ASB To Stage
Two-Hour Talent Show
Prough, Sketoe Win J C Debate Title Team Takes 2nd Place In State Tournament Palomar will send a state champion debate team to the National Speech Tournament for junior colleges to be held in Hutchinson, Kansas, April 12-14.
Ef.â‚ŹSCDpE San Marcos, California
VOL. XIV, No 13
Debaters Don Prough and Clayton Sketoe won their championship title last weekend by going undefeated through every round of debate in the men's division of the annual California Junior College Speech tournament. The contest was held at San Francisco State College.
Soviet Cause Said Powerless In U.S.
They defeated three teamsSan Bernardino Valley College, Cerritos College, and Fresno City College- which earlier this year had won preliminary contests. Palomar' s eight-student speech team placed second in the tournament by earning 671h points. Pasadena City College took first place with 80 points. Dean Virgil L. Bergman, instructor in debate and dean of instruction , said all members of the Palomar group showed "fine competence," even though relatively i nexperienced as compared with their opposition. Michele Church and Dana Corlett won third place in women's debate. Victor Heyden, Palomar's director of forensics, reported the following wins in individual events: Prough, second in original oratory; Jane Baker, third in impromptu speaking; Miss Corlett, third in oral interpretation, and Miss Church, fourth in oral interpreattion.
Craig Photo
CHAMPS - Don Prough (left) and Clayton Sketoe dis-
play trophy they won for placing first in the State debate competition in San Francisco. Palomar's speech team placed second in the State.Eighteen junior colleges competed with 27 debate teams entering the competition. The debate question involved whether or not labor unions
should be subject to anti-trust legislation. Sketoe and Prough, debating the negative side, defeated Fresno City College's team in the final round.
Thomas W. Braden, president of the California State Board of Education, dealt with Communism in a humanities series lecture here Wednesday saying that it is "on the wane throughout the world today and that it is not an important power in America. Braden cautioned that there are "some elements in America which furnish a breeding ground for Communism." He included among these elements the tendency of some people to let "political bosses" do their political thinking for them, the irrationality of some who would "hang Chief Justice Earl Warren" and "get rid of the Fifth Amendment," and the "child - like" inclination of some people to label every problem not understood as being "Communistic." Braden, publisher of the Oceanside Blade Tribune, said that the biggest Communist threat to the world was the Communist's propaganda "front." He said the Kremlin claims that: Communists want peace and general disarmament; The West favors armament and tension; West Germany is dominated by Fascists, and ex-
Talent Show Set March 24; PC Students, Public Invited NO FAIR The Inter-Club Council has voted nine to four against having a spring fair the year. Reasons given for the decision were the campus club's lack of time, interest and money. Instead, a car rally will be held in late spring.
SPRING FORMAL The Freshman Class will sponsor the Spring Formal at the Stardust Hotel in San Diego May 11. The formal will be from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
BALLOONS The ASB will purchase $62 worth of balloons with a bond issue slogan printed on them. The slogan will read: "When you are ready for college will college be ready for you? Support the Palomar bond election June 5" The balloons will be distributed at supermarkets in the area.
SUGGESTION BOX Tau Epsilon will build two suggestion boxes for the College. The boxes, to be located at the Student Union and Library, will also serve as dispensation boxes for the Telescope.
Friday, March 16, 1962
Joost Van Rees has signed 21 acts for the ASB sponsored talent show which will be staged at 8 p.m. , March 24 in the Vista High School auditorium. Van Rees and his crew of nine assistants will present the two hour variety show for student and public review. Admission is 25 cents for Palomar ASB card holders and 50 cents for all others. An intermission will follow the first 12 acts which begin with a welcome scene by 14 foreign students. On the program are solo and group songs, song and dance combination, pantomimes, dance acts, piano compositions, comedy acts, puppets, readings, native music and instrumental groups. Among those signed up for acts are Stephen Wheeler, Bill Dunn, Dodie Green, George
Naval Recruiter Will visit Palomar Naval Aviation Information Officer LCDR. D. S. PARKINS, a representative of the Naval Air Station Los Alamitos, Long Beach, California, will visit Palomar April 3 between the hours of9 a.m. and 12 noon. Men interested in becoming a Naval Aviation Officer, and between the ages of 18 and 27, are invited to come in and find out about the many opportunities offered in the Naval Aviation Officer Programs.
Thomas, Ed Cook, Jesse Lomeli, Mary Sue McDonnell, Betty Polus, Shelley Bercovich, Jerry Hasmann, Dick Yackey, Jane Holtz, Frank Wagner, Pat Searcy, Judith Vergara, Merry
25 Students Win Associate Arts Degree Twenty-five Palomar College students earned their Associate in Arts Degrees at the completion of the Fall semester, Dean of Admissions Robert L. Burton announced recently. Their diplomas will be given to them at commencement exercises,June 16. Earning diplomas were Albert Gordon Dempsey, Robert Cummins Emery, Duncan C. Engel, Gerry Lee Ensley, Ted A. Faucher, Patrie L. Fitzsimmons, John A. Guth, Clayton L. Jacoby, R. E. Lane, Dee Lee Lockwood, Nancy S. Lepman, Armond Joseph Martineau, Robert A. Martin, Michael Scott Mueller, Iris G. Sankey, Floyd Perry Snyder, Ralph Melvin Swartz, Charles D. Winters. Clement James Crawford , Anthony John Corirossi, Laurence Osborn Keelan, Ruby Edenburn Abels, Roger A. Sessions and William Allan Yaussy.
McFarland , Jean Mendenhall , Lee Leavy, Jerry Salehi, Abbas Shambyatti, and the speech team. John Diepersloot will act as master of ceremonies.
Nazies; Russia will be the leading nation of the future; Communist principles are the most efficient for getting governmental work done; and Communists oppose all labor unions because the unions are "selling-out" the working class to please the "capitalists." Braden also told students that he thought they should be "extremists" about the "fundamentals of our government." He said he favored extremism of that kind. He said that a man is not necessarily to be distrusted simply because he is labeled an extremist. "Find out what he is extreme about," he said.
his stand on Communism i1 the world and right wing extremists in the United States at the Wednesday Humanity lecture.
Committee Recommends End To Publication's Plans The College Publications Committee adopted Wednesday a recommendation to President Dr. John W. Dunn that Tau Eqsilon discontinue plans to publish a magazine this spring. The committee meeting was called at the request of Dr. Dunn after he was notified by Dwight H. Boehm, chairman of the English department, of the Tau Epsilon project. Also adopted was a recommendation by Committee chairman Richard S. Johnson of the journalism and English departments that the Administration consider including the publication in the regular academic program of the future. The recommendations were adopted after the committee interviewed proposed Dimension Magazine staff members Dick Tarquino, Roy Klapp and F'red Groh. The Committee cited numerous reasons for its decision which include the following: (1.) The magazine has no subsidy and so must depend entirely on advertising income in order to finance the $1,142
publication cost. Bad debts, which normally occur in advertising sales, could make the venture end in a financial deficit with no one to take the responsibility. (2.) Magazine staff members stated that legal responsibility would be in the hands of their advisor. As yet, no faculty member has accepted the duty of advisor for the publication. (3.) No advertising has been sold or copy completed. The committee felt that there was not enough time to make preparations for the planned 60 page magazine before the copy deadline of April18. (4.) Dimension Magazine cannot guarantee future publication and so cannot offer advertisers a guarantee of continuity in the publication. (5.) Tau Epsilon's constitution does not make clear any intention on the part of the club to publish a magazine. Making the recommendation to discontinue plans was Dr. John D. Schettler, College business manager and assistant Continued to Page 3
Friday, March 9, 1962
The Telescope
Out Hoofed
Bob Newman
Radio Hour Could Tau Ep Muled Repay Taxpayer, By Circle K Inform Skeptic Before 350
Palomar's proposed radio program, if successful, could become the greatest contribution ever made by students to the school. The program may be aired later this semester if negotiations authorized by the Student Council with radio station KUDE in Oceanside are successful. There seems little point, however, in producing such a program only for the sake of publicizing the name of Palomar College. Of course the program would be an excellent medium to publicize the College, especially in respect to the bond issue. There is also excellent experience to be obtained by the students who participate in the program. But the most desirable accomplishment would be to achieve these things while performing a greater service; a service without propaganda to both the community and the College. Such a service would be, primarily, educational. How many people really know what becomes of their tax dollars? What educational advancements of the individual, financed by taxes, can students show the tax payer? With such a radio program students could put into action the benefits they reap from the community and could begin to reimburse the tax payers by offering them knowledge from young, mature and uncorrupted minds. One example of such an offering might be a taped discussion between faculty and students on our American heritage. The students' answers to two simple questions like "What do you find to be the greatest values in our American way of life?" and "What do you feel are the threats to our American way of life?" would probably do more to enlighten the community than a talkathon of cool dialogue or a commentary on the local sports scene. The Student Council is to be commended for their efforts to effect this program and should not hesitate to draw upon the cultural rescources of the school if radio time is obtained.
Student Court Decision Sign of Mature Government The recent decision rendered by the Judicial Committee concerning the appointment of new cheerleaders has brought to life a significant new responsibility little known in the actions of previous Committees. The invocation of the Committee's authority in overruling the Student Council is a dynamic step toward mature student government. President of the Judicial Committee Bill Dunn pointed out that a move to allow the coaches to appoint new cheerleaders was unconstitutional since the only way, according to the constitution, to remove the present cheerleaders is by a recall vote or the tendering of resignations. The cheerleaders had been criticized by Physical Education Instructor Ethel Calderwood who explained that the cheerleaders had not been supporting the basketball team during this season's games. The school constitution says that the head cheerleader shall resign if she fails to attend two consecutive games. Apparently the head cheerleader has not resigned or the student council requested her resignation. If so, the head cheerleader is still in office and until her status is determined, the decision of the Judicial Committee is valid. The Judicial Committee's action is a sign of conscientious government as is the acceptance of their decision by the Student Council. Tht TELESCOPE is the official publication of the Associated Students of Palomar College, San Marcos, California, Telephone SHerwood 5-5711 (Escondido area), and PAlace 7-7529 (Vista area). The paper is produced by the college journalism class. Opinions expressed in this newspaper reflect those Of the writers and not nece·ssarily those of the college or of the students. All unsigned editorials are those of the ed itor. Letters to the editor are welcome; however, the editors reserve the right to cut letters to suit space. All letters of this nature must be signed.
By Don Yosua
Glenn Duncan I never used to drink coffee.
I lived in the same place I do Circle K Club members out- now, out in San Pasqua! Valley, hoofed their rivals of Tau Ep- and people aren't very sophissilon Saturday night in a thril- ticated out there. They don't go ling donkey basketball game in · much for wasteful habits. in the dome. With the help of When I came to Palomar I fell their sponsors, the Vista Kiwan- in with an intellectual group ians, K club players proved to of kids. Most of them were be the better burro-coaxers older than I was, and they were by defeating Tau Ep and its pretty sophisticated. Seems like Escondido Rotary Club, 22 to they were all coffee-drinkers. I 14. didn't care much to drink cokes The event, sponsored by As- or milk anymore. I guess I sociated Men Students, took wanted to be a little more grown place before over 350 bee-haw- up. Anyway, coffee only cost a ing spectators and was the first nickle, and I didn't figure it contest of its kind at Palomar. would .hurt anything, as long as With five specially-shod don- my Pa didn't hear about it. So, keys to each club, players had I took up drinking coffee. I to maneuver the beasts toward didn't kid myself; I figured I'd opposing baskets without dismounting. Shots were made dif- get the habit. And I sure enough ficult by the stubbornness of did. 'Course we all know that some donkeys, and the "thorn- coffee doesn 't build up a need in the body like opium does. But in-the-hide" antics of others. The dome echoed with laugh- you get so's you can't sit around ter as the animals bucked to and talk to anybody without the floor their· novice riders, having some coffee to drink who were clad in everything especially in the morning. I from long underwear to ladies' used to wake up just as spry as a chick when I had chores to do. dresses. The supporting adult clubs I don't do chores anymore. Don't played the first half of the con- have time. My Pa figures I test, which ended with Tau Ep- should give myself a real chance silon leading by two points. But in college, so's I won't have to in the second half Circle K milk cows when I get out. So players surpassed their oppo- he says I should spend all my nents and spurred to victory. time studying. I don 't, though. The loosers got to clean up I spend most of my time drinkafter the donkeys, who had ing coffee. It's really gotten out apparently lost their "house: of hand. If Pa knew about it, broken" manners in the tension · ·he'd tan my behind. He doesn't of the game. realize that I'm old enough to make up my own mind. It wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't raised the price of coffee like they did. I should have expected it, though, this place being a city establishment like it is. City folks are always trying to squ eeze blood out of country turnips like myself. If it weren't for the country folks, the city folks wouldn't have anyPalomar's WRA left yesterday thing to eat. 'Guess city folks en route to Asilomar State don't have any appreciation Park for a weekend conference. though. I figured the people Along for the ride were WRA heading up the grub shop were President, Susie Wearne; VicePresident, Barbara Allshouse; Beverly Mottino, Tony Anthony, Instructors Wi II Carol Uhden, Beverly Nakanura and faculty advisors Ethel Hear Nixon Speak Calderwood and Donna Reiser. Two faculty representatives The girls will represent Palomar at a gathE·ring of dele- from Palomar, Warren Donagates from WRA sister-organi- hue, mathematics instructor zations throughout the South- and Fred Elliot, science instrucwest · and Hawaii , said Susie tor, will attend the spring conference of the California Wearne. Junior College Association Coming WRA sponsored ac- starting today at Glendale tivities to watch for this se- College. mester are Co-Recreational Night, the Palomar WRA vs. Former Vice President RichAntelope Valley College soft- ard M. Nixon will address the conference banquet today. ball game and WRA Playday.
WRA Leaves For Monterey Conference
Five Palomar Delegates To Attend LA Conference Five delegates from Palomar College will attend a California Junior College Student Government Conference to be held at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles March 29 through 30. The students selected to attend the conference are: Jesse Lomelli, Bob Anthony, Bill Toomey, Mercy Guerrero and Bob Bosley. Accompanying the students to Los Angeles will be Dr. Terrel Spencer, dean of student
personnel and Mrs. Catherine M. Jones, director of student activities. Each student will attend a workshop that deals with subjects in which he is the most interested. Lomelli will attend the President's Workshop on Administrative Problems; Anthony, Current Problems Relating to Junior Colleges; Toomey, Interamurals and Recreation; Guerrero, Cultural Programs and Bosley, the Finance Workshop.
pretty decent when I first came here. I figured they were better than most city folks, the way they kept the price of coffee down to a nickle when everyone else sold it for a dime. But I guess city folks are all alike. All they think about is money, I guess. Anyway, I've been thinking about going to work out on the fanr. and not coming to school anymore. Guess that's the best thing to do. Maybe someday they'll establish a college for country kids somewhere.
Circle KClub Plans Program To Recoup Loss Circle K Club President Ray Tiedje outlined in an interview this week a plan for recovering losses incurred by the club in its sponsorship of the Four Freshmen concert February 11. The club's deficit amounts to $514. Part of this is owed five members who chipped in $375 to help pay the Four Freshmen's retainer fee, and part of it is owed the Kiwanis Club of Vista which also chipped in. Tiedje said the club has made definite plans to hold several car washes, a tricycle race, the annual "Roaring 20's Dance," and some cake walks. "There is a possibility that we may take over the Vista A & W Rootbeer stand for a weekend," said Tiedje. Tiedje said the proprietor of that establishment had indicated an interest in helping the Circle K. Tiedje concluded the interview with: "You can put in there that we will make it .. . because we will! "
Radio Show Negotiations In Progress Three proposals to be submitted to radio station KUDE in Oceanside have been drafted since negotiations for a Palomar hour were approved by the student council last month. A committee picked to handle arrangements is now composing a letter to KUDE with the three proposals, one of which may be chosen by the station as a basis for the show. The alternatives presented for KUDE's choice are: (1) Twelve students will be picked from the student council to represent Palomar on the program. (2) The twelve students will be members of the InterClub Council, enabling each club on campus to have equal representation. (3) Twelve students will be selected by the student council. The decision by KUDE should be known in the near future. If the show materializes, two students will present each show, allowing time for the other students to prepare subsequent shows.
It's Campus Headquarters at
Your Best in Campus Clothing
Serving the
Member lntercolleeiate Press and JAJC
Bob Newman ...................................... Editor-in-Chief Glenn Duncan ....................... . ....... . . ... Associate Editor Dick Tarquinio ................................... Managing Editor Tom Pratt .............................. . . ....... Business Manager Gene Fletcher .............................. Associate Sports Editor Dirk Marris ................................. Associate Sports Editor
City Slickers Put Bite on Country Boy's Pocketbook
ESCONDIDO area 140 E.Grand
Page 3
The Telescope
Friday, March 9, 1962
All For Stanley!
Editors Rescue Cat; Feed Chops and Ham Editors of two Palomar publications came to the rescue of a sopping-wet, starving kitten during the downpour of two weeks ago and with the help of a local veterinarian, brought it back to health on a diet of pork chops and ham fat. Journalism Advisor Richard S. Johnson, attracted by the eat's wailing, found it crouched in the damp recess beneath the journalism building steps. Focus editor Landis Green and Telescope editor Bob Newman were able to coax the soaked feline from its hiding place and provide it with a rag padded cardboard home. The cat, a female the veterinarian says, was named "Stanley" out of respect to a famous journalist who combated similar bad weather when hacking his way through Africa in search of Dr. Livingston. After several days of slow recovery, Stanley was taken to the vet who proclaimed, "This cat has Newmanitis." Newmanitis is a common cat complaint that is currently sweeping the
county, the vet explained. Stanley is now convalescing and is expected to return to the campus and his cardboard abode in the next few days.
Board Approves New Positions Three appointments to academic positions at Palomar were approved by the board of governors at a meeting last week. The board approved appointment of Victor Heyden to the new post of chairman of the Speech and Drama Department. Also approved were the appointments of Robert Mikkelsen to head the English department, succeeding Dwight Boehm, who was named chairman of the Humanities Division. Assignment of Eugene Winter, chairman of the Business Education Department, to halftime counseling duties was also approved.
Toyias Tells All
anb Judy Toyias
WRA Conference Women's Recreation Association Board members left for the Western States Conference in Monterey yesterday. Those attending are: Suzie Wearne, Barbara Allshouse, Bev Motino, Bev Nakamuro, Carol Uhden, Toni Anthony, Miss Donna Reiser and Miss Ethel Calderwood. Highlighting the trip home will be 18 holes of golf at Pebble Beach.
Sigma Omicron Growing a beard? Awards will go to the man with the best looking beard at the Sigma Omicron Bohemian Fling next Friday, at 8 p.m., in the Student Union. Dress for the event will be casual. Admis,:;ion is 50c. A twist contest and fashion show will highlight the unusual evening.
ASB-sponsored Talent Show at the Vista High School Auditorium will include a crosssection of the various talents of Palomar students. Admission will be 50c without ASB cards, 25c with them.
Circle K Don't think that Palomar is turning into an elementary school March 21, when you see tricycles all over the campus. Circle K is having a tricycle race - and surprise - you can throw water-filled balloons at the participants for only 10c per throw.
AWS-WRA Conference Delegates leaving next Friday for the semi-annual A WSWRA Conference at Mt. San Antonio College are Dolores O'Donnell, Sally Roden, Dodie Green, Carny Koutnik, Jeanette O'Donnell and Vicki Young.
Car Wash Need your car washed? Wait until St. Patricks Day and go to the Escondido Square in Escondido, for the Circle K car wash.
Debate Palomar's debaters left yesterday for San Francisco, where they will compete in the State Finals.
Talent Show
Eth icnl Pharmac.sts â&#x20AC;˘n Vist,, Sâ&#x20AC;˘nce 1932
Don;t forget March 24! The
Some of our best friends are raccoons In our job of exploring and drilling for oil we come across all kinds of small furry animals like these. As a "visitor" in the forest, Standard has a responsibility to protect wildlife and keep the wilderness fresh and green. And we accomplish this in several ways, working closely with fish and game and wildlife officials. Water wells, essential to our drilling operations, nourish thirsty plants and animals ... and nesting and breeding ponds are built for wild fowl. When wells are in, we assure new growth by reseeding grassland and by planting new trees in the work area. Exploring teams in helicopters keep sharp watch for fires, and on the ground our men with bulldozers and water trucks stand ready to help when fire strikes. Good conservation includes thousands of oil-producing areas that are also used for recreation, outdoor sports, farming and grazing. Multiple use of the land allows more people to enjoy our heritage and the beauty of the great outdoors. At the same time, our natural resources are developed to serve the nation. planning ahead to serve you better STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA
The Telescope
Yosua Photo
HOOP'S EYE VIEW - Members of Palomar's starting lineup in last night's tourna-
ment game at Costa Mesa greedily eye their target during a practice session Wednesday. They are (left to right) Ted Repa, Mike Williams, George Hartfiel, Boydd Galland and Jon Stanley.
And We Will Dirk Marris because they have never seen a wrestling match. This lack of interest has hampered the crew's spirit, not to mention the lack of wrestlers. No, our team will not win the state championship this year for the same reason that they did not win the conference title - one of our men is missing. This condition has lasted the entire wrestling season. We could not win because one or two weight classes were left blank. By the way, Gene Fletcher and I wish all the team the best of luck, especially the climbing Comet cagers at Costa Mesa.
Optimistic Coach Coach Joe Brennan said in an interview Monday of this week that he was "optimistic" regarding the fast approaching Palomar track season. He indicated that the team may encounter some degree of difficulty at first, but by the all school convention on the 23rd of March, "We should have a very good team."
4 Polomor Wrestlers Win In Title Motch
Four Palomar wrestlers won their respective weight divisions in the South Central Conference title match held recently at Antelope Valley. Paul Treio. in the 191 oound class; Mike Moreno, at 167; Ed Martony, 137; and Ken Imaizumi, 157, all took first places, but Palomar lost the conference title by a default. The points that could have won the title were lost because Palomar did not have wrestlers in every weight class. There are ten weight classes in collegiate wrestling, but Palomar has only nine men on its team. And, in addition, only seven of the nine participated in the conference match. Chris Pagakis, Palomar wrestling coach, stated in an interview that if all nine boys had competed in the Antelope Valley match, Palomar would have won the conference title. He also said that he was appalled at the lack of interest shown by students wrestling Jor Palomar and the lack of sptrit
shown by the team. "The team had great potential as shown by the four team members who took first place," said Pagakis. The last match of the season will be held today and tomorrow at Cerritos College - for the state championship. However, with only six or seven men participating, it will be im· possible for the Palomar team to win the state championship, even if all the men take firsts and seconds.
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Golfers Here Prepare For SCC Finals Contest
We Can ...
This week is can they or can't they week for Palomar's many athletes; for the coaches its a will they or won't they week. The Cagers play at the state junior college tourney at Costa Mesa today. The thinclads will run at Riverside College on Tuesday. The men on the diamond have a doubleheader on Saturday. The Palomar matmen will wrestle at Carritos College today and tomorrow. All these teams have a fine chance to win - all but the matmen. This ancient sport remains unknown to most students here at Palomar, stmply
Friday, March 9, 1962
The reason for the anticipated initial difficulty lies in unfilled positions for certain events, causing weak spots in the team. Coach Brennan said that he expects more track candidates from the Palomar basketball team. The latter will conclude it's seasonal activities shortly, leaving it's interested members more time to devote to track.
Palomar's golf team, a traditionally tough six in the sec, is busy preparing for the ·conference finals to be held here this year. In May, the teams in the SCC will travel to the Circle R Golf Course for the finals. The winner will be eligible to go to the State meet in Bakersfield later in May.
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Coach Bob Bowman is optimistic about his team's chances in the upcoming meets. Last year, Palomar won the conference meet, but was dis· q.u alified on a technicality. Bowman's charges will undoubtedly be out to recapture the coveted crown. The squad this year is comprised of 10 men, 4 of which will not be able to compete in the finals because of the six man ruling.
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Palomar's Baseball Squad Resists San Berdoo Threat
Fine fielding on the Comet side helped the cause. Palomar played errorless ball and made three quick double plays. Paul Castro, Rich Long, and Terry Cavanaugh divided the pitching tasks for Palomar. Action at home plate saw Dave Galindo continue his searing hitting pace with a single and a double in his trips to the plate. Paul Castro added two more hits to his scoresheet. Palomar's golden chance came in the fourth inning. Galindo doubled to lead it off. With two men down, Castro singled to left field. Galindo, ForAIIOccosions
speeding in to score, was cut down with a quick toss from left field . This afternoon the Comets travel to Santa Ana for a return match. Earlier this month Santa Ana downed th<> Comets 5-3.
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To date, the Comets have had four matches. Despite two losses to San Bernardino and one to Chaffey, Palomar came back to defeat Riverside in the latest match.
Palomar's Comet baseball squad stood up to San Bernardino last Friday, expecting the worst. The rival squad, one of the roughest on the Comet menu, had been runner -up for the state championship last year. But, thanks to fine pitching, the game developed into a tense stalemate - final score
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