The Telescope 21.46

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College's future up to voters Tuesday By Cecelia Lodico Telescope Editor-in-Chief Approximately 65 per cent of the registered voters in the area will go to the polls Tuesday and determine the future of Palomar Junior College. Voting on the proposed 19-cent tax override for the local college will be done in conjunction with the June primary at which state and national issues are also at stake. The college p r o p o s a 1 , designated Proposition R, seeks operational funds needed to meet the increasing instruc-

tional costs resulting from a continual enrollment increase. Enrollment jumped 20 per cent last September over the preceding fall's number of students. Anticipated enrollment increase for this coming September is another 15 to 20 per cent. Statistics are based on the number of seniors in Palomar district high schools who are expected to attend here next fall . This continual jump in the number of students necessitates additions to the instructional staff. About 19 more teachers are needed by September. "If the tax override passes, we will

begin hiring these needed instructors immediately," said Dr . Frederick R. Huber, college president. "We may not be able to get them all right away, however. It may take us until F ebruary to complete the staff." One of the additional personnel needed by the college is a school nurs e.Palo.:mar college has not employed a nurse since the resignation of Melinda Horakh in June,19 67. "Not only could we not find another nurse to take Miss Horakh's place, but we also discovered that our budget could not handle the hiring of any more

school personnel," Dr. Huber remarked. "We have had four teachers leave us within the past year . But we could not replace these people because our budget kept getting tighter and tighter. We felt ourselves going down an alley which was being squeezed and squeezed. We've known that we would need additional instructors for some time. That is why we had a 10-cent override along with the bond issue in 19 67." Ob5alete equipmert

Besides the hiring of teachers, funds gained from passage of the 19-cent tax will be used to replace obsolete equipment, some of which has not been r eplaced for 10 years. Up-to-date equipment is needed to maintain academic s tandards which are acceptable to fouryear colleges and universities to which Palomar students would transfer. Seve ral departments are in need of new e quipment for both c lassroom and laboratory work. The Sc ience Department has the greatest need for equipment replacement. Additional finances gained would help offset the decrease in both state and federal aid whic h is being extended to junior colleges. The s tate may cut its aid to junior colleges in the immediate future. Federal aid to local colleges has been r educed already. Palomar requested ove r $34,000 in federal aid for the 1967 to 1968 fiscal year and received about one-half of that amount, or $18,000. Nation-wide cutback

From army barracks at Vista High School to its prsent structures and location in San Marcos, Palomar Colle~e

is the meeting place of over 2,600 day students from a dozen North County cities and communities.

THE TELESCOPE Palomar College · Volume 21

Number 46 · A Publication of the Associated Students ·

May 31, 1968

· San Marcos, Calif.


On primary ballot

JC merger in question By Cecelia Lodico Telescope Editor-in-Chief Formation of a single junior college district will be decided upon by North County voters Tuesday. Its purpose would be to unify the Palomar Junior College District and the Oceanside-Carlsbad Junior College District under one area. Also included in the unification are the Borrego Springs Unified Schoo 1 District, the Julian Union High School

District, the Ramona Unified School and the San Dieguito Union High School District. Both Dr. Frederick R. Huber and Dr. John McDonald, presidents of Palomar and MiraCosta Co 11 e g e, respectively, have spoken against the unifying measure. A resolution drawn up at a recent Palomar Board of Governor's meeting stated that in a single district "the local identity of Palomar Junior College would be lost in the reorganization,

Dr. Frederick R. Huber •

Man with a mzsszon By Joan Kattelmann Telescope Editorial Editor chair and removing his glasses from "I play a strictly intimate style of over-tired eyes, he thought aloud wistpiano," pleasantly twinkled P a 1om a r fully, "I wish I had more time to play President, Frederick R. Huber, in a golf." brief moment of leisure. In his usually hectic schedule as chief He was taking time, as he often administrator, he sees from 10 to 20 does, to talk to students in his office people a day on college matters, and in the Administration building, a hubspends time placing up to 20 phone bub of campus activity. Even at the calls a day through the already-busy busiest times, this man, who is at the switchboard. top of the educational ladder, takes time The job doesn't close when he closes to find out what the students are doing the office door after a long day. Four in both their academic and personal or five times a month he goes tovarious lives . Students, administrators and clubs and organizations to speak at night, campus visitors frequent his office, at luncheons and on weekends. His job which proudly displays students' works. also requires him to attend the many "I enjoy reading; I'm pretty eclectic campus .events which are flavored by about it. I read detective stories, curpersonal contact with the students. And ren1 events and good non-fiction." Also then there is the seemingly endless favored are traveling and body surfing list of inter-college meetings discussing at the beaches. Relaxing back in his new policies, schedules and associated problems, formulating a future for this institution. Dr. Huber has many thoughts about the future of Palomar. "Within the next five years, Palomar College would probably start hunting for a new campus site. Also there must be a great development here. He referred to the talk of placing facilities off campus. "I think the auditorium should be right here; it's whf::re it belongs. The stadium belongs right here in the middle of this district. There are two things I think we should definitely achieve. The community should take it upon themselves to develop this. I think we desperately need a threatre and many specialized facilities. With these facilities we can truly become an educationalcultural center. "If we're restricted to just what we've been doing, we cannot offer a good sound program, such as the vocational program, and even our general educa-

Dr. Frederlck"R. Huber

( Continued on p. 2 )

and community interest and support would be diminished and local control dissipated. " The resolution also states that the governing boards and the State of California representatives generally agree "that the single district cannot operate without an override operational tax, and no such override tax is included in the proposal." A college merger "does not provide savings to the taxpl!J'er," said Dr. Huber. ''Nor would a merger provide development of a broad educational program for North County." Unification "adds a complete ad min strati v e unit which would be superimposed on Palomar and MiraCosta Colleges . This district governing board would require about $150,000 in salaries, and this money would have to come from the public in the form of taxes." added the president. Palomar's Board of Governors also mentioned in their resolution that "the added costs of centra 1 d is t ric t administration will not add greatly to the educational efficiency of the junior college program.'' Dr. Huber also stated that "in a sense we have college unification already. For instance, MiraCosta has Police Science and we offer the Nursing Program. There are other courses which MiraCosta offers and Palomar does not, so that there is not unnecessary duplication of courses. "Some of those in favor of unification feel that we would have one single district football team, baseball team and so forth in order to cut costs. But this is not so. Each college has its own identity. We would not combine classes like English 1A which is required for everyone. All these classes would still have to be offered at both colleges."

JWJe 15 gmduatim set for 310 candidates Robert L. Burton, dean of student personnel, announced this week that "there are 310 candidates for Associate of Arts degrees this June." Commencement ceremonies will be held Saturday, June 15 at 2 p.m. on the football field. He pointed 'o ut that "last year there were 206 graduates, but there was no midterm ceremonies. This spring there were 104 students receiving the A. A. degree. There are 22 certificate candidates now, 16 completing the program in the spring. Mitties McDonald, candidate for graduation and member of the forensic squad; and Ronald Kenney, from the class of 1951 of Palomar and now editor of the Escondido Times-Advocate, will be the speakers.

Because of a nation-wide cutback in small college financial assistance by the federal government, Palomar will receive a little more than one-tenth of its requested funds from the federal government for the 1968 to 1969 fiscal year. About $4,500 is expected to be given out of a near $44,000 federal request, according to Dr. John D. Schettler, assistant superintendent and ASB financial advisor. In order to cope with the yearly enrollment increase, additional nonteaching personnel for clerical and other related work is also needed . Salaries for this added personnel must be derived from the override, according to Dr. Huber. $9.50



The 19-cent tax would be levied on a $100 valuation for part or all of a fiveyear period. It would cost the average home-owner about $9.50 a year. This is based on a $20,000 property which is assessed by the county at the normal one-fourth value, or $5,000. Communities and cities included in the college district are Bonsall, Escondido, Fallbrook, Poway, San Marcos, Vista and Valley Center. Those most directly involved in the outcome are the current first-year students who intend to return in the fall. Also, members of the senior classes of the high schools

throughout the area and other persons in other public schools who expect to come to Palomar within the next few years would feel the result of this election, college officials said. "The population is simply here, the students are on the campus now, and there's a problem to be solved that cannot be made to vanish by any other means or theories because there is no existing alternative," the Citizens Committee for Palomar said recently. Based upon the present growth rate, enrollment in September would surpass Today's newspaper is a special edition published and distributed by the Associated Students of Palomar College in order to inform the community of Tuesday's tax override election. The students feel that this election is so vital to the community that they have produced this special issue of the Telescope. 3,000 day students, "and there just aren't enough instructors to go around," officials remarked. Palomar's Board of Gove rnors recently stated that, "It is difficult at the present time to maintain quality instruc-· tion because of the heavily- loaded courses, inadequate number of teacher personnel, c lass overflow and class sizes in excess of faculty manpower." At the present time there are over 2,200 day students , more than 1,900 regular students, about 1,400 adult education students and 36 Navy and Marine Corps students for a total of 5,600 attending the college . 'Severe Cu1ailments'

The institution would have to take "severe curtailments" in the educational program if the upcoming override would fail. On March 12 of this year, a 25 per cent turnout of area voters defeated an identical college proposal presented to the public during a special e lection. In February 1967 the local c ommunity also voted down a $12.5 million college expansion program and a 10-ce nt override . College administra tors are currently working with a tentative budget of $3,27 6,000. This is a four pe r cent increase in operational funds in comparison to the 20 per ce nt incre ase in enrollment. Budget r equests to maintain present academic standards is $3 ,71 8,000, or a 18 per c ent increase over last year. "If the override passe s, we will begin working with the requested budget immediately--the very next day," Dr. Huber said. . Tentative cutbacks in the budget mclud e the adult education program. Courses would be reduced from 88 to (Continued on p. 2)

Area's adults partake in college's programs Who says college is kids' stuff? Nearly 3,000 adults in the area don't seem to think so. These adults are currently enrolled in non-credit courses which are part of Palomar's Adult Education and Community Services Programs. "The college started with adult education when it was located at Vista High School," said Theodore Kilman, dean of adult education and community services. "That was over 20 years ago," he noted, "and the college then offered only an evening program. When the college moved to its present location, it developed into its full potentia 1 of day program . " The extended day and evening program has been given the title "Adult Education" within the past three to four years, according to Kilman, who has been dean of the division since last fall. "Adult education is an attempt to provide educational ex peri en c e s for the serious-minded adult who has no interest in a degree or in grades but wishes to become aware," Kilman remarked. "The program provides people with a constructive way to spend their leisure time. These people are 1 earning ceramics and singing in, choirs. They are being active, creative. They are being human beings, not vegetables." Less than three per cent of the entire educational budget goes for adult education. "Eighty-eight courses are currently 'Offered in the adult education program," said Kilman. "Should the June 4 tax override issue fail, only 28 such courses will then be offered. "It will be my job to decide which courses will have to be eliminated. Elimination will be based on a check of enrollment for consistently high attendance in the courses. Those courses which seem to maintain the highest attendance will be continued. "Even if the override should be passed, the adult education program will still

not be able to continue the 88 classes now provided. Some of those who teach courses now will have alread y secured other jobs by the time the override passes." Instructors for the classes, most of which are held at night on the campus, are "standard day teachers or experts in the community, trained in certain areas," said Kilman. Other classes are held during the day. About 30 per cent of the courses are off-campus. Locations range from area high schools, such as Escondido and Fallbrook, to churches and homes in the surrounding community. Rancho Bernardo, Pauma Valley, San Marcos and many other areas host one or more of these college courses. Cost to the student is $5 per course, plus a $2.50 parking fee per semester. Most of the classes are scheduled one day a week for 15 weeks.

Theodore Kilman-

Kim Clark wins ASB presidency Kim Robert Clark was elected ASB president Wednesday for the fall semester 1968. Ron Simecka captured the vice-presidency, KarP.n Schmidt will be treasurer, and Linda Welch,secretary. Tom Galloway, Dan Connelly, Betty Taylor and Lloyd Walker were chosen as representatives-at-large to the Associated Student Body Council. Joe Wu and Ken Bowers won spots on the Council as Sophomore Class President and Associated Men Students president, respectively. Kathy Taff, Ann Spencer, Linda Matz, and Betty Taylor were selected as cheerleaders. Miss Taff was also elected Associated Women Students president as a write-in candidate. An amendment to the ASR Constitution guaranteeing funds to seven school programs passed by a 78 per cent margin. The vote count was as follows: PresidentKim Clark 265 Ron Tracy 204 Vice- President Ron Simecka 260 Steve Schneider 184 Treasurer Karen Schmidt 197 Kathy Taff 177 Secretary Linda Welch yes , 345; no 45 Sophomore Class President Joe Wu yes, 321; no 51 Associated Men Students President Ken Bowers yes, 302; no 36 Representatives-at-large received the following votes:

Dean Soules explains vocational education program at Palomar By Jan Donoho Telescope Page Assistant The purpose of vocational education is to prepare people to secure a good job after two years of college according to James G. Soules, dean of vocational education. "Palomar has had a vocational education program about three years. Although there were vocational education courses before, it officially began three years ago when Soules came to Palomar,'' said Charles A. Coutts, dean ofSciencebusiness-technology. "There was something here when I came. I actually coordinate the listed courses. I'm the guy that hears what industry wants, and talk the faculty into doing it," remarked Dean Soules. "Seventy teachers, day and night, part and full time along with approximately 2,000 students are involved in vocational education." Pre-employment courses are recommended by the Palomar College staff in consultation with local advisory committees of employers and the Department of 'Employment to assure that courses serve the student needs compatible with the labor market. "The results in vocational education are exceptional," said Dean Soules. There are 80 junior colleges in the state involved in vocational education and we

Tom Galloway, 278 Dan Connelly, 229 Betty Taylor, 198 Lloyd Walker, 197; Cheryl Tucker, 188; Alan Rathje, 165; Tom Leonard, 154; Jerry Nicholas, 131; Jon Sophos, 90 CheerleadersKathy Taff 350 Ann Spencer 335 Linda Matz 334 Betty Taylor 328 Jan Harless (write-in) 84 Associated Women Students President Kathy Taff (write-in) 8 Amendmentyes, 335 no, 85

Dr. I-Iuber (Continued from p. 1) tion, adult education and community services, which are the things we are restricting, we truly will not retain our community image. "If we can't develop a dental assisting program which is needed in the North County, then we're not fulfilling our role. If we can't add a second nursing class, if we can't develop a very broad community service program, then we are not fulfilling our role. In adult education, if we cut 88 classes down to 28, we're restricting our role." Dr. Huber has a vast educational background to gather his opinions from. His career began as a young English teacher at Fresno High School. He had just been graduated from UCLA with a R.A. in English and participated in the university' s first "crew" team. World War II interrupted his plans and he was commissioned into the service. He recalls a memorable incident while on active duty. "I was with the 53rd infantry, Seventh Division under General Stilwell. He came out and inspected my platoon and I never was so scared in all my life. He was very nice and very helpful," he recalled. Following the close of war, Dr. Huber returned as a major and began teaching at Glendale College in the English Department. He also began work on his administrative credential at USC. He was hired by Orange Coast College, where he was the dean of men and chairman of the English Department for eight years. He continued to attend school on weekends and earned his doctorate in educational administration and counseling and guidance from USC.

are going full blast. Public institutions are now beginning to realize the significance and how important vocational education is. The public is in demand for it. "We train policemen, firemen, nurses, medical as s is tan t s, stenographers, plumbers, mechanics, electricians and many others at Palomar," Palomar also has an apprenticeship training program. The philosophy of vocational education is not to dump it all in one area, but to spread it out among all departments. "We're also cooperating with the federal government in training unskilled persons to become employable," he added.

Kim Robert Clark

Summer session begins The six-week summer school session will start on July 1, registration being on June 26, 27 and 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Student Union. There will be no night summer school. A Mathematics Institute division will begin on June 17 and last for eight weeks, its registration in Room A-72 on June 14. See the counselors for details.

By Cecelia Lodico Telescope Editor-in-Chief Community colleges are becoming a career, voluntarily or by force. thing of the present. Experiencing various fields of educaThere are 80 such colleges in tion in order to choose a life-long vocation is possible at the small college. California. This area is fortunate enough Many c o m m unity to have one. colleges offer vocaThe bulk of the junior college tional education promembers are those just out of high grams which prepare school. Many of these students cannot the student for a good afford the e x pens e of a four- year career job after two institution. years of study. A junior college provides them with A true community the opportunity to attend school while college must fulfill holding a job. In this way, the highschool its role by serving graduate can earn his way through the the entire commurelatively low-cost junior college, while nity. The junior saving his money for the four-year co 11 e g e opens its institution to which he will transfer. Similarly, the local college allows the doors to anyone who wishes to return student to remain at home and commute to take a course for mere enjoyment or to school. This, too, saves the student for completion of the Associate of Arts the expense that room and board entail degree. away from home. Such a college must also grow with its Often those at t e n ding the junior community to remain on top. And it is college are unsure of their future plans. the responsibility of the citizens of the Young women have not yet m ad e a community to help their college grow. definite choice of career. And men must For if the college recedes in its educchoose between a scholastic or military ational standards, so will the community.

Speech department takes state , national honors during busy year

By Joe Wu Telescope News Editor Palomar's Speech Department has last fifteen years," stated Dean of Instruction Virgil Bergman, former speech brought several awards home to the team coach. college throughout the year. Since fall the forensics squad has placed sixth "The local team has ranked high over in the Fall Coast, third in the Spring the years with many national winners," Coast, sixth in state , and fifth in stated the former Phi Rho Pi national national Championships. president. Palomar has attended every In all of these tournaments, the local national tournament since 1954. team competed against junior colleges with enrollments of 1,000 to 40,000 or against four- year colleges and univerities such as University of San Diego, San Diego State (in debate) and Univerity of California at La Jolla. By Dave Conrad The most recent and prestigious team Telescope Sports Assistant victory came at Miami, Florida, where the local squad captured the fifth national Tietacks, charm bracelets, engravsweepstakes spot out of 60 junior. colleges ings, cash and certificates will set competing. The event was the annual this year's scene at Palomar when the Phi Rho Pi conference. Phi Rho Pi is Associated Student Body holds its annual the national fraternity of forensics. student awards banquet in the Student At the Miami Dade College hosted Union Monday. tournament , Mitties McDonald took According to ASB Awards Chairman, honors with a first place in expository Bill Mason, men's tietacks and women's speaking nationally. She also received a charm bracelets will be awa!'ded to this second for speech analysis and was third semester's members of the Student r u nne r-up for the tournament's outCouncil. Members of the Inter-Club standing speaker award. Council will be recognized by honor With only 12 out of 30 team members certificates. attending, the flight to and from Miami Awards of cash value will also be was financed by the Associated Students distributed to the top academic student and by contributions and donations from in each field of education at Palomar community c I u b s, organizations and College. Awards ranging from business "In 1956 I began going up the adindividuals. to mathematics will be received by the Outstanding individual awards went to ministrative ladder, finally becoming students from their respective instrucGil Hain for a third place in speech president of Monterey Peninsula Coltors or the departmental heads. lege. analysis, Diane Landfear for a fourth The club or organization who registers "In 1964 John Dunn, former Palomar in speech analysis and Mrs . Yvonne the most points this year is honored with president, asked me if I was interested Rezek for a fifth in expository speaking. its engraving on the school's group in Palomar and I said yes." Dr. Huber "Palomar College's speech teams have plaque located in the Student Council has been president since that time. been recognized nationally for over the Office. Points are determined by the club's participation in services and activities, team work, leadership, efforts and a c c o m p li s h m e n t s beyond the ordinary. The award is also based on the organizations spec i a I interests, religious interests, contributions, intramural participations, dances and elections and personal projects. By Steve Krueger Telescope Page Assistant

ASB awards slated for Monday dinner

Nursing course boasts heaviest load in school In its first year here, the nursing program at Palomar boasts the heaviest academic load in the school. Required of the future nurses is a total of 39 units in their major alone. Included in this curriculum are two semesters of general nursing foundations (one of which is taken in summer session) medical and surgical nursing, maternal and child care, psychiatry and advanced nursing problems. These courses are accompanied by lab hours taken in local hospitals. The nursing students actually work i n the hospital while learning.

James G. Soules

Community reflects educational standards

ment in the program next fall. The fate of these requests balances on the tax override election Tuesday, however. In the pro j e c ted budget based on the failure of the previous election, the l)ursing program has not been allotted funds for continued operation for both beginning and second year students. Therefore, the students now enrolled will be allowed to complete their program, but no new students will be admitted.

Each nursing student is also required to fulfill the general education requirements of an Associate of Arts degree here. To complete the prescribed program in two years, the nurses are expected to take summer courses beginning with the summer preceding their first full semester enrollment through to graduation. The majority of nurses earned a place on the Dean's list for e.cademic achievement last semester. According to a recent medical journal article, the need for trained nurses has never been more acute. The cost of obtaining an A. A. degree with the proper training for nurses credentials is high at private institutions. At Palomar, the nursing students are a.ffurded a chance to complete both fields at a relatively low cost. The desirability of the programat Palomar can be judged by the long waiting list of applicants wtshingenroll-

Mary Fulton Director of Nursing Education

Palon1ar's future (Continued from p.l) 28, or about a 70 per cent reduction. As a result, some regular day classes for credit students will have to be given at night. Approximately 800 day students will be required to take one or more classes in the evening, resulting in split sessions for many students. Nearly 300 regular students would be forced to take all of their classes at night. "The students would not be able to get the sections and hours they want. Classrooms will be crowded, and those students holding jobs will have even greater difficulty in scheduling their classes," Dr. Huber added. It is very likely that physical education classes would have to be held on Saturday mornings. Physical education is required by state law for all students under 21 years of age . College officials said the load was becoming too heavy in some courses to work them into regular day scheduling. No adult education classes for noncredit students would be offered in the summer. Over 3,000 area adults are presently taking adult education cou rses. Registration time in the fall would be condensed, and adults desiring to take 10 units or less could not be accepted after September 10. No new curriculum programs could be started. The nursing education class recently begun here would be continued in the fall; however, no new students could be accepted for that course this September. Student bus service will be discontinued. " The bus service will be discontinued whether or not the override passes," the president said. The number of students taking advantage of the service took a tremendous drop this year. This same money can then be used in another area instead of for the buses." The Telescope will not be published next Tuesday. Friday's edition, containing results of the tax override e lection and a photo essay, will be this semester's final publication.

College can't handle 3,000 tn fall; evening classes are an~wer -Burton

By Rick Monroe Telescope Sports Editor at the present time," said Burton. "It will be impossible to handle the As far as the possible handling of conservative estimate of 3,000 regular some physical education classes on Satdaytime students next fall," said Robert urday morning, Burton said it was under L. Burton. consideration, along with the possibility The Dean of Student Personnel Serof offering Friday evening classes. vices stated that even with passage of the tax override election, many students Last fall there were 2,527 regularday will have to take evening classes. students and 1,931eveningstudents. This An additional19 instructors are needed semester there are 2,253 day students, on the faculty and cannot be employed 1,923 night students and 1,399 students without the requested increase in operin adult education. Not included are 36 ating funds. Navy and Marine Corps students in a Students currently attending Palomar special Naval program, compared with will be given the first chance in regis25 in the same category a year ago. tration in a tentative plan that will The grand total of 5,568 enrollment involve seeing the Admissions Office for this spring, compared with 5,103 a year residence verifying from June 1 to 14, ago, "makes it certain that we are going making tentativeappointment for fall regto have the largest enrollment ever in istration in the counseling office and September," Burton said. leaving a self-addressed stamped envelope that will be returned to the registrar after June 24. NORTH COUNTY AQUARIUM Day students, who will be forced to TROPICAL FISH take some evening classes, are also slated to receive first choice in evening ACCESSORIES, FILTERS, PUMPS, division next fall, c I o sing many to TANKS, BOOKS, HEATERS, ETC evening students. Last fall there were 808 regular day students who took at LIVE FOODS • least one night class also. "The standards for probation and ex1055 B UENA VISTA DRIVE VISTA, CALIFORNIA 92083 pulsion of students are being studied by 726-2197 the faculty and administration and there will be no change in the present situation

CAMPUS MOURNS KENNEDY Tax override failure overshadowed by assassination of NY Senator By Cecelia Lodico Shock and disappointment hung over the campus Wednesday with the news of the then attempted assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the defeat of the Palomar College tax override issue. Yesterday's news of his death brought the realization to this campus, as well as the rest of the nation, that it had lost another of its foremost •leaders. The early morning gloomy weather was most appropriate for the day. In a memorandum dispensed to all faculty members Wednesday morning, Dr. Frederick R. Huber, president of the college, said, "The events of the past 10 hours have completely overshadowed the results of the Palomar

College tax election and the formation of the single junior college district. "The violence which again has manifested itself in our society is a tragic commentary on the society to which those of us in education are dedicated. •It is absolutely essential that we renew our efforts to eradicate the incipient philosophy that the way to solve our problems is through rebellion and violence." At this time of national catastrophe, Palomar College must begin thinking about reorganizing its educational plans in light of the local voters' rejection of the tax override in Tuesday's primary. About 70 per cent of the district's 44,613 registered voters once more



THE TELESCOPE Vol. 21 No. 47

Published by the ASB of Palomar College

June 7, 1968

Students feted at recognition night Roger King and Shelley Egerer look at a picture of Robert F. Kennedy on display in Palomar's photography lab.

The picture was taken by Bruce McBroom about four y e a r s ago when Kennedy visited San Diego.

-----Telescope Editorial---An Israeli student turns to an American news commentator on a street corner in Jerusalem and says with disgust, "You Americans, you are a sick nation." In Europe a radio news broadcaster reports that many people there are not too surprised at what they hear over the radio concerning Robert Kennedy's shooting, as they have learned to expect such happenings in the United States. All across the nation and on Palomar College's campus statements such as "What 's this nation corning to?" are voiced. Violence has become a part of our society. You have probably heard this many times since the shooting in Los Angeles. But the people never seem to realize this until .some prominent person is slain and they seem to forget soon after the person is buried. Following P r e s ide n t Ken ned y ' s assassination in 1963, the major reaction was disbelief. This isn't true anymore We have become conditioned to having our national leaders slaughtered. We must not forget Robert Kennedy, we must not forget John F. Kennedy and we must not forget Dr. Martin Luther King. We must try to learn from these tragic events and try to correct the problems that cause such violence and lawlessness. The Telescope would like to express its

humblest feelings of sympathy to the Kennedy family in this , an additional tragedy among its members. This is a time in this nation's history when it is necessary for everyone to reassess his postion concerning violence. Once again a person who had courageously stood up in d e fens e of the nation's poor, its minorities and the truest concepts of democracy had his life ended by an assassin's brutal attack. Robert Kennedy shone as a light of hope for millions of Americans who believed America must change. This hope may now be gone. This is a time when American's leaders must take into consideration the fact that the poor people of this nation and the many minorities cannot stand any more killing of the leaders who offer their only hope for a decent future. When a group of people in this nation cannot see any hope for tomorrow, when they feel that they no longer have a leader representing their interests in government , then their only recourse to gain a voice in the government may be by violence. The question everyone must answer is where do we go from here? Where can we go from here? Where must wego from here?

Approximately 60 students were present at the Sixth Annual Associated Students Award and Recognition night on Monday evening. Scholarship awards were presented to Jeanne Duli, $100, Ladies Auxiliary, Fleet Reserve Association; Cheryl Tucker and James B. Lessley III and Sandra Judson received the $100 continuing s o p hom o r e Palomar Patrons scholarships; Carol Moyers was awarded the $100 staff N.C.P. Wives scholarship; Dea Fairchilds and Melissa Warren received the ~100 Edith L. Webster scholarship. Two special speech awards were given

TA editor to speak at commencement here The campus athletic field will bring bigger and better things to 310 students who will be taking part in the commencement exercises June 15. In addition to the 310 students to be graduated then, 101 r e c e i v e d their degrees in the mid-term commencement exercises February 2. Ronald T. Kenny, editor of the Escondido Daily Times Advocate, will be the commencement speaker. Also speaking will be Miss Mitties McDonald, representing the student body. Miss McDonald is an award-winning member of the local speech team. The commencement ceremonies will begin at 2 p. rn.

Seven to be presented Thoreson reviews this semesters certificates tomorrow The 13th annual Apprenticeship Completion ceremony and banquet will be held at the Palomar College Student Union at 7 p;rn. tomorrow night when vocational certificates will be presented to seven graduates. They are: Eugene s. Thompson, Ricky J. Burns, Donald P. DuBois, William A. Bowman, Stephen A. Bowman, Daniel Moriarty and Elias Lopez. The speaker for management will be George Gentry, president, San Diego Building Contractors Association, and speaking for labor will be Fred Gough, coordinator of apprenticeship training, District Council of Carpenters, San Diego. Dr. Frederick R. Huber, president of the college, will speak greetings for the guests. Entertainment will be provided by Mrs. Georgia Herington, organist; Mrs. JaDene Dugas, soloist; and Miss Mildred Ayers, college dance instructor; and students Robert Bielasz, Anita Smith, Judy Ball, Torn Bates, Ken Parris and Marie Eason.

AndeliDl, Spurling win in photo rontest Two Palomar photographers have captured third place awards in the annual East Los Angeles Junior College statewide photography contest it was announced recently. Steve Spurling, plac~d third in the scenic category and honorable mention for an animal picture. George Anderson took a third in spot news with a shot of President Lyndon Johnson eating cake at Camp Pendleton's anniversary celebration last fall.

accomplishments m farewell letter

Dear Students, man team to go to Miami. The football Sometimes it has been customary in team will be flying to Phoenix, Arizona, the past for the president to make a this year. The most important areas of report to the student body on the semthe budget were s at i s if i e d by our currently proposed budget. I attempted ester's activities, short-comings and accomplishments. personally to keep the salaried held off from ASB budget ex p e n s e s other than The first area of consideration is the bookstore. First, we discontinued the those directly related to ASB. We reduced this somewhat. However it's impossible 10 I'ereent discount available to teachers here at Palomar. Secondly, we investito completely control the salaries until gated at length the idea of expanding the such a time the ASB can incorporate and bookstore. We were not eligible for a gain more student government atonorny. federal loan until such a time as we had Governor Reagan's creation of the Calian annual guaranteed income. fornia junior college board is a step in This, in short, meant rn and ito r y this direction. I hope that future ASB student body fees as voted on by the Council's will pursue incorporation. students on each p art i c u 1 a r college . Locally, the Council has been active campus. I testified before the Education in the following areas. We have ratified Committee in Sacramento and before the the ICC constitution which created the California Teacher's Association in Bur- : ICC treasury. We now have a written lingarne and personally talked with at dance policy and have passed a resoluleast a dozen senators and assemblymen tion establishing a free speech area on on this exact issue. Unfortunately the campus. The Council has finally impleissue died in Assembly committee by mented the two year-old teacher an 8 - 8 vote. I urge your next president evaluation program. Much credit for this to pursue this issue. is due to Miss Rita Schmidt. We have Administrative write-offs due to over been lucky also for the many activities inventory in the bookstore have been of the TCC and its activities under the incorporated into the student body budget able leadership of Paul Hauptman. The so as to avoid the disastrous write-off biggest disappointment suffered by the of $12,000 that occurred last year. Council was the defeat of the tax overTeachers have also been notifiedoftheir ride after the many hours of canvassing responsibility in minimizing losses to the local communities. the ASB via early book ordering. +-w&nt to thank all of the students who One final point brought under considertook the time to assist the ASB on many ation was a five per cent discount of its projects; I want to thank the other to all ASB card holders. But, the loss in members of the Student Council for bearrevenue would have had to have been ing with me in our efforts and T want to made up from an increase in the student thank the administration who have made body fee. the ASB's records and their time so The second major area of work was readily available to the ASR members. the budget. We gave the speech team an Your grateful president, additional $500 to enable the entire 12Bob Thoreson

to Mitties McDonald. She received a newly formed award presented by the 40 coaches of the speech conference, Outstanding Lower Division Speaker. She also received the Outstanding Palomar Speaker award. Mitties McDonald, Palomar's national champion speaker, has been named the recipient of the Carl Bovero award for the outstanding junior college speaker on the West Coast. Miss McDonald received $50 cash for the honor. She was chosen from ten contestants within the Pacific Coast Conference by the 50 team coaches. Awards were given in two categories: an upper and lower division. Miss McDonald's award was the first such vresentation in Palomar's history. She had never participated in speech competition prior to corning to Palomar last year. Other honors Miss McDonald has acquired are those of national chamion, Far West' champion, state champion. and runner-up for an outstanding speaker~ award. Campus Achievement awards were presented in three divisions: service, special interest and religious. Circle K received the service award; Young Republicans were awarded the special interest award; and the Christian Science club received the religious interest award. Certificates of merit were given by the Student Council to students who have made significant contributions to an organization or department and to the campus as a whole. Recipients must possess good citizenship and an acceptable grade point aver age; they are recommended by club advisors and department heads. The group and departments who awarded certificates included: Gamma Sigma Chi, girls service 9lub; Associated Women Students; Circle K, men's service club; Pep Club; International Club; Newman Club, Catholic oriented religious group; Veterans Club; Women's Recreation Association; Young Democrats; Young Republicans; the Cheerleading squad; Student Evaluation Committee; Student Council officers; Journalism Department; Photo-Journalism ; Speech Department; Inter-Club Council. Dr. Frederick R. Huber, Palomar president, gave the after dinner address.

Taff sweetl1cart of Circle K club AWS president -elect Kathy Taff has been selected Circle K's sweetheart of the s e rn e s t e r, according to Torn Galloway, club president-elect. The blue-eyed, brunette nursing major was s e I e c ted because of her many activities and contributions to the college through hours of selfless work, stated Galloway. "Wow, I thought they were kidding. They ( the Circle K men ) are all sweeties,'' stated Miss Taff. Among her many activities include secretary of the Freshman Class, Treasurer of Gamma Sigma Chi, Inter- Club Council representative for the Freshman Class, flute player in the Palomar Band and a member of the Pep Club. She will also be a cheerleader next semester. After Palomar, the Fallbrook High graduate plans to attend either Hurnbolt State College at Arcata, San Diego State or California Lutheran at Thousand Oaks.

turned down the measure with 18,241 no votes and 12,609 yes votes. The tallies resulted in about a 59 per cent rejection by the voters, with the remaining 41 per cent in favor of the measure. The override needed a majority approval for passage. Every curtailment that had tentatively been scheduled before the election will "absolutely~ be carried through, according to Dr. Huber. "We will be on a limited budget for next year for sure. We can't possibly get any money before next year." The president spoke in reference to the passage of Proposition 2, a state bond which will allocate $65 million to junior colleges for construction purposes. "I don' t know how much money the state will grant Palomar,~ Dr. Huber continued. "Nor do I know when the state will offer this money. But whenever it is, and whatever the amount, the college must have matching funds in order to be granted the allocation. And we do not have this money. Because of the tax override defeat, we do not even have the operational funds we need, let alone the matqhing funds for construction. "A man who voted against the tax override called me this (Wednesday) morning. He said that the public schools are the only remaining instituiion which must go to the people for funds. This is why he voted no. "I think we are in the midst of a taxpayers' revolt. I do not think this reflects on Palomar College as to what we are doing. I know people who believe in this institution, but can't support a tax increase. "There are also people in the community who don't believe these curtailments will take place. I guess we will have to demonstrate how serious the need is." Dr. Huber said that elementary schools often have to demonstrate their need to the taxpayers by "setting up classes in tents and holding double sessions. I don't know why people feel this way. There has never been a time when we said we would curtail something and then did not carry it through. I would hope that the demonstration (of curtailments) will change the public's mind. "As an educator, I feel that I must plan ahead, look into the future and have perspective. That's why we started going to the public for help over a year ago. The bond issue (defeated in a February 1967 election) was for 10 years. It was to establish Palomar in an orderly fashion to take care of the growth. The voters say to us, 'How can you look beyond two to three years?' Well, I have to. "That's why we carne back with the tax override. We have pressing needs in Life Science, Business and Physical Education Departments. The operation and rnaintainence has to go on with the growth. We can't stand still. This (the three departments' expansion) is what is going to have to be curtailed. Another issue affecting this was a proposed single junior district formation in North County. Proposition Y was downed by 30,763 no votes to 17,952 yes votes. Both Palomar and MirlCosta Colleges were against its passage. Curtailments resulting from the 19cent override defeat include a 70 per cent slash into the adult education program, reducing classes offered from 88 to 28. About 800 students will have to take split sessions. attending day and night classes. Another 300 will have to attend all their classes at night. The 19 needed instructors for the staff will not be hired. There will be no night summer session classes and bus service will be discontinued.

The Sounds

of Silence

Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk to you again Because a vision softly creeping left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains Within the sound of silence

And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more people talking without speaking people hearing without listening people writing songs that voices never share no one dare disturb the sound of silence

Photo by Ed Means

In restless streams I walked alone down narrow streets of cobblestone 'neath the halo of a streetlamp I turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light that split the night and touched the sound of silence

Photo by Jim Schaible

Photo by Will Holly

Fools in hiding do not know silence like a cancer grows hear my words that I might teach you take my arms that I might reach you but my words like silent raindrops fell to echo the wills of silence And the people bowed and prayed to the neori god they made and the sign flashed out its warning in the words that it was forming and the sign said: the words of the prophetE! are written on the subway walls tenement halls and whispered in the sound of silence.

As CeCe sees it

Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel

'By Cecelia Lodico Sounds of Silence manifest themselves in many ways. The Telescope has tried to capture a few of these sounds found on campus in relation to Simon and Garfunket•s song by the same name. Next year, the Sounds of Silence will again be prevalent, but in a different form. The campus will be quieter since many students will not be able to attend here during the day. Hundreds will be refused full day schedules, attending both day and night classes. Lack of needed instructors will also ·keep down the noise. Fewer adults attending adult education classes will unfortunately add to the tranquility. These are only a few of the many new sounds to invade the campus in the fall. However, students don't have to wait until the fall to hear these new sounds. They can walk onto campus any night this summer and the absence of night classes during summer session will reveal to them the true onset of the Sounds of Silence.

Photo by Linda Bennett


Photo by Bob Nelson

Editor-in-Chief . . . . . Cecelia Lodtoo Page 1, Tuesday . . . . . . Jerry Nichol~ Assistant . . . • . . . . . Steve Krueger Page 2, Tuesday Joan Kattelmam1 Page 1, Friday . . . Steve Schneider. Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Wu Page 2, Friday . Rick Monroe Assistant . . . . . Dave Conrad Exchange Editor Jan Donoho Advertisements . . Dianna Houser Photographers . . . . Ted Karoun~s, Don Bartle t Journalism Advisor . Fred Wilhel~ Photography Advisor . Justus AhreDd Graphic Arts Advisor . . James McNutt

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