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Brecht's anti -war drama continues weekend run Bertolt Brecht's anti-war dram a Courage" opened last night in the drama lab under the direction of Frank White, Palomar's retiring drama instructor. "Mother Courage" takes place in the 17th century during the 30 Years War following the adventures of Mother Courage and her children as they travel across Europe in their canteen wagon. ~Mother
Jess ica McNames plays the role of Mother Courage, who tries desperately to keep hers elf and her children alive during the depression and famine of the 30 Years War. He r mute daughter Kattrine is played by Danielle Corn. Her two boys, Eilif, played b y Bill Dehrke, and Robert
Hutc hings as Swiss Chees e , complete t he s m all family. Brec ht, a German playwrightnoted for his outspoke n Marxist beliefs, has written several leftis t oriented works. " Mother Courage" has been called his m ost outstanding work by critics in Br echt's work European countries. has h.cked acceptance in this country m ainly because of his leftist feelings. The late author began his theatrical car eer in the early 1920's , and was c onsidered a r ebel against the theatre of his day. Br echt believed it had reduced the spectato r to a comple tely passive role while it depic ted events as if they never change or fluxuate. In much of Br echt's th e atrical productions, he makes the audience an
Democatic prunaty candidates debate legislative tssues today Mother Courage, J essica McNames , tells the fortune of her children, Danielle Corn, left, and Bill Lehrke by drawing
s lips of paper out of a helmet. The antiwar dr ama opened last ni_ght and will also be shown next weekend.
Thomas B. Lenhart and Russel F. Doolittle , the two candidates for the Democ ratic nomination from the 35th Congressional district,will debate today in P - 32 at 11 a.m . Sponsor ed by the Young Democr ats,
THE T ELESCOPE Palomar College · Volume
21 Number 36 · A Publication of th e Associated Stude nts
A pril26, 1968 · San Marcos , Calif.
Curtailments regretfully compiled
Board to consider budget cuts P alomar will s lash its· budget, reduce c urriculum1 and service s , and reduce several functions unless increased tax funds are available next year. A tentative budget accompanied by a list of cutbacks was subm itted to the Boa rd of Gove r nors Tuesday night. The budget will be considered for use beginning July lJunless a 19-centtaxove rride is voted in by the district at the June 4, election. The tentative budget was based on revenue in sight and was reduced to $276,000, only four per cent above this year, in spite of the 10 to 18 per cent enrollment increase expected in the fall. A 20 per cent en r o 11m en t increase occured last September. Requests for normal operations and main te na nc e of present academic standards totaled $3,718,000 in the tentative report, up approximately 18 per cent over the current budget of $3,150,839. College officials explained that the $3,276,000 figure meant that unavoidable inconveniences will result forstudentsand their families, that courses will have to be discontinued. and community service programs drastically reduced. Administration spokesmen stated that the curt a i 1m en t s were "regretfully" compiled to meet the emergency that will confront operational procedures in September unless the tax is voted in by the district citizens. A dozen tentative cutbacks were listed: !)Adult Education class will be reduced about 70 per cent, from 88 to 28. ..2) Some sections of regular day classes for credit students will have to be s c heduled at night in the place of the reduced number of Adult Education classes . It is expected that 800 day students will have to enroll in one or more eve ning course and that an additional 300 regular students will have to take all of their classes at night. The shift to a part-day and part-night split schedules for the regular students would result from a lack of funds to employ new faculty members and to purchase classroom equipment. 3) Physical Education classes may be
scheduled on Saturday mornings. Physical education is required for all students by state law and officials said the load was becoming much too heavy in those courses to work them into regular day schedules. 4) No Adult Education clas ses for non-credit s tudents would be offe r ed in the summe r, with the whole program discontinued. 5j No Adult Education basic educational classes will be offer ed, there is a possibility that ce r tain substitute programs might be salvaged from a prospective federal grant. 6) Bus service would be discontinued and the buses disposed of by the college. 7) Fall registration time would be condensed, including a three-night registration period for any class openings left after the signup of day and extended day credit students; adults desiring 10 units or less could not be accepted after September 10. 8) No new classified employees could b e added to the staff, and no new instructors would be employed, although 19 addition a 1 instructors are needed because of the e nrollment increase. 9) A new counselor, librarian or business office assistant would not be hired. 10) The summer recreation program would be cut to $2,000 from $10,000. 11) No new curriculum program would be inaugurated. 12) The Nursing Education will not accept new students in September; the present class will continue. One Board member commented that this would be among the "tragic losses" of the cutbacks due to the continuous need for graduate nurses in the area. The tentative budget will be further developed in details and submitted as a preliminary budget at the June Board meeting. In July, after Board approval, the budget will be published prior to a public hearing in August. Officials said the cutbacks were the result of generally higher operational costs due to enrollment. Current enrollment in the spring
semester includes 2,253 day students, 1,916 regular evening students, 1,399 Adult Education students and 36 Navy and Marine Corps men in a special military- sponsored degree program and paid for by the fede r al government.
Doolittle , a ciove,and Lenhart, a hawk, will debate on the pill, marijuana and LSD, the draft, t he co ng re ss ion a 1 seniorit y syste m . and gun control. The candidate who receives the mos t votes on June 4 will go on the November ballot to run against incumbent James B. Utt, R-Santa Ana. Mode rat o r for the debate is Pat Archer, Palomar political science instructor and Democratic candidate for the 80th Assembly District seat now held by John Stull, R-Leucadia. Dr. Doolittle is presently an associate professor of biochemistry at UCSD, La J olla, where he has taught s ince 1964. Har vard and He attended Wesleyan, Amherst Universities. Lenhart ran unsuccessfully two yea r s ago against Utt. He is a r etired U.S. Marine Corps Major who holds the bronze star wit h combat ''V," . presidential unit citation, navy unit citation, Korean presidential unit citation and navy commendation medal with combat "V." More rece ntly, he has owned and ope rated a commercial laundr y and linen supply.
Panel discussion concludes that civil disobedience of law justifiable Civil disobedience is both justifiable and necessary in an organized society was the conclusion reached Wednesday in a Newman Club panel discussion. About 30 persons attended the discussion on the conscious commission of illegal acts which found little disagreement among panel members or the audience. Richard Peacock, advisor of the Peace and Freedom Club, and Larry Moffet, a Peace and Freedom Club m e mber, occupied one side of the stage with Reverend Geoffrey Br idges, Newman Club advisor, and Larry McCloud, Newman Club member, on the other . Father G e offrey suggested that progress should come from within the framework of the established modes of change . He pointed out that civil disobedience is not strange to American government, but it is a vital part of it. All agreed, but Moffet added that after these means have failed, there is nothing left to do but go outside the establishment or laws of the land. Peacock warned that the era of nonviolent civil di s obedience may be coming to an end in t he field of civil rights . Although he dis a vowed advocacy of violence, Peacock said he can easily under-
stand why militant blacks feel that white America is not being affected by Dr. Martin Luther King' s brand of protest.
NEWS BRIEF Sheridan Hegland, Economics and Political Scie nce instructor, was opera ted on for appe ndicitis, early Sunday morning. T he re were no complications ; he is progres sing satisfactorily and should be home this weekend. Cards may be sent to 5010 Randlett, LaMesa.
Coed team members to attend the Florida meet are Jan Glasgow, Yvonne Rezek, C ha rl o tte Vickers, Neila Franzwa, Mitties McDonald, Bonnie lfickerson, Jan Hyte and Diane Landfear. Also attending will be Larry DeBoever, Gil Rain, Tom B are foot and Brice Larsen. Team coach Ray Dahlin will also take the trip with the squad. "One reason that a good s quad is going
is due to the courtesy of the Student Council who voted to give extra funds last Monday," commented Dahlin. Last weekend, the team placed sixth in the state tournament at Bakersfield College. Miss McDonald captured first place honors in expository speaking and an excellent rating in oral interpretation. Miss Landfear received a second place award in speech analysis in the state junior college tournament. Miss Vickers won a fifth in oral interpretation with a superior certificate. Five excellent ratings were awarded to Miss Hickerson and Miss H;yte in expository speaking; Hain in impromptu ; DeBoever in extemporaneous ; and Miss Re zek in oral interpretation.
Drawings win ribbons in Boehm art exhibit Nine pr ints and drawings received blue ribbons last week in the fi rst P alomar College Drawing and P rintmaking exhibit. Now in the Boehm Gallery, the showing continues through May 1. A total of 99 ent ries were r eceived by Russell Baldwin and Harry Bliss, art instructors. After elim inations, the number was r educed to 56 art piec es. Judge for the rem aining 56 entrants was John Paul Jones , former UCLA professor of a r t. Also a Los Angeles painte r, draftsman and sculptor , J ones is internationa lly known as a fine a rtis t. Time magazine recently featured him and his works. He is r epresented by the Felix Landau Gallery in Los Angeles . Afte r the exhibit closes on May 1, all winning prints and drawings will be encased and fr am ed . They will then be hung around campus in classrooms, the librar y and indoor halls. Those p r in t s and drawings not purchased by the college may by purchased by individuals of the college or community, with no commission being charged for the transaction. "Some good buys are available by some younger artists that might make the big scene," commented Baldwin on purchasing an exhibit for home beautification as well as investment. "It was our intent to provide the com- . munity, students and members of Palomar College staff with a wide variety of approaches in media and technique in printmaking and drawing," explained the gallery director. He added that "we have succeeded in· assembling a great many drawings and prints that are of exceptional quality and provide the viewer an opportunity to see some of these approaches."
Deadline nears for application to nineteen semester scholarships Three new scholarships plus two increases in amounts granted by previous scholarships are being offered this semester. Applications deadline for scholarships is next Wednesday. The Trent Memorial Scholarship Fund
has been established by John P. Trent. Having 1 i v e d in Anchorage, Alaska, Trent is the son of the Trent family which owned the land where Palomar is presently located. "A deserving Palomar College student, with an Alaskan student preferred but not required" will receive the award, said Mrs. Marjorie Wallace, dean of women. Navy and Marine Corps men have a chance at a $150 scholarship provided by the same group. The serviceman must be planning to continue studies at a four-year institution. Also new this semester is a scholarship to be awarded by the Junior Women's Club. Applicant be a graduating Vista student who to enroll in a four-year college.
Speech squad travels to Florida Leaving Tuesday for Miami, the Palomar College speech team will enter the National Forensics Championship to be hosted by Miami Dade College. The tournament will attract the top 45 junior college speech teams in the nation.
important, vital part. Three key terms help describe what Brecht tried to do: historlftcation, alienation and epic theatre. Brecht's. concept was that his theatre was more like the epic poem than it was the conventional drama. The utilities are soundly violated, Aristotelian structure is ignored and suspence is disposed of by informing the audience in advance what they are going to see. To Brecht the ultimate effect of drama should occur outside the theatre . The play should sti r the spectator's thoughts and incite him to act for desirable social reform . This was Brecht's purpose and the purpose of his theatre. "Mother Courage" has been presented twice in San Diego, but this is the work's first presentation in North County. Weekend performances will be tonight and tomorrow at 8 p.m., and a matinee tomorrow at 2 p.m. Threeperformances are scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings next week with a matinee next Saturday in the P-33 drama lab. Admission is 75 cents with an ASB card and $1.50 for all others.
$100 Vista must plans
Both the Escondido City Panhellenic and the Fallbrook AAUW scholarships have increased the amounts offered over previous semesters. Grants go up to the $1,000 Andrew Schmitt Foundation Scholarship. This Particular award is renewable for four years. It is administered through the Rotary Club of Vista and is given to a high school senior or junior college student who plans .to "devote his or her life to agriculture and animal husbandry."
(Left to right}, Mrs. Barbar a Gros s, P at Yzerman.. and Allison Cain, a r t
students, make preparations for the "c halk in" and art s how on May 9.
Revised mimeographed listings of the awards are available from either Mrs. Wallace or Mrs . Carolyn Williams in Administration.
Batsmen play Mesa tomcrrow in last home tilt Coach Jim Clayton has selected Ed Worseck to pitch tomorrow's final home game. The baseball season ends for the Comets Wednesday with a visit to Southwestern. The game tomorrow starts at noon against Mesa, a team that demolished Palomar on three occasions. First it was a 12-1 decision, then 18-0 and 9-0 blasts. The last two started the Comets' in a tailspin, a downfall that the locals haven't been able to halt. Way back on March 30) Palomar and Mesa were tied for first place in the Pacific Southwest Conference with 5-2 records, but Palomar now stands at 5-10. Add two tournament losses and its a 10 game loss string. Mesa is in
is the freshman. running and right he tests bend in pole for pole vault. May 11 he will get a chance to do the 10-event decathlon at the West Coast Relays in Fresno. Decathlon is composed of 100 meter run,
Versitile Mike Quirk, who was originally scheduled to compete in the decathlon at the Mt. SAC Relays Saturday and Sunday, goes through some of his top events in practice. At left it's the hurdles, center
400 meter run, 1500 meter run, high hurdles, discus, shot put, high jump, long jump, pole vault and javelin. In a recent meet the former Orange Glen track star placed in seven events.
Record seeking Comet trackmen to compete in M t. Sac Relays Practically every major junior college track and field team in California will be represented over the weekend at the lOth Annual Mt. San Antonio College Relays in Walnut, including the Palomar athletes. Coach Doc Marrin drove up with 10 of the Comets this morning for the start of a long day. The competitors will return tonight and go back Sunday for a crack at the Palomar four-mile relay mark. Saturday on 1 y college division teams are entered. The four mile group of Randy Hartman, Rick Fox, Pancho Enriquez and Lee McComb will be out to break the Palomar four-mile relay mark at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. This afternoon at 1:30 Palomar's
sprint medley of John Schnarr, Tom Ries, Dan Zukaitis and Enriquez are on both relays, with Schnarr in the distance medley and George Odle in the two mile relay. Palomar will scratch from one of the events. Mike Quirk was the first Palomar trackman to be in an event today, the pole vault starting at 9:30 a.m. It was hoped Quirk w a s able to compete in the decathlon, but meet officials invited on 1 y nine of the best contestants in the nation for the biggest track challenge -- 10 various events in two days. Quirk had the best high school decathlon total in the nation last year with 6,018 points. It was also the best for anyone ever on his first decathlon,
Arnold places second In local meet to advance to Olympic mat tryouts He a v y we i g h t Greg Arnold finished second in the AA U Wrestling Regionals at Naval Training Center Saturday, placing him into the Olympic tryouts at Ames, Iowa on May 9-14 if funds are available. At the tournament he will join former Comet wrestler Pat Farner, who is the All-Service champion in the Greco-Roman tourney at 171 pounds. This was also held at NTC, earlier in the year. Arnold only lost to Curly Culp, an AllAmerican football tackle and two time national collegiate heavyweight champion.
Second place golfers at San Diego today Greg Arnold will be competing in Olympic tryouts at Ames, Iowa on May 9-14.
Raqueteers have two contests left for year Wrapping up its final competition May 2 in the Pacific Southwest Conference Tournament at Grossmont, the Palomar College netters have but two games left in their season. These remaining two will be contested today when the Comets host College of the Desert here and then venture to the Naval Training Center Tuesday. The netters now post a 2-5 conference record and a 4-5 seasonal record as the Comets fell hard to the Grossmont Griffins April 1. Coach Ray Love named the following tennis latter: Bob Simpson, Bob Austin, Fred McClain, John Pegg and Mike Shaw.
Maintaining a second place in the Pacific Southwest Conference, the Palomar College golfers further strengthened their position by squeezing past San Diego Mesa Monday, 29- 25, at the Torrey Pines course. By crushing Grossmont last Friday, in which Comet Neil Gudgeon posted a very low medalist score, 70, the teemen now have a 9- 2 win-loss record. Coach Ward Myers and his golf team will see action this afternoon when they leave for San Diego City, followed by Monday's deciding playoff against Southwestern here. The Apaches are in first place, a game ahead of Palomar. In the Mesa Match, Neil Gudgeon again posted the low score of 79 in defeating Earl Williams. Other results in that meet were Palomar's Tom House (83) over Mesa's Post; Gary Etheridge (83) losing to Johnson; Zero Hopkins (84) losing to Smith; Phil S toe we r (85) losing to Bianchi; and Terry Reiff (93) losing to Laird.
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topping a mark by ex-world record holder C. K. Yang. Friday night the Comets bowed to Phoenix and Glendale, Arizona, in Phoenix. Top efforts were turned in by Enriquez and ¡the 440 relay team. Enriquez, knocked down and spiked at the start of the 880, got up to win in 1:56.0 while the 440 relay team set a school mark of 42. 7 in getting second to Phoenix. Zukaitis, Schnarr, Gary Bowker and Ries ran the quarter-mile relay group. Ries also tied the school mark in the 120 highs of 14.9 held by him and Len Thompson. Ries now hold or shares six Comet records, more than anyone in Palomar's history. Others listed for the trip to Mt. SAC today were Rick Trestrail and Bruce Galloway in the Javelin; Pat Hallman in the high jump; Quirk and Thompson in the hurdles ; Doug Price and Otto Ray in the discus; and Price in the shot put. Others scheduled are the shuttle hurdles relay team, the 440-relay team and mile relay team. Wednesday the trackmen will vie in the Pacific Southwest Conference Prelims at Mesa College. The top athletes from the Prelims go to the PSC Finals Saturday, also being held at Mesa.
Sports schedule TODAY TRACK -- Mt. San Antonio College Relays at Walnut. TENNIS -- College of the Desert here at 3 p.m. GOLF -- at San Diego City at 1 p.m. TOMORROW BASEBALL -- Mesa here at 12 p.m. SUNDAY TRACK -- Mt. San Antonio College Relays at Walnut. MONDAY GOLF -- Southwestern here at 1 p.m. TUESDAY TENNIS-- at Naval Tra.inilli Center at 2:30p.m . WEDNESDAY BASEBALL-- at Southwestern at 2:30p.m . TRACK -- Pacific Southwestern Conference Prelims at Mesa. Mesa at 7 p.m .
Intramural S]XJrtS stage several events The spring intramural sports program is on full swing now, with several events being staged. Men's volleyball will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 to 11:45 a.m. Monday and Tuesday co-ed volleyball will start, with the league play starting Monday. In addition, a men's open basketball program will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Monday to Wednesday on May 6-8 and 13-15. A sign up sheet is in the dome.
PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE BASEBALL STANDINGS Team w L Pet. GB San Diego 4 11 .733 Mesa 10 4 . 714 1/2 Southwestern 8 6 .428 41/ 2 Palomar 10 5 .333 6 Grossmont 10 3 .231 7 WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS Grossmont 5, Palomar 3 Mesa 12, San Diego 9 second place, a half game behind San Diego City. The latest loss for Palomar was at Gross mont Wednesday, the Griffins coming from behind for a 5-3 victory. Palomar scored all three of its runs in the top of the second. Larry Murphy led off with a single and moved to second on Jim Dean's single to left. Ernie Oliva flied to short right field for the first out, Palomar scoring as the next hitter, Rick Adkins, was safe on an error. Bill Briscoe and pitcher Don Nelson singled acrose the other runs. Grossmont scored once in the third and wrapped it up with three in the fifth. A walk, two singles, double steal and single sent Nelson to the bench -Tom Johnson coming in to get the final two outs -on ground balls. The Griffins added an insurance run in the sixth on a single, stolen base, ground out and error at shortstop. Dave Wollos was the winning pitcher, giving up seven hits. The hosts collected six off Palomar -- all off Nelson except for one off Johnson (he hurled three and two-thirds innings) .
Women netters split meet against top San Diego State squad, 35-33 A tie with San Diego State's top women's tennis team was recorded by the Comet netters Tuesday. The event was scored by college rules
Pal(Jmar gals needed to show boys around The 1968 Football team is looking for girls interested in helping greet the new high school seniors who will be on campus this spring. The young ladies will help in showing the prospective athletes the Palomar campus and in greeting them at various functions that are planned. All the girls interested in serving as hostesses for the 1968 Football team please sign up in the athletic director's offic~ with Mrs. King. Next fall, the girls that return to palomar will help in the promotion and enthusiasm for ticket sales and commun. i ty support.
instead of junior college, San Diego and Palomar splitting the two singles and two doubles matches. Palomar won the most games, 35 to the Aztecs• 33. Today the squad will send Karen Bonnett and Kathy Sweeney in doubles and Ellie Minor in the singles to the 69th Annual Ojai Valley Tennis Tournament. Wednesday the Palomar netters play Grossmont and May 9-10 are in a big tourney in Long Beach. Miss Mildred Ayers Women's Recreation Association advisor, said "the girls really have a heart for the sport, practicing a great deal on their own." Miss Sweeney beat Kathy Brogan 6-1, 6-2 for two points and the doubles combo of Mrs. Barbara Beddard and Miss Minor won 6- 4, 6-2 over Ellen Palluat and Linda Pierce. Miss Bonnett lost 2-6, 3-6 to Cheryl Hlavaty. Palomar's Ramona Castellanos and Nancy Kimberling were beaten in the doubles 6-4, 6-2 by Donna Pollulat and Jan Clippell.
Ed Worseck has been given the starting nod for Saturday's final home baseball contest. He is a freshman from San Marcos.
[~~:~i~~~:::J THE TELESCOPE Editor-in-Chief . Cecelia Lodico Page 1, Tuesday . . . Jerry Nicholas Assistant. . Steve Krueger Page 2, Tuesday. Joan Kattelmann Assistant. . . . . Jan Donoho Page 1, Friday. Steve Sclmeider Assistant. Corky Wisniewski Page 2, Friday. . . Rick Monroe Assistant. . . . Dave Conrad News Editor. . . . . . . . . Joe Wu Exchange Editor. . . . . Sherri Hall Reporters. . . . . . . Neil Hoffman, Ken Kline, Tom Wheeler Advertisements. . . . Dianna Houser, Jim Reeploeg Photographers ........... . .... Don Bartletti, Ted Karounos. Bob Nelson Journalism Advisor. . . Fred Wilhelm Photography Advisor. . Justus Ahrend Graphic Arts Advisor .. James McNutt