The Telescope 21.18

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ETELESCOPE January 25, 1968

Volume 21. Number 18

Dornin to deliver commencement address; 101 grad candidates Rear Admiral Marshall Dornin, commandant of the 11th Naval District in San Diego. is commencement speaker for the first Palomar mid-term graduation exercises February 2. Among the 101 candidates for graduation are 23 Navy petty officers who are in an experimental program here. Palomar is one of three colleges in the nation participating. Another 14 will receive certificates in vocational and professional courses. During W o r 1 d W a r II Dornin com-

Putnam Library gets large donation ¡The Phillip Putnam Memorial Library is in the process of cataloging 1144 books donated by the estate of Josiah Sibley, a Presbyterian minister. The collection. valued at $1,135, includes a rare Charles Beckingham selection on King Henry IV of France printed in 1720 and a 1770 edition on the Church of Scotland. Ten volumes of "Hasting's Encyclopedia of Religion," 1917 edition; 14 issues of "Who's Who in America" ranging from 1899 to 1952 printings, and many books about and by Woodrow Wilson are among the new additions. Other copies include books on religion, sermons by famous preachers, and books on philosophy. history, and travel. Another 1138 volumes, either mutilated or duplicates, were donated to the Patrons of Palomar to sell at their Spring rummage sale. Proceeds of the sale go for scholarships at the college.

manded the USS Abbott which participated in operations in the Marshall Islands, Hollandia, Guam. and Saipan. He has been Navy Liaison Officer to Congress, assistant chief of Naval Personnel for Plans, superintendent of the US Navy Postgraduate School at Monterey, Calif., and Operational Test Evaluation Force. Born in l3erkeley, Domin graduated from the Naval Academy in 1930 and was promoted to Rear Admiral in 1957. Dr. Frederick R. Huber, Palomar president, will present the class and degrees will be conferred by Morse Olmstead, CtJ.airman of the Board of Governors. Virgil Bergman, dean of instruction, will offer commentary on the mid-year commencement. In vita t ions have been sent to the President and Mrs. Johnson and Secretary of the Navy Paul Ignatius.

Focus distribution Focus Magazine is being distributed today and tomorrow in the Student Union. Focus is free to all ASB card holder, limited ASB cards, faculty and staff.


Gallery theft reported The theft of a Yugoslavian ceremonial coat from the Dwight Boehm Gallery was discovered Tuesday by Russel Baldwin, Gall~ry director. This is the first incidence of theft since the gallery opened in spring of 1965. The article belonged to the late Dwight Boehm, for whom the gallery was named. The collections on display were art objects belonging to the Boehm family. Baldwin is making a campus and community wide plea for the return of the article. He stressed, "If the coat is returned no questions will be asked. And if any information regarding this theft is brought forward it will be held in confidence. "The coat may be mailed to the college or left in some safe place on campus and any information should be directed to me," stated Baldwin. Baldwin described the coat as "a hard woven fulllength white wool coat with a black ornate geometric yoke ~d sleeves." Baldwin theorized on the manner of the theft. "It seems likely that .two people may have removed the article. It was on a free standing panel and pretty well secured. Two could have done it with one standing guard."

Schmidt captures runoff Karen Schmidt, Young Democrat, won a runoff election yesterday for the of flee of ASB Secretary. She received 94 votes. "I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me," said Karen. Miss Schmidt's election brought to five the number of Young Democrats elections. The Young Republicians now hav.e six people in office, and seven independent candidates were elected. The only office still unfilled is Sopphomore Class treasurer, which will be

Students urged to compete for Bank awards Students wishing to compete for the Bank of America Man and Woman of the Year awards must apply by February 6. Applications can be picked up in the Student Activities office, according to Robert Bowman, dean of student activities. ''Initial local competition will be held on February 8. A panel of judges selected from the fa c u 1 t y will screen all contenders for the award at this time,'' Dean Bowman said. The competition will be narrowed down to four men and four women. "These eight people will be interviewed on February 13 by a panel of judges from the local community,'' Dean Bowman continued. ''One man and one woman will be chosen as the local Man and Woman of the Year and will go on to the area competition. Palomar College will host the area competition this year with a banquet for all competitors at the Quails Inn. The area winners will be announced that evening during the banquet on February 20." "The two area winners are entitled to compete at the State finals as California Junior College Association Spring Conference in Fresno on April 8. Local winners are granted $50; area winners, $100 and state winners, $1,000. Last year's local winners were Steve Wozniak and Rosie Atilano. In order to compete, a student must have a 3. 0 average in 30 units of completed academic work. He must also be active in college activities through student government, clubs, athletics, publications or special events. He must show evidence of both college and community service and present a short statement of his objectives upon completion of a formal education.

filled by either Dixie Blanton. Bill Mason ¡. or de Vega, each of whom received six write-in votes. With five more votes as Sophomore Class Vice President, de Vega was a leader among write-in candidates. The breakdown of Monday's voting: ASB OFFICERS PRESIDENT Robert Thoreson (YR)--466 Verne Pershing (P&F)--188 Mike Gunderson (I)--62 Don Dilworth (YD)--51 VICE PRESIDENT Paul Hauptman (YR)--393 Larry Moffett (P&F)--207 Joe Wu (YD)--155 SECRETARY Karen Schmidt (YD)--262 Cheri Chambless (YR)--261 Nancy Snyder (P&F)--179 TREASURER Janis Rose (I)--526 Stephen Harrison (P&F)--195



TREASURER Diane Schekel (1)--441

VICE PRESIDENT (write in) Davon Burris (1)--12

ASSOICATED MENS' PRESIDENT Joe White (YR)--425 Jerry Nicholas (P&F)--171

SECRETARY Joan Widrig (I)-- 264 TREASURER (write ins) Dixie Blanton (1)--6 Bill Mason (1)--6 Lope de Vega (1)--6

AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION one year term of office Yes--333 No--196 (continued on page 2)

Eastman displays in Boehm Gallery Two displays of the George Eastman House Collection will go on display today with a reception at 11 a.m. in the Boehm Gallery. The show ends February 25. "W. Eugene Smith" is the title of one of the exhibits . Smith's twenty-five photographs were taken between 1954 and 1962. The photographs displayed are representative of the personal techniques Smith introduced to the profession of photojournalism. "I hold Smith in very high esteem having attended a seminar in photo-

journalism conducted by him in August 1966 at the University of Oregon," stated Justus Ahrend, photography instructor. "I believe Smith is the greatest photojournalist alive," he added. It is through this acquaintance that Ahrend suggested Smith's exhibit to Gallery director, Russell Baldwin. The second exhibit of six prints each by Carl Chiarenza, Nicholas Dean, Don Donaghy, Bill Hanson, George Krause, and Jack Stuler, is entitled "Six Photographers . '' The purpose of the show is to acquaint the public with the works of significant younger photographers.

New council officers to be installed The annual Installation Banquet to welcome new Student Council officers will be held February 1 at The Quails Inn, according to Robert E. Bowman, dean of student activities. "The dinner will be held in the Lake Room of the Inn at Lake San Marcos," Dean Bowman said. "All outgoing and incoming council members will be present. The outgoing members will receive certificates for their services."

Student effort needed The student body of Palomar has the opportunity to form into a powerful and effective student group supporting something of prime importance to both the students and the citizens of the surrounding communities . The opportunity offered is active participation in the campaign to pass the March 12 tax override election. If the measure passes it will provide the college with income urgently needed for normal operational costs for the next five years. Organization of the student group will be in the first week after the spring semester begins. Palomar's President, Frederick R. Huber, will CIJ.ll a special explainitory convocation. He will fully explain the organizational ideas and basic mechanics to what hopefully will be an effective mass of interested Palomar students. Students can play a large part in passing the override which will most directly effect themselves. Dr. Huber defined the student group as a "highly personalized effort in which we want to make contact with individuals."

Revenue from the desired 19 cent override is essential to the college community in several ways. One reason is the enrollment increase of 20 per cent this fall , 10 per cent more than expected . The figure is expected to jump nearly 400 to make the total day enrollment 3000 by fall of 1968. "The steadily increasing enrollment year after year has created definite problems for students and faculty. They will intensify in September unless more operating funds are forthcoming. It is difficult at the present time to maintain quality instruction because of the heavily-loaded course due to class overflow and class sizes in excess of faculty manpower. "Present college income simply is insufficient to handle to increasing enrollment with the standards and the academic efficiency necessary in an accredited junior college such as Palomar has been in the years past." stated Dr. Huber. He went on to explain the specific areas where the funds are needed.

"Employment of 19 additional faculty members to handle the increase in students and the existing overload; purchase of new equipment essential to maintaining the instructional program in several critical departments (such as Science and Business); replacement of equipment which has become obsolete during the past ten years; and funds to make up anticipated reductions in Federal and State aid this coming year in the amount of approximately $200,000. The ramifications of losing the election are grave for the future of the college. Dr. Huber explained, " Curtailment is imperative in the 1968-69 school year and following in several basic college functions unless such revenue is provided." He cited several examples such as curtailment of day enrollment . in some classes; curtailment of bus services; curtailment of or discontinuance of Adult Education classes." Certainly those com munity members who are enjoying the current benefits of the college's program (continued page 2)

This is the first piece of work W. Eugene Smith did after recuperating from severe war injuries. The illustration of the children walking from darkness served as an inspiration for Smith. Because his hands and face had been so greatly damaged while making a landing during the war, Smith thought he might never use a camera again. According to Justus Ahrend, photography instructor who attended a show at which Smith presided, "the picture was a symbolic reawakening for the photographer. Taken about 1947, the symbolism in the picture gave Smith the courage to go on." Smith's work can be seen in the main library.

THE TELESCOPE In I!Hi:.! . tht Stutlent Puhtications Oourd es tnhllsherl a ('odt.• ol Ethil'S with the coope rati on of the nu' mhers nl all l'H mpu s puhJications . Loca l newspape l' puh\isht.· l·s we1-e asked to comment and they saidt he .<.:octc: \HI S eomplet t'. Two statements from that code are

pertilwnt toda.\·: '"\\ ithin the framework of schoo l cove 1'8ge. sen-

sa tionalism . g lorificatio n. and favoriti sm s hould not IJe tol erated . " Cove rage of national or lnternntional occurrences s hou l d he governerl hy the proximit~· o f the e,·ent and the di reel r elationship of the e,·ent to the s tudent s.

These even t s should he considered


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Club daoces set The Pep Club. will sponsor the second inter-campus dance withMiraCosta College following Palomar's game with the UCLA frosh Saturday night. The dance beginning, at 10 p.m . will feature The Lyrics, San Diego County's most popular band. The Lyrics will play "Mr. Man," their recent hit 1 along with their new release. The dance, to be held in the Student Union, will be $1.25 per ASB card holder. The dance will continue to 1 a.m. Pep club members have elected Glenn Hayashi their Spring semester chairman at their weekly Tuesday meeting. Other officers chosen were Ron Sernecka, vicechairman; Cheryl Baker, secretary; and Kim Clark. Inter-club council representative. Discussion of liming the "P" and adoption of a club emblem were discussed .

oCCU J' on campus o r hrought into the c ollege

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di reC'tly " Op in ions expressed In this pape r In signed edito r ials and articles are the vi ews oi the writers ancl do no t necessarll.v represent opinions or the s tarr. \' lews of tht .\ ssoclatect Student Body ro .m ci l. col lege ad ministration. or the Board of Governors . Tht• TELESCOPE \1w 1tes r esponsible •gue st ecliloria l s~ or Iette 1·s to the editor All communications m·.1s t he s ignect hy the author . The TELESCOPE as a stutlent newspaper m·•st represent the entl re spec t n.•m of student thought

The YR student poll The student opinion poll conducted last week was a good thing. We congratulate the Young Republicians. The club plans to conduct other polls in the future, and according to Jess Ashcraft, YR president , they will be handled somewhat differently. In a notice he posted Monday . he said he feels that because only 271 stude nts participated, the poll "does not represent the true opinions of this campus." In the future, he says, there will be more balloting places open for longer periods of time. Other aspects of the poll could stand improvement. Some ofthe questions were too broad or ambigous. The first question, Do you think the government is invading too many aspects of our personal lives? , is practically worthless . It is far too broad . Another thing that bothered us were the "explanations" the YR's offered after the heavy vote for withdrawal from Vietnam (53 per cent) and reduction of

penalties for marijuana use (to a misdemeanor, 27 per cent; legalization, 38 per cent) . The polls organizers said they assumed there was a fairly large vote by the Peace andF reed om club which would tend to tip the balance of the poll. The total membership of the Peace and Freedom club is 50. Aprroximately 140 student voted yes to withdrawal from Vietnam. We might also add that to our knowledge members of the Young Republicians, a fairly large group itself, were not disqualified from participating in the poll . Considering it was sponsored by a partisan organization , we felt the poll was conducted admirable objectivity. But we feel that the results of the survey were not so out of proportion to the spectrum of student thought that the YR's lead us to believe. --Steve Woodall

(Continued from page one)

(curtain) Thi•s is our last issue, our eighteenth, of the semester. Cecelia Lodico takes over as editor next semester. Be forewar.ned. You can expect the paper out on schedule every week, because Cece can be a pretty mean lady when she wants to be. Eighteen is a lot of newspaper. Too many , maybe. I think we nearly equaled the World Sleepless Record a couple of times during the semester. (For example, I am writing this supfluous piece at one a.m. today-Thursday-which you have probably already guessed,in

order t o fill up some space between these two editorials we had.) Perhaps our accomplishments have not been many, but at least we almost succeeded in getting Lope de Vega elected Sophomore Class Treasurer this week. And did break open a notorious ring of anti-constitutionalists in student government last October. So it is with a somewhat sadistic smile that I hand ;:;ver my aalf of the reins to Miss Lodico. Goorl L•.•.ck . !-:t·l --Steve Woodall

Peace and Freedom did not lose By Jerry Nicholas The Peace and Freedom Club slate lost the election Monday. Or did they? Sure, the other candidates received more votes , but who actually won·r Who got more voters out in this election than any other in Palomar College history? Peace and Freedom. Even if it was to vote against them. Who created the most interest in student government ever? Peace and Freedom. Who got the student body thinking about something be s ide s Saturday night's basketball game? Peace and Freedom. You call that losing? Can you imagine the "contagious enthusiasm". as Dr. Huber calls it, within this group formed just months ago? Enough to man a table nearly aroundthe-clock in the Student Union. Enough to have two daily newspapers smear them on the eve of the election. The most impressive thing, however, that the Peace and Freedom slate did was "tell it like it is". They were honest on every issue . They didn't hide their views on any subject nor lay them aside to get elected. The candidates laid it on the line. The students at Palomar, for the first time, had a choice in an ASB election. As it turns out Palomar College just isn't ready for Peace and Freedom.

Student effort

They fought a positive campaign, Not just a campaign to win ASB positions, but also one to put life in Palomar students and their government. They may have lost the first contest, but it was an overwhelming victory in the latter. You may not have agreed with their opinions , but you should appreciate what they did for Palomar College.

examples are regressive and wouldprevent a quality education. "The present Registered Nurse AA degree program cannot expand , despite a waiting list for a second class, and a proposed dental assistant curriculum and expanded Police Science program will not be possible." It is obvious that no benefit will come to the college , the students or the members of the communities if the tax override fails. The college will be faced with a gradual shut-down of services, a loss of academic esteem and a gradual loss of offering a sufficient education to students. Student presently enrolled are experiencing undesireable over-crowding in classes, shortage of equipment and lack of space to work effectively in many departments (Science Business and Communications). Many instructors are teaching overloads.

The problems confronting the college also effect the citizens and young people of the district. Dr. Huber said, "specially those students expecting to attend in 1968. Carrying this election sucessful!y is a district-wide responsibility of all conscientious citizens." It is up to the student body to go out into the community and explain the gravity of the situation to all those who will listen. Another way we can help is to inform parents and relatives . "If each student (day and evening) will pledge themselves to obtain three votes the election will be a success," stated Dr. Huber. Securing three pledges from each student is plausible. That amounts to both parents and one other person who cares about the future of their college. The challenge lies with the students. Does the student body care enough about their educational institution to try to preserve and insure the college's expansion and academic development? -- Joan Kattelrnann

FRESHMAN TO SPONSOR DANCE The freshmen class will sponsor a dance featuring "Sandi and the Classics" on Friday, February 9 in the Student Union.

Club news NEWMANS PLAN AFTER-FINALS BASH Members of the Newman Club have planned an after-finals pizza party and get-together for all interested students on Saturday, February 3. at Jonz' Pizza Parlor in Escondido. Final-weary students will convene there around 7 p.m. STUDENT NURSES ELECT SPRING OFFICERS Mrs. Jane Prosser was elected Spring president of the student nurse organization Monday. Also elected were Diane Praytor, vice-president; Mrs. He 1 an Bynie, secretary; and Nancylee Saffiote, treasurer.

Tripping in Monterey is something done clumsily

Steve and I saw ft and saw it first hand; Monterey, the picture capital of anyone's world. It sounds beautiful but it wasn't as easy as it may seem. Steve Woodall and (Continued from page one) I were imprisoned at a student governrnent convention far on the coast 7 miles ASB REPS-AT-LARGE away from dow ri town Monterey; reScott Bowman (1)--486 stricted by a conduct code that forbade Patti Russo (YD)--431 talking with members of the opposite Rita Schmidt (YD)--398 sex let alone leaving camp grounds for a Jerry Bzdula (YR)--379 simple sight-seein~ tour. John Rice (YR)--358 At all conventions ofthis sort the planLinda Welch (YD)--346 ning committee plans a period of rest Heather Hodson (YD)--322 and relaxation, supposedly for the recuJoan Kattelrnann (1)--291 peration of the delegates. What it's Loren Bailey (YR)--262 really for is the opportunity to make an George Merz (YR)--253 Cece McPherson (YD)--250 "encounter" or to strengthen the pass Larry Allen (P&F)--237 you made earlier in the morning. All Mike Conlen (P&F)--222 through the camp you could catch Greg Hopkins (P&F)--200 glimpses of infatuated couples heading Ray Coleman (YD)--183 out to explore the fabulous landscapes Mel Thaanurn (1)--176 that surround the camp. Mr. Editor and myself had previously decided to make the afternoon devoted to art and with camera in hand we set out to take artsy pictures of the Peninsula. We even looked the part. We dressed in Levis ilnd tweed coats with desert boots and open collars . We hadn't left the room before we had our first pictures. Laying on the floor I to listen to other ideas. Students should created a picture of a Monterey sink . have a choice as to what teachers they The mood had struck. should have and what subjects they have Steve stood on the top of said sink and to take." took a picture of the radiator. "I deeply regret," said Hegland, "the The mood died. efforts of our temporary governor to No inspiration. impose tuition in our state universities What does any art photographer have and colleges.'' He believes this is a form that we didn't have . of stifling of academic freedom because A model. it will hinder some from entering these A relentless search began to find the institutions. perfect center for our ambitious talents. "In order to have true freedom," said· _ The search lasted for about a minute but Pershing, "the institution must be a place. for what into my wandering eye did appear where many opposing points of view are but a person; female, tall, beautiful, and expressed-- views from such people as the fulfillment of our search. Robert Shelton, Rap Brown, Robert I called to her from the second story Welch. From such a broad spectrum of window. views we as members of the academic community will be better able to re"Hey you," I called. evaluate our universe."


Academic freedom question debated by student faculty panel "If freedom costs anything then it isn't free," said Victor Heyden, English instructor, at a discussion of academic freedom sponsored by the American Civil Liberties Union Tuesday night. Heyden was referring to the Palomar policy that discriminates against students who refuse to purchase ASB activity cards. He said that to be free, or not be discriminated against, one must purchase an ASB card, which is legally not required. The panel discussion, part of the ACLU's regular meeting had an audience of over 50. At the meeting William Bedford, a engineering instructor here, was unanimously elected president for 1968. Other speakers were Verne Pershing, philosophy major, Sheridan He g 1 and, economics instructor, James Soules, vocational education dean, Dr . Gunther Schlothauer, German instructor, Beauford Chambless, political scie-nce instructor, and Rita Schmidt, political science major. Heyden went on to say that ''it is the responsibility of the teacher to provide academic freedom." He is afraid , however, that teachers are not given the power to do so. Dr. Schlothauer said, "there are two types of academic freedom: for the faculty, freedom to teach those things which he believes; and for the student,

AFTER MESA DANCE SCHEDULED International Club members will sponsor the first event of the semester with an after-game dance February 3. Entertainment will be provided by Mauerer Productions with the name of the band to be announced later this week. Lasting from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m., the dance will be held in the Student Union after the Palomar versus San Diego Mesa basketball game in the Dome.

"Yes," she answered. Swell I thought, we're on speaking terms . "Please stand over by the bricks if you would please. We'd like to.take your picture. " · She flashed a quick smile and walked toward the wall. The picture was fantastic. Long sinuous blonde leaning against a rustic brick wall. "Don't smile. " A sultry look carne upon her face. He took the picture , promised her ten 8 by 10's and we were on our way once again. Our travels brought us to the road of exit, a means to escape solitary. The same idea occurred to us at the same time . We ran across the road and got our thumbs ready for action. We were lucky. We got a ride with the first car. We jumped in. Thedriverwasanelderly man in an inconspicuous business suit. The first thing Steve said was: "This is one hell of a day." The conversation continued. After a while he introduced himself as Father De Silva, a Catholic priest bringing the "word" to lost hippies. We bade the good father farewell. We were now on Cannery Row in Monterey. It's an old street lined with fisheries and old warehouses. It seems !hat when the fish were plentiful the s~reet flourished . When the local fishing industry died , so did the street. It has been taken over by interested parties and made into stores , restaurants and a theater. My comrade and I toured the street for almost two hours . When it was dark we de cided to start looking for a ride back to the convention.


PUBLIC FORUM SERIES STUDENT PARTICIPATION INVITED 11 a.m. each Sunday Forum Room First Congregational Church, 4th and Hickory, Escondido. February 4 --Rod McLeod, Hospital January 28 --John Hatfield will exManager will tell of some of the local tplore the significance of recent Supreme problems of health plans . Court decisions protecting civil rights. "MEDICAL, MEDICARE AND OUR "THE RIGHT TO LEGAL COUNSEL" PALOMAR HOSPITAL"

Your Favorite Cocktails in The Lion's Den


We got back on the main road, and once again started looking for rides .• Well it was dark and there was no moon, it was cold and to make a long story short we didn't get a ride . No one in Monterey wants to give anyone a ride after six o'clock. Even the cops won't pick you up after dusk. A cop passed , I lay down in the gutter and played dead. He waved and passed us by. We thought about holding hands. But the whole idea repulsed us. All we wanted was a ride back, not a morals charge. The minutes passed. We skipped, sang and told dirty stories. After a while we thought we were lost. Ask someone was the concensus . The first person we met was a middle aged drunk Frenchman who said he was leaving his wife. He gate us muddled butcorrectdirections an6 we continued to walk. Our adventure was to soon come to an end, for around the next bend was the camp. We ran and cried. Steve kissed the gate. I passed out. We arrived too late for dinner and to early to miss anything else. -Michael Gunderson

THE TELESCC)PE Co-editors ............... Joan Kattelrna:nr Steve Woodal Page 2 Editors ............ Cecelia Lodico Jean Peasley Page 2 Assistant ......... Mike Gunderso~ Staff..... Jerry Nicholas, Joe Wu, JOE Wiggim Photographers.~ ... . Bob Nelson, GeorgE Andersor




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