP" CASTING Nor San Players will be casting at 7:30 p.m. Monday for their next presentation, "Bus Stop," at the "Ole Opre House." Three female and five male roles are available. Contact Mrs. Prunier at SH 4-0393.

CONSTITUTIONS Revised constitutions for the freshman and sophomore classes were given approval by vote in campus elections recently. The sophomore constitution was approved 83-17. The freshman class constitution was approved 89-20.

LIBRARY STAYS OPEN Palomar Library will remain open during Christmas vacation. Hours will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. from December 18 to 21 and December26 to 28. On Fridays, December 22 and 29 the library will be open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. only.

PRESIDENT REVIEWS College President Dr. John W. Dunn was appointed by the Western College Association . recently to serve as chairman of the Association's accreditation team which reviewed Imperial Valley College this week.

REGISTRATION Appointments can now be made for interviews regarding registration for the spring semester. Interviews will be held January 2 to 31 in the counseling offices. Class schedules and information are available in the registrars office now.

RESIGNATION Ray Tiedje has announced his resignation as a member of Palomar's cheerleaders. The letter of resignation was read at a student council meeting this week.

1,1962. National Foundation Health scholarships is prepared to give $500 per year for four years to eligable students interested in the fields of nursing, occupational thearapy, Physical therapy, medicine and social work. Five hundred awards are given yearly.


EiffSCOp£ VOL. XIV, No.8

San Marcos California

New Focus Magazine Due In Mid-January ~-



FOCUS PREVIEW - Mem Focus magazine staff take a look at one of Jim Papke's nudes which is being considered for publication in the magazine. Pictured L-R are Jeanette O'Donnell, Antle De Wild, Jacquilin M. Long and Focus Editor Lou Rabe. The winter Focus will be available on Campus in mid January.

Santo Will Visit DoneeMMonday d•k• ( II "Misty" will be the theme for the Christmas formill next Monday night in the Caribbean Marine Room at the El Cortez Hotel in San Diego. The formal, sponsored by the Sophomore Class, will feature the music of Buster Carlson's ten-piece band. Featured during the band's breaks throughout the evening will be Santa Claus, Chuck Sawday, Rod Jones and Niel Smalley. Santa will present comic awards and gifts while Sawday will smoke a cigarette and J ones and Smalley will provide a musical number. Crowning of the King and Queen will take place at midnight, according to Mike Mueller, Sophomore class vice president. Mueller wishes to remind all who are planning to attend to be sure and register at the door for the drawing. The drawing will determine the King and Queen and their court which will consist of two princes and two princesses. Students are reminded that all bids at the door will be $2.00 Bids will be on sale today in the Student Union for $1.00 with A.S.B. card and $2.00 without. All students are urged to be

on hand Monday afternoon at 1 to help decorate , according to Terry ·McHenry, Sophomore Class secretary. Music by Carlson will conform to the theme "Misty" and will include the "Song From Moulin Rouge," "White Christmas" and others as selected by the students.

BUSTER CARLSON will entertain with his band at El Cortez Christmas formal sponsored by the Sophomore Class.

Alligator, Amoeba Deaths Plague Science Department A baby alligator died from unknown causes in the science department on the evening of November 28 after living on campus for a period of six weeks. The alligator came to the campus with Dennis Wolfe, a Palomar student, who obtained the reptile from a Vista variety store. The Palomar specimen was the last of a family of six alligators , the other five having died recently. Mr. Fred L. Elliott of the science department handled funeral arrangements but to no avail. The body refused to respond to formaldehyde saturation and was thrown out be-

Friday, December 15, 1961

cause it "stunk too much."

DEATH TOLL MOUNTS In another science department calamity, instructor Eugene H. Stevens pronounced thousands of amoeba dead on arrival at Palomar College. The amoebe came here several weeks ago from Monterey where they had lived all their lives in a laboratory supply center. Severe jostling has been determined by the science department as the cause of death. No fitting services could be determined for amoebe so burial followed immediately in the Men's Room.

ar I IOn a s

Amenca • MeIt•I ng Pot Of Nat·lons

"America is a combination of the best of everything." George M. Mardikian, author of Song Of America, told an assembly of students and faculty members Wednesday. "This country is a melting pot where people of other nations become Americans and contribute the best of their home country to the American Way." Mr. Mardikian, who came to America a poor immigrant, now owns a chain of restaurants in Fresno and San Francisco, valuable property in California, and a controlling share of three radio stations. He said , "In the old country I couldn't have quit my first job." He said he could never have improved his position as he did here. " I want to tell you," he said , "that America is still the land of opportunity. " He said his recipe for success included hard work and faith in oneself, in America and in God. Mr. Mardikian said that the greatest thing America had given him was "dignity." He said, "I wish I could make you understand what it is like not to be an American." Mr. Mardikian said that the purpose of his book, Song Of America , was "to tell Americans what this country has meant to me. "

The Palomar College magazine, Focus, will be ready for distribution in mid-January, according to Richard S. Johnson, journalism teacher. The publication will consist mainly of factual prose written by the students and will also featu ; e imaginative works, photographs and original art pieces done by Palomar students. Subject will range from Jazz to Athletics and from the history of Palomar to sketches of personalities. "The contents are varied and the magazine will have a fresh approach. It will be unique but it's main objective will be to please the students," says Lou Rabe, editor of the magazine. The magazine will be given to all ASB Card holders but there will be a slight charge for non-ASB Card holders. Staff members include, Antje De Wilde, Roy M. Klapp, Jacquilin M. Long, Richard H. Tarquinio, Nikki Finlay, Jeanette ·O'Donnell and Jerry Hassman. Staff artist will be Attila M. Uludogan and staff photographer will be Gary Mansperger. Don Berry serves as Business manager, Stephen Mallory as advertising manager, and Howard E. Harms as circulation manager. Ben Brode, art editor, will be responsible for the photographs and art works and Miss Rabe will serve as general editor. The magazine will atempt to examine many of the qualities and characters of • student and campus life, according to Johnson.

NDEAFund May Reach $136,000 The College Board has authorized the administration to apply for National Defense Education Administration funds in the amount of $68,000. The college, by agreement with the NDEA, must match this amount and plans to do so over a two year period which would bring the total to $136,000. Some of this money would be used for student loans said College President Dr. John W. Dunn. In addition, much of the fund would be earmarked for development of the language department he said. Previously the loan fund at Palomar under NDEA has been $3 ,600 and has been loaned out to a small number of students in $400 grants. If the NDEA funds are obtained the college will supply $25,000 from this year's budget and $33,000 next year on the matching basis.

First Female Running For the first time in Palomar's history a female student will run for the office of Commissioner of Athletics. She will be among candidates running for ofticeintheseconds~

mester elections to be held January 12.



Arthur's • • •

PJC Student Drivers Can Resolve Traffic Danger

• •.• Insig h t s

Over the years, the Telescope has tried to win a contest on safe driving campaigns sponsored by an insurance company. This year we are greedily entering again, but we do not plan to clutter our inside pages with gruesome pictures of squa shed people and smashed automobiles. Instead we offer a solution to the traffic problem here at Palomar which might possibly be applied to other areas in need of traffic safety. Being strategically located next to the parking outlet to highway 78, the Telescope office is in good position to survey the driving habits of the assorted Palomar students. To some of these students we now present a plan that will solve the traffic problem for the rest of the school year. We would suggest that the plan be followed in future years. The students in mind are the ones we notice most leaving the campus. They are the bravest, most gallant students in the school. They are knightly, in fact. We have seen them on numerou s occasions in their throbbing machines. These machines throb most violently when passing females , apparently an intimation of the driver's heartbeat. The brave knights, on their mechanic steeds, then race off on some mission of heroism. Now we would not suggest that such behavior is anything but indicative of the most virile, courageous manhood , but we would suggest that these drivers could !QUelch all rumors to the contrary by one gallant display of their bravery. What we have in mind exactly is for all brave drivers to line up for one glorious, 100 mile-an-hour charge into the concrete face of the nearest highway abutment. Then the world will be doubly sure that they are not "chicken. " As an inc idental, the demonstration will solve a dangerou s hazard present on the campu s byways. We ask our heros again to perform this gallant a ct. By doing so they will prove themselves beyond doubt, solve the traffic problem and help u s win the contest. So brave knights, mount up a nd sa ve the day for us. The· TE LES COPE is the official publication of the Associated Students of Palomar College, San Marcos, California, Telephone SHerwood 5-5711 (Escondido area), and PAlace 7-7529 (Vista area). The paper is prod uced by the college journalism class. Opinions expressed in this newspaper reflect those M the writers and not nece"ssarily those of the college or of the students. All unsigned editorials are those of the . editor. Letters to the editor are welcome; however, the ed itors reserve the right to cut letters to suit s pace. All letters of this nature must be signed. Member Intercollegiate Press and JAJC Bob Newman . . . ...... ..........• . .... .. . , .. . .. . ·... .. ... Edito r-in-Chief Glen Duncan ........ . ....... . . .. .. .. ..... . ....•..... : . ... Managing Editor Don Berry .... ... ..... . ..... . .................... .. ..... Business Manager Dick Tarquinio .. . . . .... ... . . .............. . ..... . .. .. . . ... Sports Editor Gary Mansperger .... ... ... . ............... . .. .. . .. . .... Chief Photographer

Pat Searcy • . ... ... . .... . . . .. . . . . • . .. ...... : . . . . . Circulation Manager

For Al l Occo s io nsl t .

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The Telescope

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~t ~ N

In this column, which will be printed regularly in the Telescope, I plan to discuss in miniature , various aspects of campus activity. A most disturbing problem, on which I have managed to maintain silence for some time, is the subject of my discussions this week. While I ha~e nothing but the sincerest affection for women students, .I cannot help but look upon them as stumbling blocks in the way of many consCientious male students. Women, especially those not too earnestly interested in furthering their education, are distrac-tions. And distractions should be held to a minimum where education is concerned. Now, I certainly wouldn't suggest that women be restricted from entering college. But I do wish that a set of strenuous tests could be devised that would screen out those women not devoted, at least partially, to scholarly goals. Or maybe we men should ban together in defense of our common objective - education. Or is our common objective education?

Students Should Speak Their Piece To Mr. Hassman: Come now Mr. Hassman, tell us what a ne wspaper is! Your definition seem s quite inadequate. I must agree with you t hat a ne wspaper is primarily concerned with relating events. There are, however, other ways in which any ne wspaper mu st pl ease its subscribers. That is why the re a re secti ons which hold a spec ific inte rest for every · read e r. · The Te lescope d oes not d e-

AGS President Answers Papke Editor: In beha lf of AGS I wish to t ha nk all those who hel p ed make the cookie sale for our scholarship fund a success. It shou ld be a pparent that the students, fac ulty a nd administration are behind our efforts to raise funds by honest means to furnish financial support to worthy stud e nts. Th is, to me, is a true ind ication of the sc hool spirit at its best After all, isn't academic advancement one of the p rime concerns of Palomar Coll ege? I should also like to clarify a point that was raised in the last issue of "The Telescope." . It would seem that Jim Papke do u bts whether or not the proceeds from t he cookie sale will really be put in a sc holarship fund . That this question eve n came up is a surprise to me, but I will state defilitely that t he proceed s fro m the sale will be used as in t he past fo r sc hola rsh ip a wa rd s. It might a lso be of interest to the cr itics of cake walks, cookie and bu tto n sales t ha t AGS last year ca rr ied out a se r ies of educational events to raise sc holarshi p money with a somewhat meage r monetary r etu r n in compariso n with the efforts put out by fac u lty a nd AGS me mbers. Did Ji m Pa pke atte nd a ny of those events? If J im Pa pke still dou bts the veracity of our state me nts he ca n he lp in su re t ha t thi s money is used fo r sc hola rsh ip by qualify ing as a me mbe r of AGS for next semeste r when t he sch ola rships will be award ed.

Perry Snyder AGS President

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ESCONDIDO DRIVE-IN Phone SH 5-2331 Show Starts at 7:00 Adm iss ion 75c per person or .$2 per car maximum every 1night . except Monday. Monday night is $1 per car night.

.............................. Fri., Sat. , Dec. 15-16

Paris Blues

vote itself to columns by Amy Vanderbilt or Billy Graham , nor does it have a weekly TV-Radio schedule. It is a student newspaper, yet it is a newspaper. As in most newspapers, the Te lescope has a section reserved for the incom ing letters to the editor. These lette rs range anywhere from being "factual to sarcastic to d ownright nasty." I cannot imagine a newspaper wi thout t his provocative sect i o~ . Wouldn't it be silly for t he Sa n Die go Un ion to direct its attent ion solely to financial and polit ical news, or for th e Telescope to conc e rn itself only wit h news a bout t he football tea m a nd th e d ebate tea m? We a r e livi ng at a ti me when "re bu ttal " is more than commo n. Yo u can observe it da ily in t he Un ited Nations, the state government and down at t he drugstore, where at this second , two me n are flip ping a co in for odds on tonights boxi ng match. Do you see my point Mr. Hassman? It is important that the Telescop e continu e to functio n as a newspa p er, a nd it is equally important that t he Palomar student speak up as an ind ivid u al. The Telescope is t he pe rfect device fo r t h is. We don't have to agree with contents of these letters , but we should be able to tell if they enlighten, humor, or make us angry. At least someone will have said his piece. "

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Honeymoon Machine Steve McQueen & Brigid Bazlen

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Hide ous Sun D e mon -also-

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The Telescope


SHOWCASE WINNERS Tom Ebersold, (L) won the oil division of this month's selection now on exhibit in the library. Gilbert Gaytan, (R) won the pen, ink and water color division with his pen and ink drawing. Other winners whose work is now on exhibit are Linda Frame, sculpture and Homer Rail, chalk section. The selections were made December 7 by art guild judging in L-1. (TELESCOPE PHOTOS BY DENNIS MADISON)

Survey Shows African Students' Problems



expert watch repair


The African student in the United States, in spite of economic and emotional problems, is happy with his American education. In a survey just completed more than 1000 African students now in this country, 79% reported they were "completely" or "mostly" satisfied with their training. Only 4% registered dissatisfaction. Another significant finding is that the majority of African students feel they do not get along well with American Negroes. Almost two-thirds (63%) indicated friction between the two groups. Other major results of the comprehensive survey are that 64% of the African students meet discrimination, their biggest problem is lack of funds, their general academic performance is above average, and their image of America and Africa is influenced by their U.S. experience.

Prices - E.ast Terms 905 S. Santa Fe, Vista PAlace 4-21 68

These are some of the highlights of the liE African Student Survey sponsored by the Institute of International Education with a $20,000 grant from the Johnson Foundation (Racil.e, Wise.). The research was carried out by the University of Michigan International Center. Last March , the University of Michigan center sent questionnaires to 1,533 African students on 366 American college and university campuses. Twothirds of the students (1,010) filled out the form. Later the researchers held personal interviews with 208 Africans at 43 institutions. Statistically, the composite African student is a 26-year-old single male from either Nigeria or Kenya, studying social science at the sophomore level. He would like to earn hi s doctorate but expects, realistically, to return home after receiving his master's degree. Eight-hundred and one Africans were enrolled in Northern institutions while 209 were studying at colleges and




11 8 E. Grand -


Palomar's a cappella choir and band are presenting their annual Christmas program for us in the Student Union today. The choir, under the direction of Mr. Howard Brubeck, and the band , under the direction of Mr. Burrill Monk, also performed Tuesday night for the special Patrons of Palomar meeting.

All students decorating for the Christmas Formal are urged by Terry McHenry, chairman of

stA Say

erry stmas

·om lescope

The liE African study was designed to uncover the difficul· ties faced by African students in the United States. In general , the problems encountered by Africans were similar to those of all foreign students. In the first few weeks, understanding and using English was the number one problem listed by . 21 o/o of the Africans. Adjusting to American foods ranked second (19%), adapting to American life was third (17%) and discrimination was reported fourth (11 %). As they stayed longer, their problems changed. Discrimination was still listed as a major problem by 12% of the Africans, making it the second-most diffi_cult area as their stay in-

Africans Meet Discrimination Though only 12% of the African students listed discrimination as a major problem, 77% of the 1,010 polled reported incidents of discrimination.

Toyias Tells All

Bids for the Christmas Formal are on sale in the Student Union for the last time today. According to Sophomore Class Vice President Mike Mueller, they will be sold at the door of the Caribbean Marine Ballroom of the El Cortez Hotel Monday night. The dance lasts from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.; bids are $1 with ASB cards, $2 without.


Problems Listed By Africans

creased. However, once adjustment set in, the number of students with no real problems jumped from 4% to 17%. ~ The most startling result of the liE African survey was the evidence of friction between many African students and American Negroes. Contrary to popular belief, these two groups do not make friends easily, leaving the average African with a sense of disappointment. These feelings were also reported at Negro institutions where possible friendships for Africans would seem to be greater. In personal interviews, an African man at a midwest school said, "Africans have been brought up in one culture, and American Negroes are victims of circumstances in another culture and don't know where they belong." (See pink charts 40-46)

C!Clubs anb



universities in the South. Despite the fact that almost half of them had arrived within the year, 19% of the African students had already changed schools. Of this group, onethird (32%) transferred because they had completed their course while 24% said their subject or field of study was not available.

Be well-dressed in clothes from

the decorations committee, to be at the El Cortez not later than 1 p.m. Monday. Tonight the Palomar Comets are hosting . the U.S. Naval All Stars, tomorrow night the El Toro Marines. Let's give our basketball team all the support we can by attending the games. President of International Club, Jerry Salehi spoke to Wesley Club about the Islam reli· gion, the national religion of Iran. This was a part of Wesley Club's approach to understanding the different religious of the world. National recognition went to Palomar's Circle K this month, as it was mentioned in the December issue of "The Circle K Bulletin." This was a busy but interesting week for Rod Jones, Jim Kisgen , and Bob Anthony. Wondering if any important international figures would take time from their busy schedules to talk to them, the young men placed collect calls to such places as Cuba, Russia, England and France. The Cubans, learning that the

telephone call was from the United States, refused to talk to anyone, whether the call was paid for or not. The Russian news agency, Tass, would not accept any call from the U.S. either. London was very foggy, they learned, when they tried to call Buckingham Palace. Contacting the Secretary of Charles De Gaulle in France, the boys were dismayed to find out that it was night and that President De Gaulle was sleeping. Rather perturbed because they couldn't make a break through with any officials, they gave up their persuit after telephoning the United Nations Building and Nelson Rockefeller.

Contrary to what was earlier stated, food for the Mexican village will not be sent for Christmas, but during February, when more canned goods and supplies will be gathered together. To close the activities of this semester, a talent show is being planned during the semester break on February 1. If you can sing, dance, or get any kind of an act together, let either John Diepersloot or Joost Van Rees know of your intentions.

The Telescope


Comets Dump OCJ C As Owls Cop Trophy

TARQUINIO-------. Pagakis Wants Wrestlers ... ... Cagers Need Fans


Palomar lost the opening round in its own tournament la st week-end a s the Comets turned in a poor showing for a 66-52 loss to San Diego City College. The locals won t he loser's bracket Saturday night a s they obliterated OceansideCarlsbad in a 72-53 white washing. Citrus College finally won t he three year old Palomar tourney by tripping San Diego 69-53. Citrus' John Silbernagel was na med most valuable player of the series as he dunked 46 points in the two games. Other top players, chosen to re present their schools in the a ll-tournament squad , include Les Christensen , Tom Maxwell a nd Gary Prestesater of Citrus a nd AI Catlin of SDCC. John Stanley was top gun for Palomar.

Coach Chris Pagakis' Palomar wrestling squad opened up the season last week as they tied Fullerton 21-21. The locals had to forfeit ten points for two matches; there was no one to wrestle in the 130 and 157 pound classes. Asked if he was pleased with the teams performance Pagakis said: "Hell no; we want to win! " "And another thing," he went on, "make a pitch for more wrestlers will you?" Okay, let's have some wrestlers. Palomar lost ten points to Fullerton and five to IVC just because there wasn't anyone to wrestle. If you're big, small or inbetween, experienced or inexperienced, Coach Pagakis wants anyone who will get out on the floor and try. VICTORY AND DEFEAT The Palomar College basketball team has turned in a scattered performance so far this year, with more losses than wins. But, the Comets should still be able to win in the South Central Conference. They walked over the only sec squad' that has faced them this year, and , despite losses have turned in respectable performances against stiff opposition. With five games left before league play opens at Oceanside on January 6, the team should have some support.

Brennan's Five Out To Top Navy, Marines

Wrestlers Forfeit S Points; Imperial Valley Wins 24-20 Palomar lost a close wrestling meet to Imperial Valley Tuesday night 24-20. The four point difference was one point less than the five the Comets lost by forfeit in the 157 pound class. Winning for Palomar were Ken Imaizumi in the 115 pound class, Ron Foley in the 137 pound , Tim Craig in the 191 pound and Greg Arnold , heavyweight. All four Palomar victories were by pinning.

Imperial Valley won by decision in the 130, 147 and 177 classes and by flooring in the 123 and 167. Last week the Comets tied Fullerton 21-21. Winners for Palomar in that meet included : Imaizumi, who downed his man, Mikio Hamato, Ed Martony, and Craig all by decision. Next wrestling meet for Palomar will be at Orange Coast College on January 4.

December 15, 1961

another 2 pts. as Comets run over Oceanside. TELESCOPE PHOID BY RAY TIEDGE.

Coach Joe Brennan's Palomar hoopsters will ru sh into another week-end of top quality pre-league competition as they host the Navy all-stars Friday and the El Toro Marines Saturday at 8 p.m. in the dome. The Comets have been placed against the roughest squads available by Coach Brennan, to ready his favored team for another sec title; despite the experts' choice of Palomar the conference should offer rigid rivalry this year, especially from second-ranked Antelope Valley. AVJC is reported to be an even match for the inexperienced Comets and has defeated Riverside College; Riverside defeated P.C. in an earlier game.

Intramural Play-offs; Curtain Drops On Action The intramural season is drawing to a close and play-off dates have be en set. Competition thi s year ha s been rough but the top te a ms won't be d ec ided until the final c hampi onship game on Jan. 15. Award s will be given at the fin a l assembiy at 11 a .m. onJan. l7. The play-off schedule follow s: FOOTBALL American League


In the Palomar-San Diego game the home squad was plagued by poor hitting. Stanley and Ed Vitale were the only PC cagers to reach into the double numbers. Stanley had 18 and Vitale 12. Five San Diegans hit the double numbers. The Comets looked good at the beginning of the game as they piled up a quick lead, but by the end of the first ten minutes the score was tied-up at 16-16. After that it was San Diego all the way. PC TOPS OCEANSIDE

In the second round of the tournament Palomar exploded archrival OCJC for a wild 72-53 come-back and the consolation trophy. Despite the absence of first stringers Vitale and Repa the host casabateers made it Palomar from the tip-off as they more than doubled the Oceanside scoring efforts for a 46-20 half-time lead. Boyd Galland and George Hartfiel paced the Comets with 15 points each; John Stanley scored ten. Surprise hot-shots for P.C. were subs Mike Walters and Bill Dunn with eight and seven points, respectively. FABULOUS COUNTRY CORNER

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t 7·30-11 :00 .


VOLLEYBALL American League


1st place Virginia vs Maryland 2nd place Florida vs Tennessee 3rd place Georgia vs Alabama Playoffs will be held on Jan. 4th and 9th. The opening round is on the 2nd.

862 N. Broadway

Dec. 31 8:30-12:30

Ups-N-Downs Roller Rink ESCONDIDO


National League

1st place Montana vs Iowa 2nd place Oregon vs California 3rd place Texas vs Arizona Playoffs will be held January 8th and lOth with the opening round on the 3rd.

1st place Chargers vs Bulldogs 1st place Oilers vs Raiders 1st place Spartans vs Bill s 4th place Broncs vs Titans Games will be on January 2nd . Winners of games one and four , . - - - ESCONDIDO---. two and three play January 4th. Finals are January 9th.


National League

BIG PAUL TREJO DOWNS HIS MAN. This is an exhibition match against an Imperial Valley wrestler. IVC won the regular meet 24-20. TELESCOPE PHOTO BY RAY TIEDGE.

1st place 49'ers vs Packers 2nd place Redskins vs Bears 3rd place Giants vs Lions 4th place Eagles vs Rams Games on January 3rd. Winners of one and four, two and three play January 8th. Finals are January lOth. The National plays the AmericanJanuary 15th.

They Would Use Peach Baskets! The people around Springfield Massachusetts on one cold day in 1891 probably thought P. E. instructor James Naismith was cracked; Naismith walked into the Springfield College gym carrying two peach baskets. But, Naismith didn't pay too much attention to onlookers. He quickly went to work and set up the peach baskets on either side of the room; he made a few rough marks on the floor. Then, he gave his shivering

P .E. stud.ents a rundown on some rules he had devised for a new game , guaranteed to keep them warm. And, on that day, Nov. 6, 1891, was played the first game of basketball. From Naismith's little invention has grown a sport that has become the joys of millions. But, what changes! Those original players must be startled by modern gyms, with deluxe hardwood floors and metal baskets on glass backboards.

But, if they were to come to a basketball game today, Naismith and company would have to bring their own peach ba skets. That's the one thing that has been left out!



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