The Telescope 21.41

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Palomar College · Volume 21 Number 41 · A Publication of the Associated Students ·

May 14, 1968

San Marcos , Calif.


Evaluation of instructors to begin this week \ -- ·~

Teacher evaluation by students will start this week. Over 15,000 course rating sheets will be filled out during the next two weeks in each class and course offered here. Members of the Student Council and teacher evaluation committee will distribute the forms to all instructors, who will be urged to allow their students sufficient time to answer the two page, 21-question sheet. A third page is provided for additional comments. "One of the reasons for our program is to improve instruction here at Palomar College and how can we accomplish this goal if instructors refuse to cooperate," stated Rita Schmidt, teacher evaluation student committee chairman. Course objectives

These course o b j e c t i v e s were compiled by committee members from participating fa c u 1 t y members 1 as t December. Instructors who did not write their course objectives had their syllabi taken from the files of the dean of student's office.

. -. Mark Ross competes in drawing contest in full war paint, while Shelly

Artists chalk up first successful spring festival An estimated 1000 students viewed the gala student art 'happenings' last Thursday. Titled "the children who created the generation gap and a few others," the Thursday event kicked off a one day chalk-in, two-day pot sale, and two-week student art show. "It was the big g e s t event this 's emester," stated Glenn Hayashi, chairman. "Students showed much interest and activeness towards the show." "I wish to express grate fu 1 appreciation to those students and persons who entered and participated in this first, I hope annual, spring art festival," Hayashi commented. Entertainment was provided by two rock bands, jazz quartet, and a light show in the Boehm Gallery. The first 'prize' of a box of dog biscuits , at the chalk-in was awarded to Mark Ross and Joe Warren. Mike Langley received a bottle of distilled water for his creation. Over 500 feet of six-foot wide paper was us e d by the 100 contestants, according to Russ Baldwin, art instructor. Richard Robinson, art department head of Southwestern College, judged the student art show. Five students were awarded $10 each for their creations and three others r e c e i v e d honorable mentions. "If the students deemed it necessary, and there is a feeling in that direction, the event might be made annual," stated Baldwin.

Egerer examines the inside of pottery, the hard way. These were just two of the goings-on at the art department's first annual chalk-in, pot sale, and art show.

The student committee was made up of Sharon Dempsey, Don Dilworth, Bill Mason, Peggy Oertle, Steve Woodall and Joe Wu. YD conception

Faculty members of the committee were Pat Archer, Dennis Bostic, Peter B o 11 in gt on, Jack Quintero and Bud Snyder. Dr. Roland Phelps acted as chairman of the weekly meetings. "To put the course in a better prospective, the student should consult the course objectives booklets available in

However, he couldn't make the grade nationally as he finished third behind Sen. Eugene McCarthy, who triumphed in the poll, and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Ironically, McCarthy could do no more than third in the Palomar election, as he finished behind sec'o nd-rated Kennedy. Governor Nelson Rockefeller finished f01,1.rth in popularity both locally and nationally. Approximately 21 percent of Palomar

Senate approval

On May 7, 1967, the Student Council, with ASB President Ed Johnston presiding, passed unanimously an eighteen question "Student Report on Classroom Teaching." It had taken the group a month to devise the paper. The form now being circulated is entirely and completely different from that oriltinal form," stated Wu. "The committee decided that tabulation of the questions into statistics of the 'Report' would require a great amount of energy and time. Therefore, the rating scale of five and fewer questions was drawn up." The multiple choiced 'Report' covered instructor know 1 edge of the subject, presentation of subject by instructor, amount of interest generated by the instructor to do further research, and usefulness of class time and grading policies. It also included nineteen spec if i c

suggestions for incidental opinions. This list included vent i 1 at ion, blackboard space, readability of instructor's handwriting, and other minute details. "To improve instruction ... "

Dance Ensemble slates four evening shows "To dance is to live, to live is to dance." This quote from the reknowned Snoopy, of Peanuts comic strip fame, is only one expression reflected toward dancing. Palomar's Miss Billie Hutchings has another interpretation. She sees the modern dance as an idea "using the human body as the instrument and movement as the medium in order to express an individual's vision. The individual takes his cue from the sensory stimuli in his environment and transposes this input into a unique dance statement, which clarifies the environment for all that see the dance."

NEWS BRIEFS Jane Prosser, Palomar's delegate to the Student Nurse Association convention in San Diego, was elected corresponding secretary of the state organization. "Commitment to Action" was the theme of the four-day gathering which attracted over 1,000 student representatives.

** A resolution *opposing the merger of North County junior colleges and the communities in unaffiliated areas into a single district was formally passed by the Palomar College Board of Governors, April 30.

Student's ideas will come to life when the Palomar Dance Ensemble performs next Thursday through Saturday beginningat 8 p.m. in the campus dance studio. Admission is $1 for the general public and 75~ for students. These performances will feature new dances choreographed by the director, Miss Hutchings. Selections will include "Contempo Baroque II" to J.S. Bach's "Prelude and Fugue in D Major;" "Kaleidoscope--Design and Interplay," based on pure design in line and color and set to contemporary music featuring a mixture of Western and Oriental instruments; and a "mod" version of the Cinderella story titled "The Ballet of Cinderella," which takes place in a discoteque and i n c 1 u d e s other o r i g i n a 1 happenings in setting the plot.

Student opinion opposite that of nation in poll Palomar College students disagree with the rest of the nation when it comes to who they want to be President of the United States. Richard M. Nixon scored an easy victory over other presidential hopefuls in the local division of Time Magazine's nationwide poll of college students, "Choice '68."

the counseling center and the Putnam Library," Miss Schmidt urged. Teacher evaluation for all classes was first conceived by the YoungDemocrats, according to Joe Wu, club president. The first teacher evaluation committee added and deleted to the teacher evaluation form used by Pat Archer in his political science and far eastern history class since 1962 when he started teaching here. He had used the form as a student at UC, Berkeley.

students voted in the poll. The poll was taken approximately two weeks ago in colleges and universities throughout the nation. Students here also disagreed with the rest of the colleges in the nation concerning military action the United States should implement in Vietnam. The majority of P a 1om a r students believe that the US should make an "all-out" war effort in the Southeast Asian country. Nationally, college students were in favor of implementing a reduction of the war effort in Vietnam. Concerning the b 0 m bing of North vietnam the nationwide poll showed that students favored either a cessation or suspension of the bombing equally over the maintenance of the present policy, the intensi-

fication or the use of nuclear weapons. However, the majority of Palomar students promote the inteftSification of the bombing. In fact, seven percent of the students feel the US should use nuclear weapons on the North Vietnamese. The only area where Palomar and the rest of the nation agreed was concerning the ways to solve the urban crisis in the United States. Both polls agreed that education is the best solution with job-training a close second. Thirteen percent of Palomar students feel that riot control legislation is the answer. The exact percentages at Palomar are unavailable because ASB President Bob Thoreson entombed the only copy of the results in the recently paneled wall of the Student Council offices.

Two weeks later on May 22, 1967, the Faculty Senate, with Angelo Carli presiding, approved the concept of teacher evaluation with a completed form to go first to the Faculty Senate Professional Procedures Committee, then to the Senate to be approved. From then till October, committee members gathered forms and information from other colleges and universities nationwide. These forms and booklets were used by the 13 member committee from October to February in their weekly meetings. "In committee, the members cut, added and combined questions to form an easy to read and compiled question-

naire," Wu added. "The committee also kept in mind a form that would pertain to all classes." Figures to be compiled

"To improve instruction, but not to criticize, and to point out difficulties of a course were the two main objectives the committee kept in mind in gathering questions for the sheet," Dr. Phelps stated. Then, on February 26, the Faculty Senate passed the three part, 21-question form with a vote of 16 for and two against with two senators absent. The two dissenting votes were cast by Palmer Kremer and Dr. Beauford Chambless. An amendment was made and passed to the scale of the rating sheet by Dr. Chambless, present president of the Faculty Association. The amendment was to add the words 'No Opinion' between strongly agree and agree, and disagree and strongly disagree. "We just had one meeting to look the rating sheet over," stated Kremer. "Now that I have had the opportunity to look over the form. . . , I think it is a verv good evaluation device," he said. "I be: lieve it is very favorable to have teacher evaluation, as to pre s entation for the instructor's personal improvement, but did not understand fully the other uses which the students envisioned." Questionnaire passed

When completing the questionnaire, students are •urged to think seriously of the course objective was as stated by the instructor at the beginning of the semester or as listed in the course objectives booklets," commented Miss Schmidt. After the 15,000 forms are collected, committee and Student Council members, and other interested student will compile the data and form statistics for fall1968 students. The students will also tear off the third sheet for comments to return to the instructor. "If students want this to be successful, they should get out and help, because we really need student help,", said Miss Schmidt in her plea for aid compiling of the statistics, and later publishing the results. Any member of the Student Council may be contacted to help in the teacher evaluation survey.

No adult, evening classes planned for summer session- Bergman There are no evening or adult education classes included in the new summer schedule and there are only two additions over last summer's schedule. "We don't have the money," stated Virgil Bergman, dean of instruction. "It is part of the necessary cutbacks in line with the bare-bones budget." He continued explaining, "We can take about the same number of day students as last summer." The administration recently announced an austerity budget to go into effect if the June 4 tax override election fails. The summer program cutbacks were part of extensive cuts made in many areas. If the tax election passes in June •it would be too late to expand the summer program," Dean Bergman stated. He

Hayward, Stanberry Achievement Women The annual AWS Mother-Daughter fashion show was held Friday night, at which Suzanne Stanberry and Debbie Hayward were awarded the Woman of Achievement awards and Linda Matz was chosen as Best Dressed Woman of the Month. With the showing beginning at 8 p.m., the fashions included sports wear, appropriate school clothing, after five wear, and closing about 10 p.m. with bridal scene. Fashions for the show were from Arion's of Vista, The Sample Trunk of Escondido, Walker· Scott's in Escondido Village, House of Brides in Escondido, and flowers by Lake View Florist in San Marcos. Several door prizes were given. Merchants who donated door prizes were Flynn's Candles of Escondido, Col. Sanders Kentucky Fried C hick en of Escondido, Rusty• s Card & Gift of Escondido.

explained that there would be difficulty in obtaining instructors on such short notice. T he two course a d d i t i o n s are Aeronautics 1, private pilot ground :rnstruction; and Aeromautics 4, weather, which is dually listed with the geology department. The registered nursing classes will continue, but a new class is not planned,. Most classes are offered in the morning with only ceramics sections and science labs continuing into the afternoon. Complete schedules are available in the administration Building, the Bookstore and Student Personnel Offices.

Typing errors cause postpJnement of raUy Typographical errors in the instructions sheets have caused th~ Young Democrats to reschedule theircar rally for this Friday night, according to Joe Wu, club president. "Transposition of lefts and rights . by the typist sent the rallyists to Encinitas and Carlsbad instead of Bonsall and Vista, as intended," Wu stated. The course, starting here, was to end in Escondido at Sandy's. Covering over 100 miles, twelve trophies were to be awarded in the four categories of entrants: powder puff 1 sports, open, and Volkswagen. Dash markers were ordered too late for t'M rally, but will be given to all entrants at next Friday's rally. Rules and regulations for Friday's contest will be the same as last week's. All cars must have two persons the driver and a navigator. Clipboards and flashlights are useful but not required, Wu added. Entrants will line up at 7 p.m. Friday in the upper dirt parking lot behind the Student Union. A $3 entrance fee will betaken daily in the Student Union at 11 a.m.

THE TELESCOPE In 1962, the Student Publlcatlons Board establlshed a Code of Ethics with the cooperation of the members of all campus publlcatlond . Local newspaper pubUshers were asked to comment and they said the code was complete. Two statements from that code are pertinent today: •Within the framework of school coverage, sensatlonallsm, glortflcatlon, and favoritism should not be tolerated. • Coverage of national or International occurrences should be governed by the proximity of the event and the direct relationship of the event to the students.

These events should be consid ered

when they occur on campus or broughtlnto the college program directly . • Opinions expressed In this paper In signed ed!tor!alo

a.nd artic les are the views of the writers and do not necessarlly represent opinions of the staff, vtewa of the Associated Student Body Council, college admtnlstratlon , or the Board of Governors . The TELESCO PE Invites responsible •guest edltorlala• or letters to the editor. All communications must be signed by the author. The TELESCOPE as a student newspape r must represent the entire spectrum

of student tbought.

Is it worth $15 a y.ear to you? By Cecelia Lodico The following editorial holds an opposball and basketball games, dances, stiming point of view to last T u e s day ' s ulating and entertaining assemblies, article by Steve Krueger whichcondones speeches, field trips, school publicamandatory ASB cards. tions--these and many other varied items are possible only with ASB card When in junior college, students don't purchases. like to be told they HAVE TO do anything. Card yields eventful ymr And when students are told they HAVE Assuming most college sfudents are TO spend money for this book and that intelligent and concerned, the revenue course material, they like it even less. from ASB c ards will not dec line in the Some California legislators are tryfuture . Most students want a good actiing to tell junior college students they vities program and will be willing to HAVE TO buy an ASB card. pay for it. These men are backing the passage There are a few, however, who do of a state bill for mandatory ASB cards not care to or are not able to parin the California junior college system. take in the many activities this college A bill dealing with this issue was dehas to offer. Why should they HAVE feated in committee recently. A new TO put out the $15 when they know bill is scheduled to come beforethe asthey will rake no benefits in return? sembly again. The issue at hand does not debate No affect on Palomar whether ASB cards are good or bad. A study of the recent collapses in stuEven if these legislators were powerdent body activities in a few Califorful and persuasive enough to pass such nia junior colleges provides the ana bill, Palomar· College would hardly swer. These colleges (most located in be affected. the northern half of the state) have During the past years, money obtained not gained enough money to provide a from the sale of ASB cards has been decent activities program . Their entire sufficient to support a good activities school system is suffering. program 'here. In fact, fiscal gains from ASB cards surpassed the estimated aStudents should decide mount for this 1967-1968 school year. But, apparently, students attending· As students register here most of them those schools do not wish to provide do not know they are not obligated to themselves with an active yearly prgpurchase the $15 card. But since this gram. As the contemporary remark goes, issue of mandatory cards has often been "That's their bag." brought before the public recently,more· Mandatory ASB card bills will be students are aware of their right in discussed in the near future. Students the matter. should become well aware of the issue Revenue will reman sarre with which they will be directly involved. They should keep in mind the many acIt is doubtful that those registering tivities they can partake in at a lower here next fall will refuse to put down cost if they buy a card. Yet, they must $15 toward a whole year of activities. not try to force their objectives on the Any intelligent and concerned student student who feels the '$15• ticket will will realize his ASB card presents a not be worthwhile to him. whole calendar of events to him. Foot-

St()P playing game;, its your deal By Jerry Nicholas It's about time Palomar College stopped playing games. After months of discussion and confusion we still don't have a new assembly schedule. At the beginning of the year the college hierarchy suggested that the ASB work out an assembly schedule. Several students worked many hard hours conducting a student poll and coming up with alternative plans. After the ASB formalized the overwhelming desire of Palomar students to have assemblies on a rotating basis, ( eliminating either 9 or 10 a.m. class) the request was caught up and delayed for months in faculty and administrative red tape. The plan finally got through the faculty's committees when it was rejected by the Administrative Council. The Council, supposed representative of the powers that be, give the following as reasons for dismissing the proposal: 1) The whole idea of assemblies at Palomar is up in the air because the Student Union only holds 500 or 600 students and that leaves the 2,000 (2,500

next year) not attending with nothing to do, nowhere. to go. 2) With the assembly schedule now in effect, it makes the day too long and students who work are made late. 3) If they are held during the lunch hour ( 11 a.m. to 12) with the s nack bar and cafeteria closed, when will students eat? 4) If, as the students choose, 9 or 10 a.m . class is eliminated,theteachers have complained they will lose three or four hours of class time during each semester. Conclusion: there is no time for assemblies. So what will happen to Palomar assemblies? And more important, if the Administration knew this all along (the problem obviously didn't just crop up) why did they have the student government members waste their time on it? Could it be that they just wanted boys and girls to have something to do over the year ? After all, it did keep them busy. I pass, it's your turn to deal...

Graduation candidates who missed last week's meeting are requested to attend another meeting to be held in P-32 at 11 a.m. on Wednesday for the purpose of gaining . instructions about commencement. All who haven't ordered a cap and gown should see the Bookstore manager about the problem.

Entertainment this week begins on Thursday night with the opening of the annual modern dance concert in the Dance Studio. This happening begins at 8 p.m. and the tickets are $1 for adults and 75 cents for students. Attendance at the performance may count toward absence make-ups for any of Miss Billie Hutching's classes; attendance is mandatory for an "A" Be sure to have..your name checked off on a list at the door for both make-up and "A" attendance. Students should attend one of the four performances and see the artistic endeavors of students in different mediums. This department has regulary shown outstanding and original work and this concert promises to offer even more than the usual unusual creations. For more information see page 1.

**** All students who are interested in planning their summer early should pick up a copy of the summer session schedule in the Administration or Student Personnel offices . The one sheet Uet-Qf all courses offered and the times of each section.


Final examination schedules are currently available in Administration and Student Personnel office. It is a multi-sheeted yellow parcel. Exams begin on June 6 and continue through June 14. The schedule will enable the student to plan study time and to work out any over-lapping tests before the actual date.

**** The Art Department staged a very successful festival in the Art- Music Complex on Thursday. The threefold activity drew a fair number of students who enjoyed the happenings.

Kim Clark, Jim Strong and Ron Simecka nail panels on at the left. Paul Hauptman and Bob Thoreson stuff the time capsule in above photo,

Pcwer Children donated grainy new chambers in reconstruction act Letter to the Editor



Editor: As a full time student at Palomar, I wish to commend the staff of the Telescope for the excellence they exhibited in today's edition (May 7). The change in make-up and writers of the editorial page is a refreshing one, indeed. I am sure many students of this school will agree with my assertion that the loss of Miss Kattelmann's weakly~) column is a small one. More "staff editorials" such as the ones of Miss Donoho and Mr. Krueger are most welcome. And as for the "Cow" review, Miss Kattelmann should have seen the show herself, not copy someone else's work. The masculine touch of Mr. Steven A. Krueger's writing is needed and welcomed by most PC students. The female dominance of the editorial page was becoming unbearable and untolerable. More of the same, please. The Telescope needs more variety and less stagnation in Miss Kattelmann' s column to provide proper service to all Comets. Sincerely, Jon Hazelton (Editor's note) The Telescope thanks you for your criticism and encouragement. Joan Kattelmann did view "Poor Cow" herself. She decided to incorporate professional journalist Charles Champlin's opinions with some of her own.

Srndent nurses attend convertion Members of the Student Nurse Association of Palomar College participated in the state convention of the Student Nurse Assoc iation of California recently. The convention was held at the U. S. Grant Hotel in San Diego with approximately 1,000 students from all over the state attending. The theme "Commitment to Action]' was emphasized by each of the keynote speakers. Excitement was generated by the students campaigning for state offices, while colorful costumes and slogans were the order of the day. Gay Mexican ponchos were selected by the students in this part of Southern California known as Division One. Palomar C o 11 e g e was well represented. Jane Prosser was one of the elected delegates with Sandra Hubbell being chosen as the alternate. Palomar was singularly honored when Jane was elected Corresponding Secretary for the state association, and Kristine Grouse was made chairman of the careers committee of Division One.

By Joan Kattelm,ann Focus and anything else shoved in before Palomar's Power Children have refurthe panel was nailed on. bished chambers where they can contemJim Strong started a column, "On this plate the grain of recent campus activity. day May 8, 1968" where all of us added Thursday the council chambers were pertinent t points. Number one on the list invaded by three benevolent members of was the Viet Peace Talks. Then the Circle K Club. They voted to finance heart transplant patients. I added the news part of the redecoration as a service of a bite of yellowtail at the Coroproject for this year. The organization nado Islands for all fish lovers. Then decided that the battered, decaying, disKim Clark started a personal docucolored dry wall offices needed covering mentary section beneath the window. up. Later in the afternoon the entire job At last someone noticed the fact that was done and it looked more like a there was a gaping hole in one wall. council chamber than a play pen with It was rather handy to stuff an old lunch eroding walls. There is even talk of into when you couldn' t find the wastegetting a new flag, bulletin board and basket, or you could use it as a kinginstalling wall to wall carpeting when size ashtrav. further sponsors are found. It is a nice lOam. carpenters stage nail-in beginning. Hammer, hammer, nail, saw, hammer, It just might change things saw,~ saw, hammer, nail. The sounds Who knows? Perhaps the change in of something happening in the student environment and the addition of a meascouncil offices. The noise gradually ure of class to the place will influence drew an astonished group of ASB membthe members.Maybe student government ers wondering what was happening. will become a serious matter to them. A time capsule. What is a project And the importance of representing the without a time capsule ? It must be student and not just fearfully following filled with all manner of significant a 'leader will go from a weekly game things. The new ICC constitution, new into serious contemplation on the grain dance policy, two Telescopes, an old of things.

Educational staff holds luncheon with JC editors; governor speaks By Cecelia Lodico review at the local level to find out Ronald Reagan is a typical politiwhere our policy. is not being carried out. cian. We want to see if the man on the local He delights in meeting people and level who meets the public is biased. expressing his opinion on the issues "We can't overlook the element which of the day. says there are no constructive me{Uls. Editors from junior colleges all over That say the only answer is 'Burn, baby, California were invited to attend a bl:!riL' luncheon with some of Reagan's educa"We have fallen into a dangerous pattional staff members last Thursday in Sacramento. tern in this country, " Reagan continued. "People can pick and choose laws An on the record press conference they wish to follow. We'll resort to with the governor followed the meal. who can carry the biggest club." In strolled the governor, ruddy-faced and dark complected, lookirig like a Black Panther ghetto p o lice rigorous outdoorsman, not at all like a busy man constantly meeting one A few minutes later an editor asked scheduled appointment after another. Reagan if he thought the "Black Panthers could be used as police in the No such thing as no pornography ghettos. Could they be put to use or are they part of the violence?" He expressed his gratefulness for the Reagan feels they are a part of the editors' attendance, realizing many had turmoil, but that"they could change. He made a long trip to interview him. cited the example of ex-Watts leaders, Since the governor had only one hour the Sons of Watts, "who helped clear to spend with the group, the conferstreets in the second Watts riot atence was opened immediately to questions. tempt. The first inquiries dealt with the juClear up fuzzy mental issue nior college system. The governor then tried to clear up "Local boards should be autonomous," the fuzzy mental health issue, because Reagan mechanically declared. many accusations were made at him at "I do not say there is no such thing the beginning of his term. as no pornography," the governor reHe explained that "most of the cuts sponded to the next question. "If there were on paper. The unfilled paper posineeds to be a change in the instructiontions were done away with. There were al staff or type of paper being printed, too many employees per patient on the the administration has the right to make state level. Patients were being sent that change." back to their local areas for care, The editor who had asked this quesbut amount of employment on the state, tion apparently was referring to the level remained the same. We are tryrecent mayhem at San Diego Mesa Coling to have reduction in staff parallel lege. Publication of Mesa's paper, reduction in patients." D a i 1 y 0 I y m pi an, w a s s u s p end e d After a couple last questions, Reagan and the advisor temporarily removed scurried off to his next appointment from his position. Mesa's administra- · amid flashing camera lights and smiling tion felt that artic les on pot, the pill. editors' faces. and sexual intercourse were offensive. There is no instant tomorrow !>Ues .


In response to racial problems Reagan said, "we have to let minorities know there is no instant tomorrow. We can't make promises we can't keep. "I have been going (with no press attention) to meet with leaders of black and other minority communities, labor leaders, educators and school superintendents to relay complaints, suggestions and things which need to be done. "Thank God, we held these meetings before Martin Luther King's death. We think these meetings helped prevent trouble in California. "In the future, nine men will be stationed throughout the state to be contacts, laisons and foreign ministers for these minorities. "We want a review of state jobs. A

Editor-in-Chief . . . . . Cecelia Lodico Page 1, Tuesday . . . . .. Jerry Nicholas Assistant . . . . . . . . . Steve Krueger Page 2, Tuesday . . . .Joan Kattelmann Assistant . . . Clarissa Wisniewski Page 1, Friday . . Steve Schneider Assistant . . . . . . . . . . Joe Wu Page 2, Friday . Rick Monroe Assistant . . . . Dave Conrad Exchange Editor Jan Donoho Reporters . . . . . Neil Hoffman Ken Kline, Tom Wheeler Advertisements . . . Dianna Houser Photographers . . . . Ted Karounos, Don Bartlett! Journalism Advisor . Fred Wilhelm Photography Advisor . Justus Ahrend Graphic Arts Advisor James McNutt

Questions then drifted to national is-

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