FRIDAY, August 2, 2013
Meet Rod Henry, New President of the Temple Chamber of Commerce
AUG•2013 EVENTS CALENDAR 5 Golf Committee Meeting, 10 am 6 Business Link Lunch, 12 pm Downtown Temple Alliance Committee Meeting, 3 pm 7 Workforce Legislative Luncheon, 11:30 am 14 Business Networking Breakfast, 7 am Business Networking Breakfast Committee Meeting, 8 am Red Carpet Ambassador Committee Meeting, 12 pm 15 Board Meeting, 8 am Ribbon Cutting, Painting With a Twist, 4 pm 16 Fright Fest Committee Meeting, 9 am 17 Leadership Temple Orientation, 8 am 20 Leadership Temple Board Meeting, 1:30 pm 22 Business After Hours, 5 pm 23 Temple Chamber Golf Classic
By: Melissa Davis, Charter Real Estate After an extensive search, the Chamber is excited to introduce a new leader. Rod Henry has been selected as the new President of the Temple Chamber of Commerce. The role has been vacant for the past year after the resignation of Bourdon Wooten. Since that time, the Chamber Board has been working to find a replacement with the vision and determination to lead the Temple business community into even greater prosperity. The Board worked closely with Waverly Partners, an experienced executive search consulting firm, to find a replace that would best serve the needs of our growing business community. “I think it was wise to use Waverly Partners to help us narrow our focus,” said Board member Harry Macey. Waverly sorted through hundreds of resumes and preselected candidates based on our community, the vision of the Chamber and specific criteria identified by the board. Macey added,“Instead of our committee spending time analyzing dozens of resumes, we were able to see only qualified candidates who would be a great fit in our community.” Rod Henry comes to Temple from the Indiana community of Terre
Haute. In his 21 years as Chamber President there, Rod accomplished a great deal for the community and its various industries. In 2010, Terre Haute was named Indiana Chamber’s Community of the Year. Mr. Henry worked to revive the downtown area, attracting two hotels, expanding the children’s museum and bringing various galleries and restaurants to the area. For the Chamber, Rod led a team that saw 350+% growth in membership revenue and a total revenue increase of 130+%. He worked with various community leaders to establish programs like the Better Health Wabash Valley initiative, Terre Haute A Level Above campaign, Wabash River Development & Beautification, Wabash Valley Education Consortium
Register your team for the 5th annual Temple Chamber Golf Classic! August 23 at Wildflower Country Club. oÉ~Ç=ãçêÉ=çå=é~ÖÉ=RK
and Terre Haute Young Leaders, a program similar to Leadership Temple. Rod is experienced in working hand in hand with EDC leaders. In his over 36+ years of affiliation with Chamber organizations, he has partnered with EDC and community leaders not only to bring new business to his communities but to spur growth of existing industry. Board member Stacie Bratton says she is encouraged by Mr. Henry’s record. “Rod brings with him a true sense of what Chamber work is all about,” she said. Bratton was impressed by Rod’s “enthusiasm for chamber work and serving the business community of Temple.”
FRIDAY, August 2, 2013
An Alliance for Downtown Temple By: Sol Melton, Spherion Staffing Services qÜÉ=açïåíçïå=qÉãéäÉ=^ääá~åÅÉ=Eaq^F=éêçãçíÉë=íÜÉ=êÉîáí~äáò~íáçåI=êÉÇÉîÉäçéJ áãé~Åí= çå= qÉãéäÉÛë= çîÉê~ää= ÉÅçåçãó= íÜ~å= àìëí= ~ëëáëíáåÖ= íÜÉ= ÄìëáåÉëëÉë= íÜ~í= ~êÉ ãÉåí=~åÇ=éêÉëÉêî~íáçå=çÑ=Ççïåíçïå=qÉãéäÉ=~ë=ïÉää=~ë=ÄìëáåÉëë=~åÇ=éìÄäáÅ=çìíJ ~äêÉ~Çó=íÜÉêÉK==`çåëáÇÉê=íÜáëI=ëáåÅÉ=OMMT=t~Åç=Ü~ë=Ü~Ç=ARNPIOMMIMMM=ïçêíÜ=çÑ=éêçàJ êÉ~ÅÜK==fíÛë=~ã~òáåÖ=Üçï=ãìÅÜ=çÑ=~å=ÉÅçåçãáÅ=áãé~Åí=~=íÜêáîáåÖ=Ççïåíçïå=Å~å ÉÅíë=~åÇ=áåîÉëíãÉåí=áå=áíë=Ççïåíçïå=~êÉ~K==^ë=~=êÉëìäíI=t~Åç=Ü~ë=ëÉÉå=~=ëáÖåáÑáJ Å~åí= áåÅêÉ~ëÉ= çîÉê= íÜÉ= é~ëí= ÑáîÉ= óÉ~êë= áå= íÜÉ= ~ãçìåí= çÑ Ü~îÉ=çå=~=Åçããìåáíó=íÜÉëÉ=Ç~óëK==tÉ=Ü~îÉ=~ éÉçéäÉI= ÄìëáåÉëëÉë= ~åÇ= àçÄë= áå= áíë= Ççïåíçïå= ~êÉ~K ÖêÉ~í= Ççïåíçïå= ÅçãéäÉíÉ= ïáíÜ= íÉêêáÑáÅ ^åçíÜÉê= ÉÅçåçãáÅ= áãé~Åí= áë= íÜÉ= ~Äáäáíó= íç= ~ííê~Åí= ~åÇ êÉëí~ìê~åíëI= Ä~êëI= éêçÑÉëëáçå~ä= ÄìëáåÉëëÉëI êÉí~áå=í~äÉåí=Ñçê=~ää=çìê=äçÅ~ä=Åçãé~åáÉëK==i~êÖÉ=~åÇ=ëã~ää êÉí~áä= ëíçêÉë= ~åÇ= ï~äâ~ÄáäáíóK= = eçïÉîÉêI= çìê ÅáíáÉë= ~ää= çîÉê= íÜÉ= råáíÉÇ= pí~íÉë= Ü~îÉ= ã~ÇÉ= ëáÖåáÑáÅ~åí Ççïåíçïå=áëåÛí=äáîáåÖ=ìé=íç=áíë=Ñìää=éçíÉåíá~äK áåîÉëíãÉåíë= áå= íÜÉáê= Ççïåíçïåë= ëáåÅÉ= íÜÉ= É~êäó= OMMMëK fíÛë=ãáëëáåÖ=ëçãÉ=âÉó=áåÖêÉÇáÉåíë=ëìÅÜ=~ë=~ÇÉJ låÉ=êÉ~ëçå=íÜçëÉ=ÅáíáÉë=Ü~îÉ=ã~ÇÉ=íÜçëÉ=áåîÉëíãÉåíë=áë=ëç èì~íÉ==é~êâáåÖI=~=ÖêÉÉå=ëé~ÅÉI=ï~äâLàçÖLÄáâÉ íÜÉó= Å~å= ~ííê~Åí= í~äÉåí= íç= íÜÉáê= ~êÉ~K= = ^ÅÅçêÇáåÖ= íç= íÜÉ íê~áäI=ÉíÅKKKKÄìí=íÜÉ=ãçëí=áãéçêí~åí=áåÖêÉÇáÉåí k~íáçå~ä= ^ëëçÅá~íáçå= çÑ= eçãÉÄìáäÇÉêëI= UUB= çÑ= óçìåÖ áíÛë=ãáëëáåÖ=áë=éÉçéäÉK==qÜÉ=ÄÉëí=ï~ó=íç=ÉåíáÅÉ éêçÑÉëëáçå~äë=ï~åí=íç=äáîÉ=áå=~å=ìêÄ~å=ëÉííáåÖK==qÜáë=ÇÉãçJ éÉçéäÉ= íç= îáëáí= Ççïåíçïå= áë= íç= ã~âÉ= áí Öê~éÜáÅ=áë=ÉñíêÉãÉäó=áãéçêí~åí=íç=íÜÉ=ÑìíìêÉ=çÑ=qÉãéäÉ=~ë ~ééÉ~äáåÖ=íç=äáîÉ=ÇçïåíçïåK===eçéÉÑìääóI=ïÉ íÜÉ=_ççãÉêëÒ=ëí~êí=íç=Éñáí=íÜÉ=ïçêâÑçêÅÉK==tÉ=åÉÉÇ=íÜÉ ïáää=ëÉÉ=íÜáë=Ü~ééÉå=áå=íÜÉ=åÉ~ê=ÑìíìêÉK==qÜÉêÉ ~Äáäáíó=íç=~ííê~Åí=íÜÉã=íç=äáîÉ=~åÇ=ïçêâ=áå=qÉãéäÉ=~åÇ=~ áë= ÖêÉ~í= áåíÉêÉëí= áå= êÉJÇÉîÉäçéáåÖ= çìê= ÇçïåJ íÜêáîáåÖ=Ççïåíçïå=áë=~=ÖêÉ~í=éä~ÅÉ=íç=ëí~êíK íçïå=~êÉ~=~åÇ=ëçãÉ=ÖêÉ~í=éêçàÉÅíë=~êÉ=ÄÉáåÖ eçéÉÑìääóI= íÜÉ= áåáíá~íáîÉë= ~åÇ= îáëáçåë= ÅìêêÉåíäó= ÄÉáåÖ ÇáëÅìëëÉÇK==qÜÉ=ãçëí=ÉñÅáíáåÖ=ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåí=áë ÇáëÅìëëÉÇ= ÄÉíïÉÉå= íÜÉ= Åáíó= ~åÇ= éçíÉåíá~ä= áåîÉëíçêë= ïáää íÜÉ=éçëëáÄáäáíó=çÑ=íìêåáåÖ=íÜÉ=e~ïå=eçíÉä=áåíç ìêÄ~å=ëíóäÉ=~é~êíãÉåíëK==qç=ÜÉäé=Ñ~Åáäáí~íÉ=íÜáë Kids and adults alike dress up for Fright Fest, an annual event during Halloween start- ÅçãÉ=íç=ÑêìáíáçåK==tÉ=ÄÉäáÉîÉ=íÜáë=áë=åÉÅÉëë~êó=Ñçê=çìê=Åáíó íç= ÅçåíáåìÉ= íç= ã~áåí~áå= ~= ÅçãéÉíáíáîÉ= ~Çî~åí~ÖÉ= áå ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåíI=íÜÉ=Åáíó=áë=ÅçåëáÇÉêáåÖ=íÜÉ=Éëí~ÄJ ed by the DTA committee to promote events in downtown Temple. äáëÜãÉåí= çÑ= ~= nìáÉí= wçåÉÒ= íÜêçìÖÜçìí= Ççïåíçïå= qÉãéäÉK= = qÜÉ= é~ëëáåÖ= çÑ= íÜáë ~ííê~ÅíáåÖ=í~äÉåí=~åÇ=ÄìëáåÉëëÉë=íç=çìê=ÄÉ~ìíáÑìä=ÅáíóK==tÉ=ÜçéÉ=óçì=ïáää=àçáå=íÜÉ áåáíá~íáîÉ=ïáää=éä~ó=~=îáí~ä=êçäÉ=áå=~ííê~ÅíáåÖ=éÉçéäÉ=íç=äáîÉ=Ççïåíçïå=~åÇ=íÜÉ=aq^ aq^=áå=ëìééçêíáåÖ=íÜÉ=êÉîáí~äáò~íáçåI=êÉÇÉîÉäçéãÉåí=~åÇ=éêÉëÉêî~íáçå=çÑ=ÇçïåJ íçïå=qÉãéäÉK ëìééçêíë=íÜáë=éêçàÉÅíK== _êáåÖáåÖ= éÉçéäÉ= Ççïåíçïå= ~åÇ= ÇÉîÉäçéáåÖ= Ççïåíçïå= ÅêÉ~íÉë= ~= ãìÅÜ= ä~êÖÉê
Ready, Set & Looking Good for a New School Year By: Susan Howe, Friends of the Temple Public Library ^ë=Ä~ÅâJíç=ëÅÜççä=ëÉ~ëçå=ÖÉíë=áåíç=Ñìää=ëïáåÖI=äçÅ~ä ÅÜáäÇêÉå= ~åÇ= åÉÉÇ= ëçãÉ= ~ëëáëí~åÅÉ= áå= éêçîáÇáåÖ ÄìëáåÉëë=~åÇ=ëéçåëçêëK= ÄìëáåÉëëÉë= ~åÇ= çêÖ~åáò~íáçåë= ~êÉ= é~êíåÉêáåÖ= ïáíÜ ëÅÜççä=ëìééäáÉëI=ÅäçíÜÉë=~åÇ=çíÜÉê=íÜáåÖë=íç=ÄÉ=êÉ~Çó tÉ= Ü~îÉ= ÖêÉ~í= ëìééçêí= Ñêçã= íÜÉ= ÅçããìåáíóIÒ íÜÉ= qÉãéäÉ= `çääÉÖÉ= cçìåÇ~íáçå= íç= çÑÑÉê= ~= ÜÉäéáåÖ Ñçê= íÜÉ= ÄÉÖáååáåÖ= çÑ= íÜÉ= åÉï= ëÅÜççä= óÉ~êI= dê~Ü~ã dê~Ü~ã=ë~áÇK=fíÛë=~=ÖêÉ~í=çééçêíìåáíó=Ñçê=ÄìëáåÉëëJ Éë= íç= ÖÉí= áåîçäîÉÇ= íÜêçìÖÜ= ëéçåëçêëÜáéë= çê Ü~åÇ= íç= ëíìÇÉåíë= ~åÇ= é~êÉåíë= áå= íÜÉ Ççå~íáçåëKÒ qÉãéäÉ=~êÉ~K The Get Ready! Get Set! Look Good! event this year will be held from pç= Ñ~ê= íÜáë= óÉ~êI= ÉáÖÜí= äçÅ~ä= Ü~áêëíóäáëíë= ~åÇ dÉí=oÉ~Çó>=dÉí=pÉí>=iççâ=dççÇ>==áë=~ 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 24, at the Arnold Student Union on the TC Ä~êÄÉêë=Ü~îÉ=îçäìåíÉÉêÉÇ=íç=ÖáîÉ=ÑêÉÉ=Ü~áêÅìíëK éêçÖê~ã= ïÜáÅÜ= éêçîáÇÉë= ÑêÉÉ= Ü~áêÅìíëI ëÅÜççä=ëìééäáÉëI=ëÅÜçä~êëÜáéë=~åÇ=çíÜÉê campus. It will be a day of fun activities and games as well as an opportunity j~íÜå~ëáìã=ïáää=ÄÉ=ÅçåÇìÅíáåÖ=ã~íÜ=Ö~ãÉë=~í íÜÉ= ÉîÉåí= ~åÇ= Ü~ë= Ççå~íÉÇ= Ä~Åâ= é~Åâë= ~åÇ åÉÉÇë=íç=ÖÉí=íÜÉ=åÉï=ëÅÜççä=óÉ~ê=çÑÑ=íç=~ to get a free haircut and school supplies, gifts and scholarships. çíÜÉê= ÖáÑíëK= = pÅÜçä~êëÜáéë= ïáää= ÄÉ= ~î~áä~ÄäÉ éçëáíáîÉ= ëí~êíI= gÉååáÑÉê= dê~Ü~ãI= ÉñÉÅìJ íÜêçìÖÜ= íÜÉ= q`= cçìåÇ~íáçåK= = ^äíêìë~= `äìÄ= çÑ íáîÉ= ÇáêÉÅíçê= çÑ= íÜÉ= qÉãéäÉ= `çääÉÖÉ= cçìåÇ~íáçåI ë~áÇK= qÜÉ= Ñáêëí= éêçÖê~ã= ÜÉäÇ= ä~ëí= ^ìÖìëí= ëÉêîÉÇ qÉãéäÉ= Ü~ë= Ççå~íÉÇ= ÜóÖáÉåÉ= é~ÅâÉíë= ~åÇ= íççíÜÄêìëÜÉëX ë~áÇK= tÜáäÉ= ~áãÉÇ= éêáã~êáäó= ~í= ëíìÇÉåíë= áå= Öê~ÇÉë ~Äçìí= PRM= ëíìÇÉåíë= ~åÇ= çêÖ~åáòÉêë= ~êÉ= ÉñéÉÅíáåÖ oçí~êó= `äìÄ= çÑ= qÉãéäÉ= Ü~ë= Ççå~íÉÇ= ARMM= Ñçê= ëÅÜççä= ëìéJ hJNOI= íÜÉ= éêçÖê~ã= ~äëç= ëÉêîÉë= qÉãéäÉ= `çääÉÖÉ= ëíìJ ãçêÉ=é~êíáÅáé~íáçå=íÜáë=óÉ~êK éäáÉëI=~åÇ=eb_=áë=Ççå~íáåÖ=Üçí=ÇçÖë=Ñçê=äìåÅÜK=açå~íáçåë ^Äçìí=PM=q`=ëíìÇÉåíë=êÉéêÉëÉåíáåÖ=çêÖ~åáò~íáçåë çÑ= Å~ëÜI= çíÜÉê= áíÉãë= ~åÇ= ëÅÜççä= ëìééäáÉëI= ÉëéÉÅá~ääó ÇÉåíë=~åÇ=íÜÉáê=Ñ~ãáäáÉëK q`=ëíìÇÉåí=m~íêáÅÉ=a~îáëI=~=ãçíÜÉê=çÑ=Ñçìê=óçìåÖ ëìÅÜ= ~ë= iri^= vçìåÖ= ^Çìäí= `çìåÅáäI= mÜá= qÜÉí~ Åê~óçåëI=ÖäìÉ=~åÇ=ã~êâÉêëI=~êÉ=ëíáää=ïÉäÅçãÉK ÅÜáäÇêÉåI=Ñáêëí=éêçéçëÉÇ=íÜÉ=áÇÉ~=ä~ëí=óÉ~ê=~åÇ=ÄÉÖ~å h~éé~I= píìÇÉåí= dçîÉêåãÉåí= ~åÇ= j~êá~ÅÜáë= ÇÉ ^åó= ÄìëáåÉëëI= Öêçìé= çê= áåÇáîáÇì~ä= ïÜç= ïçìäÇ= äáâÉ= íç ïçêâáåÖ=ïáíÜ=íÜÉ=q`=cçìåÇ~íáçå=íç=áãéäÉãÉåí=íÜÉ qÉãéäÉ=éêçîáÇÉ=~=äçí=çÑ=íÜÉ=ã~åéçïÉê=Ñçê=éä~ååáåÖ Ççå~íÉ= ëÜçìäÇ= Åçåí~Åí= gÉååáÑÉê= dê~Ü~ã= ~í= íÜÉ= qÉãéäÉ `çääÉÖÉ=cçìåÇ~íáçå=çÑÑáÅÉI=ORQJOVUJTQPRK éêçÖê~ãK= = j~åó= ÅçääÉÖÉ= ëíìÇÉåíë= ~êÉ= Ñ~ãáäáÉë= ïáíÜ ~åÇ= ÅçåÇìÅíáåÖ= ÉîÉåí= ~åÇ= Ü~îÉ= ÄÉÉå= Åçåí~ÅíáåÖ
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FRIDAY, August 2, 2013
Community Showcase Testimonials By: Ashley Bland, Bell County Exposition Center
The second annual Scott & White Showcase took place June 28, 2013 at the Cultural Activities Center, providing an opportunity for new Scott & White residents to learn about Temple and see what Temple Chamber Members offer to our community. Check out what members are saying about this special event, and join us next year! BLOOD DRIVES August 1, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Materials Transportation Company, 1408 Commerce Dr., Temple August 2, 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Security Mini Storage, 502 Industrial Blvd., Temple August 2, 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Breakfast Drive at the Blood Donor Center, 2401 S. 31st St., Temple August 6, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. USDA, 808 E. Blackland Rd., Temple August 7, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Megg’s Cafe, 1749 Everton Dr. Temple August 21, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00p.m. Scott & White Westfield Clinic, 7556 Honeysuckle, Temple August 22, 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Scott & White W. Campus, 5701 Airport Rd., Temple August 22, 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Scott & White Center for Diagnostic Medicine, 1605 South 31st St., Temple August 28, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Scott & White Health Plan, 1206 W. Campus, Temple August 29, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. City of Temple, 2 N. Main St., Temple August 30, 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Hilton Garden Inn, 1749 Scott Blvd, Temple
To sign-up to donate blood or to find out how to host a blood drive, please contact the Scott & White Blood Center at (254) 724-6231.
iáë~=pÜÉÇ=çÑ=iáë~Dë=a~åÅÉ=`çååÉÅíáçåW= This event was a great value for our dance studio. We had a chance to market our classes to a brand new group of people who were moving into our area. Many of those attending were young families which is our target market for dance classes. We had a chance to meet with them one on one and share information about our dance classes. We will certainly participate in future years. aÉÉ= hÉêêI= `irI= `Üc`I irq`c=çÑ=pí~íÉ=c~êãW Participating in the Scott & White Community Showcase was a great opportunity. The community was well represented. The hundreds of new residents who attended, seemed excited to meet the community and learn what services are available. My team and I visited with many of them. They shared where they were from and introduced their families. We look forward to being of service our new friends. ^åíÜçåó=`Üáêçéê~ÅíáÅ=~åÇ=j~ëë~ÖÉI=mii`W It was a great experience for us to meet the professionals coming into our area. We have had quite a few come in to our office and have enjoyed our services. Since we offer a 20% discount for S&W insurance patients, most find that our pricing is well below that of the other local Chiropractors and Massage establishments. Many also have enjoyed the fact we offer acupuncture here as well. We appreciate the opportunity to be able to come into the showcase and participate in such a wonderful event. Thank you.
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e~åå~Ü= j~ÉÇÖÉåI= ^ëëáëí~åí= j~å~ÖÉê= çÑ dê~åÇ=^îÉåìÉ=qÜÉ~íÉê It was a wonderful business opportunity that benefited all that were there: exhibitors and the new community members. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of the representatives of Scott & White as well as networking with other local businesses. Grand Avenue Theater prides itself on being a locally owned establishment and opportunities such as this allows us to welcome new residents and patrons to the area. j~êÅ=oK=e~ääÉÉ=çÑ=pÅçíí=C tÜáíÉ=eÉ~äíÜÅ~êÉW Scott & White residents and fellows represent the future of health care for Central Texas and the U.S. We believe partnering with local businesses, through the Chamber of Commerce, provides a wonderful welcome for our residents and fellows as they come to Temple. We invite all of our Senior
Staff physicians and executives to join the residents and fellows to really personalize the experience for them.The Chamber has been a wonderful partner with us on this event for the past two years and we plan to continue it in the future. qÉêêá= j~ååáåÖ= ~åÇ= qêáëÜ= tççÇë= çÑ g~òòÉêÅáëÉ=qÉãéäÉW Attending the Scott & White Community Showcase was a fantastic shot in the arm for our business! Kudos to the Chamber for this well-planned, wellattended and well-executed event. It connected us with the perfect demographic for our growing business and we look forward to helping Scott & White Residents and their spouses balance the pressures of this time in their lives with the many physical and mental benefits of Jazzercise!
t i n t g u C E v n o e n b b ts i R
FRIDAY, August 2, 2013
Healthy Success: Located at 3010 Scott Boulevard, Ste. 104 in Temple, Healthy Success is owned and operated by Dr. Shelley C. Giebel. They offer comprehensive gynecologic services, bio-identical hormone pellets and weight control services through ideal protein. As an organization, they have lost 2027 pounds since June 2012, celebrating 17 years of service to their community. For more information, you can contact Dr. Shelley Giebel at (254) 7738339, e-mail or visit them online at and
Network Funding , LP: Located at 2118 Birdcreek Drive, Ste. 100 in Temple, Network Funding is a Loan Center operated by Branch Manager Cindy Southerland. They offer Residential Mortgage, Conventional, FHAUSDA-VA and TX Vet loans, as well as Reverse Mortgage loans. For more information, contact Cindy Southerland at (254) 295-0472, e-mail or visit them online at
Each quarter, we take the opportunity to acknowledge a Red Carpet Ambassador that has gone the extra mile in representing the Temple Chamber of Commerce and supporting our local businesses. This time the recognition goes to Eula Jett, with Joann Alley as runner up. Thank you for your service to the Chamber and to our community! Left to right: Joann Alley, Chairman Kenny Kelly and Eula Jett.
July Renewing Members Aftermarket Material Handling Parts LLC Alligator Graphics/W Promotions Altrusa International, Inc. APAC Texas Wheeler Companies The Apartment Assn. of Central Texas AppRev Aspen Air Inc. AUSA Central Texas Ft Hood Chapter Baird, Crews, Schiller & Whitaker, P.C. Batteries Plus Coca Cola Enterprises Discover Natural Foods, Inc. Doggie Stylez Eagle Systems, Inc.
Fairfield Inn Fairway Sports Vehicles Fox Service Company Fuddruckers Gogo's Frozen Yogurt & Cupcakes Gorden Eye Associates, P.A. Hartman ABC Pest Control, Inc. Heart of Central Texas Independent Living Hilton Garden Inn Impac Systems Engineering InHouse Systems, Inc. Insurance Network of Texas IntegraCare J Kowboy Wine Bar J.A.I.L. Ministry, Inc. Jupe Feeds, Inc.
K&W Insurance Agency Martin Hearing MF Construction Inc. Michna's Bar B Q & Restaurant MooreCo., Inc. Morris Financial Services Naman, Howell, Smith & Lee, PLLC Don Nelson The David Nix Agency Other Mothers Professional Datasolutions, Inc. Rabroker & Associates, P.C. RE/MAX Temple Belton/Ryan Smith Scanio Harper Funeral Home State Representative Ralph Sheffield
Law Office of Adam J. Soorholtz, P.L.L.C. Spherion Staffing Services Storage Solutions at Canyon Ridge Tanglewood Medical Supplies Temple Meridian Retirement Community Texas Satellite Television Texas State Optical Market Loop Twin Liquors Temple Twin Oaks Apartments Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC/Craig Connolly WhiteCo Construction Services, LLC Woodbridge Crossing Apartments
FRIDAY, August 2, 2013
Take a Swing at the 5th Annual Temple Chamber Golf Classic By: Judy Covington, Temple Chamber of Commerce The Temple Chamber of Commerce is pleased to host the 5th Annual Chamber Golf Classic on Friday, August 23 at Wildflower Country Club as a way of showing its support and thanking its members for all of their dedication and generosity in making the Chamber the bedrock of the Temple business community. Registration begins at 11:00 AM, followed by lunch and a noon shotgun start. Thirty teams of golfers will follow a Florida Scramble and we are still accepting teams. Registration forms are available on our website at or by stopping by
Eddy Lange, pictured to the right, will conduct the Live Auction which promises to have an array of exciting and unusual merchandise for sale.
the Chamber. A team of four golfers can play for $500, or individuals can sign up and $125 and we’ll put together a team for you. If you thrive on challenges and fun, this event offers several exciting extras including Hole in One, Hole # 4, Eagle Hole, Hole # 15, raffles and many prizes, on and off the course. According to Tournament Chairman Jack Folsom,“The course is in absolutely spectacular condition and will be the perfect back drop for a great day of golf.” The Silent Auction will begin on Thursday evening, August 22 at Business After Hours, hosted by Precious Memories, from 5:00 to
7:00 PM at Wildflower Country Club and continue throughout the day on August 23rd. An exciting array of items has been collected and donations can be made by contacting Sheila at the Chamber at 254-773-2105 or, who is also collecting items for the golf gift bags that will be distributed to the players and items for the Live Auction that will be conducted Friday evening. Once again Eddy Lange will conduct the Live Auction which promises to have an array of exciting and unusual merchandise for sale. The Chamber will donate a portion of the proceeds from the Golf Classic to both the Children’s Advocacy Center of Central Texas and Ralph Wilson Youth Clubs as part of its commitment to promoting and supporting our community and its business members. At this time we still have one hole available for sponsorship. Businesses can also purchase Driving Range Signs measuring 1.5’x2’ for $100. Please contact Judy Covington at 254-773-2105 Entertainment will be provided by or for more information. country music artist Brian Gowan. The Chamber Golf Classic is an excellent way of connecting with other Chamber members and supporting the business community. You don’t want to miss it!
Thank you to our sponsors
A variety of opportunities to market your business during the golf tournament are available, such as sponsoring a golf hole like Just In Time Plumbing to the left. Each sponsor has the opportunity to set up promotional materials at their designated hole, and are also given a 4 person team for the tournament. Other opportunities include the Driving Range sponsorship signs like those pictured above. For more information on marketing opportunities, contact Judy Covington at the Temple Chamber of Commerce at (254) 773-2105.
FRIDAY, August 2, 2013
Beat the Heat By: Carol Mouche', Chisholm Trail Chorus Sweet Adelines
Our Texas summers don’t creep up, but hit us with full-on fury when the thermometer pops into the 90s. It’s brutal to spend much time outdoors in August, yet your Minnesota relatives have announced they will be arriving on your doorstep for a week-long vacation. Where can you go, and what can you do together, so they won’t wilt and you can create lasting memories? Temple Chamber business members offer numerous options:
• Roller skating The limbo bar is calling you! Even if you don’t want to strap on those snazzy shoes with wheels, you can take the energetic kids and watch their antics rink-side. Check out Wheels Family Skating Center at 814 N. 31st in Temple for public skate sessions Tuesdays-Sundays. You can book private parties and they have arcade games and café selections outside the rink. They also offer free skating for children under 12 (special program). Details at, call (254) 7784141, surf
• Bowling It’s probably not quite how you remember it from your youth. Spare Time Fun Center at 5434 205
The Summit Fitness Center sports 20-foot indoor climbing walls with 4 auto belay stations and 8 regular belay stations. Fitness Center at 620 Fryers Creek Circle. While the family gym offers plenty of exercise classes and workout equipment, it also sports 20-foot indoor climbing walls with 4 auto belay stations and 8 regular belay stations. Harness and shoes are free with a gym membership or available for a day-use fee. Details at or call (254) 298-5348.
• Museums Heavy activity not appealing to your Minnesota cousins? Perhaps they would enjoy touring through our 3 local museums that draw visitors from around the world. Each has a niche, but all of them offer a glimpse of our past and how it ties into our area culture. The Bell County Museum at 201 N. Main in Belton, (254) 933-5243 is open Tu e s d a y - S a t u r d a y. Permanent exhibits include information about the nearby Gault Site, which has been home to human beings for more than 13,000 years; a moustache cup collection; the Little River Log
Loop offers 24 ultra-modern lanes of bowling, a world-class arcade and a two-story laser tag arena. They’ll even bring food and drink to you while you play. Spare Time is open 7 days a week and is located off West Adams at Loop 205. More info on their website: or phone: (254) 781-4399.
• Indoor rock climbing Sure, we’re miles away from the Rocky Mountains, but you can still work on your technique at Summit
Cabin from the 1850s; and the Sanctified Sisters of Belton, a 19thcentury female commune that organized in Belton. The Czech Heritage Museum at 119 W. French in Temple, (254) 899-2935 is open Tuesday-Saturday. Its current exhibit, “Czech Muzika,Texas Style,” runs through December 31 and features stories and photos of Czech bands, instruments and phonographs that highlight memories from Czech dance halls throughout Texas since the late-1800s. The Railroad & Heritage Museum at 315 W. Avenue B in Temple, (254) 2985194 is open Tuesday-Saturday. Its current exhibit, “Citizens at Last: The Woman Suffrage Movement in Texas,” runs through August 31 and focuses on the 27-year campaign fought by Texas women to gain the right to vote.
The Czech Heritage Museum is open Tuesday-Saturday.
• Movies And of course there’s the common denominator – Hollywood! Two area cinemas offer visitors of all ages the chance to put your feet up, slurp some soda and enjoy the latest blockbusters in air-conditioned comfort. Grand Avenue Theater, 2809 Oakmark Drive, Belton -- offers a full-service menu so you can dine while you watch. Call their movie line at (254) 939-5000 for showtimes. Premiere Cinema 16, 3111 S. 31st , is located in the Temple Mall and is 100% digital – Call their movie line at (254) 7913900.
FRIDAY, August 2, 2013
August 22 5 - 7 pm Sponsored by Precious Memories Florist & Gift Shop, hosted at Wildflower Country Club
EMANON Event DJ Jeremy & Susan Crossno 1922 S. 33rd St. Temple, TX 76504 (254) 624 7258 DJ Services Great Clips Sandra Olivas 3614 SW HK Dodgen Lp Ste E Temple, TX 76504
(254) 771 0222 Beauty Salons GSC Architects Beth Guillot 901 S. MoPac Expy. Bldg. III., #400 Austin, TX 78746 (512) 477 9417 Architects
High Performance Ropes of America, Inc. Luis Alvarez 1000 Kirkley Blvd Belton, TX 76513 (254) 939 3353 Manufacturers Kachemak Bay Flying Service Gary Chambless 7720 Airport Road Hangar 22 Temple, TX 76504
(254) 771 0077 www.kb Aviation Painting with a Twist Karin Wilson 7348 W. Adams #400 Temple, TX 76502 (254) 228 5548 m/temple Art Lessons
We are defining the future of Temple by the skills and qualifications of our workforce. At this luncheon, we will begin the process of putting systems in place to ensure that our labor force can support the professions we want to attract and retain. You are key to the discussion about workforce needs and preparation. Register early as we will be sending out key information and questions to help you participate more fully in the lunch discussion.
August 7, 2013 11:30 am - 1:15 pm Hilton Garden Inn, Temple lro=m^kbifpqp oÉéêÉëÉåí~íáîÉ=gáããó=açå=^óÅçÅâ=Ó=^ìíÜçê=çÑ=e_=R pìë~å=h~ã~ë=Ó=bñÉÅK=aáêK=Ñçê=`Éåíê~ä=qÉñ~ë=tçêâÑçêÅÉ `Ü~êäÉó=^óêÉë=J=qÉãéäÉ=ba` `óåíÜá~=eÉêå~åÇÉò=J=_Éäíçå=ba`
Keep Temple Beautiful Recognized as Gold Star Affiliate By: Tanya Gray, Keep Temple Beautiful
Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) , a statewide grassroots environmental and community improvement organization, recently named Keep Temple Beautiful a Gold Star Affiliate. A designation conferred on just 62 of the statewide organization's more than 360 affiliates in 2013. To stay in good standing with Keep Texas Beautiful, community affiliates must annually submit a report, pay dues, attend at least one training session and participate in at least one Keep Texas Beautiful endorsed activity. In 2004, the organization introduced the concept of Gold Star recognition to reward those communities who sought to go above and beyond the established requirements. To achieve this status, affiliates are required to meet additional benchmarks; they must share information on their mission and goals, answer questions about their educational programs and solid waste initiatives, participate in the Keep Texas Beautiful or Governor’s Community Achievement Awards programs and provide a letter
of support from their community. Keep Texas Beautiful formally recognized Gold Star communities during its 46th Annual Conference, held in June in downtown San Antonio. The status is an important honor for our local organization because it indicates that we are active in many ways in promoting, educating and beautifying the community. Keep Temple Beautiful successfully implemented programs to prevent litter, reduce waste, beautify community areas and educate local citizens last year. These included a Litter Index survey, Blackland tree planting of 63 trees, Eco-Lunch & Learns, school environmental presentations, e-recycling events, sitting on 3 of the East Temple Revitalization and Redevelopment
committees, being a Keep Texas Beautiful conference presenter with Scott & White and support of the City's curbside recycling program among other great initiatives. Keep Temple Beautiful regularly conducts projects that assist in the betterment of the City of Temple. Gold Star designation shows the community’s willingness to go above and beyond, when it Pictured left to right, Tanya Gray, Keep Temple Beautiful, receiving the Gold comes to issues like beau- Star Affiliate Award from Keep Texas Beautiful state affiliate’s Executive Director, Cathie Gail. tification, litter abatement community environment. KTB works and recycling. This recognition is the with government, businesses, civic highest status any community affiliate groups and volunteers to ensure that can achieve. Texas is the cleanest, most beautiful Keep Temple Beautiful is a grassroots state in the nation. For more informaenvironmental and community tion on programs and events, call improvement nonprofit, striving to (254) 493-4000 or visit educate and engage citizens to take Don't responsibility for improving their forget to like us on Facebook!
FRIDAY, August 2, 2013
Entrepreneuring as a Career Path By: Vane Hugo, The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas
The next generation has seen that the only way to move up the ladder is to job hop every few years. Some, who don’t hop soon enough, find themselves out of a job before they find the next one; a more difficult position, not helping them save for retirement. Those graduating now find white collar employment elusive. Many degreed professionals are working at menial service jobs. So, when will we stop telling kids to, “Get a job!” If the traditional route no longer leads to success, what does? To earn the income required for a good lifestyle requires producing something of value.
If you can’t work for someone else and be part of that company’s production, then you have to “Be the company!”
People who build companies turn the delivery of a product or service into profit for the company and its owners. They are called Entrepreneurs. Since the financial crunch, all net new jobs in Texas have come from people starting and growing small businesses. Small Business is what is making the economy slowly grow and by extension, provides workers the opportunity to be employed and for business owners to profit from engagement in commerce.
For generations young people have been told, “Study hard, get good grades, go to college, get a job, work your way up the ladder, and retire with a pension.” Those of college age, at the end of WWII, lived by this creed and by and large did well. Baby
Boomers had a great ride until they reached their 50’s and have been slammed by the financial crash of 2008 and company downsizings forcing many into late career changes or early retirement, not the financially secure lifestyle enjoyed by their parents.
Whether you are an out-of-work Baby Boomer, currently in high school or anywhere in between, entrepreneurism is an alternative to the traditional career path. What’s holding you back? Not everyone will be willing to take the responsibility for starting and running a business. There is no regular paycheck and a lot of uncertainty. There are many things to learn. It requires commitment and drive. It will require full commitment of all your resources. What resources? There are really only two resources, Time and Money. You have your time and money as well as the resources of anyone else you can talk into helping you.
Cove) • Temple College – Business & Community Education Department • The Business Resource Center in Killeen
Many say they can’t afford to start a business. Not so! You may not be able to fund the inventory to open a huge retail business, but there are many options: • Baker, car detailer, cleaning service, cosmetics, handyman, Internet affiliate, internet info sales, lawn service, personal shopper, personal trainer, photography, skin care, sports nutrition, travel, tutor, virtual assistant, window washer, writer…and a bunch more. Even if you are underemployed, if you have a job, keep it until you can get a
business effort going. If you are unemployed, then pick a business and jump in! Approach the process of starting a business as an opportunity to learn some new skills. Instead of having your school or company pick what you study, pick yourself; then you can learn what you need to know. Approach entrepreneuring as a string of endless opportunities rather than a series of obstacles. There is really no reason to delay starting a business, now! It is time to take the first step on the way to being an entrepreneur. Go get some entrepreneurial knowledge. “Where?”, you say. There are many places that have low or no cost services for small business development. Here are some options in the area: • The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas in Temple • The Small Business Development Center at McLennan County College (with offices in Temple and Copperas
A key to business success is to help the people around you be successful. I’m passing this along to you – you pass it on to help the people around you to succeed. How? Just send this along! Who do you know that could benefit from reading this today? Just get this to them! Do whatever you can to support small business. Start one, shop at one, or pass along these resources to help them grow. Until next month… Vane Hugo is the Executive Director of The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas, located at 19 North Main St. Temple, TX 76501. He can be reached for program info, comments or questions at or 254913-9140.
Local Advertising, the Pros and Cons of Print By: Erin Spencer, Temple College If you shop at any local retail store you will notice an increase of local magazines that are designed to highlight Central Texas. These magazines such as Tex Appeal and Bell County Living (which is soon to hit our market) are typically free and can range from a highly targeted audience such as mothers, brides and senior citizens to more broad audiences such as anyone living between Austin and Waco. So, how do you decide if these publications are right for your marketing budget? Advantages: 1. Magazines offer a little more glitz to the mix of print advertising. Most times their ads are in full color, which allows for a more creative and eyecatching design. 2. Locally themed magazines have the
advantage of targeting the local people, places and interests making them highly interesting to the customers local businesses are trying to target. Also, because they are free many readers will pick one up just to see what is inside. 3. Because of their glossy appearance, Magazines have a little longer shelf life than other forms of print media. Most are monthly publications, which means current issues stay on coffee tables for longer periods of time than daily or weekly publications. Disadvantages: 1. Magazines can be more costly than other forms of print advertising, especially when it comes to advertising in publications that are free to the public. Because there is no subscription fee to offset the cost of printing, these
costs are absorbed into the price of advertising. 2. Some magazines require a multi-run commitment. The most common requirements are six-month or oneyear contracts and there is always a little wiggle room for negotiation. 3. Because magazines are a monthly publication, the ability to get in that last minute ad is diminished. Deadlines are usually early in the month to accommodate printing schedules. Magazines are great publicity tools that small business should consider as part of their marketing strategy. Be sure the target audience matches the demographic you are trying to reach and remember to use it as one of the tools in your marketing toolbox.