The Telescope 21.03

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Palomar's population explosion -- page three

A Puhlic.a.tlon .of the Associated Students of Palomar College SJm Ma'rcos, California

Volume 21. Number 3

October 3, 1967

Election to fill seven posts Frosh president, AMS vp and five reps to be elected Friday Elections to fill seven positions in student government -- Freshman Class president, Associated Men Students vicepresident and five representatives-atlarge posts -- are Friday. Polling places will be the Student Union patio, the art complex and the industrial arts area. Ballots will be freely distributed, and ASB cards will be punched to assure one vote per student. The four presidential candidates are Cheri Chambless, Brice Larsen, Phil Robinson and Bill Wright. There are eight hopefuls for representative: Mary Adamson, Roger Bielasz, Scott Bowman, Paul Hauptman , Sandy Judson, Diane Landfear, Cecelia Lodico, and Thomas Wheeler. Sophomore Dennis Shepard runs unopposed for AMS vice-president. Background information of the candidates: FRESHMAN CLASS PRESIDENT Cheri Chambless, Escondido, has had considerable governmental experience including (high school) sophomore class secretary, junior class president and senior representative. She states, "Last year I was one of student "apathy." I want to make this year the year of Involvement.'' Cheri is also a cheerleader and member of AWS and Phi Rho Pi.

Brice Larsen, Fallbrook, is a business major who also has a long string of qualifications, including ASB President at Fallbrook, Boys State Representative 1966, and life member in CSF. He says, '' ... I will attempt to use what leadership qualities I possess toward maintaining a platform based on stamping out student apathy ... " Phil Robinson, Rancho Bernardo, has high school governmental experience including s o ph om ore class vicepresident and junior and senior class president. He would like to try to "bridge the gap from student apathy to student participation," if elected. Bill Wright, Solana Beach, has a variety of past honors including the 1967 Elks "Leader of the year" award, San Dieguito High School student body president, President of the San Dieguito National Forensic League, and a three year membership in student congress. His four platform points are "(1) freshman unity; (2) to bring top entertainment to Palomar (Doors, Jefferson Airplane, etc.); (3) to let everyone get involved; and (4) to have freshman class activities that are fun and different.'' REPRESENTATIVE-AT-LARGE Mary Adamson, Escondido, wants to ''put up suggestion boxes around campus

by which the students can voice their opinions, on the activities they want on campus." In high school, her activity record included f r e s h rna n vicepresident, vice-president of drama club, and Girls League Board. Scott Bowman, freshman, Escondido, was ASB vice-president and senior class president at Escondido High School. He states , "I'm interested in ASB activities and I would like the opportunity to become involved in student government as an ASB representative .'' Roger Bielasz, sophomore, Escondido, would like "a close relationship between representatives and the entire student body. To get more students interested in their student government.'' In high school, Roger was on the ASB Cabinet, vice-president of Varsity Club, and president o.f the Traffic Safety Club. Diane Landfear, an Escondido sophomore, lists four points in her platform: "(1) more student unity (2) hot food machines to alleviate congestion in cafeteria (3) every club should have equality in using school vehicles ( 4) investigate book store." Last year she was on the Dean's List both semesters, and an ICC Rep for the International Club. Cecelia Lodico, a sophomore from Escondido, is active in Alpha Gamma Sigma, (page six, ,column five)

Book store runs unexpected sale The book store ran an unexpected discount sale on two German III texts last Tuesday. Book store manager Neil McAfee said, "it was sort of a mechanicalmental error." GERMAN FICTION AND POETRY sold for $2, regularly priced at $5.50 after "the price was set up wrong on the machine." INTERMEDIATE CONVERSATIONAL GERMAN sold for a dollar under the regular price of $5 when the code and list price were accidently reversed. Students from Adolf Heyne's 2 p.m. German III class learned of the mistake and 3 or 4 took advantage of it. Others in the class were disturbed over their classmates bargain. Heyne checked the book list prices and called the book store. The mistake was quickly rectified before news of the "discount sale" spread.

WRA-AWS Area confab Friday Eleven of the thirteen candidates: kneeling, left to right Paul Hauptman. Bill Wright, Dennis Shephard: second row Cecelia Lodico, Mary Adamson, Brice

Larsen, Cheri Chambless: back row, Diane Landfear, Hoger Bielasz, Scott Bowman, and Phil Robinson. Not shown are Thomas Wheeler and Sandy Judson.

Quackenbush new instructor; and Telescope advTisor The appointment of D. Van Quackenbush, of Poway, former North County newspaper publisher, as journalism instructor at Palomar College was approved by the Board of Govenors at its meeting Tuesday September 26. Quackenbush is taking over journalism classes and is adviRor to the TELESCOPE. He was formerly publisher of the Poway Chieftain. and prior to that had been publisher of the Del Mar Surfcomher. More recently he has been on the staff of the Reno, Nevada EVENING GAZETTE as an education writer. In 1964 he received the John Swett Awards for the best continuous coverage of education news in a California weekly newspaper. He received his bachelor of arts from Dartmouth College and also a bachelor of arts from the University of Missouri. He is a member of Sinma Delta Chi, a professional hournalists fraternity, San Diego Chapter.


Girls from all over the county will meet this Friday at San Diego City college for the annual WRA- AWS Area 1 Conference. Colleges represented will be Palomar, Mira Costa, Mesa, Southwestern, San Diego City and Grossmont. Mrs. Marjorie Wallace, dean of women, urges "any and all girls to represent Palomar by becoming a delegate to the convention. To be a delegate, simply sign up in the Student Activities Office by Thursday, she said. Miss Donna Reiser, advisor to WRA and Mrs. Wallace, AWS's advisor, will help provide transportation. Mrs. Wallace noted, "We will leave Friday after the girls get a chance to vote in the elections and return that same evening. We have been invited to a concert on Punjab Folk Dance at 8 p.m. in Russ Auditorium, but we have not decided whether or not we will attend." Carol Sue Durr and Sue Dawson from AWS and WRA respectively, will chair the panel from Palomar. "This year's theme is 'Of Time and Tide' with Palomar's discussion being 'Sand Castles,' a presentation of future ideas for the clubs' activities," Mrs. Wallace said. "There will be a presidents' workshop followed by a general workshop. The main objective of the conference is to talk over new programs and plans and acquaint girls with the functions of the two or6anizations. Students get to know girls from other schools and pool ideas with other campuses."

Stainbrook: drugs and the mind

Lecturer cites youthS

heed to communicate' "When Mr. Jones can understand what is happening as you do," said Dr. Edward Stainbrook, paraph r &. sing Bob Dylan, "something meaningful shall have been accomplished." Dr. Stainbrook, of USC, spoke here Friday to a record- breaking audience in the first Humanities Lecture of the Fall series. His topic was "The Use of Drugs in Mood Changing and Mind Changing." "Young people need to communicate something through drug use . The established society -- their parents -- aren't getting the message.'' The lecture began with a disdainment of drug use in general. ''Its danger is that it prevents socializing,'' Stainbrook explained. "Drugs are attractive to , among others, persons who are anxious about growing up and who have trouble with social conquest. So, they resort to this short-circuit pleasure.'' Impersonalization of the self, he said. is another danger. "At any stage in our development we are what we are because of our history-organized body . Self is a humanized-socialized body. Under certain drugs the self becomes impersonalized.''

~------lVews CENSUS WEEK is this week. The college recieves money for students attending classes. The budget is tight this year, making every dollar count.

*** AN ART RECEPTION will be held in the Dwight Boehm Art Gallery on THURSDAY at 11 a.m. for the opening of the sculptures of Oliver Andrews. Refreshments will be served.

*** ASB ELECTIONS begin at 9 a.m. on FRIDAY. Three polling areas on campus will be open until 3 p.m. Students must have their ASB cards punched when returning ballots.


SAMUEL N. HECSH, next speaker on the Humanities Series, will be on campus OCTOBER 13 for the second lecture at 10 a.m. Assembly schedule will be observed.

Dr. Stainbrook is a graduate of Duke University where he received both a Ph.D. in psychology and a M.D. He is presently professor and chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Southern California School of Medicine and Chief Psychiatrist at Los Angeles County General Hospital. In a question and answer period fol lowing the 10 a.m. lecture, Stainbrook made these points: --False or misleading information publicized creates a "credibility gap" causing mistrust by young people of almost any information concerning dangers of drug use. --The effect of LSD has m .1ch to do with the state of mind of the person taking it. He usually receives the kind of •trip' --good or bad --that he anticipates. Also important are environment and company. --LSD can be a "missing link to insight,'' in roughly the same way that alcohol can relax a person so he can think better. LSD can provide new perspective to problems. Overall topic of this year's lecture series is ''Search for Awareness: Isolation or Involvement."

brkft------KANGAROO COURT will convien at 11 a.m . FRIDAY in the student union. Students receiving tickets this week must appear to answer charges against them. All frosh without beanies will be cited.

*** FOOT BALL against Gross mont at 8 p.m. in Escondido on SATURDAY. This is a Pacific Southwest Game .

*** INTERNATIONAL CLUB TEA for all students welcoming our foreign students will be OCTOBER 11 at 3:30 p.m. in the student union.

* *


AREAISTUDENT GOVERNMENTFALL CONFERENCE will be at Mesa College , on OCTOBER 14. Sign up in the student Activities Office. 25- 30 delegates are needed. Palomar is host on t he workshop of Religion.

Jean Peasley So, what's happening?



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San Marcos ._Cali.f9.:.. rn:.::i:.::a' - - - - - · - - - - - 920fl9

n 19fi:.!. th~ ~tudent Puhllt·atlons noard t:SUtllllshed a Coclr ol l::thit·s with the coope ration of tht: nw111l1ers uf all campus puhJica tlons . Local newspaper puhlishe t·s were asked to con1ment and ther ::;airlthe cock· "as complete. Two statements from · tha t code are pert11wnt toda): "\\'ithin the framework of school c:on;orage. sensa t ionallsm. glorification. and favoritism should not he tole rated." Coverage of national or inte r na tional occurrences shou ld he governed hy the p1·oxlnl ltv of the C\'Cnl and the direct t•elationshlp of the evert! to the students . These events should he consldcn :d 1


when the' occu r on campus o r IJrought into the college prop, ram tit rect l y " Opinions e~<pressed in this paper in slgnededltorll:lls and articles are the views oi the writers and do no( necessarily rep resent opinions of the starr. dews of the ,\ss oclated Student Body CoJnCI I. c ol lege administration. or the Board of Gove rnors. The TEL ESCO PE invites r esponsihle •guest editorials~ or l etters to the edi tor All communications nnst he signed IJy the author. The T ELE SCOPE ns a student newspape r nNSl representtheentlrespectrum of studt!nt thought

As I sit here bringing up item after item to mention in my colum"l m y editor si ts swirling around in his desk chair meekly shuddering while his mustache twitches . I keep thinking he's going to sneeze, but he never does. So with no help from him . r turne d to my allies in desperation. They only shrugged and kept eating their lunches. I continued to give my brain a workout until some unkno Nl1 - .. hero carne strolling into the staff room and com mented on Pickens' Sculpture , a Monstrosity of a Thing questio:~ably labeled art which is placed directly opposite the library. The piece consists of rusting rings which were welded together by former Palomar student Mike P ickens . His m asterpiece


EDITORIALS Humanities series off to impressive start The Stu de n t Union B u i 1 d i n g was c r owded to near capacity Friday when the first of this semester's Humanities lectures began -- which may in itself not seem unusual. The campus in general seems to he crowded near capacity this semester. It is significant, however, that a lecture. such a long- standing student's excuse for getting away from school for an hour. should meet with such response. It is a sign, we believe, of a new spirit at Palomar. Perhaps it is a sign of the long sought- after "contagious enthusiasm.' ' It is sad that the facilities here are so inadequate. The building reached its 800 capacity rather quickly. Some students were turned away. "It's a sad situation ,·' said Dean of Student Personnel Robert Burton, "when a school with a student body of 2,600 has indoor seating facilities for only 800." We concur. Let us hope that student involvement can overcome its physical limitations t his year.

Following the lecture there was standing room only in room R- 5, and outside people were lined up against the window. Stainbrook was there for an hour fielding questions in an informal ·'press conference," and almost no one left until he did. The heterogeniet y of the audience added to the s timulation. At the rear of the room. someone wearing a peace medal and sandals was burning astickof incense. Near the front sat a few senior citizens who directed knowledgeable questions about pot and ac id . At the front, in the corner. on the floor. sat bearded Boll McKelvey. ot far away. on the floor. sat a beautiful womanchild in robes of purple. we aring beads. Otherwise-normal people filled the spaces in betwee n. A dialogue happened , and something else occurred: mass intellectual stimu lation; fireworks of the mind. without drugs. It is a spirit that should remain alive. --Steve Woodall

r - - - -- - - - - - - ' -

[informal editorials] -- - --------,

OUR CC)I ~I_JEGE COMMUNf iY court This Friday is Kangaroo Court. which has been successful in past years . It is meant for fr eshmen. but don' t worry, somewhere along the line some un lucky sophomore or/and teacher will be thrown in for good measure. l\1any have been asking what happens in 1-.:angaroo Co:.1 rt and the hest answer is to come and see for yourself. But to give you some idea. last year Mike Manning had to look in a hand mirror and sing ··r·m so Pretty.•· and ~lary Ann l\IcEnlee got her face pushed into a chm:olate cream pie--only to rec iprocate IJy throwing one at Judge Rich Lipari ancl Steve Goodstei n! So. stand by freshm e n.



Oh boy. it"s census week again. This means, of all weeks. please don·t cut classes THIS week. Teachers will be carefully taking roll si nce Palomar will be getting so much money for each student represented. So try not to miss any c lasses.

elections As student elections once again get under way here at Palomar, we hope that the percentage of voters will take a sharp increase. Four strong candidates--Cheri Chambless, Phil Robinson. Brice Larsen. and Bill Wright- are in the running for Frosh president, and it is up to the Freshman Class to collectively meet their responsibility by voting on election day. Although only eight candidates are battling over the 5 spaces offered for rep-at-large, voters should never the less give these people some thought before voting. Good student government makes a better school.

lt"s our loss . Mrs. Florence Kreckler who has been in charge o f registration procedures for 10 ye ars here has resigned. She helped organize the data processing which sets up our c lass schedules and grading system. With no immediate plans, Mrs. Kreckler said she's looking for ward "to watching the world series this fall .. ,

placement Many students are still unaware that Palomar has supplied us with an excellent student placement service, headed by Louise Dei. ner. Her office is located down in administration and she usually can be found there on weekdays from 8 to 5. In the past Miss Deiner has helped countless students find jobs as well as giving them advice and encouragement. If you are interested in a part- time job, be sure to go down and have a talk with her.


problem One item along the humanities line . is the poor time period for our humanities lecture. It's not that a 10 o'clock lee-

The audience

ture is so had. but afterwards at 11 o"clock everybody is starving, as growling stomachs testify when classes go on. Desides many students miss the dynamic question- a nd-answer period following lectures. one of the bestparts. Sugges tions ? An old answer to the proiJlem has IJeen Saturday afternoon lectures. wl1ere peop le would undoubtedly not show up. Cancel 10 o'clock classes on tha t day? That would foul up the professor·s teaching schedules . Guess we"ll have to go on starving. unless s ome clever individual can come up with a workal1le solution Lo the time problem.

Our Victory Flag is a great idea, but the grey V against the red is well camouflaged. Is it trad itional, or can we change it to a red V against a grey flag, which would be far more dis tinguishable ?


Should marijuana be legalized? MIKE LOSKOT A, fres hm an- - - Yes, marijuana is neither physically nor psychologically harmful and therefore should be legalized. Society has legalized alcohol which is detrimental in both aspects. It Dreates a dependency mentally, physically, and causes damage to parts of the body. Marijuana is also not addictive like alcohol. In a weekly supplement to a newspaper, a college s urvey showed that 43% of students who use alcohol become alcoholics . In comparison, about 3% of students who use marijuana become addicts. If society can legalize the use of alcohol , then it should also legalize the use of the less harmful marijuana.

KATHY LUMP, sophomore---Marijuana should be legalized because if the present trend continues people will always try to obtain pot. Because of the relative risk of getting the drug into the country, the prices are high. Therefore "sellers" of the drug are dependent upon selling an ever increasing supply of the drug to pay for obtaining it in the first place-- thus many people that perhaps would never try the drug are guaranteed safe, easy escape from life's problems and many people whose emotions might already be unstable are easily pressured into giving pot a try. Once a person has tried the drug, he knows where to find escape when he needs it in the future. If t he drug were legalized, prices would probably go down and individuals would have less need to "sell" other people in order to finance a personal supply.

MARC HOLDER, freshman---Marijuana is a form of social expression for rebellion or for acceptance. Its physical effects are bad but not as har mful as the accepted practice of drinking and smoking. The psychological effects are good and bad. It can provide an emotional release for the intr overt, yet be a lotus flower to the normal person. The escapist is the person who is the most reclaimable after blowing pot. He or she r efuses to face reality after giving vent to hi s fantasies . Legalize pot? Why not, then we could start a Heads Anonymous.

N.A. COASH, freshman---Should marijuana be legalized ? A better question would be, "why isn't marijuana legalized?" Apart from the fact that its legali zation would all but ruin the liquor industry, there is no just cause to condemn marijuana or its users because it is an addictive drug. It has been medically proven that marijuana i.s less harmful to the body than liquor (which produces a variety of alim entary disorders) and less addictive than tobacco. It doesn't have the evil efTecftobacco has on the lungs, doesn't make the smoker contract emphesema. What


has proved to be adored by art lovers and abhorred by p ractically everybody e lse . T here are even some who go so far as to say it' s out- of- sight. Out of sight because these people-unbelieveably- walk around the other side of the library so they don't have to see it. Now, I ask you--is that anyway to Besides , there are t reat culture? othe r strange looking things on campus and not all of them are under the classific ation of a rt! Or are they? But then. I"m not really a qualified expert on this subject. Heck , I never really liked Brenda Starr' s Everhart until I fou nd out about all those jewels smuggled in it! And if you're wondering what I'm talking about, you obviously don't read the most- fought over of the daily newspaper! But don't blame Pickens . He ' s unde r strong cultural influence-haven't you ever seen a picture of Chicago's Picasso? Now there's something that'll make your head swim. We could argue for hours on what Picasso was thinking about when he came up with that, and never come to a satisfactory conclusion. Besides , as some wise- guy once said, ''Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." BELLS. BARB EHS , AND BOTTTCELLI Next. J oe Wu, one of thos e people who can look you in the eye but you never know quite for sure, wandered into the staff room and literally threw a magazine at me with a feature about things that are IN and OUT. Afte r reading it, we can summarize like this: bikinis, bells, bikes, bottles and Botticelli are in: beards, bagpipes, barbers, bleach and Byzantine are out. Then we hit close to home with more specific ite ms but we were afraid of being sued, s o forget that. It was fun figuring up Palomar's INS and OUTS, but you know, of course, things like that are libelous . And. as the list proves, you can get sort of carried away. SUN, SEEDS AND FLOWERS I've heard that they' ve developed a "Memory Pill" for the next generation. All you do is take one be fore studying, read the book from cover to cover and you' re an Instant Walking Encyclopedia. But that's in the future : our Flower Generation still m ust suffer through half- hearted attempts at futile studying. By the way, there has been some ·controversy on how the term F LOWER GENERATION caught on. According to Earl Leaf. a nutty Hollywood columnist, the term was coined by the SEEDS, a popular group with many hit records. Because even before anyone ever heard of the expression it was in SKY SAXON 'S BIOGRAPHY: "The farmer lives by the eleme nts , the sun, the rain and the earth, but the earth also needs the seeds to sow the Flower Generation .. . ' '

it does do is increase sense perception, relax the user, and give him a chance to look openmindedly at himself and at the world in which he lives. Another medically proven fact (more often ignored by speakers and law enforcement officials) is that the use of marijuana does not lead to an addiction to heroin.

CON BILL CRUTCHFIELD, sophomore---Marijuana should be illegal because it is un- Christian, immoral, subversive, and definitely Communist inspired . It leads to moral degradation and grievious sin. Besides Governor Ronnie is against it ane he would not be against what was right in God's eyes. It also leads to long hair and a generally shabby appearance. These people are obviously deviant and sick because they JIM LYMAN, sophomore---Marijuana should not don't agree with my view of the American way of life. be legali zed because it is a dange rous drug. If people The decline of America's God - like characteristics will were allowed to use marijuana legally almos t everylead to a Communist overthrow of our greatcountry. body would want to try it. I believe it would become worse than alcohol. You c an look at the highway SUSIE PUNKENSO~. freshman ---Mar ijuana statistics on alcohol and see what would happen i.f shouldn't be legalized because , first of all its a felony marijuana become worse than a lcohol. Half the people and this can wreck your life , job-wise and social- on the road would be high from the influence of mariwise, and secondly, it changes your whole mental atti- juana . This is only one reason that marijuana should tude toward life so that you end up not caring about not be legalized. It seems to me that this reason is s t rong enough to keep marijuana illegal. anything.

Palomar's day enrollme nt is 2.6 18--100 more than las t year. 200 more than expected. Evening attendanc e has jumped from 3.010 to near 3,500 in lhe same period--more than a 14 p e r cent inc r ease. Tea rly 2.300 parking permits have bee n issued. Ne:J.r -capacity and ove r capacity classes have caused problems in many departments. including a s hortage of equip.-rwnt. Hardes hit a r e laboratory classes . the busines s department a nd the me n's phys ical e ducation department.

- The e nrollrnf> nt proble m is at the 'critical point . .. said Dean o1 ~tu de nt Personnel Ilohe rt nurton. and the (last Fri day ' s Humnnities) lecture was a very graphic examp le of lhi s." The s tude nt union building was a t c apacity. Some students were turne d away. According to our master plan, devel oped a year and a half ago . ., said Pres ident Frederick Hu ber. ~E n ro llment was expected to r each 2,800 which i s maximum capac ity. by 19 68. Now on the basis of presen t en rollment, the total a year from now will be close r to 3. 000

s tud en t s . ~

Chances a re admi nistrative officials will schedule more classes in the 11 a.m. time slot next year. "A,¡ailal.Jle spane is dec reased 11 per cent beause of the 'scared' 11 o'clock hour," said Dr. John Schettler, ASB financial advisor . T he hour is largely reserved fo r c lub activities. "I don't know what we are going to do next year, " said Dean Burton. "It i s becoming more and more inconvient for a student to get an education.,. said Dr. Sc hettler.

John Sophos and Sharon Palecki help paint and display the new bulletin board made by the Theatre Arts department. Theatre Arts is the recent christening given to the drama department.

James Soules interviews Justus Ahrend and Mike Christy for the new KOWN radio show. Pho~o by George Anderson

student concentrates on a templet for a sheetmetal project. The sheetmetal class is only one of the many divions in the vocational education department.

Vocational education gets big boost New Associate of Arts degree programs in Aeronautics, Police Science and Nursing headline the list of 34 new fall courses. The Aviation Foundation Courses-Aeronautics--are designed to give basic instruction to those aiming for subsequent qualification as private pilots, commercial pilots, and flight instructors along with background information for airport management and aerial photography. Approximately 60 students are enrolled in the Private Pilot Ground Instruction class meetings on Tuesday evenings . Instructor Kent Backart of Palomar's science department said students would prepare for the Federal Aviation Agency's written exam in such subjects as meteorology, map-reading. use of radio and cross-country flight planning. William Blackwood, a flight instructor for -1 years, will give advanced instruction on Thursday evenings to private pilots going for commercial or in- . strun)ent pilot certificates. Approximately 30 attend. Dean James G. Soules, director of vocational 'training. said that like other vocational courses, the Aeronautics Division was created to fill the peEldS and 'desires of students and potential students in the area. Depending on the continued inter est and success of the present programn se rious study will be given to expanding in the future with students being able to obtain 20 units for an Aeronautics major a long with general education credits for an A· A. , degree. Flying time is prese ntly arranged on an individual basis atcommercialfields. Backart pointed out, howeve r, that many schools now are giving complete ground · and air instruction and that with continuation of the interest thus far shown this may become possible here. PALOMAR POLICEMEN The Police Science program appears to be off to an impressive start. "The 170 students enrolled in the four courses exceeded our enrollme nt expectation. The interes t and demand in the courses are fantastic," said Soules. of Vocational Education.

The program may require a full-time police science Co-Ordinator for both day and evening classes. The objectives of the program, according to Dean Soules are to prepare qualified individuals to become law enforcement personnel and to train presently employed police officers with "upgrading" or advanced courses. Presently, the curricula is divided into the introductory courses which include Law Enforcement Introduction and Defensive Tactics. The second phase of the program is designed for the police officer c oncerns Juvenile Procedure and Criminal Law. Twenty-eight units will be available to the police science major. Courses include: Introduction to Law Enforeement, Patrol Procedures, Traffic Control, Defensive Tactics, Firearms, Criminal Evidence, Administration of Justice. Criminal Investigation and Juvenile Procedures. In addition, 32 units ofgeneral education courses will be r equired for the AA degree. SCIENCE EXPANDS Principles of Microbiology is a six hour lecture-laboratory with a prer e quisite of a high school chemistry course or the equivalent. Biology is recommended. The biology department is offering two new courses. Biolog-y 1 is designed specifically for Life Science majors . It is pre requisite to Botany 1A and Zoology 1A. Introduction to Quantitative Biology is a five hour lecturelaboratory with a prerequisite of Biology 1 and Mathematics 42. Study in the Nursing Education must have been started this summer with Nursing Foundations. Only one course is offered this semester, a c ontinuance of the summer course. Five of the nursing courses will be offered last. Anatomy and Physiology is a new addition in the Zoology department. The pre requisite is enrollment in the Associate Degree Nursing Program. The course is three hours lecture and six .hours laboratory. Introduction to Data Processing is a cross listed course in both the business and mathematics departments. It is a three hour lecture.

General Geography is a survey three hour lecture course that is not intended .for transfer students. It is designed to provide the student with a broad background knowledge of the importance of geography in modern living. Automotive Electrical and Tune-up is three hours lecture and nine hours laboratory. The prerequisite is one year of high school auto shop or permission of the instructor. Two Philosophy courses have been renamed and the courses changed to coincide withSanDeigo State's r equirements. Philosophy 6A is now Philosophy 2, Philosophical Theories-Ethical and Political Values.Philosophy 6B is now Philosophy 4, Philosophical Theories-Knowledge and Reality. Creative Photography is a night course which offers advanced experience in creative photography, emphasizing fashion, advertising and industrial photography. TWO NEW ENGLISH CLASSES Language and Ideas, English 45, will replace English 49 th is semester. It is a three hour lecture with no prer equis iteand is not open to students whose English placement scores predict success in English 1A. The course fulfills the composition requirement for the AA degree. Composition Laboratory is a three hour non-credit laboratory for enrollees of Language and Ideas . It is a r e medial course intended for the student who wants to move from the non-transfer program into a transfer program. Small laboratory groups work on an arranged

basis with the English staff, dealing primarily with writing skills in preparation for English 1A. In the Spring semester a continuance of the course will be offered. Gallery Exhibition Design is a three hour laboratory course requiring permission of the instructor for enrollment. The physical educationdepartment has been renumbered and courses revised to be closer to San Diego State. New courses in the department are Modern Dance II, Technique, which is a two hour activity course with a prerequisite of Modern Dance I, and Modern Dance III, Technique, Performance and Production. It is a three hour laboratory course with a prerequisite of Modern Dance II. Introduction to Psychology is a nontransfer course three hours a week. It is an introductory survey designed to acquaint the student with the broad

array of topics included within and touching upon the science and practice of psychology. The drama department has been renamed Theatre Arts and two new courses are offered. Voice and Articulation is a three hour lecture offering training to improve the quality, flexibility and effectiveness of the speaking voice through exercise and drill.. Playwriting is a cross-listed course with English 22 . It is a three hour lecture with a pre requisite of English 1A and 1B or permission of the instructor. Courses tha.t have been approved but are not offered are Practical Astronomy, Personal Development, Business 65, Automotive Engines , Automotive Chassis and Drive Lines, and Automotive Transmissions, Introduction to Electronic Computers, Make-up .for the theatre, Pantomime and Stage Direction.

f(()\;VN pushes Palomar progra111s Palomar's vocational program is receiving a boost from radio KOWN in Escondido. On Sunday at 5 p.m. the firl:lt of a series of weekly 15 minute programs was braodcast. Nursing Education was the topic discussed by Director of Nursing Mary Fulton and nursing students Patt Liget and Glen Combs. James Soules, director of vocational education is the moderator. The series of interviews are designed to acquaint the public with training programs available at Palomar in both day and evening classes. Teachers, students

and community members of Palomar's Vocational Advisory Committees · are guests. "The program is long ove rdue ," said Dean Soules. ''The general public wants to know that there are training ' prog-rams not just for students but also for adtllts." - He further commented, "the mere fact of twenty Advisory Com mittees indicates the interest of business and industry to help keep our staff abreast of technological changes in our automated society." The program was suggested after Dean Soules was interviewed on the Coffee Hour on KOWN. He explained, "One thing l ed to another an~ they asked me if I'd be interested in a public service program." At present he has 30 or 40 programs prepared. This Sunday the program will be on Automotive Technology with Everett Robertson, the department head; Larry Bertram, instructor; and students Jim Dudd, and Fred Hudson. Aeronautics instructor Ken Backart and William Blackwood speak with Harold Looney on the third show. Justus Ahrend, photo instructor, and students Mike Christy and George Anderson discuss the aspects of photography on the fourth program . In the future programs and topics will include Police Science. !Graphic Arts, foreign exchange students, medical asMrs. Fulton and nursing students Glen Comhs and Patty Ligget prepare to answer sisting, work experience educ ation and questions posed byDeanSo:llesduringthe tapingof the show. P hoto by George Anderson p lacement se rvices.

Nursing program going well, future expansion foreseen Two students e nrolled in the Auto Technology program prapare a piece of steel as part of th3ir class as s ignm ent.

Students get latest training in auto center T he words, "auto mechanic," may s oon become a thing of the pas t in loc al are a auto se rvice ce nte r s. Instead , one might make an appointmentwithanAutomotive Maintenance Spec ialis t or e ven a Diagnos tic Care Tec hnician. Especially if thos e future auto r epairs are done by one of Palomar's auto mob i 1 e maintenance s tudents. The approximate ly 120 s tude nts e nrolled in five courses are r eceiving instruction in one of the mos t t:omple te and up- to- date a utomotive maintenance training faciliti es in Southe rn California according to dep artm ent ins tr uctors . The new training building, built and equipped at a cos t of more than $25 0,000,

opened this semester as a major addition to the college's expanding industrial technology training complex. Basic design and planning for the center was done by Eve rett T. Robertson, auto training department head ; Larry L. Bertram a nd Nicholas Disparti, instructors . The latest and best testing and training equipment and tools are available. The courses, four with credit and one evening non- credit, carry the students from a beginning theory and working knowledge of bas ic auto control units through the c omple te service and overhaul of engines, e lectrical, cooling, fuel , (page s i x.column one)

Palomar's r ecently formed nursing education program is in full swing this semester and plans for future expansion are be ing made. This fall's first year class contains 37 female and one m al e student. "At prese nt the students are learning about surgical a seps is, the application of surgical dressings on vario:.ts areas of the body such as the abdomen or eye," said Mrs . Mary Fulton, director of the nursing education progr am. Two hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory are r equired for the fall se mes ter. Some of the laboratory hour s are spent on campus practicing procedures that will later be done in actuality at the hospital during c linical laboratory. " For example, " Mrs. Fulton explained, "beginning October 3, the students will go to the hospital s and perform the asepsis procedure if the occasion arises. " The students s tarted off their two year program during the s ix week summer s chool s es sion. "In s umm er school they we re taught the proper metho::l of bathing patients, changing beds , and how to gve hot and cold compress es. These procedures come unde r the categor y of physical car e for the patient," Mrs . Fulton said. For the most part, the two year program is prearranged. He has r e lative ly few electives compare d with a student not e nroll ed in the progr am . The elec tives the nursing student chooses must be " s upportive" to the nurs ing program. Presently both Tri- City and Palomar Memorial Hospitals are serving as clini cal laboratories. Stude nts are r e quired to provide the ir own transportation. The ir academic subjects are taken on Mondays , Wednesdays, and Fridays , while lab-

oratories are covered on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They fo llow the r egular sc hedule of day students here , taking a break in June and returning for the six week summer session. "In sum mer of 19 68, we will begin our second first-year students classes while simultane ously having classes for what will then be second year students," noted Mrs. F ulton. "We will accept 32 to 36 new students making a total of 60 to 70 nursing students. We hope to expand our department as the number of students expands . The numher of clinic al laboratory hours will increase as the numbe r of students incre ases, also; therefore, more instructors will be needed. The second year students will study pediatrics, obstetric s, and psychology. Consequently , we need instructors with majors in these fields.'' First year students study medical and surgical techniques. "The instructors als o attend the hospital clinics , supervising nine or ten students at a time," Mrs. Fulton added. The students are evaluated on the ir ability to do procedures as taught to them in class . No letter grades are given. They are graded e ither 'safe' or 'uns afe' on the various procedures . A student cannot le arn new pr ocedures u.ntil he r ece ives a 'safe ' grade on the latest me thod taught. " Some of the r equired courses are English, Psychology, Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, Sociology, Speech, and physical education. "Th.e s tudents all s eem very enthusias tic about the program . T hey JUSt eat up the hospital situation. T hey even love the s upporting courses , " remarked Mrs . Fulton.

Comets only undefeated team zn conference Palomar Comet football squad retained their undefeated status Saturday night by holdingGlendale Community College to a 13-13 draw. The tie is the second for the Comets in three games. PC's aerial attack seems to have finally gotten off the ground after two muted performances. Pass plays accounted for 176 yards of Comet's 218 total against the Gauchos. Halfback Dan Hustead, who was sidelined during the entire second half led the team with 88 yards gained in the air. One of his three catches accounted for the Comet's first score. Rookie flanker Jack Ashby, a product of Poway High, collected 78 yards on two completions and Palomar's final tally. This is the first time Ashby's potential has been tapped. Coach Wiebe says they have tried to get the ball to him in the past but we re unable to. As to focali zing on the passing game the Comets may not have a choice in the matter as ground maneuvers added up only 44 yards in Saturday's duel. The team averaged 2. 2 yards per carry on 20 plavs. ·Glendale rambled 170 yards for almost twice the Palomar average a run (4.3) on exactly twice t hat many plays. Ed Stuart, who zeroed - in on nine of 19 throws at quarterback is still battling freshman Ray (Rocky) Lucia for the starting position. Lucia was the other end of Poway's aerial threat last year. Defensively, the Comet's are said to be the hardest hitting squad Palomar has had in years. The Comets knocked the pigskin out of the Gaucho's hands at three vital times. The fourth quarter Rich Houk grabbed a loose ball to set up the Comet's tieing touchdown. The light defensive line has trouble holding bachk the Gauchos , howeve r, and in many cases the backs had to rush in for tackles as a last resort.

On the other hand a fumble on a punt attempt gave the Glendale gridders the ball on Palomar's 16 yards line. On the next play the visitors passed for the go-ahead touchdown.

Comet halfback Dan Hustead rolls


The first quarter was uneventful with both defenses holding their ground. The ball changed hands seven times with both teams earning one first down. Only ten secounds into the second

quarter Palomar registered the first touchdown of the contest. On the passrun play Dan Hustead suffered a concussion that put him out of the game.

right end for a five yard gain while Jack Ashby r uns interference fo r him

Rick T restrail successfully booted the extra point. Glendale massed the first big drive of the game soon after but was stopped on Palomar's 19 yards line when the Comet's recovered a fumble. With 19 secounds remaining in the half, the Gauchos drove into the end zone from the 16 after a Comet fumble on a punt attempt. The PAT was good to tie the scores going into the halftime. The Escondido Lobos, a Pop Warner team made up of boys weighing under 104 pounds with equipment, scrimmaged during halftime and seemed to entertain the fans as much as the large r counterparts. Two minutes and two secounds into the fourth quarter the Gaucho's drove deep into Comet territor y on 15 downs. Dwight Bennent picked off pass fo r the goal from four yards out. The allimportant point after sliced to the side of the upr ights. Palomar got a big break when after marching 39 yards in nine plays Glendale fumbled the ball. The hosts made i t to the Gaucho's 49 in four downs then quarterback Stuart flung a long born b to his well- covered flanker. Ashby snatched the ball and scampered the necessary distance. Trestrail's crucial PAT was ruled off to the side by the referee and the game became a standoff. The Comet's executed a perfect on side kick- off and regained possession on Glendale's 45. On their fourth play, however, the Gauchos stole a Palomar pass on a last- ditch fourt h down bomb. The visitors made a first down, then t hrew four straight incomplete passes. Palomar took over in the closing seconds and had another third- down pass inte rcepted. The Gauchos quaterback Bill Glatch was dropped eight yards behind the scrimmage line on a pass attempt to end the game. --Jerry Nicholas

Gridders open league action with Grossrmnt on Saturday The Comets open conference play Sat urday night at the Escondido High field when the y challenge the powerful Grossmont Junior College Griffi ns. Palomar goes into the c ontest sporting a 1- 0- 2 won- loss- tie record making t hem the only team in the Pacific Southwest Conference untouched by a defeat. Wiebe's squad fought to a stalemate with the heavily favored Glendale Commun ity Gauchos on Saturday. When asked about the team ·s prospects in league action, head coach MackWiebe s pecul ated . "I really can't say , but if we can win Saturday, then we can be c ons idered strong contenders."

Coach Wiebe


stratedgv with quarteroack Ed Stuart midway in the fourth period.



PC Harriers defeat

Steve Schnieder Gross mont by 10

Jerry Nicholas Gross mont by 7

Buzz Ponce Palomar by 2

Chargers by 15

Chargers hy 14


by 8

Chargers by 14

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St. Louis in 6

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Concensus Gross mont by 8

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Photo by Mario Jimenez

·EL Camino , 21-34 Paloma r' s Cros s Country tea m. led l>y Randy Hartm an and Lee l\IcCom h. defeated the largest junior c ollege in the s tate whe n they downed the El Camino harriers 21-34 Friday afternoon on the Comets' course. Hartman finished first in the meet with McComb running a close second. Hartman ran the four-mile track with a time of 22:32 which is 40 s econds oft the course record which he set late last season. McComb's time for the meet was 23:21. The Comets' next text will be Friday when they take a trip to Citrus Col- . lege for a three-way meet between Palomar, Citrus, and Cypress. Coach Marrin feels that Citrus " could give us a good battle, while Cypress doesn't have a strong team.' ' Citrus met Golden West College last week and was beaten 15-41 but since Golden We st has the third toughest team in the state the result doesn 't mean m uch. Cypress participated in a four-way meet involving ~VIesa, Fullerton, and Bakersfield Junior Colleges. Cypress finished fourth in the meet. The harriers open t heir conference campaign October 13 when they take on San Diego City College at San Diego. Palomar runners and their ranking in the meet are: 1. Randy Ha r tman 2. Lee McComb 3. Rick Pox 5. Richard Williams 6. Sal Castro 14. Prank Lomeli 16. John Wilson

The Griffs this season have come up with good offensive power. led b y quarterback Brian Sipe and fullback BolJ Stuhr, but have some gaps to fill on defense . Stuhr leads PSC rushers wit h 181 yards in 29 carries for a 6. 7 average . whil e Sipe is tops in passing yardage. his 33 of 64 completions netting 459 yards . Gross mont enters the contest rated as ten-point favorites but a surpriz ing P alomar squad will be a i ming towar d anot her upset. T he Gr iffs carry a 1-2 won-loss slate into the game but have been previously matc hed wi t h some ofthe tougher te ams in the state. Ventura e dged Grossmont 21- 20 last Saturday. The Griffins

defeated Cypress for their lone victor y of the campaign wit h an impressive score of 72- 3. The preceeding weekend Gross mont opened their football season by losing to Gold West J C35- 19. Last year , Gross mont downed the Comets 48- 0 in the last game of the season. Grossmont's main offensive threat is the passer- receiver comb ination of quarterback Sipe to his receivers , Prank Gilber, Alwards, and Glemming. In the Ventura game, Sipe hit Gilbert on two touch- down tosses. Wiebe says t hat the Comets will be working on their pass- defense this week in an effort to combat Gross mont's aerial attack. Palomar·s offensive power may be hurting if halfback Dan Hustead's conc ussion which he suffered during he Glendale game does not permit him to partic ipate in the Gross mont c lash. The Palom ar - Grossmont tilt marks the only confere nce game with the remaining three teams to open their league action next week. · In other PSC action last week- end , San Diego City c ollege joined the ranks of the beaten when the knights lost to powerful Bakersfield, 26- 6, Mesa nipped Arizona Western, the team that Palomar heat 7- 6, 3- 2, and East Los Angeles s tomp ed Southwestern, 40- 14.

Comets Rich I-Iouk ,Ed Riley ~lected

phyers of tl1e week

The Palomar College coachi ng staff anounced late Monday the Comet Players of the Week in Palomar's 13-13 tie of Glendale Comm unity College of Arizona last Saturday night. Defensive halfback Rich Houk and offensive tack le Ed Riley were named as the co- recipients of the we e k 1 y award. Houk played a key role in the Comets surprise struggle by coming up with :several key tackles. ·rne l b t> pouna sophomore also covered Glendale's touted receivers well and virtually stifled the throwing of Gaucho quarterback Marty Imsland. Houk is in his second year as a Palo-

mar first- s tring defensive hali1Jack . The San Dieguito High School graduate played in t he 1966 Breitbard football All- Star Classic. Ed Riley came to P a 1o m a r from Butte, Mon t ana, where the 195 pound tackle excelled as a prep. According to Wiebe, it was Riley's pass blocking that enabled quarterback Ed Stuart enough time to t hr ow the tying touchdown pass against Glendale with only two minutes re m aining in the game. Riley also opened up lar ge holes fo r the Comet running backs in the interior line . The big tackle, who is the seco nd largest player on the Palomar te a m , doublE:;::; his blocking e fforts by handling the kic 1:.- r.r; chores .

In planetarium

Star shows begin Thursday Students can take a free excursion to the "Ends of the Earth" each Thursday this month at 11 a.m. in the college planetarium. ES 18. The program is a trip around the Earth via the poles and the sky of the southern hemisphere. Charles Coutts, dean of Science, Technology, and Bus iness and Joseph Willis, instructor, guide the tour of the heavens as seen from the North and South poles. The planentarium is open to the general public on Wednesday evenings throughout the year at 7:15 and 8:30 p .m. Elementary and secondary schools of the ae ra come on Tuesday and Thursday mornings except during school vacation periods. Community and civic groups may come by appointment at almost any time . The planetarium, which was first opened March, 1965, has had a total

Steve Jones (foreground) and Owen Jones are among the many students who

spend hours in the 1 i b r a r y doing research. Photo by Mike Christy

Palomar library boasts wide choice of research material The Palomar College Library, third largest among California state junior colleges. contains more than 50,000 volumes valued at about a quarter of a million dollars . An as-yet-unpublished report by Howell Studies will reveal that Palomar has one of the five libraries in the state that has an adequate number of books for its students. The standard number of books allowed in libraries is usually 5- 10 books per student; Palomar boasts 20 books per student. Mrs. Esther Nesbin,directorof library services, bought the first book for the library twenty years ago. Mrs. Nesbin is a graduate of the University of Buffalo and has attended San Diego State and the University of California. She is assisted by one other professional librarian, 11 clerks and 5 student assistants. An estimated 20 percent of Palomar students come to the library daily, checking out an average of 1500 magazines and 5000 books per month. Social sc}ence

Club~ On Thursday, four of fourteen clubs on campus we ren't present for the first ICC m eeting of the semester. The Business and Secretarial Club, Fine Arts Guild. Letterman's Club, and Phi Rho Pe were not represented when the Council approved the AWS Fashion Show and Navy Wive's Tea. and the Circle K after- game dance held last Saturday. In further action, a majority of the clubs showt)d an interest in both a long range calendar and a list of reputable bands avaiall>le. Having a club day was tabled pe nding individual club openion. Alpha meeting Kare n Lome li,

Ga mma Sigma had its second yes terday, electing Fall officers Douglass president; Frank vicE:.-president: Margie Groh,

(from page five) and other accessory systems. Advance classes will provide for training in the service and overhaul of chassis, drive lines ancl automatic transmissions. With 10.500 square feet of space, the building can accommodate 16 cars. It has two class rooms, a transmission shop, cooling system repair, and general engine r epair and cleaning. One of the latest dvnomometers, an electronic-type system .which gives ins tant knowledge of a car' s general condition and potential trouble spots. is expected within a few wee ks to add diagnostic car care training to the curriculum. Dean James G. Soules, director of vocational education. c omme nted that the ins tructors and department head were to he commended for their outstanding work in planning the ultramodern center that will provide training not only useful today but that also gives the students knowledge in techniques and equipment that the average auto service business will be using only in the future. With the addition of two advanced courses in the spring semester both Certifica te Programs and an A.A. degree will be possible in the career field. Tf intC'rest and participation c ontinue at the present ra te , in structors agree tha t anothe r building probably will be

books were the most popular books last year. Palomar features a "Satellite" Library. The Art and Music Library is an extension of the main library with records, tapes, slides and magazines. Mod ern study carrels have electric equipment for tapes and projectors. The "Satellite" Library is located opposite the Art Gallery. The library permits students to check out magazines for one week. Some of the older periodicals, such as ''Harper's" and "Scribner's". date back to the 1880's. Citizens of the community may also have library privileges. "The libraries today are not so much the 'table and chair' type," said Mrs. Nesbin. "Study carrels, which allow for more p'rivacy and convenience are becoming the mode. Libraries are being called by a new term, 'Information and Learning Centers. ' These centers offer all media for learning: records, books, tapes, slides, movies and magazines." secretary: Sandy Udov. treasurer; Carla Fulcomer, ICC representative and Gunder Morken. publicity. AGS is a nationally affiliated scholastic society open to all CSF life members and those maintaing a 3.0 GPA at Palomar. The next meeting will be held October 16, whe 1 the club will discuss a barbecue for an dues-paying me mhers. The Assoc:iated Women Students will meet next Wednesday, in P-32 to select models and to rehearse for their annual Fall F ashion Show on Wednesday, October 25.

Circle K had its first meeting of the semester last Wednesday with four returning members and six prospective members in attendance. The after-game dance, club elections . and ahomecoming queen candidate were discussed by the club , the only nationally affiliated men's service organization on campus. needed within three to four years. This addition may also lead to training in airplane engines and airframes to supplement present ground training in the aeronautics courses. Since the auto maintenance courses were designed to meet needs of local companies, instructors hope arrangements can be made in the future with auto agencies to hold workshops here. With final in s t a 11 at i on of equipment and machines an open house is planned for area car dealers and the public. Bertram estimates that 50 per cent of his students already were working in some capacity in the auto maintenance field in the area. Along with the special equipment, provisions have bee n made for comfort, convenience and safety. Individual lockers are assigned and while in classes, students will wear distinctive blue coveralls bought individually. Bertram said 'participants may be allowed to repair personal autos in the center if the work to be done coincides with class schedules. The fa cility has the only disc brake lathe in the area , and the off-vehicle wheel bala nc ing unit is the same as authori zed and used at the Indianapolis Raceway.

attendance of more than 27,000 in its first two years of operation. The equipment and seating facilities are considered among the finest in the world. The central feature of the planetarium is the Spitz Model A3P prime sky planetarium instrument, which projects the sky of any date, past, present, or future, upon the theirty foot alumium dome suspended over the audience area. Any place on earth, from the North to South Pole, can be selected as the observation point. All motions of the earth such as rotation, revolution, and precession, can be duplicated and speeded up so that days, years, or centuries can be made to pass in minutes. Auxilary projectors add to versatility of the basic instrument. Such special effects as solar and lunar eclipses, meteor showers, comets and firevalls, the aurora in several of its forjs, outlines of mythological constellation fig-

German exchange teacher sees educational differences here Dr. Guenther Schlothauer, Palomar's Fulbright Commission exchange teacher from Germany, is teaching English and German during the 1967-68 school year. Dr. Schlothauer and Richard Norlin of Palomar's faculty were exchanged. Norlin will teach in Germany for one year. Dr. Schlothauer has been teaching since 1950; he is a faculty member of the Helmholtz Gymnasium in Dortmund. a city of 650, 000 in the Ruhrdistrict. He was educated in German schools and began learning English when a student in the lower grades, later continuing his studies at the University of Cologne. Dr. Schlothauer explained the educational difference between USA colleges and the gymnasium in Germany. "The gymnasium is .a combination of junior high school age boys ( 11) and college age boys of 20." He described the instruction is "similar to high schools but including the first two years of college. The gymnasiums are not co-educational, students do not make up their own study schedules nor do they choose their own electives as they do in the US. All students in the gymnasium follow liberal

International Club had its second meeting yesterday with twenty persons attendin. With a temporary chairman, the club discussed its annual International Tea where foreign students from Palomar and the area high schools can mingle with thenatives. Karen Payne was elected pro-tem president of the Newman Club last Wednesday in F-22. Other pro tern officers include Mary Lou Trevisan. vice-president; Brian Kelly, secretary; Marlina Aganad, treasurer; Sharon Lafragiola, ICC representative. Father Geoffrey Bridges, Professor of Philosophy at San Luis Rey College, has rejoined the the Newman Club as advisor after a six ·year absence. Beanie sales and Kangaroo Court were discussed by the Vets Club at their · meeting Wednesday in R-5. Buddy Spears, president, is president pro-tem until tomorrows elections.

education courses and attend morning classes six days a week. Unlike American schools, vocation a 1 e ducat ion courses are limited only to trade institutions." A philosophy of education was expressed by Dr. Schlothauer. "People should be educated in as liberal way as possible. But before liberty can be given , the person must firstknowtowhat means he can use that liberty," he said. What is the salient differences between the German and the American people? He said, "It's dangerous to stereotype people and nations, but Americans tend to be more informal with their relationships with one another. I was impressed by the friendliness of the people and especially the faculty and officials of Palomar College. "Teen-agers in hoth countries are essentially alike . They follow the same fashions and enjoy the same type of music," he added. Dr. Schlothaucr is residing in the Norlin home in Escondido. His wife, son Hans, age 12, and daughter Angelika, age 14, are here also. Hans is attendingDel Dios Junior High and Angelika is attending Orange Glen High School.

The Women's Recreation Assoication held its first meeting last Wednesday in )-13 but future meetings will be on Fri-' day, The election of officers will be in a few weeks following a few organizational meetings.

ures. and artifical satellites greatly enhance the educational and entertainment value of the planetarium. Programs are offered for elementary schools, junior high and high schools. The programs for grades 5 through 9 stress the concepts of astronomy and space science included in the California State Textbook series. All programs are designed to fit the age group attending. Seven school programs are offered. Community and civic groups, young people's organizations, and adult groups may schedule a program at the planetarium on any of the nights listed under the public lecture series. Reservations should be made two weeks in advance. All programs listed are available to these groups. In November the theme of the weekly show will be "Creatures in the Sky" and in December "The Christmas Star."

Homecoming to have psychedelic decor Psychedelic colors will dominate homecoming festivities on Nov. 4. Palomar will host MiraCosta College at 8 p.m. on the Escondido High School field. An after-game hom ecoming dance is scheduled from 10:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Student Union. Proper attire for the occassion. according to Pat Russo, ASB social chairman, is dressy dress for women, dress suit or sports coat with dress pants for men. . The homecoming committee is presently securing a band , ordering faculty invitations, flowers, refreshments and decorations for the occassion. Psychedelic colored buttons, designed by Miss Russo. to promote · the event will probably go on sale near the e nd of October. Arrangements are being made to secure five sports cars to transport the homecoming queen and the four members of her royal court, halftime during festivities. The homecoming candidates are nominated by various clubs on campus and voted upon in a general student body election.


(from page one) Newman Club and three ASB committees. She states, "Spirit is good this year. I'd Teacher evaluation was discussed by like to help it get better, and stay good the Young Democrats Friday in P -18. throughout the year. Get more students Sharon Dempsey, Rita Schm idt, and Joe involved in government. Explain clubs Wu were named a committee of three and their functions to new students .... " to further the evaluation effort. The club Thomas Wheeler, Del Mar, plans to also initiated a controversial speakers ''bring everyone into being involved with policy. their school" if he's elected. He feels ": .. that a few of the existing officers The Young Republicans held their first in the ASB only represent their kind of meeting on September 25 in P-22 with people, not everyone.' ' He is a member Bob Thoreson presiding. Otherpro-temp of Circle K, Rumerosa Club and ASB. officers elected were Jerry Bzdula, ICC Paul Hauptman, a sophomore animal REPRESENTATIVE: Mike Rees, assiE husbandry major, is seeking the office of treasurer; Sharon Lafragiola, recording , representative. He will attempt to prosecretary: Jim Scott, county board memmote more school spirit for some of our ber; and Bonnie Hickerson, poster comlesser attended activities. ''I would also mittee chairman. The next meeting is try and promote some type of program Friday. where superior students would be available in the student union or elsewhere to help other students with specific academic problems.

limited supply

for students of



Jam es Weld. organ instructor, and Joe Stanford, voice and concert shior instructor, gave a concert consisting of both organ and voice pieces last week. Mrs. Sinz, lo cal music teacher. was the accompanist for the pair who performed to a capacity crowd. Photo by 1ario Jimenez

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