The Telescope 14.10

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Donkies To Romp In Gym March3

Ef.€SC'DPE Sa n Marco s, Califo rn ia

VOL XIV , No.1 0

Frid ay, February 23, 1962

ASB Approves Lomeli's Plans For Semester The new student council for spring electiolts on campus this Spring Semester has in- has been approved . Voting itiated a three pronged of- rules in the code include: fensive which features the 1.) ASB cards must be clipped adoption of ASB President when votes are cast, and 2.) Jesse Lomeli's projected plans voters' names must be recorded. for this se mester. President Lomeli's plans call - The new Judicial committee, for the council to consider a with Bill Dunn as Chairman, review of the ASB Constitution is made up of Shelley Berchoand the possibility of acquiri ng some concession machines and a phone booth for the college. Installation of suggestion boxes on campus is also being considered. The o,ther two prongs of council action included the approval of ten students to serve on the council or as administrators of ASB sponsored proj Palomar's forensic team will ects and the forming of three committees which will attempt travel to Long Beach State to solve election, judicial and College March 2 for a week end , individual-events tournament constitutional problems. A temporary election code There will be no competition that will serve only in the for debate teams. Although the speech team has dwindled from 19 to eight members , the team has been able to record excellent ratings in all but two tournaments entered this school year. At Long Beach State, last week, Palomar received four excellent and two superior ratings. The debate _teams of Henry Snyd <;!rJaney Baker and Dirk MarrisFrank Shamrock received excellent ratings. Snyder also received an exsentative from the company cellent in impromptu speaking which shod them will be on as did Michele Church in oral hand to referee, and watch his interpretation. Don Prough and Miss Baker rec e ived superior donkeys. ratings in individual events. All tournaments entered are Original plan s were to invite the Vista Kiwanis and Escon- preparation for the national dido Rotary clubs to play the debate competition, said Vicfirst half. But, at press time tor Heyd e n, coach of the forit was not known if they would ensic team. The team are accept. If not; two other cam- debating every day in the depus clubs will probably play bate room on the topic for the nation s, he sai d. the first half. At the tournament, to be held this spring in Kansas , teams The cost of admission will be 75c to all students. Tickets from throughout the nation will be available from members will argue the question , " Resolved that Labor Organizaof any campus club. tions Should Be Under the Jurisdiction of Anti-Trust LegisThe rules of the game are not lation. " Team members are yet known, although there are presently building up a file on some doubts as to the possibil- a ll aspects of the question in ity of even controlling the order to be prepared for any beasts. According to council argument members, the donkeys, although Palomar's debate teams are guaranteed not to damage the Shamrock-Marris, Snyder-Ba kfloor, are not guaranteed to be er, Michele Church-Dana Sue trained in proper " household Corlett, Don Prough-Clayton manners. " Sketoe.

Single Events Tourney Next For Speakers

HIGH TIDE - Palomar freshman, Jean McPherson bridges flood waters that inundated the regular route by the library during cloudbursts February 16. Muddy-footed students took to broad-jumping and cross-country running to avoid sloshy travel lanes.

Donkey Romp

Music Scholarships Musicians in this area may enter the 1962 statewide auditions of Young Musi· cians Foundation which will grant four $1 ,000 sc holar· ships · to those picked as California 's best piani st, vocalist, stri ng playe r , and composer. The application period closes May 1 for composers and May 25 for all other contestants. Application s, available here at PJC, must be sent to Young Musicians Foundation, Box 49955 , Los Angeles 49, Calif., accord· ing to Sylvia Kunin, executive vice president

POETRY ANTHOLOGY The American College Poetry Society will publish an anthology of college poetry in May. Students may submit five poems , no longerthan 48 lines , to the society at Box 24083, Los Angeles 24, Calif. Deadline for entries is April 12.

DEADLINE Today is the last day students may withdraw from classes without penalty. After today, classes dropped will be recorded as withdrawals.

RADIO PROGRAM The student council has approved negotiations with station KUDE for the purpose of establishing a " Palo!Tiar Hour" on Wednesday nights from 7 to 8 p.m. If the radio time is obtained, plan s will probably include a 12 student committee that will present the live show. Two stud~nts would present each show. Jerry Hassman , assistant publicity director, is handling arrangements.

Service Club Battle Of Burros Planned A basketball game will be played on donkeys on Tuesday March 3 at 8 p.m. in the Palomar dome gymnasium. The event will be sponsored by the Associated Men Students and will feature at least two campus service clubs. Members of Tau Epsilon and Circle K have agreed to play the seco nd half of the game. Teams have already been chosen by both clubs. The donkeys will be specially shod with rubber soles, guaranteed not to damage the gym floor. Ten donkeys have been ordered for the occasion and a repre-

SttxmtGroup Seeks Support On ATest Ban An organization of Washington, D. C. students is asking other stude nts in the r...ttion to unite in a plea to President Kennedy protesting the resumption of nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere. The Student AD Hoc Committee on Letters to Kennedy asks (according to literature received by the Telescope recently) that students write President Kennedy, conduct local demonstrations, contact local officials and urge professors to speak out against resumed testing. The Washington students feel that too many people have assumed that the resumption of atmospheric testing has already been decided. According to the committee, no final decision has been reached.

vich, Judy Toyias, Bill Gordon and Ted Repa. The committee members were appointed by Dunn and approved by the council. The committee plans to construct a judicial code and submit it to the council for approval in the near future. Eight students have been appointed to the constitution review committee. Recommendations for constitutional changes by last semester's council will also be acted upon. Appointed chairman of the committee was Judy Toyias. Continued to Page 3

12 Selected To Attend Govt. Confab

Twelve delegates from Palomar will attend a regional student government conference the weekend of March 3 at Cerritos Junior College in Azusa. The conference will be conducted under the auspices of the Southern California Junior College Student Government Association. Participating in workshops at the conference will be Jesse Lomeli , Bob Anthony, Bill Toomey, Mercy Guererro, Judy Toyias, Danielle Lara , Suzy Wearne, Bob Bosley, Jennette O'Donnel , Ed Hanes and David Herrera . The twelfth member of the delegation was to be named by ASB President Jesse Lomeli this week. Five of the e>bove delegates have been selected to attend the state CJCSGA conference in late March. Named to the delegation were Lomeli , Toomey, Guererro , Anthohy and Bosley.

Club's Loss Exceeds $500 On Four Freshmen Concert Losses in excess of $500 were incurred by Palomar's Circle K Club in its sponsorship of the Four Freshmen concert in Escondido February 11, Dr. Terrel Spencer, dean of student personnel, said Wednesday. Dr. Spencer and Circle K are conducting an inquiry to determine the exact deficit. All unsold tickets are being called in so that they can be tabulated and so that comparison with net profit can be made. Losing money on the concert were five members of Circle K who chipped in $375 to help pay the original retainer fee of $750 on the contract, which


called for two payments totaling $1500. One contributer of $100, who is not a ·member of the club, has been repaid. Members losing money were Don Jackson, Robin Jackson, Don Yosua, Ray Tiedje and Doug Welburn. Both the Jacksons and Welburn had invested $100. The rest of the money for the retainer was supplied by the Kiwanis Club of Vista. Dr. Spencer said that club members are doing some creative thinking to try to raise money. " I think they will pull themselves out of it," he said. He said Circle K expects to repay all contributers by sponsoring special projects.

LOTS OF FUN and fine mu-

sic resulted when the Four Freshmen, sponsored by the Circle K Club, hit town for a one-night stand in the EHS gymnasium.

Page 2

Friday, February 23, 1962

The Telescope



Irate Citizen

In a reply to Mrs. Halcomb's letter, Dr. Dunn said that attempts to solve the problem had not had much result ana that "the only solution may be a whipcracking one." This is a sound solution and probably the only one that will work. How can the campus leaders instill upon the mind of an insensitive Jitterbug the value of neatness. This kind of slob doeiD't like or want to be neat. Mrs. Halcomb suggests psychiatry might solve the problem by finding out how to sell the idea of neatness to the few litterbugs that compulsively dirty up the premises. Since we aren't likely to employ a motivational research team here, the next best thing would be to include a litterbug regulation in some kind of Judicial Code. This regulation would serve as a reminder for those few who have not yet learned to keep out of the garbage.

Film On San Francisco Demonstrations Revised the auspicies of the Un-American Activities committee. "Operation Correction," the same film with only the sound track changed, is an attempt by those who participated to show that the demonstrations were initiated by non-communists who were protesting methods used by the Committee. "Correction" subtitles scenes to show how scenes have been rearranged to falsify the facts, the ACLU newspaper states. Unless we assume that ACLU is a communistic organization we can not legitimately deny their right to present their case to the public. The Telescope feels it in order for some group or department on campus to sponsor the showing of Operation Correction here. Many of us have seen one side of the conflict and it is out of character for us to forget the other.

Board Member Publishes Article On Fort Museum Dr. Bainbridge M. Larkin, Palomar College Board member, has published an article about his Valley Fort museum (located on Mission Road between Bonsall and Fall brook) in the January issue of Sunset Magazine.


donees ,

pa rt,e>

and sports events

BE 9-7460

Blasts Palomar s Litterbug Problem

Last school year a film titled "Operation Abolition" was shown to students here in many of the political science classes. Since that time the film has been banned in classrooms because of a deluge of complaints that the film was not an impartial account of the student demonstrations at a House UnAmerican Activities Committee meeting in San Francisco. The film has also been banned by the United States Navy. Now another film on the demonstrations has -been prepared by the American Civil Liberties Union. The film is titled "Operation Correction" and was produced with the help of many of the students that participated in the demonstrations. "Operation Abolition" attempts to show that the demonstrations were comminist inspired. It was produced under




The litter problem remains unsolved. And now the "bugs" have brought on the wrath of San Marcos resident Mrs. Edgar Halcomb, who visited our campus recently. In a letter to President John W. Dunn she mentions the "Jitter ofluncheon bage, paper cups, cigarette pakgs., etc. strewn with the contemptuous hand of the true Jitterbug." She says, this condition is a slap in the face to anyone conscious of his surroundings. She wonders how anyone who accepts the benefits of a tuition-free college can "show such disrespect and ill-concealed contempt." It is to bad that a litter problem on campus can become so great that it draws complaints from the community. Sporatic attempts by the student government and campus clubs to improve the problem h:>ve }"lP"'" of n J pffPct. ·


has collected, among many relics, a thirteen star flag, an old player piano and a bath tub. The items were brought West by him from his old fami1v homP in MllSS:lt'hllsPth:

Visitors are welcome at th Fort during the winter months.

Dr. Larkin, a Vista dentist,

Rooters' Busses Palomar's title winning Comets will vie for the California state jaycee crown March 8-9-10. Rooters' Busses will be available! Sign-up is in the Student Activities office. Fees are $1.00. Don't fail to attend. If enough interest is shown, busses may be taken to more than the first round! Thto TELESCOPE is the official publication of the Associated Students of Palomar College, San Marcos, California, Telephone SHerwood 5-5711 (Escondido area), and PAlace 7-7529 (Vista area). The paper is produced by the college journalism class. Opinions expressed in this newspaper reflect those Of the writers and not nece·ssarily those of the college or of the students. All unsigned editorials are those of the editor. Letters to the editor are welcome; however, the editors reserve the right to cut letters to suit space. All letters of this nature must be signed.

Member Intercollegiate Press and JAJC

Bob Newman ...................................... Editor-in-Chief Glenn Duncan .... ... ... .. ..... ..... ......... . .... Associate Editor Dick Tarquinio ................................... Managing Editor Tom Pratt ........ .. .... .. . ... ................... Business Manager Gene Fletcher ...... . ...... . ................ Associate Sports Editor Dirk Marris ..... . .... .. . . . .. ... . . . .......... Associate Sports Editor

nite SK 5-2695



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"And All Should Cry, Beware! Beware!" On February 4th there was a solar eclipse with five planets' close conjunction in the sun's winter sign of Aquarius. This was not only an astronomical phenomenon, but also a harbinger of strange events. According to astrologers these events will begin ninety days after the great conjunction and will continue until the summer eclipse on July 31st. The aspects will not effect everyone or every country, but only those whose horoscopes have planets in the 15th degree of Aquarius, the degree of the 1962 eclipse. Among these special Aquarians in the field of literature is lepidopterologist, Vladimir Nabokov, who is astrologically destined to win the Nobel Prize with Lolita in Hades, an intriguing sequel to his earlier novel. Here we see Little Lo as the Sibyl leading Humbert Humbert through the labyrinthic underworld. To Humbert's great glory there really are water nymphets skin-diving in the Stynx, and as the hovel ends we see n1m disappeanng like Prufrock beneath the dark waters hoping to join the delicious, mythopoeie. creatures immortally "11.2 years-old . . . "And all should cry, Beware! Beware! His flashing eyes, his floating hair." In Politics, a subject ruled by Aquarius, the John Birch Society will prematurely announce Mr. Cleon Skousen as

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their 1964 presidential candidate ... "And all should cry, Beware! Beware!" Music, a Geminian art affected by an Aquarius trine, will undergo a cultural Renaissance in early May. "S nap Your Garter," an electronic opera, will become an American classic. The ecstatic composer writes from a rest home: "As I probe deeper into my subject, I discover material of unsuspected richness and beauty, the secret of life is hidden within the minute sounds of nature ... the squashing of a snail, the· opening of a sardine can, the breaking of bread ... I hear music everywhere, everywhere; it is like the dawn of creation." Hollywood, an Aquarian city and long the home of motion pictures, will be subject to a great upheaval. It will adopt the conservativeness of Boston, the sophistication of San Francisco, and the weather of London. The Roman version of "Cleopatra" will be finally banned and replaced by a Sunday family version staring Sandy Dee as the famous queen , Pat Boone as Mark Anthony and "pillow-talk playmate" Doris Day in a special guest spot as the asp. Robert Frost and Noel Coward will collaborate on the screenplay with music by Lawrence Welk. Posthumous sets will be provided from the estate of the late Grandma Moses and costumes by Keds. A cast of thousands will be supplied by the Freedom Riders.

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Admission 75c per person or .$2 per car maximum every 1night except Monday. Monday ni~ht is $1 per car night.



Tues.-Wed .-Thurs.,Feb. 20-21-22

Don McGowan

Insights I was really feeling very depressed last week. It's funny how something can really depress you like that. What set me off was, I walked into this lavatory that's located in the library building - it's the one I always go to - and I was going to read ... you know, while I was waiting there. Thing is, though, I. had forgotten this book that I was reading. So I had to just sort of look around. I usually just sort of read when I go to the lavatory. Anyway, there was this writing all over the place; on the wall and everything. It's really crummy when you think about it. I mean, all this crummy stuff scribbled on the wall. I got kind of sick. I mean all this dirty language and stuff just sort of glared at me while I was sitting there. I think I sort of went crazy. I didn 't even want to stay in there! If you want to know the truth, I didn't stay in there as long as I should have' I didn't intend to use that lavatory again, either! The whole thing kind of made me sick, if you want to know the truth. I mean, college kid s doing that kind of stuff! Anyway, though, I got this long distance telephone call from New York. I have this real close friend in New York. We used to be very "buddy, buddy," if you know what I mean. I mean people used to think we were brothers or something. We were very much alike. Old Hold just wanted to talk to someone because he said he was feeling kind of depressed. He really gets very depressed sometimes. We 're very much alike in that way. He lives in

this sort of depressing place, this asylum or something. I told old Hold about this lavatory business , though. He had this solution right away. He didn't even have to think about it or anything. He had gotten kind of upset once about ·something like that himself, he said But he had discovered this solution. I really feel very much better about this lavatory business now. But that's why I wanted to write this stuff for the newspaper, though. Because somebody might think I'm sort of funny or something. I mean, if I happen to be down on my knees or something in this lavatory when someone walks in. I mean, I might be near the camode or something . . . I'll just be erasing some of that crummy stuff, though.


GO, JOHNNY, GO Fri.-Sat.,Feb. 23-24

Michael Craig



RITZ THEATRE Phone SH 5-0553 Show Starts at 7:00



Thurs.-Fri.-Sat.,Feb. 22-23-24

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THE SAN DIEGO GLOBE PACERS Present CUSTOM ROD-0-RAMA and DANCE MARCH 1-2-3-4 (FOUR DAYS ONLY. America's 100 Top Competition and Show Carsnever shown before SEE the AMPHICAR - "THE SPORTSCAR THAT SWIMS" First showing on the West CoastPOMONA AND INDY DRAG RACE MOVIES Nightly Stage Entertainment Twist Show and DANCE- 8P.M. to midnight


Friday, February 23, 1962

Circle K Aids Residents Of Village Lending a helping hand to the people of a small Mexican village is the most recent project of the Circle K club.

Circle K will continue to collect food until Friday·, March 9. For the convenience of those wishing to contribute, a box will be placed. in the ASB room.


Toyias Tells All



students next Wednesday in Are you thinking about par- room S-7 at 11 a.m. His report ticipating in the ASB talent is sponsored by AGS. show? Applications must be . SIGMA OMICRON filed in the Student Activities As a service to the community, office by Wednesday. Auditions Sigma Omicron members are will be next Thursday and Frimaking weekly visits to an day. The show will take place Escondido rest home where in the Vista High School audithey write letters, set hair, torium March 24. For additional information see Joost Van Rees : mend clothes, sew on buttons, and read to senior citizens. talent show chairman.


WRA WRA members were entertailled by Miss Toni Anthony after their semi-annual, get-acquainted dinner, held in the faculty dining room Monday evening.

Safe driving enthusiast? Vista's junior chamber of commerce will install seat belts in cars , trucks, and busses for $6.00 apiece tomorrow and Sunday from 9 a.m. to dark at North Santa Fe School.


Tickets to the game with Peru (see page four) will be 50c for students and $1.00 for others. Following the game a


Dr. Terrel Spencer will speak on scholarships for Palomar

Lowest Prices - East Terms



When Circle K heard of what Alvin Brereton, a Fallbrook science instructor, was doing for the people of Tesquite they decided to help the cause by contributing canned goods. "To date," Cicle K president Ray Tiedje stated, "we have collected about 20 boxes of canned foods. Contributions have been made by WRA, Sigma Omicron , and Vista Kiwanis Club."

Page 3

The Telescope

905 S. Santa Fe, Vista PAlace 4-2168


reception sponsored by A WS and Sigma Omicron will be held in the Student Union. Students will be able to meet and talk with the Peruvians.

Escondido 's compleLe market Low prices every day 601 N. Broadway

BASKETBALL ON DONKEYS? For the first time in Palomar's history a donkey basket~all game will take place on campus. Members of Tau Epsilon and Circle K will play the second half. Opponents for the first half have not been selected yet. Tickets are75c per person.





EVERY TEN DAYS Corner 395 & 5th- Escondido

For that lovely party dress stop in at


Congratulations to Palomar's basketball team , an outstanding job. Why not support your team at the state finals, March 8 at Orange Coast College. Rooters busses will leave campus at 1:30. Reservations are $1.00 and can be made in the student activities office.

"A whistle-a wink-and Wild root ... gets her every time"

PACKED IN - Palomar fans are tense as the Comets rise to a hard fought Championship. ' (Telescope photo By Don Yosua) t. For All Occasions

PARTY TIME Antie De Wilda and Barbara Miselli had a ball in San Francisco visiting a fellow student from Palomar, Karen Drieschman , who is living up there now permanently. Rain got the best of the Circle K shindig with the Four Freshmen, but that's the way it goes traveling west. No one can say though, that the members of Circle K didn't work hard; they spend long hours preparing for the . event. Sorry .....

STRANGERS AFOOT Looking down the halls before class you would think that



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OUTSIDERS The gym is in a state of destruction. The blackboards were torn down and the pingpong nets were torn from the poles, and the trash cans smashed and battered. Who ever did it must of had an enjoyable time in their state of madness. What outsiders can do 1

Ray Purvis Trophies

ESCONDIDO's most complete Photographic service Serving on the committee will be Lomeli, Bob Bosley, Ron Zarubica, Bob Newman , Clayton , Sketoe, Danielle Lara and Bob Anthony. Approved at a council meeting February 5 to serve in ASB positions were Bill Dunn, president of the Judicial Committee; Bob Bosley, Sophomore Class president; Shelley Berchovich, AMS President; Clayton Sketoe, publicity ; Barbara Alshouse, Theresa Vogel, Bill McRobb, Mike Harvey and Bonnie Kelly, Awards Committee and Joost van Rees, talent show chairman.

SH 5-3132 237 W. Grand Escondido

the Mafia had moved in on Palomar College, or the Rough Riders had returned. Instead , to the surprise of all of us, when the strangers take off their trench coats and their weird hats, it's just your faithful English teacher, Richard Norlin, or Robert Mikkleson fighting against the hazards of Mother Nature, the rain.



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quick-dissolving tube formula works faster and cleaner than ever. non-greasy tube formula actually disappears in your hair. leaves no white residue on your comb . long-lasting tube formula keeps your hair in place. Maybe your girl will muss up your hair. but not much else will. Give new tube-formula Wildroot a try . You "lllike it 1 Q 19G2, C0LG ATE ·f'A LP.10L1 '. £

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Friday, February 23. 1962

The Telescooe


PC Takes Southland Conference Championship



Dome Panels Quake As AVC Bows To Palomar By E. H. Marris The Comet Cagers are out of the fire now, but they are still in the pan. For the third straight year they have copped the South Central Conference Crown. Next month they enter the state jaycee tourney at Costa Mesa. Tomorrow they journey t<> San Diego for a game against SDSC. Comets All The Way

Rough Game

BOYD GALLAND - With a Marauder on the warpath,

Galland's drive for a shot looks like a rough road. (Telescope Photo By Don Yosua)

Comet Nine Lacks Depth

In 2nd Test Palomar's baseball squad swept the dust off home plate yesterday to open t he 1962 season against San Bernardino. The Comets host Santa Ana today at 3 p.m. Despite being under-manned , with only 13 players, the local nine expects a good season. "What we lack in quantity we make up for in quality" said Coach Ward Myers. With the addit!on of two men after the end of basketball season the squad will number 15.


Comets get that ball! (by Don Yousa) WHERE



land and their impressions of we "North Americanos." The north county chapter of AATSP spanish teachers will act as interpreter for the reception.

' 1 'I I

Marauder Coach Mad


The team of towering Titans of Peru, some of basketball's finest, come to Palomar Tuesday. Game time is 8 p.m. The classic event will be available to 2,000,000 TV viewers over a live telecast on TV-8.

The Peruvians, only four of whom are under six feet, will be guests of honor at an aftergame reception. The reception will be sponsored and hosted by Sigma Omicron. All persons who attend the-game are invited to the reception to quiz the Peruvians about their home-

The after game Marauder locker-room was tense with excuse-making as Antelope Valley coach Bill Motamble muttered about the quality of the refereeing and his team 's sudden inability to shoot.

Coach Joe Brennan . tense moment before the championship. (by Don Yosua)

Television Brings Comet Gym Classic To Millions

The national team of Peru has enjoyed considerable success in the United States and Canada, defeating the University of Alaska , the University of British Columbia, and many others. Big, 6'8" Richard Duarte, who has averaged 25 points a game, and speedy Luis Guzman are only a part of the Peruvian regalia. The Peruvians, whose tour started January 6 at the Universith of Miami, have gone up the eastern seaboard, into the midwest and Canada , to Alaska, and down the west coast. Up to now they have played .only upper-division teams. Palomar is the only junor college Peru will have met, an honor to the SCC champion Comets.

Saturday's 78-60 wrap-up will go down in history as a spectacular finish for the Comets. It was Palomar all the way over the seldom-defeated and hardto-control Marauders. A record crowd of over 1000 showed up as the gate netted almost two hundred dollars.

There were over 50 fouls in the game and A VC was charged with 27 of them! The Marauder regulars netted only 18 points. The Comet title winners were in top shape. Their teamwork made the game look easy. Big Jon Stanley and Ted Rep a handled defense like skillful lawyers. George Hartfiel was high man with 20 p::i nts; Ed Vitale scored 14: Mike Williams. 11; Reoa. 9: Jim Bell and Boyd Galland, 7; Stanley, 6; and Mike Walters, 4.



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Some of the big hopes for the season include Dan Forill and Paul Castro, both all-conference last year, and two new pitchers. Lanky southpaw Terry Cavanaugh, all-DeAnza Leaguer Fallbrook, and Rich Long from San Dieguito, who was all Avocado League last year, should both see plenty of action .


Luis Guzman of Peru


~--------~SPORTSPOST The tension was mounting. Before a dome-full of cheering fans Palomar came to life and thrashed A VC 78-60. The visitors held a 24-3 win-loss record and the victory meant the third . straight South Central Conference title for Palomar. You can't complain about that! Never quite sure of victory, always pitted against taller teams and larger schools , Palomar has learned teamspeed and skill. The results speak for themselves. Wit'h only one conference loss in the last two years, the jaycee eye of California is on Palomar. When Coach Joe Brennan came to Palomar he brought with him a vivid brand of basketball, a clean, lively type of action that no one can miss. THANK YOU COACH. Your job deserves more praise than I have room for so in the place of a long oration: THANKS; we like your brand of basketball.

To Coach Brennan and the team : Jim Bell, Bill Dunn, Dave Foster, Boyd Galland, Bill Gordon, Gerald Gunnarson , George Hartfiel , Les Lovell , Lynn Martin, Ted Repa, Denny Snyder, Jon Stanley, Ed Vitale , Mike Walters, and Mike Williams; good luck in the state tournament!

SEAT BELTS The Vista JC's will be installing seat belts this weekend at the North Santa Fe school at a cost of $6 each. Some of the profits are earmarked for the establishment of a drag strip in North County. The belts are approved by California Highway Patrol and California Safety Council and are built to withstand 6,000 pounds of pressure.

Advertisers appreciate it ¡wlwn yau



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