Focus on Business - August 2014

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FRIDAY, August 1, 2014


AUG • 2014 EVENTS CALENDAR BUSINESS NETWORKING BREAKFAST Wednesday, Aug. 13 6:45 am Sponsored by:

Tee it Up! Golf party & auction

Thursday, August 21

5:00 pm, Wildflower Country Club

6th Annual Chamber Classic Golf Outing Friday, August 22 WILDFLOWER COUNTRY CLUB

SEPT • 2014

Join Us for the Party!

Thank you to our sponsors

First Annual “Tee it Up!” Announced On August 21 from 5:00-7:30 pm, the first annual “TEE IT UP” Golf Party and Auction sponsored by MW Builders, The David Nix Agency, Jack Hilliard Distribution Co., Inc. and Central National Bank will be held at the Wildflower Country Club. Some of the auction items include a weekend Russian Wild Boar hunting package for two, Port Aransas fishing package for two, a personal home design consultation by Shannon Winn and a three day, two night unlimited golf package at Casa Velas in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. These are but a few of the fantastic auction items offered. Join us, bring friends and enjoy an evening of hors d’oeuvres, drinks and conversation while planning how to outbid your neighbor! The “Tee it Up!” Golf Party and Auction will kick off the 6th Annual Chamber Classic Golf Outing, presented by Corporate Sponsor MW Builders. Also, thanks to our Hole-In-One Sponsor, Johnson Bros. FordLincoln, you can take your best shot at hole #4 to win a brand-new Ford Escape! It all begins with registration and lunch at 11:00 am on Friday, August 22 at Wildflower Country Club. The Shotgun Start is at noon and awards will be announced at 6:00 pm. Individual entries are $150, 4 player teams are $500 and you can download the application form at Marketing opportunities are also available by contacting Mikie Cummings, Director of Programs & Services, at For more information, contact Sheila Poling, Events Coordinator, at or call the Chamber office at (254) 773-2105. Be sure to join us for a fun time on the green!

BUSINESS LUNCH Tuesday, September 9

12:00 pm

Sponsored by:


BREAKFASTWednesday, Sept. 10 6:45 am Sponsored by:

Tuesday, September 16, 11:30 am

BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Thursday, September 25 5:00 pm Sponsored by:

Introducing the 2014-15 Leadership Temple Class The Temple Chamber of Commerce is proud to annouce the selected class members for the 2014-15 Leadership Temple class. Each year, the Chamber asks the Temple business community to submit their best and brightest employees for consideration to Leadership Temple. Beginning in 1988, the program was developed to prepare the future leaders of Temple for community-oriented, decision-making positions. Now 25+ years later, the program has a competitive selection process, which includes a lengthy application, essay questions, references and interview to fill 20 slots. Once selected, class members must make a significant time commitment towards Leadership Temple, which includes a series of 9 monthly classes and additional time working on a group project. Some of those past projects included the Temple Community Free Clinic, Whistle Stop Playground and the start of the Temple Economic Development Corporation. The purpose of the program is: 1) To inform the participants about Temple's history, government, economy, social issues, needs, opportunities and the existing processes for dealing with them. 2) To introduce the participants and establish dialogue with each other and current leaders of Temple. 3) To encourage the participants to actively participate in activities which contribute to the growth and the betterment of the Temple community. (cont. on next page)


FRIDAY, August 1, 2014

Introducing the 2014-15 Leadership Temple Class (cont. from front page)

Lacy Adams Johnson Bros. Ford-Lincoln

Veronica Alonzo Holy Trinity Catholic High School

Jose Gonzales Walmart Distribution Center #6083

Chelsea Inderwiesen Walker Honey Farm

Jamie Ambrose Temple Mall

Kirbi Barbosa BBVA Compass

Damon Boniface City of Temple Public Works

Nancy Preston Temple ISD

David McCauley Temple ISD

Casey Burke Temple Bible Church

Brian Reinhart Extraco Banks

Robert Clapp Walmart Distribution Center #6083

Sandhya Sanghi Baylor Scott & White Health

Bret Friemel Vista Real Estate

Jessica Speer Perry Office Plus

Leigh Gardner City of Temple Public Library

Russ Williams Dubois Furniture

Honoring Our Military and an Icon to the Temple Community By: Katie Smith, Temple Chamber of Commerce

Keifer Marshall, Jr., former mayor of Temple and marine in WWII, will be the guest speaker for the 2014 Military Appreciation Luncheon on September 16. For over 30 years, the Temple Chamber of Commerce has coordinated efforts with leadership at Fort Hood to host this event, which is a prime opportunity not only to show our respect and gratitude to our soldiers, but also to serve a great meal to those who serve in the armed forces. Marshall is a native of Temple, serving in the United States Marine Corps during WWII as a rifleman. Of the 250 men in his company, he was one of four who survived the Battle of Iwo Jima. Marshall is married to Sammie Nancy Farrier. After graduating with degrees from both the University of Texas and Southern Methodist University, Marshall went on to serve the city of Temple in various capacities, which included President of the Temple Industrial Foundation, Board of Directors for Temple EDC and President of the Temple Chamber of Commerce. He also served as Mayor of the City of Temple from 1998-2002. In addition to civic duties, Marshall is an accomplished businessman, founding the Keifer Marshall Life Insurance Agency in 1950. Some of Marshall’s accomplishments include recipient of the Admiral Thomas J. Hamilton Award from the All-American Football Foundation, recipient of the Distinguished American Award from the Greater Austin Chamber Chapter of the National Foundation and College Hall of Fame, and most recently was the recipient of the Drayton and Elizabeth McLane, Jr. Community Achievement Award during the Chamber’s 2014 Salute to Business in January. With such a legacy, the Temple Chamber of Commerce is honored to have Marshall share his story. “We’re privileged to have a man who’s made such a great contribution to Temple as our


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speaker for the Military Appreciation Luncheon this year,” said Chamber President Rod Henry. “Keifer Marshall has an amazing story that will strengthen the soldier’s commitment and dedication. We’re certain that his experiences will be inspiring and motivating for each and every one of us.” The luncheon will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 16, at the Frank W. Mayborn Civic and Convention Center. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased via the Temple Chamber of Commerce website at, by calling (254) 773-2105 or stopping by the office at 2 N. 5th Street in downtown Temple. Tickets may also be bought and donated to the special guests of the luncheon, the men and women serving in the armed forces at Fort Hood or the Texas Army National Guard. Those interested in marketing opportunities can contact Mikie Cummings at The luncheon also will serve as the kickoff for the Chamber’s annual KCEN-HD Camo Santa Military Toy Drive. Donations of new toys, games and books may be brought to the luncheon or dropped off at the Chamber office, and monetary donations also will be accepted for the purchase of toys. They will be delivered to Fort Hood’s Santa’s Workshop for distribution to needy children in the military community during September 16, 11:30 am the holiday season. For more information, contact Sheila Poling, Events Coordinator, at Frank W. Mayborn Civic & or by calling the Chamber Convention Center office. Individual Tickets - $25.00 Or choose to donate tickets to soldiers

Johnnie’s Cleaners & Tailors 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 116 S. Main Downtown Temple 254-778-2408

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120 Royal St., Salado Springhouse 254-947-0747

Making the TEMPLE WILDCATS and Marching Band Look Good On and Off The Field!

Have A Great Season. No Appointment Necessary On Alterations, Completed in 2 to 4 days.

FRIDAY, August 1, 2014


Mentoring Is Good Business - At Any Age

By: Carol Mouché, Sweet Adeline’s International

Two hours a month is time well spent when you are investing in a child’s future. For like a bird. She knew I was struggling. The next Wildcat Mentors, those two hours are shared with Temple fifth-graders to develop one-on- week we met, she sang a song – just for me. It’s one relationships and help them make positive choices to reach their full potential. hard to put into words what that meant to me.” “A lot of our kids stay in this community,” says Jennie Mathesen, Director of Student A Wildcat Mentor offers faithfulness and stability to a child who may be struggling at Intervention Services for Temple Independent School District. “Eventually they will be home or at school, Wright says. For a short time, they help the child feel important. “When applying for jobs. It’s a benefit for businesses to step in and help these children.” you see the smile on the child’s face, the way they run up to you when you arrive at school, The Wildcat Mentor program is entering its sixth year this fall, and it’s heart-warming. We Mathesen is enthusiastic about its success. Up to 120 fifth-graders throughsee it spill over to the “Those kids are vital to Temple’s future. As busiout TISD are nominated by teachers and counselors to participate each year. rest of their life. Some Mentors are required to pass a background check and commit to spending ness owners, we need to be dedicated to helping TISD can be challenging to at least one hour, every two weeks, with the child. The meetings are always provide the best education it can, and as employers, we get to know, but you during the school lunch hour and on the school campus. There is no cost to need to allow and encourage our employees to partici- have to keep trying to volunteer. School faculty and staff are always available to support the menrelate to them and pate.” - Donna Wright, Wright Builders tor with their mentee. break down the walls Mathesen is eager to entice more businesses to support the program by and barriers they have encouraging their employees to volunteer. put up around them“We want to make sure the kids have a positive adult influence in their lives, so we match selves. That’s what makes you want to go back every week.” their interests,” Mathesen says. For example, if a child enjoys working with flowers, they Anyone with a desire to help children is a candidate to be a Wildcat Mentor, Wright says. might be paired with a local florist. “If we are able to match them with a hobby they are Several businesses have been very supportive of the program through financial sponsorinterested in, they can see what it’s like in the adult world,” she says. “Even though they are ships and mentors, including Temple Chamber members PDI, McLane, HEB and the only in the fifth grade, you would be surprised at what they absorb. Mentors can help them Ralph Wilson Youth Club. find what they may love to do as an adult.” “As a business owner, I think being a mentor is very important,” says Wright, who owns “We try to match business volunteers to a school in close proximity to their office so it Wright Builders with her husband Steve. “Steve and I both grew up in Temple and gradudoesn’t take too much time out of their day,” Mathesen says. Currently, she is looking for ated from Temple High School. Our four sons are all THS graduates – we are very pasvolunteers from a business that is involved with animals or agriculture to be mentors for sionate about Temple schools. The business future of Temple is dependent upon many of students at Jefferson Elementary School, which has numerous animals on the campus our school kids. We need trained, skilled high school graduates as well as returning college including a horse and ducks. Mathesen graduates to carry on the work in our city. Those kids are vital to anticipates this will give the adult and child Temple’s future. As business owners, we need to be dedicated to helpprogram participants a common ground to ing TISD provide the best education it can, and as employers, we need help them bond. to allow and encourage our employees to participate.” The Wildcat Mentor program hosts 3 For more information about the program, contact Jennie Mathesen group events each year for all participants: at 254.215.6942 or visit the Wildcat Mentor website at: a kickoff in October, a holiday program in (click on the “Community” tab). December and an end-of-year party in May. Michelle Fettig, owner of Temple Machine Shop and on the Board of Directors for the Temple Chamber of “From a personal standpoint, the Wildcat Commerce, tries her hand at Jenga with some students. Mentor program leaders give you training, such as what to expect when you meet with the child, and you understand the difference you will make in that child’s life,” says Donna Wright, who has volunteered for the past 4 years. “But what you don’t learn, until you actually participate, is the difference the child will make in your own life. This is the most profound thing about my experience in the Wildcat Mentor program.” “The very first year I was a mentor, I missed one week of seeing my mentee, Victoria, when my mother passed away,” she continues. “Victoria, who was in the school choir, sang

Join us on Sunday, August 10th Noon to 4 pm for a

Community Appreciation Event honoring

“Home of the Beautiful Vase”

Mrs. Sunny Wilson

in appreciation of a lifetime of contributions to our community

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t i n t g u C E v n o e n b b t i s R

FRIDAY, August 1, 2014


Synergy HomeCare: With over 150 locations throughout the United States, Synergy HomeCare has now opened a local office to serve Temple, Belton and Killeen markets at 200 E. Central Avenue in Belton. They are ready to serve you and your family. They provide in-home care to your loved ones with any non-medical home care needed from cooking dinner, to friendly conversation or simply sitting down and reading a book together. "My business is my calling." For more information, contact Roy Enriquez at (254) 935-3960 or visit

July New Members Better Business Bureau, Inc Adam Price 200 W. Hwy 6 #225 Waco, TX 76712 (254) 791-2222 Organizations & Associations The Body Works, LLC Louise Williams 1407 S. 31st St. Ste C Temple, Texas 76504 (254) 295-0261 Fitness Recovery Centex Stone Coat Roland Ward Morgans Pt, TX 76513 (254) 541-0271 Remodel/Masonry Fine Line Design Build Cindy Camden 119 N. East Street Belton, TX 76513 (254) 933-2622 Construction Companies

The Body Works: Newly opned at 1407 S. 31st St. Ste C in Temple, the Body Works features Motorized Exercise Equipment that provides low impact isometric/exercises. The machines lift and support your weight so that stress is minimized. Each 60 minute workout session targets all the major muscle groups while building endurance, flexibility, strength and toning of muscles. This is excellent physical therapy for joint replacement, arthritis and MS patients as well. For more information, contact Louise Williams at (254) 295-0261.

Impact Temple Church Brandon Baker (254) 931-0004 Churches MK Services Mike Kuban 7839 Lower Troy Road Temple, TX 76501 (254) 760 2025 Contractor Services Norma's Cleaning Service Norma Alvarez Temple, TX 76502 (254) 598-8344 House Cleaning Services Commercial Janitorial The Patio On Main Calvin Gossett 12 S. Main St. Temple, TX 76501 (254) 295-0188 Restaurants

The Fish Bowl Pet Express: Established in 1977, it is independent and locally owned at 17 N. 2nd Street in downtown Temple. With knowledgeable staff, they offer hand fed baby birds, tropical and salt water fish, reptiles, exotic and small animals. Aquarium maintenance and animal supplies also available. Offering onsite or your location birthday and educational parties! Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Sat 9:00 am - 5:00 pm and Sun 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm. For more information, contact Seleese Thompson-Mann at (254) 773-9771 or go online to Providence Preparatory School Bret Billman 506 N Main St Belton, Texas 76513 (254) 307-1165 Schools-Private Pure Fit Foods Erin Bultje 3038 S. 31st St. Temple, Texas 76502 (254) 699-0334 Restaurants Spears Auto Group Keith Spears 5615 SW HK Dodgen Loop Temple, TX 76502 (254) 773-7200 Auto Dealers What's On Hold Manny Wlachos 2541 IH 35 Suite 200 # 165 Round Rock, TX 78664 (877) 866-3327 On Hold Music & Message Services

FRIDAY, August 1, 2014


July Renewing Members All Sports Trophy The Apartment Assn. of Central Texas Baird, Crews, Schiller & Whitaker, P.C. Batteries Plus Bulbs Bell County Carpet Cleaners Brickwood Boutique, Gifts & Interiors Bring Everyone In The Zone, Inc. Centex Quality Glass Churches Touching Lives For Christ Coca Cola Enterprises Discover Natural Foods, Inc. Domino's Pizza Ted Duffield/JP, Precinct 1 English Maids, LLC

Fairfield Inn Great Clips H.B. Sheppard Cen Tex Properties Hartman ABC Pest Control, Inc. Impac Systems Engineering InHouse Systems, Inc. J Kowboy Wine Bar J.A.I.L. Ministry, Inc. Jimsco Glass & Window, Inc. Jupe Feeds, Inc. K&W Insurance Agency LJT Texas LP Martin Hearing MooreCo., Inc. Morgan Stanley/ Bryan Daniel CFP® Morris & Pursley Financial Plan

Don Nelson New York Life Insurance /Ken Higdon The David Nix Agency Other Mothers Payroll Systems, LLC Professional Datasolutions, Inc. Prophecy Media Group Quality Builders RE/MAX Temple Belton/ Ryan Smith Real Deals on Home Decor Robert S. Love Foundation Scanio Harper Funeral Home Sears Hometown Store Senior Care of Texas Law Office of Adam J. Soorholtz, P.L.L.C. Stanley Steemer

Storage Solutions at Canyon Ridge Subway Sandwiches (Birdcreek Crossing) Sunbelt Transformer, Ltd. Temple Bottling Co., Ltd. Temple Daily Telegram Temple Founder Lions Club Temple Machine Shop Temple Meridian Retirement Community Texas State Optical Market Loop Time Warner Cable Business Class Twin Liquors Temple Twin Oaks Apartments Wally's Party Factory

Member Highlight

Green’s Sausage House: Sausage and More By: Susan Howe, Friends of the Temple Public Library

Jerome Green opened Green’s Sausage House in 1946, and for almost seven decades the popular meat market, café, bakery and general store has been the hub of the Zabcikville Community. In the early days, Green’s small restaurant was a gathering place serving home cooked meals next door to the meat market and small general merchandise store. Located in a rural farming community, it was a great place to visit with neighbors, get a bite to eat and buy meat and sup“We originated the sausage plies at the general store. In 1965, a bakery burger, and I don’t know of featuring home-made anyone else who does it,” kolaches, pies, cakes, cookies and other -Marvin Green baked items was added. After the death of Jerome Green, his sons, Marvin and Charles, took over the business and now a grandson, Chad, makes the third generation of Greens as owners/operators. Green’s café originated the famous sausage burger but also serves “regular” hamburgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, and salads and a variety of platters and baskets ranging from rib eye steaks, to chicken tenders, fried catfish, chicken fried steak and a fish and shrimp platter. For breakfast, the menu offers several breakfast plates, omelets, sandwiches and burritos. Of course, the bakery also has a wide variety of meat-filled and fruit kolaches and baked goods. The market has expanded also, and now offers 22 kinds of beef, pork and turkey sausage, including knockwurst, Cajunstyle boudin, braunschweiger, summer sausage, hot links and wieners, six kinds of cheese, five kinds of bacon, sugar cured ham and a variety of specialty meats including jerkey, smoked pork and turkey and BBQ chickens.

“Most of our business comes from sausage. We originated the sausage burger, and I don’t know of anyone else Marvin and Charles Green, the second of three generawho does it,” Marvin Green tions of Greens who have owned and operated Green’s said. “The bakery also is very Sausage House in Zabcikville. popular, but the sausage is our main business.” The café features a sausage plate lunch on Fridays and Saturdays. Green’s reputation for good food and high quality meats has grown steadily over the years, and the business now serves not only the local community, but has customers from all over the state. The store carries a variety of jams, jellies, pickles and other food items as well as gift baskets and snack trays. During hunting season, custom deer processing is available.

Green’s Sausage House is located at 16483 SH 53, just 10 miles east of Temple in the Zabcikville community. For more information call 254-985-2331 or 254-985-2585 or visit


FRIDAY, August 1, 2014

Grateful for the Warm Welcome

Testimonials from the Baylor Scott & White Health Community Showcase

“The event was a great opportu-

By: Stephen Brown, Temple Chamber of Commerce

leaders in the community and see

Moving to a new city is stressful. Packing your life into boxes, moving to a completely new location to start a job, finding a place to live, unpacking, setting up a new house and getting ready for work are all time consuming and stress filled activities. Often, it is months before you are completely unpacked, settled into a new job and have time to look around and get to know the area you now call home. Knowing how stressful this process is, Baylor Scott and White Health and the Temple Chamber of Commerce collaborate to put on an annual Showcase in June every year to welcome over 150 new resident and fellow doctors to the Temple community, highlighting the goods and services offered by more than 70 different businesses around town. The third annual showcase this year was a great success, introducing new residents to all the great things Temple has to offer. Even new residents who spent time in the Temple area as medical students were surprised to learn how much they had missed out on in their previous time here. Dr. Ryan Elliot, M. D. remarked, "The event was a great opportunity to interact with business leaders in the community and see all that Temple has to offer. I wish I would have known about the opportunity as a medical student." Local businesses were pleased with the Showcase as well and received a lot of positive feedback from the new residents with whom they were able to interact, with several reporting how impressed the residents

nity to interact with business all that Temple has to offer. I

were with the incredibly warm welcome they’ve received wish I would have known about in Temple so far. As new members of the community move to the the opportunity as a medical stuTemple area, it is important for us as a business community to welcome potential new customers, neighbors and dent." - Dr. Ryan Elliot, M. D. friends with open arms. As some of the vendors this year commented, “It was so amazing to be able to welcome such an important part of our community to the Temple area.” Another added, “Several of the residents commented on how nice it was of the Temple community to give them such a warm welcome.” In today's fast paced media world where everyone is constantly bombarded by advertising from every conceivable source, an old fashioned meet and greet makes a long-lasting impression and has the potential to create a life-long customer. Dr. Lawrence Tsai, a 10 year resident of the Temple area even commented on the impression made at the showcase by our local Chamber members. "I didn't realize half of the vendors at the showcase did business in Temple, and it was great getting to know the people and the company they were there to represent. I look forward to doing business with them." For more information on the Baylor Scott and White Showcase or other things the Temple Chamber of Commerce does to help strengthen the bonds between our businesses and the community, visit or call 254-773-2105.

Train Temple’s Workforce...Hire an Intern By: Erin Spencer, Temple College August in Temple marks the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year, and for many college students in the Central Texas area, it goes a step further. For these students, August marks the first steps into their life after college because their fall semester course load includes an internship. An internship, as defined by, is “…a temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training…” According to Dr. Mark Smith, chief academic officer and vice president of educational services for Temple College, it is the on-the-job training that makes internships so important to a student’s overall education. “Internships give learners a better understanding of the workplace,” said Dr. Smith. “It gives them a chance to not only ...the direct contact show what they have learned through their between the students, col- formal education, but to also show off their soft skills which most employers are looking for.” leges and business comSoft skills are traits businesses look for that are not necessarily taught in a classmunity helps keep the col- room (i.e customer service skills, work ethic, punctuality, etc.). However, students lege informed about what in the Temple College Computer Information Systems (CIS) internship proskills are needed in the gram are required to practice these skills as part of their internship studies. local workforce. Pat Clune, CIS instructor at Temple College and coordinator of the CIS internship program, said that the CIS internship class focuses on stretching students past their comfort zone so that they can be successful in today’s work environment. “We meet once a week,” said Clune, “with the purpose of discussing topics that are relevant to

what the student experienced that week at work.” Topics covered during the class include how to write a cover letter and resume, how to find a job and where to look, interview skills, and appropriate workplace dress and conduct. Public speaking also is practiced as students give oral presentations on the topics listed. When asked why a business should consider collaborating with a college or university internship program, Clune answered that the relationship is mutually beneficial to the student and the business. “The student gets to learn how to present themselves to an employer and receives firsthand experience in the field they have spent several semesters training for,” said Clune. “In return, the employer gets to see how this person might fit in to their organization. It’s really a win-win.” Another benefit to businesses that participate in internship programs is the ability to effect change within local educational institutions. According to Dr. Smith, the direct contact between the students, colleges and business community helps keep the college informed about what skills are needed in the local workforce. “Employers are not only judging the students, they’re also looking at TC and the quality of education we provide,” said Dr. Smith. “The feedback we get from our internship employers helps us adjust our curriculum and better educate our learners so that they can be successful when they graduate.” Feedback is given in multiple ways. Employers are asked to fill out a survey at the end of the internship rating the skills of the student they chose to employ. The college then analyzes the results for any shortcomings that need to be addressed. Another avenue for feedback is advisory committees. Many businesses who participate in the internship program choose also to serve on an advisory committee for their specific industry and give recommendations based on their specific area of expertise. This in turn helps the educational institution stay up-to date with the latest industry standards and needs. “These programs are important,” said Clune. “They not only build confidence in our students as they enter the workforce, but they also allow the college to stay connected to the workforce and the community.”

FRIDAY, August 1, 2014


Get Your Game On and Your Employees Active at This Year’s Corporate Challenge! By: Jonathan Logue, Temple Parks & Leisure Services

Looking for a fun and unique opportunity to get your staff active and create a healthy workforce? Registration “Fitness is part of our corporate culis now open for the 2014 Corporate Challenge presented ture and Corporate Challenge fits into by The Mayor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Temple our goal of being more active, while include: tennis (singles), basketball Parks and Leisure Services. So what is the Corporate Challenge? Corporate allowing our employees the chance to and a 5k race. Challenge is a series of sporting events allowing employ“Corporate Challenge is a fun ees from local businesses to compete against other area get together outside of work, interact and easy way to promote a healthcompanies through friendly competition. Last year, and have fun.” - Robin Pfahler, PDI. ier workplace and encourage almost two thousand participants from nineteen local employees to lead a more active businesses competed in the Challenge. It is a great opportunity for co-workers lifestyle,” said Tracy Klusaceck, Co-Chair for the Corporate Challenge. “It is to team up and compete together for both personal achievement and compa- also a great tool to use to boost company morale and promote teamwork. We ny pride. have even seen companies incorporate the Challenge into their wellness pro“It’s like the Olympics for our employees, and our employees get very excit- grams.” ed about it,” said Robin Pfahler, Vice President of Human Resources at PDI. Companies and corporations of all sizes may choose from varying levels of “Fitness is part of our corporate culture and Corporate Challenge fits into our participation for their employees. Some companies choose to compete in a singoal of being more active, while allowing our employees the chance to get gle event, while others compete in all twelve. The main goal of the program is together outside of work, interact and have fun.” Pfahler continued, “Our to encourage a healthy workforce. employees love to compete against other companies and get pumped for the gold medal count each week. It realCompanies must register by Friday, A ugust 15 at 5:00 p.m. to compete in the 2014 ly is a fun way to be active and enjoy Corporate Challenge. Events will take place this fall fromSeptember 6th – November 2nd. time together.” To learn more or to register your company, please visit or call (254) This year’s team events include: 298-5588. bowling, tennis (doubles), volleyball, golf, horseshoes, washers, billiards, kickball, disc golf and softball. Individual events

Annual Used Book Sale Benefits Temple Public Library 29th Annual Labor Day The Friends of the Temple Public Library’s 29th annual Labor Day Used Book Sale is set for Aug. 27 - 30 at the Temple Public Library. Thousands of books presorted into more than 90 categories will be offered at bargain prices. All types of paperbacks and hardback books have been donated for the sale, and most books will be sold for $2 or less. Some current bestsellers, vintage books and other specialty books will be priced slightly higher. The public sale will be open at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 27 and end on Saturday, Aug. 30. Shopping hours will be 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday.

Used Book Sale

Aug. 27 - 30 Temple Public Library Wed & Thur: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fri: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Members will have an advance opportunity to shop at the Members’ Preview from 2 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 26. Membership forms are available at the Library circulation desk and also will be available at the door. Membership year is Aug. 1, 2014 to July 31, 2015. Donations of books for the sale are accepted year round at the Temple Public Library circulation desk. Proceeds from the sale benefit the Library. For more information visit or like us on Facebook.

Tee it Up! Golf party & auction

Thursday, August 21

5:00 pm, Wildflower Country Club

6th Annual Chamber Classic Golf Outing Friday, August 22 WILDFLOWER COUNTRY CLUB


FRIDAY, August 1, 2014

2%ers – Accumulation of Marginal Changes By: Vane Hugo, The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas When I was in the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M, we referred to negative or uncooperative people as “2%ers”, meaning that a small percentage of people just didn’t “give a ____” about the collective advancement of their Aggie buddies. This 2% though had an accumulating negative impact. Unless you could rid yourself of the 2%ers, the well-being of the group would decline at a growing rate. Kinda like one bad apple spoils the bunch. Focusing on the positive impacts is equally important to make things better. Let’s look at an example. Dave Brailsford became the General Manager of the British cycling team in 2010. Britain had never won the Tour de France since it started in 1903! Dave approached this daunting challenge with a simple concept he called the “aggregation of marginal gains.” He believed that if his team improved every area related to cycling by just 1 percent, those small gains would add up to significant improvement. The team started by improving the obvious things: the weight of various bike parts, bicycle ergonomics, nutrition and training routines. But they didn’t stop there. They searched for small improvements in tiny, often missed areas, like teaching riders health tips such as the most effective way to wash their hands to avoid infection that might impact their health, discovering the pillow that offered the best sleep and taking it when traveling and testing products they used like massage gel to find the most effective one. They searched for 1 percent improvements everywhere! Dave believed that if they could successfully execute this strategy, the British team would be able to win the Tour de France within five years. He was wrong! They won it in three years. In 2012, Sir Bradley Wiggins became the first British cyclist to win the Tour de France. Not a fluke! At the 2012 Olympic Games, Dave coached the British team, crushing

the competition and winning a whopping 70 percent of the gold medals in the cycling events. In 2013, Britain again won the Tour de France. The British team has made cycling history and continues to dominate. And now for the important question: How does that work for your business? Many business owners and managers overestimate the importance of one big improvement and underestimate the value of making better decisions on a daily basis. Just about any habit you have was developed over time through many small decisions. The same is true for making changes. Change is better effected if you make small lasting changes than if you try to make one big leap forward. Sure we are all impatient and want the benefits of positive change as soon as possible. It seems intuitive that making the change quickly will give us that result quickly, yet most substantive change is done through lots of small steps. We’ve likely tried to “get back in shape” and tried the diet, gym and supplement paths all at once hoping to get fit. How’s that worked out for you? Not well for me! The only time I have been successful is to make small changes to my lifestyle that gets rid of the bad habits and slowly builds new ones. So back to our focus on business, improving by just 2% isn’t noteworthy and may not even be noticed. In the long run though, it will be impactful. Sadly, this process works the same way in reverse. When you practice bad habits you will eventually have bad results. It doesn’t happen quickly, it degrades the whole by

What Are You Doing For Others? By: Tanya Gray, Keep Temple Beautiful

Dr. Martin Luther King once said, "Life's persistent and most urgent question is, what are you doing for others?" When we volunteer our time for a good cause

the rewards we reap are far greater than any promotion we could get from work or good grades we receive at school. True volunteering allows us to demonstrate to others the spirit of generosity - of giving back to others all the good things we have received in life. Simply put, it's paying it forward. That’s why we are asking for your help on two amazing family-oriented heartwarming projects, one that will also help a neighboring community. On Friday, September 12th, we invite you to participate in Day of Caring where we will travel to West, Texas by bus to assist in rebuilding homes that were destroyed in the fertilizer plant explosion. This project validates that no matter what kind of tragedy strikes, there will always be people who will come together to help others. Keep Temple Beautiful (KTB) encourages everyone to participate in the preservation and enhancement of our public lands. Become a steward of our landscapes and trails by volunteering to build, maintain, conserve and restore these amazing places. On Make A Difference Day, Saturday, October 25th, come

a little bit each time. The accumulation of many small choices which cause a negative impact here and there, eventually surfaces as a measurably bad result. At first, there is no discernable difference between a choice or direction that is 2% better or 2% worse, so there is little initial impact, and it is easy to miss. Over time though, these changes compound like interest. Bad choices are like too much credit card debt, and you are eventually buried by the interest. Good choices are like dividends; they pay off really well over time. We will all make mistakes. Mistakes are the usual way we learn. One of my favorite quotes is, “Only make the same mistake once!” If we learn from our mistakes, we can more consistently make better choices as we grow our experience. We often judge things by a big result. Whether it’s running a mile, gaining 50 new customers or winning the Tour de France, it’s not the event that is significant, it’s the few small gains that accumulate over time that give us that big result. If you look at all the processes in your business and improve each one by 2%, you will be amazed at the difference this time next year.

How would your business look if you improved each process by 2%?

Day of Caring

Friday, Septem ber 12th Rebuilding hom es that were d estro yed in th e fertilizer plan t explosion in W est, Texas.

help us create a lasting legacy for future generations by helping to beautify and cleanup Friars Creek Hike & Bike Trail. With busy lives, it can Saturday, Octo be hard to volunteer, ber 25th H e lp beautify and but once you do, it is cleanup Friars well worth it. The beneC re e k H fits of volunteering ik e & Bik e Tra il have an enormous impact on those you serve, the community you serve and even you. The most satisfied, fun and productive ways to help others is through volunteerism. So, I hope that you will join us on September 12th and October 25th. Individual volunteers and groups can simply sign up by contacting KTB at (254) 493-4000. Be sure to check out our website at and facebook page

Make A Differ ence Day

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