October 17, 1967
Volume 21, Number 4 Comets number one--see page three
Area I backs mandatory fee PASSES RESOLUTION A resolution that Area I of the California Junior College Student Government Association go on record in favor a state legislature "mandatory ASB cards bill was narrowly passed at the fall Area I convention Saturday at Mesa College. The seven colleges represented Grossmont, Mesa, Palomar, MiraCosta, Southwestern, San Diego City and San Diego Evening--were split on the issue, 4-3. Palomar's 27 delegates voted 14-13 in favor of casting an affirmative vote. The bill, if passsed on the state •. level, will require that the governing boar d of each college-set a student body
Photo by Mike
A scene from the play
Mary" to open Thursday with p erformances in drama lab "Mary, Mary." one of the oiggest comedy hits of the early 1960's is coming to Palomar Thursday, at 8 p.m. The play will run from October 19-21 and October 26-28, with Saturday mat-. inees at 2 p.m. Performances will be in the drama lab, next to P-32. Tickets may be puchased in the student union or at the door for $. 75 for students with ASB cards, and $1.50 for general admission. Joann Winston will star as the young wife who can't s top bubbling over wiu droll remarks, and Marshall Strebin as her husband who feels beaten down by her continual waggeries. In the supporting rolls will be
Diane Redfern as a health-faddist who "has momentarily won his interest through her fascination with her diet and his digestion, Don Kreuger as a smooth movie actor who understands why Mary is compulsively funny, and Joyfl Sophos as a lawyer who uses the husband's income tax difficulities as an excuse for a meeting of the humor-sundered couple. Understudies are Danielle Corn as the wife, Jeff McKnight as the husband, and Glenda Bradely as the fiancee. Student director is Larry Rintye. Frank White is the comedy's director and Norman Gaskins is designing the set.
Speech team off to impressive start PalOmar College's forensics team will defend every citizen's right to aguaranteed cash income Saturday in a congressional debate at Mesa College. The Comets will be matched against nine other college teams after winning eight awards last weekend against 50 of the largest schools in the western states. Diane Landfear led the team in their impressive showing by capturing the honors in o r a to r y and i m p r o m p t u speeches at the San Fernando State College site. Charlotte Vickers, Jan Glasgow, Gill Rain, and Jim Strong also received "excellent'' accolades for impromptu oratories. Tom Wheeler and Bill Wright took top awards in debating. Palomar students numbered 15 out of the over 500 attending the match. Mr. Ray Dahlin, speech instructor and team advisor, says students may still join the team and re_ceive one unit of credit. On November 3 and 4, the Come t speakers will attend an El Camino College contest in extemporary speaking, oral interpretation, and debating. Southwestern College willhostthe team November 11 for an extemporar y, expository, impromptu, and persuasive speaking and oral interpretation contest.
Narcotics committee in planning stages, ASB council learns Dr. Frederick R. Huber, Palomar President, addressed the student council yesterday on the formation of a joint student--faculty--administration narcotics committee. Dr. Huber explained the purpose of the committee as to "explore the whole s ubject of narcotics as it relates to our college and community and society and further that the committee · would make every effort to make the large r group aware of the physical, psychological, emotional and intellectual effects of the use of narcotics." The counc il approved the formation at an earlier date. Members are those who volunteered from the student council and interested students. The first meeting was called concurrently by both Dr. Huber and Jon Mitchell, ASB president on Nov. 1 at 11 a.m. in the Conference Room in the Administration Building. The chairmanship of the committee could be a joint student-faculty arrangement. Further plans will be made at the meeting. Dr. Huber first made reference to the idea of the committee at his Convocation last month. He said at the counc il meeting, "I am not s tarting out with the idea that we have a narcotics problem on campus, only that the subj ect needs exploring. " He suggested that we s hould talk to police, psychiatrists, and other qualified people. He stated, "we need knowledge and background, and that's the opportunity being extended to the committee."
Apologies The Telescope extends belated c r e dit to George Anderson, Mike Christy and Mario Jiminez for providing the photogr aphs that made las t week's bomb scare picture page possible.
At Friday's lecturePhoto by Mike christy
Navy program nioves into second successful year at Palomar With enrollment of an additional 25 petty officers this sem ester, 50 u.s. Navy personnel- -including one women-are full- time students at Palomar. Members of the new group will join a pilot c lass which was initiated in September 1966, first in the Navy's new Associate Degree Completion Program for s elected enlis ted personnel. Palomar was one of three junior colleges in the United States chosen to participate in the program to provide career petty officers with special training r elated to their Navy jobs. Secondary objectives are aimed at re-tae.tion of outstanding enlisted specialists in the service and to increase proficiency in certain c ritically needed career fields . All participants are expected to achieve AA degrees during their. s tay.
Senior Chief Petty Officer H.A. Van Ness, liaison official for the program here said that since the Navy students attend classes furing all three semeste r s, most of 1967 pilot group would comple te r equirements at the end of the present term in January. Students who enrolled in the program this year, and presumably most in s ubsequent grups also, may have shorter s tays since some may have credit from attendance at other colleges before going into service, or from correspondence and Navy courses. Van Ness pointed out that all of the 50 were specially selected with outstanding records and motivation toward a full service career. He added that since e nrolling here the Navy students have maintained a "high B" grade average and more than half have made the Dean's List. (Continued on page 4)
membership fee for a full-time student. The students would be required to pay this fee unless the fee would prevent them from attending college. Under the present law, payment of a student body fee is not mandatory. In other action, the assembly passed resolutions: - -favoring doing away with a state law that prohibits distributions of partisan, sectarian or denominational publications on campuses. --favoring liberalization of social restrictions at CJCSGA state convention. Palomar's delegates and their workshops were:
Business-- Ted Konopisos, Janis Rose, Bill Johnson, Don Bilworth. Creative Arts-Debbie Hayward, Margaret Williams, Vicki Hass, Audrey Jaques, Rita Schmidt, Kathleen Sweeney. Communications--Steve Woodall, Carl Hammer, Brice Larsen, Ron Simeca, Sann Sweeney, Glenn Hayashi. Religion-- hosted by Palomar and chaired by Mason--Kent Jacobson, Cheri Chambless, Sharon Dempsey, Sandra Foster, Bill Mason, Sandy Phelps, Janis Johnson, Linda Causey. John Mitchell attended the Presidents Workshop and Joan Widrig was the resolution committee representative.
Larsen elected Frosh presiden t Brice Larsen was elected Freshman Class President last Wednesday with a 192-99 margin over opponent Cheri Chambless. His first job is to appoint the remaining class officers. Phil Robinson, frosh vice-president, is the only one to be named thus far. Larsen, a Business Administration major who plans to becom~ an attorney, has many fresh ideas to introduce to Freshman Class.
Larsen would like to organize a class competition later on this year. It could possibly include a tug-of-war, and track events. The idea is open for suggestions, which can be submitted either to Larsen or other ASB officers. Other ideas include a suggestion box to be placed in the library for those who don't know who the ASB representatives are. Larsen will work on the publicity angle of club functions.
Hecsh cites _p rdJlems of alienated in Frichy Humanitiei Lecture "Always carry a dime in case you are arrested so that you can call your lawyer," was one of the many advisory statements Samuel Hecsh presented to his audience in the second in a series of humanities lectures last Friday. Hecsh pratices law in San Diego, where he has been active in local politics and the American Civil Liberties Union. Sightless, he was accompanied to the speaking platform by a seeing-eye dog. The topic of his lecture was "Rights of the Alienated." According to Hecsh, there is a wide variety of alienated groups within in our society. "Criminal lawyers are di.scriminated against. Women are discriminated against. The aged, juveniles, physically and mentally handicapped are discriminated against. And post- criminals are discriminated against, said Hecsh. "The Pledge of' Allegience ends with 'with liberty and justice for all.' But what we really mean is 'with liberty and justice for all if you happen to be an adult, male, white, Anglo-Saxon with money. This is the basic statement of our whole problem of alienation he said. "Women are certainl y discriminated against. There are labor laws which say women can't work as long as men. Equal opportunities must be provided by the legisl ature." As far as divorce laws, Hecsh believes women are definitely alienated. They may get money, the house and most of the
possessions, he said, but what most people fail to remember is that the women usually also have responsibility for the children. "They can't get a good enough job to pay the babysitter to take care · of the kids , so the result is that they net nothing," said Hecsh. Senior Citizens all over the U.S. are really separate and apart from the r e st of the groups. They cause an employment dilemma. They could retire at 65 if they lived that long when social security laws were passed. Now they are living past 65 and society doesn't know what to do withthemwe hand them a paycheck- and tell them not to go to work." The physically handicapped such as those with heart conditions or diabetes is another alienated group. "If you fall into this category," he joked, "my advice to you is to enter upon a field of endeavor in which no one has to hire you. Self- employment is just about the only answer. These people can get no group insurance at wor k. This is definitely an econom ic discrimination. "A post-criminal is immediately labled as a second class citi zen. Little or nothing can be done to about arrests. They go on job applications, which limits a pe rson's chances . A Felony convictions make you practically unemployable . You can't e nter professions or the military and are ve ry limited." Hecsh brought the examples he c ited from case s he has read or has defended himself.
News brief-s - - - THE PHILHARMONIC ARTISTS ASSOCIATION invites all students to Palomax- College music department in C-5, TODAY at 3:30p.m. Dean of Humanit ies, Howard Brubeck, will be the host and he will briefly r eview the concert to be presented by the young pianist, Lois Carole Pachucki. Refreshments will be served. A special s tude n t reception i s also being held for Miss Pachuc ki immediately following her conce rt at Pilgrim Hall Oct. 24.
* * * MARY, MARY, a comedy begins on THURSDAY EVENING in the drama lab at 8 p .m . General admis sion is $1.50, s tude nts with ASB cards, 75~ . Tickets will be s old in the student union and at the door.
AS S OCIAT E D WOMEN'S STUDENTS continue their orientation WEDNESDAY with speaker presentations designed to interest the new frosh and uninvolved sophomore women. The prese ntations will deal with the comm ittees set up within the main organization such as the spring fashion show committee and the service club. R - 3 at 11 a.m .
* ** CROSS COUNTRY MEET FRIDAY with Mesa at 3 p .m . on our field .
* * * F 0 0 T BA L L against San Diego Me sa at 8 p.m . in San Diego. ROOTERS BUSES will lea ve SATURDAY at 6:15 for Mes a. Cost is 25 ~ per pe r s on. It will cost 50 ~ with an ASB card for admittance to the game. Students sign up in the Student Activitie s Office .
Page 2
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a Codt· ol 1-:thi <.:s with the cooperation of the mr'ml>e 1·s or Rli (.'ttnlpus pulllications . Local news pape r puhlishc i'S \\CI'C ask ed to comment and thev s ol d the code \\ RS c-ompl ete Two s tat ements from · that code are
when they occur on campus o r brought into t he college program di rectly • Opini ons expressed In thi s pape r I n s igned ed i t orials
and s rt icles are the views o i the writers and do not
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necessari l y represent opinions of the s t aff. v iews of the Assoc iated Student Body Co onc tl , co llege ad-
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T EL ESCOPE Invites respons iiJie •gues t edito r i als"
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Serve beer at college?
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o r lette rs to the editor All communic ations nvJst he to le rated " Coverage of national o r Inte r national be si gned uy the autho r . The TELESCOPE· as a occurrences s hould he go ve rnect tw t he proxl mltv s tudent newspaper m•JSt represent the entire spectrum of the e,·en t a nd the direct r e lationship o f the e ,·e nt of s tudent thought to the students. These events shou l d he considc n :d ----------------------------------~
A recent study showed that the American view toward drinking is all wrong. Hear, Hear! So somebody suggested that we lower the drinking age, serve beer at college, and make drinking part of the American culture.
Letters to the editor
To do it would involve changing the let's-seeif- we- can- get- awaywith-it attitude to the informal we- do- it- everyday-so-what attitude. Impossible, no; improbable, yes. Because when the law making these changes would first be put into effect, there would emerge a great onslaught of had-one-too-many students. And we certainly can't have that ... can we? Besides, what would become of happy hour?
CTUnderson's charge rebutted eAs chairman of last week's election, I would like to thank THE TELESCOPE for giving me the opportunity to anwer Mike Gunderson's charges that the October 6 elections were run inefficiently. G·..mderson has charged that rules at the polling places were incredibly lax. He has never bothered to inform the Election Committee who was cheating. when they were cheating. or at which poll. You have read his charges. Now here are some 'facts: 1. All students who mar.ned the polls were instructed that there was to be no campaigning within 50 feet of the polls and they were to punch the students' ASB card before the ballots were accepted. 2. The idea of having wide distribution of ballots was a Student Council decision which Gunderson supported.It was not the decision of this committee. Beacause of this change, voting booths were not needed.
Gundel'son speaks of "reports of students voting more than once." He has no proof to back up this charge. As far as Dean Robert Bowman and I know, he has never even made an effort to look at the election records . Until he can produce some concrete evidence, both the Student Council and the Election Committee will continue to dismiss his charges. Gunderson's charges are based totally on hearsay--and it's not ev~n good hearsay. He had volunteered to work at the polls at 2 p.m. on Friday.However, at 1:30 that afternoon I saw him sauntering off campus. Naturally, noting his lack of concern on Friday, it was quite a surprise to see his front page charge in Tuesday's paper. This whole incident is disappointing. But for Gunderson's own sake, I hope that in the future he devises cleverer ways of gaining publicity. Rita Schmidt Co-chairman, Elections Committee
Parking situation: latecomers lose out . Everyone knows the parking situation on campus is "EEECH", but rather than wait for mid-semester drop-outs to make room I'd like to put in my comments now. I get here, usually, between 8:15 a.m . and 8:30a.m. and park in the lastrow of a lot if I'm lucky, halfwayuptheembankment if I'm not. What happens to the people who don 't get h~re till 9:30 a.m. I don't know, unless they are the ones who park along Mission Rd. The upper dirt lots behind the Student Union are generally unusable by 9 a.m. on any Monday, Wednesday or Friday. I did not say filled, because if the students with 8 a.m. classes made an attempt to pull in closer to the next car I am sure a surprising numher more could park there. Why not try it? At least till mid-term flunk slips come out. Edith M. Gain
Then we hear the upper part of the generation gap yelling back that it would never work. Well, it would work and it does!
j I
What we need are cantinas as in Buenos Aires. Cantinas are places that will blow your mind with only a glass of wine, music and people. Each cantina has a live band which plays lively Latin American songs in a fashion that makes you unable to sit still in your seat. Intense volume enables you to fully distinguish their music from the competing bands in the surrounding cantinas, which make up an entire block appropriately called "Little Italy."
[informal editorials]
Election coverage criticized • I strongly believe that the first and foremost duty of a newspaper is not only to report it accurately but completely. · In announcing that there would be elections recently, THE TELESCOPE failed to mention the amendment which appeared on the ballot. The cand~date coverage was more than adequate; however, there was no mention of the amendment by the paper or by anyone of the candidates in their platforms. I am wondering why something such as a constitutional amendment should be hidden so thoroughly. The amendment concerned adding a pep committee to the standing committees already part of the student council. The chairman of this committee is to have voting power on all matters coming before the student council. What is the matter with the pep club initiated by the student council about three weeks ago. It seems to me that a club of this nature would function better than a committee controlled directly by the student council. I cannot understand why the amendment to the present constitution since it is to be rewritten. Furthermore, if the new constitution receives the same publicity this amendment did, it will pass with no opposition. I should also like to know what we are going to do with two AMS presidents. I fully realize that Dennis Shepard was running for the office of AMS vicepresident, but the official ballot listed hirr. as the unopposed presidential candidate and therefore he has been elected AMS president. Thomas E. Chuck
Besides all this there's another appeal: all the spaghetti and wine you can eat and drink for one price ($2) . Can you imagine all the wine (and food!) you can drink for $2 .. not even R.M . is that cheap ... depending on the drinker, of course.
e we would like to make two criticisms of your October Third issue. First of all, the group picture of the candidates running for ASB offices gave unfair coverage. Some of the nominees were hardly visible because other candidates' heads were in front oftheirfaces. Since the candidates were not given the opportunity to make speeches or state their platforms verbally, there was little chance for the voters to become well informed. If THE TELESCO!- '2 had printed individual pictures of the candidates with their statements, it would have been a real service to the voters. Secondly, we feel that every article in THE TELESCOPE should contain a byline . The writers should receive recognition for what they write and be willing to take the credit or criticism for it. Sincerely Vicki Barcott, Secretary of The Young Republicans (Bylines in THE TELESCOPE are confined to columns, individual opinion, and feature or news stories of interpretative nature. The rest is, or should be, objective news reporting. --Eds.)
var ied schedule of assemblies and this attendance problem may be
In case you missed last week's front page story, there is a fantastic scholarship being offered to outstanding students who would like to study abroad. It is sponsored by the Rotary Club, who will pay all expenses--one of those opportunities that can't be passed up. It is open to students with two years of college behind them. and who can speak a foreign language. Granted, the requirements limit possible contenders, but for those who do qualify, be sure to see your counselor about the details before passing it up.
the obstacle to overcome in getting them. It has happened again and again, where a large turn-out to student activities at the beginning of the year dwindles down to an infant crowd which barely fills So there you all are, sitting at picnic tables, waiting for your spaghetti. Meanwhile, you can half the student union. snack on little fish that they offer as a sidedish. Then the band starts and they bring the first course: wine and bread. After a half hour you won't know if it's that first course that's getting Some afternoon around one to you or the live band sounds echoing in your o'clock, take a look at the side- inner ear. Whatever it is, it's time to sing, dance walk and area around the flag- and clap your hands with the Argentinean people. pole. Following the lunch-period Who cares about eating? exodus, that place is an eyesore You can compare it to our New Year's Eve from e very angle. Why? Only since they use noisemakers, put on hands which bec ause lazy, ill-bred students vendors sell, and tear down the festive decorar efuse to clean up their mess tions. And sometimes they'll dance up on the after e ating their lunches. Paper tables. Around one or two in the morning cups, lunch sacks, and apple cores the Argentineans are still going strong. And the draw an onslaught of ants, flies , and bees. What is the matter spaghetti arrived. with people? With just a little effort you can walk to the nearest I can't imagine American families as "The trash can and make that favorite family that drinks together ... '' unfortunately. But brick wall a better place for the you can see what we're missing out on. next idler who wants to chat between classes.
attendance There was a relatively small turn-out for last Friday's second humanities lecture , which came as quite a surprise. The speaker, Samuel Hecsh, was interesting, and spoke in the same area as Dr. Edward Steinbrook did. Many students have requested or wondered why Palomar doesn't have a more
Anyway, you pick a cantina and go in and sit down among the picnic tables which put you elbow to elbow with an Argentinean. You'll find that the whole family comes to the cantinas to engage in the merriment--and the children drink wine or coke.
Students polled favor Romney The question polled in this week's campus commentary is ' 'Who in your opinion is the best GOP candidate for the 1968 presidency?"
Goldie Barker, freshman-' 'I think Reagan will win even if Romney and Nixon run. I think he will get elected despite the fact that his policies are not popular. Once his
(Note: This is a random. informal poll. We do not present it as being representative of the opinions of the student body at large.-Editors.)
reputation as governor is established, his policies will become popular and people will see that his policies are good ones. He has more enthusiasm than any of the others."
David Lacey, freshman-' 'Romney or Rockefeller. Reagan is too inexperienced. And Nixon is a loser. David Lacey Kay Lambert, freshman "Rockefeller. I think he is going to win. Romney won't win because of his religious affiliations. Reagan hasn't enough experience and I don't think the party would run a man with his little experience. Nixon has not proven himself worthy. What has he done? Not a whole lot.
Co- Editors . . . . . . Joan Kattelmann, Steve Wooda.Jl Page 2 Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jean P e asle y Page 4 Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cece lia Lo:lico Sports Editor . . . • . . . . . . . . Steve Schneider Advertising . . . . . . . Dianna Ho:>s e r . Jan Harless Club News . . Joe Wu Artist . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jo~ Warren Ge ne ral Assignment . . Jan Donoho, Mike Gunderson Jerry Nicholas , Buzz Ponce Gary Schmake, Joe Wiggins Composition . . . . . . Paul Colvin, Rozanne Jakovac Photographers . . . . Steve Blackstock, Mike Christy, Betty Geise r, Henry Godinez, Ce celia Lo:llco, Jo!m Lovell, Bob Nelson Advisor . . . . . . D. Van Quackenbush
Dixon Garrett, sophomore-' 'Romney because of the job he's done in New York. He's popular and well known for the job he's done there. He is objective on. his views, especially on racism. ''
Sue Schelling, freshman--"Nixon. He has had enough government experience to be president. He's not like Reagan who has had no experience. He has had the experience of being vice-president and knows a lot about it."
Connie Campbell, freshman "Romney. He has had more experience than Reagan in politiecs. Nixon would be a politician but wouldn't be elected because he has lost so often.'' Dixon Garrett Shirley ''Romney.
Leviner, freshman-Nixon might be good
if he were with Eisenhower.
Reagan won, everything would be going Hollywood with Shirley Ternple and Cary Grant in the act. Romney seems to be the best. It's a long time since we've had a good leader. Nixon has too much against him and not enough people are behind him, especially here in California.''
Kay Lambert
----------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------- :
Sports Talk Speaking of Palomar football
Southwestern Apache halfback, Doak Landers, catches one of quarterback Bill Miller's six completed passes for the evening while Comets Scott Martinson,(50), and Don Paul , (25) converge for the tackle .
Comets rema1n unbeaten; ·drop Southwestern, 29-6 •
There have been many fast-scoring games in the history of football but few could be faster than the Palomar-Southwes tern contest Saturday as the Comets found themselves leading 13-0 after running only one play from scrimmage. Palomar went on to handily defeat the Apaches 29-6 on afog-enschrouded Escondido High field . Palomar will travel to Mesa next Saturday night and play the unde rdog role once again as coach· John Kovac's strong entrant is presently ranked 16th in the nation. Kovac's Olympians pin their Pacific Southwest Confe r ence title hopes on a m ean defense which yie lded no touchdowns to either Arizona Western or Fresno City Colleges , both high scoring te am s. The Mesa offense, however, has been Kovac's biggest problem. While a stiff defense, headed by All-Conference line backe r Humphrey Covington, has held tight, the Olympian offensive punc h has yet to explode this year. Wiebe's main concern in t he Mesa cont est will be the ability of his offense scoring against the strength of Kovac's s tingy defense. Lately Palomar has been running up high scores; 42points against Gro ss mont College and 29 oppos ite Southwestern. With the first-string s tatus of quarterback Le n Gann restored, the Cornets have been moving the ball s te adily in the ir last two games. The Palomar defense, acc ording to Wiebe and defensive coach Tony Lynds , ''has been improving e ach game. '' The Comet defe ns ive line is bolstered by v eterans Kayle H e n d e r s on and Rich Saunders, while the linebacker corp is s teady as Scott Martins on and Kevin Kelly have turned in s tellar p e rformances . The Palomar-Mesa c ont es t shoul d pro ve to be s omewhat of a grudge
match with Palomar ernh arrassing Mesa two years ago 27-0, and the Olympians corning back last year and whipping the out-manned Comets 22- 7. Palomar's Mark Eldridge, took the opening kickoff on the Cornet 10-yard line and broke away from the Apaches' tackle r s for the score . F ollowing Palomar' s kickoff, Southwestern fumbled to lose possession on their own 22 yard line. The Comets took no time in capitalizing on the Apache's miscue as Rocky Lucia took a handoff from Le n Gann and tosse d it to flanker- back Jack Ashby in the end- zone for the touchdown. Palomar's offense collected a total of 4 12 yards compared to the Apache's 234 yards. Before t he first quarte r ended, the Comets starte d a drive on their own 29 yard line and marc hed downfield to the Southwestern eight yard-line. However, the Apaches he ld and Rick Trestrail came in to kick a 15-yard field goa l to pad Palomar's margin to 16-0. Ear ly in the second quarter, quarterback Len Gann lace d the pigskin to As hby who raced 41 yards to the Southwestern 13 yard line to set up t he Comets' third touchdown . Gann then fired an aerial to e nd De an Holloway for the score. A bad hike from center flubbe d the PAT atte mpt. Bill Laws stole a Mille r pass on the Apaches' third down to set up another Palomar tally. On four rus hing plays the hosts plowed 19 yards for the TD. Trestrail split the uprights fo r the extra point. The vis iting Apaches were scoreless at the half with the Comets in the lead by 29. The Southweste rn squad finally got up enough steam in the fourth period to put s ix points on the scoreboard . whic h by
then was not visible to anyone. The drive was cul minated on a 26- yard pass to Gary Estes , a rookie end for the Apaches . Southwestern gained possession once more before the end of the game but did not have time to mount any important threat when Ed Worseck pulled in an interception of an Apache aerial to enable the Comets to r un the clock out. Score by quarters: Palomar 16 13 0 0-- 29 Southwestern 0 0 0 6 -- 6 Palomar Individual Scoring Eldridge . 90 k ickoff r eturn, (kick blocked) Ashby, 22 pass from Luc ia, (T r estrail kick) T res trail. 15 fie ld goal Holloway, 13 pas s from Gann, (kick failed) Gathers . 1 r un (T r estr ail kick)
It may not be as fascinating as the P alomar College Cactus and Suc culent Society, or as startling as the moustache on Steve Woodall's face, but nevertheless the Palomar College football team deserves raves of notices . When t he Comets started out this season, skeptics from t he North County as well as the kingpin city area, referred to Palomar as the dead- end group of the Pacific ~outhwest Conference . Granted, last year wasn't a banner ca mpaign for coach Cecil McGehee's team, but critics should have taken anothe r look at the Comets and seen that a young man from Oregon had taken over the reins as head c oac h of the perennial dead-beats of San Diego County junior college football play. A quick c heck of the recor ds will show t hat Palomar has not had a winning football season since Stu Carter guided the Comets to a 7- 2 slate back in 1962. However, McGehee did manage to bring his ball c lub's record up to a respectable 5- 4 reading in '65. Take away those two "winning" years and you'll have to look back into the archives quite some tim e to find another successful Palomar football team. This is where Mack Wiebe steps in. the young man from Oregon. Barring up s ets from MiraCosta and Citrus Colleges, and with a pinch of luck, this year's Comet squad could be the best in the school's 21 year history. Tak ing nothing away from other recent Palomar coaches, especially McGehee , who for two years headed the Palomar football staff and gained the admiration of all his player s for being a top- notch football mind. l\1ack Wiehe, at this point has to be considered the finest coach in P a 1om a r · s r ecent game of musical coac hes.
Harriers outrun SDCC Knights;
In addition to Donahue and Martins on, it has been announced that quarte rback Len Gann and fu llback Me rle Gathers were picked by KOGO ne ws of San Diego as the Pacific Southwest Confe r e nce' s P layer s of the Week for the ir efforts in the Comets' 42-26 conquest of Gross mont Colle ge two week s ago. The selection of Gann and Gathers as Players of the Week by KOGO,m a rked the second time this season a Palomar perform e r has been picked by the San Diego r adio and te levision s tation as the PSC's mos t valuble player. Prev iously defens ive halfback Bob Cordne r had been tabbed by KOGO.
Offens ive guard Donahue played a decis ive r ole in Palomar's victory c harge as he was,'The mos t cons is te nt pass blocker all night, as we ll as opening up holes for our running backs, ' according to he ad c oach Mack Wiebe . The freshman from San Marcos High School teams witp vete r an guard Jim Stephe ns in forming a potent blocking a ttack for the Com ets. Martins on, while stationing his 205 punds at the m iddle linebacker pos t , l e ad Palomar in the defensive s tatis tics as he ammassed a total of 26 points on the defensive tackle chart. The bruis ing sophomore from Vista High School played a key role in the Come ts' assault on the Southwestern running backs. P alomar wlll trek to San Diego Mesa College this Saturday night to tangle with the Mesa Ol ympians . Mesa is curr ently ranked as the 16th best team in the nation.
Me'ia friday
to compete with Coach Doc 1\Iarrin · s high flying Palomar College c r o s s - c o u n try s quad streaked past San Diego City College 21- 37 lasl 'Friday afternoon on the San Diego City turf. Randy Hartman establ ished a course recor d in completing the 3. 75 mile course with a time of 19 :34 to defeat the highly
Ke ~th
Je ((ers by well over a minute. Comets, who now sport a 1- 0 Pacific Southwest Conference reading, will host a s t rong San Diego Mesa College team Priday afternoon. As usual, t he Comets will pin their hopes on Hartman who will he looking for he lp f r om Lee i\'IcComh and Rick Fox who finished third and fourth respectively in the SDCC m eet. F ox. las t year was one of Paloma r 's superior mile runners during the t rack season. However. the sophomore f rom Vista has been beset with injurie s throughout this cross-country sea son. On Oct. 6. the harriers won a fourway meet when they heat out Citrus, Cypress, and Chaffey junior colleges. Hartman finished f irst in this meet with a time for the four - mile course of 22 :37. The team scores were Palomar, 34: Citrus , 53: Cypress . 56: and Chaffey , 83. Mesa has a 1- 1 record . ~Vlarrin' s
Intramurals T he annual Palomar College Intramural Leagues and free period started Tuesday, October 10 and will run for male students each Tuesday and T hursday during the rest of the wl semes ter.
Coaches rate Donal1ue, Martinson as Comet players of the week The Palomar College coaching staff announced yesterday that Brian Donahue and Scott Martinson have been chosen as Playe r s of the Week for the ir p e rformance in Palomar's r esounding 29-6 thumping of Southweste rn College last Saturday night.
Excluding McGehee, who is understandably thought of highly in loc al football c ircles , Palomar in the last seven or eight years has had a rough time concerning head coaches. The lis t of fieldgenerals who have served duty at the San Mar c os school includes s eve r al fam iliar names, notably Bob Bowman, now Dean of Students and Chris Pagakis, presently physical education and health ins tructor. These two mentors bowed out more or less at the· right time, with Bowman stepping up to the administ ration and Pagakis refining his talents to the classroom and San Marcos city council. With the acquisition of Wiebe , Athletic Director Ward Myers now seems set in having a sturdy leader for the Comet football team. Unless of course the Univers ity of Arizona doesn 't pick him off, which seems unlikely s ince the personable Wiebe is obvious ly satisfied with the Palomar surroundings. Wiebe will be the fi rst to testify to the fact that the s uccess Palomar has enjoyed on the gridiron so far has not been al his doing. Tony Lynds, Jim Clayton, Doc Marrin, and Bob Lnet have all played major roles in the Comets' drive to respectfullness . So far , all is well with football at Palom ar College, in fact better than it has been for about 21 year s . However r ichness has been known to turn to poorness over night. A caution note should be dis tributed to all team members that big mean Mesa and San Diego City Colleges loom in the futur e to tangle with. Taking these two teams lightly is like picking the Boston Red Sox to win the World Series. It should never happen . As of new however. as one Escondido Sports write r c himed , all hats should be doffed to Mack, Tony, Jim. Bob and t he rest of the football Comets.
Sales Service Accessories Randy Hartman, (ext r e me right of pictu re) is shown a t the start of the SDCC m eet in which he set a course record.
CXldsmakers .y.
Game Pal omar vs . :vresa Chargers vs. De nver
Steve Schneider
Buzz Ponce
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A WS pwsents armual fashian show to indimte proper aonpus apparel The fall fashion show was sponsored by the Associated Women Students of Palomar College, with fashions by Walker Scott of Escondido. The fashions ranged from sports outfits to evening dres ses. It was hoped that these fashions would give the girls some idea of what might be suitable for many AWS events such as the ·avy Wives Tea on Oct. 25 and the Home .:.. c oming which will be Nov. 4 in the Stuient Union. The fashion show was to draw students for orientation to the organization. Debbie Hayward , AWS president, explained the purpose of AWS as "wishing to promote and assist in the activities of the women students and to s timulate the intellectual, physical and social life at Palomar College." AWS Advisor is Mrs. Marjorie E. Wallace, Dean of Women. Officers. bes ides Miss Hayward are Patricia Russo , vice-president; Sandy Phelps , secretary; and Heidi Weflin, publicity chairman. ''These girls are more than willing to help you get into AWS and become involved, " said Miss Hayward. "The goal of AWS is to get every girl on campus involved in A WS and all of their many activities.'' Lynn Blesco is wearing a bright splash of orang_e in the form of an A -line jumper by Evan Picane. Underneath t his smart jumper you find a white
{Continued from page 1) Ratings among the two classes range from petty officer second class to senior c hiefs; t heir Navy specialties reprE-sent a good cross- section of all career fields that service offers: journalists, fire control men, radar and electr o nics specialists, storekeepers and others. The lone woman represented is Wave Chief Bonita Maxwell, a data systems special ist. Each takes 15 to 18 unitis study in fall and spring plus another s ix to eight in summer semesters. To remain i.n the program a minimum of "C" average must be maintained, Van Ness said. In addition to their major field courses geared to inc r ease professional proficiency, they al so take general education c lasses for upgrading individual educational backgrounds. Many also are enrolled in Navy corr espondence courses in such subjects as military justics, service education and training and similar. Prior to c oming to Palomar the service people had seen duty at bases on
ships throughout the Navy. While here theu will be under the gneral administrative control of the Navy Instructor Training school in San Diego. And although excused from most military d ut y except an occasional inspection or oeientation lecture on latest policies, they are expected to maintain, in addition to high academic grades, high degrees of conduct, dress and bearing to reflect the m os t favorable imagepossible, Van Ness explained . Records show that mos t members of the group are married and live with the i r families in the area. While in s chool they receive norm al pay plus a small subsistance allowance to help offse t the cost of living in the civilian community. The Navy also pays all educational expenses, including books. Mem bers of the program are encouraged to p articip ate in campus extracurricular activities , including athletics, provided suc h participation does not interfere with academic workloads and
Clubg Lynn Blesco whipped cream turtle neck, puffed sleeve blouse makes a nice campus look-dress-up with accessories and suitable for wear to a concert or play.
Administration-student closeness is Facuity Senates main objective A close relationship between students, faculty , and administration is the main objective of Palomar' s faculty senate , say senate officials. Now beginning its fourth year, the senate is patterned after those at the larger colleges in California. The president of the senate, Sheridan Hegland. says he iE "especially anxious t hat students everywhere have a much l arger voice in decision making. I am anxious that students are active in the making of all decisions. Students are far more capable of making decisions than we give them credit for. 'We' is society, t he administration, faculty and unfortunately the students themselves. " "If we could trust 17 and 18 year olds to push westward in cov~red wagons taking matters of life and death in their hands, we can trust students to have a say in crucial matters ," Hegland said. He added that ''If we let old codgers like me vote, we should let 18 year olds vote because they have a bigger stake in the future. "The faculty senate consults the student body's opinion as well that of their c olleagues before reaching decisions," he continued. Rita Schmidt is this year's student council representative to the senate. "This year we are working with students on teacher evaluation and with a dministration and the board of trustees on other policies . All decisions are arrived at with the widest possible cooperation. Of course final decisions
are made by the board of trustees and m or e ultimately by the state legislature and even more ultimate!y by the voters of Califo rnia. This c oope r ation has to be a sharing in decision making. The community should have a voice wit h weight for all policy decisions,'' Hegland said. Faculty senates at the junior college le vel are relatively new. They have been in state colleges for ahout three or four years . " The idea for a faculty senate came most li kely from the universities who have used this system years ." said John Fullerton. who is on the s enate's constitution committee. "Most minor issues go through the faculty senate, presently composed of about 20 members. Major issues are presented to the entire faculty for approval. The e ntire faculty has a say in any and all issues and can recall an issue or ask the senate that a policy be referred to the faculty as a whole for discussion," said Fullerton. Senate officers are e lected by the senate itselt and senate members are voted in by the faculty. This year's officers besides Hegland are Wade Snyder, vice-chairman; John Felton. secretary: and Mrs. Evanell Renick , parliamentarian. Meetings are held every other Monday at ll a.m . in the conference room . " The meetings are always open and all are encouraged to attend," commented Hegland.
INTERNATIONAL TO SEE PHILIPPIN ES The International Club follows its regular business meetingwithaprogram on the Phil ippines narrated by Evelyn and Priscilla Cortez. It will be presented in F- 22 Monday at 11 a.m. Everyone is invited. meeting, Marlina At yesterday's Aganad was appointed attendance c hair man and Kathy Lump , Awards chairman . by International Club president Pat Gehris. In other business , Nancylee Saffiote was selected Homecoming Quee n candidate by the club. The clubs International Banquet usually held during the Fall seme ster was postponed until the Spring semeste r. Instead, afolkconcert might be he ld on Nov. 18 in the Student Union. YOUNG DEMOS ELECT OFFICERS Elected president of the Young Democrats last Friday was Joe Wu. sophomore . Also e lected were Peggy Certle, vice- president- secretary: Sharon Dempsey, minister ofp rop aganda- tre asurer; and Marilyn Fairservice, ICC representative . The Young Demos are making plans fo r a panel discussion on the pros and cons for the draft to be held in two or t hree weeks . Also in the works is a possible debate with the Young Republicans on tuition. The Young Democrats meet on Fridays at 11 a.m. in P- 18. All students of Democrat ic ideals are invited to join. VARSITY CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Elected last week as president of the Varsity Club was Len Gann . Also elected we re Hugh Hamilton, vice- pr es ident ; Jack Derzay, secretary- treasu rer: and Bob Cordner. ICC representative . The Varsity Club also chose Sam Dal zell a s their Homecoming Queen candidate. VETERANS FILL OFFICES Bob Romberger was elected president of the Veterans Club last week as their club filled four offices of the year . Other officers include John Scott, vicepresident: Dave Thomson, secretarytreasurer: and Gerald Scott, ICC representative. Open to all veterans of the Armed Services, the club meets Wednes days in R- 5 at 11 a.m.
In other business, Dennis Ward, vicepresident, reported that the Sept. 31 after- game dance netted the club $140 after expenses . The club also decided to make their Nov. 10 dance a Sadie Hawkins-type affair complete with a Marryin' Sam. More details on this will be available later . T he c lub meets on Wednesdays in R- 4 at 11 a .m. All men students are invited to join. FINE ARTS GUILD--WHO'? The Fine Arts Guild is pr esently inactive and will re~ain so ''until someone with the in it i at i v e re- organizes the club," according to John Barlow, facu lty advisor of the Fine Ar ts Guild. He added that most of the club's officers were graduated last spring leaving the c lub leade rless this ·fall , According to the Weekly Calendar, the c lub was scheduled to meet on Fridays at 11 a .m . in C- 44. AWS TO MEET WEDNESDAY Committee chairmen will outline their plans for the semester at tomorrow's As s ociated Women Students meeting in P - 32. Besides stating the objectives, each chairman will descri!Je what her committee does . Refreshments will follow the meeting. AMS MEETS TOMORROW The Associated Me n Students will hold their next meeting tom orrow on the lawn in front of R-3 at 11. New business includes a selection of homecoming queen •candidate,, fo r mulation of plans for the annual bonfire and dance, and organization of a future car r ally. NEWMAN CLUB MEE TS TOMORROW Official e lections for the fall semester, selection of a homecoming queen candidate, and making p lans for the Newman Encounter at Grossmont College later this mont h will be dis cussed at tomorrow's Newman Club meeting in F - 22 at 11 a.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS ORGANIZE An organizational meeting for Christian Science students will he held tomor-
academic s tandards a re ·kep up. They also continue study in prep aration fo r p romotions to higher grades or for selection into the Warrant Officer ranks. Three men in the program will be promoted t o new ratings of Chief Petty Officer. October 16, acc ording to Senior Navy Chief H. A Van Ness , liaiss on official for the program here. They are B. W. Spears, W. E. German. and E.J. Loboda all major ing in electronics a nd math fields of study. Spears is a past p r esident of the Veterans club at the college . Navy blue along with Palomar's traditional red and gray wi ll become a regular par t of the campus color sche me, according to Senior avy Chief H. A. Van Ness, coordinating official for the' service's training program. Van Ness explained that beginning l ast Friday, and on subsequent F ridays and special occasions, the 50 personnel enr olled in t he program would wear the uniforms to point up the Navy's participation in college and community life.
row in B- 5 at 11:15 a .m. invited to a ttend.
Everyone is
AGS TO PLAN BARBECUE At A 1p h a G a m m a S i g m a meeting yesterday, mem bers made plans fo r the Welcome Barbecue to be held on Saturday, Oct. 28 . High s c h o o 1 CSF Life Members that are attending Palomar and Sp r ing semester students having 45 grade points are invited to join. Dues are $1.50 for the semester. The next AGS meeting will be held Monday,Oct.23. At their meeting next Monday, Dr. Gunter Scholothauer, Fulbright Commission exhange teacher , will speak on "Education in West Ger many." All students are invited to attend. WRA TO MEET Elections were held last week by Joan Foy, president. Fall office rs include Heather Hodson, vice- president ; Kathy Cr eech, secret ary; Sally Kirkpatrick treasurer; Stancie T ullock, publicity; and Sandy Judson, ICC rep . The club also elected Heather Hods on as the club's homecoming queen c andidate. The next meeting will be this F r iday at 11 a . m. in 0 - 13. All girls are invited. GIRLS' SERVICE BEGUN With fifteen sophomores and f reshman gi rls attending the third organizational meeting yes terday. the Girls' Service Club met to plan the club's future. The first order of business was a re port from the constitution commit tee. It was agreed upon that the purpose of t he club would be to provide service to the campus and to the community. Other provisions of the constitution will pro vide for meetings (fi r st and thi.rd Mondays) and qualifications of Prospective members (2.5 GPA), The constitution has not been passed by the InterClub Council. The c lub also decided that dues will be $1.00 per semester. T he next meeting will be next Monday in R- 4 at 11 a. m. at which time election of officers will ake place.
Freshman French major and Comet Cheerleader Nancy Palmer has been selected to represent Ci rcle K in interclub Homecoming Queen competition. She is a June 1966 graduate of San Marcos High School.
Foregn sndents lvsted at club tea The International club presented its annual Internation tea Wednesday in the student union building. Dr. Roland Phelps, faculty advisor for the club, said that "this annual affair gives our foreign students an oppor tunity to meet other s tudents and the public ... " Students and guests mingled fr eely, talking and becoming acquainted with foreign students. Many of the club members wore t hei r native costumes. Ten foreign students are enrolled in the new semeste r. Their native countinc lude Australia, Philippines , P e ru, Mesico, Yugoslavia, Irac, Indonesia and Greece.
Palomar's guest from the Philippines gets acquainted with Miss Virginia Wiggenhost. s tudent activities secretary. at the tea. Photo by Bob Nelson
The International club is mainly a club for the students of foriegn countries, but is open to all students wishing to join. Recently elected officers for this semester are Pat Gehris, president; Antonia Ciurlizza, vice- president; Pris cilla Cortez, secretary: Evelyn Cortez, treasurer; Linda Colby, publicity chairman: Ruth Fuller, social chairman; and Don Dilworth ICC rep. Those interested in m eeting and getting to know our foreign students may attend the next meeting on Monday.
The Newman Club held a religious s ingalong at its Oct. 11 meeting. Sebastian Temple, featured folk singer, led the crowded room full of students in moder n fo lk rock. Many were standing in the doorway and in the adjacent halls listening to Temple and joining in the group singing. Photo by Mike Christ y
Work pr®am provides domleoprortmities Many students are receiving double benefits this year by being enrolled in Palomar's off campus work program. The work program is a fully accredite d three unit course, and also is an opportunity for students to hold down good paying part time jobs. T here are approximately 20 students enrolled in the program. Their jobs range from secretary to general office girl to box boy. Many work up to 25 hours per week. The class meets every Tuesday at 11 a.m.
The course is designed to train students in var ious job skills which can be used on their present jobs or can be considered initial training for a future career. Mrs. Evanell Renick, department head . said that at the present time most students are attempting to find thei r own jobs. She hopes that by the spring semester the program will be al>le to provide jobs for thos e students in need, however. During this semes ter Mrs. Renick spends much of her time lining up jobs fo r those students who will be taki ng the course in the spring.