The Telescope 21.11

Page 1

Volume 21, Number 11

A public ation of the Assoc iated Students of P alomar College

December 5, 1967

'Biggest production'

Palomar's first musical to debut Thursday evenzng •

Curta in t ime for "A Christmas Carol ,'' which debuts Thursday at 8 p.m. in t he drama lab, will open on the "Biggest and most e laborate drama production ever attempted he r e," according to dram a ins tructor Frank N. White. More than 60 actors , dancers and s inge r s will use seven major areas in p r esent ing t he Dickens c lassic. During the two act per formance action will be p r ojected through 16 diffe r ent scenes. Performances are scheduled for December 7 thr ough 10 and 14 through 17 at 8 p.m. Two matinees will be given at 2 p.m. on December 9 and 16. Because of l imited seating, students

The need for a district tax override to provide essential funds for Palomar College operations in 19 68- 69 and the ye ars following was reported to the governing board Tuesday night, November 27. by Dr. Frederick R. Hube r, Palomar pres ide nt. He c ited prospective deficits next year totaling $686,6000 if the college faculty, equipment and facilities are to be maintained at a level r e quired for the incre asing e nrollme nt. "It is apparent to your faculty and adminis tration that Palomar College will nee d additional funds for operation of the college for 19 68-69 and following years," Dr. Huber said. "These additional funds would also be needed to purchase equipment. Further, funds al s o will be nee ded for capital construction in orde r to match fu nds from the s tate fo ll owing approval of the projects that have been s ubmitted ." He pointed out that the 19 67-68 budget for replacement of e quipment "was seve r e ly reduced to make this year's budget bal ance and now we are faced with the need for replacements in the business and scie nce laboratories or we shall have to c lose down ce rtain student s tations . "

RECORD HIGH ENROLLMENT The college district voted last February in a $ 12.5 million bond issue and 10cent tax override e lection but defeate d both proposals . In September, the opening enrollme nt jumpe d an unexpected 20 percent, to 2,6 15, compared to average annual inc r eases of about 10pe r centin preceeding years . Dr. Hube r pointed out tha t the

m as ter plan had es timated 2.80 0 stude nts, the plant capacity. by 1968 and that " now. on the basis of current e nrollme nt. the projected e nrollment ind icates the 19 68 figure will be closer to 3,000. " Huber also pointe d out that "if a single college district is approved in the North County it means that the ope rational funds needs of Palomar College will not decrease. "

ELECTION IN JUNE Dr. Huber s ugges ted a tax ove rride of 22 .1 cents per $100 valuation and that a di s trict e lection be called for ea rly sp ring. probably in March. The board of governors di scussed the needs at length and file d the report for furthe r study. Detailed financial projections , both on inc ome, expenses, and next year's anticipated faculty additions, were s ubmitted by the administration . Fifteen new faculty me mbers at an average salary of $10,5 00 and four new c lassified e mployees will be nee ded, and t he projec ted undis tributed r eserve would drop to a level not considered desirable for "safe ope ration." The ite ms making up the prospec tive d eficit for 1968- 69 we r e listed as: undi s tributed r eserve, $3 00,0 0: poss ible r eduction in federal income, $190.200; emplo yme nt of 15 ne w teachers, $157, 500: other costs related to that emp loyme nt, $18,000 : four new c lass ified e mp loyees, $19, 000, and related costs , $1,900.

in showing tonight

four candidates nominated by clubs

Five s tudents and two advis ors represented Palomar College at the stat ewide California Junior College Student Government Association conference last week. T he confe r ence was held Thursday through Saturday a t Asilomar conference grounds near Monterey. Over 400 r epr esenta tives from 82 sc hool s attended. Palomar r epresentatives and their works hops we r e: P olitics, Jon Mitche ll ; Steve Woodall , Communications: Rita

_ The showing will be the last in the evening film series until Febllary. There is no charge for admission and the screenings are open to the general public . "One Potato. Two Potato~ is a children's film based on the drawing and t he world of town games of London children. ·'The skill and the love they pass on from age to age has been desc ribed as 'the expression of the need fo r poetry in all of us.' ,. by r eviewers. T he met ropoli s of l\Iontreal is the location of "The Days Before Christmas . " "lt is a satiri cal potpourri of impressions on the commerical ization of Christmas and how Canada's largest c ity counts off the days prior to that holiday," explained one reviewer . "Ge ntleman in Room Six" was an award winner at both the Endenburgh and Venice Film Festivals . Described by reviewers as "a mysterious little film with an unusual ending. The original story and imaginative photography c ombine to create an intriguing and gripping film." ·

Patti Russo. ASB Social Chairman. made a plea for more publicity on the Christmas Formal at ye sterday 's student council mee ting. This year's formal will be a dinner- dance affair. Dancing; will start around 9 p.m. with 'Linda and the Centaurs' p r oviding m usic . T hey are the s~Pne 'Centaurs' who played fo.• last year's Yule dance at the Stardust. " Price of the bids are $10, which isn't too much for two dinners and an evening of dancing." stated Patti R\lsso, ASB Social Chairman. Bids are now on sale during the '.unch hour in the student union for the · ighth annual Christmas Formal held Saturday. December 16 at the Hot el del C )ronado in San Diego.

ME ETINGS TO BE HELD IN P - 32 Bill Mason, ASB Vice- P resident. announced that future council meetings will be held in P - 32 due to a decisio n made by Jon Mitche ll , ASB President. Warren Roper of MiraCosta College sat in on last week's council meeting. War ren offered to give Palomar the proper procedure to request read signs on the near- by roads directing traffic to P alomar College.

Coronation of the Queen and her two princesses wil l he performed by last yea r' s queen. Donna Davison, or Santa Claus. The Queen will be the choice between candidates in the Wednesday December 13 e lection . T he four nominees are Cheri Chambless . Young Republicans: Pat Gehris. Inte rnational Club: De bbie Hayward, Circle K: and Joan Widrig, Pep Club· The dinner menu inc ludes Seafood Cocktail Supreme; Celery Victor with s liced Egg and Tomato; a choice of two entrees : B raised Brisket of Choice Beef F ourgignonne. Burgundy Sauce with ;\1ushrooms. Glazed Baby Carrots and Pea rl Onions, au Gratin Potatoes: or , Polynesian Breast of Capon (Double Breast of Young Capon Saute<~ in Sweet Butter) served on Grilled Ham with Pineapple, Green Beans witr Bamboo Shoots. Polynesian Rice and Sweet and Sour Sauce; Blueberry Cream Pie. andt Beve rage .

T he Associate d Student Council ret r ieved a long forgotten power r ecently c oncerning the decision on of which clubs gain admittance to the Inter Club Council. The powe r belongs solely to the Counc il: it was falsely delegated to both the ICC and the ASB Judicial Committe in previous years. Jim Strong. ASB Judicial Chairman. stated that both g r oups have been operating incorrectly "at least since Nancy Hicks was ASB President. " Miss Hicks was in office two years ago. (Continued on page six)

(Continue d on page three )

Student Council delegation attends convention.; PalQmar evaluation resolution tabled Schmidt, Cr eative Arts; Ted Konopi sos . Bus iness: Mike Gunde r s on. Religion. Robe rt Bowman, Dean of Stude nt Activities. and Marjorie Wallace. Dean of Women, attended advisors' workshops . He r e are a few of the ideas and p roposals that were brought forth, mos t of them in the form of proposed endorsem ents by the body: --A r esolution forwarded by Palomar (Continued on page three)

(Continued on page s ix)

Christmas formal is a dinner dance affair ;

The films are "One Potato. Two Potato," and the Canadian production of " The Days Before Christmas" and the "Gentle man in Room Six."

N eed seen for additional funds; President suggests a spring election

"our' s will he the fi rs t musical version of the popular Christmas story."' It also is the fi rst music al comedy produced here from the fi rst original p lay. White adapted the traditional story for the stage and wrote the lyrics fo r seven songs fo r the musical version. Howard Brubeck. dean of humanities. composed a score for the songs and dances of the production. Chor eography is by ill iss Billie Hutchings . dance instructor. and vocal direction is by Joe Stanford of the m usic department.

Art films featured

A triple feature film fare offeri ng three top-rated artistic short movies will show this evening in ES- 19.

Dickens ' Chri stmas classic

are ur ged to call for reservations at 744-1150 or purchase tickets as early as possible. The tickets for all performances ar e on sale in the student union. Charg-:_ will be 75 cents with an ASB card for students. faculty and staff . Regular admission will be S1.50. In pointing out the necessity for making earliest arrangements, White said that "50 reservations wer e requested within three hours after the reservation office opened last Friday." Along with its si ze and scope the Palomar production will make a number of first for the college and for the play itself. "So far as we know. " White said.

YR Chairman cites crumbling cornerstones of democratic power " The four cornerstones of the Democratic power s tructure are crumbling,'' s aid Jack McDonald, National Chairman of the Young Republicans during a speech yesterday. "The cornerstones are labor, c hurc h, the south and the prolife ration of governm ental appointees.

"Lab o r u n i on s u sed to tell their workers to vote the Democratic party . Now. the workers rea li ze that they have the same problems--c r imes , inflation , unsafe s t reets--as do other Ame ricans. T hey are voting first as Americans, second as m embers of labor unions . (Continued on page three)


Forgotten approval power retrieved

Narcotics committee plans presentations Palomar's committee dealing with narcotics--newly nam ed the Controversial Drug Resear ch and Educational Committee- -will attempt to sponsor a s peake r concerning the medicial view of mari juana use in the first of a s eries of presentations open to the student body. In a report to the main committee on November 30. Robert Thoreson, Programs and Arrangement sub- committee chairman. outlined an accepted plan for presentations. He reported that the time and the place for the programs will be at 11 a .m. in P-32 The first presentation will be a medical view of ma ri juana use followed by the second pre s e ntation on the legal aspects . Supplementary material p ertaining to marijuana use wi ll be rep orted by the Research and Bibliography sub-committee at the third program . Any conflic ts of opinion will be resolved in the fourth p r esentation hy hear ing fu r ther speakers or hy hearing more discussion within the committee. Discussion was primarily on the various roles of two of the four subcommittees. The Agenda sub- committee is designated as the steering committee and the Research and Bibl iography subcommittee is to augment all presentations and to make available to the student body all information collected. A spec ial s he lf or section is planned in the main library for the purpose soon after the programs begin. Other business conducted included the fixation of a per manent meeting tim e, Meetings will be called periodically by the co-chai rmen at 11 a. m. Thursdays in the conference room .' A motion to disband the committee was forwarded at the last meeting on November 17. It was defeated however.




By Steve Woodall Those people over 30 we're not supposed to trustarefinallybecomingaware that college students and youth in general form a political force that gets stronger every day. by far the most significa nt political [orc e in the United States . despite the fact that most of its members don't have the right to vote. The struggle of the most active young people today is a s~uggle for civil liberties. for both white and black men.

new youtl1: S()l11e C()nsicierati()OS Our generation wants to turn on the world , but the world, it seems, resents being turned on. The world resists us to the point that it appears we can't even communicate. T hose of us who want change are often labeled "Communist" or "Communist inspired''. The next voice you hear will be that of an angry student. It is an editorial that appeared in the San :vratean. of San Mateo Junior College: and we take the opportunity of quoting it in its en·tirety.

'' 'The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate for the stormy present. The occas ion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves.' "The problems that faced Abraham Lincoln when he wrote the preceding are the same problems that face this nation today: a nation divide d against itself. "The present administration has come to apoint in whch it can no longer ignore the sounds of dissat isfaction by America's youth. They are disillusioned by the facade of the 'all good- -all powerful' American principles. They are concerned with war. "We are told of our ancestors fight for our ri~rhts. One of their rallying cries was 'Taxation without representat ion is tyranny. ' America's youth must now rally behind the phrase 'Induction without r epresentation is tyranny .' "If the administration expects today ' s youth to support them, they must give youth a voic e as to what policy they will follow. Once this is done, the insanity of our foreign policy will no longer be tolerated . "The voters will stop the genocide in Vietnam , the disc ri m ination across the country, the poverty in our richest cities. America's youth of today is better educated, more knowledgeable and more involved in the problems of the world than 18 year olds were 10 years ago. "A revolution is br ewing. Let it be fought legally and inte llectually. Give us the vote."

THE TELESCOPE In 19 6~. the Student Publications Board esta bllshed a Code of Ethi cs with the cooperatlaP of the m••mhers of all campus publications . Locii'l" newspaper publishers were asked to comment and they said the code was complete. Two statements from that code nre pertinent t oday: "Within the framework of school cove rage, sensationalism. glorification , and favoritism should not

be tolerated." Coverage of national or international occurrences should be governed by the proximity o f the event and the direct relationship of t he event to t he students. These events s hould be considered

when they occur on cam?us or b roughtinto the college program di r ectly. • Opinions expressed in thi s paper In signed ed itorial s and articl es are the views of the writers and do not necessarily represent opinions of t he staff. views or the Associated Student Body CoJncl l. college adm inistration. or the Board of Gove rno•·s. The TELESCOPE Invites responsible •guest editorials" o r letters to the editor A ll communications must ue signed by the author. The TELESCOPE as a student newsp aper m Jst rep r esent the entire spectrum of student thought

Jean Peasley Oh no! Can Johnson really be re-elected in '68? Somebody is worried about President Johnson' s ability to be re- elected next year. That somebody consists of six Democratic governors and ex- governors who met at Rancho La Costa last week- end, arriving at the conclusion: We s upport President Johnson and unanimously call for his r e - e lection. However the individual comments made by the various democratic leaders could be misleading.

BRO WN SUPPORTS VIETNAM Fi rst of all, former California Governor Pat Brown became angry when asked why, in their support of the Presi dent, there was no specific mention of support of the Vietnam war. Governor Brown said, "Yes , we support the Pres i dent ... and by doing this support his policies concerning Vietnam." Governor Brown admitted that today's youths are falling away from the party without question because of Vietnam. He hopes that the r ole of the college student will include joining in the pr eside ntial campaign and "fi ghting with all the ir hearts and souls, no matter what stand they take. " He hopes to have a ground group to go out on college campuses to recruit democratic voters.

N O FEAR OF GOVERNOR REAGAN Pertient information, maybe: In the San Francisco area the word "revolution" appears to be challenging the traditional four letter spray-paint e mblazonments (including "love") for prime spots on walls and fe nces. Valiant vandals of the youth unde r ground , it would appear. T he tim es, says Bob Dylan, they a re a changin'.

In considering possible Republican nominations, not one of the Democratic representatives are afraid of California's Governor Ronald Reagan. The reason for this is Governor Reagan's low rating in popularity polls, which would be more significant if the election were this month.

Furthermore. none of the leaders are afraid of the presidential candidancy of Senator Eugene McCarthy,D- Minn. ExGovernor Grant Sawyer of Nevada stated that although the Vietna:tiilssue is im port ant, McCarthy will "wear it out in the primary." (A remark scoffed at by local reporters .) This , according to Sawyer, will enable Johnson to get on the ballot via the Democ rati c ticket. And Ex- Governor George Wallace? He's the least threat of all, although the Democ ratic leaders c ouldn't deny his ability to draw l arge crowds at various speaking engagements lately.

STUDENTS DISSATISFIED After the press conference, Ex- Governor Brown's ai de invited Joan Kattelmann, co ed itor of The Telescope and my unfailing: companion on these pol itical juants, and me to stay for lunc h. While we were chatting with various members of the communications media, Brown came over and asked who we were. Brown asked what the position of students was on this campus . I stated that it seemed that the students are dissatisfied with both parties, and remarked on the growing number of mem bers in the newly formed Peace and Freedom Club. Later, out on the golf course, Brown told us that when he visited Palomar during his re- election campaign he found the students " ... very conservative group . .. they liked Reagan. " Everyone laughed and the former Governor raced out on the golf course for a quick game.


Western states' political rundown


.., :' ·should P. E. be required? The California state law says that all students attending college and under 21 years of age must partake in some physical education class. The need for physical fitness has been stressed recently by the government. It was especally brought to the floor during the Kennedy administration. Palomar students seem to be evenly divided on t he question "Should P . E. be required in college?" Dan White, sophomore-- "Yes . We've got to keep fit somehow. Most of us would not find time if we were not required to attend P . E. Though 1 P. E.,students often find an interest in other sports they wouldn't think of partaking in. Ron Tracy, freshman-- "No, not really . An individual should be gr own up enough and take his own responsibility to keep himself physically fit ." Paul Hau1=tman, sophomore-" Definitely. Once a person is in college, s tudying and extra-cirricular activities demand so much time that too many tend to neglect their health. Therefore P . E, classes offer an opportunity to keep physically and mentally alert." Judy Hall, freshma:1-- "No, t hough I do like it. While in college a person shouldn't have to take it if he doesn't want to. College is mainly for studying. P. E. is not required at private schools." Jim McClure--freshman-- "Yes. If it weren't required people wouldn't be physically fit. There is a limit as to how many want and like it. At least till you're 21 you know yo1.1'll be phyically fit."

Mary Reyes, freshman--"No. It seems funny that an adult should be

romping around, and we are considered adults in most other things. It is not necessary that one be physically fit in orderto attend college. P . E. should be optional because a Jot of people do like it." Jon !:>chnarr, sophomore-- "Yes. Everyone should stay fit to a certain extent. He doesn't have to be fit enough to be in sports, but he should be fit so that he won 't get exhausted a t work. There are a lot of people who huff and pant when they do a little work, and it is unwise to be that way. P.E. provides a break in studies ." Pat Gehris , sophomore--"No . By the time a person is in college, as with anything else , he should be able to know what is right and what isn't. We choose other subjects and should be able to choose whether or not we want to have P.E. The P . J:;; c l ass is more or less working against a person by making him take it when he doesn't want to. It really doesn't accomplish that much because it is only two days per week for 50 minutes ." Linda Swayze, sophomore--"Yes. I firmly believe that P . E. should be required through junior college. I went to a school of nursing last year that didn't require or have the facilities for physical exercise for students. As a result al most eve r y student in my class (over 200 of them) gained 10 to 20 pounds. Most important, we all lost lung capacity and muscle tone which are both absolutely necessary for the nursing profes sion

-E ach governor gave an up- to- dat e r un-down of political affairs in his state. Here the comments , keeping in mind that they come from hopeful democratic leaders: ARI ZONA 'S Ex-Gove r norSam Goddard : "J have very confidence that Arizona is going to support the President soundly .. . ver y strong local grass root s upport... McCarthy poses no significant threat ... Heyden will be successful in winning . .. Goldwater can't beat him . NEVADA'S Ex-Governor Grant Sawyer: "Not many doves in Nevada ... great many people who want to do it their way ... they don't want McCarthy or LBJ. . . Wallace couldn't possibly carry state .. . Romney or Nixon are toughest Republicans ... Democrat ic Party in Nevada is not in good shape. NEW MEXICO'S Ex- Gove r nor Jack Campbell: "Nixon s t rongest Republican in the state ... Wallace won'tget on ballot."


UT AH'S Governor Calvin Rampton: "Don't know if I' ll run for re - election . . . strongest Republicans are Romney , Nixon and Rockefeller ... Republican party in Utah is very conservative ... wouldn't support Romney on principles alone ... Wallace doesn't have a large enough support. Romney could beat J ohnson. WASHINGTON'S Ex- Governor Albert Roselini: Johnson ·Humphrey ticket will carry state handily ... McCarthy no threat ... Wallace draws b ig crowds but won't hold state ... most effective Republicans are Rocke feller, Nixon and Romne y. CALI FORNIA'S former Governor Pat Brown: Johnson won't win s tate easily ... Democratic party isn't s table ... Republican Senator Thomas Kuchel will win again.


John Sudjadi, Palomar's foreign exchange student from Indonesia, wasseriously hurt r ecently in a motor cycle accident. John is in the Palomar Hospital in Escondido and would welcome visitors from Palomar. If you can 't make it over there to see him, why not send h im a car d? Let's let 'lim know we're a ll hoping he'll be ba~...k with us soon.



COLORADO'S Mike Dannunzio: "We're going to carry Colorado for the President .• very confident in this area .. . Wal lace has no strength, won't get on ballot... McCarthy may have small m ovement in his direction. OREGON'S Norman Stull: "Democrats will unite and elect Johnson. Most threatening Republican candidates a re Romney, Rockefeller .• . Democ ratic party needs time to iron out pr oblem s in Oregon .. . Wayne Morse-- some people will blindly foll ow him no matter what he does. MONTANA'S Attorney General Forrest Ande rson: "Johnson will win in Montana ... I'd prefer Reagan for the Republican candidate because we could beat him the easiest .. . the strongest would be Nixon .. . McCarthy and Wallace won't am ount to anything . . won' t even be on ballot. Can Johnson win? If the election were today the Democratic leaders apparently think .. or want you to think that he could easily win.They r epeatedly state Nixon the s t rongest Republican candidate--possibly to throw off Romney supporters. But the election's a full ten months away and there's still cam paigning and political manuevers for both parties to execute. And as one mem ber o£ the press advised us. "Nowyoushould go visit a Repub lican Conference and see how confident they a re."

OUR COLLEGE COMMUNf l )T hospitalized


HA WA'll'SDemocratic committeeman Jim Burns: "No matter who the Republicans nominate, J ohnso'n will carry Hawaii. Wallace would ' be was ting his time to go over (Governor Brown: Nobody wastes the ir time to go to Hawaii. .. Bur ns : That sounds good coming f rom a Califo rnian)

It's census week once again. and that means no cutting classes for a week. Teachers will be carefully taking roll. so if you've had you number of cuts and don't want to be dropped, you'd better show up in class. Palomar re-

ceives money from the government for each s tudent enrolled. We have a money shortage that could be helped by a good student attendance.

Co- Editors Joan 1-.attelmann , Steve IVocdall Page 2 Editor . . . . . .Jean Peas lev P age 4 Editor . . • . , . . . . . . Cecelia Lo1ico Sport s Editor . . . . . . Steve Schneider Advertis i ng . . . . . . Dianna Ho·Jser . ,Jan Harless C l uiJ News . . Joe \\'u A rtist . Jo'3: \Varren General Assignment. Jan Do,oho, :-like Gunderson Jerry Kicholas. Buz>. Ponce Gary Schmake, Joe Wiggins Composi t ion . . . . . Paul Colvin, nozanne Jakovac Photographers . . . . . 'te1•e macksto:)k, ~l ike Christy. lletty Gel~ e r. llenry Go;J inez . Cecelia l.o:lico ..Jo'1o Lovell , f\oh Kelson n. \ 'an Quackenhush Advisor

Hancock College takes PC tourney honors Allen Hancock College of Santa Maria defeated Fullerton 98-74 to win the Palomar College Invitational Basketball Tournament Saturday night in the Dome Gym. The Bulldogs came from a ten-point defecit in the early moments to blow the game wide open in the second half. Malcolm Taylor paced Hancock while scoring 35 points along with Bob Baker whc tallied 18. The Bulldogs were picked at the beginning of the tournament to finish second behind the highly rated Pasadena Lancers who were decisioned by Hancok in the semi-finals on Friday night. In the Championship match Fullerton opened the game by tallying a 5-0 margin in the early moments and then stretching their lead to 18-8 mid-way through the first half. But their lead was enjoyed for a considerably short time when Hancock exploded behind the shooting of Malcolm Taylor, Gilbert Hialgo, and Emerson Carr to tie the contest 23-23 with 6:51

left in the first half. Carr scored both the tieing basket along with the go-ahead tally but that lead last only one minute when Fullerton's Darvl Onken tied it up at 25 all. Taylor contributed the tie-breaking score that put Hancock out in front to stay when he added two baskets in a row to make the score 29-36 at halftime. Hancock maintained an approximate ten-point lead through most of the second half but connected with 7:13 left to pad their margin to 84- 64 and then coasted to their 98-74 victory. In the game with Pasadena, Bill Jones was the major offensive threat for the Bulldogs in scoring 29 points accreditated to Malcolm Taylor. Hancock went into the halftime intermission with a 38-29 margin and increased their lead to 84-64 for the victory. Sam Robinson was nearl y the total offensive for the Pasadena Lancers in scoring 25 of their 64 points.


Cc)llege arcl1ety sc1t1ad · tc) l1c)ld first annual tc)urney


Palomar College's Archery team will host the first annual Palomar Invitational Archery tournament Friday when they compete with San Fernando state, and Pierce College on the Comet archery range. The meet is scheduled to get underway at l:OOp.m. Fridayafternoonandwill consist of a Duryea round which is 96 arrows from 30 yards at a 24" target face. Palomar College and San Fernando state will both be entering two men's team while Pierce will have only one team representating them. Jim Kinley and James Crafts of Palomar placed in the tip ten of the United States Intercollegiate archery meet held at Tempe, Arizona. Crafts placed eighth while Kinley finished ninth in competition with 19 universities and colleges across the

nation. Although the shoot consisted of individuals rather than teams, Palomar was the only school in the nation to place two men in the top ten. A top ten ranking in this meet is a major step toward membership on the U. S. Olympic Archery team. Therewill be five meets in the next two years similar to the one held at Tempe. The top ten at the end of these intercollegiate meets will then go into training for the 1972 Olympics in Germany. Coach for the archery team, Miss Mildred Ayers, "feels confident that the Palomar team will win the state championship." "Most schools," she continued. "have at least one good shooter, but few have four." San Dernando State and Pierce College both placed one man in the top ten shooters at the intercollegiate meet at Tempe.

Mexican Olympic wrestlers tQ enter third Comet tournament Tony Lynds and his Palomar College wrestling squad open up their third annual tournament this Friday afternoon. Under Lynds, the Palomar wrestling spectacular will be the largest wrestling tournament in the nation for junior college teams. The local show will be exceeded only by the Cal Poly of San Luis Obispo wrestling tournament for the largest tourney for all Cali fo rni a colleges. Highlight of this year's two-year tournament will be the appearance of the Mexican Nation a 1 Olympic wrestling team, travelling from Mexico Poly in Mexico City to compete in the Palomar event. The south-of-the-border residents boast four Olympic team members on their squad. Wrestlers at 115, 130, 137 and 191 pounds from Mexico have all met Olympic requirements and are set to

compete in the 1968 Summer Olympic Games to be held in Mexico City. The tournament will open up at 3:00 Friday afternoon and close at 4:00 PM Saturday. Eighteen teams have entered the Comet tourney with El Camino, Mesa Community of Arizona, Arizona Western and Cerritos Colleges expected to provide the roughest competition. P a 1om a r kicked-off its seasonal wrestling debut last weekend by entering the Arizona Western College Tournament held in Yuma. Lynds' squad finished seventh out of a field of 15 teams, with 130 pounder Arnie Kiddoo capturing top Palomar honors. Kiddoo lost a match in the semifinals of the championship round by losing to the national champion of the 130 pound class from Phoenix College. Tim Turner of Palomar looked sharp by placing thirc~ in the 170 pound division.

r,:c-h·st · ~ r1 mas 1s com1ng Christmas is just a month away and you're all out of ideas of what to get those left on your Christmas list. See the Palomar book store for some new and out- of-sight ideas. Some of these out of sight ideas are:

fQs l<l L .. l

Sport Games by 3M Educational games by 3M Men's Wallets at $ 1.50 Women's Wallets at $ 1. 95

•• _ : )


Silhouette Silver from $ 3. 50 to $ 7. 50 Records from $ 3.69 to$ 5.19 And for those people who you write to only once a year there are beautiful Christmas cards at 799 a box.



Thursday night Allen Hancock College scored a come-from-behind win over the Coalinga Falcons by the score of 84-68 . The Bulldogs found themselves trailing at halftime 31-35 but behind the shooting of Taylor, Carr, and Baker managed to rally in the second half. Palomar put up a strong fight in their opening night game against Riverside but a rally on the part of Riverside in the final minutes put the game out of reach for the Comets. The Comets trailed at halftime 60-45 but closed the gap on the Riverside Tigers in the early moments of the second half to threaten the Tigers' claim on the lead by the score of 75-71. Palomar boasted a balanced attack in their scoring ranks with Mike Judd, Rudy Waardenburg, and John Thatcher bagging 16 points each while Larry Waterman tallied 14. Leading scorers for the Tigers were John Masi who bucketed 27 points, and Joe Morgan who scored 22. Palomar was e 1 imina ted in their second outing when they were defeated by the 9rossmont Griffins 91-60. Leading scorer for the Comet cagers was Rudy Waardenburg with 16 po.iri.ts. Sam Blalock came second with a 'total of 15 markers.

FINAL SCORES Wednesday, November 29 Winner


Mt. San Jacinto 72 Southwestern 68 Coalinga 62 Mira Costa 60 Ventura 84 San Diego Mesa 64 Mt. San Antonio 82 Imperial Valley 70 Fullerton 56 Gross mont 55 Hancock 110 San Diego City 75 Riverside 119 Palomar 95 Pasadena 103 Citrus 78 Thursday, November 30 MiraCosta 84 San Diego City Grossmont 91 Palomar Southwestern 90 Citrus Imperial Valley 78 San Diego Mesa Ventura 67 Mt. San Antonio Hancock 84 Coalinga Fullerton 104 Riverside Pasadena 85 Mt. San Jacinto

59 60 72 68 65 68 84 61

Friday, December 1 MiraCosta 67 Southwestern Grossmont 88 Imperial Valley Hancock 84 Pasadena Fullerton 79 Ventura

59 74 64 64

Saturday, December 2 MiraCosta 62 Grossmont 56 Pasadena 99 Ventura 57 Hancock 98 Fullerton 74

Malcolm Taylor Outstanding Player Malcolm Taylor, 6'3" forward for the Allen Hancock Bulldogs, was named the most outstanding and most valuable player Saturday night following his team's victory over the Fullerton Hornets to win the Palomar Invitational tournament championship contest. Taylor led his team in the scoring column with 35 points in the title contest and totaled 102 of the 376 points scored by the Bulldogs in their four games in the tournament. Members of the ten-man All Tournament team are: Sam Robinson, 6'8'' sophomore forward for the Pasadena Lancers; Lee Tolliver from Mt. San Jacinto; Taylor from Hancock; Bob Baker from Hancock; Bob Jones from Ventura; Darrell Albers from Fullerton; Bill Jones from Hancock: Doug Boyd from Grossmont; Stan Nixon from Pasadena; and Emerson Carr from Hancock. Tournament Awards presented were: THE CHAMPION PERPETUAL TROPY HANCOCK

Allan Hancock College players collect a souvenir of the i r championship in the Palomar College Basketball

MiraCosta Spartans pull upset; Win consolation championship •

Mira Costa's Spartans came from a 29-29 deadlock at halftime to up set the Grossmont Griffins 62- 56 and win the Consolation Championship bracket in the Palomar Invitational Basketball Tourna ment Saturday night. The Spartans proved to be the big surprise of the tournament as they went into the tournament picked by the Tournament officials and the Junior College Athletic Bureau to finish fifteenth in the field of sixteen teams. Ray Bolden paced MiraCosta's offense throughout the tourname nt while scoring 80 points in the team's four games of the tournament. Jim Kelly and Carl Buchanon tied for second among t he Spartans s coring leaders with total s cores of 44 points each for the tournament. Jim Cowperthwaite led the team' s scoring in the Grossmont Consolation title clash with a score of 16 points, Bolden finished second with 13. Leading scorer for the Griffins was Doug Boyd who totaled 18 points along with Richard Mates who bagged 11.

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In the semi- finals of the consolation bracket, MiraCosta nipped the Southwestern Apaches, who were picked previous to the tournament to finish seventh by the s core of 67- 59. Leading s corer fo r the Spartans in that contest was Bolden who tallied 26 points . Their opening game of the tournament against Coalinga was di s appointing for MiraCosta because of a highly conteste d decision in the c l osing seconds of the game . The rhubarb aros e becau se the timekeeper allegedly stopped the clock when he wasn't supp osed to, allowing enough t ime for Coalinga to break a 60- 60 deadlock and to win 62- 60. The loss sent the Spar tans into the cons olation competition where they defeated San Diego City College 84- 59 on Thursday a nd went on to win the consolation championship .




tournament. The Bulldogs gained the title following their victory over Fullerton, 98- 74.

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1--Ic)ward Brubeck composes music scc)re for ~Christmas Carol ' "A Christmas Carol," the second play to be presented this year, is truly a Palomar production. An all student cast will perform the work cooperatively assembled by Howard Brubeck. dean of humanities; Frank N. White, drama instructor, Miss Billie Hutchings, physical education and dance instructo .. ; and Joe Stanford, choral director. Brubeck wrote the music for the play. "There are seven songs and nine dances. I wrote the music for the lyrics that Frank White wrote. His lyrics are based on the words of Dickens . He used ideas and often actual words of Dickens . Miss Hutchings choreographed the dances. I then wrote music to fit her choreography. "We started this tradition two years ago by having- the departments combine

Dean Brubeck

(Continued from page one)

to perform 'John Brown's Body.' Last spring we decided we would like to do a musical show. However, we could find nothing to fill our needs. Then Mr. White came up with the idea that nobody has done 'A Christmas Carol.' 'Oliver Twist' had been done on Broadway. During the summer, Mr. White took 'A Christmas Carol' and made it into an acting script and determined where songs could best be used. The decisions were made with the cooperation of Miss Hutchings and Mr. Stanford. Mr. Stanford is directing the Chamber Singers for the chorus and is coaching the soloists. Students are dancing." Dean Brubeck has done incidental music for many plays at Palomar. "I did some music for ' The Warriors Husband.' I have also done dialogues for jazz combo and orchestra performed by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra during their regular season with Leonard Bernstein conducting. This music has been performed by many orchestras throughout the world. "Johnny Dankworth performed this work at London's Philharmonic. My brother , Dave Brubeck, performed some work which I arranged for the Minneapolis Philharmonic Association. Brubeck is president of the Palomar Philharmonic Artists Association. "I first taught at my home highschool, Mt. Diablo in Concord, California• in the San Franciso Bav area. I taught at Mills College in Oakland and then at San Diego State before coming to Palomar in 1953." "I was graduated from San Francisco State with a B. A. and a teaching credential. I received my M.A. from Mills and have done post graduate studies there and at Berkshire Music Center of the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Lenix, Massachusetts."

The Council's first use of the regained power was exercised about three weeks ago in a regular meeting when they approved the constitution of the newly formed Peace and Freedom Club. The power delegation error became apparent when Bill Mason, ASB Vice President and ICC Chairman. aproached Strong and questioned him the policy of judical review. Out of this discussion arose the question of who really had the power to determine club admittance to ICC . Mason, Strong and Jon Mitc hell, ASB President, r eferred to the ASB constiution and found nowhere in the document does it state that club constitutions must be approved by the Judicial Committee prior to ICC admittance. The Student Council has the sole power. The final approval must come from the Board of Governors; at the present time Peace and Freedome Club, Pep Club, Christian Science Club are waiting for approval. A club may not sponsor any activity other than holding meetings until they have been given board approval. Palomar College has tentatively planed the first mid-year commencement for February 2 at 8 p.m. in t he student union. Dr. Frederick R. Huber, Palomar President, stated that there "are about 50, including 20 of the Navy personel" that will be eligible for graduation. The Administrative Council approved the commencement on Tuesdav.

(Continued from page one) Norman E. Gaskins, technical director, has created a portion of London street-- complete with shops, snow and gas lamps--for the play's setting. Although rehearsals have been held for only about five weeks for actors and singers, the musical has actually been in the making for more than a year, according to White. He began work on the adaptation in the spring of last year. "Lyrics for the Christmas songs were written while I was on a summer visit to the Salton !:lea," he said with a chuckle. The drama instructor said that the work of Dean Brubeck on the music was "outstanding." Reversing the usual procedure , he set his music to the lyrics of the songs and composed music for the dances after watching first rehearsals for the choreography that would be presented in the play. Dean Brubeck will also furnish organ music for the presentations along with pianist Carolyn Schroeder. Michol 0' Rand will be in charge of the scores of elaborate lighting cues. The cast is primarily from the theater art&_, music and dance departments but includes students from other majors. Children's parts are played by area residents. The role of "Tiny Tim." less prominent in the musical than in the traditional version, is played by Tom Walsh. Major characters are Larry Rintye as Scrooge; Joe White as Bob Cratchit; Neal Westmacott as Fred, Scrooge's nephew; andDonaldM. Krueger as Marley's Ghost. Drama instructor White plays Charles Dickens. White said that because of the scope of the action and entrances, persons arriving late will not be allowed seating after the performance has begun.

The annual Vets Club Slave Sale gets underway tomorrow in the student union at 11 a.m. with Robert Bowman, dean of Student activities, as the auctioneer. Last year's event netted the club's treasury over S100; the highest bid for one coed was $17.50. All prospective slaves are asked to sign up in R-02, the office of the secretary to the Dean of Student Actives, before 10 a.m. tomorrow. The Veterans Club will meet Friday at 11 a.m. in R-5 to vote on a club constitutional amendment. All members are expected to attend this meeting.


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The next Alpha Gamma Sigma meeting will be held on ::Ylonday, December 11.

NEWMAN CLUB SPONSORS DANCE The Newman Club will sponsor an After- Wrestling Tournament Dance this Saturday night with the 'Crystal Ship' and the 'Bright Water' providing the music. Admission is 75 cents stag and $1 drag to Palomar ASB cardholders and their guests. The dance begins at 10 p.m. and continue until 1 a.m. This is the last club sponsored dance of the year. Newman Club meet on Wednesdays at 11 a.m . in F -22 .

D. Jess Ashcraft was elected president of the Young Republicans Friday. Other officers include Steve Krueger, first-vice-president; George Faltisek. second vice-president; Loren Bailey, treasurer; Susan Anderson, assistant treasurer; Jerry Bzdula, ICC rep; Kathy Crosby, recording secretary; and Sandy Englebrecht, corresponding secretary. Also e lected were member Ashcraft, Bill White, Jim Scott, Bob Thoreson, and John Rice (alternate) to the County Young Republican Board . Cheri Chambless was elected to reppresent the club in the Christmas Queen competition . The Young Republicans meet weekly on Friday in P-22 at 11 a.m.

The Freshman Class will further plan the Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale to be held December 13 through 15 in a meeting in Il-5 today. On Wednesday December 13, and Thursday December 14 members will conduct the Bazaar in the student union. On Friday December 15, they will conduct a Christmas Bake Sale by selling popcorn balls, candy canes, cakes, and cookies. "Membership attendance has been good at the weekly meetings," commented Brice Larsen, class president, "but I believe it could be better." Meetings are weekly on Tuesday at 11 a.m. in R-5.



Alpha Gamma Sigma members will sponsor a Christmas bake sale on Wednesday. December 15 in the student union. Proceeds will further the clubs' scholarship fund.


Gamma Sigma Chi, girls' service club , is selling lollipops now through December 15 to finance the club's service projects.

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Pro jects planned for December include co-sponsoring a party for the students of the Retarded Children's Association of Vista and making tray favors for a local hospital.



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day's noon hour concert. Concerts are given regularly on Wednesdays at noon.

Veterans club to sponsor annual slave sale tommorrow; Wrestling Touman1ent dance Saturday night

"The Christmas Star", the story of the first Christmas and the Star of Bethlehem, will be presented in the planetarium tomorrow at 7:15 and 8:30p.m. The show, said to be the most popular of the weekly series by narrator Charles Coutts, will also be presented on the 13 , 20, and 27 of this month. Coutts, director of the planetarium , says that over 11,000 have attended the shows so far this year. He and student Gordon Stubblefield have been working on an additional system to compliment the basic show unit and expect it to be completed within a month. This includes devices to illustrate auroras, eclipses, fireballs, meteors , solar halos, and super novas. The console already is equipped with two stereo tape players. a stereo record player and constellation outlining machinery. Another slide projector is scheduled to be installed also. Admission, as always, will be free to the public.


A member of the Palomar College orchestra is shown here during Wednes -


' Christmas Star~ sho w slated for tomorrow

First musical


power retrieved



Lectures canceled Conflif!t;; with campus activities during the upcoming holiday season caused cancellation of the December lectures in the College's Evening Division series. Theodore Kilman, assistant dean of instruction for adult education, said the presentations would be resumed Jan. 11 when Angelo Carli, English instructor, will speak on ''Poetic View of the Contemporary World.'' On Nov. 30, George W. Brown, assistant professor of political science at San Fernando Valley State College, gave the last speech in a three-lecture series on Vietnam. His topic: "Americaninvolv- ,• ment in Vietnam, Tragic Error or Tragic Necessity."

Spring election (Continued from page one)

Dr. Huber addresses Council

Student government conference (Continued from page one) College and the Communications Workshop favoring teacher evaluation was tabled when it fell one vote short of gaining acclamation status. -- Student representation on all committees that affect them. A resolution advocating this failed to pass by acclamation vote and was tabled. --A resolution favoring the right of privileged communication between editors and reporters of junior college news staffs and their sources passed by acclamation. --A resolution drafted by Grossmont College in favor of Assembly Bill 440, the "Mandatory student body fee" proposal, failed to reach the floor . --A recommendation that CJCSGA go on record in favor of areas on each campus being set aside at times for the

exercise of free speech failed to reach the floor. The following student "bill of rights," an amendment to the CJCSGA constitution, failed by a vote of 39-39-2: 1. The right to a press free from censorship. 2. The right of students to take public stands on issues directly pertinent to the junior college. 3. The right of a student body to be informed of all matters concerning their respective colleges. 4. The right of students toparticipate with their respective administrations in decisions which affect their respective student bodies. 5. The right of student organizations to speak on any s u b j e c t or to hear speakers on any topic.

An election to decide whether the north county will be combined in a single junior college district will be presented to voters during the school year or early summer. It is possible that the election will be held June 4 in conjuction with the primary election. The single district concept for the north county was approved by the state board at a meeting this month in Los Angeles. Under the single district plan, Mira Costa and Palomar colleges would be united in one district. The plan also would bring the unincorporated areas of San Dieguito, Ramona and Julian into the single district system. To date the single district has been opposed by residents in San Dieguito and by the boards of Palomar and Mira Costa colleges. Palomar and Mira Costa are still trying to agree on financing a study that would determine whether the single district is economically feasible for the north county. The f reshman c lass will sponsor a Christmas Bazaar and bake sale on December 13-15 in the student union.

Fall Focus will feature people, ~Little Man on Campus' theme An underground newspaper, an interview with Lyn Nofziger, and a picture essay on Mike Picken's Sculpture are among the many aspects featured in this semester's Focus, Palomar's feature magazine. Four editors, each working in a different area, will stress the "Little Man on Campus" theme. Mrs. ElizabethGunderson, is editor-in-chief, and coeditors include Jean Peasley, managing editor, Rick Cole, Art Editor, and Jane Hashberger, Copy Editor. The magazine will be assembled in a box, as it has been done for the last three semesters. The box includes a cover design, and will contain several publications within it, which will feature fall sports, art and artists, industrial technology, drama, music, and dance, and several other areas of campus life. Palomar is one of the only colleges in California that produces a semester magazine with the box concept. Each group of students work on an individual publication which is then inserted into the box. Every publication is written,




The collection of the syllabi is a step toward the actual evaluation which the committee hopes will begin at the conclusion of the spring semester. Evaluation will not begin this semester because the committee has not resolved pre liminary criteria for the program.


(Cont inued from page one) "People are not voting as Jews or Catholics, they are voting as Americans.'' he said. • 'This government is running a war on poverty that the poor are losing. They are fighting a war on crime that the criminal is winning. They are fighting a war where the men have orders enough to die but not enough to win,'' said the red-haired TennesseaJ;l_.___ r-----· He was asked whether the Young Republicans would support a candidate next year. He answered that the YR's won't endorse any candidate before he is the nominee of the party. "Surely," he added, "the YR's will support the nominee of the party." In regard to Governor Ronald Reagan's reception at the national convention, he said that Reagan received only a "hospitable welcome" from the YR's. "It was not an endorsement,"heemphasized. McDonald credited Governor Reagan with throwing out the "corrupt government" of Pat Brown. According to McDonald, there are "about 20" possible Presidential candidates 'in the Republican party, " ... and anyone of them could do a better job than Lyndon Johnson." "George Wallace's campaign will hurt the Republicans more than the Democrats," said McDonald. "Wallace's campaign has President Johnson's green light," he said.

such distinction in their dec is ions" says E~Gtlt~ye S~cr~ta,r;y V,irginia. Melborne. . Bedford was concerned that the pJ:esent policy would force students ~ out of the pre-engineering, pre-medicine, and pre-dentistry areas. Colonel Jensen did not mention the rumored requirement that deferees must obtain an A. A. degree at the end of two years in a junior college. "In any event, the registrant likely would not be forced out of school is he returned to junior college for the third year since in most instances he could qualify for I-S (C) deferment to the end of his then present academic year. Unless the local board determined he had failed to make normal progress toward his degree, such statutory defer ment wouldn't necessarily bar further consideration for a li-S (normal college) deferment once he got into a four year college and was meeting his degree requirements in the normal period of time." A I-S (C) deferment is a one-time deferment according to Mrs. Melborne, used when a I-A college student is given induction notice.

Committee meetings have held weekly for about the last month and half. Dr. Roland Phelps, facylty chairman of the Teache r Evaluation Committee, said "at the present time the Committee is going along,. very s moothly." He defined the purpose of the 10 member delegation to "develop an objective method for e vluating effectivness of instruction." The 10 comprising the committee are evenly divided into students and faculty. Five are faculty member at the Pro' fesss ional Procedures Committee which is sub- committee of the Faculty Senate; Dr. P he lps is the chairman. Five s tudents representing the student body are headed by Rita Sc hmidt, student c hairman .

Remembrance Fund needs contributions

Last year students came to the Faculty Association indicating they wanted to rate faculty on the effectiveness of instruction. They asked if the faculty would work with them on the project and also help formulate an objec tive criterian.

Christmas concert set for December 13 The Palomar College Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Mrs . Lois Miers, will present a Christmas concert Dec. 13, beginning at 8 p.m., in the college Student Union building. In its first public concert of the fall semester, the 27-piece symphony will play a program of seven numbers, including the allegro movement of the Carelli Christmas Concerto. with soloists Larry Williams, Glenda Broadley, and Dan O'Rourke, of Escondido. Other selections will include the Prelude and Minuetto from the L' Arlesienne Suite by Bizet; Dance of the Tumblers from the Snow Maide n , by RimskyKorsakoff; the mes from Martha, by Flotow; Parade of the Tin Soldiers, by Pierne, and Knightsbridge March, by Coates.

Jean Peasley

1 -

Teacher Evaluation Committee collects faculty course objectives The student-faculty Teacher Evaluation Committee is collecting course objectives from faculty members this week. The Committee hopes to distribute the information contained in the syll abi during spring r e gistration.

Mrs. Gunderson


Student draft status jeopardized in new decisions by local board authorities At the present time male students staying for more than four semesters at a junior college will be classified 1-A (draftable) by their draft boards accoring to local authorities. A state committee is presently meeting in Sacremoneto to make a final policy decision on the matter. Objections to the present policy, on the grounds that some fields of student require more than two years at the junior college level, have been voiced throughout the state. In a return letter toWilliam Bedford, Chairman of the physics and engineering department, acting state director Lt. Col. Thomas Jensen quoted a 1967 law calling for completion of "25 percent of the total r e quirements for his Baccalaureak .Jegree :n a course normally r equiring four years to complete." There is a "further provision for a 20 percent acculmulation each year in those courses normally requiring five years. The determination of whether a regisrant will be deferred beyond the normal two year junior college course is one to be resolved by the local board on the individua l facts presented." The five local boards "have not made

laid-out, pasted-up and printed at Palomar. Much of the photography in this fall's magazine will be done by Marie Jimenez and Gordon Stubblefield. and as well as several students from Justus Ahrend's photography classes . Jim McNutt supervises all graphic arts and printing and Theodore Kilman is advisor to Focus.

~ltudent art

work from Art Center College exhibit featured in Dwight Boehm Gallery Art work by students of the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles is now featured in the Dwight Boehm Gallery. The show continues through December 29, closing on Sundays and Christmas Dayonly. With something in mind for everyone, the s how begins with still 1ife sketches and paintings, includes advertisement layouts and package designs and concludes with automotive renderings and models of the future. Photographs in color and black and white, architectural blueprints and designs. and magazine illustrations round out the rest of this month's s how. Gallery hours are 8 a .m. to9p.m. on Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m .

through 4:30 p.m. on Friday, and from 9 ~.m. to 2 p .m. on Saturday. The exhibit is free and the public is invited to attend. Other student works incluue two fiberglass cars of the future, drawings and etchings of still life, an oil figure study, seven advertisement layout designs. a complete layout, blueprint, and suggested material use design of a country club, golf course, and restaurant, some abstractions, and photographs and one three- dimensional- type photo of a man aiming a loaded gun at the art observer. Opening January29 with a reception is the George Eastman House collection consisting of photographs, portraits, pictures, and prints.

The Remembrance Fund of the P atrons of Palomar invites contributions in any amounts from individuals or organizations who may wish to make memorial gifts to education in the name of specific persons. "A gift of money may be sent to the Patrons Remembrance Fund to honor friends for special occasions or to memoralize a loved one," said Mrs. Earl Serrv, chairman of the fund and a member of the Patrons board of directors. "Upon receipt of a gift," she said, "a card is sent to the family or p erson selected, bearing the name of the individual honored, and the name of the donor. A card is also sent as a receipt and thanks to the donor. The amount of the gift is not mentioned." She pointed out that Remembrance Fund donations are deposited with the Palomar College Development Foundation, for uses in various projects and activities for the benefit of the college and its students. Such gifts are tax deductable. A form for making a contribution to the Remembrance Fund may be obtained from Mrs. Serry, or futher details are available f rom her and other members of the P atrons board .



All tournament team members , top to bottom, left to right, Lee Tolliver, S::~.m Robinson , Darrell Albers, Bob

Jones, Doug Boyd, Stan Nixon. Bob Baker, Malcolm Taylor, Emerson Carr, and Bill Jones. Selection of the team

came following me clOse ot" the tour,nament.

srnont Grlffins . won the game, 91-60.

Judd, forward for the a shot in the game


Steve Schneider

Sports Talk

Unidentified Imperial Valley Arab is cornered by San Diego Mesa's An-

Palomar's Gary Farr. tries to steal the ball from Grossmont forward, John Ugrin.

drew Wright, (45) and Johnnie Otis, ( 25), The Arabs won the contest 78-68.

Mira Costa's Richard Langen, passes to team-mate Jim Kelly,

Even though Palomar College's basketball team was eliminated from their own tournament after their second game, Coach Joe Brennan and the gang down in t~~ .gymnasium - carne through as cha~pJ~s--q-ot . te~p-l; Wis , :!Jut becaus of the fme job they did in the organization of one of the best junior college tournaments in California. Spectators of the tournament saw the stars of tomorrow. Names like Malcolm Taylor , Sam Robinson, George Trapp and others will be heard from both in University as well as professional basketball in years to come. Although the tournament is not yet a week old, Brennan is already thinking about next year's. He hopes to improve next year's tournament by adding out of state squads to the list of competitors. The tournament had all the ear-marks of great college basketball. It had great talent, partisan crowds, disputed decisions, and close games; all which go into the making of exciting basketball. Never before has Palomar had as much publicity as it did during this tournament. There was coverage in the Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, San Diego Evening Tribune, Escondido Times Advocate, Santa Maria Times , A Riverside newspaper, Oceanside Blade Tribune. Vista Press, and reporters from nearly all of the colleges represented. In addition, there were three radio stations

game with Southweatern's AThe Mira Costa Spartans won

broadcasting from the dome gymnasmm. All in al1 the Palomar tournament rec ieved more coverage than any previous sports event in the North County. One of the great roundball players I P:rp~eut ~was 6' 8.'' forward-center Sam • 11ooinson, from Pasadena City College. Robinson tallied 95 points in the Lancers' four games and was name d to the all-tournament team. When you meet Robinson. you a utomatically get a strong inferiority complex because of his height. (That is, if your only 5'8" or less) I did anyway. As I stood beneath him asking if I could have an interview, I felt like a little child asking his parents for something. His height cannot be imagined until you s tand next to him and compare his height to yours. Robinson is in his sophomore year and plans on playing for UCLA next year. During his high school basket ball career, he was named twice by UPI to the high school all-american team. First when he was a junior he wasranked on the third team , and then in his senior year he mad the first team all-american. His scoring in the tournament, which was one of the highest scoring by an individual, was hampered by the fact that he could not see too well out of one eye due to an operation earlier this year. Considering this one wonders what he could do with normal vision.

Malcolm Taylor, of Allan Hancock College, recieves the Most Valuable Player trophy from Palomar College's tournament queen, Berleen Edmonds.


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