ETELESC Palomar College ¡ Volume 24 Number 36 ¡ A Publication of the Associated Students
March 23, 1971
San Marcos , Calif.
Neo-classical tragedy 'Phaedra' opens Jill Moore leads cast in Greek
drama Thursday
The apparent joy being expressed by these Palomar students seems to be an exclamation of the presence of Spring. The unidentified flying student at upper
right must have been experiencing a special kind of elation in order to perform such a feat. (photo by Eric Johnson)
Enrollment program for disabled students now in progress here A new program for assisting disabled residents of the district to enroll at Palomar in courses appropriate to their needs has been launched under the di:tec.t!on of Walter Brown, director of vocati-onal education, and William A. Tefft, vocational rehabilitation supervisor. Tefft's staff of students, who will seek to assist handicapped persons to further their education, includes William Hudson, Gracia Bennett, Delia Ramos, Earl Richards, Juan Ortiz and Paula Carter. "Any handicapped person may call our office and have a Palomar College student recruiter visit them to explain this opportunity." said Tefft.
classes in the fall and now the number has risen to 84 identified as handicapped persons," said Tefft. "We think we will reach 200 by the fall semester. He said the program includes assistance in placing handicapped persons in contact with organizations and agencies that may be able to assist them financially to attend classes. Tefft said any disabled resident, 18 or older, is invited to call the Vocational Education office at the college, leaving name and address and a time when he may be interviewed by a member of the recruiter staff.
Passion overtaking better judgement is the theme of "Phaedra," the neo-classical Greek tragedy being presented by the drama department Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in room P-33. Adult tickets may be bought at the door or r eserved for $1. 50, while student tickets cost only $.50. A new curtain time will be initiated at 7:30 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. as it has been previously. Since the play is written in poetry, it has been a tremendous challenge not to let the rhythm and rhyme get in the way of the meaning and not to let it destroy the human quality of the characters, said Buddy Ashbrook, director. "I'm sure the actors will succeed in avoiding the danger. " Jill Moore is playing the lead role of Phaedra, a woman torn between her passions and her common sense. Hippolytus, Phaedra's innocent stepson and love, is portrayed by David F e nnessy. In supporting roles Perry Sites plays Theseus, Phaedra's unsuspecting husband, and Rosela Del Castillo interprets the role of Aricia, a princess exiled by Theseus who is Hippolytus' love. Theremenes, Hippolytus' cynical mentor is enacted by Bob Barrows. In the role Phaedra's maid and accomplice is Rosemary Hernandez. Other roles include Claudia Keithly as Ismene, Aricia's confidante ; Estella McDill, as Panope, Phaedra's servant, and Bob Garven and John Higdon as Theseus' stalwart guards. Ashbrook added that the cast disciplined themselves for this "very difficult play" and are "overall" the best cast he has directed. The technical staff includes Norm Gaskins, technical director, with Tom Hend e rson assisting him; Bob Kendricks, stage manager; Garth Warner, lights; Obie O'Brien, sound; and Linda Beundel, props.
Slide show set A free show of color slides on student photo-study in Europe is scheduled at Palomar College, room ES-19, beginning at 11 a.m. Friday, March 26 . The pictures to be shown were chosen from color slides made by student members of the 1970 Foreign Study League photography-study tour last summer.
He said any agency, such as schools, churches, state and private facilities, were invited to call his office for information on the program.
Park officials will speak here
Budget proposals for the 1971-72 school year were passed in the student assembly last week. Five new District-Associated Student Government procedures are included in the proposed budget. l) The District shall assume financial responsibility for the athletic program . Income received from athletic events shall be placed in a trust fund. These monies may be used to supplement those related athletic expenses which cannot legally be financed by the District . 2) Funding of publications (Focus, Telescope, Bravura and Insight), Forensics, Theater Arts, Music, Art and Dance, be designated to the activities listed and thus, assure their continuing to function as a part of the total program of the Student Body and College. If the Bookstore income was greater than the budgeted activities, surplus monies would go to the general fund of the Student Body.
here Friday ''Revolution and Violence~ will be the title of Igal Roodenke's speech here Friday at 11 a.m. in F - 22. Roodenke, chairman of the War Resisters League , is touring the country presenting his position on radical nonviolence. Vets and Students for Peace is sponsoring the discussion on the' 'selfdefeating quality of violence." During World War II , Roodenke was jailed for not cooperating with the selective Service system whe n he refused to participate in an alternative service as a conscientious objector. He has been arrested more than ten times for anti-war and civil rights actions. Roodenke spent 30 days on a North Carolina chain gang in 1947 for his part in the first CORE project in the South, the "Journey of Reconciliation" . His most recent arrest was for supporting jailed Russian writers at the Soviet Mission in the United Nations . At right is Fred Elliot presenting the official papers concerning his Australian expedition to Sir Alan Mansfield (center), Governor of Queensland and Chancellor of Queensland University. Elliot is on sabbatical leave form Palomar and is
serving as an assistant professor with a group of 17 students from the College of Idaho. Most of the expedition will be spent doing research on Heron Island and the Great Barrier Reef. (Photo courtesy Univ. of Queensland)
opens Thursday a t 7;30 p. m. in room P - 33 . (Photo by George Elgin)
ASG unloads athletic funding
WRL speaker
"We had 29 such students in various
Officials of national and state park services and of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department will appear on a public forum program at Palomar March 30, to discuss law enforcement in county recreational areas. The program by the four speakers was arranged for a special session of a current college evening class titled ''Resources and Outdoor Recreation," but because of the prominence of the speakers the public is invited to attend, a college spokesman said. The forum, to begin at 7 p.m. in room F - 22, will discuss in general the law enforcement problems in parks and recreational areas. Each speaker will make a brief presentation of his agency's problems, policies and philosophies oflaw enforcement in parks and recreation areas, and the remainder of the program will be open to written questions from the audience. The current class in Resources and Outdoor Recreation is being taught by State forest rangers Tom Miller and Maurice Getty as a Palomar Community Services project.
David Fennessy and Rosela Del Castillo rehearse their roles of Hippolytus and Aricia for the play "Phaedra" which
The WRL was founded in 1923 as part of a world- wide pacifist movement. Over the years the League has been involved in social and political activities such as the civil rights movement, disarmament discussion and draft resistance.
3) All other Associated Student expenses shall be funded by the profit from the Social Activity card and any other sources of income. 4) No activity card shall be required for participation in any of the Student Body activities or teams of the College. 5) Where admission c harges are made for activities such as dances and plays, those students holding a Social Activity card would be given a reduced price or admitted free. All athletic events shall be free to Palomar students. Other measures presented to the student assembly in their last meeting were the issues of lowering the flag to half mast and referring dance coordination responsibility from the social committee of the student assembly to the Inter-Club Council. Both measures failed.
Symphonic band in concert tomorrow The symphonic band of California State Polytechnic College will play a concert in the Palomar Dome at ll a.m. tomorrow. The free concert is one in a series for the band duri ng an eight- city tour. In addition to the 84- member band, the program will also present the per cussion e nsemble , and a 17-piece Studio Band, as well as a six- member Dixieland unit. All three are composed of members of the l arger ensemble. The varied program will include popular and symphonic selections, ma r ches, and excerpts from Lerne r and Loewe ' s "Paint Your Wagon" musical. T he band, which inc ludes the best musicians from Cal Poly's 12, 000 stud ents , is directed by William V. Johnson of the college Music Department.
Peick gives lecture ' 'Reincarnation and Karma'' will be t he subject of a lecture tomorrow by Mrs. Elaine Peick, instructor in metaphysics and meditation. Scheduled for ll a.m . in ES-l9,the lecture is free to a ll interested students and the public. Mrs. Peick is a student of self- realization and also studied with Maharishi Mahesh.
Why Draft Repeal'
Planetarium celebrates • anniversary
Commission favors all-volunteer force (Ed. note: This is the fourth in a series of nine articles dealing with the question of "Why Draft Repeal~? It begins with a list of some of the findings of the Gates commission, followed by a short description and appeal concerning the draft extension bill, and concludes with a letter from Sen. Alan Cranston's office . In 1969 President Nixon appointed Thomas S. Gates, former Secretary of Defense, to chair a commission of prominent Americans to review the problems and possibilities of returning the American military to a volunteer system of manpower recruitment. Among the recommendations of the Gates Commission are: l. Volunteerism is preferable in our soc iety to compulsion. 2. A volunteer military will cause only a small budget increase , and will actually be cheaper in real economic terms than the draft. 3. It is possible with a small budget increase ($2. 7 billion) to move to an all-volunteer force by July 1971. The draft can and should be ended by then. 4. A volunteer force is adequate to defend the nation. 5. A stand-by draft should be minimum, and should be reactivated only by a joint resolution of Congress upon recommendation of the President. 6. A volunteer military is not more isolated from society than the present mixed force . Military adventurism is fostered not by the volunteer force, but by a peace-time draft which requires no public debate or Congressional action for an increase in manpower. 7. A volunteer military would not vary greatly in make-up from the present mixed system, particularly with regard to the number of blacks and poor serving. IMPORTANT! ALL YOUNG MEN and others who believe Americans should be free to choose a civilian or soldier role. Take political action nowthis may be the most important act you can take for your future. Write or wire Senator Cranston, US Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510 . Tell
him you support every effort he makes to prevent passage of S 427. Send a copy to Senator John Tunney who says he approves draft reform, not repeal. Act now because: S 427 is the Administration's Two- Year Draft Extension Bill. It includes phasing out undergraduate student deferments and discontinuing exemptions for divinity students. S 427 is by Senator Stennis, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Com mittee and by Senator Smith of Maine. Hearings on the draft in the Senate Armed Services Committee have closed and S 427 is expected to be introduced onto the floor of the Senate for debate by March lOth. S 427 is being pushed by the Administration for passage by the Senate as s oon as possible. Senator Alan Cranston and four other Senators will spearhead a movement to delay passage of S 427 and allow presentation of Draft Repeal legislation. The following is a letter from California's senior senator Alan Cranston concerning his stand on the draft. Dear Mrs. Stevens: Thank you very much for your communication concerning the draft and its ramifications. I believe a volunteer army is preferable to our present system. Such an armed force is more in keeping with our democratic traditions of freedom and equity. Last year I was a co-sponsor of legislation which was designed to implement the recommendations of the Gates Commision Report on an All Volunteer Armed Force. Unfortunately the measure did not pass the Senate. This year I have again co-sponsored Senator Hatfield's all volunteer measure as well as a companion bill which would end the Selective Service System by December 31, 1971. Both these measures are vitally important if we are to have an all-volunteer force. You can be assured that I will continue to work for their passage. Alan Cranston
.Environmentally speaking
sues Auto Club
Stamp Out Smog (SOS) has initiated a suit against the Automobile Club because of their lobbying activities in the area of a ir pollution, most specifically, the use of member's funds to lobby against various anti -pollution measures. The prime example is Proposition 18. This suit is being supported by the Clean Air Council of San Diego. The SOS group is in need of funds to aid in financing the legal action and are asking for donations. Their address is P.O. Box 69676, Los Angeles, 90069. Also in the field of air pollution is the constitutional amendment that would divert one cent a gallon from the seven cent state gas tax to the newly formed California Air Pollution Research Fund.
The measure was proposed by State Senator Nicholas C. Petris, (D.Oakland). Another bill submitted was by Assemblyman William T. Bagley, (R.-San Rafael). This measure would reduce the gas tax and impose a four percent sales tax on gas purchases. It is estimated that Bagley's bill would raise 90 million dollars. More information on both bills can be obtained by writing to the individual legislators at the State Capitol, Sacramento, 95814.
Joseph Willis, assistant planetarium director, fondles the college's prime sky instrument. The instrument can project the sky of any date in history on the
I Letters to the Editor I Seaside Beach is going to be lost. That is, unless North County residents start doing something to save it, now! Seaside is the beach located at the northern end of Solana Beach, taking its name from a small trailer court in the area. Highway 101 runs along the beach at this point and is the cause of the present crisis . The La Costa Land Company has purchased the trailer court at Seaside and some adjacent properties, with the intent of making the area into a private resort. However, La Costa has a couple of problems. First of all, La Costa bought some of the lagoon property east of the highway in their package. Being separated from the beach by the highway makes the land somewhat indesirable for their purposes. Secondly, the general public has been using the beach for years and has developed prescriptive access rights to the beach through the Seaside property. La Costa, of course, doesn't want the "riff-raff" general public using their beach. So they came up with a sure fire plan to destroy the public access rights 't o the beach while making their holdings more valuable. The plan? Simply move the highway 250 yards or so inland, trading their eastern property to the County for the vacated old highway location. This would consolidate La Costa's holdings into one large beach front package, which would be worth far more than their present holdings. At the same time they would effectively neutralize any access rights that we, the public, have to the beach. An all-round home run for big business interests in North County.
The loss of Seaside would indeed be tragic, for more than one reason. Seaside is one of the finest beaches in the county, owing to its diversified recreational opportunities. The area is relatively unspoiled by development, up to now. It has a long white sand beach bounded on the south by exposed rock reefs and the Solana bluffs, all contributing to its unique natural beauty. Off-shore there is an underwater reef, providing excellent skin diving and fishing, not to mention one of the finest big wave surfing spots in San Diego County. One might also note that this is one of the few areas where Highway 101 runs along the beach, providing a scenic drive of rare beauty. The ecology issue also figures heavily in this proposed land rape. The property that La Costa owns east of the highway is part of the San Elijo Lagoon, which is the habitat of a vast and varied wildlife population. Everything from migratory birds to fish reside in an area representating one of the last natural coastal lagoons in existence. Paving the area over with a highway would be totally effective in destroying this refuge. Up to now, the only alternative to La Costa's intensions has been a preliminary plan by the State to buy some of the property in question for a park. However, this would still entail the relocation of the highway and its consequential destruction of the wildlife estuary. Also, by law, the State is required to charge a fee for use of a developed park area. This means that we the public can expect to pay for what we now are getting for free. The request for relocation of the highway will be considered by the County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 6. It is up to the residents of North County, including the students of Palomar, to bring effective pressure against the Board of Supervisors to insure that they will deny the relocation proposal and preserve the beach for all of us. If you care at all about ecology, beach access rights, or just rationality, sign one of the petitions being c irculated to stop the offer, or want to get involved in a good cause, contact Steve Anear, Al Decotes, Mr. Knapp of the Biology Department, or call 753-0855. We need all the help we can get. Do it now! Once the relocation starts it will be too late to stop it. Steve Anear
Published Tuesday and Friday of each school week, except during final examinations or holidays, by the Communications Department of Palomar College, San Marcos, Calif., 92069. Phone: 744ll50, Ext. ll9. Advertising rates are $1.50 per column inch. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and articles are the views of the writers and do not necessarily represent opinions of the staff, views of the Associated Student Body Council, college administration, or the Board of Governors. The TELESCOPE invites responsible "guest editorials" or letters to the editor. All communications must be signed by the author, including I.D. number. Names will be withheld upon request. Letters may be submitted to the TELESCOPE editorial office, R-4 . Editor-in-chief. . . . . . Aleta Dirdo Page 1, Tuesday. Vic Heman, Guy Kennedy Page 2, Tuesday. . Steve Schneider Page 1, Friday. . . Richard Sola Page 2, Friday. . . Mike Hicks Advertising Manager. . . Lynn Stedd Environmental editor . . Gemma Parks Reporters . . . Richard Brooks, .Rosela Del Castillo, Leeayn Chapman, Ruth Howard, John Lynch, Jerry Nicholas Journalism Adviser. . . Fred Wilhelm Photography Adviser. .Justus Ahrend Graphic Arts Adviser. . .Jim McNutt
ceiling of the planetarium. Public showings are scheduled every Wednesday evening. (Photo by Eric Johnson
Since the planetarium first opened its doors on March 22, 1965, 91,000 spectators have witnessed a most "heavenly~ performance. Special notice should now be given to the development of this popular building as it marks its sixth year in operation. Students from all over North County as well as the general public have enjoyed the starry skies and many special effects created in the comfort of specially designed seats in an airconditioned auditorium. The Palomar Planetarium features a Spitz l\Iodel A3Pprimeskyi nstrument, projecting upon a 30-foot aluminum dome under the direction of Cha rles A. Coutts, planetarium director, and Joseph P. Willis, assistant director. This machine has been specially designed to project the sky of any date, past, present, or future within minutes. Through the use of auxiliary projectors, many different astronomical and meteorological phenomena may be produced. Motor-driven projectors illustrate a ll types of solar and lunar eclipses, shooting stars, phases of tl1e moon, aurora borealis, lightening, c loud formations, and a tumbling asteroid. Besides these effects are the outstandi ng collections of s lides which can be projected on the dome . Among these are beautiful views of distant galaxies, planets, nebulae and cornets taken through the telescopes at Mt. Palomar, Mt. Wilson, and Mt. Hamilton. Planetarium performances for the general public are held each Wednesday evening at 7:15 p.m. and at 8:30 p.m. The program changes on the first Wednesday eac h month; March's show is "Signs of the Zodiac". Programs are also offered for elementary, junior high, and high schools, as wellas for science clubs and shool service clubs. Community and service groups, young people's organizations, and adult groups are invited to sc hedule a program, having reservations two weeks in advance.
Fire a/ann bell not for the birds By Tony Borders If there is ever an occasion to use the fire alarm system installed around the campus, there will not only be a few disturbed students, but in the Music Department there will be also several birds with splitting headaches. It seems that several birds have developed a taste for music and have decided to raise their young in and around the music building with one bird choosing a fire bell for its nest. Although the birds are seldom seen by the masses of students, an observant few have been able to follow the progress of the birds ever since their nestbuilding during the fall semester. The birds presumably have chosen the music building near the recording studio because of the soothi ng music that seems to be an ideal atmosphere in which to raise their young. Perhaps the birds have a desire to raise their young to develop a taste for music. Whatever their reasons the birds have chosen the building and can sometimes be he ard above the practicing of budding musicians. Within a few months the Music Department may be able to count on the harmony of a sparrow to blend with the blaring of trumpets or the pounding of percussion. They might even be ambitious enough to form a special section to develop "sparrow chirping'' as a form of music. However, these plans will all come to an end rather quickly if in the future someone pulls the lever marked "FIRE!"
Hansen Surfboards Headquarters for Skiing, Surfing and Tennis equipment ....
Offers a complete line of slacks:
A-1 - Cactus Casuals - Lee - Levis Also a complete assortment of T -shirts and trunks Modern Dance students preparing for a concert to be staged in early May are (L to R): Susan Rutherford, Candy Larson and instructor Billie Hutchings.
Choreography for the concert is being done by Miss Hutchings and the students. (Photo by George Elgin)
HANSEN SURFBOARDS 11 05 First Street, Encinitas
Open Daily 9 to 5