Community Decides College Bond Issue Tuesday Issue To Complete Basic Master Plan
E VOL. XIV, No 17
San Marcos, California
Thursday, May 31 , 1962
Voters Tuesday will decide on the futur~ development of Palomar College when, at the primary election, a bond proposition of $3,505,000 for the completion of the basic elements of the College master plan will appear on the ballot.
60 Classrooms Not only will the proposed additional 60 classrooms provide for the exploding enrollment at Palomar, but a 2,000 seat theatreauditorium will meet the demands of the presently space limited speech, drama and music departments at the College. The College's Humanities Lecture series, now held in the school cafeteria, would also prosper by allowing complete student ana community participation. At present there is room in existing facilities for only some 700 of the school's 1200 day enrollment.
Cultural Center In the words of College music teache1= Howard Brubeck, a well known composer and conductor, there is no comparable facility in San Diego County and the new auditorium would serve to make Palomar the cultural center of the County, attracting the best in musical and drama productions to the area. The auditorium would also serve as a cultural center for events sponsored by the community.
Expansion Need Crux of the bond issue is the uncompromising need for expansion. The College must be ready for 3,000 students by 1966, an increase of over 1,500 in the day program. District population has increased 260 per cent in the last 10 years, making limited expansion no longer feasible.
Below Debt Limit The bond debt will remain more than $2,000,000 below the legal limit with a 25 year redemption period. An expected tax increase of nine cents would begin in 1963-64 with a subsequent yearly reduction. The auditorium would be financed by 1.8 cents of the tax increase.
Replace Barracks A major part of the bonds would be used to finance replacement of temporary army barracks classrooms on campus which have been in use since the campus was moved to its present site in 1950. Remaining to be constructed, according to the master plan, ~re buildings for English and social science, science, laboratories, journalism, music, art, electronics, psychological testing, parking and physical e 'ucation facilities.
The Telescope Is Financed And Edited By The Students Of !>a!umar Coll~ge
The Telescope ; r 1
Your Chambers Of Commerce Support Growing Palomar
Why We Say Vote Ye.s Norman Paul: Back Program, On Palomar Bond Issue Reap Benefits By Robert Newman, Telescope Editor It is no accident that Palomar College is here and that it is recognized as one of the best junior colleges in the state. The existence of Palomar is an example of the community's seeing and doing its duty to provide an education for its youth. The question now facing the College, the students, and the community is: Will the benefits available here this year be available to students in the years to come? In order to realize the College's future, the College must grow. The College District's Board of Governors has chosen to implement this growth by the sale of bonds. This choice has been made as an alternative to a pay-as-you-go-plan which would use money received by current taxes year-by-year for the construction of buildings to house the rapidly increasing enrollment. Such a plan is used by some districts, but these districts have tax rates of from 40 to 65 cents per $1 00 of assessed valuation. In contrast, bond tax rates in Palomar's district stand at 8.8 cents per $1 00 of assessed valuation. Past and future Palomar bo-nd taxes are spread over a number of years to keep the financial burden lighter for taxpayers. The proposed bond issue's redemption period is 25 years and will increase the tax rate about nine cents for the first five years with the tax rate annually decreasing. Such a system is evidence of a sound economic policy underlying the development of Palomar College. Palomar has kept up with the expanding community and has done so using much less money proportionately than have many districts. Palomar stands as a tribute to good economic planning - having less invested in buildings per student than any other junior college in the state. Sound economics are only one reason for Palomar's good reputation. Palomar is recognized as having the best junior-college faculty in the state. One instructor formerly was a college president and another was once an associate of Albert Einstein.
Norman Paul, president of the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce, has urged the support of Palomar College's bond program. Paul is one of the business leaders of San Marcos who has called attention to the values that Palomar College brings to the community in which the campus is located. He pointed out that many persons have expressed appreciation to the College's Board of Governors for selecting San Marcos as the site of what will be an increasingly valuable asset to the community. Not only does the College attract daily several hundreds of persons to the San Marcos business area, but it also provides one of the essential elements in encouraging new industry to consider sites in San Marcos, Paul said. He added that mail coming regularly to the Chamber office, written by men seeking industrial sites, requests specific information about the availability of higher education for technical training of employees and for continuing education for employees and members of their families.
ASB President Notes Student -Responsibility
Jim Downing, president of the North • County Association of Chambers of Commerce, says that it would take $14,000 a year to provide a college education for his seven children if Palomar were not available to them. Two of Jim Downing's children have already graduated from Palomar and are now at work in the community. "I have seen the College grow from an open field to an establishment that 1m Downing spends over $1,000,000 in the community. The payroll alone is $700,000," Downing said. "Any development of Palomar College is good for the North County area," he said. Bob Sanders, president of the Es- ¡ condido Chamber of Commerce and president of the Escondido branch of the First National Bank says, "It would be most advantageous for the people of the Palomar District if they would accept the needed improvements as proposed by our College. The opportunity for higher learning as well as the cultural satisfaction for our many citizens could thus be obtained. These needs are becoming increasingly more important and should Bob Sanders be uppermost in our minds at all times. "May I urge you to vote 'yes' for these improvements on June 5." Ed Miller, president of the Vista Chamber of Commerce says, "We now have the basis for a nationally famous College. Passage of this bond issue will supply needed facilities to place our College among the top ranking colleges in the United States. "Dr. John Dunn has pointed up some vital statistics in regards to educational facilities that are needed now and in the next ten years. Based on these facts Ed Miller and the growing need for more education in this fast changing world, this bond issue is needed now. "Let's get out and vote YES on this all-important issue." Bill Borden, president of the Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce says, "Certainly Palomar College is an economic asset for our North County. It is a source of pride to us that we are able to tell prospective new residents of the program at Palomar College, its community library, and its many offerings of interest to citizens of this area."
We are neither the past nor the future but the present generation of students attending Palomar College. Just as students everywhere, we too have a connection to both the sues so that today we might have past and the future . It is a educational facilities. Those . relationship that is empha- students who supported the sized at the tiq~.e of bond elec- bond issues did so knowing that any resulting tax burden would tions. Our connection to the past is rest partially upon their shoulone of sincere gratitude for the ders. Those students of the past work our predecessors did in are the taxpayers of the present, helping pass previous bond is- living in the community and con-
Bill Borden scientiously supporting their community College. Let us then fulfill our obligations to the future and take pride in our work and our College. Let's all work for the passing of the bond issue.
Refugio "Jesse" Lomeli
ASB President
Student Opinion Voiced On Auditorium
To be proud of our school and its potential is The Palomar College bond issue proposes a 2,000-seat audithe student's and community's reward but we must torium to provide an educational program, for the student and the community, in drama, opera, concerts, choral and instrumental not let rewards overshadow our responsibility offerings, and lectures. In this column four Palomar students tell to the future. In accepting our rewards we autowhy they favor the auditorium as part of the proposed College matically assume a responsibility for maintaining expansion plan. similar ones for the community and for students ¡ of the future. And the educational years in the Leila White North County's future do indeed appear to be Since the proposed auditorium will be for the use of the community as well as for rewarding. We see Palomar College in the future as the cultural center of San Diego County, having the best facilities available for professional dramatic and musical productions. We see our College as the focal point of intellectual activity, attracting the country's leading speakers and thinkers voicing before the community and student body the issues and ideas that reflect our times.
the students at Palomar, I feel that the taxpayer cannot object to the few extra dollars expended for this cause. The addition of the auditorium will add to the prestige of the sch-ool and consequently to the community.
Clayton Sketoe
I can see the students of Palomar becoming aware of aesthetics. I can see the people of North County partaking of entertainment, informative and cultural programs. I can see applied knowledge, but only with the facilities this auditorium would provide. Knowledge without application is ignorance.
We believe that these benefits far outweigh the brief inconvenience of going to the polls to give Palomar an affirmative vote. We believe the com~ munity recognizes that the advantages offered it by Palomar far outweigh an extra few dollars in taxes for a following period of years. We be- Vince Cleveland As was seen when Governor Brown vislieve the voters will go to the polls and approve ited campus there is no room for large the bonds because they are concerned about the audiences here. An auditorium will be an future of their community and the value of educa- asset to the community because it will be the only building in the area constructed tion. for large audiences.
Shelley Bercovich
The very fact that these services (drama, opera, concerts etc.) will be available to both school and community is justification for the proposed auditorium. In America, educatio n is considered of primary importance. If this is the case why not have the best?
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A Memo From The College President's Office
To: Citizens
Regarding The Palomar College Bond Issue From an enrollment of 120 students in 1952, Palomar Co~ege faces the prospect in 1966 - just four years away - of a full-time day student body of 3,300 students. To meet this enrollment explosion, College officials plan to construct 60 classrooms and laboratories, including a 2 ,000-seat theater-auditorium. The cost to the average taxpayer of this development program will be betwee~ $2 and $3 per year, with from 50 cents to 90 cents of the total f"mancing construction of the theater-auditorium.
Palomar College is an "open-door" College - unwilling to admit that a student with a "C" av.erage in high school is a lost cause in higher education. Palomar is dedicated to the principle of equal educational opportunity for all our youth, but if the College and the community are to meet the challenge of the '60s, thus maintaining the open college door, the further development of the San Marcos campus must be accomplished.
The students of Palomar College are entitled to a building on the campus that will seat the majority of the student body for special lecture series, symphonies and other educational events. Such a building will also strengthen the drama and speech department's work at the College.
The cultural development of our area must also parallel its economic growth. Nationally prominent artists, as well as speakers, will be available to Northern San Diego County to an extent that has never before been possible. The voters of the Palomar College District have a golden opportunity to assure the future of our young people and to enrich the lives of our citizens by their support of the Palomar College bonds at the June 5 primary election.
The Telescope
Thursday, May 31 , 1962
Will Education Meet The Student 3oom? Palomar Faces Challenge To Educational Advance Within a brief span of years, Palomar College has experienced substantial gains in educating the youth of this area. Starting in 1955, the public has authorized three bond issues enabling the construction of facilities to accomodate the present enrollment of over 1,200 day students, and including night school students, a total enrollment of 2,800. Now the educational gains made by Palomar face the challenge of a population explosion. Population increases and high school enrollment in the district shows that the College must be ready to meet the educational demands of 3,000 day students by 1966. Total day school and night school enrollment will exceed 5,000. To meet this challenge, the College's Board of Governors has authorized the placing of a fourth bond proposal before the voters at the primary election June 5. Passage of the proposal will pay for the replacement of temporary buildings on campus, an additional 60 classrooms, and a college-community auditorium.
Educational Theater
College Takes Spotlight As Top JC Institution -~ Palomar's gains have not been only in the physical development of the campus. Palomar has become recognized by the state's universities as one of the top junior colleges in California. Palomar graduates have been shown to do superior work in these universities as compared to graduates from other junior colleges. Palomar is a small college, yet its students have continually ranked high in competition with larger schools by reaping honors in speech, journalism, athletics and scholarship. Palomar has achieved this status with the help of some of the top administrators and teachers in the profession who have been attracted to the College's faculty.
. Three Previous Issues Authorized By Voters Although the College began operations in 1947, construction of permanent facilities did not begin until 1955 when the first bonds were authorized. Three unsuccessful bond elections were held in the early 1950's. Humanities Above are pictured some of the proposed buildings that will be constructed if the bond issue passes. The buildings were designed by the San Diego architectural firm of Paderewski, Mitchell, Dean and Associates. c. J. Paderewski Palomar College's architect for its building program, has been elected to a Fellowship in the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects and invested with the Institute's silver medal. The honor is the highest paid to an mdividual by the Institute. Dr. John D. Schettler, business manager at Palomar, said of Paderewski's work: "His designs have been efficient nut economical. The cost per square foot has varied between $1 0 and $11 , which is quite low compared to the costs zt other schools in California." Paderewski was graduated in architecture from the University of Califoraia at Berkeley in 1932.
The first bonds, worth $470,000, were used to construct a library, scienc¡e building, shops, and a portion of the physical education building. In 1957, $685,000 was authorized for the construction of the cafeteria and gymnasium.
C. J. Paderewski
This fall the College moved into buildings authorized in 1959. The $844,000 issue provided administration, foreign language, business education and engineering buildings and additions to shower and locker buildings.
The big move to the present campus¡site came in 1950 when facilities for Palomar College in Vista were no longer available. The College purchased Army surplus "prefabs" for use as temporary College buildings in order to meet the already growing demands of increased enrollment Most of the temporary classrooms are still in use, 12 years after they were first moved to the campus.
Moving a college across country is not without mishaps. On arrival at the campus, the art building promptly fell off its carrier and buckled down on its new plot of ground. This building is still in use although it has been relenquished by the art department. The building now houses the music department headed by Howard Brubeck.
Community Effort Makes Palomar College Possible The establishment and growth of Palomar can be attributed to a true community effort. Students in 1950 helped transform the desolate campus site into a center of higher education. Citizens of the district have invested their money in the belief that a free college education is necessary to the existence of a developing and conscientious community. College officials and teachers have seen to it that the voters' funds are well invested~, This is how the College began, and on the following pages is reflected what the College has accomplished. The Palomar College district was
formed in 1947 and began operations at Vista High School. Soon, the high school could not accommodate the growing number of students and, for a time, College classes were conducted in community buildings in Vista. In 1949, the present site was purchased and war-surplus barracks were moved to the campus. These barracks began to be replaced after eight years although many are still in use today, 12 years after the move from Vista. Student work days were the thing in those early days; students wanted to learn and were willing to help build a school for themselves.
Student work days came to Palomar following the move to the present campus. After classes, students pitched in and cleaned up around the buildings. Many helped with the installation of wiring, plumbing and landscaping as a regular part of their school-day curriculum.
Voters Approve College Growth In accord with policy adopted by the College Board of Governors, three bond issues planned at staggered intervals for the gradual construction of permanent facilities, were authorized by the voters. In 1957, enrollment had grown from the few original students in Vista to a day-school enrollment of 420. By 1961 , enrollment had tripled to a day-school total of 1,21 6. The College now has an enrollment that was predicted for 1965. Population figures in the district show a 260 per cent increase in the
last decade. In the last four years, 11 ,346 building permits were issued in the district. High-school enrollment in the district (1 ,264 seniors and 2,087 freshmen) indicates that an estimated 1,837 students will enroll at Palomar in 1963. Any buildings proposed now cannot be occupied until 1963, at which time present facilities will not house the anticipated enrollment. Will the benefits of Palomar be available to all the district's students in the next decade?
College President Dr. John W. Dunn spoke on the need of 1assing the .1954 Palomar bond issue before students in the campu "outdoor auditorium '' which seats a capacity of some 100. The .... ility still stands at Palomar although it is seldom noticed by students. It represents a constant battle for school who must combat the creeping vines which threaten to transform the facility into a mound of foliage.
The Telescope
Facilities for experimentation in the chemistry department will be expanded with passage of the bond proposition. Part of the 60 classroom expansion program will include a science classroom and laboratory building. Some science classes are now conducted in the sagging prefabs which will be replaced at a cost of nearly $1,500,000. The new classrooms and labs., including electronics, would occupy 135,000 square feet of floor space, costing in all, $2,599,000. The importance of training in science and technology is echoed by businessmen and industry who agree that the presence of such a program helps bring new industry to the general vicinity of the College.
Study in the biologica_l sciences is carried on at Palomar in new facilities supplied by funds from a prev1ously passed bond proposition. However, if the present bond proposal does not pass, an increasing number of students will be required to take their biology and physiology classes and lab periods in the one classroom-lab building now provided for that purpose. The bond proposal provides for an additional science classroom and laboratory building.
Palomar Gains Top Junior College R
When Dr. John W. Dunn, College president, first saw Palomar in 1952 there were some 120 students attending classes in the prefabricated buildings that made up the College campus. Last year the excellence of Palomar's program was recognized when the Western College Association gave the College a fiveyear stamp of approval on the work being done by the faculty and staff under the administration of Dr. Dunn. The rating is the highest given ~Y the Association. Dr. Dunn has since pointed out that, now, the voters of the district have in Palomar College an institution of higher education that has continually proved its worth as an investment for their sons and daughters. "At present, we have about $2,000,000 invested in buildings at Palomar. The state average for junior colleges is $6,000,000," Dr. Dunn said. Despite Palomar's gains, the College remains at a disadvantage because there are no facilities for full student-body assemblies or theatrical productions. However, says Dr. Dunn, "We believe that the people in this district want, deserve, and will approve an auditorium as an educational facility. The auditorium not only will permit a general enrichment, but will provide something that is a vital, educational part of every major educational institution
Members of Palomar's Board of Governors direct the administration and development of the College. Part of their policy is to spend the College budget locally whenever possible. In 1955, the Board adopted a development policy of small, easy-totake increments; by that policy, the present bonds would be sold over a two-year period and would be redeemed over a 25-year period. The amount of the bond proposition was determined, in part, by the annual rise in building costs. Approval of the issue now, it is felt, will avoid inflationary costs of the future. Board members pictured here are Board President James W. Sutton, second from left; Dr. Tipton L. Wood, and Mrs. Eleanor Beemer. At far left is Dr. John W. Dunn, College president and secretary of the Board. Dr. John D. Schettler, College business manager, is seated at far right. Other Board members include Dr. Bainbridge M. larkin, vice president, and Morse Olmstead.
in the nation, including most high schools." In continuing the growth of all educational aspects of Palomar College, voters _will insure the College's open-door policy of admissions which allows equal educational opportunity for everyone. It does not matter how much money a person has for college expenses. He can still get an education at Palomar, which is publicly supported, Dr. Dunn said. "Palomar College has never conceded that the student with a C average or tower in high school is a lost cause academically," Dr. Dunn said. "Many of our students mature at a tater age than others. Constan evidence is available from among members of the student body at Palomar that the principle of equal educational opportunity must be maintained, not only for the benefit of the individual student, but for the benefit of society as a whole." As a result of this policy, some previously "hopeless" students who have graduated from Palomar, have gone on to take prominent positions in society. Many have earned scholarships by virtue of their work at Palomar and several have won fellowships and study grants to Harvard. This year, Palomar students are continuing in the Palomar tradition by winning honors and actaim. For example, speech stu-
This aged Fine Arts department building will be replaced by new studio-art rooms and a standard art classroom if the Palomar bond issue is approved Tuesday. A combination lecture-room and gallery will be constructed so that the College will have a place to exhibit student and professional works.
Thursday, May 31, 1962
The Telescope
Modern teaching aids contribute to the fine biological science department at Palomar. Extensive laboratory training requires four hours of instruction per week for Palomar students in addition to the regular three lecture periods weekly. Voters Tuesday will decide whether or not Palomar's physical science classes will get permanent housing and if the life science program is expanded to meet the growing demand of increased enrollment.
This foreign language lab is one of the most modern classrooms at Palomar College. Adolph Heyne, chairman of the foreign language department, has been named by the State Department of Education as a consultant to the Bureau of Junior College Education in foreign language planning. Palomar was host for a foreign language field day for North County high schools this year. The College has become a center for educational and cultural growth in The North County, serving a need that can be met by no other institution.
gnition •••••• dents at Palomar won first and second places in the state tournament, third , in the national debate tournament, and took the sweepstakes award in a discussion tournament open not only to junior colleges but to four-year schools as well. The Palomar College student newspaper, the Telescope, which you are reading now, has been judged the best in its class in California at the State Fair. Palomar, too, has this year produced conference championship athletic teams in basketball, tennis, golf and baseball. Palomar has achieved its success while being one of the smaller junior colleges in the state. Moreover, the faculty in general is respected as second to none in the state, Dr. Dunn said, and the College's administration has succeeded in spending less per student for capital building improvements than has any other junior college in California. Dr. Dunn said that by 1975, 50 per cent of the 14.3 million college-age students will be enrolled in college in this nation. That tremendous upsurge in the college-age population will make more important than ever the role of the public junior college - which is the only branch of higher education where a student may enter without prejudice because of his prior academic records, or because he lacks the $1,500 to $2,000 a year generally required for a college education.
The Palomar art instructors lecture in the art lab rooms because the department has no standard classroom facilities, In the labs, generally cluttered with art projects, it is many times necessary for students to work on these projects while other students are trying to listen to an instructor's lecture.
Students at Palomar get personal counseling when planning their future educational careers at their community college and at the four-year colleges they will attend after leaving Palomar. The way a student plans his program at Palomar may determine whether or not he is admitted to another college's upper division. Counseling offices are especially busy at the end of the school year when students seek help in planning transfer programs and in applying for scholarships.
Students need a place to learn. The Palomar bond proposition will insure them a place to grow intellectually and in economic potential. Palomar provides area with a basis for their contribution to the community and the nation, as long as the College is able to maintain its "open-door" policy of admissions. To be provided for by the issue of bonds are 60 classrooms and laboratories including English, social science, science, journalism, music, art and electronics.
Page 8
Thursday, Mey~ll, 1962
The Teles~ope
Ray Purvis Trophies All kinds of shirt ietteri>1g For clubs and leagut':. 144 W. Ohio- ESCONDIDO
Thursday. May 31, 1962
The Telescope
Campus Po omor Graduates Section Record 179 Students PC Students Win Honors National and state honors came to Palomar College students durin·g this school year, and individuais and groups distinguished themselves in service to their fellow students and to their community. Tribute to the student leaders and to Dean Catherine Jones, director of student activities, was paid last Thursday in the annual awards assembly. Dean Jones has guided the officers of student government in their roles throughout the year. Dr. Dunn, in opening the ceremony, called attention to Palomar's program of excellence and mentioned specifically the first prize in a national contest won by Robert W. Newman, who next fall will enter the University of California at Berkeley. Newman's essay on California prisoners who as volunteers fight forest fires received the first award in the Career Awards Contest sponsored by the National Society of Arts and Letters. State honors were won by the Telescope, student news-
Telescope Photog Wins LA Contest Donald V. Yosua, a freshman at Palomar College, is a winner in the sixth annual juniorcollege photo-journalism contest sponsored by East Los Angeles College. Joseph Lingrey, head of the Journalism Department at East Los Angeles College, presented the award Saturday at the ELAC campus. Gold medals were given to first-place winners, and a sweepstakes medal went to the junior college taking the majority of prizes. Two hundred prints were on display Saturday at the awards presentation. Yosua lives in Vista and has earned honor-roll status as a student at Palomar. He is news e1litor of the Telescope, Palomar's student newspaper, which recently was judged the best junior-college newspaper in California among colleges with 1,500 or fewer daytime students.
Language Students Win Essay Awards John M. Middleton, sophomore, is a first-place winner in the 1962 Foreign Language Essay Contest sponsored by the Foreign Language Council of Pasadena City College. The contest was open to the junior colleges of Southern California. Middleton's essay was written in Spanish, and his topic was "Conflict Between Russia and Red China." Another Palomar sophomore, Stephen Wheeler, won an honorable mention for an essay also in Spanish. His work was entitled "Adventures in Mexico." Both are enrolled in Spanish ·classes taught by Dr. Daniel Pratola.
paper edited by Newman, and by the speech team. The Telescope was judged best in its class by judges in the California Spring Fair Gold Medal Collegiate Press Competition. The speech team also won statewide attention when it won second place in the state junior-college championship speech tournament at San Francisco State College March 8-10. In that same tournament, Don Prough and Clayton Sketoe won first place in men's debate to become state championship debaters. The crowning triumph of the speech team was its winning of the sweepstakes trophy in a discussion tournament held May 11 at Long Beach State College. Two Palomar students are semi-finalists in the National Merit Award scholarship program sponsored by industry and by colleges and universities across the land. They are Rebel V. Palm and Edgar Howell. Academic superiority achieved by several students was recognized when they qualified for National Defense Education Act Loans of $400 each. The loans have been granted to Paul A. Struharik, Howell, Floyd P. Snyder, Thomas F. Penney, Olin E. Thompson, Barbara P. Dethlefs, Leonard G. Boyd, Robert G. Hudson, and Virginia H. Hanks.
The Rev. Dr. Fred M. Judson, minister of Trinity Baptist Church of Santa Monica, will address a record Palomar College graduating class of 179 students Saturday, June 16, in the Student Union. Palomar graduates 37 more students this year than last.
The 1961 graduating class numbered 142. This year's class is nearly 60 times as large as the first Palomar College graduating class in 1947. Three students graduated then. Rev. Judson will address the 1962 class on "It's a Wonderful Life."
Summer Session Offers 37 Day, Night Courses Thirty-seven course offerings will comprise the Palomar College 1962 summer session program, Dean Robert M. Woodward announced today. The summer session will begin July 2 and last through August 10. Day classes will meet daily; night classes will meet from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. each Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Dr. Woodward said the program offers a wide range of interesting courses. He cited, for example, English 35, to be taught in the evenings by Dwight Boehm, head of the Palomar English Department. The course is entitled "American Writers: A Survey." Boehm, a graduate of Harvard University, said the course would be a one-semester introduction to major American writers and their works. The writings would be related to concurrent developments m American political and social thought. Other courses mentioned by Dr. Woodward are Psychology 1A, taught by Thomas J. Crawford; · English 10 (creative writing) taught by RobertS. Mikkelsen; and Spanish conversation, taught by Peter Chacon.
· Crawford is a .Palomar graduate who will · receive his master's degree in psychology from San Diego State College in June. In the fall, he will go to Harvard University to work toward a Ph.D. in psychology. Mikkelsen recently sold his latest of several articles, ap account of sportfishing which will by published in "Outdoor Life."
Night Students Earn AA Degrees •. "Where there's a will there's a way," might well express the attitude of the 18 students currently enrolled in evening classes at Palomar who will be receiving Associate of Arts degrees on Commencement Day. Since 1957 Palomar's evening college enrollment has increased from 1200 to approximately 1650 students. By 1967 it is predicted the number will rise above2,000. To the adult student attending evening college, opening the
Student Council Has Busy Year Rewriting Constitutio_n, Codes Palomar's student government came through a rocky year successfully establishing several progressive acts of legislation as well as sponsoring a number of cultural and social events. Probably the most monumental task completed was a complete revision of the student body constitution. In addition to the constitution, virtually every arm of the government established ·a new code of procedure. The College's Judicial Committee attained new stature by assuming additional responsibility required for a growing school. In addition to the Committee's new code, recommendations submitted to the student Council were adopted. Some legislation was enacted covering the campus parking situa-
Perry Snyder Recieves Honor Society Award Perry Snyder, Palomar College sophomore, is the recipient of the Alpha Nu Scholarship of $100, Adolph Heyne, Alpha Nu sponsor, announced recently. The organization is the Palomar Chapter of Alpha Gamma Sigma, statewide honor society for students maintaining grade averages of B or better. Snyder will transfer next fall to San Diego State College. He has majored in mathematics at Palomar and will be graduated in June with the Associate in Arts degree.
tion, litter problem and fines and penalties for violations of student body laws. The Committee chairman was also given a voice on the adw' .... 1stration's Disciplinary Committee. This school year student leaders established a precedent by holding a leadership conference for Palomar students prior to the fall semester. Plans are now being laid for a second con-
Originally, BrigGen. Raymond Leroy Murray, commanding general of Camp Pendleton, was scheduled to deliver the commencement address. But Gen. Murray has been given command of the Marine Corps training station at Parris Island, S.C., and will be transferred before the commencement exercises. President John W. Dunn of Palomar College said that Rev. Judson is a civic-minded man, having served as a councilman of the City of Santa Monica. He also served on the boards of the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce, the Red Cross, Boy Scouts Executives and the Y.M.C.A. Presently Rev. Judson is serving on the Advisory Board of the Santa Monica Family Welfare Service. He is a member of the International Platform Association and is president of the Santa Monica Executives' Dinner Club.
ference this summer. Student interest in educational opportunity has been evidenced by the contribution of nearly $1,000 towards the bond issue campaign. The student body was also responsible for bringing the Dave Brubeck quartet to Escondido, student talent show for the community, and a host of other social events and dances.
door of educational opportunity involves sacrifice and endless hours of untiring effort to achieve the desired goal. "I couldn't have done it without the support and cooperation of my wife. As soon as I get my diploma, I'm going to hand it over to her. She earned it," said Tony Corirossi, 43, one of the evening school graduates. After retiring from the Marine Corps in 1957 Tony began his second career managing the 17 Area gas station at Camp Pendleton. He enrolled at Palomar Ev...,ning College in September, majoring in art subjects. "The first semester was the roughest," he said. "Sometimes I found it hard to stay awake, but now I find that attending night school four times a week doesn't tire me a bit. After graduation, Tony, his wife Erlamae, and their five children will celebrate with a trip East. "It'll be my first vacation in five years. Then I'm going to rest for a year before I start day school at San Diego State or San Luis Obispo.
Palomar College Service Clubs Supply Helping Hand To Needy Two campus clubs took time to lend a helping hand this year and won friends for their organizations and Palomar College. The Circle K men's club sponsored a food drive that brought in about 6 hundred cans of food for some underfed inhabitants of a small Mexican viilege. Members of Sigma Omicron brough a happy Christmas to a needy Escondido family and made several visits to an Escondido rest home where they sponsored parties, read, and made themselves useful in any way they could. President of Circle K Raymond Tiedje said, "Two of our members had heard of this group of villagers just south of Tecate who were starving because their land would not produce anything." Tiedje said that the villagers had an irrigation problem that was gradually being overcome, but that in
the meantime enough ~ood.
Tiedje said that the two members who knew of the village told him of a Fallbrook High School science teacher, Alvin Brereton, who made occasional visits to the village with whatever food he was able to collect.
"Nancy Lockwood, a club member, and her mother made some clothes for each member of the family," Miss 'l'oyias said. "Some of the other girls bought clothes for the family." The Sigma Omicron club also sponsored an Easter party and a Saint Patrick's Day party at an Escondido rest home during two of several visits there.
All PE Classes To Meet In Dome
"We took the canned food we were able to collect to Mr. Brereton," Tiedje said. He said the Women's Recreational Association also contriAll physical education classes buted to the drive. Judy Toyias, president of will meet in the Dome for Sigma Omicron, said her club roll call .on the first day of was able to obtain the name of final exams, June 7, Virgil a needy family from the · Es- Bergman, dean of instruction, condido Women's Club. "It has announced. Those classes normally meetwas a woman with four children and another on the way," ing on Mondays and WednesMiss Toyias said. "Her husband days will meet between 11 a.m. was not there." and 12:40 p.m. Those normally meeting on The club took clothing, food, toys and a Christmas tree to the Tuesdays and Thursdays will family's home Christmas day. meet between 12:30 and 2 p.m.
Thursday, May 31, 1962
The Telescope
Page 10
Athletes Win Four Conference Titles Palomar College athletes are ending the school year as champions in four sports - basketball, baseball, tennis, and golf. The players on all Palomar teams were honored last Thursday night at the second annual "All Sports" Banquet in the Student Union Building.
Castro Top Athlete Paul Castro received the coveted "Outstanding Athlete" Award. He sparked the baseball team as a pitcher and was awarded football's "Most Valuable Player Award." Mike Williams was awarded the Sportsmanship Award, given to the athlete with the most poise and team spirit. Wilbur Johns, director of athletics at the University of California at Los Angeles, praised the Palomar players and their coaches. Johns was the main speaker. Recognition was given, too, to four women students at Palomar. Suzy Wearne and Nancy Lockwood were honored for valuable service to the community. Barbara Allshouse took the sophomore award for outstanding athletic participation; the freshman award went to Beverly Mottino. In addition to Castro, those honored as most valuable players were Bill McRobb, tennis; Charles Mackey, golf; Ken lmaizumi, wrestling; Boydd Galland, basketball; Monte Mendenhall, cross-country; Dave Conner, track; Dave Galindo, baseball, and John Vega, intramural sports. Coach Stuart Carter said the football team in 1961 gained in experience and earned the respect of supporters in the community each time it played. The season's losses, he added, did not reveal the fighting spirit, "the heart" that the team members displayed consistently. Coach Joe Brennan took his basketball squad to the state championship playoffs after whipping Santa Barbara and Antelope Valley to earn the South Central Conference title. A non-conference highlight of the basketball season was Palomar's tilt with the national basketball team of Peru, with Palomar coming out ahead, 87-79.
Conference Champs This year saw the organization of two new Palomar teams, in wrestling and tennis. Coach Chris Pagakis praised his matmen in their wins over tough and seasoned opponents such as Citrus, Mount San Antonio College, and Chaffey College. Coach Carter took on responsibility of organizing Palomar's first tennis team, and his proteges surprised their chief opponents from Antelope Valley in an upset and won the conference crown. A popular intramural track program climaxed by ·a tournament, and record-breaking throws in the varsity discus and shot-put competition by Dave Conner highlighted the track season. The golf team, under the coaching of Bob Bowman, won 10 straight matches - a feat the more remarkable because all members of the team were freshmen. Coach Bowman expects all members to return, comprising one of the best and most seasoned junior college golf teams in the state. The College's baseball squad, guided by Coach Ward (Rusty) Myers, climaxed a thrilling season with a defeat over Oceanside-Carlsbad College in a game that went 14 innings and led to the Comets' participation in state championship play.
President Lists Basic Bond Proposal Issues Two basic themes are central to considerations of the proposed $3,505,000 bond issue for Palomar College, in the estimate of the College's president, Dr. John W. Dunn. The first of the themes, explained Dr. Dunn, is the basic concern for the tax rate in the college district. The second is concerned with the inclusion of a campus auditorium-theater for student use and also for community use. 'The author-ized bonds will not all be sold the first year," Dr. Dunn said. Dr. Dunn added that sale of the bonds over a two-year period, the 25-redemption schedule on the bonds, and the financial strength of the district indicate that a tax rate of 9 cents per $100 assessed valuation will finance the proposed development program. Vista residents, the president said, will actually be voting on $800,000 of !he proposal, and not on the entire amount. The $800,000 represents their share of the bonds. Escondido Elementary District residents will be concerned with slightly more than $1,000,000 of the proposal; Orange Glen Elementary District, $126,000; Valley Center Union Elementary District, $123,000; Bonsall Elementary District, $137,000; and Fal-lbrook Union Elementary Dis- · trict, $456,000. "Tax rates have less meaning than actual dollars and cents spent in taxes," said Dr. Dunn, "and the rate of 9 cents per $100 valuation means an increase in an average homeowner's taxes of from $2 to $3 a year, depending on the assessed valuation of his property. "To be more specific, the individual who has property valued at $5,000 on the assessment rolls would expect an increase in his taxes in a total amount of$4.50 a year." Dr. Dunn went on to explain that the auditorium-portion of the proposal represents 1.8 cents on the tax rate of the 9-cent total rate. Therefore, he added the property holder with a $5,000 assessed valuation will find that his tax bill will be increased, for the purposes of providing a 2,000-seat auditorium in Northern San Diego County, by a total of 90 cents a year. "The holder of larger real property with an assessed valuation, say, of $20,000, need anticipate that his investment in the theatre-auditorium would be $3.60 a year," said Dr. Dunn. "The question," he added, "is simply one of value. If the ildividual who will pay 90 cents
Photographs by Dennis Madison Ivan Craig
Don Yosua Ray Tiedje
The TELESCOPE is the official publication of the Associated Students of Palomar College, San Marcos, California, Telephone SHerwood 4-1150 and PAlace 7-7529. The TELESCOPE is produced by Palomar College journalism students. Opinions expressed in the TELESCOPE reflect those of the writers and not necessarily those of the College or of the students. All unsigned editorials are those of the editor. Letters to the editor are welcome; however, the editors reserve the right to cut letters to suit space. All letters of this nature must be signed.
JAJC Member
Robert Newman .......................... Editor-in-Chief Glenn Duncan .............................. Associate EditorTom Pratt ............................. Business Manager Don Yosua .................................. News Editor Gene Fletcher . . . . . . . . ...•........... Associate Sports Editor Dirk Marris ......................... Associate Sports Editor
The Telescope staff won a first place award at the California State Fair in Sacramento this Spring for three consecutive issues of the school newspaper which were entered in competition with 30 other junior college newspapers.
tax per year is unwilling to invest this small amount in the presentation in Northern San Diego County of the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra four times a year, in performances by the San Francisco Opera Company, in the College Lecture Series which will bring internationally and nationally known speakers to the campus, and in the availability of a fine convention facility for community use - if these values are not worth 90 cents a year, he should vote 'No' on the proposal."
"But," said Dr. Dunn, "if the individuals of Northern San Diego County who have this decision in their hands on June 5 recognize the need for cultural growth of the area, to accompany its rapid economic development, and if they think it is worth 90 cents a year to make this possible, then not only should they vote 'Yes' but they should encourage all their friends to go the polls with them and similarly approve the development program."
Gov. Brown Urges Approval Of Bonds Gov. Edmund G. (Pat) Brown "will not be money down the drain." last Thursday at Palomar urged "It will be," he added, "an residents of the College disinvestment in people, in human trict to approve at the polls on souls, in a productive and June 5 the proposed $3,505,000 bond issue for development of healthy economy." The governor said that only through education the College. in the colleges and universities "I'm confident," said Gov. can California as a state have Brown, speaking as a lecturer in the teachers, writers, doctors, the College series of Humanitechnicians and the other ties Lectures, "that the people humanely educated citizens of your district will approve the necessary to a free society. Palomar College bond issue, and I will be very happy to come The governor said that from back here and dedicate your new auditorium as the governor an executive of a major_ firm in this area, he learned that of California." Gov. Brown emphasized dur- industrial expansion depends ing his discussion of Califor- in greatest part on the availnia's master plan for higher ability of college facilities. education that Palomar College . "And this is pricisely the same is "going to have increasing reason why San Diego, Los importance" in handling the Angeles and San Francisco state's booming student popula- are the leaders in the new technologies of missiles, election. "Make no little plans," he tronics aeronautics and spacesaid. "Today we have 440,000 craft development," he said. college students in California. By 1975, we will have 1,000,000 college students. "I tell you as governor of this state that to refuse the local and state bond proposals that would permit the necessary enlargement of Spring Semester grade reour educational facilities is to refuse a higher education to ports may be picked up at the hundreds of thousands of chil- Records Office after 12 p.m. Saturday, June 30, Robert dren." Burton, dean of admissions and Tax money spent for higher education, Gov. Brown said, records, has announced.
Grade Reports Soon Available
Palomar~ Benefactor
Enters State Politics Escondido Times-Advocate Publisher Fred W. Speers will again this year offer a scholarship in journalism to a gradting Palomar student. The Agnes E. Speers Scholarship, offered in the name of the publisher's mother, is given yearly at Palomar. Speers, a member of the College's Foundation Board, is one of seven Republican candidates running in the June 5 primary election for a spot on the November ballot for the newly created 80th Assembly District. A representative of the new district will officially take his seat in the State assembly on January 1, 1963. The new district was formerly a part of the 77th district. Among candidates running against Speers in the primary vote are Hale Ashcraft and Jim Culver. Speers, publisher of the T-A for the past 15 years, is chairman of the Board of Palomar Savings and Loan, and president of the Greater San Luis Rey Planning and Development CounciL He has also served as a member of the California Highway Commission and was one of California's 32 presidential electors in 1960. Speers served four and onehalf years as an intelligence officer for B29 squadrons based on the Pacific island, Tinian. His work involved low level reconnaisance and briefing
Fred W. Speers on Japanese cities and mining operations in the Sea of Japan and off the coast of Korea. For his work. Speers received the Air Medal and the Bronze Star. He is one of the few Air Force officers who is a graduate of both the Air Force Combat Intelligence School and the Air Force Counter Intelligence School. Speers, a member of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, is a graduate of Stanford University and did graduate work at the University of Denver. Two trips to Russia in the 1950's enabled him to compile material for a treatise written by him that will be published this year. The treatise details the backgrounds and histories of 165 Russian cities.
Thurs~ay,~~. 31 , 1962
Education and The Space Race From Last Week's Speech At Palomar By The Governor Of California The feats of John Glenn and Scott Carpenter are evidence of our Country's pioneer work in proving the vast reaches of the universe. Their work parallels that of Charles lindbergh who signaled to the world that the age of aviation had been launched. I can tell you I was proud to be a Californian that day. And proud to be an American. You are growing up in the Space age, in the state that is leading the way into space. And every one of you has a chance to participate in some way in the challenges of the Space Age. Whether as a scientist, engineer, government worker, businessman, teacher, journalist, farmer, or housewife you can in our democracy participate in the decisions of our time. And the decisions are of terrible magnitude. H. G. Wells said civilization is in "a race between education and catastrophe." If that is true - and I believe it is - you are today preparing yourself for that race with education. Education. That's the key word. In it lies our hopes for the future - our only hope for the future, in my estimation.
Here in this beautiful valley and at this beautiful school you can touch and be touched by the excitement of these challenges. To give you that chance is both the function of and an opportunity of education. I hope its magic touches each of you. And I did not come here to picture our race with catastrophe with gloom and foreboding for the future. Man is a marvelous being, born in optimism and with faith in the future, and if I did not share that faith I would not be standing before you today. Your parents showed that faith in building this fine school here 16 years ago. And I am confident that the citizens of this great community will demonstrate their faith once again in voting next Tuesday for your three and a half million dollar bond issue to expand Palomar Junior College.
Page 12
Thursday, May 31, 1962'
The Telescope
Bond Financing Includes Many Aspects Of The Community College Development Cost Well Below • Legal Debt Limit Passage of Palomar's fourth bond issue will complete the basic elements -of the College master plan.
Bond Elections Year 1956 1958 1960 1962
Bonds Sold ......... . ........ . $470,000 . ............ . ..... $685,000 ......•..•... . ... . . $844,000 ....•..... . ...... $3,505,000
lionds redeemed through June, 1961 . . . . . $135,000 Projected debt . . . . . . . . . $5,369,000 Legal debt limit on 1961 assessed valuation . $7,569,124
What The Bonds Will Buy
Increased District Value Encourages Bond Redemption
60 more classrooms to accommodate the 3,000 day students and 4,000 night students expected to enroll by 1965.
PAST, present and projected assessed valuation of district.
English, Social Science, Science , Jou rnalism , Music, Art, Electronics, Physical Education, Psychology . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
$2,195,000 Theatre-Auditorium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800,000 .Furniture and equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240,000 Surveys, plans, testing, inspection and contingencies. Total proposed bond issue .........•.............._, ........... $3,505,000
1957 1961 1966 1972
$ 86,097,920 $151,382,480 .. . $261 '162,000 .. . $402,618,000 .. .
Total15 year increase
58 % 55 % 170%
Bond Issue Cost To Taxpayer
Total bond redemption period .. .. .................. 25 years
It is anticipated that the tax rate necessary to finance these bonds will increase a maximum of 9 cents per $1 00 of assessed valuation the first year, decreasing to the present rate by 1967.
District growth indicates that taxes for these bonds will be lower than the present rate by about 1968-1 969.
In actual dollars and cents of taxes, the average home-owner will pay an additional $2.10 per year for the four-year period. ·
College Growth Helps Area ·.Expand Economically "The proximity and fine reputation of Palomar College was a strong contribution factor in selecting San Marcos as the location for our new plant," stressed Henry Norris, branch manager at Librascope. Besides encouraging industry in the area, the College attracts new residents and increases assessed valuation. Jack Hall, general manager of Gavitt Wire & Cable Company in Escondido states, "Many new personnel must be moved into a community as a work force for a new plant. Palomar College is a helpful factor in attracting new people to the area of our plant." _ The College itself gives an economic boost to · the community. A survey taken at Palomar has shown that employees paid $23,350 last year in property taxes alone. Employees paid $26,350 in rent. More
than 90 per cent of their expenditures are made locally - an investment of some $630,000 per year. This year, 90 per cent of the College's $1 ,037,000 budget will be spent in the Palomar area, although only 68 per cent of this budget comes from community support. Students also bolster the local economy with an average expenditure of about $2000 attributed to each student. A loss of $2,400,000 to the area would be incurred if 1,200 had to go elsewhere to obtain an education. Without more facilities this loss would amount to more than $6,000,000 to the community by 1 966. "It is good business to keep these young people in our community for the first two years of their college career," said Dr. John W. Dunn, president of Palomar College.
Enrollment Explosion Will Soon Overrun Classroom Capacity Year
Over the 10-year period out-· lined above the enrollment at Palomar will increase 330 per cent.
Day College
Evening College
1957 ••••••••••• 420 • • • • • • . . . • • • • • 1958 ••••••••.•• 52.9.............. 1959 .. .- ........ 659 ............. 1960. •.•.••••••• 888 • • • • • .. • • • • • • 1961 .......... 1216 .............
1200 1300 1400 1500 1584
. . . . . . . ••. ••. ..... . ...... .. ............. ............. ••••.••••••••
1620 1820 2059 2388 2800
1962 .......... 1535 1963.0 •• 00000. 1837 1964 .......... 2244 1965 •••••••••• 2638 1966 •••••••••• 2950 1967 .......... 3300
1650 1700 1850 1900 2000 2050
............. • •••••••••••• ............. • 0•..•.• 0•• 0. •••• 0•• 00•.. 0 .............
3185 3537 4094 4538 4950 5350
............. •••• 0. 0•• 0•. 0 ............. 0. 000. 0. 0•• 0. •••••• 0•••. 00 .. • .. .. • .. .. •
Population in the three principal communities in the college district has increased 260 per cent in the last 10 years.