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College's future zn district voters' hands today â&#x20AC;˘
Palomar College is seeking operational funds to meet increased instruction costs resulting from a total enrollment now approaching 6,000 as district voters go to the polls today in a special election. At stake is a 19 cent override tax which the college Board and Administration has declared to be essential to meet day-to-day payroll and operational overhead resulting from the skyrocketing attendance. The polling hours today will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Communities and cities in the college district include Poway, Escondido, San Marcos, Vista, Fallbrook, Bonsall and Valley Center. College officials said the election was called to provide revenue necessary for these specific immediate needs: 1) The employment of 19 additional instructors by September.
Palomar College
2) Purchase of certain instructional equipment needed by key departments. 3)Replacement of other classroom and laboratory equipment that has become obsolete. 4) Finances to offset the decreased amount of state and federal aid. The college Board of Governors, who unanimously voted to call today's election, urged citizens' support of the plan and said in their announcement, "It is difficult at the present time to maintain quality instruction because of the heavily-loaded courses, inadequate number . of teacher personnel, class overflow and class sizes in excess of faculty manpower." The situation, officials said, came to a near-crisis stage with the unanticipated 20 per cent jump in enrollment last September over the enrollment a year before which was
already 10 per cent more than the year before that. President Frederick R. Huber said, "We are not presenting this election on the basis of threats or warnings of a situation that coula reach very serious proportions, but the simple fact is that Palomar College's quality educational program will suffer immeasurably if this election is unsuccessful. H The students themselves, many of their parents and other groups have been active in pushing for -a favorable vote today. The 19 cent tax, which would be levied on the $100 valuation for. a portion or all of a five year period, would cost the average district homeowner only about $9.50 a year. This is based on a $20,000 property assessed by the county at the usual one-
fourth value. College officials said that, based on the current growth rate, enrollment in September would probably exceed 3,000 "and there just aren't enough instructors to go around." One of the consequences of any curtailment of classroom functions for lack of instructional equipment and teachers was cited as being that some students might not be able to complete their credit prograll'ls in the normal two year period because certain classes would not be available to them. A spokesman for the Citizens Committee said, "we are urging that everyone who wishes to see 11i.e co1Tege maintained at it traditionally high academic quality to go to the polls today to vote for what certainly is in the best interest of present and future students and for this area as a whole."
Volume 21
Number 27 A Publication of the Associated Students ¡
March 12, 1968 ¡ San Marcos, Calif.
Mandatory ASB card bill before crucial Assembly committee today
John Stull, Assemblyman of the 80th district, spoke to small audience on
apathy of the people in America, on Friday.
An educational committee will meet today to decide the future of Assembly Bill 485. Formerly numbered 440, the assembly bill , if enacted, would make the purchase of student body cards mandatory on the junior college campus. "If the bill is passed by educational committee, it will then go on to the state assembly for a vote. If the bill is not passed by the educational committee , it dies and does not go on to assembly," explained ASB president Bob Thoreson. The student body president traveled to Sacramento last Monday to represent Palomar College as favoring the bill's passage. In recent years, all student body coun-
cils here and delegates to Area 1 conferences have voted In favor of the fee. Thoreson termed his recent trip as "very successful.'' "Mandatory ASB cards allow for better planning of the expected income," Thoreson said. "It also prevents the collapse of the student body program." According to Thoreson, the school program of six junior colleges have fallen in recent years. "Even the athletics program of one college collapsed," stated Thoreson. Some assemblymen are against the mandatory fee. "They (the assemblymen) oppose it on the basis that it is a fori]! of tuition," said the president.
Incumbent Republican A5semblyman Peacock explores the mass media, speaks to small audience here McLuhanism m final night lecture
"People are crying for leadership and ideas," said John Stull, Assemblyman of the 80 th District. during a speech Friday for the Young Republicans Club in P-32. Stull went on to say that the apath:y of the people of this nation may ruin the country. He advocated that people become involved in government and politics. Stull said that he has authored legislation in the assembly to prohibit the flying of the North Vietnamese flag on college campus. Stull believes that this is open aid and comfort to the enemy and that as such is treason. The assemblyman said that he really doesn't "have much feeling" on black power. He said, however, that he would help the Negro in any way, but that he could not condone violence as a means toward any end. In reference to his upcoming election battle for renomination, he said that the war in Vietnam should not be a state
Free judo lessons set Judo lessons for beginners will start Thursday. The instruction is open to all Palomar students. Brian Kelly and Dan Rowe, students, will teach the lessons every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m. in the wrestling room. Assistant instructor is Lt. Ernie Cates who is a fifth degree Black Belt.
campaign issue. Stull said that it should be left to the national politicians to fight over. About 35 persons were in attendance , five of whom were faculty or administration members. Among the spectators was Roy (Pat) Archer, political science instructor and a candidate for the democratic nomination to the office that Stull now holds.
Alpha Gamma Sigma to welcome members Alpha Nu chapter of Alpha Gamma Sigma will welcome prospective members tomorrow in P-32 -at 11 a.m., according to Adolph Heyne and Mrs. Marilyn Crist, co-sponsors of the academic honor society. AGS is a statewide group whose objectives are listed as recognizing and promoting academic achievement among junior college students. Three classes of membership compose the club. Students may qualify for temporary membership if they have a 3.0 grade average with 44 grade points in no fewer than 12 units of work. Students carrying 11 units and who have achieved 43 graoe points and not less than a 3.3 grade point average for last semester are also eligible for temporary membership.
Students to discuss college problems at Area I conference at Mesa JC Students interested in discussing campus problems and issues may attend the spring Area 1 conference this Saturday. The purpose of the conference is to formulate ideas from the six colleges in Area 1. Departure time from Palomar is 8 p.m. Interested persons should sign up in the student activities office by tomorrow. This year's conference will be hosted by San Diego Evening College and will be held at Mesa College, "After debate and workshops are conducted , resolutions and recommendations which may have arisen go to the delegates' assembly for a vote," said Robert E. Bcwman, dean of student activities . These reso1utwns , if passed at the Area 1 conference, go on to the State conference. If passed at the State conference, the resolutions are presented as a bill in the Sacramento legislature. "Palomar is allowed to take ::JO dele-
gates, H Bowman said. "Student council officers will be going, but we also want students who are interested in government and college discussion conferences." The five workshops on the agenda are 1) Advances in education today, 2) Student-faculty relations , 3) How can student government communicate with student body, faculty and communit~ 4) Relationship between student and society and relationship between society and student, 5) President(in relationship to students, finance, budget, ASB cards, etc.) ASB vice-president Paul Hauptman will serve as chairman for the fourth agenda item. Palomar's delegates are separated into the various workshops so that Palomar may have a voice in each section. Area 1 colleges include Mira Costa, Grossmont, Mesa, San Diego City, Southwestern and Palomar.
"The times, they are a-changin' ... " "Bob Dylan's statement would seem to be a prophesy," said Richard Peacock Thursday night. "Nobody seems to know what quite is going on, there are many theories anywhere from 'the whole thing is a Communist conspiracy' to 'what's happening with the crazy kids nowadays. Their morals are degenerating; they're not like we used to be." This was Peacock's introduction to the final in a series of Evening Forum presentations during which he discussed "McLuhanism , Media, and the College Freshman." Following a 15-minute delay to allow the audience to arrive, Peacock spoke to about 15 rain-soaked spectators. Peacock explained that Marshall McLuhan's theory of communication holds that it is not the content of information, but rather the way is which that information is presented that determines how a person reacts. "Primitive societies, according to McLuhan, were victims of a sensory bias. They had no written language, so they had to rely on word of mouth. Much in the same way, we today are victims of a sensory bias, but of the eye," said Peacock. "The college freshman is among the first of a group of people to be educated by and fully exposed to television. "In the non-literate societies," said Peacock, "the eldest people were the most respected and revered because they were a link with past generations.Books and later printing made the olderperson less important, less needed. Because now, I can go back many, many generations in one book and gain specialized knowledge in setting a leg, for instance."
Peacock, an English instructor, described a film prededing his talk as "reality ... that's reality out there. "This is going on all around us, continually. You drive down your street in your automobile and the advertisements flash by, or you're sitting in your living room watching the U.S. bombing North Vietnam and a commercial flashes on for toothpaste or stick deodorant, and you regard this as being perfectly normal . This is life. You sit there , eating your ice cream, and fine, what else is new?" In the film, which Peacock described as scenes from a zoo a surfing event and a dance. Certain selected color slides were shown at the same time on an opposite screen which showed the Ajax "white knight" played by a Negro, a "007" spray oeodorant advertisement, a picture of the late Cardinal Francis Spellman and a shot of a U.S. Navy cruiser in action. These slides and the Bm.m home movies were accompanied by a tape of Bob Dylan singing. Peacock described the invention ofthe printing press as "the greatest single invention of mankind. It put information in the hands of the common man. For the first time he could look at the bible and interpret it for himself without some monk telling him how to interpret it., Peacock said that the "book culture of the 19th and early 20th century is coming into direct conflict with the electric culture of the sixties. "This culture can have no definite beginning or ending, simply because electricity has no beginning nor ending."
Thoreson said that an amendment may have to be attached to the bill in orderto insure its passage by the education committee. "The amendment will paraphrase the law as it now applies to the state colleges. Briefly stated, the amendment would provide for the president of the college to announce an election in which the students would vote for or against a mandatory fee at their college. A twothirds favorable majority of those voting would be needed for approval of the issue," said Thoreson . "Referendum and recall would also be provided in the amendment, "Thoreson added. "Twenty per cent of the student body could sign a petition to have another election. "These men are against Reagan and won't do anything to help him. Because Reagan is for tuition and because they (the opponents) think mandatory ASB cards are a form of tuition, they are also against a-esembly 'Mll 485," continued Thoreson. The bill has a " tremendous amount of co-authors," according to the president. Mandatory fees are in effect on all state colleges and universities.
Teadzer evaluations officially approved Teacher evaluation by the students has been approved for Palomar College. The controversial issue was passed by the Faculty Senate February 26 by a 16-2 vote. Last Monday, the Faculty Association was scheduled to vote on the issue . "Since the senators represent the Faculty Association, Sheridan Hegland, senate president, decided it would be unnecessary for the Association to vote on the evaluation," said Rita Schmidt. Miss Schmidt was a chairman on the teacher evaluation committee. The Faculty Associationconsistsof all faculty members. Arepresentative body of 15 members makes up the Faculty Senate. "Even though the voting was canceled, the evaluation issue was left open for discussion and information requested -by the faculty," remarked Miss Schmidt. A course rating sheet, drawn up by the committee, will be the means for evaluation. Descriptions of courses and their purposes are available in each department to all students. Evaluation by the rating sheet will be with reference to these course descriptions.
'Lord of Flies" to be shown tonight Another movie, "Lord of the Flies," will be presented tonight at 7:15 in P-32. This picture is the second of a series of films to be shown this semester. Admission is free. Based on a novel by the same name, "Lord of the Flies" gained critical success. The movie was filmed using nonprofessional actors . Children were taken to the desert island where the filming was made and to 1d to act naturally. Basically, it is a story of how man reverts to his primitive state when he is given the opportunity to do so.
Paul Read and Shelley Egerer examine
new show in Boehm Art Gallery.
Joan Kattelmann
THE TELESCOPE In 1962, the Student Publications Board established a Code of Ethics with the cooperation of the members
of all campus publlcattons.
Local newspaper pub-
lishers were asked to comment and they said the code was complete. Two statements from that code are
pertinent today: •within the framework of school coverage, sensationalism. glorification, and favoritism should not be tolerated ." Coverage of national or International occurrences should be governed by the proximity of the event and the direct relationship Of the even t to the students.
These events should be considered
Famous Frenchman goes whale watching for ABC 1V special
when they occur on campus or broughttntothe college program directly. • · Opinions expressed In this paper In signed editorials and artic les are the views of the writers and do not necessarily represent opinions of the staff, vtews of the Associated Student Body Council, college admtnlstratton, or tbe Board of Governors. The TELESCOPE Invites responsible •guest editorials• or letters to the editor All communications must be signed by the author. The TELESCOPE as a student newspaper must represent the entl re spectrum of student thought.
As CeCe sees it
Banish school boredom blues By Cecelia Lodico booths and tables with information on It's a happening! Palomar College is their particular club . A Clubscope, pubsponsoring its first Club Week. And it lished by members of the journalism couldn't come at a better time. department and Hauptman will be disBeginning next Monday and lasting tributed next Monday. The newspaper through Saturday, Club Week has arrived will contain information of clubs , written at a perfect point in the school year. by the clubs' members. It is now that the "school boredom blues" Other happenings include a slave sale set in. by the Vets Club, a freshmen-sophoSpring semester is always more submore tug of war and a Young Repubdued in the excitement scene than the licans' opinion poll. fall . Some of the wild items planned Thursday will see a faculty versus should keep the apathy germ away for Veterans Club baseball game. Dr. Freda while. erick R.Huber , college president; Angelo . Largely due to the planning and organiCarli, English instructor; and Dr. Danzation of ASB vice-president Paul Hauptiel Pratola, Spanish instructor are just man, Club Week's purpose is "to boost three members on the faculty team. club membership and promote sp!rrf and greater participation." AlVIS will wind up the week of fun Interclub council (ICC) members hope with a Blue Grass Hootenany featuring that Club Week becomes "at least an the "Cumberland Creek Pickers." annual event and perhaps semi-annual," Club Week is an ideal opportunity for Hauptman said. clubs to make themselves known through Monday's college hour will begin the participating in and sponsoring activiweek's events with musical selections ties. It is also a great way to boost by the band , followed by introductions membership . of ICC and student council members. Students should join in the activities Next, a tricycle race with members and experience for themselves the reof different clubs as competitors will ward belonging to a campus club can continue the excitement. Starting point bring. is in front of the flagpole at 11:15 a.m. Club membership is a sure cure for The Freshman Class will sponsor a "school boredom blues." dunking booth. Many clubs will have
Harold Keen from TV 8 interviewed Phillipe Cousteau when the oceanographer returned from a Baja California expedition.
Letters to the Editor Reader calls Telescope article 'conceited' Editor: In the March 5 issue of The Telescope is a statement that, if correctly reported, is one of the most conceited I have ever read. Also perhaps one of the most frightening in implication. The statement , used in opposition to a motion to have a yearbook type of publication , reads as follows "a person not involved in journalism has no right (emphasis mine) to judge the quality of a publication." This is worthv of closer inspection since it would appe r to follow that other types of criticism--art, literature, or politics for example - - would be confined to artists, writers, and professional politicians, and the right to personal opinion is obsolete. Big Brother knows best and if you have any comment Shut Up. In regard to the question of Focus as it has appeared the last iew years, if it wasn't free with my ASB card I wouldn't bother to get it. I happen to be one who would also prefer more student identification and less "exotics"
that appear designed to show off clever camera angles and the ability of the journalism and printshop students to show their cleverness in type. Edith M. Gain
Editor: "A person who is not involved in journalism has no right to judge the quality of a publication." (Telescope , March 5, 1968). How ridiculous! This is merely a lame excuse for inaction. If we, the students , cannot determine good vs. bad reading material, then for whom do the journalists at Palomar write? The Focus may be good journalism, but if iiOO!ie wants to read it, then why take student funds to publish it? Let's put the question of the Focus on the next ballot, and go to the people for whom the Palomar College magazine is _intended--the students. Therese Held
Dr. Ted Walker, Scripts oceanographer and whale expert, was the technical advisor on the seven week junket.
Student commentary
Pat Paulsen President?
The November election draws near. The rivalry for the nation's top executive position is diversified, Along with the other candidates is another serious, independent, dark-horse, non-candidatePat Paulsen. This week's question was, "Do you consider Pat Paulsen qualified to run for president? If so , why, and would you vote for him?" Dr. Frederick Huber, President of Palomar--"Yes , I'm very much interes-
ted in his candidacy for the presidency. I would like to know what his platform is, and if he could state it simply. " Dan Rowe, freshman--"He would add to the already amusing presidential race and bring out the true spirit of politics . Whether or not I would vote for him depends upon whether he officially runs for office." Roger Bielasz, sophomore--"! can't think of anyone who is more unqualified to run for president. He is plain crazy." Steve Fry. freshman--"No other personality today put on the put-on better. I think he'd make a groovy president."
David Oliver, freshman--"Pat Paulsen. in my opinion, is making a farce of the presidential race . I hope nobody takes him seriously. I would rather not vote for him." Alan Chapman, freshman--"Pat Paulsen should be president; he's qualified, cause he's president ofhisownfanclub." Steve Fry
Mitties McDonald
Mitties Me Donald, sophomore--"Of all the people who I have seen groping for the presidential nominations , Mr. Paulsen certainly looks as good as any. and as qualified as any. Provided he keeps his mouth flowing with helpful hints . he could very well receive my vote." Sandy Englebrecht, freshman-- "I do not think that Pat Paulsen is well qualified because he has not had as much political experience as I think a president should have. And I think I would not vote for him because I feel there are better qualified men thinking of running."
8ousteau pleasantly explains his expedition and his underwater experiences to Joan on board the Polaris III.
[ informa1 editorials ]
Our College Cbmmunity Dave Oliver
LAST CHANCE FOR ACTION Today our future is in the outcome of the tax election. This is our last chance to get the voters to the polls. Go home and call people, see your neighbors, go downtown and remind citizens, drive your parents to the polls . The responsiblity is yours and mine. Go do what you can. CIRCLE K SELLS OUT Circle K sponsored the first sellout dance this year.
Sandy Englebrecht
All sorts of strange objects fall from the sky , including an occasional oceanographer. When Phillipe Cousteau, world famous French oceanographer and son of Captain Jaques Cousteau, fell into San Diego Bay in his whale-watching kite, I knew I had to meet him. A picture of the mishap made the paper and it was enough to start my salt water oriented brain cells figuring out a way to m e e t Cousteau. He had chartered the boat of good friend-fishing tycoon, Bill Poole, who co-owns Fisherman's Landing in San Diego; one phone call started things. For two months I waited and plagued my fishermen friends for the date the boat would return from a Baja California grey whale filming expedition. Finally the word came late Monday afternoon. right in the middle of the deadline rush. The only reason I get up at 5:30 a.m. is for fishing or related subjects. So Tuesday morning the related subject inspired me to get up at that hour and to motivate myself down to the docks at 8 .m. Hours later my favorite sea going vess~l, the Polaris III, came into sight loaded down bow to stern with all the dmaginable paraphanalia divers require plus a skiff and pontoon type boat, and a protective shark cage. The Polaris resembled a soviet radar station instead of a luxury fishing boat. Cousteau and company were all out on deck to greet us, TV 8 and Channel 10. The French divers were still in their swimming gear and quite interested in the people on the docks. That was understandable after seven weeks at sea. Dr. Ted Walker, San Diego whale expert, looked like Ernest Hemingway; all he need was a marlin rig to complete the picture.
Few danced when Clear Light played. Most sat and listened to the sounds of an excellent concert that ended too soon with
"Mr. Blue" and an instrument breakup. PEP CLUB PLANS CONCERT A rock concert is planned for April 5 in the dome with a three dimensional light show. The band is still undecided according to Ron Simecka. pep chairman. GERMAN SPOTS INVADE Measles hit The Telescope at our weekly staff meeting on Tuesday when our News Editor, Joe Wu, broke out in spots before our eyes. The c,' •Y room lacked some of its pr ~ -issue spark last week with0ut the usual "Wuisms" that humor the deadline rush. Hurry back Joe , we miss you.
Poole introduced me to Cousteau and I began to quiz him on the purpose of the expedition while he prepared to catch a plane. "It was the longest scientific study ever made on whales . We were studying the general behavior of the grey whale. Most of the behavior studied was in the lagoon and open sea. This has never been photographed before. I don't think it has been covered this extensively ever before," he explained in his fluid French accent. Dr. Walker added that it "represents a final documentary of whale behavior that one can quibble with." Cousteau and his crew shot over 10 hours, close to 58,000 feet of 35 rom color film. Most of the filming took place in Scammons Lagoon and at Matancitas; they also spent time at the San Martin and Cedroes Islands and at Magdalena Bay. Cousteau processes his own film and is presently making a rough cut of this whale film . "It is the fourth show in a series for ABC. The first was on sharks, the second was on Coral Reefs, the third is on Islands in the Indian Ocean and the fourth is this one. It will be shown in October," Cousteau explained in his captivating accent. "Being in the water with the whales is a pretty wild experience for a diver; it is a very strang~ experience. At times we were inches away while filming. The whales are not aggressive, they are very intelligent and peaceful. I don't think they wanted to harm us at any time. Steve Loomis, relief skipper, commented, "We've got pictures of those guys hanging onto the whales and walking around over them." ADVISOR RECORDS COMMUNICATION SOUNDS Not all the work was filming. Dr. Walker has been doing whale research for the last five years and he had a unique job on the expedition. "I was a technical advisor and my job was to record the sounds. We have five or six hours of grey whales sounds. We also found out that whales have built in sonar and navigate almost with the precision of the porpoise. We deflected a whale off course for 12 miles by using the boat to foul up his sonar. They have some kind of communication between them; the whales emit a very different high frequency click." Cousteau has done the most fantastic underwater photography in the two series shown on TV. Everyone is wondering what he will attempt for his next project. It is obvious that it will have to be something very unusual after such superb works. "I have several projects to choose from. It is between underwater archeology, underground fresh- . water caves in Southern France and Northern Italy, and the wreck Lusitania. No one has ever been down to this wreck and he spoke of a "man in the sea type of operation where man can live for a week or more. It's almost a historicial visit to see what's in her." Cousteau paused and twinkling his blue eyes added, "The purpose is to make a good film." . And he left to catch his plane. I'll be watching the footage and remembering the day I interviewed a F renchman and Company.
THE TELESCOPE Editor-In-Chief . . . Cecelia Lodico Page 1, Tuesday . . . Jerry Nicholas Assistant. . . . . . Steve Krueger Page 2, Tuesday. . Joan Kattelmann Assistant. . . . . . Jan . Donoho Page 1, Friday. . Steve Schneider Assistant. . . Corky Wisniewski Page 2, Friday. . . Jtick Monroe Assistant. . . . . ,nave Conrad News Editor . . . . . , ·. . : . .Joe Wu Exchange Editor. . . . . Sherri Hall Reporters. . . . . . . Nell Hoffman, Ken Kline, Tom Wheeler Advertisements. . . .:'q(anna Houser, .;-Jim Reeploeg Photographers .......... .... :.Don Bartlett!, Ted Karouaos, Bob Nelson Journalism Advisor. . . Fred Wilhelm Photography Advisor. . Justus Ahrend Graphic Arts Advisor .. James McNutt