The Telescope 14.09

Page 1

Friday ASB Elections Feature 13 Candidates Women Fill Ranks¡ For Council Offices Miss Judy Toyias, Bill Dunn and Refugio "Jesse" Lomeli are the 1962 Candidates for the office of ASB President. Miss Toyias, the first female student in Palomar history to be vying for the position , is an Escondido High school graduate, majoring in History and EngJi h. Dunn hails from Vista and is concentrating on the sctuare roots of math, while Lomeli , also from Vista, is a Political Science student. All three are sop homores and have been active in sc hool affairs since coming to Pa lomar. Candidates for the office of ASB Vice-President are Bob Anthony and Robert Bosley. Anthony comes to us from Fallbrook High, majoring in Chemistry and Bosley, also from Fallbrook is an Engineering major. Other candidates for office are: Janet Van Der Windt and Jeanette O'Donnell for Secretary; Ron Zarubica, unopposed, Treasurer; Don Prough , Nancy Hanks and Danielle Lara for Representatives at Large; and Barbara Allshouse and William Toomey for Commissioner of Athletics.

FOCUS MAGAZINE Focus Magazine will be distributed on the campus starting next Monday. The winter edition of Focus will be available free to ASB card holders. This edition of the magazine is termed a departure from style and format of other editions in the past but will contain material pertinent to Campus activities.

Second semester classes begin February 5 and all students are encouraged to complete registration before that date. The final deadline for registration will be February 16.

FINALS Final examinations will be administered January 25 to 31. Schedules for time and test rooms have been made available to the student body by the office of the Dean oflnstruction.

PARKING VIOLATORS WON'T GET GRADES Students are reminded that those holding non-paid parking tickets will be unable to .. '- +<~in transcripts or grades for transfer purposes and that they will also be unable to register for next semester.

VOL XIV, No. 9

San Marcos,


Thursday, January 11, 1962

Noted Author Speaks Here January 22 W. Cleon Skousen, author of The Naked Communist, i scheduled to speak here Jan. 22 at 3 p.m . as part of the "The World Today" lecture series. Mr. Skousen was added to the list of scheduled p'eakers recently when Mr. Victor Heyden, Palomar College speech instructor, announced he would not be able to deliver his lecture sched uled for Wednesday. Mr. Skousen was Faculty DiCANDIDATE LOMELI rector and featured speaker at the "Project Alert" five-day anti-communism school which opened in Los Angeles December11. Presently, Mr. Skousen is the Field Director of the American Security Council , a private organization which aims at combatting subversion and developing a better understanding of the Communist threat. The author was a member of the FBI for sixteen years, and he erved as Chief of the Salt Lake City Police Department for four years. He was ed ucated in Canada, "I hope to organize a conthe United States and Mexico , and he has taught at Brigham stitution committee that will Young University, Provo , Utah. see what changes are needed During the past year, Skou- in the ASB constitution from sen ha made 24 televi ion ap- semester to semester," said pearances, over 50 radio t::lks presidential c2ndidate Jessie and has spoken to thousands Lomeli Friday. Planks in Lomeli 's platform of people in clubs, churches and universities throughout include the encouragement of the weekly publication of the the co untry. He has written a new book , Telescope, possibly by the sale So You Want To Raise a Boy? , of more advertising. He also which will be published in plans a reorganization of the Judicial Committee, activation early 1962. Mr. Skousen resides in Salt of the Awards Committee estabunder the present Lake City with hi s wife and lished council, the installation of eight c hildren. more suggestion boxes and the addition of a Coke machine in the Dome. Lomeli said his reason for running for office was that after two semesters on the Executive Council he felt a need to incorporate more of his ideas in that body. He said that as president A civil defense plan for Pal- he would have the authority to omar Co llege will be completed do this. Another reason was that he plans to attend the Ill a few weeks. Dean of Admissio ns Robert L. Burton ha s University of Mexico next school year and study diploannounced. Dean Burton and Dean of matic science and that he Instruction Virgil L. Bergman would benefit from the experience of holding office. are co-authoring the plan. Presently president of the "We are cons id ering a n early warning system," sa id Dean Sophomore Class, Lomeli is Burton , "which will involve also a member of Circle K and cooperation with the telephone a two year letterman after participating on the wrestling company." and cross-country teams. He said that with this sys tem we would bewarned of a national emergency as soo n as anyone on the West Coast. "We have not made definite plan s yet,'' sa id Burton , "because we a re waiting for suggestions from the San Diego Coun ty Civi l Defense Department. '' All students registering for He said that, if the system is used , a special warning deYice the first time after January 2, 1962 will be required to prewill have to be purchased . It se nt verification of having recosts about $125. ce ived polio immunization shots. "Thi s is the result of a new state law passed at the last meeting of the state legislature and the sc hool will be Final grades for t he fa ll required to enforce it," sa id semeste r will be available for Dean Of Admissions Rob ...:rt students to pi ck up at 8:15 a.m. L. Burton last Thursday. ''This on February 5 at the counter of applies to day and night stuthe records office, Dean of Ad- dents and tho se en rolling for mi ssions Robert L. Burton an- adult education courses," he said. nounced last week. Good luck!


The Candidates

Lomeli Plans Toyias Wants Weekly Paper, Changes In Const. Reviews Judicial Work

Deans Plan

Civil Defense



Presidential candidate Judy Toyias stated in an interview recently that part of her platform includes a revamp of the present judicial portion of the ASB Constitution. Another point in Miss Toyias' campaign is student support of the Palomar bond issue to be voted on next June. She also has plans for improving communications between faculty and students. In addition, her platform includes support of constitution revision regarding the duties of the Publicity Committee. "The school needs a strong, experienced leader," she said. "And there. are problems on campus that need the attention of such a leader. I feel that I have the needed experience to deal with these problems," she said. Miss Toyias is presently president of Sigma Omicron, a member of WRA and ICC , was coordinator of Homecoming Week and a work shop chairman at the Cuyamaca leadership conference last fall. She is an English major with a history and French minor and also contributes to the Telescope with her column , "Cl ubs and Capers."

Polio Shot Needed For Registration

Final Grades Ready Feb. 5

The law does not apply, however, to stud ents who for religious reasons decline to take polio shots. Forms are availab le to students for this purpose and must be signed by the parents or guardians of minor students. Forms verifying immunization are avai lable also in the registrar's office. Palomar College is not administering shots, Dean Burton said. Those requiring them should consult a physician. "If a student has begun a series of shots he may enroll," he said .

... Speak

Dunn Hopes To Benefit Individuals One of the most important duties of the ASB president, says candidate Bill Dunn, is to help the individual student as much as possible. "I hope to meet as many individual needs as possible. If a student has a problem he should be able to come in and see if anything can be done about it," Dunn said. Dunn's platform includes bringing the school athletes closer to the center of student activities. He also has a plan for making mandatory the inclusion of offices held by students on their transcripts. Dunn will back the bond issue, he said, and is toying with the idea of making students stockholders in the ASB owned book store. "I will also try to finish some of the project started by John Diepersloot. I think he has done an excellent job this semester," Dunn said. Candidate Dunn is presently a member of Alpha Gamma Sigma, the honorary scholastic organization on campus, belongs to the letterman's club and Circle K, is a member of the Judicial Committee and the basketball team and a sports correspondent for the Oceanside Blade-Tribune. Last year he was a member of Inter-Club Council.


ASB To Hold Talent Show February 1 has been set as the date for a n ASB sponsored tale nt show. Students are invited to display any and all of their talents during the show. Interested stud ents are urged to submit their applications as soon as poss ibl e. Applications may be obtained at the Associated Student Body Office. Students already signed up for the show in clude, Jesse Lomeli, Shelley Bercovich , Chuck Sawday, Jerry Hassman , and Suzanne Willoughby. "We hope that students will come forward and exhibit the talents that we know they ha ve," an ASB officer sai d.


The Telescope

Election Key To Constitution Revision Minor Rewrite Inadequate For Growing Palomar The ASB council is now considering a major alteration for the out-dated school constitution. What ever recommendations they make will be submitted to the incoming council for their action. We hope a new constitution, badly needed ever since the last revision, will take the form of a document which has no need for yearly revision. Piecemeal revisions for a fast growing institution like Palomar can only have a temporary benefit at best and are likely to be the cause of turmoil in student affairs. Therefore we have some suggestions for the student body and student government to consider.

***** We don't believe that an adequate government can be formed by absorbing the suggestions of other efficient student governments instead of reaching out among the student body for solutions to problems relative only to the Palomar Campus. We feel that this danger has been present at Palomar and most junior colleges too long. Therefore we suggest that the new ASB officers reject old, tried and true traditions and adopt a policy of leadership among student governments based on new concepts applicable to our growing institution. Specifically, we mean standing committees to take care of 90 per cent of the business now handled by the student council. This would free the council to debate , decide and legislate into the Code of Conduct, laws which the campus community can live by and the Judicial Committee can enforce, rule on or declare unconstitutional. Such committees could be appointed by the President and possibly be the same committees which participate in our local student government conferences which we have found can be very successful.

***** It is clear that a simple revisio'n of the constitution could not supply the radical changes necessary at this time. We need a whole new constitution and it can't be written in a day or a week. It is a semester long project at least and could take a year full of ASB meetings. this is one reason many responsibilities must be delegated to committees and a good argument for lengthening the term of office of at least the ASB president to one full school year.

***** Since one of the school 's goals is to be recognized as an institution of higher learning, we suggest that the new government look to such institutions for ideas on governmental structure, proceedure and responsibility. It is within the power of the student leaders to elevate the standing of our school to a new level of excellence. Would any student dislike the idea of being a graduate of the best junior college in the nation? This is no absurd proposition. It is a challenge to end pacification of a lethargic student body and begin a stimulation and education of these students through the students' development of effective government agencies.

What The New ASB Council Could Achieve Although we feel that the ASB constitution needs radical revision, a final revision that will serve as a solid basis for government function, there are specific points in the present document that need special consideration. The matter of budget making could be improved by giving the responsibility to the Executive Council and then leaving it to the Finance Committee to administer that budget. The President should probably initiate budget considerations and then submit them to the council for debate and passage, much as is done in the Federal government. This would give the Finance Committee much of the responsibility now shouldered by the council and leave that bodyfree to spend as much time as necessary dealing with campus legislative problems. The number and type of standing committees could be modernized to conform to the specific needs of student body members. Enough responsibility should be delegated to these committees to make the jobs stimulating to their members. Clarification of the responsibilities and duties of the Judicial Committee has already been recognized as a pressing need for the Executive Council to consider. The proposition of having full year officers should be debated. We feel that someone must be given the power and the time to implement a broad program of reform in the school's governing agencies. Legislative powers should be clearly defined as belonging to the Executive Council alone. The Council should have the power to enact responsible legislation that can be included in a judicial code and be THE CAMPAIGN ... interpreted and enforced by the Judicial Committee. By Ray Tiedje A bill of student rights should be enacted that would guarantee the student certain rights now protected by state and federal law. Such a document ---ESCONDIDO--""' should become a part of the ASB Constitution. Some parts of the Code ofConductneed rewording because they are not at present regulations that can DRIVING RANGE be ruled on. Other parts of the Code delegate responSpecial Studen t Rate sibilities to the wrong areas of student government. Pro Shop We need a strong ASB president with firm progresEverything for the sive ideas and a serious appraisal of campus probgolfer. Always lems. We need a n ASB Council strong enough to object if he isn 't. top qual ity merchand ise


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***** The 'l'ELESCOPE is the official publication of the Associated Students of Palomar College, San Marcos, California, Telephone SHerwood t>-5711 (Escondido area), and PAlace 7-7529 (Vista area). The paper is produced by tbe college journalism class. Opinions expressed in this newspaper reflect those Of the writers and not nece's· sarily those of the college or of the students. All unsicned editorials are those of the editor. Letters to the editor are welcome; however, the editors reserve the right to cut letters to suit space. All letters ofthis nature must be sicned.

Member lntercolle&iate Press and JAJC Bob Newman ..•.... ..•• . . ••. . . . •....•• • . , .. • •. . ·••• • ••• . Editor-in-Chief Glen Duncan . . ... .•. .. ..... ... .• ... • •...•••• . . • .......... Mana&in& Editor Don Berry . .... •... .... . . . ... ••••. . . .•• • . . . • ... ..•.••.• . Business Mana&er Dick Tarquinio . . . ...•... . .. .• ... . • . • .. •• . • . . .• .. .. ....... . Sports Editor Gary Mansper&er . . ..... . .•.•• . .. ...•.... ... . . ... . . . . ... Chief Photo&rapher Pat Searcy ... .. .. . ....... .. .... . ... . . . .......... Circulation Manager




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Get your FREE copy (with ASS card) at a Focus booth on campus Monday, January 1 5. Read FOCUS on Palomar College Art, Humor, History, Students.

The Telescope

Toyias Tells All

C!Club~ The deadline for bringing canned goods, books, and farming implements for the Mexican Village Project is this Friday. If you have a few extra cans of food or an old book laying around the house, bring them to the ASB office before Friday.



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anb WRA sponsored another CoRecreation night in the gym last night. Basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis and dancing were among the events held. CONGRATULATIONS go to Jerry Hassman who was recently appointed Assistant Di· rector of Publicity. A TALENT SHOW, consisting of student contributions, is being planned by the ASB to close activities for this semester. If you or your friends can work up an act and are interested in participating, see ASB President JOHN Diepersloot or Vice-President Joost Van Rees for an application blank. Applications are due January 19; the event takes place February 1. TAU EPSILON is sponsoring a car wash on campus next Wednesday. For 50 cents you can have your car washed anytime during the day at the bus barn, located behind the Administration Building.

INTRAMURAL Awards As· sernbly is scheduled Jan. 17 in · the Student Union at 11 a.m. HAVE YOU bought your ticket for the Four Freshmen Concert yet? February 11 is the date; 8 p.m. is the time. Tickets can be obtained from any Circle K member for a $2 donation. OUR BASKETBALL team plays two horne games this week end - Sweetwater College tomorrow at 8 p.m. and Imperial Valley College Saturday night. Let's support the team and attend the games. ASB elections are tomorrow. Now is the time to voice your opinion about next semester's officers. Did you know that only from 30 to 50 per cent of you qualified students usually vote? Don't leave this respon· sibility up to your neighbor. Make your vote count. As a member of the student body of Palomar College, go to the polls and exercise this priv· ilege.

COVER GIRL - Palomar coed Carole Muto, 19, of 1515 Lake Dr., Encinitas is one of the most looked at girls in San Diego County. She is one of two girls who appear on the cover of the new Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. San Diego County directory. (Telescope Photo by Ray Tiedje)

Palomar Symphony Orchestra Begun By Self-Taught Escondido Drummer Symphonic music surges each Wednesday night from the little prefabricated band room on the Palomar College campus. Burrill Monk, instructor in music at the College, conducts. Intent and serious as they follow the score are more than 50 musicians from many parts of the community, brought together through their love of music and because of the perserverance of one man and the cooperation of the College. The symphony orchestra actually is the fruit of three years of work by Harold Petersen, a self-taught drummer who lives in Escondido. Three years ago Petersen decided that others besides himself must want to play symphonic music, and he began trying to recruit musicians talking to anyone who would listen. Everyone thought his idea was great - but at first only a few responded. That first night, when Petersen gathered his fellow musicians together, on hand were Lou Paden, a 72year-old clarinetist; Karl Bjork, a violinist, Ed Rusk, a violinist and organist - and two or three others. Not discouraged by the small turnout, Petersen kept his group together and soon a dozen or more musicians were playing each week at Veterans Memorial Hall in Escondido. Last June, Petersen asked Dr. Robert Woodward, dean of the Palomar Evening College, if the College could help his group grow under the direction of a teacher and conductor.

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Dr. Woodward was delighted and sent for the logical man for the job, instructor Monk. Soon the group flourished. Musicians of all ages, from bobby soxers to grandparents, and from all vocations from housewives to Marines were attending. Mrs. Betty Johnson Owen, an Escondido writer, recently visited the orchestra during one of its regular sessions, and she reported that a unity of purpose among the members of the group is immediately apparent. After the cacophony of tuning up, the group. settles down to work with music by Shubert, Brahms, Saint-Saens, or other composers. One musician, Sam Toxer, comes from Ramona. Betty Clark, a cellist who used to play with the Eugene, Oregon, Symphony Orchestra , travels to Palomar from her horne in Valley Center. Camp Pendleton Marines who join the group when not on duty include Harold Whitney, James Donovan, Dale Glaubig, Robert Gilchrist, Howard Black and Aldo Susi. Susi once played with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. Vistans in the orchestra include Wade Prescott, Don Blasingame, Patricia McGarvin, and Fran Wagner. James and Bernice Pokorny live in San Marcos. Helene Champlin brings her viola from Oceanside, and Garth Gaylord and his wife, Imogene, a teacher at the Gateway School in Escondido, both find time to play with the group. Other Escondido residents in· elude Mary M. Grace, Torn B. Boyden, Nova Voe, Sheldon Gates, Catherine Pickrel, Carl Purdum, C. R. Williams, Thorn· as P. Ruggles, Michael Zigrnond, Clara Petersen, Dorothy Findlay, Harold Bowman, Lois Miers, Mrs. Jean St. Denis,

Betty Ann Hollis, Emil Ullrick, Pat Sandvik, Virginia Thomas, Lyle E. Cowgill, Elizabeth Osgood, John Wyman, and Gary Eason. As for Conductor Monk, who lives in Vista, he thoroughly enjoys the class sessions. "We could use some more violins and brasses," he said. "Corne to think of it," he added, "we could use anyone who plays a musical instrument."

Spanish Prof Emphasizes Language Need Palomar Spanish instructor Dr. Daniel Pratola spoke on the importance of bilingualism over the Christmas holidays before members of the Club Hispano of Vista and the Spanish Club of Carlsbad at a dinner meeting at the Vista Recreation Hall. In his talk, delivered in Spanish, Dr. Pratola alluded to the importance of Spanish as a second language not only in the country as a whole, but especially in Southern California. He said that currently there is an insatiable interest in the study of Spanish.

Bergman Honored For Contributing To Speech Society Virgil L. Bergman, dean of instruction and coach of the debate team, was honored in the November issue of "The Persuader," official publication of Phi Rho Pi, national forensic society for junior colleges. Bergman was praised for his overall contribution as national Phi Rho Pi president in 1960-61, and especially for his efforts toward keeping California's junior colleges within the national organization.

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Dr. Pratola noted that the demand for qualified Spanish teachers in all schools and at all civic levels is far from being filled. "From Spanish speaking area homes must come individuals to receive training that will fill this demand," he said.









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The Telescope

Page 4

Aztecs Dip Comets; Fans Up For Finish

Palomar to Herald

Cagers From Peru The national basketball team of Peru, one of the finest teams in South America, will come to Palomar College on February 27 for an exhibition game with the Comets. The Peruvian team has played in many of the major cities in the world and will come to Palomar as the fina l stop in a tourofthe United States. The team has a dist inguished record behind it, making good showings in t he Olympic games many times and finishing 7th in the line up for the World Championship in 1950, according to publicity releases. In playing for the South American Championship, the national team of Peru finished first in Lima in 1938; second in Rio de Janeiro in 1939; second in Mendoza in 1941; and first again in Lima in 1943. In the Bolivarian Olympic Games Peru came in second in Bogota in 1938; first in Lima in 1947; first in Caracas in 1956; and first last year again in Barranquilla. The Peruvian team is coached by colorful "Jolly" Jim McGregor, a 37 year old former U.S. college coach and athletic director. McGregor, as well as being a top rate coach is a linguist and speaker. He

te ll s a wide coll ect ion or humorous sports stories and de lves into the broader aspects of internatio nal sports ir his lecture series that he has given in many schools and colleges in this country.

In a game that was as close as games can get San Diego State's Aztec freshmen edged Palomar by a narrow 73-71 total before a small but enthusiastic loca l crowd that was standing for the final minutes of play in the P. C. gym,last Friday night.

In other games over the weekend, Palomar turned in two easy victories. The J.V.'s whipped Camp Pendleton's headquarters squadron 75-61 Friday night. And, in Oceanside, The Comets won their league opener in a 71-39 avalanche.

Play-offs Begin

This Week-end

For School Titles

Comets W ill Play

Both teams in the PalomarSan Diego hassle were led by for mer Escondido High students. Big freshman Larry Meek of Sa n Diego was high scorer with 20 points. Sophomore Mike · Williams was high for the Comets, dunking 17 points.

Intramural Team

Big Games Here In final intramural action for the semester, the American League Titans tripped the Bulldogs 18-6 and The Spartans edged the Raiders 12-6. A final play-off between the Spartans and Raiders was held yesterday. In volleyball Alabama and Virginia won their opening rounds and were scheduled to vie for the championship yesterday. No semi-final results were available from the National League at press time. Final results are unknown in either league. The Intramural awards assembly will be held on Wednesday January 17 during fourth period .

Coach Joe Brennan's charges play an important home stand this week-end as they face two league opponents Friday and Saturday night in their drive for the conference title. Southwestern College of National City comes to town Friday night and Imperial Valley College will try it's luck against the Comets on Saturday. Both games will be at8 p.m. withJ.V. games at six. Next Saturday the Comets will host MCRD for the second time this year. Palomar lost to the Marines in an earlier meeting.

TARQUINIO------. P e r uvians Coming . .. .. . McGregor Offers to Speak

~---------SPORTSPOST Coach "Jolly" Jim McGregor of the Peruvian national basket ball team has offered to give one of his famous lectures here on February 27, the day his team will be in town to play the Comets. The fee for the lecture would be fifty dollars , a quite reason able sum. It is to be hoped that the student council will arrange to have McGregor come here. He is an interesting person , and a well as telling humorou s sports :;tories, he brings up thought-provoking material on the international sports scene.

His lecture here would be 01 interest to not only the sports department, but the entire school. And the school certainly owes this much to the sports department. And, there is no doubt that such a lecture would arouse interest in the game. And , if Palomar College is willing to put up a two-hundred-fitly dollar guarantee to get McGregor's team here , we certainly want a good turn out. So, if the student council or anyone else involved hasn't already done something about getting McGregor to speak , do'

country, accepting an assign ment in Poland in 1957. He has toured Russia and many countries in South America and Europe with his various teams, including the national teams of Italy, Greece, Turkey, Austria , and Sweden.



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BARBARA ALLSHOUSE / / // , . / /

Eth ic al Pharma cis ts on Vist a Since 1932


By E. H. Marris

The Comet mat men have lost two meets and tied one. Yet all three of these clashes could have been won if one weight class, 157 had been filled. This sad story of college wrestling is continued in the lack of spectators at the mat meets. In the first meet at Fullerton the wrestlers tied 21-21, Palomar forfeited 5 points. In the Comet's second battle against Imperial Valley college the score was 24-20, again 5 more points, or one man wrestling would have made the difference.

Two persons have filed peti tions for athletic commissioner in the student body elections which take place today. Sophomore Barbara Allshouse, a physical education major from Granby, Connecticut and freshman Bill Toomey from Fallbrook High school are the two candidates. "There isn 't enough representation for athletics on campus," sa id Barbara. She outlined her three point program for improvement:

McGregor was the first American coach to coach in a Soviet

***** ***

Barb And Bill Seek


"First, I will be on the pub l ic ity committee; I fee l ath letics aren't getting enough p u bl icity and we need more school spirit. "Second , I will promote athletics for al l students on campus. "Third, I will be working with the coac hes checking e l igibility. " Bill Toomey who played football fo u r years and track four years at Fallbrook and has part icipated in footba ll and track t h is year at Palomar, a nn oun· ced hi s p la n s: " I wi ll co n nect a nd represent t h e athl etic departmen t to t he student cou nc il. " We need somebody to give t he fee li ngs of th e athl etes to t h e co uncil a nd th e stu d ent body."

Fritz Ziegenfuss of San Diego was a big threat to Palomar as he hit a perfect eight for eight on free throws and totaled 18 for the evening. Other Palomar cagers who scored during the game were: John Stanley, 8; George Hartfiel, 7; Mike Walters, 6; Ed Vita le, 5; and Roger Riolo, 2.

Pagakis Still Searching For More Wrestlers; 157 Wt. Remains Blank

ASB Post

Bill Gordon said he planned on bringing the matter to the council 's attention on Monday. Their decision was not known a t press time.

862 N. Broadway

E D VITALE jumps a b ove a melee of OceansideCarlsbad cage rs to dunk t he ca saba into the n et for a n ot h er two. Pa lo m a r sma shed OCJC in t he league op e n er la st Sa t· urday. TELESCOPE PHOTO BY RAY TIEDJ E.

Other Comets who hit into the double figures for the evening were Boyd Galland, who was running neck and neck with Williams for scoring honors until he left the game on fouls with 15 points to his credit~ and Ted Repa who netted 1l points including a fine seven for eight record on free throws.

The tale was much the same on Thursday night at 7:00 when the 9 men of the squad pulled off 3 pins for 15 points and two decisions for an additional 6 points. If a tenth man in the 157 weight class had been present the score, 21-23 , could have been a tie or a win for Palomar. Coach Chris Pagakis's men are a fair sample of past wrestling champs, with a fair record on the mats. Ken Imaizumi, 115, the lightweight on the team was captain of the Escondido High School wrestlers, and has won all of his matches. Lee Levy, 137, the State High School champ has done well. Jim Craig, 191, has also won three matches. The difficult heavyweight class has often been dominated by Greg Arnold. As most sports, wrestling has injuries as part of the game, an example of this is Jim Hundley, county high school champ from last year, who has had knee problems resulting in a knee operation. Coach Pagakis once again is calling for wrestlers, big, small , even inexperienced . Let us show the interest in a sport, which men have followed for ages. Next mat meet for Palomar will be Monday, the 15th in the Dome at 7 p.m . against Citrus.

Ray Purvis Trophies All kinds of shirt letteri>tg For clubs and league;


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