The Telescope 24.19

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Palomar College

Volume 24 Number 19 · A Publication of the Associated Students

Speech team takes seventh

Music will be the theme of this morning's assembly when the Chamber Singers, the Concert Choir, the Concert Band, and the Contemporary Rock Ensemble will perform in the Dome at 10 a.m. Selections from Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" will be sung by the Chamber Singers. The music was com-

lStudio NumOOr 30' displayed in Gallery Members of the speech team who won sweepstakes honors at their recent c ompetition in Oregon are (top standing) Jan Caswell, Pat Wilson, Larry DeBoever, Ray Dahlin (coach), and Bob Mitchell. Sitting are Carmela Mag-




"A Day in the Vatican"beginsthefirst of a luncl')-hour series to be held in the Planetarium, December 4 at 11 a.m. The program consists of a series of slides depicting the famous city and will be set to concert music. Everyone is welcome to come .




Ecology meeting in F-22 today at ll a.m. There will be information for people who care.

War film series begins "To Kill and Be Killed," a series of three films concerning the ironies of war, will be presented on successive Fridays, starting tonight at '8 p.m. in ES-19 . The first film in the series will be "Ashes and Diamonds," a Polish film directed by Andrzej Wajda. "This prize-winning motion picture presents a clear portrayal of a communist society," said Mr. Harry Bliss, series director. "It bares the conflict of idealism and instinct in a young resistance fighter who assassinates the wrong men at the end of World War II." Also on the same bill is ''HiroshimaNagasaki," a short documentary film made by the Japanese which records the devastation created by the atom bombing of these two Japanese cities. Admission for students and community is free.

payo, Wendy Wetzel, Darlene Laskowski, and Steve Kildoo. Kneeling are Chuck Jackson, Rosela Del Castillo,, .Becky Green, Hazel Chamlee, and Joe Cosenza. The tourny hosted seventy-five western schools. Photo by L. M. McDaniel

'Christmas Star' show featured • • 1n December planetarium ser1es The traditional ''Christmas Star" show will be featured in the December series of weekly Wednesday evening programs at the Palomar Collegeplanetarium. Annually the most popular show of the planetarium's year of free demonstrations, "The Christmas Star" theme is the story of the Star of Bethlemen and the first Christmas. Charles A. Coutts, assistant dean of instruction for science, technology and business and director of the planetarium, said advance reservations are suggested for the free shows because of limited seating capacity. The performances are scheduled for 7:15 p.m. and again at 8:30 p.m. each Wednesday through December, including the period when the college otherwise will be closed for the holidays. He urged those attending to arrive about 15 minutes before the start of either of the two Wednesday evening

News Briefs Sunday night the Palomar College Music Department will present a program at 7:30 p .m . in the Dome. Admission is free and the public is welcome. The Chamber Singers, Concert Choir, Concert Band, and the Contemporary Rock Ensemble will be featured.

San Marcos, Calif.


Music featured today in Dome

• 1n tournament Competing against seventy-five colleges and universities from the western states, the Palomar Forensics team won seventh place sweepstakes recognition at the Western Speec h Ass ociation Tournament held in Portland, Oregon, over the Thanksgiving vacation. Miss Wendy Wetzel was a doublewinner, captu:t"ing first place trophies in persuasive and extemporaneous speaking, respectively. Miss Darlene Laskowski, Larry DeBoever, and Miss Becky Green all reached the semi-final round of expository speaking and received certificates of "excellence." Bob Mitchell, won fifth place in the championship round of persuasive speaking with an oration entitled, ''National Elections Should Be Subsidized by the Federal Government." The Wetzel-DeBoever debate team won four of six debate rounds, with victories over Centralia, Washington, Mt. Hood, Oregon, Western Washington State, and the University of Nevada, before be1ilg eliminated. Previous to the Portland Tournament, the Forensics team captured its second straight sweepstakes trophy at the Matador Forensics Festival hosted by Arizona Western College, Yuma, Arizona. The debate team of Wetzel- DeBoever won the power- matched championship debate bracket when they defeated previously undefeated San Diego State with a 5-0 decision. The final championship debate was a simultaneous telecast on station KBLUTV. In addition Miss Wetzel and DeBoever placed first and fourth in the championship round of impromptu speaking. Joe Cosenza won the first place trophy in persuasive speaking, while Charles Jackson placed fourth in the championship round of radio-speaking. Miss Jan Caswell won fourth place in oral interpretation. Other team members responsible for the sweepstakes finish were: Mrs. Carmela Magpayo, Rosela Del Castillo, Terri Miles, Steve Kildoo, Jim Smith, Becky Green, and Hazel Chamlee.

Dec. 4, 1970

The International Club will hold a bake sale in front of the student union December 9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p .m. Cakes, pies and home-made bread will be on sale along with coffee. The purpose of the sale is to raise money for scholarships to be given to students next year. All students and faculty are urged to c ome and buy something at the sale .




Karanja Mungai, a native of the Kikuyu tribe of Kenya, will speak today at ll a.m. in P-32. . All students and faculty members interested in learning about Kenya are invited to attend.




"Palomar College Communicates," a student-run radio broadcast, will feature the United Farm Organizers on this weeks program . It is heard over radio station KOWN at 5:45p.m. every Sunday. Next week the California Indian Legal Service will be discussed.

* * * will play in the Fairfield Steelworks Dome Saturday night for a dance sponsored by the Palomar Vets for Peace. Doors open at 8:30 p.m. Admission is $1 with an ASBcard and $2 without.






Palomar's Drama Club will meet at 11 a.m. today in P-33.


Mr. Chikak from the University of San Diego will be on campus Tuesday, December 7, from ll a.m. to 1 p.m. to talk to interested students about the USD campus.




Anyone concerned about the P it River Indians should meet in F-22 atll:30p.m. today.

shows, as spectaturs cannot be admitted after the lights have been dimmed for the beginning of the exhibition. Attendance for the planetarium shows recently passed the 96,000-mark for the five years since the planetarium was opened.

"The Studio Number 30 Brooks Avenue,'' ;· psychedelic light show environment with sounds and effects, is now on display in the campus Art Gallery. Joe Sterlum, Los Angeles artist and cinematographer constructed the exhibit to allow the audience to participate in the constantly changing kaleidoscope environment. The exhibit is meant to reconstruct the atmosphere of the artists former studio and workshop at #30 Brooks Avenue in Venice, California. Chairs will be placed in the Gallery so students can sit down and experience the mood of the show. Taped music and sound effects will also add to the experience. The show will close December 30.

Lecturer, author Cayce will speak on psychic phenomena studies Hugh Lynn Cayce, noted lecturer, author, and investigator of psychic phenomena, will be the next speaker in the Palomar College Community Lecture Series, at 8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 10, in the college student union building. There is no admission charge. Cayce is the managing director of the Association for Research and Enlightenment Inc., with headquarters at Virginia Beach, Va. His book, "Venture Inward," is based on the psychic discoveries of his famed father, the late Edgar Cayce. Cayce has been head of the association since his father's death in 1945. At the association's headquarters, the voluminous psychic data accumulated during Edgar Cayce's lifetime is being studied, classified, and prepared for publication. Hugh Cayce has made numerous te levision appearances over the country and has given many lectures in that field. Some of the booklets he has written include "Dreams-Language of the Unconscious," "For These Times," and "God's Other Door," the latter a study in survival after death.

and scouting, which led to his recent designation by the Junior Chamber of Commerce as "Outstanding Citizen" of Virginia Beach.

posed by Mr. Howard R. Brubeck, Dean of Humanities here at Palomar. "A Christmas Carol" was previously performed on campus in 1967 in a combined effort of the Drama, Music, Dance and Art departments. A selection from Mendelssohn's "Elijah" will be sung by the Concert Choir. They will also by doing two musical comedy medleys from the musicals "Paint Your Wagon" and "Oliver. " Mr. Joe Stanford, vocal and choral music instructor, will direct both the Chamber Singers and the Concert Choir. The Concert Band will be performing music by Holst and Grundman. Formed recently by new instrumental music instructor Mr. Larry J. Livingston, the Contemporary Rock Ensemble meets as a class which puts emphasis on original arranging and good musicianship. They will perform arrangements of rock compositions by Tim Dwyer, Phaizon Wood, and Dan Danner, all members of the Ensemble. The Concert Band and Rock Ensemble will both be directed by Livingston. Choral accompanists will be Steve Quincey, Camille Armstrong, Deborah Bradley and Larry Manley. Vocal soloists will be Sheran Galllpeau, Arch Ledbetter, Lee Thomas, Linda Norman and Kathy Cloney. This same concert will be offered to the general public free of charge Sunday at 7:30p.m. in the Dome.

ASSEMBLY SCHEDULE Because of today's music assembly, classes will be conducted on an Assembly Schedule. Time changes will be as follows: will meet at Classes beginning at 8 a.m . 8:00 to 8:50 9 a.m . 8:55 to 9:45 Assembly 9:50 to 10:50 10 a.m. 11:00 to ll :50 12:30 to 1:20 12 noon 1 p. m. 1:25 to 2:15 2 p.m. 2:20 to 3:10 3 p.m. 3:15 to 4:04


Weld builds console set Building a console for duplicating tapes, copying records, and making master and live recordings kept Palomar student Jim Weld busy this past summer. The new console, which replaces a temporary system that Weld has operated over the past two years, is located. in the Music Department. "After working with it, I figured out different ways to improve it and make it more portable and more versatile," commented Weld. Starting completely from scratch, Weld drew up a de£ign for the new console. The actual building took about two weeks to complete. Jim Manley,

another Palomar student, built the cabinet that houses the console and did all the woodwork, but Weld completed all of the electrical work and all of the wiring. As well as doing work with tapes, records, and recordings, the console has a "mixer" in it, which makes it capable of mixing different sounds from different tapes andputtingthemtogether. The music for the recent "Sound Collage" light and sound show was done by Weld on the machine. He also makes instructional tapes for some of the music classes and has done work for some of the other departments here on campus .

Jim Weld, Palomar student who built this console for use principally in the music department, completes a tape for

use in the Fine Arts Librar y. The console can also make master and live recordings . Photo by Bob Rickman

Cayce, who is a graduate of Washington and Lee University, had lectured at leading universities and colleges over the ·nation. His many community activities in his home city include church work

Financial aid help available at UCSB Students who are interested in financial aid at the University of California, Santa Barbara, should be alerted of the following dates that have been established for all programs of assistance: There is a deadline of January 15, 1971 for the three quarters fall, winter, spring 1971-72 ; a deadline of October 15, 1971 for the winter and spring quarters, 1972; and November 15, 1971 for the spring quarter, 1972. The Parents Confidential Statement must be sent to College Scholarship Service before December 15. Further information is available in the office of the dean of women, A-62.

Cagers win tourney opener over West Hills JC 87-75 Coach Andy Gilmour's cagers picked up their first victory of the season with a 87 - 75 win over \\'est Hills JC. The win places the Comets in the winning bracket of the .-\ntelope Vall ey Tournament, matching them up with Porterville College last night. Porterville earned a spot in the winners bracket with a 109-51 shelling over neighboring ?.IiraCosta. Center Steve :\IcRea led Comet scorers hitting on 11 of 19 attempts from the floor, along with four of five from the fou l line to give 26 for the evening. Other Comets finishing in double figures were l\Iarty Bojorquez, l9, and Ge ne Chaffin,l7 . The locals were bombed, 91- 47, in

their pre- tournament contest with Ce rri tos. The Comets next home tilt will be Tuesday, December 8, when they play host to :\IiraCosta.

Freshman guard Greg Price (22) goes up for a short jumper in Palomar's season opener with Long Beach CC. Gene Chaffin (44) and John Duffy posi-

tion themselves for the possible rebound. Price hit on this one, but the Comets fe ll to the tough Tigers 75-61. Photo by Ted Karounos

Gridders hold fall banquet Fall football players will be honored at the annual football awards banquet in the cafeteria, December 9, at 6:30. The price will be $2.25 per plate. A wards and letters will be persented by head coach Mack Wiebe. The awards will include most valuable player and honorary team captains. The Comets finished out the' 70 season


Learn to Fly

The Comets sta rted off the season in a disappo inting way by d r opping games to Long Beach and East Los Angeles . In their season openers at home the Comets received outstanding performances from two Orange Glen athletes, Gene Chaffin and Greg P ri ce. :3650. inc ludes: instruction, flight time

Both exchanged scoring honors with Chaffin picking up 14 and 12 points, and Price hitting for 12 and 14 markers. The Comets managed 61 points aga inst

and ground ins truc tion.

FAA approved.

Palomar Flight Center

Help Wanted

THE TELESCOPE Published Tuesday and Friday of each school week, except during fin a l exam inations or holidays, by the Communications Department of Palomar College, San Ma r cos , Calif., 92069. Phone: 744ll50, Ext. ll9. Advertising rates a re $1.50 per column inch. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and articles are the views of the writers and do not necessarily represent opinions of the staff, views of the Assoc iated Student Body Council, college ad ministration, or the Board of Gover nors. The TELESCOPE invites r esponsible "guest ed itori als" or letters to the editor. All communications must be signed by the author, including I.D. number. Names will be withheld upon r equest. Letters may be s ubm itted to the TELESCOPE editorial office, R- 4.

both opponents, while giving up 75 and 7 4, respectively.

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Ed itor-in-Chief. . . . . . . Jan Gustina Page 1, Tuesday . . . . . . Carolyn Stedd Page 2, Tuesday . . . .. Willabert Parks Page 1, Friday. . Car.o lyn Stedd Sports Editors. . :Ken Carr Mike Hicks Reporters . . . Frank Hoffa Debbie Ingraham Staff Artist. . . . . Bill Grote Photographers. . .Ken Whee land Larry McDaniel Randee Tracko Ad Manager . . . . . . . Jerrie Cheung Journalism Adviser. . . Fred Wi lhe lm Photography Adviser. . Justus Ahrend Graphic Arts Adviser. . . Jim McNutt

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with a 2- 5 conference record. The disappointing season, though, included two upset wins. One over visiting Hartnell in the final 25 seconds. The second was their conference opener with Riverside. The Tigers were ranked l Oth in the state before their loss to Palomar. Among the Comet lettermen are a number of candidates for all-confere nce honors. They include Mike Cameron, Tony Letuligasenoa, Gary Eaker, Wayne Jennings, Rick Muren, Henry Paredes.

FRIDAY, December 4: Basketball-- Antelope Valley Tournament, away 8:00p.m. Wrestling- - Southwestern Tournament at Southwestern. SATURDAY, December 5: Basketball-- Antelope Valley Tournament, away 8:00p.m. Wrestli ng-- Southwestern Tournament at Southwestern. TUESDAY, December 8: Basketball-- MiraCosta in the Dome. THURSDAY, December 10: Wrestling-- Long Beac h City College a nd San Diego City College , he re.

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