The Telescope 21.29

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Club Week features 'ham, ' trike race, tug of war, love-in Steve Adamson is a "ham." He'd have to be, because he actually plans to talk to someone in Vietnam via "MARS." Adamson is indeed a "ham," but the "MARS" he is going to be talking via is the Military Affiliate Radio Station Wednesday for the Young Republicans. "Ham~ is slang for amateur radio qperator. Adamson wears two hats. He is a student for three hours a day at Orange Glen High School in Escondido. In addition , he is enrolleii in a calculus class here at 12 p. m. and in an evening chemistry class. Both are five unit classes. He has been an amateur radio operator for several years. He began, as all "hams" do, with a novice license. With a beginning tag, Adamson was able to signal only in code . With his general class license, he can use either code or audio. He will be using audio tomorrow at 11 a.m. in the Student Union. The YR's communication with Vietnam

Dainty Betty Taylor (seated) and Nancy Palmer sport wide smiles as they pilot the Newman Club entry first across the

finish line in the women's heat of yesterday's tricycle race, which kicked-off the first annual Club Week.

California Junior College Stude nt Government Association conference were: !)favoring a "due process" committee for all junior colleges to deal with problems between students and faculty. 2)solicitation of funds from private sources because of recent tax issue failures which would have provided addi-

will be the May Flower of San Diego . Admission is $1 stag and $1.50 drag.

Tomorrow Vets Club Slave Sale at 11 a.m. in the Student Union . (This event was postponed from an earlier date this year because of a lack of slaves .) Freshman versus Sophomore Class tug of war in the patio at 11 a.m. Peace and Freedom Club light and sound show in R-4 at 11 a.m.

Saturday AMS is sponsoring a Blue Grass Hootenany at 8 p.m. in P-32. Admission is free.

Thursday Faculty versus Vets Club softball game .a t 2 p.m. on the Comet diamond. Friday Freshman Class dunking booth. Peace and Freedom Club love-in. WRA versus coaches in volleyball at 11 a.m. in the dome. Dance from 8 p.m. to midnight in the Student Union. The featured band

Club Week was the brainchild of Paul Hauptman, ASB vice-president. Hauptma~ said in an open letter to the student body, "Our main motive behind all of this is to promote greater school spirit in campus activities and to encourage more student participation in campus clubs and organizations ." Besides the events scheduled throughout this week, most clubs will be holding their regular weekly meeting. A Weekly Calendar of Events can be picked up at the switchboard in the administration building. The calendar, published each Monday, lists all campus happenings, including time and location of club meetings.

THE TELESCOPE Palomar College · VoJume 21 Number 29 · A Publication of the Associated Students ·

Area I confab comes out against tuition fees in higher education Free e ducat ion for all California resident students was endorsed by the Area I conference of the CJCSGA last Saturday at Mesa College. They voted to oppose tuition on the junior, state and university divisions of higher education. 0 the r resolutions passed by the

is only one of the events scheduled for tomorrow's college hour. Other upcoming major happenings are:

tiona! funds for the schools. Other bills adopted included a controversial speakers request which would allow s p e a k e r s to appear on campuses regardless of purpose, color, ethnic origin or party affiliations. Also endorsed was a bill to allowpublications to be distributed freely on campuses regardless of content or partisan viewpoints contained therein. Palomar's student evaluation of teachers program was endorsed by a one vote plurality. From the Area I conference, the resolutions and recommendations will go to the state conference in Los Angeles next month. Area I is composed of eight junior colleges. They are Grossmont, Imperial Valley, MiraCosta, San Diego City, San Diego Evening, Southwestern, Mesa and Palomar junior colleges.

March 19, 1968

. San Marcos, Calif.


State mandatoty ASB cards bill killed by educational committee vote. Mandatory ASB ·cards for junior colleges will not come into effect. Not for the time being. at least. Assembly bill 485 was killed by the Education Committee last Tuesday. The vote was 8-8. The bill would have provided for a mandatory card at the junior college level. ASB cards are now required by law at all state colleges and universities. "Assembly bill 485 may be reintroduced into assembly," said Bob Thoreson, ASB president. "If an assemblyman changes his dissenting vote, he can reintroduce the bill. "Many students from the Los Angeles area are trying to persuade assemblyman Dent to change his vote. "If Dent reverses his vote, the count

would be 9-7, which would pass the bill," Thoreson said. Once the bill is passed by the Education Committee, it is sent to the state assembly for a vote. For nearly the last 15 years, Palomar College student councils and Area 1 delegates have been in support of the mandatory card. Thoreson went to Sacramento March 4 to represent Palomar as favoring the bill. Six California junior colleges have collapsed because of lack of funds in recent years. A definite income, which the bill would insure, could prevent such collapses, according to Thoreson. Some of the assemblymen who are against the bill "oppose it on the basis that it is a form of tuition," said Thoreson.

Marines take movtes of classrooms

Approximately one hundred students attended the one-day event. The Palomar de legation was forced to depart prior to the conclusion of the meeting due to the late hour.

Leslie Carron stars in 'Lili' tonight Joe Wu, (left) and Scott Bowman (right) present Palomar's case forstudenteval-


uation of faculty and curriculum during Saturday's A rea I conference.


of Europe shown on Mondays to stude11ts i11terested in traveling

Eat . sleep and travel Europe on $5 a day this summer? The secret to this unbelievable opportunity can be discovered by traveling Europe as European tourists do. "The average European tourist can live on $5 a day including hotel accommodatio ns . me a 1 s and e ntertainment." explained Charles A. Coutts. assistant dean of instruction. Films are shown in ES-19 each Monday at 11 a.m. for students interested in the many attractions European countries have to offer tourists. "Tourists, who want to stay where Europeans stay , can obtain an adequate room for between $1.50 and $2 a night. A good breakfast will cost as little as 50 cents, and a 50- cent lunch can be acquired by buying bread and cheese at a market . The tourist is then left with $1.50 with which he can enjoy a delicious evening meal." Dean Coutts also pointed out that the cost of traveling throughout Europe can range from $2 to nothing a day. Most European tourists hitchhike throughout the continent with a flag of their country on their bag and a sign indicating their destination. The next least expensive mode of transportation is offered by the European Bus Lines. "Students can also obtain a rail pass to travel on any train as far as

they want to go for $2 a day.~ This offers a student unlimita::i transportation. The only financial problem facing most students is that incurred from traveling to and from Europe. "Students will find some countries cheaper than others," adds Dean Coutts. Spain and Greece, for instance, are very reasonable. The Scandinavian countries, however, are not inexpensive. Those who are interested in an inexpensive vacation in Europe can gain assistance in planning such a trip by writing to the various National Tourist Bureaus in the United States for free literature. Students can also join the National Students Association of Educational Travel. Inc. for assistance or purchase 1968 Let's Go, the Student Guide to Europe published by Harvard Student Agencies, Inc.

Judo class rescheduled Free judo lessons which were begun last week have been moved to a new time slot. Originally scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays, the instructions will be given on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 11 a.m. Two Palomar students, Brian Kelly and Don Rowe, are conducting the lessons in the wrestling room. Men and women are invited to join this new organization.

Pure chance leads a 16 year old French orphan girl (Leslie Caron) to join a carnival puppet show in tonight's public film. "Lili" will be shown at 7 p.m . in P-32. Admission is free . The orphan falls in love with Aumont, a magician. But Aumont is secretly married (to Zsa Zsa Gabor) for "business reasons ." Learning of A,. "llont's marriage, the young girl turns to a crippled puppeteer (Mel Ferrer) for affection. Rejected by the puppeteer, the orphan leaves the circus. Last week's movie, "Lord of the Flies," was viewed by about 300 persons.

·A GS officers elected; lxlnquet on agenda Alpha Gamma Sigma, campus honor society. will hold its first meeting Friday at 11 a.m. in F-12. Plans for an upcoming banquet will be made. All persons maintaining a 3.0 grade point average with 44 grade points are eligable for membership. Membership is confirmed by payment of semester dues. Over 60 students attended the AGS welcome meeting held last Wednesday. Officers elected were Carla Fulcomer, president; Don Fairchilds, vice-president; Mrs. Rose Noble, secretary; Sara Nikkila, treasurer; GunderMorken,publicity; and Corinne Dolley, ICC representative. Mrs. Marilyn Crist and Adolph Heyne share the advisorship.

GSgt. Charles Ross (left) sets up chemistry lab scene for cameras filming class work of the Marines assigned to a special program here at Palomar College. The program is for Marines and Navy career men working toward Associate in Arts degree. Marine students are Sgt. Meyler Anderson and Sgt. Howard Green. Film will be made a part of Marine Corps motion picture and television documentary for world- wide showing to Marine Corps units and public

programs. Production crew was from Camp Pendleton. Seven Marines are currently involved in a special educational project at · Palomar College. The Marines are compiling color photograph shots of various campus scenes. The Marine program is identical to that of the Navy and is called the Associate Degree ComPletion Program. The defeat of the tax override will not affect this particular program, as it is provided for by the Marines at their own expense.

Joan Kattelmann

THE TELESCOPE In, 1962, the Student Publications Board established a Code of Et.h.fcs with the cooperation of the members of all campus publications. Local newspaper publishers were asked to comment and they said the code was complete. Two statements from that code are pertinent today: •wtthln the framework of school coverage, sensationalism, glortftcatlon, and favoritism should not

be tolerated."

Coverage of national or international

occurrences should be governed by the proximity of the eve nt and the direct relationship Of the event to the students.

These events should be considered

Flash bomb 'from Area 1

when they occur on campus or broughtinto the college program dl rectJy. • Opinions expressed In this paper In signed editorials and articles are the views of the writers and do not necessarily represent opinions of the ·staff, vtews of the Associated Student Body Council, collel!" admlntstratton, or the Board of Governors. T~ TELESCOPE Invites responsible •guest editorials• or letters to the editor. All communications must be signed by the author. The TELESCOPE as a student newspaper must represent the entire spectrum of student thought.

As CeCe sees it

Adults apathetic toward patriotism By Cecelia Lodico Sports and patriotism just don't mix. The following is a true episode which proves my theory. San Diego's basketball team, the Rockets, lost to the Boston Celtics last Wednesday night. The score was 114-138 at the Sports Arena. Some true blue Rocket fans could be detected among the crowd. Yelling and cheering, the males' bold voices showed enthusiastic support for their favorite Rocket. A few vociferous women made the scene, cheering for the guy with the best looking legs or whatever women at basketball games cheer for . Next. sports fans . the Celtics were introduced. From across the sports arena "Hoorays" and "Boos" eminated. The crowd seemed to be in good voice. Then the announcer announced that we would "now sing the 'Star Spangled Banner' " out of custom, courtesy or whatever star spangled banners are sung for. SILENCE. The arena darkened . Everyone stood. "0-oh, say can you see ? " Weak, frail voices rose up. "0-oh, say can you hear" might have been the better lyric. A large man in back of me boomed

out with the words. A true patriot, I thought. One of few . It struck me that so few people sang a song which stands for so much. Good times and bad times. War and peace. The crowd sat down. The game began . "Go get 'em. Henry." "Get that rebound." And other various cries and screams filled the place . When the teams were about two points apart, the fans went wild as sports columnists always say . But somehow the faint echo of "0oh. say can you see" kept ringing in my ear. About three-fourths way through the event , the announcer said, "It is now official , fans. There are 5,569 people here tonight." "Like, wow!," thought I. Over 5,000 people . Yelling , screaming people. And this is good. I've got nothing against yelling, scream_ing basketball lovers. But where were these voices during the national anthem? Since when does a five-man team rate above these United States? Better yet, why? At least America's dissatisfied customer's could have faked it with some lip movement.

Student commentary

Students divided on primary With the results of the New Hampshire primary, as well as other forthcoming primaries and the war situation, we wanted to see what the Palomar students openions are . The question posed for this week's commentary was "Do you think the New Hampshire primary is a true representation of public opinion on the war and presidential candidates?" Pam Greenough, freshman--"Yes. the New Hampshire primary is typical of the general political attitude of our nation today. It is symbolical of the desire for a change that is being felt throughout our country." Mark Violet, sophomore-- "Yes and no-Not all candidates openly ran. Therefore the voters were not able to truly decide. I feel that it was important because it did give a good indication of Johnson's standing. It will be a far better race with Johnson facing opposition. We finally have some ki nd of choice. (My choice is McCarthy.) · George Anderson. Sophomor e --"Yes, results of the New Hampshire primary are a reflection of our nations attitude regarding the administrations position in Vietnam. TheRepublicans votedoverwhelmingly in favor of Dick Nixon. quite obviously because of his support of our of. our being in Asia. In the democratic. primary President Johnson was opposed by Senator McCarthy and I thmk that the Senator from Minnesota has shown the administration and indeed the entire country that a large

Frank Mott

Pam Greenough

portion of our population favors turning the rest of Asia over to the communists. In short, I believe that the primary in New Hampshire is a good indication of what to expect in November·-a divided country." Mrs. E. W. Perkins, library clerk-"It's such a small state that I cannot see how it could compare with the larger states." Perry Coleman , freshman--"No. It is just a trial for the politicians. They want to get an idea how they stand with the people." Richard Nieto, freshman--"It's good for people to find out the candidates' opinions and find out what they would do if elected president. I would like to see a different president and what he would do about the Vietnam situation." Gary Buchner, sophomore--"Yes, it is a representation of war because the people are backing the war but are somewhat dissatisfied with the way the Vietnam war is going. They like the idea but don't approve of the method. I don't think it's a true representation of the Republican race, although Nixon's popular, the other candidates that are on the ticket in contention are popular in the west and New Hampshire is eastern." Blair McKinney, sophomore--"! think McCarthy dfd too well. And, yet, so did Nixon. And they are at opposite ends of the poles as far as the war goes. Still. the hawks did better, and I think that to be a fair indication."

Frank Matt, freshman- - "No, I don't. This is only a small minority of the people. It is some indication. but too early to really say." Hank Pinto. freshman--"! believe it is a true indication that a change must be forthcoming in the policies of the U.S., but I do not feel it is an outright expression of conduct of our operations in Vietnam 'per se. ' There are reasons we're committed to Vietnam. and President Johnson was compelled to meet these commitments. If we do not believe in these commitments, we must therefore change or alter them. and the current President must follow to his end the choice of paths he believes he must follow."

Gary Buchner

Finnish coed examines pasteup for Telescope on tour through communica-

~ bit old iashioned '

Ambitious Finnish coed seeks journalistic career, English fluency By Joan Kattelmann "T e a c he r s are hum an be i n g s! Teachers are for the students instead of students for the teachers as they are in Finland," ex c 1 aimed Sirrka Virtanen incredulously. The charming Finnish coed continued, "They are so kind and friendly. We can go and ask questions and talk to them on the same leveL In Finland the students are for the teachers. You can go and ask questions only when they pertain to theory. The teachers are not human beings , they are somewhere between earth and heaven , way up there," Miss Virtanen gestured skyward and continued with a brief anecdote. "You are much more formal and if you do address the professors, you stand up out of respect for him. The first time I asked a question here in class I stood up with much respectfortheprofessor. The class was surprised. Mr. Archer, the teacher , said, 'Well, perhaps our school system is a little different , but you don't have to stand to ask questions,' " Miss Virtanen said, pleasantly reminiscing. Miss Virtanen is a 21-year old political science major who wishes to become a journalist. She is spending a year in the United States in an attempt to improve her English in preparation for radio or television work. BROAD BACKGROUND NEEDED "I want to know fluent English; I will have more possibilities to get a job." She explained her choice of field simply, "I am interested in world affairs, I want to be a type of news reporter in radio and TV and interview people." Miss Virtanen feels that "you need a broad background for journalism" and she is preparing for future college work by cultivating an interest in foreign languages and general education. "I love languages; I'd love to study a new one" and added that the field requires fluency of several languages. She also audits a French class occasionally to help her maintain her knowledge of the lan~age.

Miss Virtanen has completed one year


Mrs. Perkins

tions departme nt. She is a Palomar student studying English and sciences.

Editor-in-Chief . Cecelia Lodico Page 1, Tuesday . . Jerry Nicholas . Steve Krueger Assistant. Joan Kattelmann Page 2, Tuesday. Assistant. Jan Donoho Steve Schneider Page 1, Friday. Corky Wisniewski Assistant. Page 2, Friday. Rick Monroe Assistant. Dave .conrad News Editor. . . . Joe Wu . Sherri Hall Exchange Editor. . . . Neil Hoffman, Reporters. Ken Kline, Torn Wheeler Advertisements. . . . Dianna Houser, Jim Reeploeg Photographers ....... ........ . Don Bartletti, Ted Karounos, Bob Nelson Journalism Advisor. . . Fred Wilhelm Photography Advisor. • Justus Ahrend Graphic Arts Advisor . . James McNutt

at the University of Helsinki before corning to the United States. She will return to Finland in time to enroll in the fall semester as a jnnior. English 45B, Language and .I4.eas; and History of the Far East are the two courses Miss Virtanen is currently enrolled in. She feels "it is very interesting, I just enjoy it so." She had one comment about her English class which also has another foreign student from Greece enrolled, "That poor teacher has both of us; he doesn't know what to do with us." Miss Virtanen explained that it was difficult for them to participate in the class and that the instructor was offering them both special help. The campus atmosphere and the students impressed her as •very friendly." One particular thing that she found worthy of praise was the weather . "This is a lovely place. You lucky California students; you sit in the sun in February when we need all our heavy clothes and boots to keep us warm in Finland." MINI SKIRT IS 'VERY POPULAR' Even in such cold weather the mini skirt is "very popular." Miss Virtanen constructively commented on American women and fashion. "I think that you are a little bit old-fashioned. I t takes time for the fashions to come . here I guess . In Finland every girl has a mini; the guys have long hair. All the fashions" -- she stopped and questionably gestured-- "I was negatively surprised. I had thought America was so advanced and modern. I thought that my country was not modern." "My hobby is reading and when I relax I bake things." Her favorite American author is John Steinbeck. " 'Grapes of Wrath'• was a marvelous book , but 'Tortilla Flat' is my favorite; I love that book. If I have extra time , I usually read political history. "Always when I have t ime, I walk down to the beach. I want to listen to the ocean. I have neve r seen a real , great ocean; it's a wonderful experience , I am afraid of that ocean; it's so huge and all those waves!" she explained and her Scandinavian eyes widen apprehensively. Miss Virtanen may fear our southern waters, but she is positive about a certain southern radio station that plays her favor music, "most of the time I listen to Tijuana; I love Latin music , " she sparkled conclusively.

FOLK SINGER CONTEST 7 - 9p.m. Mon. & Tues. Geno's Family Pizza 1215 S. Santa Fe, Vista 726-2441

Oh, ·the joys of being a communications major. You are interviewed on radio, blind people with your carne'ra equipment and participate in the activities of the Power Children. Some weekends are weird, like this last one. It all started on Friday with a radio interview on the joys of journalism. As our editor and I departed for the radio stint. I was handed a flash unit and told to cover the Area I conference . Beautfiul appearance; rather strange to be carrying a meat chopper type of apparatus and n o camera into radio KOWN. The i n t e r v i e w was . marvelous because I got to discuss the unlikely topics of fishing with journalism and CeCe finally got a chance to vent her editorial opinion on the departmental organization. We talked with James Soules, dean of vocational education, and the machines recorded our answers on tape. After it was all over, it was time to leave. One problem. the Editorial Editorial didn't have a way back to the college. 0. K. so now what? very simple-cau the college and ask for a ride from loyal journalists. The phone rings and rings, no one is in journalism that can help . So try a few more departments and tie up the switchboard for a couple of minutes while the switchboard operator, Elsie, has lines plugged all over the place. Finally the problem is solved and Mother will come for her child. So the journalist goes out into the Mall carrying the flash unit and people wonder if I'm a refugee from butcher schooL Saturday brought a happening commonly called a student government conference. It is an activity where 13 of Palomar's politcal activists and Dean Robert E. Bowrnan,keeperof the Power Children, invaded Mesa College to try and solve the problems of faculty-student communication , student council and newpaper wars and college tuition. Mesa was all set for our arrival. Free food was widely displayea- and available for our early morning brain sessions . The keynote speaker just began when I stood up and let him have it in the face with the flash. The poor man faltered, blinked and proceeded to see large purple spots for a minute. His speech was not so energetic as before. I was getting needling looks from the Mesa delegation since it was their college president that I had immortalized on film and nearly given cataracts to . A word of explanation about this nash unit. It sings very loudly when it is recharging. In fact it sounds quite like a siren. When it has finishedcharging, it begins to deep like a guided rnissle system. These factors are great if you are in a noisy room; but what a circus a person can creat on the quiet of intellectual discussions. Time after time I went into a room, trying to be nonchalant with ten pounds of camera and electric monster grafted to my hand, and the subjects would grimace as the flash went off. At one point a fello w became concerned about his safety and apprehensively questioned, "Is that thing a bomb?" "A bomb?" Ha, er a ... no it justsounds like it . Did I blind you? You should be able to see in about 20 minutes, I'm sure someone will show you to the general assembly." Exit-- clutching my instrument of destruction and wondering what ne xt? And then the radio interview had a scratched tape and was broadcast on the wrong day . Joe Wu won second in the tricycle race. Ana ·it rained yesterday afternoon and even the rainbow was lousy.

Letter to the Editor Editor: A couple of weeks ago I brought to the council a proposal to get rid of the Focus. Since then I have done quite a bit of research and talked to quite a few people on the subject. I admit that when I first pursued the matter I was uninformed and biased. Here is what I found, The Focus is not such a bad thing after all! I say this, not as a brainwashed per s 0 n, but as an informed . stuaent. Palomar College is not the largest school around; it should have something to show off. That something is the Focus . We have won many awards because of the Focus, and for this reason Focus is an asse t to our schooL Sincerely, JohnS. Rice ASB Representative-at-large

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