Volume 21, Number 10
· A Publication of the Associated Students ·
November 21, 1967
War and peace Weinberg: no dream world
Ho\vard: commies seek waterways
Jack Weinberg, a state co-ordinator of the new Peace and Freedom Party, called for the eventual coalition of anti-· Vietnam war elements with '·Black power" groups at a public gat:ilering here Friday night. His appearance was sponsored by the San Diego County Peace and Freedom Party. · Weinberg outlined the party's now vague platform. "The two major concerns of the party," he said, "are for a withdrawal of U.S. involve ment in Vietnam and bolition of the black ghetoes under the solgan known as 'black power'." The Party initiated about two months ago in San Luis Obispo, is presently a statewide organization with an immediate goal of getting 67,000 people to register in order to place a candidate on the 1968 presidential ballot. The right-wing element of the community was represented. Weinberg was greeted with a few hearty boos mingled with the applause when he was introduced. One member of audience, who claimed to be a four-year veteran, held up a placard. At Weinberg's request he read it aloud: "Awaken ye to the needs of democracey don't be a posesor of a Politically Feeble Mind." A woman in the frort row managed to sustain a forded sarcastic laugh for ten minutes in an apparant attempt to drown out Weinberg's voice. The 29-year-old veteran of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement retained his composure through it all. At one point he remarked good-humoredly, "This is kind of a refreshing change. Be rkeley
''The Communists are trying to secure the waterways of the world,'' Medal of Honor winner Jimmie Howard told Palomar College student's Wednesday. The Gunnery Sergeant credited the teachings of Mao Tse Tung as his source of information, which he said is required reading for Marines of his rank. Howard described the land and people of Vietnam but said he would refuse to discuss American policy there. As it turned out, he refused just to answer questions about it. "In my opinion we're there to stop the spread of Communism. It's as simple as that," he said. A receptive audience of over 200 filled P-32 while outside one student and an elderly man toted signs in protest to the Vietnam War. Larry Moffet, who had previously threatened to picket, stood beside th~ entrance with a simple "Peace not War" placard. The non-student demonstrator and his spouse handed out anti-war literature. It was later determined that their actions were in violation of h. California statute. Listeners applauded to what amounted to an almost down the recitation of official administration stands on the Asian conflict. In r egard to de monstrations Howard said, "It's their right, but personally I hate it. The Communists use it against us as propaganda . . . to keep their people up just a little bit longer." "If my son were to demonstrate, the first thing I'd do is deck him. I agr"'e with that song going around now." How. d acknowledged he was r eferring to ' <Open Letter to My Teenage Son."
( Continued on page two )
Council rejects bid to relocate Two Judicial Committee recommendations were defeated yester day by the ASB They were introduced last Council. Monday by Chairman Jim Strong and include.d: First, that the ASB move the ir place of meeting from R- 3 to P - 32 and change the present meeting place into office space for the representatives; and second, that Palomar be divided into representative districts, each distr ict consisting of an academic major area. Both r ecommendations were defeated by a large majority after a lengthy discussion and difficulties in ASB Council voting procedures. ROTATION OF CLASSES FAVORED Partial return in last week' s opinion poll, taken in Physical Education classes, was reported by Assembly Schedule Q9mmit ee Chairman Scott Bowman, who stated that there was a definite trend toward the rotation of 9 and 10 o'clock classes. This trend was determined from a count of 800 ballots. A complete r eport will be made when all classes have voted.
_FUNDS Al>PROPRIA TED .. Tbe ASB Council voted in favo r of appropriating money to pay for half of a perpetual trophy to be given at half- · time at fut ur e Mira Costa- Palomar games. The rest of the money will be appropr iated by the Mira Costa ASB A trophy has not yet been Council. selected. NO POWDER PUFF INSURANCE Rich Houk clar : fied Jim Strong' s r eport last week that Palomar cannot e ngage with Mira Costa in a powder puff football games due to i nsur ance problems. Houk said there is not way to insure a game with Mira Costa, but that a Palomar fres hman-sophomore game is insured. Mira Costa had previously challenged Palomar to a powder puff game.
Clarification asked The ASB Council passed a motion yesterday calling for a letter to be sent to the Boar d of Govenors asking for written clarification of the word ••controversial" in relation to the campus speakers policy. It also asked for written enumeration of the policy itself. The action came as a result of confusion in the Inter Club Council due to m isunderstanding of the Civic Center Act, speakers policy and publicity codes. On Thursd~;~.y ICC drafted and passed the resolution on to the ASB Council calling for the letter of clarification. Dr . F r ederick R. Huber, P alomar p r esident, Robert Bowman, dean of student activities and ASB president Jon Mitc hell decided that Dr. Huber will ·appear befor e the Council on Monday and "discuss the various ramifications of ( Continued on page two )
Brovvn to speak Thursday night on Vietnam commitment The third lecture on Vietnam in the College's Evening Division's current series of presentations is scheduled for Thursday at 7 p.m. in C-5. . George W. Brown, assistantprofessor of political science at San F ernando Valley State , will speak on "Ame rican
Involvement in Vietnam : A Tragic Error or a Tragic Necessity. " On Nov. 9 and 16 Dr. Mary Lepper from California State College at Fullerton, discussed problems posed for the world community in the conflict and outlined possible alte rnate solutions in r elation to the internal development of the Southwest Asi an country. In he r second and final presentation Dr. Lepper listed the primary areas of conflict between various groups in Vietnam , itself. " Differe n ce incultural, economic, r eligious and ethnic backgrounds make it extremely difficult to bring about any overall effort by these groups in solving fundamental problems ," s he said. This lack of ability to organize Il)ay be one r eason for what in her opinion would be, "a long period in which we will see Amer ican troops and American involvement there. "
No Telesrope Brown
The Telescope will not publish an edition next Tuesday because Thursday and Friday of this week are legal holidays. Publication will r esume as us ual on Dec. 5.
Policy serves as a guide The speaker policy was developed as a guide to those responbile for the selection and scheduling of speakers to appear at Palomar College. The policy is applicable to student organizations on campus in their recruitment of guest lectu·r es and is not intended to apply to ins tructors inviting speakers into their classes. The policy states , "One of the objectives of Palomar College is to serve as an educational and cultural centerfor the people of the North San Diego County. This objective may be furthered through public forums, the Humanties Lecture Series , and invited guest speakers. "A college has the responsibility to develop informed, c ritcal and objective thinking and such thinking can best be encouraged in an atmospher e assuring a free inter change of ideas." Those responsible for scheduling speakers will attempt to "obtain speakers who will prese nt diverse views in the best traddition of the American forum . Speakers s hould be intellectually stimulating and educationally justifiable." The policy concerning controversial speakers s tates, "If speakers are of specific persuasions, or the topic is controversial, a balancing viewpoint will be presented." pproved outside groups may u se college facilities under the Civic Center
Act in the California Education Code. The Code states, "There is a civic center at each and eve r y public school building and grounds within the state where the citizens . . . may meet and discuss, from time to time as tmey may des ire, any subjects and questions which in their judgement appertain to the educational, political, economical, artistic and moral interest of the citeizens of the community in which they r eside ." Section 8453 of the Education Code provides that "no publication 'o f sectarian, partisan or denominational literature s hall be distributed or used for sectarian, partisan, or denominal purposes in any school. .. " Section 25512 states "Any studentpolitical organization which isaffiliatedwith the offical youth division of any political party that is on the ballot of the State of California may hold meetings on a junior college campus and may distrubte bulletins and circular s concerning its meetings provided that there is no e ndorsement of such organi zation by the school authorities and no interfe rence with the regular educational program of the school." "In accordance with the Educational Code, no speaker or topic should reflect upon citzens of the United Stes of America because of their race, color,
or c r eed, nor, shall advocacy or propaganda (inimical to the welfare of the United Stes of America and its elected officals) be permitted."
The administration has the right to seek agreement from the speaker on five provisions: "That the speaker appear on campus at a secheduled time and place and that the meeting be open to all persons; that the speaker's background shall be made known to his audience as accurately and completely as possible ; that if a question period is proved, the speaker shall attempt to farily answer unselected questions from the floor that have both relevance and proprety; that the speaker's remarks be taped and recorded for libr ary use, if appropirate. In presenting speakers of specific persausions, or controversial topics, the following conditions must p r evail ." This is divided into a, b and c which state, "A specific topic shall be selected. (Propaganda or advocacy is prohibited) A second speaker for the purpose of presenting a balancing viewpoint will be proved on the same program or at a more appropriate time . Both speakers ahll be eminently qualified to speak on the subject.
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OPINION \Vhere have all the pickets gone? By Joe Wu Last Wednesday's speech by Marine Gunnery Sergeant Jimmie E. Howard, Medal of Honor recipient,. was well received by the student body and well attended in both P-32 and afterwards for the question-answer period in R-5. Anti-war and draft protester pickets were present, but where were the counter-pickets?
Co- Editors . . . . . . Joan Katte lma nn , Steve Woo1all Page 2 Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jean Peasley Page 4 Editor . . • , . . . . . . . . Cecelia Lo-:llco Sports Editor . . . . . . . Steve Schneider Ad vertising . . . . . . . Dianna Ho:.tser , Jan Harless Club News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Wu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jo~ Warren Artist General Assignme nt . . . Jan Do:10ho, Mike Gunderson J e rry Nicholas, Buzz Ponce Gary Schmake, Jo" Wiggins Composition . . . . . . Paul Col vin, Rozanne Jakovac Photographera . . . . Steve Blacks to ~k. Mike Christy, Betty Geiser, Hen ry Godinez . . Cecelia Lo:llc o , Jo~ Lovell, Bob Nelson Advisor . , . . . . D. Van Quackenbush
1TI()tt'1n the questions." It was also deciped that the. letter should be addressed to Dr. Huber who represents the Administration originated the present speakers policy which was approved by the Board two years ago. Dean Bowman has the authority to decide if a speaker is controversial and whether or not the speakers policy should be invoked. He said, "I personally feel I don't want to make this decision each time by myself." His idea is "to form a student-faculty board to act as a decislon. boarQ when .n~~esar,y to decide if an issue is contro.v.ersiaL" He feels that the terms "controversial" means different things to different people and he wants a guideline. At the Thursday meeting of ICC, the Peace and Freedom Club brought up questions on the two issues concerning what is a controverisal speaker and just what is the actual policy. The clubwas requiredlast week by the Administration to remove signs advertising Jack Weinberg who was sponsored by an off-campus group, San Di~go County Peace and Freedom Party, under the provisions of the California Educational Code of the Civic Center Act. The club violated the campus publicty code governing off campus sponsored events. The code states that the organizations wishing to advertise off campus sponsored events must have prior permissiOn of the Dean of Student Activities. The club did not have permission. Dean Bowman stated, "We normally don't publicize events under the Civc Center Act." In a letter to Dr. Huber the campus Peace and Freedom Club stated that it took a natural active interest in the speaker, but was not sponsoring him. Under the act, outside approved groups may use the colleges faciliteies. About 15-20 take advantage of this provision each month. Specifically the Code states, "There is a civic center at each and every public school building and grounds within the stale where the citizens .. . may meet and discuss, from time to time as they may desire, any subject and question which in their judgement appertain to the educational, political, economical, artistic and moral interests of the citizens of the community in which they reside."
This incident I am about to describe may be insignificant to you, but I believe that the principle of it should be noted. On Tuesday evening I painted counterpicket signs which were to be used if and only if there were any pickets present at Howard's speech. After painting them, Sharon Dempsey, YD Minister of Propaganda, and I took them to The Telescope office for safe keeping. While locking the door I noticed that it was 10:30 p.m. When I arrived at 8:04 Wednesday morning they were gone . Angered by the d!sappearanceof the picket signs, I went to classes.. At 10:40 I went to meet Sgt. Howard at the administration building, but upon arriving learned that he was already on campus in the faculty dinning room. There, I met Jimmie Howard. During Howard's speech I noticed persons in the audience holding white and blue pamphlet!" . These were distributed by a Reverend and Mrs. Ashton Jones of Los Penasquitos Village, and who also picketed outside when the speech was beginning. After the speech and questio~answer period, I returned to The Telescope office to fine the remants of my picket signs soaked with mud and water, or some other substance. And that is why there weren't any counter-pickets Wednesday.
Ouot~Ihles .~
~ ,.._,
By Cecelia Lodico If something is bugging you, talk about it, get it off your chest and you will
feel better, so they say. Well, I'm willing to try anything once, so I decided to write out my personal gripe of a recent experience hoping it will hit the lighter side of your darkened mid-term days. It all started about a week after summer school ended--that burning sensation as the Rolaids advertisement calls it. Figuring that I was too young for ulcers and too old for growingpains, I decided to visit my family doctor. He sprawled me out on some cold, gray table and punched me few times here and there while asking if it "hurt." Of cou~se it hurt. A fist in your gut usally does, doesn't it?
other San Di~go county campuses to muster support for the Peace and Freedom Party. "Registration in San Diego county has been going very well ," he said. "And our reception in the San Francisco area has been excellent. Whether we reach the 67,000 by Dec. 31 the deadline will depend largely on how the campaigning goes in L.A. We are certain there are more than enough people who will register with us. All we have to do is reach them."
Forty-eight hours later my stomach was on fire. Besides that I was feeling an occasional twang of hunger, since it was a week since I'd eaten. At the third examination the doctor said it certainly was appendicitis and that I should get to the hospital by 3:30 p .m. in order to be admitted that evening and operated on the following morning. It was then 3:05 p.m. What
Editors note: This is an on the scene report of the Oct. 22 march on the Pentagon. ''If you were on the Pentagon steps blinded by tear gas, sickened by the federal marshals' nightsticks thumping against the scalps of painted hippies, then you felt you had seen the face of fascism. And if you roamed all around the Lincolm Memorial rally and the confused Pentagon confrontation, as I did, then the final, overwhelming sense was of the absurd, that America had at last-- and totally-- embraced Orwell's Newspeak. It as all Joseph Heller's mad air force and Ken Kesey's nuthouse, where the guards are crazy and the inmates healthy. It was, in short, a day of one absurdity piled upon another. Reality and fantasy, truth and untruth were lost in the choas. There were hundreds perhaps thousands of marchers being choked by tear gas, while the Penagon was blandly insisting that the gas was being used by the demonstrators, not the troops. And the Wahington Post and wire services . were believing it. There were obviously stoned hippies throwing wilted flowers at helmeted MP's in combat dress with tear gas canisters attached to their belts. And the confused troops responded by clubbing the flower children with the wood butts of their carbines. Despite an earlier announcement in neewspaper and over television by some Diggers that they would pronounce incantations that would cause the Pentagon to leviate, the Pentagon did not levitate." --Jack Newfield, Vtllage Voice.
The doctor didn't want to make a definite diagnosis , so he took me off solid foods for a couple of days and told me to come back. I did. Again with the boxing match. Again it hurt. Again no diagnosis. Still no solid foods. I was told to come back in a couple of days. The doctor did "prognose," however_ Appendicitis. Groovey.
[informal editorials}
no dream world is like a dream world." While detractors were perhaps the most vociferous, supporters of Weinberg were a large majority. There was a heavey round of applause when he called the United States "the major agressor in the world today." When the gathering broke up, official registrars registered more than a dozen people for the party. Prior to his appearance here , Weinberg had made appearances at several
Take your choice: jello, pudding, or apncot nectar
unanimous Last week's council meeting ended It seems as on a humorous note. though a band member of the Mira Costa student body was required to ay for his admission to the Palomar HomecoJning game with Mira Costa. t is not the regular procedure for and members of visiting schools to ay to get in a game, and the band r:nember asked that Palomar pay back his $1. However, the council voted animously not to reimburse him due o lack of ASB funds.
It was interesting to note that San iego City College won the Pacific outhwest Conference vote over Mesa College to represent the league in state playoffs, after the two schools battled to a 14-14 stand-off in last Saturday's game. The Knights play undefeated Fullerton JC this Saturday in Anaheim Stadium.
ournaments Several tournaments are coming up-including the Ninth Annual Palomar College Invitational Basketball Tournament, November 29-December 2; and in wrestling, the Second Annual Palomar Invitation, December 8-9. Both will take place in the dome, and student are encouraged to get out and support their teams.
Insurance A couple of girls got hurt last year in the freshman-sophomore class powder puff football game, and now the whole idea of girl's football is unpopular with the authorities. Palomar was challenged by Mira Costa for a powder puff game due to no insurance coverage. It's a little late for a class game now, since its past homecoming, but a game
with Mira Costa would have been something we'd all like to see.
bells Well, by now just about everybody' used to not hearing bells, right? What• that? You're still late to class? Well better get use to it, no bells are her to stay.
christmas It's election time again as students are faced with selecting upcoming candidates to vie for queen for the Christmas For mal to be held Saturday, December, 16, at Hotel Del Coronado. Only one election will be held, and the candidate with the most votes will reign as queen. Candidates, as in homecoming, are nominated by clubs.
dances The dances haven't been very successful lately. The latest, a Fros dance held in the student union las Saturday, lost money because of poor attendance. Perhaps weekly dances have reached the saturation point.
machines In case you haven't noticed, about two weeks ago several new vending machines were installed, at long last. Three new ones have been put in the patio area, including a coffee, candy, and sandwich machine, and a candy and drink machine was put down in the Art Complex. T hese have been i n demand for a long time , and now that they're here, we can really appreciate them. Now, if we could only get a jukebox!
a rotten trick to play. The very next day was Tuesday. Not just any Tuesday, but THE TUESDAY. The last episode of "The Fugitive" was to be s hown. Four yea rs I'd waited to see who did it. Where would I be? In a hospital bed. Groovey. For days now I'd had nothing butJello, pudding and apricot nectar. In comes the , nurses' aide with a lovely tray the first ni~ht. What had the kitchen staff prepared, I wondered? Off with the lids. Jello, pudding and apricot nectar. Just what the doctor ordered. The operation was over in no time. They let me stay awake so I got to ask all kinds of questions . My nerves were numbed from the waist on down by what they call a spinal. Some doctor punches holes all down your back with a needle. His bedside manner throughout the operation was great. Apparently he thought so too. He sent a bill for $62. Jus t for h o 1 ct in g my hand and telling me what a good kid I was. He th<>ugltt I was a good kid becuase I did not regurgitate my food. What food ? Jello doesn't stick with you. that long. They give you a couple of pills before the operation that make you talk out of your head, slur your words as if you were drunk and fall alseep after they sew you up. I soon awoke, however, due to an uncomfortable feeling commonly referred to as "dying of thirst." In the recover y room sat some heavy set nurse. I asked for a drink of water. She just sat there and said "no." I was out for awhile longer only to wake up with · the sensation that I was on fi re. I told my immoble nu rsing friend of my sensation and asked in a rather loud tone of voice (I screamed) for a drink o: water. The nu rse proceeded to come over and pinch my toes. "No, you can't have any water because you toes are s till purple and numb," she said. As doped up as I was, I still maint ained my Italian temper and asked her what the ---- blue toes had to do with not drinking water. She explained that the anesthesia had not worn off and I'd get sick if I had anything. Since she was three times my size and I couldn' t budge if I tried, I went back to sleep. That night every doctor, nurse and patient (except me) was watching "The Fugitive." The next day .I had a big breakfast. Jello, pudding and apricot nectar. I slept until two nurses' aides woke me to tell me I was "going for a walk." My s ide hurt so badly that I c ould hardly move and THEY wanted to go for a walk. "You gotta be kidding?" I ret orted. They weren't kidding. I walked all of six feet. Black out. Back to bed. Naturally, I got better every day. How could I help it with all the s hots they gave me? Two o'clock in the morning the nurse woke me to give me "a shot for the pain." I was sleeping. I didrtn have any pain until she woke me up. No matter which nurse gave . it, the shot was always administered on the r ight side of the you- know- what. Even if the left area was more convenient, I had to "roll over, Miss." Probably because the nurse learned on the r ight side in school and didn't know how to stick s omeone from the other side. After five days I was more than ready to go home. Home to my own bed and my family. M:y mom had things ready for me too. She asked if I was hungry. I said yes . "What would you like dear? Jello, pudding or apricot nectar?"
[?.andy Hartman qualifies .for State ·.finals Palomar Comet harriers eliminated , in ~uthem Cal. prelims Rand:? Hartman qualified for the California State Cross Country finals to be held Saturday at Fresno by finishing eighth in a field of 144 contestants at the Southern California Prelims. Palomar's team as a whole placed seventh which is out of the money, so to speak, as only the top five schools are allowed to move on to the state finals. Hartman finished 32 seconds slower than the winner's time while clocking a time of 20:32 for the four mile course. Since the top ten individuals finishing can compete in the state finals, Hartman's eighth placing will send him to Fresno. The team beat out all other Pacific Southwest Conference teams but found the oversize JC' s to the north far too powerful to contain. Proving this, is the fact that Santa Ana, the fourth place finisher in the Eastern League during regular season meets surpassed Palomar's score by 73 points. The nearest Palomar entrant to Hartman was Frank Enriquez who placed thirty-ninth followed by Frank Lomeli who finished fifty-fifth. Other PSC schools participating were San Diego City who placed eighth, Mesa who finished 12th, and Grossmont, the
Randy Hartman and his father look over the results and times of the South-
ern California preliminary Cross Country meet with Coach Doc Marrin. Hart-
Coach Tony Lynds and the Palomar Comet wrestlers open their season when they travel to Arizona Western at Yuma for a tournament on Dec. 1-2.
The team sports six returning lettermen with three veterans joining the ranks in the second semester due to ineligibility during this semester. Palomar took the Pacific Southwest Conference title and finished 11th in the state finats last year behind the wrestling of Pat Farner, John Mitchell, and Doug Sholders. The team has 1ost'the 'efforts '1 o:f';-fiH~ner and $holder~. ~Uff,t<? ,gradua~j~n _but will be led this Y.ear by ~,1~cheli who fills in as team captain.
A question mark is placed over Mike Heredia who may not be on the team during the second semester due to apossible football scholarship. Heredia was a constant winner last year in the 194 pound weight class in sporting a wonloss slate of 9-2 for the season. Ten freshmen candidates round out the team. They are Chris Cremin, Jim Dybka, Phil Piety, Ed Moo r e, Jim Alvarez, Mike Metcalf, Tim Turner, Ray
•t l -··, tl ;., l~
Marquez, Brian Donahue, and John Houchin. Cremin comes to Palomar from Oklahoma and weighs in at 113 pounds. Metcalf is a transfer from Grossmont College. Dybka, 123, Moore, 130, Alvarez, 145, Turner, 167, Marquez, 177, Donahue, 177 and Houchin, 177, come to the Comets' squad following p revious experience on local high school teams. Piety, 123, is out for the team without previous competitive experience.
''Barring injuries and with the right attitude, there is no reason why the team should not finish even higher this year." speculated Lynds. Returning from last year's squad are Mitchell, Bob Cordner, Arnie Kiddoo, Mike Heredia, Terry Lee and Rubin Devlin. Mitchell qualified for the state finals last year and according to Lynds "should do even better this season.'' Mitchell wrestles in the 145 lb. class along with Rubin Devlin. Kiddoo competes in the 130 weight slot and according to Lynds has been working real hard so far this season and COllld be one of the top men on the team this year. Cordner's record last year was ten wins against two losses and one draw. ''Bob could go all the way to the state finals this year," commented Lynds. Cordner wrestles in the 152 pound class along with Terry Lee.
Team Scoring !-Bakersfield 2-Pierce 3-Pasadena 4- Fullerton 5-Santa Ana 6- Mt. San Antonio 7-Palomar 8- San Diego City 9-Valley 10- El Camino 12- San Diego 1Mesa 14-Grossmont
80 90 102 112 156 169 299 234 256 288 328 345
Top Ten Runners Fullerton 1-Fister Santa Monica 2-0leson 3-Brong Mt. San Antonio Long Beach 4- Alpizar Pasadena 5- Scruggs Pasadena 6- Gomez Golden West 7- Seybert Palomar 8-Hartman Bakersfield 9-Rodriguez Fullerton 10- Conard
Co111et c~1gers to ll()St ~IXteel l tea111S i11 ~li1i lllil PC tourr1a~ llCl1i.
man qualified for the state finals in placing eighth. The team placed seventh in a field of 19.
Matmen to de.fend
team favored to the PSC title, placed 14th in a field of 19 schools. The Griffins finished with 116 more points than Palomar.
Palomar College's Ninth Annual Invitational Basketball tournament to be held Nov. 29-Dec. 2 will feature a field of sixteen teams. Palomar, thoughhostfor the affair, may be left in the background during the competition with some of the major junior college basketball squads. Coach Joe Brennan is blessed with only three lettermen including regular guard and captain, 6' Sam Blalock from Solana Beach. With a shortage of experience and height, the Comets are going to rely on running and the press to offset their many weaknesses. Probably the biggest blow to the Palomar camp was the loss of Pacific Southwest Conference star, 6' 7'.' center Jay Bunker to a Mormon mission in Mexico. to try and rna~ ' ~ for this setback Brennan has moved v\sta•"s Rudy Waardenburg, 6' 4" , to the middle position and has two good-looking forwards in Mike Judd from Butte, Montana and Larry Waterman, 6' 3", from Hemet. At the guard spot will be captain Sam Blalock and 6' 1" Gary Farr from Escondido. Brennan feels that the tough preseason tournament and non- conference . schedule will help to make the Comets a representative team in the Pacific Southwest Conference. "Experience and actual pressure of the opening tournament should help us a ·great deal," he said. Palomar College will open their tournament campaign against the Riverside Tigers at 7:15p.m. on Nov. 29. Coalinga - College enters the tournament in a celebration of the so-called new era for the Falcons. Coach Tom McLaughlin has the oil city five once again fighting for State recognition. Falcon standouts include 6' 7" center, Clyde Jones, from Riverdale's championship Central Valle y High team; 6' 4" Jack Hermanski from Chicago, Ill. and fellow running mate at forward, Bobby McGuan, 6' 3", also from Chicago. Add to this one of the really great high school players 6' 2" guard Willie Bell, and last year's leading scorer 6' 4" Glenn Wills from Leemoore and one gets the feeling that Coalinga is on the way back to being a contender for the Central Conference title.
The Falcons of Coalinga will play the MiraCosta Spartans of Coach AI Gilbert at 11:15 a.m. on Nov. 29. The Grossmont College Griffins of Coach Bill Gillespie rate as one of the pre-tournam ent favorites . Reason alone for this choice is that the Griffins return all-tournament and Pacific Southwest Conference scorer, .6' 8", 220 pound Doug Boyd, who from early reports is bigger, stronger and better than ever. Boyd is shooting his sights on a berth with the Junior College Olympic Squad and ranks as one of the very best in the nation. Backing up Boyd at the forward position is returnining letterman, 6' 5'', 205 pound, John Ugr in, who is strong and very quiek for his size. Moved -to 0enter, is 6' 7" Dave PatrieWfrom Lakeside and at the guards is good looking 5' 11" Lynn Lawder and high flying 6' 3" AI Ursillo. Gillespie feels his major weakness is lack of depth; however, area fans know that with players like Body, Lawder and Ugrin the El Cajon area college five could develop into one of the State's finest junior college basketball teams. Grossmont will open its tournament game at 4:15 p.m., Nov. 29, against another "dark horse," the Fullerton College Hornets of Moe Radovich. Reports out of central California are that the Bulldogs of Allan Hancock College are loaded with talent. Coach Bob McCutcheon is said to be looking forward to a show down battle with the defending State and National Champions, Pasadena City College. To support M c Cut c he on ' s contention that this is the year for his Santa Maria five, one has only to look at the roster and tremendous wealth of talent. Returning are All- American and California State Junior College All-American center, 250 pounds, 6' 9" Bill Jones from Washington, D.C., the great scorer 6' 4" Bob Baker from Steubenville, Ohio; quick guards 6' Recie Bethel from South Bend, Indiana and 6' 1'' Bobbie Hanson from Des Moines , Iowa! Add to this array newcomers 6' 7" forward Willie Jensen and 6' 5" guard Tom Miller and you get the "message'!__ of why Allan Hancock is not a team to be overlooked. The squad will take the floor at 5:45 p.m., against the San Diego City College Knights on Nov. 29.
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Jon Mitchell and Jim Alvarez take their duties as Palomar College wrest-
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Rita Schmidt \\r111s Woman of Achievement award fc)r C)Utstandi ng sc11()()1 service, leadership abilities teacher who also recommended Miss Schmidt said she "is politically minded as well as student government oriented. Rita will leave par t of herself at Palomar College which is something few do." Miss Schmidt spent last summer touring Europe with other friends . She works at The Golden Door health spa in Escondido. "I think she is certainly one of the outstanding women on campus," said Debbie Hayward . AWS president. "Rita
Rita Schmidt, sophomore, has been named Woman of Achievement by AWS. The award is given to a woman in recognition of schol astic achievement, school service, and the benefit s he has given to the college, the community and AWS. Rita has been active at Palomar both last yea r and this semester. She was a representative at large on the student council last year and is senior representative at large for the council this year. :\1iss Schmidt has participated in the Young Democrats , beingpropaganda administer last year . 1\lr. Palmer Kremer, one of two teachers who recomme:1ded Miss Schmidt for the award said th.~L she was named one of twelve outstanding students at last year's Western Civilization Banquet of which she was in charge. At the Area 1 conference, :'Vliss Schmidt helped pass a resolution which was sent on to the state legislature. The resolution calls for student evaluation of teachers at all colleges. Here on campus Miss Schmidt is chairman of the studentevaluation committee of the Faculty Senate. :\Jr. Roy Pat Archer. political science
"Sue Stanberry, AWS awards com mittee chairman , acquired all the background material of all those who wer e nominated for the award. The executive .council consisting of Debbie Haywar d ; ' Patti Russo; Sandy Eagles ton; and Sandy Phelps; and three faculty members, Dean Robert Bowman; Mrs. Wallace; and Miss Donna Reiser voted on the finalists by s e cret ballot." . ~--~---
is always there. She is always around when you are down and out. She always cheers you up and never complains. I think she's great." According to Mrs. Marjorie Wallace, dean of women and AWS advisor , "The Woman of Achievement award will take the place of the Woman of the Month award. We want to eliminate the idea of having one girl per month. The Achievement award will be granted as often as we feel there is a deserving young woman on campus . Anyone, either student or teacher, can put in a recommendation of someone he would like to have receive the award.
C/uhs AGS holds bake sale tonight, tomorrow Alpha Gamma Sigma. scholastic honor society, will hold a hake sale in the Student Union tonight for evening classes ap.d tomorrow for the day classes. Proceeds will go toward the c lubs' scholarships fu nd. Carla Fulcomer, club ICC rep. is hake sale chairman. At next :\lonclay's AGS meeting, Karen Douglass , club president, and Carol Hi rshfeld will tell about the Alpha Gamma Sigma Southern Regional Conference that they attended with co-advisors Adolph Heyne and Mrs . l\Iarilyn Crist. Held at Cerritos College in Norwalk, the annual fall meeting was attended by 189 delegates over twenty junior colleges in Southern California. Speakers included representatives from various state' colleges and universities speaking on junrior college transfers, the pass- fail system and other topics of general interrest to junior college students. The State conference will be next Spring at Montecorona . a convention center near Lake Arrowhead in the San Bernardino mountains.
P&FC MEETS WEDNESDAY The Peace and Freedom Club meets tomorrow and every Wednesday in P - 11 at 11 a.m. YR'S TO MEET DEC. 1 The Young Republicns will meet on Friday, Dec. 1 in P - 22 at 11 a .m .. to hear a slate of possible officers presented by the club's monimating corn mittee. Elections will follow on Dec. 3 at a YR member's home. Members will be notified by YR president Bob Thoreson where and when the e lection will take place. Upcoming YR activities· include sponsoring a film onthe Liberty Amendment on Monday at 11 a.m . in P - 32. Roy Archer will give a con view of the Liberty Amendment. Then on Monday Dec. 4. the YR's bring National YoungRepublicans Club president Robert McDonald of Tennesee to Palomar in the Patio.
VETS, WRA CO- SPONSOR SLAVE DAY WEDNESDAY,NOVEMBER 29 The Veterans Club and Women's Recreation Association will co- sponsor this year's Slave Day next Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the Student Union. Dean of Student Activities Robert Bowman will be auctioneer . Last year's auction brought the Veterans over S100 with the highest bid for one coed be~ng 517.60. VETS HOLD VIM TOMORROW All Veteran Club members are urged to attend tomorrow's Very Important Meeting as urgent club business will be discussed, according to Bob Romberger, c lub president. The meeting will be held in R-5 at ll a.m. IXTHUS MEETS THURS. DEC, 7 The Ixthus club will have its fi rst meeting of the year next Thursday at l l a m. in f-23 with :\Jr. John Barlow serving as advisor. Purpose of the club is to develop and to provide Christain fellowship on campus and to explore the Christain faith in an academic community. !\Ie mbership is open to all students.
GAMMA SIGMA CHI MET YESTERDAy Gamma Sigma Chi, girl's service club, met yesterday to plan a possi ble party for the Retarded Children's Association of Vista during Christmas vacation. Also discussed were identifying bracelets for club members with a logo or symbol of the club on the bracelet. Another poss ible Christmas project is the making of tray favors for patients in local hospital. Meeting on Dec . 4 at 11 a.m. in R-5. the club is open to all coeds. Full membership is given after five service hours and attending two meetings. WRA HOLDS MEETT. G DEC.l : AFTER- TO UHNEY DA 'CE DEC. 2 The Women's Recreation Association will meet Friday, Dec. 1 in 0 -1 3 at 11 a .m . to make final plans for Saturday's After- basketball Tournament dance in the Student Union. "The Extremes" will play . B & S MEETS FRI, DEC. 1 The Business and Secretarial Club will meet Friday, Dec. 1 in B- 3 at 11 a.m. Officers of the club are Kurt Scott. president: Jim Juern vice- president- ICC representative: and Nancy Smith. treasurer- secretary,. Advisor is Robert Kuretich.
Christmas is coming Christmas is just a month away and your all out of ideas of what to get those left on your Christmas list. ~ee the Palomar book store for some new and 1-.:H of sight ideas.
Some of these out of sight ideas are: Sport Games by 31\1 Educational games IJy 31\1 1\1 ans Wallets at S 1. 50 Womans Wallets at $ 1. 95 Silhouette Silver from S 3.50 to$ 7.50
'd)'S :\I EET TOD:\ Y The Young De mocrats will
meet toclay at 11 a.m. in P-18 to discu ss future speakers ancl forums. Next week. the club will resume its Friday meetings. All inte r ested students are urged to attencl. FHOSfi :\II·:J·:T TODAY :'\lso meeting today is the Freshman Class with f3rice Larsen presiding. To he discussed are last Saturday ' s dance which left the c lass in the r erl S29 .1 0 and a post-Thanksgi ving clean- up campaingn on the campus . The Freshman class meets eac h and every Tuesday at 11 a.m. in R-5. All fr eshman are in vited to attend. CII1CLE K :\IEETS TOMORROW The Circle K Club will meet tomorrow in H-3 at 11 a.m. Larry Williams, president. will relate what he learne d at the Circle J-( Fall training conference at Ventura College . Attending the confe renee with \\'illiams were Dennis \Vard .vice- president: Ron Simecka. pro jects chairman: and Bill Johnson. treasurer-ICC rep NEWMAN DANCI:: PLANNED The Newman Cluh will meet tomorrow at 11 a.m. in F -22 to discus s band possiblities fo r their afterwrestling tourament dance Dec. 9. Catholic and non Catholic students are invited to attend. :\Ieetings are held each Wednesday in F - 22 at 11 a.m.
Sellers picture to be shown tonight "The Mouse That Roared," a 1959 comedy starring Peter Sellers, will be screened tonight in ES-19 . The fourth in a series of evening films, it is open to the public. There will be no charge for admission. Jean Seberg costars with Sellers, who plays three roles . The film was directed by Jack Arnold and produced by Carl For eman. "The Wild One. " with Marlon Branda. will be shown next Tuesday. A triple feature is scheduled for Dec . 5. "One Potato, Two Potato," "The Days Before Christmas" and "Gentleman in Room Six ' ' will be shown. A "festival Consort" of the National Shakespeare Festival of San Diego will perform a musical program at Palomar Dec. 1. There will be no charge for admission. The program. entitled "Carols, Crotchets, and Krum1' ' will feature Renais sance and medieval modes. It will begin at 8: 15 in P-32 .
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By Cecelia Lodico Pe r haps entrance requirements at ce rtain American universities are rather stiff, but the University of Tehran in Iran has most of our colleges beat. Out of 50,000 applicants to the uni versity per year, only 2,000 maximum are chosen, a ccord ing to Mohammad Kazemian. Mohammad is attending his second semester here at Palomar. He has been in the United States for about two and a half years. Born in Shiraz , Iran, Mohammad is · one of few fortunate students who was a ble to go on to the univeristy. "I had a scholarship from the city because I had the highest grade point average in the Teacher Training School. A Teacher Training School is like a junior colege. The one I attended was in Fars which is also called Persia. My scholarship paid my room and board and some of my other expe nses at the the university," Mohammad said. "l have two bachelor's degrees from the university. one in education and one in mathematics. After college I started to teach. At first I taught math in high school and then I taught math at the Teacher Training School I had attended . "In order to be a teacher in Iran, one should have two bachelor's degrees," Mohammad continued. "One degree must be in education and the other should be in some spec ial area. · "All colleges are four year universities." Mohammad commented. "There are no junior colleges as in America. The entrance requirements are hard and the courses are assigned. You have to take certain subjects for the bachelor' s degree you want. I had to take as mu ch math as possible. If you fail a subjec t, you have to take it over the next semester.,. The University of Tehran has just recentl y gone to the semester system. Before then subjects were taken yea rly, according to ::'1-lohammad. · "I will attend Palomar for one or. perhaps, two more semesters. I would then like to go to the C' nivers i t y of California at Santa Barbara. Eventaully I would like to get a doctorate degree and go back to I ran and teac h at the
126 E. VISTA WAY • VISTA • 726·2266
university. All teachers have PhDs at the university," Mohammad added. "I chose Palomar because I felt that my English was not good enough. I want to lea rn English better before I go to a transfer school. I did not think that the English competition would be as hard at a junior college." Those young men who don't go on to college, are active in one of Iran's thr ee armies. Most are in the arm y for two years beginning at about 19 years of age. "One is called the Arm y of Knowledge. It is m uch like your Peace Corps . It is termed the Army of Knowledge because they are soldiers who fight against igno r ance . "Another army trains the soldiers for six months. They then go into the poor villages and help the people with med- . ical supplies and food. These places are far from the large cities . These armies are the result of a new reformation we call the "White Revolution.;, The thi r d army is the military defense unit. "Wrestling is a main sport there," Mohammad remarked. "Football is big too. We play a E·uropean type of' football. like your soccer. "Iran is famous for its oil industry and Persian carpets. Persian carpets are the best in the world. No machinery is used to make them. They are hand woven. "Iranian women have recently been given more rights," Mohammad went on. They can now be a member of pa r liment. fo r example. Most of them are housewives . Others are teachers , doctors or nurses. After the "White Revolution "began, many went into the army or police department." Mohammad believes that one large difference between Lhe East and the West is the type of family life . The families of the East are much c loser. He wr ites to his relatives often. "It takes only five days for my lette rs to reach Iran. "
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continual financial need and . keeps up good academic work. Anyone wishing to enter any branch of the University musr 'file his scholarship applications be tween December 1 and r Febr uary 15 for the following academic year. The National Defence Education Act Student Loan P r ogram is also available through the University of California. This program is open to entering, returning and continuing undergraduate and graduate students. These students must be able to show need for funds to begin or continue their education. Other assistance available includes the s tate guarantee loan, work study, aid for veterans and their dependents and student employment programs. For further information on financial assistance, see Mrs. Wallace in student personnel. Mrs. Wallace will be glad to furnish students with the addresses of the Unive r sity' s offices for these various loans and grants.
Only limited number of Iranians are ab}e to meetuniversity entratre requirements
Records from S 3.69 to S 5.19 And for those people who you write to only once a year there are beautiful Christmas cards at 79c a box.
The University of California offer s a wide variety of financial ass istance to both freshman and transfer students. All entering freshmen who have applied for any form of financial assistance for the 1968- 1969 academic ye ar are automatically considered for an Educational Opportunity Grant. According to Mrs. Marjorie Wallace, dean of women, "These grants are outright gifts. The student need never wor ry about paying them back." These Educational Opportunity Gr ants are intended to help entering freshmen who would be unable to enter or remain in college because of a lack financial means. The grant can range frm $200 to $400, depending on the amount the parents are able to contribute and on the student's determined need. Students who rank in the upper one half of their college class in the preceding academic year can expect to receive an additional $200. The grants are renewable if the student has
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