Focus on Business - March 2014

Page 1

FRIDAY, March 7, 2014





An Intimate Discussion With David Nix, Chair of the 2014 Board of Directors By: Sonny Jaramillo, Scott & White Healthcare Foundation & Vane Hugo, The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas


pçååó= C= s~åÉW= David, will you please share with us your thoughts about the direction you would like to lead the membership and the chamber this year?

6:45 am Sponsored by:

2014 Business Seminar March 18 "How to Supervise People and Lead a Team"

With Glenn Shepard


Thursday, March 27 5:00 pm Sponsored by:

David Nix is the current Chair

a~îáÇW=I appreciate the opportunity to visit with you and to be able to share some of my of the Board of Directors for thoughts with the membership. This is a great idea putting this interview into the the Temple Chamber of Business Focus and on the chamber website. I think it is vitally important to the mem- Commerce and owner of the David Nix Agency, which repbership of the chamber and those who serve on my current board, that we communicate resents Nationwide Insurance and communicate and communicate what we are doing at the chamber. The board and in Bell County with offices in I have met with Rod on numerous occasions, and we have discussed how important it is Temple and Killeen. to communicate the decisions we are making at the chamber to the membership. So I thank you for allowing me this opportunity. Focus on Business says it all. We are going to do our best to bring the chamber back to the position in our community so that we have the opportunity to voice our concerns and ideas to the many business groups in Temple who are currently planning the future of Temple’s growth. I have formed the Chairman’s Council, which is a group of representatives from the major business groups in Temple. We want the chamber to be involved, become engaged and be knowledgeable about the decisions that are being made today, which in the long term will affect our children’s children. It is very important that the chamber become relevant = f= íêìäó= ÄÉäáÉîÉ= íÜ~í= ïÉ= ~ää= Ü~îÉ= íÜÉ= ë~ãÉ in the decision-making process that will íÜçìÖÜíë=~Äçìí=çìê=Åçããìåáíó=~åÇ=íÜ~í=áë=íç=åìêíìêÉI affect the future growth of Temple and our Öêçï=~åÇ=éêçíÉÅí=çìê=Åçããìåáíó=~åÇ=íç=Çç=íÜÉ=êáÖÜí community. The Chairman’s Council consists íÜáåÖë=Ñçê=~ää=çÑ=ìëK=Ò of representatives from the Temple Chamber J=a~îáÇ=káñI=OMNQ=`Ü~áê=çÑ=íÜÉ=_ç~êÇ=çÑ=aáêÉÅíçêë of Commerce, TEDC, Reinvestment Zone, Temple Industrial Foundation, Bioscience District, the Homebuilders Association and the Temple Business League. I truly believe that we all have the same thoughts about our community and that is to nurture, grow and protect our community and to do the right things for all of us. When we all work together for positive planned growth in our community, we the citizens of Temple, the business owners and the chamber membership all benefit. pçååó=C=s~åÉW=Thank you, David, for taking the time to visit with us. We would like to make you the same offer that we made Rod, and that is perhaps each month we can discuss another question and present it to the membership?


a~îáÇW==I would be delighted to share my thoughts with our membership. Thank you!

BUSINESS LUNCH Tuesday, April 1

Baylor Scott & White Community Showcase

12:00 pm

Sponsored by:


N o w A c c e p t i n g App l i c a t i o n s f or L e a d e r s h i p Te m p l e ! m~ÖÉ=S

State of Fort Hood m~ÖÉ=T


FRIDAY, March 7, 2014

An Intimate Discussion With Rod Henry, Temple Chamber of Commerce President By: Sonny Jaramillo, Scott & White Healthcare Foundation & Vane Hugo, The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas The Communications Committee thought it was important to communicate with the membership some of the thoughts and strategies of Rod Henry, the Chamber President and David Nix, the Chairman of the Board of Directors. This is our conversation with Rod.


pçååó= C= s~åÉW= = Rod, would

you please share with us what you would like to share with the membership, what your strategic direction is for the membership and what specific milestones can the membership expect to see on this journey?


I would first like to say what a pleasure it is to be in Central Texas! For the first six (6) months of my time here in Temple I have reached out to hundreds of people through individual and group “coffees” and meetings to get their thoughts and input as to what they believe are the priorities for our chamber. I received many great ideas and suggestions and have been asked the same question you are asking me now. I want to bring positive energy, excitement and better communications to the membership about these exciting ideas we are formulating at the chamber. I consider myself as ‘the caretaker’ for the membership. I want to bring new ideas, relevancy and a passion for change. If we keep doing the same things over and over again and expect different results, we are not progressing. I have five (5) personal strategic points I would like to build upon: PF===oÉëçìêÅÉ=ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåí NF===jÉãÄÉêëÜáé=êÉíÉåíáçåI=Éñé~åJ QF===`çåëíáíìÉåÅó=çìíêÉ~ÅÜ ëáçå= C= ëÉêîáÅÉë= ~åÇ= íç= ÇÉÑáåÉ= íÜÉ RF===m~êíåÉêëÜáé=ÇÉîÉäçéãÉåí ÅÜ~ãÄÉêÛë=î~äìÉ=éêçéçëáíáçå OF===aÉîÉäçé=~=ëÜçêí=~åÇ=äçåÖ=íÉêã çêÖ~åáò~íáçå=ëíê~íÉÖáÅ=ÇáêÉÅíáçå At the request of the Board of Directors, I am going to analyze everything we do and determine what is working and what needs improving. What fits the mission and what doesn’t? I will meet, listen, cooperate, communicate and collabo-

rate with our members to learn more about the needs of our community and how the chamber can have relevancy at = tÉ= åÉÉÇ= íç= ~äï~óë= ëÜçï= ~åÇ the planning tables of the many busiÉñéêÉëë= çìê= ~ééêÉÅá~íáçå= íç= çìê ness groups who are already

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involved in planning the future for Temple. I want feedback from the membership and the leadership of the chamber. The chamber needs


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to be proactive and be prepared to face the challenges of the ever changings business landscape. The feedback I obtain from the leadership and membership will tell me if we are on course and heading toward accomplishing our goals. Of course it is always a priority to retain our members, but to also attract new members. It is relevancy in the

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community that will draw new members and retain and engage our current members. I discovered in my many meetings that there was a time when the chamber was the business hub of Temple and somehow that slipped away. Becoming relevant, becoming engaged with members and their business’s will forge the future of Temple and our chamber. We are also looking at a myriad of opportunities to recognize our volunteers. These ideas are under construction, and I want to find new and creative ways to recognize our volunteers who work at the chamber and lead our committees. We are so thankful for our many volunteers and leaders. We never want to take anyone for granted. As an organization, we need to never forget who we represent and what we are about. We need to always show and express our appreciation to our members, our volunteers ... they are the driving force of this Chamber of Commerce.


Would you consider writing an article for the Business Focus so that every month the membership can be kept updated on the exciting things that are being planned at the chamber?

oçÇW=Well of course, I would be delighted. As a matter of fact, Sonny, you currently write an article about what’s going on around town, and I may want to add a few comments to your article if you don’t mind. And perhaps we can get it onto the chamber website also. pçååó=C=s~åÉW= Sounds interesting, Rod.

Perhaps by our next Focus printing we can come up with some ideas. So until next month, thank you for your time.

oçÇW= = Thank you, and I am looking forward to visiting with you again very soon.

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FRIDAY, March 7, 2014


“Ka-ching” ... Visitor$ Make Ca$h Regi$ter$ Ring By: Terri Matthew largely fueled by the Epic rollout when it reached almost 94%. Rather than staying Monday-Thursday, 150 employees booked our rooms 7 days/week for three weeks. That was huge because Temple is “Temple hosts 250,000 visitors annually according to hotel/motel not generally viewed as a tourist destination. receipts, that is, local taxes collected on guest billings,” cites Nancy The Central Texas Air Show, the All-Star Soccer Tournament, other sportGlover, CVB Manager for the City of Temple. “Beyond accommodations, ing events, exhibitions and statewide meetings are prime examples of visitors on average spend $88/day. People come primarily for health- how we rely on strong partnerships with an amazing group of City and related visits (to Scott & White, VA, or McLane Children’s Hospital); for Chamber officials, CVB and TEDC to creatively develop events driving business (construction), followed by local attractions (including festi- weekend occupancy.” vals, fairs, special events), attendance at funerals, family reunions, and “Last year, events at the Expo Center attracted nearly 441,000 visitors,” more.” says Expo Convention Sales & Marketing Coordinator Ashley Bland. “Many properties negotiate rates with local companies and national “Last summer’s meetings of Jehovah Witness brought almost 94,000 corporations to be their preferred lodging in return for meeting bench- people. Other big events included the Southwest Cutting Horse Assn. marks of repeat bookings,” explains Hilton Garden Inn (HGI) General (2,400), Southwest Type Conference (5000), and Bell County Kennel Manager Marilyn Janes. “Monday-Thursday occupancy rates Clubs AKC Show (3660). far exceed weekends because of business travelers.” qÜÉ=béáÅ=êçääçìí=ï~ë=ÅÉêí~áåäó=~=Äççå=íç Temple’s central location “New projects and expansions by existing businesses last ÄìëáåÉëë= KKKNRM= ÉãéäçóÉÉë= ÄççâÉÇ= çìê= êççãë= T makes it easy to drive here, year generated capital expenditures of $754 million,” so gas sales at local conremarked Charley Ayers, VP Temple Economic Ç~óëLïÉÉâ=Ñçê=íÜêÉÉ=ïÉÉâëKÒ= venience stores also rise.” Development Corporation (TEDC). “In addition to long Jj~êáäóå=g~åÉëI=dÉåÉê~ä=j~å~ÖÉê=Ñçê=eáäíçå=d~êÇÉå=fåå “No matter why they term economic impact, many of these businesses temporarcome, people usually ily relocate construction managers and workers, further return” observes Glover,“because our community really rolls out the red increasing revenues from hospitality and dining to retail sales. From carpet. They like the experience of being the only big meeting or event every dollar collected in state sales tax, 1.5 cents comes back to fund in town different from major metropolitan areas where they may be one City services.” of several groups utilizing local amenities.” Benefits from new businesses locating here aren’t limited to job creation--there is always a short term impact. For example, before Kohl’s opened, there was a ramp-up that filled rooms for two straight weeks, not just weekdays. Baylor Scott & White’s recent implementation of Epic’s integrated data software is another prime example.The Epic team brought 500+ employees to Temple and other Central Texas campuses to train staff on new software,” said Sonny Jaramillo, Associate Director of Philanthropy, S&W Healthcare Foundation,“plus numerous additional stays by executives over the past year.” “The Epic rollout was certainly a boon to business,” reports Janes. “While HGI occupancy last year was 76%,YTD it’s been in the high 80s,


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FRIDAY, March 7, 2014

February Renewing Members Aldrich Thomas Group, Realtors All Seasons Storage Centers - Temple American Cancer Society APAC - Assoc. for a Pet Adoption Center Balcones Resources Bell Co. Asst. County Attorney/ Jeanne Parker Bell County Judge Jon Burrows Belltec Industries, Inc. Belton ISD Capital Farm Credit Cedar Crest Hospital & Residential Treatment Center Cen Tex Nursery Central Texas Veterans Health Care System CFS, Inc. Cheeves Bros. Steak House Chick Landscaping, Inc. Clark & Fuller, PLLC Cleo Bay Honda Days Inn Dex One Corporation Doctors Express Emporium Packaging

Families in Crisis, Inc. Fikes Wholesale, Inc./ CEFCO Food Stores First Baptist Church First Convenience Bank inside H E B First Texas Brokerage/ Teresa McCoy Friends of the Temple Public Library Gustav E. Gates, D.D.S. Heart of Texas Goodwill Industries, Inc. H E B Food Store #071 Holiday Inn Temple Industrial Electric Service Joan Mikeska Realty/ Joan Mikeska Kerley's Grocery And Market Kiwanis Club of Temple LULAC Council #4593 Manpower MooreCo., Inc. Mt. Zion Baptist Church NAACP Temple Branch O'Briens Irish Pub PaperGraphics Printing

Paramount Wastewater Solutions, LLC Railroad & Heritage Museum Reynolds Consumer Products/ Pactiv Corporation The Ronald McDonald House Shipley Donuts Belton Stand2Learn, LLC Sterling House Temple Summit Family Fitness Center Sundek of Central Texas Superior Network Services Temple Professional Firefighters Temple Visitor Center T N T Striping Topstone United Rentals, Inc. Unity Church of Temple Visiting Angels Walmart SuperCenter Wave Healthcare Wildflower Country Club Worldclass Management, Inc.

February New Members NpÉåí=`çããìåáÅ~íáçåë Michael Holston Temple, TX 76502 (254) 231 8350 Telecommunications `çêéçê~íÉ=fã~ÖÉ=dêçìé=dä~ëë=píìÇáç=C=d~ääÉêó Benjamin Casey 26 Rock Creek Drive Salado, TX 76571 (800) 368 6468 Glass Studio & Gallery Advertising Promotional Products báÖÜíÜ=píêÉÉí=_~éíáëí=`ÜìêÅÜ Roscoe Harrison 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive Temple, TX 76501 (254) 773 2598 Churches e~ãéíçå=fåå Bill Stoinoff 3816 S. General Bruce Dr Temple, TX 76502 (254) 770 5400 Hotel/Motel

iìÅâó=få=içîÉ=q~ííçç Sally Simmons 1684 Morgan's Point Road Belton, TX 76513 (832) 603 3723 Tattoo Studio Portable Buildings

oÉîK=^ä=kÉïÄó (254) 778 1860 Retirees

póåÉêÖó=eçãÉ`~êÉ Roy Enriquez 200 E. Central Ave. Belton, TX 76513 (210) 269 6975 Home Health Services

mçé=^ÄáäáíáÉë Amanda Parker 7349 Honeysuckle #120 Temple, TX 76502 (254) 482 1797 www.pop Gourmet Popcorn & Goodies

qÉãéäÉ=eáÖÜ=pÅÜççä=golq`=quVRV William Pailes 415 N. 31st Temple, TX 76504 (254) 215 7031 Organizations & Associations

píK=iìâÉDë=`~íÜçäáÅ=`ÜìêÅÜ Rev. James Ekeocha 2807 Oakdale Temple, TX 76502 (254) 773 1561 Churches

s~äáÇìë=cáíåÉëë=C=qê~áåáåÖ=dóãI=ii` Noel & Priscilla Santana 4311 W. Adams Ave #206 Temple, TX 76502 (254) 295 0319 Health & Fitness

pí~ê=qÉÅ=_ìáäÇÉêë=qÉñ~ë=ii` Scott Wiseman 111 W. Central Avenue Temple, TX 76501 (254) 295 0350

FRIDAY, March 7, 2014


Baylor Scott & White Community Showcase Join fellow Temple Chamber of Commerce members as they promote their businesses and services to over 400 new and existing Baylor Scott & White Health Residents, Fellows and Senior Staff. The Community Showcase is the ideal opportunity to introduce your business, church, school, non-profit or service to this vital and growing population as they move into our community. This is their perfect opportunity to find basic information about…

Where to live Where to shop Where to dine Where to play Where to pray Where to educate their children Due to the growing popularity of this event each year, all the rooms at the Cultural Activities Center including Strasburger Hall, Saulsbury Gallery and Scott & White Foyer will be used. With the majority of sponsors participating again in 2014, space is limited so reserve your booth as soon as possible.

Baylor Scott & White Community Showcase Friday, June 27 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Cultural Activities Center $400 per booth*

For more information and to reserve your booth for this exciting event, please contact Mikie Cummings, Director of Programs & Services, at 254-773-2105 or email *Please note: this showcase is only available to members of the Temple Chamber of Commerce.

Thank you to our sponsors


Annual Groundhog Day Economic Forecast is Scheduled


“Mark your calendars!” Feb 2, 2015

Due to overwhelming success in its first year, the Temple Chamber of Commerce has now scheduled the 2nd Annual Groundhog Day Economic Forecast Luncheon for Monday, February 2, 2015 at the Hilton Garden Inn. Managing Director and Senior Economist with Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Mark Vitner will be returning as the guest speaker. Vitner will provide a perspective of the state and national economic picture for 2015, and we hope that once again, “Temple Tommy” doesn’t see his shadow, forecasting a sunny outlook for business! This luncheon was made possible by Hugh Shine, Wells Fargo Advisors LLC, and by supporters of the 2014 Temple Chamber of Commerce Public Policy Council.

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FRIDAY, March 7, 2014

Leadership Temple Education Day By: Taryn Warren & Erik Ray, Leadership Temple The 2013-2014 Leadership Temple Team is comprised of professionals from all over the United States that have made their present home in the Temple-Belton area. On Tuesday, February 11th we were given an eye-opening view of the education available to our community. Our first stop was Temple High School, greeted by TISD Superintendent Dr. Battershell and Temple High Principal Bob James. During this visit, we were able to see the Culinary Department hard at work. They provided us with a great healthy breakfast and lunch. In addition, Mr. James took us through many departments offering evidence of the recently passed TRE dollars in a tangible way. First, the bus we road in on – brand new, safe for our students and desperately needed. The Chemistry classrooms are now equipped with time saving equipment that offers a more hands on teaching approach. The Fine Arts Department is encouraging more participation through the now available new instruments. The Auto Shop was fantastic and led by a teacher who keeps students excited to learn. The Nursing Program was something we’d never seen at the high school level. These programs are offering students a high school-to-job opportunity that was not previously available. Most impressive was their handle on the ever-changing technology in our world and their offer to students through the Chrome Books now available. The TISD leaders show a passion for education and the Leadership Temple observes an ongoing class while touring the Isabelle Rutherford Meyer Nursing future of their students. Center on the campus of of the University of Hector Garcia Elementary School Education Mary Hardin-Baylor. was the second stop. Talk about progressive education! This is a Dual Language Academy. The model used at this Academy will provide an educational environment producing students that are bilingual, biliterate and bicultural by the 5th grade. This type of education is so powerful in our community. To give you an idea of how this is achieved, the students are taught in English or Spanish depending on the lesson. The teacher does not translate, only uses one language per lesson. The most amazing part of

this program is the teamwork required among the children learning from each other. These students are helping each other learn. Just fantastic! University of Mary Hardin-Baylor’s Marketing Director, James Stafford, took us on a bus trip to show us the grounds. UMHB bleeds pride. From Mr. Stafford’s excitement in showing us the property, the over the top beautiful stadium in celebration of athletics to the top of the line Nursing School, you can clearly see pride in education and standards. UMHB has a 16:1 ratio for personalized education and was chartered in Dr. Glenda Barron, President of 1845 by the Republic of Texas making it the old- Temple College, speaks to the est continuously-operating college in the state. Leadership Temple class during Can you believe this higher level institution is in Education Day on February 11. our backyard? The mission for UMHB is to prepare students for leadership, service and faith-informed discernment in a global society. Academic excellence, personal attention, broad-based scholarship and a commitment to a Babtist vision for education distinguishes their Christ-centered learning community. The academic programs offered by UMHB are vast, inclusive and affordable. More than 3,000 students representing 22 foreign countries make up its student body. At the end of our day, we were bussed to our own Temple College and greeted by TC President Dr. Glenda Barron. Dr. Barron shared with our group the great value that Temple College offers our community and the central Texas region. Temple College operates satellite campuses in Taylor, Cameron, Hutto and the Texas Bio-Science Institute in conjunction with Scott and White Memorial Hospital. In-District tuition rates start at just $88 per credit hour making TC an affordable institution of higher learning. While the affordability of TC is an excellent benefit to its students, we also learned about TC’s academic excellence. For example, TC graduates about 80-90 nurses each year, but receives more than 300 applications annually for its school of Nursing making admission very difficult. We also learned about some of TC’s history, but unfortunately our tour was cut short due to inclement weather.

The Temple Chamber of Commerce is now accepting applications for the next Leadership Temple class. This series of 9 classes culminates in a final group project and graduation ceremony. It maintains a strong alumni network and prepares future Temple leaders for community-oriented, decision-making positions. Purpose 1) To inform the participants about Temple's history, government, economy, social issues, needs, opportunities and the existing processes for dealing with them. 2) To introduce the participants and establish dialogue with each other and current leaders of Temple. 3) To encourage the participants to actively participate in activities which contribute to the growth and the betterment of the Temple community. Testimonials "It was 1988 and the very first membership class of Leadership Temple was being formed. Then, as now, Temple was full of aspiring young people who wanted to learn the “how and why” of civic involvement. The line of qualified applicants was long, and I was not accepted that year. First civic lesson well learned….never give up on your goals. I reapplied the following year and was accepted into the program. I’ve been actively involved in our community’s leadership for 25 years and counting. Thank you Leadership Temple!" Randy Ramsey First State Bank

"Leadership Temple is an extremely valuable opportunity for new members to the community. It provided me with a priceless opportunity to meet people in industries outside my own that I otherwise likely would not have met. Participating in the class helped me feel tied in and connected to my community, and it showed me how easy it can be to identify a need and make a huge impact that will better the city I live in. Providing class after class with that kind of confidence will do immeasurable good for the City of Temple. " Tara Stafford Scott & White Healthcare Applications are available at and are due by June 16, 2014. For more information, contact Katie Smith, Communications & Marketing, at (254) 773-2105.

FRIDAY, March 7, 2014


Save the Date: Chamber Classic Golf Outing August 22, 2014 at Wildflower Country Club Imagine the name of your company as the title sponsor for the Chamber Classic Golf Outing … proudly displayed on all event promotions marketing this highly successful day on the links at Wildflower Country Club! Members and guests come together for a special luncheon followed by a grueling 18-holes of golf and topped off with dinner and a live/silent auction. Great opportunity to interact, network and just have a fun day. For more information, download the 2014 “Partnership & Marketing Opportunities Guid” by visiting the Temple Chamber of Commerce homepage at or call (254) 773-2105.

Recycle Those Old Phone Books & Help Local Schools! By: Tanya Gray, Keep Temple Beautiful New phone books will soon be arriving, so now you have a chance to recycle your old or unwanted phone book(s). Each year, Keep Temple Beautiful (KTB), Solid Waste and YP holds the phone book recycling contest, “Project ReDirectory”. Temple Independent School District, along with Belton Schools (in the Temple school district), are asked to collect phone books for recycling, keeping them out of landfills for an opportunity to win cash prizes. This year the contest will start March 10th-April 11th, and the cash prizes that are donated by Yellow Pages (YP) and KTB are much larger! Winning schools are determined by the maximum phonebooks collected per student enrolled. The top 3 schools in each school sys-

tem will win cash prizes in the amount of $800, $600 and $400 to be used for environmental projects or activities! √==fåÇáîáÇì~ä=ëíìÇÉåíë=áå=ÉäÉãÉåí~êó=ëÅÜççäë=EhJ RíÜ=Öê~ÇÉëF=ïÜç=ÅçääÉÅíÉÇ=ãçêÉ=íÜ~å=NMM=éÜçåÉ Äççâë= ïáää= ïáå= ~= ?hq_= dêÉÉå= qçíÉ?= ~åÇ= ÖêÉ~í éêáòÉë=Ñêçã=vm> √= = fåÇáîáÇì~ä= ëíìÇÉåíë= áå= ãáÇÇäÉ= ëÅÜççäë= ~åÇ ÜáÖÜ=ëÅÜççäë=ESíÜ=J=NOíÜ=Öê~ÇÉëF=ïÜç=ÅçääÉÅí=NM Äççâë= ïáää= ÄÉ= ÉåíÉêÉÇ= áåíç= ~= Çê~ïáåÖ= íç= ïáå= ~ ëÉí= çÑ= ÜÉ~ÇéÜçåÉë= EÉîÉêó= NM= éÜçåÉ= Äççâë= ÅçäJ äÉÅíÉÇ=ïáää=Éèì~ä=çåÉ=Éåíêó=áåíç=íÜÉ=ÅçåíÉëíFK Students who attend local Temple private schools, who are home-schooled or other local area schools may compete for the individual prizes listed above.

aç=óçì=ïçêâ=áå=qÉãéäÉ=~åÇ=äáâÉ=Ü~îáåÖ=ÑêÉÉI Ñ~ãáäóJÑêáÉåÇäó= áåíÉêåÉí= ïÜÉêÉîÉê= óçì= Öç\ qÜÉå=í~âÉ=çìê=ëìêîÉó>= The purpose of this survey is to gauge interest in order to provide family-friendly Wi-Fi Hot Spots throughout the city available for free to the Temple community. Multiple partners are working together to provide this for residents, students, visitors and the business community. If you choose to participate, the potential benefits would include:

1) Minimal maintenance 2) Fully supported 3) 24-7 availability 4) Separate from your business network 5) Exposure for your business 6) Community pride Go to to take the two-question survey. Thank you!

The objective of the contest is to encourage and educate youth about the importance of conservation and preservation of valuable landfill space through collection and recycling of old phone books. Recycled phone books are made into useful products such as animal bedding, home insulation, bathroom tissue, cereal boxes, roofing shingles, and new phone books. In 2013, through Project ReDirectory, over 11,000 phone books were collected for recycling. Bins will also be placed at Wal-Mart and both HEBs in Temple for recycling or you can give your phone books to your favorite school! To find out more about Project ReDiretory or get involved with Keep Temple Beautiful, call (254) 493-4000.

State of Fort Hood

With Brigadier General Clark W. LeMasters, Jr.

May 20 11:30 am Hilton Garden Inn Hosted by the Public Policy Council and the Military Affairs Council. For more information contact the Temple Chamber of Commerce at (254) 773-2105.


FRIDAY, March 7, 2014

Being Lucky By: Vane Hugo, The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas

Everyone knows a “lucky guy.” He’s the one who stumbled upon a cool thing and turned it into a million dollar business.


Why can’t the rest of us catch a break like that Well, we can! We can be just as lucky as that guy. You may have heard that, “Chance favors the prepared mind.” This quote points out that you will see the opportunities in life if you are knowledgeable and looking for them. We can “get lucky” by learning all we can about something we can feel passionate about doing the rest of our life. I once read that you can read three books on a topic, subscribe to and read three trade magazines from that area of interest and in six months you will know as much about it as any expert in that field. That knowledge can then be turned into skills through practice. Becoming knowledgeable and skilled in a subject will introduce us to other experts on that topic, expanding our knowledge and our circle of acquaintances. We can get out and meet people

every chance we get and some of their “luck” will rub off on us. I have been a coach for the Dale Carnegie Course since I took the course almost 20 years ago. In that endeavor, I was never paid a single cent from the program or any of the participants, yet the job I have now, I learned about from one of the participants. That bit of “luck” and my Dale Carnegie skills allowed me to interview successfully and get the job. Many of my friends I met through those classes, sharing my time freely with them and helping them, made me “lucky.” In my current job, I meet people I can help and in the process some have helped introduce me to some business opportunities that I am pursuing. Very “lucky”!! If we really want to “get lucky”, we can pursue things that help our

friends, families and others. We can choose to invest our time and money in the pursuit of stuff (hot cars, fancy clothes, palacious homes, etc.) or we can invest our resources in the building of knowledge, practicing what we learn to build skills and then applying those skills to produce results. When we then use those skills to produce goods or services that help other people, they will appreciate the help and when they need a lit-


favors the prepared mind.” tle more help, they will ask us to sell it to them. I have a friend who loves coffee. He is continually reading about coffee, coffee grinders, coffee pots, preparing coffee, and anything else he can find about coffee. He talks to anyone who will engage in a conversation about coffee. He has developed a significant knowledge base. He started a blog about coffee; he reviewed coffees and

“How To Supervise People & Lead a Team” with Glenn Shepard By: Erin Spencer, Temple College

In today’s working world, it is hard to escape difficult people and it is even harder trying to manage them. That is why the Temple Chamber of Commerce is hosting “How to Supervise People and Lead a Team,” a seminar presented by Glen Shepard, Tuesday, March 18 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. “The seminar is designed to provide managers with techniques that they can put into action within 24 hours,” Shepard said. “It is 100 percent hands on and covers real-world problems from how to confront an employee about body odor to how to get people to show up to work on time.” “How to Supervise People and Lead a Team” is based on one of Shepard’s books called “How to Manage Problem Employees.” The inspiration for the book came when Shepard realized how little he knew about dealing with people, even though he had a college degree in management. “…all of that management theory hadn’t prepared me for dealing with the real world challenges of finding, keeping, managing and motivating people,” Shepard said. In addition to difficult employees, Shepard will

coffee products. He put some links on his blog for some of the best products and received small commissions when people bought from those links. Today, he has a comfortable annual income from writing and speaking about his passion: coffee! He’s a “lucky guy”. Develop your knowledge about your passion, tell people about it, help them make decisions regarding it, freely give your advice and mentoring. Offer an easy way for people to acquire the products you are passionate about. At that point you have just found that “cool” thing. It is a product that people want, and they are willing to pay a fair price for it. Now you can start growing your business to get to a million bucks in sales, and you will be that “lucky guy”.

Business Seminar March 18, 8:30 am Hilton Garden Inn

cover how to manage and books, including the #1 motivate Generation Y, how best seller “How to Be to delegate responsibilities, the Employee Your and how lead a team to suc- Company Can't Live cess. He also will be avail- Without.” For more inforable to answer any ques- mation on Shepard or any of his works, go to tions following the event. The seminar fee is $129 for individuals or $149 for non-members, but if you have To register for “How to a group of three or more the fourth person is free. In Supervise People and addition, there is a special bonus for those who reg- Lead a Team,” contact the ister before Friday, March 14.The deadline to register Temple Chamber of Commerce by calling is Monday, March 17. Shepard is a professional speaker and author based (254) 773-2105 or go to in Nashville, Tennessee. After earning his manage- ment degree from Georgia Tech in 1985, he took a management position with Cintas. In 1988, he bought a spin-off of Nashville based Datamarketing Network and expanded into Memphis, Cincinnati, Birmingham and Knoxville. He has been “…all of that management theory hadn’t prepared in management for 29 me for dealing with the real world challenges of findyears and is the best- ing, keeping, managing and motivating people,” selling author of six - Glenn Shepard

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