ETELESC Tom Pohle elected ASB President Palomar College
Volume 23 Number 49 ¡ A Publication of the Associated Students
June 2, 1970
San Marcos, Calif.
444 ballots cast;
Graduation ceremonies slated for June 13 on football field Graduation ceremonies for the class of 1970 of Palomar College have been scheduled for June 13 on the football field. Some 150 sophomores will receive diplomas and certificates in ceremonies to be highlighted by an addres s by Mr. Don Hunsaker II, Ph.D., professor of zoology at San Diego State. In addition to the main address, Mr.
Frank Barnhart named as ~outstanding Athlete' during spring banquet Wrestler F rank Barnhart was nam ed Palomar's outstanding athlete to high light the annual spring athletic banquet, held in the cafeteria last Wed nesday night. The banquet covered baseball, tennis, track, archery, and golf, with the presentation of certificates and award s to the participants. The list to follow will cover each sport, its major award winners, and the award s sponsor: Baseball--most valuable, Jimmy Dean, Crosthwaite Athletic Supply; most improved, Alan Conley, Allan Mason Insu rance; most inspirational, Jan Mongoven, C.C. Gephardt; and co-captains, Dennis Melton and Dan Gabbard, trophies and awards. Golf- -most valuable , Bob Huntsman, Golfcraft Corporation; most improved, Dave Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McDonald. Tennis--most valuable, John Baldwin, Oceanside Blade Tribune; most improved Dan Efseaff, Escondido, Tennis Club. Track--most valuable, Don Tucker, Duran and Duran Contractors; most improved, Don Buss, Spartan Sports Supply; most inspirational, Jay Larkin, Dr. J.D. Adkins; c aptain, Tucker, Associated Student Body, Palomar Col lege. Archery--most valuable man, George Plocic, Grant Trigg Memorial; most valuable woman, Terry Gibson, Grant Trigg Memorial: and most ins pi rational, Plocic, Walt Lurkoc Archery Supply. Along with the outstanding athlete award won by Barnhart, two other major trophies were awarded for the year's accomplishments. 6' 8" Charlie Ayars, the center on this year's basketball team received the sportsmanship award while David Faulkner received the studentathlete scholarship.
Priority cards available lor Ia// registration Currently enrolled day students may pick up registration priority cards any time in the Admissions Office. A date-time priority system is being used so that all day students now attending Palomar can register August 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14. Day students now attending Palomar have first priority in registering. Any student who needs assistance in planning a tentative study program is requested to see a member of the counseling staff before the close of the spring semester. Students who arrange to register from August 10 to August 14 are expected to have no difficulty in obtaining classes. Approximately 3,000 day students are expected to enroll for the fall semester.
Football coach will speak tonite Wes Fesler, three-time All- Ame rican football e nd at Ohio State University and a member of the National Football Hall of Fame, will speak at the Palomar Student Union tonight, at 7:15p.m. Ward Myers, college director of physical education, said the public is invited to hear Fesler and there is no admission charge.
'Change' ticket takes maiority Tom Pohle, leading the "Students for Change" ticket, was elected ASB presi dent for the Fall semester in last week's election. Others elected to office were John Kealy , vice president; Terry Geiger, treasurer: Jerrie Cheung, secretary; and David Greunbaum, Bob Rickman, Jan Gustina, Willabert Parks, Gary Young, Lynda Buendel, Jackie Easley, and Ray Larson, all representatives-atlarge. Tery Meyer was elected AMS president and Teresa Green was elected as AWS president. Votes were cast last Monday and Tuesday at polls located on the patio. Results were announced late Tuesday. 444 ballots were cast.
Frank Mott, spring 1969 semester ASB president of Palomar, will be on hand for ceremonies . He and the present ASB president, Jon Engle, will join in leading the audience in the pledge of allegiance. Mott and Engle will then join dignitaries on the guest platform. Mr. Burrill Monk will direct the Palomar College band in a processional, and will also perform several selections during the program. Dr. Tipton Wood, Pastor Emeritus, Valley Center Church, will lead the invocation, which will be followed by the main address by Dr. Hunsaker. Following the main speaker, Mrs. Marjorie Wallace, assistant dean of student personnel, women, will present student awards and scholarships to graduating students. Following presentation of awards, Dr. John Schettler, chief administrative officer of the college, will present the class of 1970. Conferring of degrees will be handled by Mr. Richard Kornhauser, a member of the Governing Board. Following the alma mater and benediction, a special reception will be held in the Student Union honoring all graduates, parents, guests, and faculty, and Mr. George Toll, Mr. Burrill Monk, and Mr. Sheridan Hegland, retiring faculty members.
Newly elected ASB officers are (top) John Kealy, vice-president; Tom Pohle, ASB president; David Greunbaum, representative-at-large; Ray Larson, rep: (second row) Teresa Green, AWS president; Lynda Buendel, rep; Willabert
Parks, rep; Jan .Gustina, rep; Jackie Easley, rep; (bottom) Bob Rickman, rep; Gary Young, rep; and Terry Geiger, treasurer. Elections were held last week. Missing are Jerrie Cheung, elected secretary, and Terry Meyer, AMSpresident.
'Man of La Mancha' set for summer "Man of La Mancha", one of the finest and most original works in the musical theater, will be produced as the culmination of Palomar College's Summer Theater Workshop. The highly successful Broadway hit will be directed by Mr. Buddy Ashbrook, drama instructor. The summer workshop, scheduled as Theater Arts 33, is open to all residents of the area, regardless of their educational background, said As hbrook. To participate in the production of "Man of La Mancha", registration in the course must be made by June 29, the first day of the session, Ashbrook said. Fi rst tryouts for the cast will be the same day, with ope nings for 13 male and nine female roles. Several of the roles will require singing and dancing ability, and several more characters might be added to the ensemble if enrollment warrants it, Ashbrook said. 1usicians will be needed, including organ and piano players. Some musicians may also be members of the stage cast. There are various other opportunities for stage experience in the workshop schedule, such as makeup, costuming, pub-
licity, programs, set construction, lighting, sound, stage crews, props, box office, stage management, rehearsal prompter, choreographer and music assistants. The climax of the workshop project and the students involved will be the tO-performance run of ''Man of La Mancha", written by Dale Wasserman, with Mitch Leigh composing the music and Joe Darion the lyrics. Most of the rehearsals and technical
According to Darlene Laskowski, newl y-appointed .-\SB .-\wards Chairman, the spring 1970 Awards Banquet has been tentatively scheduled for June 10. l\liss Laskowski needs a li st of all activities campus c lubs have been in or s ponso r ed including speakers, parties, etc. by tomorrow in order to total club activity points. The club with the highest total of points will be recogni zed with an engraved plaque.
Young Democrats will meet the second and fourth 1\londays each month during the summer at 8 p.m. in the Unruh Headquarters at 467 orth Rose in Escondido. All interested students are invited to attend.
The Blues Image, ATCO Recording artists, will appear in concert in the Palomar Dome Saturday night. They have the # 12 record on the na-
activities will be handled during class time. As hbrook stated, "I am looking forward to this summer with the anticipation of it being my most exciting and satisfying experience in the theater. I hope I have lots of company." Opening night for the production will be July 29. Last summer, the college workshop produced the musical, "Camelot," with cast members ranging from a junior high school student to others holding master's degrees.
$700 VISTA loan extended Representatives of VISTA were on campus last week collecting funds from Palomar students that would aid in their efforts to help a local Chicano family keep their home. Last semester , Palomar's ASB Council approved a loan to the family through the VISTA office of $7 00 which was to
/News at a Glance! l\lemorial and dedication services for :\like Pickens and his sculpture will be held today at ll a.m. A plaque will be placed on Pickens ' rusted ring sculpture near the library.
tiona! charts, "Ride, Captain, Ride." The Los Angeles based group is currently on a nation- wide tour which began with two sell - out shows atBillGraham's Fillmore West. Also appearing as special guests will be the 1\'larshmallow Rug. Tickets will be S3. 00 and are available at the college bookstore or at the door.
Does "The Colonel~ really have the best legs in town? Circle K and Phi Rho Pi challenges that statement and invites Palomar students-- both girls and guys--to prove it is wrong. Today at ll a .m. in the Student Union the two clubs will sponsor a ":\1iniskirt and Legs Contest''. Students may register to compete in the ASB office or the business office, and trophies will be given for : The Shortest Mi ni (measured on ratio!) The Prettiest Legs, The Best Thighs, Knees , Ankles , The Hairiest, and The Uglies t Legs. Let's show the Colonel that Palomar has the best legs in town. Gals sew up those minis and defeat the midis. Guys show your legs and win a trophy! Register now to be a contestant. Come on students--shake a leg!
be used towards the purchase of a home for their 10 children. Terms of the loan included repayment to the college of the $7 00 by June 1, and as it stands now, neither the family or VISTA will be able to collect the whole sum by the dead line date. Members of VISTA attended last Monday's meeting of the ASB Council to request an extention of the loan deadline, and to report that they had collected approximate $ll0 of the money on campus in classrooms and at a table which they had set up in the patio area in front of the Student Union. Due to l ack of publicity , the group was not able to collect any more than that amount. Accordi ng to AMS President John Kealy, the extension will be granted, and AMS representatives will meet with representatives of VISTA to try and work out some way of repaying the loan or collecting the money through service projects sponsored before the new loan deadline, tentative set for November I.
Pohle received 230 votes to beat John Donnelly's 214. John Kealy, running unopposed, had 272 yes votes and 139 no . For the secretarial post, Jerrie Cheung beat Darlene Laskowski by a total of 226 to 207. The trasurer's post was won by Terry Geiger who received 216 votes to Steve Hughes' 197. Terry Meyer was elected AMS president with 313 yes votes and 108 no. Teresa Green became AWS president with 285 yes votes and 99 no. Both Meyer and Miss Green were unopposed. Representatives- at-large and the votes they received were Lynda Buendel, 214 yes, 154 no; Jackie Easley, 230 yes, 129 no; David Greunbaum, 252 yes, ll4 no; Jan Gustina, 261 yes, 99 no ; Ray Larson, 251 yes, 109 no; Willabert Parks, 242 yes, 104 no; Bob Rickman, 202 yes, 159 no; and Gary You ng, 246 yes, 102 no .
BULLETIN ASB President Jon Engle will go before the Adm inistrative Council today at ll a.m. to request that the spring elections be invalidated, due to a discrepancy between the number of actual ballots and registration signatures. Although Engle does not have a concensus of the council to back him up in his claims, he stated at Monday's ASB meeting that his first duty as President, as outlined in the list of presidential duties, is to uphold the Constitution, and that he would take the matter through channels to the Administrative Council and on to the Governing Board of the college. The actual count of ballots in the election was 444, with only 439 signatures on the registration sheet. Engle has relieved Elections and Credentials Chairman Bob Olson of all duties of that post, in keeping with his opinion that the election was not correctly conducted. At an ASB meeting May 28, Engle announced that the elections were invalid and called for a new election June 2 and 3, but members of the council appealed the decision of the chair with a 1 yes, 9 no, 3 abstention vote.
Student poem published "Walking", a poem by Jodi Scott, a Palomar student", has been selected by the National Poetry Press to be published in the Annual Anthology of College Poetry. Selection of the poem was made by the anthology's board of judges, who compile poetry written by college men and women from every state of the union.
$243,000 COST
Bids open for campus pool Plans and specifications for the estimated S243,000 Palomar College swimming pool construction, as submitted by the architectural firm of Paderewski, Dean & Associates , were approved Tuesday by the college board of governors. College officials said bids will be opened June 11. The project is being financed through various funds including $65, 000 granted from the P alomar College Development Foundation, and $91 ,460 in a state fund
allocation. Other funding is from the community service fund, already budgeted, and the capital outlay fund. In other business Tuesday, the board approved inauguration of an agreement for a free exchange of students in evening . summer school classes between Palomar district and the MiraCosta college district; with neither district to charge the other for such transfers. The plan would become effective for the 1970- 71 term.
Letters to the Editor Coll~e Students_._ I never thought college students would stoop to such low standards, but I've found out there is always one bad apple in the bunch. For the last couple of weeks girls have been ransacking wallets in the gym room. They finally found mine!!!!! Money that was going into the bank this afternoon is probably right now being spent in the cafeteria on pizza and coke. It's a shame some peoples' m<;>rales (sic) are so low. Oh yes, don't choke too hard on the food. Darlene C. Laskowski ICC Secretary #34324
Monk turns 1n baton; ends 33 year career After 33 years in the educational field, with the last 12 at Palomar, Mr. Burri! G. Monk, chairman of the music department and music instructor, has decided to turn in his baton and travel both in America and abroad with his wife, Roberta. During his 12 years at Palomar, Monk has been the concert band director, as well as a classroom instructor in music and band. He taught a s ymphony orchestra night class, and directed the pep bands at football games. He has contributed consistently to community service programs in the area, in both campus concerts and in programs for various civic and service organizations in towns in the region. Before coming to Palomar Monk taught music and business courses at high schools in South Dakota and California. Majoring in education and minoring in music, Monk r eceived his bachelor ' s degree from the University of Southern California, and his master's from the University of South Dakota.
Instructors show class as reality Are you tired of sitting through c lass after class of the same repetitive lecture routine? Contrary to what you may think, Botany II students le arn via a more ad venturous route . On .May 21, the wonde ring botani s ts, led by instruc tors Wayne Armstrong and Fred Elliot, wr apped up the ir exc iting se me ster of field · trips by clim bi ng the s now- capped peak of l\1t. San Jac into, limber-pine c ountry and Southe rn California ' s s econd highes t mountain. Appa r e ntly instruc tors Arm s trong and Elliot feel that a plant tax onom y and ecol ogy c ourse, without cons id e r able time bei ng s pe nt out in the e nvironment where plants grow, jus t isn' t rea ll y a In this semeste r 's c omple te cours e. effort s to acquaint the ir stude nts with the divers ity of pla nt communities, the wander ing bot anical gyps ies ma naged to witness r ecentl y bu rne d- over a r eas in n amona and Gopher Canyon. :\lso visited were the Anza- Borr ego Dese rt , the prop osed Torr e y Pines extension, t he San Luis Rey Rive r, Palom ar mountai n, Otay, Gotay and Tec ate peaks , Cuayamaca State P ark, Julian, l\1 t. San Jaci nto and the highlight of the whole se m este r , the Grand Canyon. On the Grand Canyon tr ip l\Iay 7- 10, the botany c lass, along with liir. Robert Ebert's invertebrate zoology c las s backpacked down the s teep, dusty, ni ne mile long Kaibab t r ail to the banks of the roaring Colorado River, where they m ade camp and slept that night. The next mo rn-· ing they arose e arly and hiked out the truly breath-taking 11 miles along Bright Angel trail. During that one hike, from the Ponderosa Pine forest on top to the lower Sonoran Desert at the bottom, Palomar students saw the equivalent of plant communities occurring from lower Canada to Northern Mexico. The official s c ope of the course is plant: classification, life cycle patterns, taxonomy, and ecology. However, the underlying theme of the whole semester has centered around developing an appreciation for the outdoors and the need for preserving what's left of our "natural" wilderness environment.
Monk's r esignation was accepted "with regret'' by the college board of governors , and will become effective at the end of the current spring semester.
Art photography, workshop scheduled Palomar's art and photography dep artments will combine their efforts for the first time in conducting a two week workshop for teachers, "Design through P hotography' ', June 22 to July 2. While the program has been billed as a "cr e ative approac h for teachers'', anyone interes ted in photography may enroll. Five quarte r units of credit are being offered by UC SD Extension with a fee of $37.50. Three semester units are offered by P alomar with a materials fee of $7. 50.
An open letter to Fred Wilhelm " To accord s tudents a medium of free expr e s s ion . .. the newspaper adviser will not assu me management of the Telescope.' ' -----Te lescope policy
An Open Lette r to Mr. Fred Wilhelm: Despite t he c ontrols that have been enfo r ced on thi s s emeste r' s TELESCOPE staff, you have r eserved the right of censors hip to me and to the members of the editorial board. We feel that in this, our last iss ue, it i s fi nall y time to pay t ri bute to you for allowing us the opportunity to expe r ience t he fundamentals of fre e s peec h fi rsthand. Not once have you stifled our c r e ativity, not once have you excluded copy that we deemed vital, not once have you given in to the hassle that we have all too often r eceived fro m ind ividuals who know absolu tely nothing about t he highly technical process involved in the production of a newspaper. And never did you lower yourself to telling those individuals how ignorant they reall y showed the m se lves to be . Freedom of the pr es s is not an overshadowed package that you have tried to feed us in the teac hing of your c lass. Instead, you have taught us to investigate our fac ts, analyze situations, and express ourse lves clearl y-- in s hort, you have taught us that with fr eedom comes a serious responsibility. We can only hope that we retain what ~· ou have taught us here, and that the se r ious responsibility we pic ked up fro~ Fred \\'ilhel m will be one we wo~.'t eve r forget. J ackie Eas ley and the s pring 1970 staff
* * * Dear Sir: The connotation which you have applied to the term "good citizen" in the editorial in your issue of May 19, 1970 is reprehensible! I do not choose to become a "good citizen" by demonstrations which too frequently become violent. In the other editorial of that issue, you state "Certainly this nation has seen that a great majority of college students want to see some definite steps taken to end the war in Vietnam." On May 15, you reported the results of a poll. You stated "What are your feelings about the war?" 259 students expressed support of the President's policies; 229 favored immediate withdrawl (sic) from Cambodia; 191 favored immediate withdraw! (sic) from Vietnam; 153 support a Fight to Win Policy. Where is your great majority? Nationwide polls have produced approximately the same ratios. When asked if they were in support of the boycott being held at Palomar, 372 students said no; 199 said yes. As presented to the faculty, the purpose of the boycott was to show opposition to escalation of the war and students being shot. Perhaps the "great majority" didn't want to show opposition. Arch Ledbetter # 00277 * * Dear Editor, * ''Where are the good old days?'' So many of the elder generation ask. With the change to a new era, I believe we are coming back to them. If citizens took the trouble and effort to sincerely inquire as to what the young generation of today is interested in, they would praise and not harbor a grudge toward "today's youth." More often, the BAD news is more widely publicized about college and high school kids--long hair, no baths, and no manners. That's the Establishment's beliefs, more or less, leaving it there. Instead of being ignorant of some true facts, and looking deeper into the new generation's interests, the Establishment would soon learn that today' s students believe in reverting to the oldfashioned way of life. They are just plain folk who want peace, good wholesome food, a clean land in our United States, and above all want to stand up for what is right.
' 'The fundamental of free speech is to be encouraged by thinking men.'' --Telescope policy FUN N' SU:t\ Pool, Billiard & Card Room, Sauna, BBQ Area, Landscaped, 1 & 2 Br, GE Air Cond. & Refrig., l\1agic Chef Range & Oven, Carpet & Drapes, Laundry Room, Children OK. From $125. THE IMPERIAL 744-2450 San Marcos
To be among them is a pleasure, talking on subjects like growing organic foods, keeping our cities clean of pollution, and keeping the Country's peace from war. By comparison, looking back 25 or even 50 years, the Establishment grew up in this same environment. Only · years and overpopulation have changed all that. Turning back to the 1920's and 30's, most folks had gardens of fresh foods, homebaked bread, etc., all without the preservatives we have now added to foods. Because of the now-growing metropolitan areas we have the pollution we did not have then, and this is what the young people are struggling to avoid . These and many more are the advancements our Establishment hasn't given thought to. Instead they form opinions, for the most part, without concern or great interest in just what this young generation is doing. You'd better believe it! This generation is far from stupid, they are smart, learned, and wiser than those who criticize without knowledge. Only a small percentage of today's youth create the problems--which are widely printed-thus making the whole generation BAD. The good old days are coming back-if the Establishment will give it a chance! (Name Withheld)
Dear Editor and Palomar College Students, On behalf of the Students for Change it is with great pleasure that I thank those who have aided us in the recent election. I first wish to thank the members of
the Student Body for their votes for our candidates and platform. We feel that our programs are worthy of consideration by the Administration and will do our utmost to achieve action upon them. I feel constrained to emphasize that an "end to the fascist, imperialist capitalistic ASB bookstore" is not one of our goals. This was a private joke that was erroneously reported to the Telescope as being true. We foresee no major attempts at changing the bookstore's operation. Second I thank those members of the ASB Council who despite personal opposition to our party nevertheless resisted the efforts of current prssident Jon K. Engle to disqualify members of our slate on the most tenuous and unfounded charges. Third, I offer special thanks to Miss Jackie Easley, thanks which the entire Student Body should join in giving. In these days of repression of dissent and neo-McCarthyism, she has upheld the First Amendment and the traditional role of the newspaper as the public's guardian against irresponsibility, corruption and tyranny. In the manner of Peter Zenger's opposition to the Royal Governor or Thomas Nast's to "Boss" Tweed, she has resolutely faced the cruelest and crudest attempts at intimidation by ASB President Jon K. Engle and others. Those who would end the media's independence would as well destroy the Constitution. Such are the policies of dictators and should be repugnant to those who believe in our Constitutional government. David Gruenbaum #36358
I'm addressing this letter to you with the knowledge that you wm not read it. Like all the other letters handled by the Post Office, it will be stamped, and bundled, and shuffled, and sorted, and collected, and piled into a pigeon hole with all those "sp'"0ia.l" letters; those letters written to you by people who have no one else to write to. They have to say. They want to get it off their chests, and when they write to you, at least they won't get any rejections or put downs in return. They get nothing in return. Just the feeling that they've done something. They said it, and if no one listens, it's not their fault. I didn't think I'd ever become one of them, but here I am. There's just so many of us that we all get lost somewhere. We're not people, not even numbers anymore. Just a huge mass that guys sop and elects presidents. How do you meet individual needs when you have too many people to have individuals? So I'll settle for speaking in an empty theater. I ' ve been in every movement, tried every tactic: civil rights, the war, pollution, marches, sit-ins, rap sessions. You name it, I've done it: draft card burnings, sensitivity training, just to be heard. But after all the work, all the mone y and time spent, I realized that nothing happened, nothing's changed. No one really listens. If I burn down my school, they call me violent. But when I was marching, and the rocks were being thrown at me, I was called violent then. So I flipped a coin. Heads, I burn the school. Tails, I write to you. It came up tails. But I was thinking. What if I flipped the coin again tomorrow? (This is the letter I sent to President Nixon, more or less.) Tom Yamaguchi
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America ' s premier ballad singer will hold the grandstand spotlight the first six evenings at the Expo - June 24-29. Always a sell-out on his concert tours, Yarbrough will thrill fairgoers with a far-ranging repertoire of his greatest hitsFrankie and Johnny, Stanyan Street, I'll Love Away Your Troubles If I Can, Touching Through the Air, Baby the Rain Must Fall, and others. Clark Maffitt and Brian Pavies back Yarbrough in their own distinctive style.
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