Cover Art: “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” by Janet Boschker
Kevin Newsome
Chairman of the Board
***Don Engler
Joe Tessmer
District of Columbia
Mary Alice Ross
***Debbie Alcorn Terri Crownover
***John Carney Spencer Smith
***Vanessa Ard David Corry
Doug Peninger
1st Vice-President
George Singleton
2nd Vice-President
Anthony Rumley
Randy McNeilly
Print Exhibition Chair
***Darrell Ivy Gil Brady
Thomas McCollum
Executive Director
***Sherry Whitt Janet Boschker
North Carolina
Southern Exposure Southern Exposure magazine is an on-line publication of SEPPA and is published monthly. Editor Doug Peninger 336-883-7104 Ad Sales & Business Manager Thomas McCollum 888-272-3711 Article & Ad Submission 5th of each month On-Line Publication 1st of each month
2712 Marcia Drive Lawrenceville, GA 30044 888-272-3711
South Carolina
**Wilber Jeffcoat Jimmy Wood ***Kendall Mathes Jan Wilson Robert Holman
Virginia ***state president representative
Acceptance of advertising does not carry with it endorsement by the publisher. Opinions expressed by Southern Exposure or any of its authors does not neccesarily reflect the positions of the Southeastern Professional Photographers Association.
Additional information of state events within the SEPPA District can be found using the state links below. Please view their websites by clicking on the web address and you will be re-directed.
District of Columbia
North Carolina
South Carolina
SEPPA is a regional affiliate of Professional Photographers of America and hosts an annual District Image Judging. To learn more about PPA, click the logo below.
Open Your Hearts Have you ever given of yourself only to realize you are the one that was blessed? This miracle happens each time we allow ourselves to look at the needs of others and open our hearts to them. For September, we are going to be examining how each of our writers gives back to their favorite charitable project. As you read through each of the articles, I encourage you to see where needs may be in your community. You may be surprised, it could be your neighbor. We, as photographers, are given a special opportunity to capture beautiful, inspiring images every day. One way we can give back is partnering with PPA Charities for Family Portrait Month. This annual event donates all proceeds to Operation Smile. Op Smile is a philanthropic organization dedicated to the repair of cleft palate and cleft lip to patients without the means to pay for surgery. It’s simply amazing. This edition is quite moving. Take some time and share it with your friends and other colleagues. I hope you are as inspired by the images and the stories as I am. Seek out those in need and give back!
It’s not too early to start making your hotel reservation for the 2011 SEPPA Convention. The host hotel is the Hilton Garden Inn. Room rate is $125 per night. The hotel is a simple crosswalk away from the Classic Convention Center. Their direct number is 706-353-6800.
thePages southern exposure SEPTEMBER 2010
Learn 6 8 10 14 18 22 26 38
1 12 16 17 23 27 28 37 38
Shop Showcase
30 34
Photo Flex Nations Photo Lab Little Dreamers Designs Pro Photo Imaging Millers AcademyProductions White House Custom Color
“So Soft” by Suzette Allen
13 20 24 29 32
Mary Fisk-Taylor
PPA Charities
Operation Smile
PPA Charity Partner
Cover Artist
Janet Boschker
Janel Pahl
Club 21
Suzette Allen
A Picture of Hope
Folks with Rick Gibbons
Rob Moorman
Victoria Kelly
Celebrating Adoption
Kevin Newsome Encore: Passion
Jamie Hayes
Dogs are People Too
Janet Boschker Halloween Fun
Attend 2011 PPNC Convention Imaging USA Maryland PPNC Western Guild 2011 SEPPA Convention
Mary Fisk-Taylor
PPA Charities continues to grow and prosper while helping PPA members promote our profession and help others. We will be having an organizational meeting immediately prior to the August PPA Board meeting in Atlanta. Per the request of the PPA Board and our Board Liaisons, we have arranged to have up to six PPA Charities representatives and our PPA Board Liaisons meet on Saturday, August 7th beginning at 1:00pm and finishing by noon on Sunday. We will be working on both short and long range planning, policy and our various projects. We will have a full report generated for the PPA Board to review as well as for the PPA Charities Board to begin implementing. This meeting will enable us to run more efficiently and effectively and pave the way for yearly meetings/work sessions for our entire board of trustees of PPA Charities. 6
Texas School Thanks to the generosity and support of the directors, instructors and students of the Texas School, PPA Charities continues to raise funds to fulfill our mission. This year each class was challenged to help us by raising enough for at least two smiles ($480), which with 33 classes would have been almost $16,000 and similar to our 2009 fundraising. We also offered a full Texas School scholarship to the class who raised the most and a scholarship to Chicks Who Click for every $1000 raised by each class. We were amazed and astounded at the effort some of the classes made. Some classes raised less than $100 and one class raised $4000 by holding a “raffle� for a fine art print. Most attendees were involved at some point which made it fun for Texas School and for PPACH. We raised over $24,000!!!!! We also had a booth at their trade show that provided information on PPACH and PPA to attendees.
Chicks Who Click Our most recent endeavor was the result of the PPA Board giving us permission to resurrect this conference, which we appreciate very much. We were able to sign a hotel contract on 3/31/10, organize our publicity and marketing and pull it all off in a short amount of time. Our original budget called for 250 attendees resulting in a profit of about $39,000. While attendance was only 158 registrants, some on scholarships, and 13 sponsors/vendors, we were able to reduce expenses by utilizing volunteers and a great hotel partner. Our final profit was in excess of $30,000! This money will allow us to cover part of our yearly operating expenses and meet our 2010 goal of raising $120,000 for charity, up from $100,000 in 2009. CWC was a real team effort, with volunteers, trustees, speakers, vendors and attendees all helping to make it a huge success.
Here’s how you can make a difference. Make an annual minimum donation of $240.00 to Operation Smile by filling out the form below. It only takes $240.00 to give a child in need the life-changing gift of surgery through Operation Smile. Visit for more information.
2010 Operation Smile Studio Registration Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Studio Name__________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________________________________ Website _______________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail ________________________________________________________________________________ PPA # _________________________________________________________________________________ (You must be a PPA member to be eligible.)
Minimum Donation of $240. Your donation $ __________ Print out your registration and return it to:
Bert Behnke PPA Charities Executive Director 206000 Old Wolf Road Mokena, IL 60448 708-267-0657
Janet Boschker Janet Boschker began her career in professional photography in 1983 as wedding photographer at a leading studio in Charlotte, NC. As a single mom of three, she juggled career and family for eleven years before starting her own NorthLight Photography in 1994, specializing in young children and their families. Her involvement on state and national levels led to the PPA Master of Photography in 1995 and the Photographic Craftsman in 2000. 2006 brought the PPA International Affiliate Judge status and led to judging engagements on the state, regional, national and international levels. It continues to be her pleasure to be invited to judge, speak and share her experience in the hope that it will be helpful to another’s journey in the incredible field of professional photography. Recent Accomplishments: 2005: 1st Place Children Southeastern Professional Photographers 2007: 1st & 2nd Place Children, 1st Place Women, 2nd Place Groups, NC Photographer of the Year 2008: SEPPA Distinguished Award, NC 2nd Place Children PPA Photographer of the Year 2006 – Silver; 2007 – Platinum; 2008 – Silver; 2009 – Gold 2010 - Silver Janet was Director of the East Coast School for the past three years and is a past president of Professional Photographers of North Carolina. She received the National Award at the 2009 PPNC Convention.
Note: Images chosen for the cover of Southern Exposure are first place, distinguished or other award winners from the annual affiliated judging.
“He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” SEPPA Affiliated Judging: Children Distinguished Canon Par Excellence
Janel Pahl
Club 21’s mission is to support individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and communities so these individuals will reach their full potential and become fully included members of society
Each year, I have the amazing opportunity to share love with a special group of people. The members of Club 21 are all Down Syndrome children. While I am there, I have the unique priveledge of photographing each special soul. Now, in my third year, I have gotten past the fear of the unknown and realize how much love each of these children not only possess, but are willing to freely give. My dear friend, Nancy Littekin, started Club 21 because she too has a daughter with Downs Syndrome. Her goal, of make sure her child had quality education and skills became the driving force to create Club 21. As a rule, most children with Downs Syndrome do not lot learn to read or achieve social and life skills. Most schools place these children is classrooms away from the general student population where they learn how not to succeed. Now, with the creation of this organization, these children learn to read. They learn social skills needed for society.
They learn life skills to make them successful. My goal is to create images for use in publications and advertising. Each year, Club 21 has a benefit to raise funds for operating expenses. The images I create are carefully displayed around the room as beautiful 16x20’s. The parents and patrons get the chance to see their beautful children in a natural light portrait, illuminating each precious soul.
CORE VALUES * Family Support: You are not alone. * Partnerships: Working together is better. * Innovations: Let’s try something new. * Raising Expectations: I can do it. * Inclusion: I believe I belong.
When I first began working with these children, I was afraid. I was thinking more about my fears that of the children. Once we started working, I soon realized, these kids were loving it! I am fortunate Nancy provides her home to capture these images. Her home was built in the early 1900’s and is full of huge windows, giving an incredible light source. When the camera starts to click, and I begin a coversation with the child, they just come alive. Each one has much to share and they all love being photographed. What this has taught me is that these children are just like anyone else. They want to be loved an and appreciated for their special qualities, not what some may perceive as a handicap.
They are not handicapped, they are handi-capable.
to learn more about Club 21, visit their website at: to contact Janel Pahl and learn more about her involvement, email her at:
One day, I was out on the street walking from shop to shop, and I noticed a mother who had a Downs Syndrome child with her. I immediately went up to the child and spoke to her in loving tones. The mother was completely shocked that I would even approach. She commented how often others had been scared away simply because of a perception. She thanked me for talking to her child. These children have lots of love to give. Their souls run deep. Their inner beauty always shines forth.
Suzette Allen
Everyone needs HOPE. Even hopeful, optimistic people need to be reminded and encouraged. Hope is a timely word no matter when you hear it, and a refreshing tale of victory or even just the challenging journey of faith is a story we never tire of! As we all know, photographs tell a story like none other, so using images is perfect to tell our stories of HOPE.
As many of you know, I am a survivor of a traumatic brain injury 21 years ago, as a result of an auto accident with a bull moose while living in Alaska. My head was crushed and the bones in my face were shattered and had to be wired back together…many surgeries to reconstruct my nose…but the worst part was brain damage. It took me 8 years total to completely retrain my brain to be able to do all my previous activities and relearn emotional and cognitive functions. It was a very long, dark road with much depression and confusion. So many years of being shattered and hopeless! But there IS HOPE, no matter how bad things look, no matter how far you’ve slipped and how much damage you have done or has been done to you! Today, I am a completely whole and successful person and actually TEACH PHOTOSHOP for my living along with photography! Believe me, it is a miracle! My cognitive abilities were so badly damaged it is astounding that I can even work with a computer, much less teach Photoshop! I am so thankful I made it, and that long journey back gave me a consuming passion to give hope to people, because I went so long with absolutely NO HOPE. I just wanted my life OVER. But God had greater plans for me and helped me find my way. Now my passion (aside from photographic art) is to spread the good news of HOPE!
Nine years ago I started the non-profit site, which is a photographic essay of young people with their testimonies of hope, and it is still active today, but this year we are making our target and our effort broader. I really feel that ALL of us need to hear the bells of hope ring and see the images and read the stories of good news. We live in uncertain times. Introducing...
My vision to use Photography and Art to bring HOPE to people is finally coming true.
I hope you are stirred and encouraged and your personal embers of Hope, no matter how dim, are fanned into flames!
To contact Suzette Allen: email her at
This non-profit site is purely for encouragement and the purpose of bringing HOPE to people who visit. At this point, all the Images have been created by me, Suzette Allen, but I hope to add more artists someday. The image galleries are divided by categories to narrow the subject matter (families, youth, art, etc) and some have captions, some have full stories, and some say a thousand words with no text at all. A few images are actually for sale as wall art, greeting cards and many other photographic products offered by Bay Photo. The site is hosted by SmugMug which makes it very easy to show large images, keep them secure and do product sales as well. All sales proceeds go to support families and various mission projects in Honduras, and some in America as well.
Rick Gibbons
Love Thy Neighbor “…Truly I say to you, in as much as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me.” Matthew 25:40
Love Thy
Florida’s Rob Moorman will gladly recount his introduction to the photography industry, a story not unlike many of our own. Hobby…summer job…part-time work…intern with local photographer …studio owner. Dig a little deeper and you learn more details. The hobby was actually scuba diving, but with the addition of an underwater camera, you glimpse a small seed planted. In reality, “summer job” and part-time work in Florida means behind the scenes in the motion picture industry when projects came to town, mostly during the winter months. Then there was the architectural photography work, abundant during the years of the housing boom in the Tampa Bay area, accounting for 40% of Rob’s income until the housing bust. When he grew serious about photography as a career, Rob interned with a highly regarded studio owner in his area. His mentor has since retired, but Rob had already established Moorman Photo in 1996, and enjoys hometown recognition. An active member of the Florida Professional Photographers, Rob and his wife, Tina, are also two of the 5000 members of Calvary Chapel. That’s where our story takes a definite turn.
About 10 years ago, a couple of Rob’s friends invited him to check out Kairos Prison Ministries ( an organization dedicated to addressing the spiritual needs of incarcerated men and women, exposing them to the true unconditional love of God. Relating the message that, in spite of violence or addictions, they still have worth and their broken life can be healed, the ministry is also extended to their families and those who work in the prison environment. Training, in itself, is an exhausting process: 18 meetings in six weeks with your team in preparation for semi-annual retreats. Kairos is involved in over 300 prisons worldwide, but Rob participates locally in Polk County in three-and-a-half day retreats led by lay volunteers who enter a prison to minister and assist with the transition to productive citizen. After 84 hours with the team, there is a bond that is both inspiring and sustaining. A new leader is selected every six months from the 40 team members who minister to about an equal number of inmates. The retreats are sponsored by churches convenient to the prison where the team spends the night and decompresses. The church institutes a 24 hour illustrated “prayer wheel” which shows the inmates who from the church is praying for them at all hours. For many inmates, the fact that someone is leaving their bed to kneel, some actually traveling to the church altar, and pray for them at 2 am is the inspiring factor that motivates the transformation.
Rob is constantly inspired by those whose lives have changed. Kairos supplements, but does not replace, his involvement in his church where he goes for education, networking and a spiritual battery recharge, much like his involvement in FPP where he networks with colleagues, attends educational opportunities and becomes reinvigorated to address the needs of his clients. But his daily life is now colored by his experiences with Kairos and those the ministry serve. He humbly acknowledges that the fine line between those inside and those outside is so easily crossed with one bad decision or a simple mistake that changes a life forever. As a result, his life is a testimony to possibilities.
Neighbor At the beginning of the retreat Rob takes a photograph of the entire group and “table shots” of those participating. Of course, privacy laws prevent us from including samples of those in this article, but each inmate receives a copy of the images. To some, it is their only recent photograph so they proudly send it to family as proof of their determination to, one day, come home and resume their role as husband, father and provider. Rob’s group is not allowed to ask what crime the inmates were convicted of, but some are temporary residents, some are lifers. Of those eligible for release, on average, 80 % who leave prison eventually return. However, as a result of the Kairos ministry, that rate decreases to 30% among those who experience a true change in their life. But Rob readily addresses the “Jailhouse Jesus” phenomenon: “If you leave your Bible at the gate, it’ll be there waiting for you on your way back in.” To help minimize that occurrence, Kairos continues to involve those who have left the prison in the volunteer program as well as those who remain in the institution, using them to organize one night a month programs. Those who work with the reunion groups, continue to volunteer and stay involved have a 12% return rate after two years.
“There, but by the grace of God go I.”
From the Editor: Due to security reasons and confidentiality, images of the prison and its inmates are not permitted for publication.
to contact Rick Gibbons with a nominee for features in your area or call 336-883-7104
Victoria Kelly
My very best friend adopted a baby girl some 19 years ago...I loaned her my son’s hand-made baby cradle, went shopping for baby clothes and calmed her rising panic that something she and her husband had so wished for was finally happening, seemingly overnight.
I’ve never forgotten those roller coaster emotions that were so much a part of Sophie’s adoption. So when an opportunity arose for me to become part of the “Celebrating Adoption” program, I immediately joined the organization. CA is a group of professional photographers dedicated to helping new families facilitate the bonding process with pictures. Participating photographers are all very different. Some use only natural light while some use studio light...some photographers prefer doing their normal posing while others follow their lifestyle type of photography. We all offer a complimentary session, and, in my studio, I give each family a set of up to 20- 4x6 images. The requirements for a CA session are pretty straightforward: if you are an adoptive family and have adopted your child within the last year, you qualify for a CA session.
I typically do about 8 CA sessions a year. Parents usually find me on the CA website ( or as a referral from another adoptive parent. I’ve photographed quite a few children coming from other countries: Ethiopia, Guatemala, Russia and China immediately come to mind. I’m always interested in their the parents met their child, was their adoption process smooth or a bit bumpy and how their lives have changed with the addition of a new family member. The ending, though, is always a happy one!
And, just in case you’re wondering about that first long ago adoption I experienced...the years have truly flown seems just yesterday that Sophie was learning to walk and Linda was flying to the midwest to pick up Jackson. Sophie is now a beautiful young lady of 19 and Jackson is soon to be 18 and a high school senior. I like to think that pictures are our messages from the past and our links to the future. In my mind, there’s no better way to celebrate birth, life and family than with pictures.
My involvement in CA gives me the opportunity to “pay it forward” by celebrating families. Each image I create anchors the bonds of a new family unit, giving the adoptive child the feeling of belonging. As photographers, we are aware that studies have shown that when children see images of themselves throughout the home they are more self-confident and have higher self-esteem.
Victoria Kelly
Kevin Newsome
Sometimes, it’s nice to bring back a popular feature. This month, for the first time, we offer an encore presentation of the video PASSION. It was so good the first time, and after many requests, we simply had to. We, at Southern Exposure, hope you will enjoy this month’s encore presentation of “A Few Moments With...”. This month, PASSION. (Click on the title, PASSION, and you will be linked to the video.)
DOGS are people too! This is the most recent charity image that I have created. We are very involved with our local SPCA branches ( we have two!) This months image was created for the save the date card for this year’s Fur Ball. ( a $500 plate black tie dinner and parade of pets with both silent and live auctions, their catch line is “cough it up”) Along with creating the save the date we also create an image for the invitation and images for the slide show that will be viewed on two big screens during cocktail hour. We also photograph and print on the spot 1-5x7 of each pet and their owners sitting on the bottom of the stairs at The Jefferson Hotel, the location for this years images.
Camera: Canon 1DS Mark III Lens: Canon 35-350 L Series 3.5-5.6 Zoom Lens set at 48mm Exposure: 1/50 sec @ f/9 400 ISO RAW File Capture and jpeg (for viewing purposes only) Light Meter: Sekonic L-358 Light Modifiers: 3x4 Larson Soff Box, 17x17 Soff Box, Profoto 20 degree grid spot light modifier Strobes:2- Profoto Compact 600R, one with 20 degree grid spot & one Acute 600B in 17x17 soff
Knowing that the Jefferson Hotel is a very dark and formal location, I knew that more than just one light source would be needed to highlight all of the detail of the Grand Staircase. Using the technique of contrast of light source, I selected a large main light soft box to diminish contrast thus making the shadow areas seem lighter. I used a 4x6 soft box for the main light just off to our right and set my aperture according to this light. I used a second strobe with a grid spot on the top level of the stairs aimed down covering the back of the dogs and as much of the stairs as possible for separation. A third light in a smaller soft box, placed off the left was used to add another layer of dimension and highlight the fur of the female dog.
I finished the image by using NIK Viveza 2 to lighten and darken select areas and a little Lucis Art to bring out more detail in the fur of both dogs. Adding accent lights to the back and sides of your subjects will add more drama and make your work stand out.
Hayes & Fisk: The Art of Photography 804-740-9307
Janet Boschker
My convention year was 2003. Doug approached me with the idea of partnering with a charity to begin giving back to our community – he suggested Operation Smile – no doubt everyone has heard of it since PPA has chosen the same charity to partner with the past few years and done a wonderful job of raising money for such a good cause. Anyway, I am proud to say that in North Carolina we began the tradition and raised $10,000 that was presented to OP Smile at the PPNC 2003 convention. Last year the PPA contribution raised during family portrait month was $100,000!
The year was 1998 when I was asked to go through the chairs for Professional Photographers of North Carolina – the first thing I did was ask Doug Peninger if he would consider being my Convention Chairman and he said yes (SCORE!) so off we went on a memorable journey. 34
We promote it only to our regular clients, but encourage them to bring a friend if they want. Since almost all the children know me, there is no “ice-breaking” – they are just pleased and excited to come by and show off their Halloween costumes. We all get into playing the part of whatever fantasy character they have chosen to be – whether they come as Batman, Captain Hook, witches or fairies, we all act it out so the images will be more than a record shot. The parents trust me to choose the best shot, so they fill out a mailing label and it is sent out within the week. Most times sessions are booked the day of the shoot for regular sessions – an unexpected bonus! It’s a winwin for everyone – the kids feel like they are participating in something bigger than themselves, children around the world get much needed surgery, and the studio strengthens relationships!
I chose to raise money for the charity by combining a fundraiser with Halloween pictures – another practice that has become increasingly popular over the years. The concept was simple – for a donation of $20, stop in on Halloween, have a quick portrait of your child, and receive a 4x6. All money raised was directly contributed to the charity – checks only are made to Operation Smile and sent directly to them. Now, I have not raised tens of thousands of dollars, but we have made our contribution every year for the past 8 years, and we have raised enough each year for two or three operations – that is probably 20 operations that have helped 20 children smile! The side benefit is that the children who come in have been told by their parents that “Miss Janet” is volunteering her services for the benefit of others……. Now, you wouldn’t think that would be a big deal, but the first year I made the Halloween pictures a charitable event, one wee little boy about 4 years old proudly proclaimed when he came in “I know what being a volunteer is – it means you do work that you don’t get paid for!” He was dressed as Clifford the big red dog and he was very serious about this volunteer work……. that was just one of the many funny moments that have occurred as we have continued the tradition over the years. I always shoot with a plain white background and offer inexpensive packages for sharing with friends and relatives. The reason for the plain background is that every year will be consistent, a wonderful collection for the child and parents to remember Halloween as they grow up. We have all ages from tiny babies to preteens – and now the parents are starting to frame the images and use them as seasonal décor – who knew?
Janet Boschker
CONVENTION HOTEL RESERVATIONS It’s not too early to start making your hotel reservation for the 2011 SEPPA Convention. The host hotel is the Hilton Garden Inn. Room rate is $125 per night. The hotel is a simple crosswalk away from the Classic Convention Center. Their direct number is 706-353-6800.