Focus on Business - November 2014

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FRIDAY, November 7, 2014




BUSINESS NETWORKING BREAKFAST Sponsored by: Wednesday, Nov. 12 6:45 am Location: Temple Chamber of Commerce

SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY Nov. 29 Location: Your Local Community

DEC • 2014 BUSINESS LUNCH Tuesday, Dec.. 2, 12:00 pm Location: Temple Chamber of Commerce Sponsored by:

BUSINESS AFTER HOURSSponsored by: Tuesday, Dec. 2 5:00 pm Location: Frank W. Mayborn Civic & Convention Center

Salute to Business Speaker Announced Andrew Card, Jr., the second longest tenured White House Chief of Staff, will be the featured speaker during the Temple Chamber of Commerce Salute to Business, scheduled for Friday, January 30. This annual event will be held at the Frank W. Mayborn Civic & Convention Center. “We are extremely excited and grateful Mr. Card has accepted our invitation to address the Chamber membership and to join us as we honor all of our members who have contributed to our community’s growth, development and progress,” noted David Nix, The David Nix Agency, who serves as chair of the board for the Chamber of Commerce.

About the Salute to Business: Salute to Business is the business organization’s annual meeting where the leadership of the local chamber symbolically transfers from Nix to 2015 Chair of the Board, Harry Macey, Perry Office Plus. Sponsorships for the 2015 Salute to Business are now available by calling Mikie Cummings at the Temple Chamber of Commerce. For more information, please contact Sheila Poling, Temple Chamber of Commerce Events Coordinator, at (254) 773-2105, or email

“We are extremely excited and grateful Mr. Card has accepted our invitation to address the Chamber membership and to join us as we honor all of our members who have contributed to our community’s growth, development and progress.” - David Nix, Temple Chamber of Commerce Chair of the Board

Additional event details can be found on the Chamber’s website or by visiting their Facebook page.

Get Ready for Small Business Saturday! On Nov. 29, Help the Chamber Keep Holiday Shopping Local By: Vane Hugo, The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas

BUSINESS NETWORKING BREAKFAST Wednesday, Dec. 10 6:45 am Location: Garden Estates of Temple Sponsored by:

Small Business Saturday is a shopping holiday held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

It is part of one of the busiest shopping periods of the year. First observed on November 27, 2010, it fits nicely between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Black Friday features big box retail while Cyber Monday supports ecommerce stores respectively. By contrast, Small Business Saturday encourages holiday shoppers to patronize brick and mortar businesses that are small and local. In 2010, the holiday was conceived and promoted by American Express via a nationwide radio and television advertising campaign. That year, AMEX bought advertising inventory on Facebook, which it used to help promote to its small merchant account holders, by offering them free promotional advertising. AMEX also gave rebates to new cardholders to promote the event. American Express publicized the initiative using social

media, advertising, and public relations. A number of local politicians and many small business groups in the United States issued proclamations concerning the campaign. All-in-all the Small Business Saturday concept generated more than one million Facebook "likes" and about 30,000 tweets. The count now is over 3.33 million likes. The story of America is written in small businesses. It’s written in the cafes where we met our first love. And in the boutiques where we buy our babies’ clothes. On Nov 29, be there for the businesses that are there for you to help write the next chapter.

A Chamber Member’s Success Story... (continued on pg . 2)


A Success Story...(cont)

"Arches Footcare joined the Temple Chamber of Commerce in the Fall of 2013. We liked the idea of becoming more connected to the city, however, as a small store open for less than a year, we hesitated to spend money on joining the Chamber. However, we liked the idea of having our ribbon-cutting published in the Temple Daily Telegram, so we went ahead and joined. Not long after joining, we decided to participate in "Small Business Saturday" and hold our first annual "BIG Small Business Saturday Sale". We received an email from Katie Smith, the Communications and Marketing Director of the Temple Chamber asking if we wanted to be included in the listing of Businesses

FRIDAY, November 7, 2014 participating in the event in the Chamber section of the Temple Daily Telegram. It didn't cost a thing, so we naturally said "Yes!" The morning of Small Business Saturday, we received a call from a local news channel doing a story on the event. A television reporter came to our store during the event and interviewed us, and that evening the interview aired on the station's news show. We were able to reach additional customers through the newspaper, the Chamber and the television! I asked the reporter how he found out about our sale. He saw us listed on the Temple Chamber website. Our small investment sure has paid off for us! This year we joined the Temple Chamber again without hesitation. We are happy with our return on investment.” - Lynn Reichl, Arches

“Shop Small” With These Chamber Members on Saturday, Nov. 29...

Arches (254) 773-2693 I 2ND ANNUAL BIG SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY SALE! Everything in the store will be 10% - 45% off. Saturday only.

Get Ready for Small Business Saturday! For information on participating, free marketing material or general inquiries, visit: Chamber members that are open on Small Business Saturday can be recognized by completing this survey: For more information, contact the Chamber office: (254) 773-2105

Local Businesses Help Make Main Street Fright Fest a “Huge Success” On Friday, October 31, the Public Pavilion in

Along with food vendors, there were various booths offering FREE candy and activities for the kids. Chamber member Dubois Furniture was a hit with Russ Williams giving tours of their "haunted truck". Williams is also a Leadership Temple participant this year.

Downtown Temple was transformed into a festive, Halloween celebration with Main Street Fright Fest! The Temple Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Temple Council wishes to thank all of the area businesses, organizations and volunteers who helped make this 4th annual event an overwhelming success. A special thank you goes out to our sponsors, Extraco Banks, H-E-B on West Adams and Wally's Party Factory, as well as our Chamber members who participated as booth vendors.

The Downtown Temple Council (DTC), an initiative of the Temple Chamber of Commerce, decided to coordinate this event so that parents can have a safe and fun alternative” to traditional door-to-door trick or treating. Another goal of Main Street Fright Fest was to bring more people into the downtown area to show what all of the businesses have to offer. The DTC hopes the event is fun for children of all ages and that it continues to grow for years to come.

V-Quest Office Machines & Supplies Printer Toner & Ink Supplies Office Supplies & Furniture Printer & Fax Hardware Printer Repair

(254) 760-6895 866-763-8801 (Office) 866-763-8803 (Fax) Mark Jermstad V.P. SALES & or MARKETING Locally Owned & Operated Central TX Company Since 1996

As admission to Main Street Fright Fest, over 500 pounds of canned goods were collected and donated to Food for Families, which will then distribute the donations to Temple's local food pantries.

Johnnie’s Cleaners & Tailors 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 116 S. Main Downtown Temple 254-778-2408

2703 S. 37th Behind Mazzio’s 254-770-0355

120 Royal St., Salado Springhouse 254-947-0747

Come In and See Why We Are Simply the Best.

Giving Thanks To All of Our Customers!

“Home of the Beautiful Vase”

Happy Happy Holidays! Holidays!

Central Texas Delivery • c Wire Service Available (254) 778-2242 1404 South 31st Street

Major and Minor Alterations We have quality seamstresses onsite!

No Appointment Necessary On Alterations, Completed in 2 to 4 days.

FRIDAY, November 7, 2014


The Economic Impact:

There’s More Behind Main Street Fright Fest Than Just Fun & Games...

“Many times community festivals are not viewed as economic development activities. However, these events when conducted in downtown or town centers draw into the area a new customer base and acquaints people with opportunities for food or shopping that they often miss in their daily traffic patterns.”

Kids and parents alike enjoyed "pumpkin bowling", courtesy of Chamber member, The Patio on Main.

- Charley Ayres, Vice President Temple Economic Development Corporation

The staff of the Temple Railroad and Heritage Museum sported 50'sera costumes to go along with the museum's Route 66 exhibit.

Chamber Members That Participated In Main Street Fright Fest Batteries Plus Bulbs Czech Heritage Museum Direct Auto Insurance Extraco Banks H-E-B IGott Island Cuisine Just Desserts by Shauna

Railroad and Heritage Museum Sprint Store -Temple Steven's Furniture Stream Energy/Ignite Temple College The Patio On Main

RENTING The Smart way to get things done!

CHOICE RENTALS, INC. (254) 774-8503 2405 S. General Bruce Drive Temple, Texas 76504 Lloyd Johle - Celebrating 44 years in business!


(254) 770-0932

S A L E S • S E RV I C E • I N S TA L L AT I O N

Immediately following Fright Fest, adults were invited to stay in the downtown area at O’Brien’s Pub, In the Mood Ballroom, Green Door and others for fun, adults-only events.


t i n t g u C E v n o e n b b t i s R

FRIDAY, November 7, 2014


North Belton Middle School: On October 2, Belton ISD held a dedication ceremony for North Belton Middle School. Located at 7907 Prairie View Road in Temple, this new campus allowed the district to convert Belton Middle School into Bhs9. Used primarily for ninth-grade classes, Bhs9 gives the high school some much needed additional space. North Belton Middle School 7907 Prairie View Road, Temple, TX 76502 (254) 316-5200 I

Temple High School Library: On Friday, October 24, students, faculty & community members, along with Temple High School alumnus and Caldecott Award Winning author Brian Floca, celebrated the completion of the new high school collegiate-style library. This grand display of the district’s commitment to student achievement includes several multi-purpose rooms and collaborative spaces that will support and encourage intellectual growth for many decades to come. Temple High School Library 415 North 31st Street, Temple, TX 76504 (254) 215-7021 I

Cyclone Corral BBQ: Cyclone Corral BBQ is a familyowned business since 1976. Their traditional hours of operation have been the first weekend in April through the last weekend in October, open on Friday and Saturday evenings. Starting this year, they are taking reservations for large holiday parties and selling smoked honey glazed hams. Please call them for your orders or reservations at the number listed below. They are completing some renovations to make their open air atmosphere comfortable for the upcoming Texas winter days. Cyclone Corral BBQ 1616 Farmers Road, Burlington, TX 76519 (254) 985-2317 I

October New Members Budget Blinds of Temple & Killeen Michael Dunn 3205 Cordova Drive Temple, TX 76502 (254) 654 1992 Windows & Shade Structures Blinds & Window Treatments Comet Cleaners & Laundry Jerry Tucker & Ryan Michaelis Two Locations: 2911 Market Loop Temple, TX 76502 (254) 770-0452 5416 W. Adams Avenue Temple, TX 76502 (254) 899-2255 Dry Cleaners La Riv Italian Cuisine Vira Chudasma 7410 W. Adams Avenue Suite 160 Temple, TX 76502 (254) 231-3661 Restaurants

Liberty National Marri Andrews 223 W. Anderson Lane Suite B300 Austin, TX 78752 (512) 284-3716 Insurance Mana Yoga Health & Spa Frank Cimino 704 N. 3rd Street Temple, TX 76501 (254) 207-0340 Yoga Metabolic Research Center Blair Rocheleau 1103 S. 31st Street Temple, TX 76504 (245) 741-1700 Weight Loss Services Miller's Smokehouse Dusty Miller 208 N. Penelope Street Belton, TX 76513 (254) 939-5500 Restaurants Nolan Creek Winery

Phil Monge 219 S. East Street Suite C Belton, TX 76513 (254) 613-4475 Winery Ranch House Inn & Suites Gina Rushing 1902 S. 1st Street Temple, TX 76504 (254) 773-0114 Hotel/Motel

Ranch House Inn & Suites

Salon Karen Karen Haley Dungan 2820 West Avenue O Suite C Temple, TX 76504 (254) 774-7373 Salon & Spa Westside Pharmacy Mark Bradley 1516 S. 31st St Temple, TX 76504 (254) 778-2773

FRIDAY, November 7, 2014


Veteran’s Day is November 11 Honoring Temple Chamber of Commerce Veteran-Owned Businesses 1Sent Communications Badd Azz Bikes Bell County Human Services Body By Vi - Project 10 Challenge Centex Stone Coat Hooked on Health iGott Island Cuisine Pointe N Tyme Vaping Pointe N Tyme Etiquette RW Lone Star Security, LLC. Waterside Sports, LLC

iGott Island Cuisine Located at 2825 Thornton Lane, Suite 170 in the South Loop Shopping Center, iGott Island Cuisine is here to "lively up" Temple's taste with their Jamaican Cuisine. For more information about their menu items, contact Irma Gottshalk at the number listed below. You can also view photos and like their page on Facebook. Irma Gottshalk I (254) 258-2885

October Renewing Members A New Day Fellowship Church A&D Tests, Inc. Able Jons, Inc. Advanced Surveying & Mapping, LLC American Hearing Center Arches John Bailey Financial Bell Co. Asst. County Attorney Jeanne Parker Bell Contractors Inc. Bello Photography BJ3 Industries, Inc. Bo's Barn Dancehall Bury Central TX. Certified Development Co. Chaney Construction Services, LLC

Chick Landscaping, Inc. Citizens For Progress, Inc. Coleman American Allied Van Lines Construction Service & Materials Cooper & Bright Plumbing Cotton Patch Cafe DocuMaxx Xerox Sales Agency H E B Temple Retail Support Center Home Instead Senior Care Jackson Hewitt Tax Service/Centax, Inc. Henry L.S. Jezek, CPA John McClaren Chevrolet Knutson, Bedrich and Assoc., CPA's Lamar Advertising Lisa's Dance Connection Lone Star Grading & Materials, LLC

Don’t Miss It!

Luby's Fuddruckers Restaurants, LLC LVR Management Muscular Dystrophy Association Names and Numbers New York Life Insurance Ken Higdon Newcomers Club, Inc. O'Briens Irish Pub Panda Power Funds Powerhouse All Star Cheer & Fitness Precious Memories Florist & Gift Shop Precision Tune Auto Care Ralph Wilson Youth Clubs Regency Manor Rodney Dunn Co., Inc. Mary Jane Roach

Simply Smart Solutions Small Business Dev. Center/MCC Stripes Convenience Stores Temple College Business & Continuing Education Division Temple College Foundation Tenroc Ranch Texas Benefit Alliance Texas Best Smokeshop Texas Partners Federal Credit Union TXU Energy Union State Bank V Quest Office Machines & Supplies Zooty's

The Latest in Member News

20th Annual Veterans' Day Pass in Review Parade Nov. 11 ... 10:30 am .... Wildcat Stadium Temple High School's Air Force JROTC will present the 20th Annual Veterans' Day Pass-In-Review Parade on Tuesday, November 11, beginning at 10:30 am at Wildcat Stadium. This is a great opportunity to watch Temple High School JROTC cadets celebrate and honor our Veterans and currently deployed men and women in uniform, with a Pass-In-Review Parade.

The Better Business Bureau

is pleased to introduce their annual awards program to honor businesses committed to ethical marketplace practices. Winners at the regional level are sent to the Council of Better Business Bureau's International Torch Awards for Marketplace Excellence competition. Learn More & Apply at: Deadline: Friday, Nov. 21

Chisholm Trail Chorus of Sweet Adelines International's annual show, "Wrapped Up In Harmony,” will be 7 p.m. Saturday, November 22, at the Cultural Activities Center (CAC), 3011 North 3rd St. in Temple. The performance is being co-produced by the CAC. Reserved seats are $20 at the CAC Box Office: Special guests this year are acappella ensemble “VocaLibre” from Texas State University-San Marcos and Bel Canto quartet of Central Texas. The show is a major fundraiser for the non-profit chorus, which is a Temple Chamber member. Business and community sponsorships are available through the chorus website at Show underwriters include Sean Burgest, MD of the Harker Heights Medical Clinic; and Dennis and Ann Turk of Belton.

SAVE THE DATE Saturday, December 6 10:00 am - 4:00 pm “Santa, Shopping, Entertainment & Food” For additional information call the Temple Convention & Visitors Bureau at (254) 298-5418 or visit their website at




FRIDAY, November 7, 2014

“A look behind the businesses, organizations, events and ongoing initiatives in Downtown Temple, Texas.”

“Remembering the Sanctuary”

Looking Back 100 Years with the First United Methodist Church These photos come from the First United Methodist Church archives. Pictured are various leaders in the church and distinguished men in the community, circa 1914.

Business Men's Bible Class, circa 1914 Pictured above are eight of the ten men on the building committee for the FUMC sanctuary.

Back row, starting from the left: James Robinson Spencer, insurance agent, Flavius Foster Downs, bank president, Rev. Robert Pierce Shuler Sr., pastor, Edward Harper Wynne, grocer Front row, starting from the left: Arren Calvin Buchanan, real estate developed, banker, and politician, Reuben Owen Culp Sr., real estate developer and investments executive, Walter Staples Rowland, banker, Albert Franklin Bentley, owner of several businesses including dry goods, electric railway, and land developing Not shown: Robert Lee McKnight, grocer, and Joseph Grey Childers, farmer and rancher with vast property. First United Methodist Church member, Lisle Meeker, said that if it wasn’t for the church historian, Margaret Galloway, and the few volunteers she had, FUMC would not have the stories over the years to share with the congregation.

“Margaret was given hundreds of documents to sort through and categorize. It was like filing taxes with a shoebox full of receipts...and she pulled it off.” -Lisle Meeker, Hooked on Health

First United Methodist Church member, Lisle Meeker, holds a photo taken by Paul Tipton, which are available for sale in the church office.

More Information History...



“How lovely is Thy Dwelling Place” is a book composed by Telegram writer Patricia Benoit, and is available for sale in the church office. Photos of the Centenial Celebration, taken by Paul Tipton, are also on sale in the church office. For anyone wanting to view FUMC’s records, there is now a heritage collection for faith and family research that was established this year. It can be accessed by contacting the Church Historian, Margaret Galloway.

First United Methodist Church-Temple Pastor: Tom Robbins 102 N. 2nd Street, Downtown Temple, Texas (254) 773-5269

FRIDAY, November 7, 2014


“Bell County Day”with Leadership Temple By: Dr. Veronica Alonzo, Holy Trinity Catholic High School, & Chelsea Inderwiesen, Walker Honey Farm, LLC

On Tuesday October 14, 2014, the Temple Leadership class visited different entities within Bell County. The day began with a visit with the Bell County Commissioners. The size of Bell County in Texas has increased over the last several years. Bell County is home to Fort Hood. With a capacity of 50,000 troops, it is one of the largest military installations in the free world and has a strong and stable economy. After meeting with the commissioners, the group walked over to the Bell County museum. Stephane Turnham has been the director of the museum since 1994. She is in charge of all the permanent exhibits as well as the temporary ones such as the current special exhibit on Frida Kahlo through the lens of Nickolas Muray. This exhibit has been one of the most visited. Turnham’s enthusiasm for the museum was contagious as she shared insight into Bell County’s history and how it was influenced by so many major events. After a tour of the museum, the group traveled to the 911 emergency response center. This center receives all 911 calls for the County and

coordinates with dispatchers to relay important information to police, fire, and ambulances. This coordinated effort helps keep the citizens safe and provides the appropriate level of response. Most recently, the center is working with several phone companies to beta test the ability to send text messages to the 911 center. They hope to roll out the program in its entirety in 2016. Class members from Leadership Temple listen to Bell County The class traveled to the Sheriff Eddy Lange before being guided on a tour of the Bell Justice Center and had lunch in County Justice Center and Jail. This was part of their Bell the grand jury room with County day program through Leadership Temple on October 14. Sheriff Ed Lange. Recent changes that you may have noticed about sher- be flexible. When an inmate enters the jail, mediff ’s are the new bullet proof body armor, shot- ical and corrections staff immediately assesses the inmate for suicidal tendencies and medical guns in patrol cars, and periodic training. Jail administrator, Nancy Botkin, along with issues. Inmates come into the jail injured or with Cpl. Wiges and Cpl. Blue, pro- contagious diseases and chronic illnesses such as vided a tour of the county tuberculosis, heart problems, cancer, flu, diajail. We began our tour in betes, and severe dental decay, hence it is critical the intake room as if we to identify these issues immediately so as to not had been arrested. Then allow for the contagious disease to spread. At the end of the day it was apparent that the continued into the rest of County communicates with other entities to supthe facility. Botkin shared that their protocols must port them in any way possible. stay up to date and need to Pictured from left to right are Leadership Temple President HB Macey, Perry Office Plus, Curriculum Co-Chairs Ashley Marshall, Chase, and Erik Ray, Central Realty Partners, as well as Bell County Sheriff Eddy Lange, Sgt. Blue and Cpl. Blue with the Bell County Justice Center and Jail. Lange, Sgt. Blue and Cpl. Blue escorted the class through the 177,000 sq. ft. facility.

More photos of Bell County Day are available on the Chamber’s Faceboook page or by visiting:

About Leadership Temple A Chamber program, this series of 9 classes culminates in a final group project and graduation ceremony. It maintains a strong alumni network and prepares future Temple leaders for community-oriented, decision-making positions.

Interested in Participating? To learn more about Leadership Temple or to express interest in applying, call the Chamber office at (254)773-2105 or visit


FRIDAY, November 7, 2014

Taming the Holiday Surge By: Vane Hugo, The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas


That’s higher than 2013’s actual 3.1 % increase during the same time frame. Holiday sales on average have grown 2.9 percent over the past 10 years. So, it looks like there will be a holiday surge this year. Do your business activities change with the seasons? There are a number of things that can change as the holiday season approaches, things that business owners and managers need to address. Your inventory levels may need to change, adding more stock so you don’t run out during the rush, or changing your product mix to add holiday items and clear out the end of summer stuff. One of the changes that is often the most challenging is adjusting your staffing. Almost any retail business, along with B2B suppliers, need to add staff for the holidays. Just the increase in customer traffic could drive this, or you may be adding operating hours so your store will be open when customers need to shop in this busy season. So, likely you are looking to hire extra staff for the upcoming holiday season. If you are then you’ll need to follow a few rules to be sure you don’t wind up with a “people problem”. What are the rights and benefits for seasonal staff ? What are my rights as an employer and how do I protect those rights? Here are a few things to think about as you build your seasonal workforce: • Almost all laws and regulations that apply to full-time staff also apply to part-time staff. • The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) mandates that part-time employees have the same rights as full-time workers with regard to minimum wage, overtime, child labor and the records you are required to keep on your employees. Be sure you don’t neglect the record keeping. Good records especially about discipline could keep you from paying a huge unemployment claim. • Labor laws covering discrimination, harassment & safety apply to seasonal employees just as they do to your permanent staff. Be sure you and your supervisory staff are familiar with these laws. • Workers’ Compensation laws do not require businesses with employees to carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance coverage, but as an employer you are obligated under The Texas Workers’ Compensation Act. You have a reporting obligation to the state when an employee is hurt. The act’s purpose is to provide employees with access to “prompt, high-quality medical care when they are injured on the job”. If you choose not to obtain Worker’s Comp insurance you may be liable for a number of expenses if your employee is injured on the job. • Social Security/Medicare – You must withhold Social Security and Medicare taxes from your employees' wages and pay a matching amount yourself (often referred to as, Payroll n October, The National Retail Federation announced it expects sales in November and December (excluding autos, gas and restaurant sales) to increase a healthy 4.1%.

Taxes). This is the same as you do for your fulltime staff, so treat part-timers the same and you won’t have a withholding problem. • If you are not-requiring specific hours of a worker, it may be possible to hire some help as independent contractors. This is a tricky thing and, if audited, the IRS could rule that they were really employees and you would then be liable for employee tax withholding, social security, benefits and unemployment insurance and maybe even interest and penalties. It’s smart to talk to your accountant if you think you might want to hire contractors rather than part-time employees. Your CPA can help you determine the tax issues and the reporting requirements, which include reporting anything over $600 on a Form 1099. • There are “fringe” benefits that aren’t required by law. They may be offered at the employer’s discretion. These may include medical insurance, paid vacation, or retirement plans. Whether you decide to offer these is completely up to you, but it’s important to be explicit during the recruitment process about what you will and won’t provide. Write it down along with your employee rules and requirements and have them sign a copy. • Depending on the type of work, you may want part-time employees to sign a non-disclosure agreement, so they don’t take your proprietary process down the road to a competitor. • If your work requires handling financial or other sensitive information a background check might be a good idea. If you think you want to do that, check with your legal counsel to be sure your methods of obtaining information are not violating any of the employees’ rights to privacy. • Check out these links if you need more info on any of the above or other employee/employer issues: o Texas Workforce Commission o Texas Bar Association – Employers Guide to General Employment Law ation1/Employment_Law1/EmployersGuidetoGeneralEmploymentLaw.pdf o State of Texas guide – Especially for Texas Employers I wish you Happy Holidays and Great Sales! If you have questions please contact me, Vane Hugo, Executive Director, The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas 19 North Main St., Temple, TX 76501 254-913-9140

One Stop Drop-Off Location - Saturday, November 15 By: Tanya Gray, Keep Temple Beautiful Keep Temple Beautiful (KTB) is inviting you to take part in a one-of-a-kind recycling event, "One Stop Drop-Off," in honor of Texas Recycles Day. This event is a one stop drop for all of the items that you don’t need any longer but someone else could use! What can you drop off ? BICYCLES: Bring your bikes of all sizes and shapes for donation to the “Ride Bike Temple Bike Share Program” on behalf of the Temple College Foundation. They will be adding two new bike stations in the spring - one at the VA and the other at the Temple Public Library. BOOKS: Donate your new or used books to benefit the Temple Public Library. CELLPHONES: Sprint is providing responsible recycling of cellphones through their wireless recycling program. Anyone who recycles a cellphone at the event from any cellphone company will also receive an “earth friendly” item and be entered into a contest to win a Sprint product! CLOTHING & COMPUTERS: Goodwill is requesting, gently used or new women’s, men’s and children’s clothing and shoes along with computers in working condition! EYEGLASSES: Assist the Lion’s Club by bringing your old or unworn eyeglasses or reading glasses and give the gift of sight to someone. NON-PERISHABLE FOOD ITEMS: Support the “TISD/Ace Food Pantry Program”

by bringing your canned goods. Needy families will benefit from your generosity. PET PRODUCTS: Bosque Animal Rescue Kennel (BARK) is asking all pet lovers to bring leashes, collars, toys, brushes, combs, blankets, Pedigree dry & canned food (unopened), dog shampoo, large dog houses, stainless steel buckets with handles, bath towels, paper towels, bleach, laundry detergent, heavy metal storage for dog food, pet bowls, copy paper, postage and 30 gallon trash bags. There will be a furry friend at the event to “Thank” all those who donate to the cause that day. This one day event will allow community members the opportunity to responsibly recycle items for reuse and support local charities, organizations and businesses. The event will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday November 15th in the parking lot of Temple High School, 415 N. 31st Street. Our participating community partners will be on hand to answer any questions and provide details regarding their programs. Keep Temple Beautiful wishes to take an active role in the proper management of used items and offers this One Stop Drop Off event to increase the collection and responsible recycling of used consumer goods. Take time out of your day to give back to your community and make a stop at the “One Stop Drop-Off ”! The One Stop Drop-Off Collection is open to all surrounding cities. For more information, contact Keep Temple Beautiful at (254) 493-4000.

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