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Pa lomar College
E D I r· I 0 N
As s emblyman J ohn Stull will speak today at 11 a.m . in P-32 at the meeting of the Young Republicans. Stull has just begun his second year as an assemblyman from California's 80th District. Stull was found to be the most effective Republican assemblyman, the most effective freshman of the 34 member contingent and second most effective member of the entire 80-rnan body. Effectiveness is based on the number of bills assemblymen author and co-author that were signed into law. He serves as vice-chairman of the Assembly Water Committee and on the Education and Constitutional Amendment Committees. He is also a member of the Commission of the Californias, a group organized to promote better understandi ng between this state and Baja California. A graduate of t he University of Iowa Stull enlisted in the Navy early in. World War II. He served for almost twenty- one years, voluntarily retiring at the end of that period with the rank of Commander. He is a member of the American Legion, Farm Bureau, Naval Institute, Military Order of World Wars, retired . Officers Association and other professional and fraternal organizations. Palomar C o 11 e g e in s_ t r u c to r Roy Archer and college classified employee, Jeanetta Lorenzen, go through a culinary practice session as training for a public
Houses success to games' played ' The success of the House of Synanon, a rehabilitation center for drug adicts and alcoholics, was attributed to the Synanon "games," by a representative visiting the campus Wednesday. The games are used as a tool to teach and help people to become more open and abel to communicate with others. One g arne, called the Indictment Garne, is used in such a manner. A member leads this game by indicting a fellow Synanon resident for an exaggerated offense. The indictedman must defend himself or sit and take all the accusations which are cast upon him . Besides making J:.OU very uncornfortable , these games open up corn-
Oreson requests student O""nern"de camp~~gn Partl.ct"patt"on J.'
To All Students: The College tax override election is set for Tuesday. March 12; polls open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. You know better than anyone the college's need for more operating funds---money to employ more instructors, buy essential equipment, meet the daily operational overhead for' a total daynight enrollment now at 5,568 and likely to furnp by · 20 percent in September. Not all the people know these facts. So rn e opponents have spread misleading propaganda, unsubstantiated opinions, other arguments created out of ignorance or deliberately fabricated. Let's get all the way into this campaign which means so much for Palomar. It's high time ALL of us go to work for this school that is providing us top-rate educational opportunities. It's your Palomar. It's your chance and challenge to hit a few licks for your own be s t interest as a student, for future students and for Palomar as a whole . Specifically, here's what YOU can do to help win the March 12
Students who signed up to help with t he taxoverr ide must report a t t heir stations tomo rrow. The foll owing captains are in charge: ESCONDIDO F_t>ed Hewling Was hington Park, 9 a.m. Theodore Kilman Grape Day Park, 9 a.m. VISTA Robert L. Burton, Rita Schmidt, Debbie Hayward
pancake supper at the Student Union from 4 to 6 p. rn. Sunday. The faculty sponsored event will include entertainment and a planetarium show, and area residents of all ages are invited.
Synanon representative attributes
San Marcos , Calif.
Voters decide financial fate ofPalomar Tuesday
Assemblyman Stull to lecture YR's today
All students are invited to attend this spring's Area I conference next Saturday, March 16. "The emphasis of the conference should be on discussion with other colleges," said Robert E. Bowman, dean of student activities. "Students can sign up in the student activities office through Wednesday," Bowrnfln stated. Palomar is allowed to take 30 delegates. "All student body officers will be going," Bowman remarked, "but we also want students who are simply interested in discussing campus problems." The conference will be hosted by San Diego Evening College at Mesa College. If 30 delegates sign up, a bus will be provided for transportation. The conference runs from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. General Assembly, workshops, debate and voting on ideas are in order.
Volume 21 Number _26 · A Publication of the Associated Students
Area I confab open to all PC students
'V ~
election: 1. See that your parents go to the polls and vote FOR Palomar. That's the quickestwaytodeliver two "YES" votes. 2. Telephone a few people Monday evening, March 11, and Tuesday afternoon, March 12--friends you know will vote "YES" if you can get them to go cast their votes. 3. Offer transportation--in your car, the family car, a borrowed car, whatever---and GO GET FRIENDS and take them to the polls March 12. 4. If you work this weekend, tell your e rnp 1 oyer and coworkers of the election, that its sucess is essential to Palomar, and ASK them to vote for us. Please do one or some or all of these things for Palomar. YOU, the student body, have it in your power to WIN this election if you will just work from today through March 12. Thank you,
Rober t Thoreson ASB President
Washington Junior High School on Olive Street, 9 a .m. FALLBROOK Linda Welch, Brice Larsen Mayfair Market, 9 a.m. SAN MARCOS Mrs. Marilyn Crist, PalrnerN. Kremer, Nancy Palmer, Mike Gunderson Richland School, 1 p.m .
rnunication channels," the representative said. The residents of Synanon stay the regular length of time which is two to two and one half years. At the end of this time the member will be "wide open as a human being. , The proof of Synanon's success is that most graduates stay very open and don't revert back to drugs or a 1co h ol, the representative said. Synanon is supported by the community with donations of money, goods, food and services as well as the advertising specialties manufactured by The House . The center receives grants from the California Department of Rehabil.itation and from functions such as dinners
and~eys~oMored~~uoon. Palomar students received a special invitation to attend open house sessions on Saturday evenings at 8:30 p.m. and Sundays at 1:00 p.m. Students were also invited to see the play, "Live Like Pigs," which The House is presenting at the Balboa Bowl Saturday and Sunday nights. The representative said that the reviews were't too favorable because of the controversial elements, but that it's a play that everyone should see to gain an insight on modern life in the U.S.
By Joan Kattelrnann District voters decide the financial make _up antic i p ate d r eductions in fate of Palomar College Tuesday when feder al and s tate aid this com ing yea r they cast ballots in the tax override in t he amount of approximately $200,000 election. were s ome of the areas me ntioned. Tbe issue is on the ballot as a simple The results of losing the election a r e yes-no proposition , calling for a 19 grave for the future of the college. cent increase in the district tax basa. Dr. Huber explained, "Curtailment is The tax would be added to the present imperative in the 1968-69 school year district tax rate of 35 cents for a period and following in several basic college of five years. function unless such revenue is Revenue from the desired 19 cent tax is provided." is essential to the college community "The cost of the average property in several wavs. One reason for the proowner (assuming a $20,000 h o rne posed measure is the enrollment increase assessed by the county at $5,000)would of 20 per cent this fall, 10 per cent be only $9.50 per year, obviously a more than expected; and the 18 per small sum to allow your district college cent spring increase. The figure is to move forward," Dr. Huber said. expected to jump, nearly 400 to make the total day enrollment 3,000 by fall He cited several examples such as of 1968. curtailment of day enrollment in s ome The steadily increasing enrollment classes; curtailment of bus s e rvices· year after year has created definite curtailment of ordiscontinuanceof Adult problems for students, and faculty. These Education classes. problems will intensify in September "The present Registered Nurse AA unless more operating funds are forthdegree program cannot expand, despite corning. It is difficult at the present a waiting list for a second class and time to maintain quality instruction bethe local need; a proposed dental cause of the heavily-loaded courses due assistant curriculurnand expanded Police to class overflow and class sizes in Science program will not be possible," Dr. Huber remarked. excess of faculty manpower, according to Dr. Frederick R, Huber, Palomar It is obvious that no benefit will · president, come to the college, the students or "Present college income simply is th~ communities if the tax override insufficient to handle the increasing falls. The college will be faced with enrollment with the standards and the a gradual shut- down of services, a loss academic efficiency necessary in an of academic esteem and a gradual loss a c c r e d it e d junior college such as of offering a sufficient education to Palomar has been in the years past," students. Dr. Huber said. Students presently en r o 11 e d are He went on to explain the specific ~xperiencing undesirable' overcrowding areas where the funds are needed. m classes, shortage of equipment and "Employment of 19 additional faculty lack of space to work effectively in members to handle the increase in several departments (Science, Business, s tude n t s and the existing overload; and Communications.) Many instructors purchase of new equipment essential are teaching heavy overloads. to maintaining the instructional programs The problems confronting the colieg~ several critical departments (such as also effect the · citizens. and young Science and Business); replacement of people of the district, especially those equipment which has become obsolete students expecting to attend in 1968. during the past ten years; and funds to c_arr~ing this election successfully is a d1strwt wide responsibility of all conscientious citizens," said Dr. Huber.
Attorney tells Mapleleafers to discontinue meetings On the basis of advice from an attorney, the " Mapleleaf Society" will not meet today, according to one of it's founders. The purpose of the newly formed club is to promote Canada, the Canadian way of life, and Canadian travel. Steve Krueger announced this Wednesday after a meeting of the group found ing tne ;:;oc1ety. "We have been advised by a-San Diego lawyer not to form this thing because we may be accused of conspiring to counsel young men to avoid the draft," stated Krneger. "Evasion of induction to the armed service was not one of our programs; however, we would have a difficult time proving this."
Alaskan tuna factory provides Stlmmer home for , Margie Groh Tall, vivacious Margie Groh has a different summer planned. She's going to work in a Kodiak, Alaska tuna factory. Smiling, Mis_s Groh explained her choice of jobs . "I have a girlfriend there who says the pay is good, the mountains are breathtaking and there are plenty of men."· Last summer Miss Groh visited Colorado Springs. 1966 winner of the $100 Palomar scholarship in biology, Miss Groh is currently majoring in s o c i o 1 o g y. She plans to change her major to theater arts when she transfers to. San Diego State.
teachers , although her father is retired and writes political satire. She has one brother now stationed in London with the Air Force. Miss Groh said: "Althoughi'mpreparing for a teaching career, I have to try the fire of show business first. My parents have encouraged my independence in travels and they're all for my show business aspirations. They're not just understanding, they're fantastic I"
NEWS BRIEFS Exhibits by five day art instructors arecurrently on display in The Boehm Gallery. Continuing through March 28, the show features the works of Russell Baldwin, John Barlow, Harry Bliss, James Hulbert and Mrs. Rita Freeland White. "Our reception held on the first day of the showing attracted the largest group of students up until then," stated Baldwin, gallery director.
- * ** Deadline for applications for the $200 scholarship sponsored by the San Diego Horne Economics Association is March 15. The awards are open to men or women home economic majors with a 2. 75 grade point average and monetary need. To qualify, a student must have ear ned or have in progress 24 college units. The completed scholarship form, plus two recommendations, one from the home economics teacher, and college tran_scripts should be sent to the scholarship chairman, Mrs. R.D. Branstetter, 5436 Hewlett DR., San Diego, Cal, 92115 .
Tomorrow evening will see the seventh annual International Club International . Banquet. Starting at 6 p.m., the banquet features foreign food as well as entertainment. Persons may purchase tickets at the door that evening, in the student bookstore or at 11 a.m. daily in the Student Union. Proceeds from the dinner will go to the club's scholarship fund.
Miss Groh said, "I got interested in dram a in high school where I was cast as the Roz Russell type in 'Stardust.' " Since then she has appeared at the Del Mar Fair, the Fa l lbrook Avacado Fair and other community shows. She has also modeled in local fashion shows . Miss Groh was seen last December in Palomar's production of "The Christmas Carol."
N in e t y agricultural scholarships of $500 each are available to students entering the Cal P oly School of Agriculture, for the college year 1968-69. For more informat ion or for details concerning other scholarships, s ee a counselor or write to the Financial Aid counselor, Stude nt Personnel Division at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, Califor nia.
Besides devoting time to drama and modeling, Miss Groh has been studying voice with Palomar's Joe Stanford. She recently appeared in a local production, "Broadway Review,". at the Los Penasquitos Theater on Route 395, Mount Carmel. A variety of numbers .from Broadway shows were presented with all benefiting the Muscular Dystrophy Fund. Miss Groh's parents, Dorothy and Edwin Groh, have both been s c h o o 1
Frosh class members will dispuss the Club Week activities of a dunking booth, a light show in P-32 and a sophomor e versus freshman tug- of-war. Brice Larse n, president, invites all freshman and interested students to attend the weekly meeting in R-5 at 11 a .m. on Tuesday. Prospective Freshman Class contestants in the inter-club tricycle race will also be chosen.
Margie Groh
Comets upset Knights • In PSC diamond debut Coach Jim Clayton's nine opened its Pacific Southwest Conference baseball season in sparkling fashion Wednesday, upsetting San Diego City College, 7-4. SDCC is the defending league champions and pre-season favorite for another title, but the hard hitting Comets had an easy time, collecting five runs in the first inning and another two in the fifth. Freshman Ernie Oliva walked eight and allowed nine hits, but some fine fielding by shortstop Rick Adkins and Co. helped Palomar's ace pitcher in his out going performance. The Knights , 7-4 in non-conference action, started their top hurler, Dennis Webb, who last year was 10-0 and unde-
Sports schedule
feated in four decisions this season. · In the big first frame Jack Ashby, Adkins and Bill Briscoe got free passes and, with two out, Greg Abney scored a run with an error. Jim Dean then swatted a single down the left field line for three RBI's and Kent Dawson followed with a run scoring one bagger. Palomar, returning to action Weqnesday at Southwestern in another conference tussle, upped their season reading to 5-7. The Knights scored single runs in the first , fourth, fifth and sixth, and only went out in order in the third and seventh, but Oliva came through with s e ven key strikeouts. The Comets came through with one doubleplay and made only two errors . " Ernie (Oliva) pitched a strong game. Our plan was for him to throw a lot
of slow pitches to their big hitters and it worked, ,, said Clayton. The locals wrapped the game up in the fifth, Kent Dawson driving in two runs with a double with the bases loaded. Six walks and eight hits made the Comets' attack, with only three players striking out. Those getting hits were Dean's 2-for-3 (and 3 RBI's). Dawson's 2-for-4 (3 RBI's) 0 l iva' s· 2 -for 4, Briscoe's 1-for-3 (scoring twice), and Abney's 1-for-4 (scoring twice). Clayton said "This has got to be bigger than our Mt. SAC win," referring to the locals 3-2 win over Mt. San Antonio College earlier in the year. Mt. SAC is one of the premier teams in the state junior college program. Last Thursday the squad lost to MiraCosta as Adkins collected two of Palomar's six hits.
Lloyd Walker (right) and baseball coach Jim Clayton look worried in first inning of yesterday's meeting with San
Diego City College. Knights scored a run in top of inning, but Comets got five in frame and a 7-4 triumph.
TODAY TRACK -- Citrus and Golden West at Citrus. GOLF -- Mesa here at 1 p.m. WRESTLING -- State Championship at Chabot College (San Francisco). TOMORROW WRESTLING -- State Championship at Chabot College p.m. MONDAY GOLF -- at SDCC at 1 p.m.
Jon Mitch e 11, named outstanding Wrestler in the Pacific Southwest Conference, trophy denoting his honor. Tim
Turner and Jeff Johnston will go with Mitchell this weekend to the state finals at Chabot College.
Three Comet matmen advance to JC finals Jon Mitchell, Jeff Johnston and Tim Turner will compete today and tomorrow in the California Junior College Wrestling Championship at Chabot College in the Oakland area. The trio advanced to the finals after Saturday's regionals. Mitchell , named wrestler of the year in the Pacific Southwest Conference, finished third in the regionals. In the opening match he pinned his foe from LA Valley, lost a 4-1 decision and won a 4-0 overtime decision. Johnston, a 137 pounder, lost a 10-7 verdict to Frank Kuhn in the opening round and came back to record a pin and decision for third place. Kuhn of Cerritos College was named the outstanding wrestler of the tourney at Rio Hondo College as he led his teammates • Tim Turner, wrestling at 177 pounds, wnn his firPt match by a decision and then lost two, settling for fourth place. Turner and Mitchell were joined by heavyweight Greg Arnold on the all PSC first team selections. Comets' Johnston
Golfers host Mesa; win over Griffins Golf coach, Ward Myers, and his Comet golf squad will return to action today when they encounter San Diego Mesa College at 1 p.m. on their hom~ course. Crushing Grossmont's golf squad, the Comet six boosted its conference record to 2 - 1 Monday on their San Luis Rey · home course. Capturing all six of their matches, the Palomar golfers posted their third victory of the season as Comet Phil Stoewer (76) maintained the low score of the meet . Other winning pairings were Neil Gudgeon (78) , Tom House (83), Zem Hopkins and Gary Etheredge both at (86) and Terry Reiffs (87).
and 152 pound Don Metcalf were named to the second team. Mitchell, undefeated two years in conference play, was unanimous choice for the conference MVP title, according to coach Tony Lynds. Among his accomplishments is the feat of going through thi!J nine league meets this year with only one point being scored against him. Other honors by Mitchell include a third place in the Palomar Tournament, first in the Pierce Tournament and qual~ ification for last year's state finals. «Jon carries a three-point grade average and is an outstanding candidate for a college scholarship," said Lynds of the former ASB president.
Palomar's Thatcher Olympic possibility John Thatcher , Palomar's 6-1 guard basketball star, has been one of the 35 California college cage players nominated to the first state Olympic team at the JC level, according to Palomar coach Joe Brennan. Final selection of the seven players and seven alternates will be made Sunday at Cerritos College by the Junior College Committee. The team will enter the tournament in Wichita and the first place team of the different states entered will advance to the Olympic elimination tourney at Albuquerque for the u.s. final team. Brennan, serving as president of the California Junior College Basketball Association and business manager of the Junior College Olympic Committee as well , will be s:gending a lot of traveling time during the next month, visiting the California JC playoffs at Cerritos this weekend and the other playoffs later.
Archers top SB and SFV Saturday Palomar's Jim Kinley set the pace in Friday's archery match with San Bernardino and San Fernando Valley by shooting a hot 602 to take first place. James Crafts from Palomar and Gary Filice from San Fernando (the fourth ranked J C archer in the U.S.) tied for second place with 594. Pawmar also placed fifth and sixth with freshman Dan White and sophomore Mike Brown. Palomar's undefeated team again won
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first place with Kinley, Crafts, White and Brown making a team score of 2,330. San Bernardino took second with 2198 and San Fernando third with 2072. San Bernardino's mixed team of two men and two women took first place and Palomar took second. This is the first competition the Palomar women have entered. Varsity women archers were Lynda Jessen, Kathy Keane, Maggie Duffy and Heidi Weflen.
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TUESDA Y TENNIS-- Mesa here at 3 p.m. WEDNESDAY BASEBALL -- at Southwestern at 2:30 p.m. THURSDAY TENNIS-- at SDCC at 3 p.m. GIRLS' TENNIS -- San Diego State here at 2 p.m .
Track squad tests Golden We)t~ Citrus today at 3 Track coach, Doc Marrin, and his Comets will return to action today when they travel to Azusa for a non-conference triangular meet against Citrus · and Golden West after two strong showings last week. Comets' John Scharr, Pancho Enriquez, Rick Fox and Randy Hartman, running a 440, 880 , 1320 and mile respectively, captured the distance nr!'J{Iley in the 27th Annual Long Beach Relays at the Veterans Memorial Stadium. H a r t m an , anchoring the Palomar :medley team, out-paced Neal Siebert of Golden West in a hard fought time of 4:19.5. Making a big name for themselves, the Comets also chalked up three second places, three third places and two f-ifths. Joining Hartman, Enriquez, and Fox in the two mile, George Odle and his teammates finished second with a time of 7:57.8 as Fox, picked up a 65 yards, anchoring in 1:56. 1. Tom Reis, Schnarr, Enriques and Fox ran a 3:29.2 to register a third place in the mile relay. Hurdlers Thompson and Reis sprinted a time of 14.9 in the 120 highs. Placing second in the shot put and third in the discus, Palomars Doug Price is rounding into top shape. Rick Trestrail and Bruce Galloway also pocketed a close second and third in the javelin with average tosses near 173 feet. Although knocking off four tenths of a second off the Palomar record , Me rle Gathers, Don Zukaitis , Reis and Gary Bowker were still unplaced in the 440 relay. In Friday's MiraCosta-Imperial Valley home track meet, the Comets clobbered both teams as the final statistics posted Palomar as the undisputed winner with a total of 140 1/ 2 points to Imperial Valley's 26 112 and MiraCosta's 4. · Reis, carried the Comets to victory as he almost outscored Imperial Valley and Mira Costa single-handedly. Reis set a pair of school records in the 120 high hurdles and the triple jump while Len Thompson shared the honors in a tie with Reis. Other Comet double winners were Rick Fox in the 880 and mile and Doug Price in the shot put and disc~s. CREAM PERMS $6.50 plus haircut two for $13 complete with haircut and style.
Ineligible for baseball , 31-year old ex-manne to play on grid team "I'm. a young 31," says ex-marine Lloyd Walker, who is preparing for a career in coaching after his 10 1/3 year hitch in the service. The political science major (P,E. minor) planned on getting experience by playing on the baseball and football teams for the Comets, but his diamond plans have been postponed this year because of the out of state eligibilty rule. · He still plans to play linebacker for the grid team . this fall and is currently serving as an unpaid aid to baseball coach Jim Clayton. "I enjoy working with boys and we
First PSC victory recorded by netters They said it couldn't be done , but the tennis team did it. They won. Actually, they may win quite a bit this season. But last Thursday the Palomar tennis team won their first Pacific Southwest Conference match in three years, a 7-2 nod over Southwestern. Next week the squad will have two PSC encounters , Mesa here on Tuesday and at San Diego City College Thursday . Bob Simpson , Fred Me Clain, Mike Shaw and Mark Tuttle won in singles against the Apaches with Bob Austin and ,John Pegg the only losers. All three doubles teams won. Ray Love is coaching the tennis ~team this year.
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have a great group here," said Walker during a recent practice session • Born and raised in Mato, North Carolina, he played three sports at the high school and was on an all- conference football selection. He accepted a baseball scholarship (he's a catcher) to Cholnan Junior College North Carolina but enlisted in the marines for "no apparent reason." "I played some ball in the marines before the war." stated Walker, " and afterwards I was a special agent for a firm in Los Angeles for six months and in electronics for seven months before deciding to go to college under the GI Bill." Brought to California in 1963 by the Corps, Walker chose Palomar because his wife worked in the area as a registered nurse and he'd "heard of the good athletic program here." He lives in Vista with his wife and four children, boys 8, 7, and 5 and an 8-year old adopted Vietnamese girl he brought back with him. This summer he plans to coach a Vista Little League team and eventually plans to attend San Diego State.
THE TELESCOPE Editor-in-Chief . . . Cecelia LodJco Page 1, Tuesday . . Jerry Nicholas Assistant. . . . . Steve Krueger Page 2, Tuesday. .Joan Kattelmann Assistant. . . . . Jan Donoho Page 1, Friday. Steve Schneider Assistant. . . Corky Wisniewski Page 2, Friday. . . Rick Monroe Assistant. . . . . . Dave Conrad News Editor. . . . . . . . . Joe Wu Exchange Editor. . . . . Sherri Hall Reporters. . . . . . . . Neil Hoffman, Ken Kline, Tom Wheeler Advertisements. . . . Dianna Houser, Jim Reeploeg Photographers ....... . ........ Don Bartletti, Ted Karounos, Bob Nelson Journalism Advisor. . . Fred Wilhelm Photography Advisor. . Justus Ahrend Graphic Arts Advisor . James McNutt