Four 'papa is All' performances scheduled for busy weekend •Papa is All," a comedy of a Dutch Memmn1te family witl be presented again Thursday, Friday and Saturday af- 8p.m. All ·performances, including a Saturday matinee at 2 p.m., will be in the drama lab, P-33. Admission is 75 cents for students and $1.50 for all others. The play centers around the Aukemps, especially around Jake and Emma. Jake, played alternately by Greg Krueger and Robert Hutchings, is a slow witted young man who is virtually enslaved by his tyrannical father. Emma , played by Danielle Corn and Adele Wolfer, seeks companionship from the outside world in the person of a young surveyor who is working on a highway project near t he Aukemp home. Jake disposes of Papa annd then invents a· story to explain the disapPear-
ance. Papa, he· says, is all; killed in a train wreck wheri a freight train hits the side of their "Ford car." Emma suspects ·Jake of killing Papa and using the story to cover up the crime. Mama is too happy to care much. "I ,s care myself sometimes," says Mama, played in turn by Angela Richards, "because I forget to mourn at all sometimes." Mrs. Yoder, the meddling neighbor who knows all the gossip, continues to plague the Aukemp household and to spread the word of Papa's "death." State tooper Brendel finally gets the true story as to what happened.Jake didn't really kill Papa, just got rid of him by giving him a non-expense payed trip on a freight train away from Lancaster county. Inevitably, after three days of happiness when new gadgets are installed and flowers gaily color the bleak house-
hold, Papa returns. He reaps vengence upon Em ma' s boyfriend for taking her t o a movie without his permission. State trooper Br endel saves the day for the Aukemps, in the end. Presented in the style of theater in the round the play is highlighted by a remarkable set, realistically recreating the emptiness of Mennonite life. Under the direction of Norman Gaskins' theater crew, even the water pump works and actually pumps water when Mama opens the play. Use of light and audio effect surprised many of the opening night's audience. a gravel runway leading to the front porch creates the effect of someone approching on foot, then stepping onto the wooden porch. As day fades to evening, the lights dim from bright yellow to amber, to soft blue and back to bright white lights as oil lamps are lit.
THE TELESCOPE Volume 21 Number 21
February 20, 1968
YR's to elect new VP By Cecelia Lodico "But why is it wrong to once in awhile go to Lancaster with a boy," asks Emma (Adele Wolfer) to Mama (Pat Gehris) . Four performances of "Papa is All"
will be presented this weekend in the drama lab. Admission is 75~ for students, $1.50 for all others.
The executive board of the Y oung Republicans club will vote on a new vice-president tomorrow, according to Jess Ashcraft, YR president.
English course applauded by Board , Controversial Drugs • Committee to meet 340 involved m new classes "Language and Ideas." a new English course was received and commended by the college Board of Governors last Tuesday evening. "The project, started last September, has met enthusiastic response from students," explained Gene Jackson, head of the English department. "It's purpose is to expose these students to several types and levels of communications· in a broad context of social, vocational and personal interests." The course is the only one of its kind in a Southern California junior college. It was inaugu,r ated to provide the development of communication skills to students not intending to transfer to universities for junior and senior years. Virgil Bergman, dean of instruction and Jackson reported to the Board that 500 students were involved in the new course. In the fall semester there were two sections of about 250 students each. The sections were reduced to smaller groups for further classroom and audiovisual instruction. Eight instructors rotated in classroom presentations. Second semester sections are currently in progress and 340 are enrolled. In other business the· Board commended Theodore Kilman, dean of adult education and community services, on the brochure issued for listing s of spring semester services and programs. Action on approval of adjustment of salaries and approval of sheltered annuities from Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company was postponed until further investigation on a better system can be made. Instructors hired in the evening division on an liourly basis are Mrs. Ja-
queline Cassillo, English; Robert Marsala, English; Laurence Quate, real estate; John Soures, business. The temporary employment of Ruben Castendada as gardener was approved. Financial reports on budgetary balances, salarywarrants, expense warrants, library acquisitions and purchase orders were heard. Travel_ exPenditures for six activities were approved for Gene Jackson, Peter Bellington, Robert Peacock, Jack Quintero and Angelo Carli to attend the Conference of California Accounting Educators; Mack Wiebe, Jim Clayton and Tony Lynds to attend the Coach of the Year Clinic; Sheridan Hegland was granted permission to attend the UC Conference and California Teachers Association Legislative meeting with no expense to the district; and Roland Phelps to attend the Conference on Study of Religion in California's Public Institutions of Higher Education.
Space show slated for plmetarium "Man In Space" will be presented in the planetarium tomorrow night at 7:00 and 8:00. Featured will be color photos snapped by American astronauts of the sky, the planets, and the moon .. The 45 minute program will also include material on various spacecraft, including the recent Gemini models. The photos were obtained from NASA. Fifteen minutes of soft music precede each program.
$14,000 bathrooms hit
Snyder: inan mrnt cure his phoniness' By Joe Wu •In the beginning, man eliminated his waste in his tracks, ate that which was available raw, used animal skins or another human being as warmth, and reproduced once or twice a year as controlled l!Jy the sun's aurora borealis," stated Wade Snyder. Snyder; biology and zoology instructor here, spoke last Thursday night at the facultv lecture series. His topic was "Survival in a Changing Society." "Today man eliminates in $14,000 bathrooms and eats gourmet foods like filet mignon that cannot be distinguished by the· stomach from hamburger of meat loaf, "compared Snyder. "During the Vic:.. tori~ era, dresses were floor length to keep women warm , but today, clothes are more or less a status symbol which serves no physical purpose which is pretty phony," emphasized Snyder. The $14,000 bathrooms are a part of $300, 000 homes that he had seen for sale on television that evening. The homes
are located in Colony Park, Florida. "But no matter what the circumstance is, man today is phony. He may call ·himself anything. but he is an animal first in 99 .999 per cent of his activities," declared Snyder. "Man and his society can cure this phoniness by not trying to change the world, rather to make better than which is bad: the millions of hungry and illiterate peoples in the world," Snyder said. The lecture was the first of the spring semester coomunity services program headed by Theodore Kilman, dean of adult and community services. Snyder received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from San Diego State. Jack Quintero, instructor in English, will be the next faculty lecture series ·speaker. His topic will be "Not Losing One's Cool on the Younger Generation. • The .talk will be given at 7 p.Ir). in C-5 on Thursday, February 29.
Discussion on the first public presentation on drug usage wilf continue at the Controversial Drugs Committee tomorrow. The committee will meet at 11 a.m. in A-72. Plans for the meeting include a report on communication resulting from contacting prospective sJfeakers, and the possible previewing of several films. Also, a date for the first presentation will be chosen. A speaker-film program was decided to be the most beneficial for the general informative program. The topic will be the medical view of drug usage. "We want a fairly objective perso who can field questions and answer them," e:l£Plained Theodore ~ilman, dean ofadult education and community services and one of three co-chairmen of the committee. Preliminary groundplans for the series were made last semester. It was decided to organize the series with a medical view firstly, legal view secondly and a third session for the purpose of presenting supplementary materials gathered by the main committee. Other business at last Wednesday's meeting included combining the Agenda and Program committees into one for better organization.
A resignation submitted by former YR vice-president Steve Krueger was accepted last week. "Two people are being considered " for the vice-presidency, "Ashcraft said. "These people will be voted on in executive session Wednesday. The decision of the executive board then goes to the club on Friday to be voted upon for approval, " added Ashcraft. "Krueger's resignation was accepted as stated in the letter and for no other reason." continued Ashcraft. "There is no way of keeping someone in who wants out. " · Ashcraft said I<rueger's letter stated he no longer had time to fulfill his office as vice-president. The Telescope was permitted to see the said letter. In the letter, Krueger listed one of his time-consuming duties as his obligation to work on the Telescope. (Krueger is an assistant page editor for the Telescope.) Krueger, on the other hand, made several charges against the YR president and the manner in which the club has been run. Last week when Krueger submitted his resignation, he said "the club treasury contained around $200 at the beginning of the year, but now we only have nine dollars." Krueger charged Ashcraft with "killing our membership, not to mention our treasury." Ashcraft said last week that "we only had $100 in the treasury when I took over." He later added that "there is now $19 in the treasury and $28 of petty cash which the treasurer keeps with him. This makes $47." Records from the business office for the YR's show that a balance of $100.92 was carried over from July 1, 1967, which is the beginning of the fiscal year for this school year. The present
balance recorded by the business office is $19.47. Ashcraft remarked that the "money has gone to dues to the county, for club expenses, stamps, stationary, and other miscellaneous expenses which are all accounted for. The advisor has to sign all checks. (Dr. Beauford Chambless is the current YR advisor.) Dr. Chambless watches the way I spend money very closely," Ashcraft remarked. The business office lists the expenditures for the club. A $21 check was made to Bob Thoreson for campaign funds for the office of San Diego County Young Republican vice-president. The authorization slip was signed by Dr. Chambless and Ashcraft. A second check was written to Jess Ashcraft for $45.45. This money covered club registration for the county. pictures of Jack McDonald, stamps and stationary. (McDonald is the National Chairman of Young Republicans. He was flown by helicopter to Palomar last semester to give a speech here.) This authorization was signed by Dr. Chambless and YR treasurer Loren Bailey~ On January 17 a $15 check is listed as being written to petty cash. The requisition slip lists the spending for "various purchases such as stamps, and other official needs of the club. This third request was also signed by Dr. Chambless and Bailey. Krueger gave one of his reasons for resigning that "Ashcraft likes to spend too much money without going through the proper channels. He is supposed to go to the executive board before spending money. "He has never called the executive board into session. He is supposed to have placed four other members on (Continued on p . 2)
'Man,Woman ofYear' area finals here today Students from seven area junior colleges are competing here this afternoon in the annual Bank of America "Man and Woman of the Year" Area 1 finals. Mitties McDonald a.nd Paul Hauptman were selected as Palomar's representatives last Tuesday. Each received a $50 cash award. Winners of today' s competition will receive an additional $100 prize and will advance to the state finals for a chance at a $1000 award. C. 0. Phillips. senior vice-president of Bank of America, will announce the winnerb of today' s contest tonight at a banquet in the Lakeside Room at the Quails Inn. The state finals will be held April 8 in Fresno at the California Junior College Association convention according to Robert E. Bowman, dean of student activities. Selections are based on grades, scholastic achievements, campus and community activities .aM · ~dership, and other factor&.. including a. statement of educational objectives. One man and one woman semi-finalist from Southwestern, Imperial Valley, MiraCosta, Grossmont, San Diego Mesa and San Diego City colleges are competing. A panel of three men judges men contestants independently while three women select the female winner. One judge is selected by each school. Mrs. Valeria Breidenback is Palomar's judge.
Paul Hauptman and Mitties McDonald are Palomar's representatives in the Area 1 finals of Bank of America's
"Man and Woman of the Year" contest being held here today. Each recieved $50 for the honor.
THE TELESCOPE In 1962, the Student Publications Board established a Code of Ethics with the cooperation of the members of all campus publlcattons. Local newspaper publishers were asked to comment and they the code was c omplete. Two statements from that code are
pertlneqt today:
•wtth!n the framework of school coverage, sensationalism . glorification, &.nd favoritism should not be tole rated. • Coverage of national or International occurrence s should be governed by the proximity of the event and the direct relattonshlp of the event to the students. These events should be considered
when they occur on campus or brought Into the coll"''" program directly. • · Opinions expressed tn this paper In slgnededltorlalo and articles are the views of the wrltero and do not necessarily represent opinions of the eWf, views of the Associated Student Body Council, college admtntstratlon, or tbe Board of Governors. Tbe TELESCOPE Invitee reeponolble •guest edltorlalo' or letters to the editor. All communlcatlono muot he signed by the author. The TELESCOPE ao a student new5paper must representthe entire spectrum of student thought.
As CeCe sees it
Student help needed Dr. Huber, Palomar's president, needs help. Student help. Dr. Huber cannot push over the upcoming tax override by himself. He must have student help. Realizing his need for assistance, Dr. Huber appealed directly to the student body at last Friday's convocation. He pointed out that Palomar is a "constantly growing institution." For instance, in five years the number of faculty members has nearly tripled, from 37 to 108. Dr. Huber explained the needformore equipment, more classrooms, more teachers and additional new courses. Then his simple request was made-that about 300 students join together in a canvass of important voting precincts. About 200 students responded to the call. T])ese people will go door to door explaining the tax override issue anri bow
this issue must pass if Palomar is to continue to be the "constantly growing institution" it is now. Those who signed up are people who realize they have the responsibility to make certain Palomar remai ns on top. They are persons willing to give up a few ·hours of their time for a good cause. They know their hours' work may have an effect for years to come if the override passes. However, more help is still needed The services of additional unselfish people is still requested by the administration. Out of the remaining 2,200 students attending here in the daytime, there is bound to be another 100 willing campaigners. Those who think they fit this category may sign up to help in the Student Activities office.
Letters to the Editor Thoreson compares Telescope to scandal sheet; charges poor mananagement Editor: As done so many times in past yeara, the Telescope has hit a new low in poor editing management and evenpoore r faculty advising. Any student newpaper that stoops to the level of a National Scandal Publication by printing uncollaborated stories, blantant (sic) lies and misleading and derrogatory (sic) quotes, is not worthy of student respect nor student appreciation. Our student newspaper surely is not an "editorial fact sheet" as stated in the editor's notes, sponsored by nearly $3000 of A. S. B. monies for the slandering of students and student organizations - Surely our editor can look into her "crystal ball" and see a student newspaper that is fair to all parties concerned by merely collaborating controversial subject matters with some n e u t r a 1 source; or, does our editor see a " 'drunken sailor' " in her future . I am highly disappointed in our most recent issue of the Telescope and I hope that the Telescope staff can be of the caliber that we expect of them in the future . Robert F. Thoreson A. S. B. President Editor's note: Nowhere are the words " 'editorial fact sheet' " to be found in the editor's note of last Friday's edition of the Telescope. The writer has submitted
a "misleading" and detogariQy quotation in his letter. In turn, "misleading and derrogatory ~ quotes" is one of the very charges this same writer has made against the Telescope. All Telescope editorials are accredited with a by-line and placed on the editorial page. Any story· which is not on the editorial page and is not objectively written is also accredited with a by-line. In this way, all readers can plainly understand that the subjectivity found within a story is the opinion of the author to whom the story is credited. Both editorials and credited stories are the opinions and ideas of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion ):leld by the entire Telescope staff. Editor's note: Letters to the editor must be typewritten, double-spaced, signed and submitted three days prior to the publication date on which the writer wishes his letter to appear.
Cecelia Lodico, Editor Jerry Nicholas, Steve Krueger, page 1 Joan Kattelmann, Jan Donoho , page 2 Joe Wu , news editor Steve Schneider; David Conrad; Rick Monroe ; Ken Kline; Corky Wisniewski; Reporters Dianna Houser, Jim Reeploeg, Advertising Fred Wilhelm , Journalism Advisor Justus Ahrend, Photography advisor
Young Republicans to elect new VP (Continued from p. 1) the board but he never chosen them," Krueger said. "The stationery he bought cost over $20. The executive board can only authorize $10 worth of spending. Since the stationary has the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the officers , it will be useless after one year." Krueger went on to say that Ashcraft "spends his own money and then wants to be reimbursed. We (the executive board) feel we should reimburse him . He never asks us if we want the stuff he's buying. The reimbursements were okayed at the club meetings on Fridays." Dr. Chambless who signed all requests for expenditures said that "Ashcraft came to me and asked for approval of certain expenditure s. He said they'd already been approved by the other sponsor." · William Bedford, chemistry instructor, is the former YR advisor. He resigned his post to join the Peace and Freedom Party earlier this year.) Chambless went on to say that he told Ashcraft he thought "approval would be made before expenditures were made . I didn't know what arrangements had been made with Mr. Bedford. Ashcraft told me the expenditures had been made and arrangements had been made with the other sponsor so I went ahead and approved the expenditures. "Ashcraft said the stationary was already purchased in the period of sponsor transition. My impr~ssion is that nothing comes out of the club treasury without approval because it has to
go through the business office," Dr. Chambless continued. "Ashcraft said the expenditures were already made. I don't know whether the money came from his pocket or from whose.~ Ashcraft admitted that "a couple of · expenditures were made before authorization slips were signed. However, I had first gotten permission to spend the money, the executive board approved the expenditures. "To date I have never called an executive board meeting. I haven't been able to get the people together. It is impossible to get all the officers together since they have different class schedules. But I did personally contact all officers. "I did make some of the expenditures · out of my own pocket. But the club okays all expenditures, and it is their prerogative not to okay my reimbursement. "I spent about $34 for a standard form ream of paper and about 500 envelopes. This is an official letterhead. The printer told me that if I didn't use all the stationery I could buy 500 stickers with the names of the new officers for 50 cents." Bedford said that when he was advisor, "at all times when the club decided to buy, it could if it had the money and voted approval on the items. I did not have to extend permission, but I did have to sign the slips to clear the business office."
Joan Kattelmann
Vietnam resolutions cause outrage; New
Left insults McCarthy College students are all concerned with the war in Vietnam , college editors are no exception. A general meeting on the affairs of the student press found the delegations discussing three separate res-:olutions on the war. Two were pro, and one con. Phil Semas, editor of the College Press Service, chaired the session which began In anorderlypro-con discuss ion. An editor lost his cool after 15 minutes and began to shout and bellow his objections to consideration . Semas couldn't keep order and the entire session became pandemonious. All the microphones were in use by vehement editors calling for some kind of order. Several fig hts were sur-pressed. People from Drop City showered pages of their underground publication over the near riot below them. Semas was in heated arguments with several of the more vocal members of the conventionoverparlirrientary procedure mistakes while still trylng to maintain order. The roar grew louder as delegation argued with delegation on the issue. No one including the chairman knew what was happening or what to do about the out of order situation. One person had a shocking solution however. FAKE FUZZ CAUSES COHESIVENESS At the height of the predictable outrage, six films shoWing the horrors of war-torn Vietnam were flashed on sheet screens in front of the arguing people. In the middle of the Viet films was a color football film which was rather representative of the audience condition. This action restored a certain amount of order as the delegates regrouped and some began to chant, "out of order, out of order" at the films. One outraged eastern editor charged to the front of the room and tried to cut the power cable; he was quickly taken in hand by his own delegation. Meanwhile the chairman and conference coordinator were still trying to decide how to restore order. A voice of authority sounded throughout the hall, "This is Captain Jorgenson of the Washington D.C. Department of Police. All unauthorized- films on Vietnam must be confiscated; I must confiscate these films . Will this delegation please clear this room." Silence filled the hall and all that was heard was the whirring of the "illegal" film projectors. "Arrests will be made if this room is not immediately cleared" droned the captain. Order was instantly restored as 500 people stood looking around for the cops to flood through the doors; the films were turned off and the chants of "out of order" ceased. The group became cohesive as they united to stand their ground. One delegate commented, "Why should we move, we've done nothing wrong?" The group that had been so •violently· fighting among themselves only seconds before stood united against what they considered to be a threat to theirfreedom . Reality struck almost everyone at the same time--the Captain was a fake. Immediately someone grabbed a mike an<i began to heatedly protest against what he described as "an orgapized plot created by leftists stationed about the room who took advantage of the orderless situation." Chants of "out of order" resumed and provided a brief calm. Lloyd-Jones took the opportunity of the calm and suggested adjournment of all activities until the Press Conference with Senator McCarthy that night. The assembly took the suggestion; a thoughtful group began to contemplate what had happened. No one knew for sure who had organized this happening , but one thing was certain-- setting up those films and a-ranging for sheet projections screens took someorie's organization . FUNERAL PROCESSION IS RADICAL PROTEST Several hours had passed since the uproar in the general assembly. The conference was still buzzing with the afternoon activities when the press conference for Senator Eugene McCarthy (:J- Minn) began. The Senator spoke for about 10 minutes on general topics pertinent to his campaign and then turned the session into a question and answer period. It was a normal press conference with photographers crowding around and out of order comments from the back of the assembly . McCarthy was answering questions about Vietnam when he was interrupted by a leftist heckler. Jerry Rubin, peace activist who was one of the organizers of October's march on the Pentagon, rushed through the photographers to the stage and waved a copy of the New York Post in the Senator's surprised face. The headline read, "Reds Crack Jail in Hue--Free 2,000." Attempting to interrupt McCarthy further, Rubin shouted, "It's great news. The people are free in Vietnam. The people are free. What do you think about that?" The Senator kept his cool and retorted to Rubin, "What do you think of that?" This manuever threw Rubin off and he retreated with two friends to a table on stage where he continued to flash the •v• sign and mug for disgusted photographers and the audience. McCarthy continued to answer questions uninterrupted by Rubin and company until another demonstrated occured. About eight demonstrators entered from the rear of the room carrying a large black coffin above their heads. Leading the "funeral" procession was a young hippie chick banging on a large metal can. This group plowed through astonished photographers to a position right in front of MCCarthy, who beat a hasty but smiling retreat. His only comment was, "I expected something of this kind. n Undaunted by the disappearance of their subject for humiliation, the "mourners" overturned the coffin to show that it contained several hundred McCarthy for President buttons and an American flag. The audience was not impressed by either display and sympathized with McCarthy by applauding him as he beat his hasty retreat. Ray Mungo, an editor of the Liberation News
Leftist heckler J e rry Rubin excitedly dashed through photographe rs displaying the New York Post in an attempt to interrupt Senator McCarthy's speech. Service (a wire service for the unde rground press), said he had organized the demonstrations with the Qelp of Rubin and other friends. He said the coffin demonstration "was a witness to McCarthy's impotence. He also said he thought it was naive of the Senator to believe he could supply a solution to the Vietnam war. Lloyd-Jones said, "I apologize to Senator McCarthy for the insult and damage done him during the course of his press conference .. . " neither I nor any part of USSPA had any par t in the organization of the demonstrations which took place during his comments." REAL FUZ Z SEES 'SHELL SHOCKED' CONVENTION The demonstrations did not e nd with the Senator, however. A strong feeling of anti-hippism had developed at this point and it came to a head when a burly CBS newsman grabbed the fall en Ame rican flag and proceeded to verbally attack the demonstrators as being "disgusting and unAmer ican. He challenged the audience to do something about it. Shortly after this incident, the man socked one of the long-haired peace demonstrators as a solution. Consequences of the afte r noon' s activity were felt when the Washington Gallery of Modern Art withdrew their invitation to the confe r e nce with no explanation. Intercourse '68 by Lloyd McNeill with the Archie Shep Quintet had been the planned show featuring London's new turned-on art b y young modern artists. Later in the evening an organized prote st group met for the purpose of trying to plan a censure of the conference leadership . Those participating had been very discontented from the start and some delegations threatened to walk out if the conference didn't take a more traditional turn. Attendance at this meeting was helped by the app~arance of a group of Washington D.C. policemen who were guarding an all-Negroacitvity in another part of the hotel. Everyone turned out in the lobby to s ee what was happening; it seemed the ratio was 5 to 1. Both sides and the middle active ly participated in the plan-to-censure m eeting. The one delegate from Tulane University was the instigator of the meeting; he felt that he would make a good leader . The New Left appeared in force and began to slash at the meetings' objectives as being due to a lack of communication of the un-turned on delegates. USSPA conference leaders, including the coordinator, also got into the fray. Lloyd-Jones commented on the condition of the conference on Saturday evening during the plan-tocensure meeting, "I am in shell shock, the whole conference is in shell shock." His only :solution was everyone to get toget her and to try to rationally talk the events and causes out. Eventually this is what happend with some of the delegations . A common base for communication had been established and many people stayed up all night talking about the confe rence and ideas that had been presented. Some of the misunderstanding were satisfactorially worked out and ques tions were answered. Sunday morning things had se ttled down and the final conference events were scheduled.Network, a film and five seminars were planned prior to summary remarks by R. Buckminister Fuller, the only speaker of the conference. He is be st known for inventing the geodesic dome , an example of which we have on campus. His futuristic- contribution is his concept that wealth is created by doing more with less .
MORAL TO THIS STORY Some said that the confere nce was a total waste of their time and walked out. Other's r e fused to listen to new ideas and developing concepts on communication; they clung to the old modes and wanted only traditionalism. The vast m ajority entere d the conference relatively open minded and expecting to be . surpris ed and confronted with new ideas , concepts and media that would demand both comment and exploration. These were the people that made the conference wo r thwhile through seminars that gave opportunity for dialogues with resource people who had ideas, plans, and even machines for the future . Delegates had excellent opportunity to see the present choices of today's world. More spec~fically everyone had the chance to view the present political and socio-economi c choices due to the New Le ft influence. T hey also saw the ultra conservative and the usual middle-of-the roader who lets the establishment talk for him . And then there we~e those who decided to learn how to cre ate their own futures through continous communication and active participation in the framework of a personali zed future.