The Telescope 21.38

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Palomar College · Volume 21 Number 38 · A Publication of the Associated Students · May 3, 1968

. San Marcos, Calif.


Mother Courage' opens final run tonight Yea rs last play features Brecht's anti-war drama

Danielle. Corn, cast in the role of the mute Kattrin, daughter of Mother Courage, takes stage directions from Frank White, Palomar's retiring drama

instructor. The play ends this weekend after a performance tonight, one t omorrow afternoon and the last showing tomorrow evening.

Dance policy approval motion tabled to Monday's council meeting Completing about one month's w o r kJ Palomar's recently formed Dance Policy Committee brought its results to the StUdent Council last Monday. Ron Simecka, committee chairman, asked Council to approve the policy so that it could be sent on to the Administrative Council for further approval. Consideration of approval of the dance policy was tabled until next Monday so that councilmen could thoroughly study the paper and bring up definite ideas and objections for discussion. The committee composing this policy is headed by Ron Simecka who is also on the judicial committee and is the ASB commissioner of pep. The policy attempts to handle the problems that arise at the dances. This will be the first dance policy at Palomar. After complete interviews with Dr. Fredrick R. Huber, Dr. John R. Schettler and Dean Robert E. Bowman, all that could be determined as a written dance policy was the statement that "The dances will be given for the ASB card holding members of Palomar College and their guests, only." Other persons who are permitted to ~ nter the dances constitute the accep~ance of liability by the sponsors, club fficers, and their parents, of any and a ll actions that occur during dances. he school's three m i 11 ion dollar liability insurance policy is automatically void when the first person walks through the door that is not an ASB card holder or his guest. The dance policy includes portions on scheduling procedure of activities, financial background 1 chaperones, s ecurity guards, available equipment, dealing with production companies, c hoice of dates, smoking and publicity. There are 11 me m be r s of this c ommittee. They are Ron Simecka, John Robirds, Bruce Pedit, Janis Johnson, Kim Clark, Jan Donoho, Diana Houser, Kareh Schmidt, George Rotcheck and Linda Welch. Any suggestions for the policy can be g i v e n to any of the committee members. Several council members objected to the clause allowing students of 17 years of age or older to attend the campus dances. Rita Sch,midt and Patti Russo said that the idea behind the clause was to net more profits for the clubs sponsoring the dances. Most council members agreed

that club sponsored dances should be held for Palomar students only. Another objection was to the statement that dances be scheduled two weeks apart. Simecka explained that due to the frequency of dances he I d this semester, many dances did not receive the expecte d attendance. He said that dances were not always working out as well as they should and that clubs often lost out financially because dances were scheduled so often, with two on one weekend at times.

JAJC honors Scope members The Telescope staff returned from Journalism Association of Junior College Conference with two awards recently. In the mail-in advance contests Buzz Ponce won a third place in sports newsfeature and Mike Conlen received a second place in cartoon. Both works were printed in fall editions of The Telescope. Conference contests included on the spot com petition in sports, feature, editorial and news writing; spot news and feature photography; advertising and magazine layout. Awards were given in large and small school division for all competition categories.

Final performances of BertoltBrecht's anti-war spectacle "Mother Courage" will be staged tonight and tomorrow night, with a matinee scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Following the canteen wagon of Mother Courage across Europe during the 30 Years War, the abstract, modernistic play satirizes the suffering and destruction of war in general. Written by Brecht, an avowed Marxist, in t he l ate 1930's, many examples of c orruption, profiteering and moral decay a re illustrated in the two hour, 15 minute play. Starring Jessica McNames as t he resolute Mother Courage, t he cast numbers about 40 roles, a large number for a college production. Bill Lehrke plays the gallant son Eilif. B ob Hutchings portrays the simple son, Swiss Cheese. Kattrin, the mute daughter of Mother Courage is played by Danie lle Corn. Other major members of the cast include S. Scott McDonald as the Protestant chaplin; Jeannette des E r mia as Yvette Pottier, the vivacious prostitute : and Verne Pershing in several roles, including the opening role of the Protestant recruiting officer. Brecht's style of theatre differs radically from the established form of stageaudience relationship . Whereas in past productions, the audience has been the silent witness to events on the raised platform~ Mother Courage" involves each member of the audience through frequent asides and stark realism of events. Slides, for instance, foretell the events of each scene and proceeding each musical number. Several songs support the play, all presented in an abstract manner. Brecht believed that, for ut~ost effect, music should be uncomplimentary. Pleasant melodies are paired with unpleasant lyrics and vice-versa. Accompanying music is used mostly to set mood and suggest off-stage events., with little use in actual musical presentation. Scene design is by Norman Gaskins, with lighting by Michal O'Rand. Direction is by Frank White, his final effort before leaving Palomar for the professional stage this summer. Admission is 75¢ for students withASB cards, and $1.50 without. Curtain time is 8 p. m. for the two remaining evening shows and 2 p. m. for the matinee.

NEWS BRIEFS The Newman Club will sponsor the fifth Inter-Campus Dance tonight here in the Student Union. Featuring the "Glass Whip," the dance will begin with the "Purple Dove." Admission for the 8 p.m. to midnight dance is $1.50 per person.

ill Lehrke, ~ho plays Eilif in "Mother Courage," looks on as Mother Courage (Jessica McNames) spanks her

tudent art showing, chalk -in slated for spring festival Thursday Palomar's student-directed spring Art festival gets under way next Thursday with three major events happening simultaneously. In the Boehm Gallery a student art show will open at 11 a.m. with a reception in the lobby. Cookies and punch will be served. The show ends May 23, according to Glenn Hayashi, festival chairman. Ed Mores and Warren Jennings are c o-chairmen for the gallery show while Mike Conlen, Butch Tufts, Karl Fields, Mark Ross and Hayashi will be preliminary judges for all entries. John B ar1ow will advise the students. A light show will also take place. Although the exhibits will not be for sale while the exhibit is in progress, objects may be purchased following its closing. While the Gallery opening is in progress, a chalk-in in the patio will be held. Prizes will be awarded to the two best chalk drawings. Chalk_ w i 11 be

provided to all entrants. The contest is open to all students. Chalk-in eochairmen are Hayashi and Ellis Pendergard. Also taking place in the patio are a pot sale and various musical performances. Ceramics, pottery and sculpture will be up for grabs by artists on Friday, as well as Thursday. Bruce Bacon and Timme Brown are co-chairmen for this activity with Val Sanders as faculty advisor. Some Palomar students in a woodwind and brass quartet, a Bossa Nova-type group, a flamenco guitarist and a rock group wi 11 perform from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. "This promises to be one of the most interesting events of this semester," stated Hayashi. "I urge all students to come and look at what the students in the art department are accomplishing," added Russell Baldwin, art ins t r u o tor and chalk-in advisor.

Mexican art tour deadline Friday

ASB council passes ICC Constitution The first Inter-Club Council Constitution was passed last Monday by the Student Council. First conceived by candidates for the ASB vice-presidency this semester, the constitution replaces the ICC Statement of Policy that has been in use since spring 1960. "This constitution, I believe, is one of the best ICC constitutions among the state's 83 junior colleges," stated paul Hauptman, ASB vice-president and ICC chairman. "Pomona College has expressed its desire to pattern its Inter-Club Council after Palomar's," added Hauptman. The new constitution provides for a vice-president, secretary and treasurer; a quorum; and impeachment of officers.

daughter Kattrin Danielle Corn) as the cast took some relief during a recent play rehearsal.

Art instructors, Harry Bliss (left) and James Hulbert explain the details of the art and art photo tour of Mexico to an interested student, C on n i e S tee 1 e. Thirty-five Palomar students will be leaving for the tour on June 16 from \

Tijuana by jet for the ·13-day tour of several cities in the south of the border country. Cost for the tour is $250 per student. Deadline for reservations for the 15 remaining seats is next Friday.

Only a week remains before reservations for the Art and Photo Tour of Mexico will close. With Oaxaca, Mexico as the southernmost destination, the thirteen day touring class will feature on-the-spot art and photography instruction by Harry Bliss and James Hulbert, art instructors. Leaving Tijuana International Airport by jet on June 16, the itenerary includes two stops in Mexico City, where art and anthropological museums, the University of Mexico and other scenic places will be visited. Textile and pottery studios in Puebla and Oaxaca, pre-Columbian ruins in Monte Alban and Mitla, and the jungle seaport town of Tehuantepec, which is optional, will also be viewed by the tour.ists.. "The tour is designed to provide a creative knowledge and experil:mce of the most colorful, photogenic. and unspoiled region in Mexico," stated Bliss. "Ample time will be allowed for bargain hunting in Oaxaca's open air marketplace, as well as sports, exploring and just plain sightseeing," added Hulbert. Fare per person is $250. Housing is on a double occupancy basis. Individuals interested in the Art and Photo Tour of Mexico should contact either Bliss or Hulbert in the art department.

Golfers share conference title with 36-18 win

Archers visit big tourney D~spite a handicap in the way that the Southern California Junior College Archery Tournament is to be be scored, Palomar College should be well represented in the tourney at San Bernardino Valley College today. The locals will not enter the Class A team competition since the tourney calls for a mixed team of two men and two women. Miss Mildred Ayers, coach, does not have any women with high enough scores to be in the A class, but she does have a strong group of men. Therefore, Palomar will rest its hopes in the Class B division. On the squad are Maggie Duffey, Kathy Keane, Frank Pallan arld Kelly Nobels. Competing in the A class :division and vying only Archery team members are, left to right, Ter:ry Duffey, George Ward, Kelly Nobles, Dan White, for individual trophies will be Jim Crafts, Mike Brown, Mayberry, Charlie Troyan, Frank Pallan, Maggie James Crafts, Kathy Keane and Bil Foeppel. Bil Foeppel and Dan White. Jim Kinley~thenumberonearcher, has transferred to Cal Poly. '.fhe big match for the team is next weekend, the "Robin Hoods~ traveling to San Bernadino again for the Regionals-many western colleges and universities fifth. Also placing were Quirk with a Fourteen Palomar track and field mile run. are entered. Both team and individual third in the high hurdles, Galloway fourth Len Thompson and Mike Quirk athletes have qualified for the Pacific competition will be held. in the javelin and Price fourth in the qualified for both the high and interSouthwest Conference Finals tomorrow The Palomar archers have been comdiscus. mediate hurdles. at Mesa at 2 p.m. peting in a telegraphic match each TuesOtto Ray and Doug Price in the discus, Randy Hartman, Lee McComb and day morning. The only time the entire Quirk in the long jump and shot put, Rick Fox, plus the mile and 440 relay squad could get together for the official Pat Hallman in the high jump, Price teams automatically made the program meet held under tournament conditions is in the shot put and Rick Trestrail and along with 17 spots earned at the PSC at 6:30a.m. Palomar won the matchlast Bruce Galloway in the javelin are set Prelims Wednesday night. year with 150 other schools entered in for the field events tomorrow. The top six performers in each the NCAC sponsored event. Most of the times were down, the event Saturday will advance to the Southern California Junior College runners saving their best efforts for Prelims at Cerritos Stadium in Norwalk tomorrow's competition. on May 15. In the field events, Trestrail's 192-3 in the javelin was probably the best mark. Tom Ries has automatically made that At the Mt. SAC Relays Friday, the meet, the freshman from Vista being After Tuesday's loss, 6-1, in the Palomar runners broke another Comet granted an injury bye from the PSC meets hands of Naval Training Center, the record. It was the 880 relay standard due to his severely bruised heel. His netters chalked up a single victory that fell, Zukaitis, Schnarr, Bowker and previous times in the 120 high hurdles in Wednesday's PSC tournament. Ries doing it in 1:31.1 despite going and 330 intermediate hurdles warrant The lone Comet winner was Mark the bye. unplaced. Tuttle, who made the quarter finals of Ries' contribution gave him seven Those placing in running events for the B section. Following Wednesday's Palomar records. He also took second Palomar Wednesday were Dan Zukaitis single meet, the tennis squad was in the 120 high hurdles and anchored and Gary Bowker in both the 100 and 220; second seated in yesterday afternoon's the 440 relay group to third place. John Schnarr in the 440; Pancho competition in the tourney at Grossmont. The local's two mile relay team took Enriquez, George Odie and Fox in the

Fourteen advance to track finals

Wrapping up a tie for the Pacific Southwest Conference golf title by beating Southwestern 36-18 Monday, the Comets will host Cerritos and College of the Desert today at 1 p.m. on the San Luis Rey course for a non-league outing Monday's win evened Palomar and Southwestern in the standings with 13-2 records. Monday the squad visi ts Grossmont for its last regular league match. Neil Gudgeon paced the locals against Southwestern with a score of 70, lowest of the 12 golfers. Other scores were Phil Stoewer with an 80, Zem Hopkins with an 83, Terry Reiff with an 81, Gary Etheredge with 86 and Tom House with an 88. Friday the linksters beat the San Diego City teemen by a 39-15 count at the Stardust Country Club. Gudgeon was again the medalist with a 69.

Horsehiders close regular season with loss; play weekend practice tilts

Tuttle only Palomar net winner in singles

Chrome dome gets patch job

Wet echo chamber reconstructed

Dome custodian Gail Gabbard does a little mopping 1,1p because of leaky dome.


Plans are underway to correct the acoustics and water problem.

Sports Schedule

TODAY GOLF -- Cerritos and College ofthe Desert here at 1 p.m. ARCHERY -- Southern California Junior College tourney at San Berdardino. TOMORROW TRACK -- Pacific Southwest Conference finals at Mesa at 2 p.m. BASEBAL~--Pala All-stars vs. Garnets at EscondidoPony League field at 1 p.m.

SUNDAY BASEBALL-- Tijuana Raidersvs. winner of Saturday!; game at 1 p.m.


MONDAY GOLF at Grossmont at 1 p.m. WOMEN'S TENNIS -- Palomar vs. San Marcos. TUESDAY BASEBALL -- Pacific Southwest Conference All-Star game at MesaorSanDiego City at 2:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY WOMEN'S TENNIS -- P a 1om a r vs. Grossmont. F o o t b a 11 coach Mack Wiebe has announced there will be a meeting of all prospective gridders Wednesday at 11 a.m. in room 0-12.

By David Conrad Whether it be bad weather or noise, Palomar's aim is to get rid of both. Take five ordinary common houseflies, unveil the beasts into Palomar's ten-year-old geodesic dome, and imagine the German Luftwaffe back in 1941. This is a highly exaggerated comparison of the acoustics in Palomar's aluminum landmark. But one should acknowledge the near impression of its echo. In addition to the chrome dome's constant echo, it also is capable of a built-in shower stall on rainy days. Well, after ten years of sitting on its campus, Palomar's giant and beautiful rainy, echo chamber will soon cease to leak and echo. •we hope to kill two birds with one stone this July," exclaims Dr. John D. Schettler, ASB financial advisor. Plans have been made so that bids will be offered by the various contractors doing the reconstruction on the dome. The issue will be further discussed later this month at the Board meeting. The acou!;!tical work, in addition to the hole patching, will cost $25,000. Being a weather and, especially, noise nuisance, the dome's noise actually hurts Palomar academically" in that it prohibits the function of extra classes to be held inside, says head basketball coach Joe Brennan . This can be seen by its echo as Brennan said he has had people as near as five feet away from him who were not able to hear him. He also said that it hampered school pep or spirit in that it riddles instructors while teaching, spectators and cheerleaders while yelling, and school bands while playing. The main reason why these matters were not attended to in the past was that in 58', the 575 diamond-paneled dome was erected for a lump sum of $265,000 which was _about two-t.lrlrds the cost . of a regular gymnasiun:L So, in order to save money, the acoustics were left out.


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Editor-in-Chief . . . . . Cecelia Lodico Page 1, Tuesday . . . . . . Jerry Nicholas Assistant . . . . . . . . . Steve Krueger Page 2, Tuesday . . . .Joan Kattelmann Assistant . . . . . Clarissa Wisniewski Page 1, Friday . . . Steve Schneider f.ssistant . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Wu Page 2, Friday . Rick Monroe Assistant . . . . Dave Conrad Exchange Editor Jan Donoho Reporters. . . . Neil Hoffman Ken Kline, Tom Wheeler Advertisements . . . Dianna Houser Photographers . . . . Ted Karounos, Don Bartlett! Journalism Advisor . Fred Wilhelm Photography Advisor . Justus Ahrend Graphic Arts Advisor . . James McNutt

Kent Dawson (above) went 4-for-5 Wednesday in confe r ence finale at Southwestern. He is a sophomore from San Dieguito High School.

Women netters have bad luck in tourney The luck of draw at the Ojai Valley Tennis Tournament was strictly bad for the Palomar women netters over the weekend. Ellie Minor lost to number one rated girl from Fullerton, 6-1, 6-0. The doubles combo of Kathy SweeneyKaren Bonnett lost three close matches to the eventual champions from LA City, 3-6, 6-4, 4-6. The tourney features the best amateur netters in the country. Monday the Palomar w om en go against San Marcos in a match highlighted by the duel of Miss Sweeney vs. Ann Lebideff. Miss Lebideff is the ranking junior player in the county. Wednesday the squad w i 11 play _Qrossmont.

With the close of regular baseball games Wednesday, Coach Jim Clayton has announced a weekend series of practice games. The Comets will oppose the Pala Indian All-Stars at 1 p.m. on the local diamond and the winner will go against the Tijuana Raider~ at the same time Sunday. Sponsored by the Palomar Community Action Council, the games should provide a fun atmosphere to what has otherwl s e been a distasteful campaign. The locals got off to a bad start, going into Pacific Southwest Conference action with a 4-6 record. The squad then got hot by winning 5-of-7 at the start of loop play, but since then have lost nine league and two non-league frays without a win. Wednesday's loss at Southwestern was an indication of the many ways the team has lost. P a 1om a r outhit the Apaches 15-8, but came up shy with the final score 7-6. Tom Johnson was the losing pitcher in a rout going performance. He struck out six and walked two. Palomar went ahead 4-3 by scoring a trio of runs in the third inning. Singles by Sam Blalock, Gil Pumar, Mike Garver, Kent Dawson and Bill Briscoe accounted for the runs . A run scoring double by the Apaches Ken Ohlendorf in the ninth inning was the deciding blow. Pumar went 4-for-4 and Dawson 4-for-5 to pace the locals. Saturday Mesa invaded Cometland and smashed the Comets, 13-1. The winners scored two runs in each of the first two innings, one in both the fourth and fifth and five in the seventh. Sam Blalock's ground rule double to left was followed one out later in the fifth with another double to left by Greg Abney for the only Palomar run. Gil Pumar had a double and singles by Jack Ashby, Mike Garver and Rick Adkins rounded out the Comets' attack. Ernie Oliva started on the mound but was hit for eight safeties while striking out five and walking 11. Only two of the 13 runs he allowed were earned. Ed Worseck turned in a stout relief stint, pitching two and one-third innings of hitless ball. He walked none and struck out one.

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