The Telescope 24.34

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Community housing problems outlined By Je r ry Nicholas T here doesn't seem to be an easy solution to the student hous ing s hortage . Conside ring that the issue seems to have been overlooked by the college administration, s tude nt gove rnme nt and the community, an inves tigation bord er s on the ac ademic . Dormitory- type hous ing c ould be built ne ar to the c ampus by private pa rties if plans we r e approve d by the di s trict, perhaps on c ampus p r ope rty, but so far no one has jumped at the opportunity. No stud ent groups have s hown any interest e ither. The PJC distric td oe s n'th a ve the m oney to build housing, according to Robe r t

Burton , de an of s tud e nt pe rsonne l. Yet De an Burton la beled t he l ac k of housing "one of our major proble m s . " The ASG could secure l oans to build dorms if ac ti vi ty card s we r e m ade mandato r y by s tate legis l ation. A bill r e quiring s tud ents to join is proposed e ve r y year, a nd the r e is no r eason to be lieve thi s will be the year for s uc h a c hange. It see m s the San Ma r c os c ity fa the r s ' pla ns for low-cos t hous ing a r e for cons tructing 186 homes to se ll to t he "forgotte n Am e ri can." That' s Mr. Silent Ma jority "making $8 ,000 a ye ar and not a bl e to s uppor t his fa mil y , " acc ording to one ci ty official. The poss ibli ty of low- c os t r e ntals

othe r t ha n dorms i n San Ma r c os is next to nil. Prohibit ive zoning near ly narrows space available to build apartme nts to the tria ngle form ed by Mi ssion, Enc initas and San Mar c os s treet s in " downtown" San Mar cos . The gove rnments of s ur rou nding c ities have r epeatedly r e jec ted meas ures to build fede r all y- s ponsor ed low- cost hou s ing. La nd ac ros s from the campus on Mi s s ion i s all zoned for m a nufac tu r ing, whi c h produces a highe r price tag than r eside nti al properties , s o conceivably there wo n't be a c hange there . Palom a r is bor de r ed on the east by anothe r sc hool dis trict' s prope r ty and

r es ide nti al us e in the wes t. The vac ant fi elds between the present hous ing and the campus be long to the distric t , however. The land be hind the campus i s agric ulturally zoned, so pe r haps it is the m os t promising area for progress . Eit he r the r e ' s not enough of a ma rket fo r s tude nt hous ing or the need i s unk nown to those who could take ac tion. There mus t be a r eason why nobody has c hosen to cate r to P a loma r s tud e nts . One Escondid o contrac t or, who prefe rred to go unc r edited, s ummed it up thi s way: "Its r eall y s imple. San Ma r cos wants the c ollege , but not (the) s tud ents . Besides , the r e' s no money in it, fig hting city ha ll, I m ean. " Bakersfield College is one of seve r a l


Palomar College

Volume 24 Number 34 · A Publication of the Associated Students

Fonner trustee Tipton L Wood se1V1•ces held "He was an outstand ing frie nd of t he College. He was a lways ava ilable for counse li ng to staff and students. His ded ication to human ity knew no bounds. Pa lom ar Co llege has lost a great and tr ue fr iend," said Dr. Freder ick R. Huber, Palomar pres ident.

Born in Brittsvi lle, Tenn., Wood graduated with a Ph.D . fr om Vanderbilt University. After ma ny years as a chaplain in the U. S. avy , he retired with the ra nk of li eutenant commander.

Boa r d m e mbe r s approved form ati on of a schola rshi p fu nd to be ca ll ed the Tip to n L. Wood l\1emo ri a l Sc hola r s hip, in memo r y of Dr. Wood who had se rved on t he Go ve rning Board. Pa rtic ipati on in the fund by the publi c is to be in vite d .

1000 Voice Choir to sing Thursday Ove r 1000 s inge r s fr om 14 coun ty high sc hool s will prese nt the annual " 1000 Voice Cho i r " in the Dome, T hurs day at 8 p. m. ·T he si nge r s have been practic ing since Chri s tm as vacation a t the ir sepa r ate high sc hools , but have not yet had the opportunity to prac tice as as ingle gr oup. The e nt ire c hoir will prac ti ce toge the r all day Thu rsday for the firs t t im e . The c hoi r is to be conduc ted by Dr. William Hall , dir ecto r of Chor al Organi za tions at Chapman Coll ege . He i s a l s o assoc iate professor of mus ic at Chapman College . The p a rti c ipating high sc hool s a r e : Borre go , Carls bad, Coronado , El Capi tan, Esc ondido , Fallbrook , Julia n, Monte Vista , Or ange Gle n, Ram ona , San Dieguito, San Ma rcos and Vista . It i s recom mended tha t students not use the vi s itors ' p ark ing lot T hursday to acco mmod ate the i nflu x of vis itors . Admis sion is $1. 25.

San Marcos, Calif.


Candidate for three p laces on the Palomar College Board of Governors in a n e lection April 20 will be pr esented by the Patrons of Palomar in a public session scheduled for 7:30 a.m. March 29.

Escondido: George "Stan" Mack , ins urance underwriter, Fallbr ook; John Stuart Mars hall , insurance broker, Fall brool<; D. L . Mason, business man, Escondido; James Redington , broker, Escondido; Anton Simson, systems analyst, Poway.

Mrs. Wilson Tucker , Vista , p resident of the Patrons, said letters of invitation to participate are be ing sent to the cand idates.

T he P - 32.

Mrs. Tucker said the program is called "Let's Communicate With the Candidates," and that t he fo llowing candidates for the three board pl aces are being invited:

Services for Dr. Wood were held at the McLeod Mortua r y Chapel.

Wood a lso was pas tor of the Valley Cente r Community Churc h, and the Meadowla r k Com mun ity Chur c h. Also , work ing wi th ACCESS, he assis ted the India ns of the Pala band. Rece nt ly he was co- fo und e r of Industri a l Chaplai ncy Researc h, Inc ., a nonp ro fit organi zation to or ganize c hapl ai nc ies in industri a l plan ts, along the li nes of those in the m ili ta r y ser vice. T he organi za ti on has s pread nat ionwide .

Built by fed e r al grants in 1956 and 1967 , 126 s tud e nts who eithe r live too far away to c ommute or just want to leave home live in the "res id ent hous ing." For $400 a semeste r room and board, inc ludi ng 19 m eals a week , is provided. The s tud ents have access to the s wimming pool on weekends . Dean Burton s ugges t s tha t private ente rpri se be encour aged to build in the a r ea. " We encourage anyone that c omes in , but fo r s ome r eason no one has eve r foll owed throu gh with it, " said Dean Burton.

Governing Board nominees scheduled for open forum

Dr. Tipton L. Wood, 80, a former Palomar College trustee died recently in a local convalescent home.

After World . Wa r ll he pioneered the concept of " indus t r ia l c hap lai ncy" a t So lar Divi s ion of Internat io nal Harves t er in San Diego where he served 15 yea r s. He was e lected a trustee of the Palomar Co llege governing boar d and served many years, retiring two yea r s ago.

March 16, 1971

c ommunity c olle ges , mos tly thos e in s p ar sely populated dis trict s , to have dorm s on campus.

Oil paintings with a nursery motif were presented toM ECHA by Leroy Mo rrissey's Wednesday ni ght art c lass. Mrs .

Patricia Zevin i s also pi c tur ed with the panels t ha t will serve as a useful byproduct for needy c hildren. (R. Mamiya)

Staff performers 1n concert T hree Palomar staff membe r s will be amo ng the featu r ed artis t s performin g in th e t hi rd annual s pring concert in Vista , Marc h 26 _, in a benefit for the No r th County Assoc ia ti on for the Re tarded . Two so loists on the progra m are JaDe ne Dugas, soprano , a nd Joe Sta nford, bar itone. Mrs. Dugas , who is secretar y to the coll ege dean of instr uc ti on, has been soloi s t with the Esco nd ido Oratori o Soc iety a nd has pe rfor m ed in concerts in thi s a r ea for 15 yea r s . Stanfor d, c ha irma n of the college mus ic depa rt me nt , is well known as a s oloist and as di rector of the Palom a r Chambe r Singe r s. The two will be p rese nted in solo numbe r s, and will a lso s ing as a due t in se lections fr om "Fidd ler on the Roof. "

college music fac ulty a nd who has appear ed in nume rous or gan r ec itals, will be accomp anis t for Stanford. Acco mpanis t for Mr s. Dugas will be Dottie Bant z. Ma r isa Giedt, of Arcad i a , a harpist, will be another featured m us ic i an for the benefit program. Howa rd Br ubeck , college assoc iate dean of ins truction will be maste r of cer e monies. T he concer t is scheduled at 8 p.m . at the Vista Wo man 's Club, 1375 Oak Drive. A s pokes m an for the s ponsoring or ganizati on said r eservations a r e required because of limited seating and m ay be m ade by te lephone to the office of the Developme nt Ce nter for Retarded , Vista nu mbe r 726- 225 0. Admiss ion wi ll be $2 for adu lts and $1 for students .

Alvan J. Anderson, i nvestm ent executive, Valley Center; J . Ray Baker , rea ltor , Escondido; Lucy Bayne, housewife , Escondido; Carl Ebert III, student Escondido ; Murrauy B. Hawki ns , attorney , Escond ido ; John D. Ha tfie ld, attorney ,

March of Dimes to give awards Fou r award s of $5 00 eac h will be given to deser ving stud ents in the health caree r s fi e ld by the San Diego County Chapter of the Marc h of Dimes this s pr ing. T he awards will be gi ven to s tud ents pursui ng a car eer in medi c ine , nursi ng, phys ical the r apy or occupa tiona l ther apy. Se lec tions of awar d winners will be based on scholastic ac hi eve m ent, pe r sonal qualificat ions , profess ional prom ise and fin anc ial need. Competiti on fo r the awa rds is open to college s tud e nts and high school seniors who plan to complete bac c al aureate degree r equireme nts in the s pec ific a r eas of health careers. For ms for app licati on may be obtai ned in Dean Ma r jori e Wall ace ' s office , A- 62. All necessar y mate ri al mus t be submi tted by April 15.

Ja mes We ld , a lso a me mber of t he

European employment opportunities available Stude nts between the ages of 18 and 26 now have the oppo r tuni ty to work and travel in Europe under a new progr am call ed JOBS EUROPE . Hundreds of jobs a r e sti ll avai lable a ll over Eu r ope fo r any ti me of the yea r. These jobs are mostly for ge ne r al he lp with la r ge hotel s in Gr eat Britai n and Switzerland. :\ los t jobs inc lude r oom a nd boa r d, and fr ie nds may work with or nea r eac h othe r p rov ided they apply toge the r . Par tici pants a r e fr ee to make the i r own tr a ns por tat ion arra ngements and trave l where they wish upon comple ti on of the work assignment. Furthe r info r matio n may be obtained by send ing a stamped , self- addressed envelope to : JOBS EUROPE , 13355 Cant a r a St. , Panorama City , Califo rni a, 91402.

European slide show set A free s how of color s lides on s tud ent p hoto- s tud y in Europe is sc hed uled at Palo m a r Coll ege , room P - 32, beginni ng at 7:30 p.m. F r iday. T he pictures to be shown were chosen from col or slides made by student members of the 1970 For e ign Study League p hotography- study tour l ast sum me r . :\1r. Justus Ahre nd , photography instruc tor, who wi ll accom pa ny anot her six- week tour th is summe r for t he Foreign Study League and Photogr ap hy Ins t ructo r s Assoc iati on of Southern Califo rn ia , in whi c h a lim ite d num be r of ope nings r e m a in for No r th County students. "The s lides to be s hown at the Mar c h 19 program include pictures taken by beginners as well as advanced students , " A hre nd said. "They s how a keen awareness and perceptio n of t he contempor ary scene. These are not 'postcard' s hots--they are pictures of people , how they work a nd live and play. Som e a r e beautiful scenic s hots but by far thebes t catc h the people in the ir na tural daily

lives and ac tiviti es ." The tour last sum me r s tarted in London a nd proceeded through Holland, France , Switzerla nd , Ita ly and Spai n. Side t rips we r e a lso m ade to Austri a , Lichtenste in and Ge r many. Ahrend said t he gene r a l pub lic is invited to atte nd the s how.

Campus thefts reported Virgil Bergman, dean of ins truction, r eported tha t "almos t eve r y day, and ce rtainly eve r y week, expens ive equipm e nt ite m s a r e stol en fro m c lass rooms , locker s , faculty and adm ini s tra ti ve offices." He asked that people be ' 'doubly car eful to see tha t all equi pme nt is locked as secure ly as possible . Many of the ite m s that have been s tolen cannot be r eplaced immed i ate ly, and in m ost cases this r ep resents a r eal loss to the institution. "

meeti ng will be held in Room

Kitayanonde new club president Peter Kitayanonde of Bangkok, T hail and , was e lected pres ident of the International Club rece ntly. Oth e r members of the new Inte rn atio na l Clu b board of gove rnors a r e Marianne Nic ho ls - Roy , vice presid e nt, of Shil! ong , Ind ia : Maria Jose Per ez , secreta r y, of Sao Paulo, Brazil ; a nd Leona r d Lower, treasurer, of Vis ta. "I would like to extend an in vitation to each a nd every s tude nt to join the c lub , " Peter said. "T he c lub exists to promote better unde r standing between a ll peoples . We would esp ecially like to welc ome mor e North Ame ri can s tude nts . ' T he c lub is having a m embe r s hip d rive a nd a banque t on Ma r c h 20. Club m eetings a r e held eac h F rid ay a t ll a .m . i n B- 1.

'Blow-up' features

colorful illusions Mic hae la nge lo Antonoini •s "Blow-up " will be featured thi s week in the col lege ' s film series. T he fil m was t he Ita lian m ovie m ake r 's fir st Engli s h produc tion s t arring Vanessa Redgr ave and David He mm ings . Showi ngs will be to m orrow evening a t 7:30 p. m . and aga in on T hursday afte rnoon at 12:30 in P - 32. Antonoini is n')ted for hi s excellent use of vis ua l illus ions and colors. T he film depic ts a photographe r who discove r s a murde r by e nla r ging a portion of one of his photographs. "Loves of a B londe~ will be the next offe r ing in the ser ies on Marc h · 31.

IMeet the Scientist' lecture series begins Lt. Winsor Le tton III, USN , will be the next s peaker Marc h 18 in the P alomar College " Mee t the Scientis t" lecture seri es . A p ape r by him was prese nted at the m eeting of the Socie ty of Inte rnationa l Geophys ic ists in Calgary, Canada. He rece ived his doctorate from the Georgia Ins titute of Technology, and is a m embe r of · the Ins titute of Electrical and Electronic Enginee r s. The program is sched uled fo r 8 p. m . in room P-3 2, and the public is invite d to atte nd without cha rge .

Why Draft Repeal'

'I will survive' ... US prisoner this is the third in a (Ed. Note: series of nine articles dealing with the question, "Why Draft repeal"?) The following is a letter sent by a young man to a friend living in North San Diego County. The young man is black, a conscientious objector, and is in prison. The letter illustrates the feelings and reasoning behind s ome young men who end up c hoosing to go to prison rather than the armed forces. Names and other information have been deleted out of concern for the individuals named in the letter. Dear (name withheld), I am doing as well as can be expected given my present environm ent. The food is edible if not very nutritious. I am not hassled or harassed. I am in good company. All of my cell mates are honest, decent human beings . One has the makings of one of the "truly committed. H My birthday was not unhappy as I received many warm and marvelous greetings from friends and colleagues, and that helped a lot. I've always felt that birthdays are a time for reflection and meditation and I had the cause and time to do both. Birthday celebrations are for the very young or very old and since I am neither, there was no love lost. Vietnam and Cambodia are murder, pure and simple. The draft and conscription are immoral, inhuman and illegal. I cannot succomb to either. I recognize the power of no man or woman to make a decision for me without my consultation. No man can decide when, where, why, or how I should be willing to give up my life. The draft seeks to do just that. Therefore, I must resist it. No man can determine for me who my enemies are, or how I should feel, or under what circumstances I should loose my life. Neither Mr. Nixon, the Draft Board, the Federal Courts, or the American people have that right. No man is that wise or that perfect. Five years in jail is a small price to pay for one's sanity and one's soul, especially when others have paid with their lives. If such thoughts are crimial, then I cannot think otherwise. If I must be jailed for s uch thoughts, then the consequences are America's. Vietnam and Cambodia are genocide. These attrocities are crimes against

Anti-draft petition wi II be circu Iated For those wishing to sign a petition calling for the defeat of President Nixon's draft extention bill there will be a table set up in the Student Union at 11 a. m. tomorrow. The document will be sent to the US Senate where four senators, led by California's Al an Cranston, are spearheading the drive against the administration's plans to discontinue undergraduate deferments and exemptions for divinity students. Senate bill S427 is a two-year extension of the draft presently on the floor of the congressional body.

THE TELESCOPE Published Tuesday and Friday of each school week, except during final examinations or holidays, by the Communications Department of Palomar College, San Marcos, Calif., 92069. Phone: 744ll50, Ext. ll9. Advertising rates are $1. 50 per column inch. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and articles are the views of the writers and do not necessarily represent opinions of the staff, views of the Associated Student Body Council, college administration, or the Board of Governors. The TELESCOPE invites responsibie "guest editorials" or letters to the editor. All communications must be signed by the author, including I.D. number. Names will be withheld upon request. Letters may be submitted to the TELESCOPE editorial office, R- 4. Editor-in-chief. . . . . . Aleta Dirdo Page 1, Tuesday. . Vic Heman, Guy Ke nnedy Page 2, Tuesday. . Steve Schneider Page 1, Friday. . . . . Richard Sola Page 2, Friday. . . . . . . . Mike Hicks Advertising Manager. . . Lynn Stedd Environmental editor .. Gemma Parks Reporters .. . Richard Brooks, Rosela Del Castillo, Leeayn Chapman, Ruth Howard, John Lynch, Jerry Nicholas Journalism Adviser. . . Freo Wilhelm Photography Adviser. .Justus Ahrend Graphic Arts Adviser. . .Jim McNutt

humanity. The people responsible will be· tried for such, either by history or the progeny of the war's American and Asian victims. In the tradition of the gestapo, the secret police, or the Nazis, the local repreB entatives of the Federal Government, the U. S. Attorneys for New Orleans and the U. S. Marshalls illegally and by stealth of night, and of course without giving notice to me, my family, or my attorneys, spirited me out of Orleans Parish Prison in New Orleans. I write this letter from a prison which is unfit for human habitation, and from a cell that house s six people in a s pace made for two . I am bereft of blanket or s heet. The temperature outside is 32 degrees and since there is no heat in here and the window is broken, the temperature in this cell can't be much higher. Remember, that this is a prison authorized to house federal prisoners- -authori zed by the U. S. Government! In its treatment of the black and the young this country is determined to outdo the Germans in their treatment of the Jews. America is the Germany of the 70's. Its troops, domestic and military, are the Neo-Nazis of the world. As I see the injustice, the misery, the human destruction which is so much a part of this country my resistance to the institutions and policies of America grows stronger. No amount of imprisonment, illtreatment, or repression will deter me from my committment to refuse to cooperate with a society, an institution, or an event which results from or has resulted from the exploitation of human beings . As far as I am conc erned any situation that results from the exploitation of any person or persons is illegitimate. Any man who exploits another is criminal. Even if the exploited willingly cooperate in their exploitation, the exploiter is still r esponsible for he has taken advantage of another person's sickness or weakness. This morning I arrived at the Federal Correctional Institution, Texarkana, Texas. This place is better than most prisons, worse than others, and as dismal as all are. Now, in the tradition of the American anti- human my name has been taken away again. Only this time rather than an identifying brand, I am given an identifying number. I revert back to American Slavery. Before I/We were e nslaved to create America's wealth. Today, I am enslaved, forced to work because I dared to refuse to enslave others to expand American wealth. Must man be continually offered only two roles; victims or executioners? I think not. Luckily, there are others who don't believe that these are the only two roles for man to play. There must be many who refuse to play either role . I hope this letter will be forwarded to you . Of course if it isn't, then I will know about it tomorrow. Since mail has been coming in, assumed that it would go out. I am as well as can be expected. The physical plant here is much better. This place is cleaner and therefore more sanitary. However, the regimentation and circumscription are greater. It is astounding how willingly some people will surrender camraderie, thoughts, plans, and actions for material security. Here, competition reigns supreme. Institutionalization is complete. Nevertheless, I will survive. Love to all,

Richard Peacock, at right, discusses the concept of the English Department's outdoor classroom with several stu-

pus. Student response to the outdoor classroom has been overwhelmingly favorable. (Photo by n. l\lamiya)


New outdoor English classroom Different name -same game features fresh air education

In case you haven't heard, the name of the school has been changed to Palomar Community College. Perhaps the irony of this title is best seen in light of the housing s hortage. That is, if Palomar were any kind of a community, wouldn'tsomethinghave been done about the problem a long time ago. For years student government has been busy r efining dance policies and moneymaking schemes , instead of dealing with the problems of students. That's why after investigating the question of the student housing shortage we concluded that it is an important issue. It gives students and student government a chance to get behind a nonpolitically based project that can do nothing but help other students. Lack of community awareness, awareness of student problems, concerns, mutual needs and power is at the heart of the ASG's decline to a rather hapless vocal minority. We suggest the ASG support further investigation into the housing issue. Long-range goals should include inquiry into the feasibility of studentsponsored housing, keeping the district informed of student opinion on the subject, and analyzing future needs . Actions can be taken now. Why not have an up-to-date list of available rentals printed periodically for free distribution to students? It could be compiled from student referrals, eventually snow-balling into an effective system. Maybe it won't work . But nobody's ever tried it. And with organization comes power. No students were present at San Marcos City Council meetings when landowners zoned away the chances of low-cost housing near the campus. Maybe it's too late for housing at Palomar, but c hances won't get any better in the future.

Through the efforts of Richard Peacock, English instructor, and the rest of the English Department an outdoor classroom has been established on the northeast corner of the campus. ''The concept of the outdoor c lassroom not only provides students with education in a natural setting, but also could alleviate the college's problem with crowded classrooms," stated Peacock. Peacock said that the English Department has gotten the complete cooperation from the administration and the classified personnel in the establishment of the class. «Often times students and teachers would like to get out of t heir sterile classrooms, but it has been hard to find very many quiet places on campus in which to hold their classes," stated Peacock. Peacock cited several areas on the hill to the east of the campus which could also be used for outdoor classes. He feels that one of the biggest advantages of Southern California is the weather, and that the students and teache rs here are not making full use of some very beautifully l andscaped areas on campus.

not only with what they teac h but also where." Peacock admits that some classes need a more structured atmosphere than an outdoor setti ng can provide, but feels that there are many c lasses which could benefit from such a situation but have n't looked into it. ''The real determiner of the success of the idea is the response from the students," Peacock said. "So far it has been overwhelmingly approved . "

Transcendental Meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahes h Yogi Transce nd ental ME!rlitation develops the capaci ty for full e njoyme nt and accomplishment in life . It is practiced for a few minutes morning and evening. During this time the body gains profound rest while the mind expands to full awareness. This technique develops creative intelligence and improves the clarity of the thinking process . Transcendental meditation, by developing the inner mechanics of the individual. The practice is unique since it involves no concentration or contemplation, no suggestion or control. It is easily learned by· anyone.

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