FRIDAY, December 7, 2012
Local Shops Offer Specialty Gifts For Everyone On Your List By: Kristen Reichert, Photo By Skeebo
EVENTS CALENDAR S jáäáí~êó=qçó=aêáîÉ=båÇë NO _ìëáåÉëë=kÉíïçêâáåÖ=_êÉ~âÑ~ëíI=SWQR~ã NT iÉÖáëä~íáîÉ=^ÑÑ~áêë=`çããáííÉÉ=jÉÉíáåÖI NNWMM~ã NU iÉ~ÇÉêëÜáé=qÉãéäÉ=`çããáííÉÉ=jÉÉíáåÖI NWMMéã NV tçêâÑçêÅÉ=aÉîÉäçéãÉåí=`çããáííÉÉ= jÉÉíáåÖI=UWMM~ã OM _ç~êÇ=jÉÉíáåÖI=UWMM~ã
Skip the long lines at the big box stores and forget shopping online. This holiday season, Temple area residents can find a wide selection of unique gifts at several locally owned shops like Precious Memories Florist, Brickwood Boutique, Callie’s Boutique and Zooty’s Gift Shop. Located in Pecan Plaza, Zooty’s specializes in monogrammed and embroidered gifts that bring a personal touch to clothing, jewelry, stemware and more. Owner Amy Thomas grew up in Temple and stressed the importance of keeping dollars local.
Callie’s Boutique, also located in Pecan Plaza, is a specialty boutique with a diverse selection including clothing, shoes, accessories, home decor and jewelry. The shop also carries Melissa & Doug wooden toys and puzzles, a favorite brand for many children.
“We support our community by making the posters for football games and schools, and we appreciate our community’s support in return,” Thomas said. “It’s important to shop locally and keep our money in Temple.” Zooty’s employee Meghan Nunnally also pointed out that customers benefit from more personalized service and individual attention with smaller businesses. Besides monogrammed items, Zooty’s also carries toys and games. Orders must be placed by December 8 to have personalized gifts ready in time for Christmas.
Across 31st street from Pecan Plaza, Precious Memories Florist and Gift Shop adds the perfect touch to holiday decorating with fresh bouquets, centerpieces and poinsettias. Besides creating beautiful floral arrangements, the shop also features home decor pieces, jewelry and gourmet baskets filled with treats. Brickwood Boutique carries affordable yet elegant products for all occasions, including home décor, apparel and inspirational items. Located in Temple,
Brickwood always offers gift wrapping at no charge. Owner Andrea Morris said this service saves their customers
money and time, two commodities everyone needs more of during the holidays. On Thursday, December 13, Brickwood will have a stocking stuffer event with wine, snacks and specials. The boutique will also extend their hours until 7:00pm on December 13, 21 and 22 for busy customers who need more time to shop. More daily specials can be found by liking the Brickwood Boutique Facebook page. After picking out the perfect gift in our local shops, residents can ship their holiday packages at Kwik Kopy. Voted the Best Print Shop in Bell County, owners Dan and Mary Ann Jones meet all
shipping needs, as well as printing Christmas cards and holiday party invitations.
FRIDAY, December 7, 2012
Getting More Bang for Your Marketing Buck
By: David Perez-Guerra, Concentus Media Group
BUSINESS ESS AFTER S HOURS Business Networking Breakfast: Dec. 12th 6:45am Temple Chamber Sponsored by Modern Woodmen of America
Uncertainty seems to be the word of the year for business and the economy. Regardless of whether you believe the dreaded “R” word will occur, the current financial climate presents a great opportunity for growth. Keep these 5 steps in mind as we collectively get this economy growing, regardless of who is driving in D.C. 1. Many of today’s small businesses are unable to define their target market. Who buys from you and why? Before you spend a dime on media, take a few minutes and write down the attributes of your target demographic. 2. Look ahead while looking back. This pertains to your active clientele and prospects that went in other directions. Query your current customers about their
experience with you and with your competition. Listen, learn and then knock on the prospect’s door again. You will find that more than 55% are still open to new relationships. 3. Do not discount the power of the web. The world of social media continues to grow and specialize and there are numerous other on-line applications and venues to consider. Create an on-line presence but like any component of a comprehensive strategy, you must keep it current and relevant. 4. Things are tough all over so do not be afraid to negotiate media. Before you dive into a media purchase though, review #1. Beware of the fire sale! Do not buy media because the deal is great; buy media because it reaches your target audience.
5. Always remember, perception is reality. Develop a PR strategy that combines social networking and general media and convey a message of growth and success. It is encoded in our DNA to like winners. If you have questions or need help with a comprehensive marketing strategy, give Concentus Media Group a call at (254) 742-2007. With growth in excess of 30% annually since being founded in 2008, I know we can help (see #5 above).
Safety Tips During the Holidays By: Cpl Christopher M. Wilcox, Temple Police Dept. tional situations in stores, parking lots, or on the road. • Drive slowly in congested areas, and look out for pedestrians in parking lots. • Ask a security officer or police officer to escort you to your car if you find you’ve accidentally parked in a poorly lit, remote area. • Keep gifts and other valuables out of sight in your vehicle (preferably locked in your trunk). Drop items at home frequently, and keep them out of view through open shades or blinds. • Watch your surroundings as you enter parking lots, and avoid people or cars that seem suspiWith glad tidings to you and yours cious. If you have a bad feeling, listhis holiday season. We thank you ten to your instincts! Simply drive so very much for away before a problem develops. choosing us! Then, notify a security officer or police officer, or use your phone to contact your local police
For citizens across Central Texas, The Temple Police Department offers a few holiday shopping safety tips: • Limit your distractions and allow yourself extra time--being rushed or distracted can lead to other mistakes, and those mistakes lead to a stolen wallet, credit card, or, worse, a lost child. • Keep your children and possessions very close, especially in a crowd, to avoid losing them. • Exercise a little extra holiday cheer, and patience, with other shoppers, drivers, and pedestrians. Avoid confronta-
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department if you see suspicious activity. In addition, Temple Police would add: • Park in well-lit, populated areas whenever possible. This allows people to see you, and you to see them. Should one specific person wish to argue or otherwise cause you trouble, then the more populated the area, the better. • If you are unable to avoid encountering a problematic person, politely and quickly walk or drive away from them as soon as you can. Keep your cell phone handy, and put it up to your ear as if to talk. Actually use it, and call 911, if the person is being aggressive. • Generally, just keep safety awareness in your mind as you enter and leave parking lots. Most people only encounter problems when they’re distracted from this thought, and suddenly find themselves in a situation they would normally avoid. Have a safe holiday season, Cpl Christopher M. Wilcox #353 Public Information Officer
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FRIDAY, December 7, 2012
Alternative Holiday Shopping By: Susan Howe, Friends of the Temple Public Library Shoppers looking for a way to stretch the holiday budget can turn to local thrift stores to find bargains on everything from toys and clothes to furniture and appliances. Thrift shopping is popular with customers of all income levels. Charitybased stores such as Second Hand Rose, Salvation Army and Goodwill not only provide bargain prices for those on a budget, but also return profits to the community by helping those in need. Operated by the Junior League of Bell County, Second Hand Rose is entirely donation-based. The resale store at 17 East Central in downtown Temple is set up like a department store with attractive displays of clothes for adults and children, shoes, accessories, jewelry, as well as household items such as glassware, decorative items, lamps, books, games, and some furniture. There is a wide selection of baby items. Proceeds from the store go back to the community, mostly through partnerships with the Children’s Advocacy Center of Central Texas, Texas Workforce Commission and Christian Farms Treehouse to provide clothes and household items to families in need. Rosie Bucks provide vouchers which allow individuals to select the items needed. Project Prom each spring provides high school girls in east Bell County with the complete prom experience from dresses and accessories, to prom tickets and special hairdos all donated by Junior League members and the community. The Salvation Army also sells donated clothes, household items, furniture, appliances, books, games, and toys at their resale store at 2604 W. Ave. M. All items are donated. Store profits, as well as cash donations, go back to the community in some form, either through direct assistance through disaster relief and emergency help to families, or through other community based programs such as gifts for the Angel Tree program, food boxes through Food for Families, blankets in winter and fans in summer, and providing meals all year
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long at local feeding centers. Salvation Army will pick up donations of large items such as furniture. Goodwill Industries has two locations in Temple. The downtown location at 11 N. 4th St. has a retail store and accepts donations. The south Temple store at 4108 S. 31st St. is larger and, in addition to the donation center and retail store with bargain barn, has a learning center which provides free computer training, job skills, parenting, life skills and other classes for those needing help in bettering their lives. Both locations accept donations of clothes, furniture, household items and pick-up service is provided for large donations. Donated items as well as a wide variety of new items sold at reduced prices are available in the retail store. Both stores have a good selection of clothes for men, women, and children, baby items, toys, books, household goods and furniture.
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FRIDAY, December 7, 2012
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November New Members Brick City Martial Arts Gene Vining 969 Marlanwood Rd #101 Temple, TX 76502 (254) 760 9111 Martial Arts
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Shelley C. Giebel, M.D. Dr. Shelley Giebel 3010 Scott Blvd #104 Temple, TX 76504 (254) 773 8339 Medical Services Lockey Heating & Air Conditioning Curtis Lockey 305 W. Avenue M Temple, TX 76504 (254) 773 1733 Heating & Air Conditioning
Pack 'N' Mail Jim Przybylski 6173 W. Adams Ste. B Temple, TX 76502 (254) 778 7225 Packaging/Shipping Outlets Round Rock Chamber of Commerce Doug Kurkul 212 E. Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664 (512) 255 5805 Chambers of Commerce Temple Baseball Academy Jennifer Kellner 6173 W. Adams, Ste. B, PMB #605 Temple, TX 76502 (254) 366 4688 Baseball Instruction
November Renewals Accent Food Services AlzCare Assisted Living APAC Assoc. for a Pet Adoption Center John Bailey Financial Bell County Museum Bell County Sheriff Brazos Environmental & Engineering Service, Inc. Chaney Construction Services, LLC Children's Advocacy Center of Central Texas Citizens For Progress, Inc. Construction Service & Materials Cotton Patch Cafe D.R. Horton Dippel, Dippel, Jackson & Pugliese, LLC Discover Natural Foods, Inc. Equipment Depot, Ltd. Farm Bureau Insurance/Don Murphy First Central Texas Insurance, Ltd. Richard F. Fossum, D.D.S., P.A. Office of Senator Troy Fraser
Gabrielle's Dynamics Plus, LLC Garlyn Shelton Hidden Valley Mayflower In the Mood Ballroom KB Home La Quinta Inn & Suites Lamar Advertising Las Casas Restaurant & Patio Lisa's Dance Connection Lochridge Priest, Inc. Lone Star Grading & Materials Matthews, Ludwick, Templin & Montgomery, P.C. Metal Sales Manufacturing Corp. O'Briens Irish Pub Ocean Quest Pools by Lew Akins Premiere Cinema 16 Pro Mix Ready Mix Redeemer Presbyterian Church Rodney Dunn Co., Inc./Danny Dunn Rodney Dunn Co., Inc./Mary Jane Roach
Clay Roming, P.E. Sam's Club Members Only Scott & White Emp. Credit Union Scott & White EMS Scott & White Healthcare Sports World St. Mary's Catholic School Standards Home Health & Hospice Statewide Remodeling Temple Meridian Retirement Community Temple Parks Foundation Temple VFW Post 1820 Terminix International Tex Blast Sandblasting Co. Alton D. Thiele, P.C. TinKnockers Sheet Metal, LLC Verizon Wireless Workforce Solutions of Central Texas Wright Builders
FRIDAY, December 7, 2012
Leadership Temple, Ft. Hood Day By: Ryan Holler, Russell Stenman, Lee Armstrong & Tyler Johnson, Leadership Temple To move tens of thousands of fighting soldiers takes planning and training better known as logistics. On November 13th, the Leadership Temple class visited the country’s largest Army base and learned that lesson. Fort Hood’s 13th Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) is responsible for sustaining army operations in both war and peace. Tasked with planning, guiding and supporting a full spectrum of operations in four key areas including field support, maintenance, transport, and supply service, Col. Steve Cook says “the difference between a click and a bang is logistics.” What he meant was if the materials don’t get where they’re needed when they’re needed the troops are left stranded. In addition to transporting material to forward operating bases, ESC provides other services such as field kitchens, linen service, equipment maintenance and repair, and fuel operations.
responsibility for laundry operations at Ft Hood. This change is saving $10,000.00 to $20,000.00 per month by performing laundry services for the Warrior Leader Course and the 21st Replacement Detachment. The 13th ESC is not just concerned with Ft Hood. They also support missions within the continental United States with direct responsibility for sustainment brigades west of the Mississippi river. From Ft Hood, the 13th ESC coordinates responses to natural disasters providing materials and services to civilian populations. Logistics is matching training opportunities to support requirements, which reduces outsourcing contract costs to the Army. Logistics is not only practiced by the Army, but is a discipline that has been honed to a fine art.
Throughout the current wars and conflicts the United States has been fighting, numerous operations have been outsourced to civilian contractors. Now, as the soldiers who have been serving our country overseas are drawn down and brought home, they are resuming those operations at Ft Leadership Temple Class of 2013 with the 13th ESC during Fort Hood Day on Hood. Recently, the 157th Quartermaster Company took back the November 13th.
This exciting and eventful trip has given the entire Leadership Temple class a new perspective on the myriad of jobs and responsibilities our soldiers learn throughout their military careers. The men and women who serve this country possess impressive skills and knowledge, and we are thankful for their service. Leadership Temple would like to encourage those who have never visited Ft. Hood to go by and learn more about this great asset to our community.
Black Friday Local Sales By: Melissa Davis, Charter Real Estate There’s no doubt competing with big box stores can be difficult to do during the holiday shopping season, but local retailers have a unique opportunity to grasp the frenzied shopper’s eye too. The National Retail Association reported that 30% of all holiday purchases are done during the weekend after the Thanksgiving holiday. This year, the National Retail Federation reported a record 247 million shoppers hit stores, that’s approximately 21 million more people shopping than last year. The organization also reported that Americans spent an average of $423 million during those three days of door busters and deals this year. While large retailers draw long lines and snarling crowds, many choose to shop at local small businesses because of the relaxed atmosphere and less stressful experience. “I just enjoy the calmer atmosphere. I like the variety of different things they have to offer. It’s also a good feeling knowing that the money is staying in my community,” said Sarah Nelson, local shopper. Recently opened Whitetale Books, in Exchange Plaza, capitalized on the unique Black Friday marketing opportunity by placing a full color, multipage flyer in Thursday’s paper -ensuring their business would be seen and noticed by those searching for that amazing deal. Marketing alongside the big box stores was undoubtedly a surefire way to draw a lot of attention to a relatively new small business and bring shoppers to their doorsteps. Great service, good prices, unique products, and little waiting attract shoppers to small stores they know and love. When shoppers choose to shop
locally for the holidays, they not only avoid the chaos but have the opportunity to keeping tax dollars in Temple and support their neighbor, the small business owner.
FRIDAY, December 7, 2012
Have Yourself a Green Christmas! By: Tanya Gray, Keep Temple Beautiful It’s the holiday season again! That time of year when additional unnecessary waste is created. These days more and more eco-conscious consumers are dreaming of a green Christmas. If you’re looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint this holiday season, consider these tips from Keep Temple Beautiful. • Send Your Holiday Greetings Paperless: E-cards are great in sending those special wishes in electronic form which can be enhanced with sound and animation. The best part is that there is no physical waste! • Use Sustainable Gift Wrap: Avoid wrapping gifts in materials that are not recyclable or reusable. Consider saving and re-using holiday wrapping paper just as your grandmother once did. Or wrap your gifts in pretty fabric that can be used for other purposes. In my family, we re-gift gift bags again and again. Pillowcases can also make pretty gift wraps if done correctly along with newspaper. • Shipping Gifts: Reuse the boxes from other packages and the foam peanuts. You can return unwanted Styrofoam packing peanuts to local UPS stores. • Go Rechargeable: Rechargeable batteries and a battery charger are a great way to cut down on the consumption of batteries. • Decorate with Energy-Efficient Lighting: While many people still use standard incandescent holiday bulbs, decorative LED lights are now available in a variety of holiday shapes and colors. In addition to having a much longer life span than standard lights, LEDs also reduce fire risks because they stay cool to the touch. This would be one of the areas where you might spend a little more upfront, but save in the long run. Want to be even greener? Use light-sensor timers to turn your lights on and off.
• Give Consumable Gifts: Most Americans don’t need any more stuff we’re all “stuffed out.” So consider giving the gift of services instead, or goods that can be consumed. Some ideas include massages, pedicures, tickets to sporting events, gift certificates for restaurants and other similar pampering treats. Other options would be to give consumable gifts that keep on giving all year long like a membership to a Wine of the Month Club or a monthly delivery of seasonal fruits grown locally. Being green (eco-conscious) during Christmas does not mean you have to be any less generous. • Make a Donation in Someone’s Name: If someone has a passion in life, giving to an organization that supports their cause can be very meaningful. Whether you donate a flock of chicks to support a hungry family through Heifer International or fund the planting of trees or a membership through Keep Temple Beautiful, you will be giving a gift that gives back by helping others or preserving the environment. • Give the Gift of Time: Schedule time to get together with friends and family for cookie exchanges or other meaningful holiday events. We do have the ability as individuals and families to bring whatever intention to this season that we want. So we can share meals and share time with one another, and if we’d like to give each other gifts, we can do that too. • Treecyle: If you have a cut tree or wreath, check with your local municipality to find out if they will accept it up for recycling. More than 30 million real Christmas trees are sold in the United States each year, but more than 90 percent are being recycled for mulch or chipped and used in parks and other public spaces. The City of Temple provides free treecycling service after the holidays. For more details, contact the Solid Waste Department. From our family to yours, Keep Temple Beautiful wishes you a “green” Merry Christmas and eco-conscious New Year! For more information about KTB, check out our website at www.keeptemplebeautiful or like us on Facebook.
Holiday Shopping Spotlights Small Business By: Melissa Davis, Charter Real Estate After the crowds died down from the craze of Black Friday shopping in national chain stores, many smaller businesses capitalized on holiday sales on Small Business Saturday. Thousands of small stores, restaurants and spas across the United States offered their own discounts and promotions to draw in holiday shoppers each year the Saturday following Thanksgiving. Small Business Saturday was founded by American Express in 2010 as an effort to help small businesses that were otherwise struggling during the recession. AmericanExpress encourages cardholders who register their card online ahead of time by offering a $25 rebate when they make purchases at independent retailers.
There was nothing small about this year’s special day. According to a survey released by National Federation of Independent Business, consumers spent approximately $5.5 billion at independent retailers this year. Many advertise specials to draw the local eye to spend locally while others rely on their great service and reputation for unique products to bringshoppers through the doors.
Amy Thomas, owner of Temple gift store Zooty’s, said she didn’t run any specials for the day but found that the crowds still came in because her customers know the level of personalized service they can receive when they come to her shop. Mrs. Thomas said they were “thrilled with their sales numbers” and was glad that loyal customers chose to shop with local merchants. Zooty’s publicized their local ties through an ad in the telegram that weekend and encouraged community members to shop local. Mrs. Thomas added that she
appreciated the patronage. She attributes the community connection for the successful sales. She said local business owners “are the ones who put the posters in the windows, donate to school and local fundraisers, and support local causes.” The benefits of the symbiotic relationship between local merchants and shoppers choosing to spend locally benefit the community as a whole. American Express may have intended to give small businesses a boost in a tough economy, but Small Business Saturday has also helped small merchants get a bigger share of the spotlight. When you’re shopping this holiday season, be sure to remember your local stores for capturing great deals and unique gifts all while contributing to your community.
FRIDAY, December 7, 2012
8th Annual Schlotzsky’s Jingle Bun Run and Half Marathon By: Kristi Sykora, Temple Parks and Leisure
Gather family and friends and run with Santa for the holidays! On Saturday, December 8, the Schlotzsky’s Jingle Bun Run will feature a 5K and half marathon race beginning and ending at the Scott and White West Campus and will feature the Pepper Creek Trail. Santa will run a Family Fun 1K with the kids upon completion of the 5K race. “This is the 8th year for the event and we are excited to see the continued growth and community support,” said Greg Rhoads, Schlotzsky’s owner. “Every year the kids love running with Santa in the 1K, and this year they get a dri-fit shirt, Santa hat, jingle bells, and a special finishers medal,” said Rhoads. “This race offers a choice for runners of all levels, they can compete in the 5K, the half marathon, or run the 1K with Santa and the kids just for fun,” said Tracy Klusacek, Athletics Coordinator. The half marathon starts at 8:45am, the 5K starts at 9:00am, and the 1K at 10:00am.
1K pre-registration is $10, 5K pre-registration is $20, and half marathon pre-registration is $40 and closes on December 5. Race day registration is $10 for the 1K, $25 for the 5K, and $45 for the half marathon and will be available race day morning from 7:30-8:30 a.m. “New for this year’s event, we are excited to upgrade to dri-fit event shirts for all participants and we are providing all professional race photos free for participants to download after the event,” said Klusacek. Awards will be given to the overall male and female finishers as well as the top 3 finishers per age group for the 5K and half marathon. Finisher medals will be given to all half marathon finishers. The event will be chip timed by Pro-Fit Event Services and photography will be provided by “We are thankful to have several new sponsors this year to make this event possible: Schlotzsky’s, Coca-Cola, H-E-B, Camp Gladiator, Howard & Gilbert – Attorneys at Law, Scott & White Healthcare, and Temple Parks and Leisure Services,” said Klusacek. To register and for more information about the Schlotzsky’s Jingle Bun Run, please visit or contact Tracy Klusacek at 254.298-5582.
A Swinging Holiday With TC By: Erin Spencer, Temple College The Temple Jazz Orchestra will swing in the holidays with the first Christmas concert in the band’s history on Saturday, Dec. 8, at 7:30 p.m. in
the auditorium of the Mary Alice Marshall Performing Arts Center at Temple College. The concert is spon-
sored by the Central Texas Jazz Society. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and can be purchased in advance at the Temple College Fine Arts office, Johnnie’s Cleaners, and the Band Room store in Belton. The concert will open with Duke Ellington’s “Nutcracker Suite,” a nine-movement work is a fusion of the classical original written by Pyotr Tchaikovsky with Ellington’s swinging jazz style. These jazz orchestrations stand as one of the greatest examples of a success-
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ful adaptation of classical music to jazz. Ellington’s writing shows off the versatility of the jazz orchestra to its fullest. The second half of the concert will feature some of the greatest contemporary big band composers including Gordon Goodwin, Tom Kubis, Allen Baylock and Bob Curnow. The audience will hear sacred and popular favorites including Let it Snow!, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, Lo, How a Rose E’re Blooming and Silent Night among others. Also, Temple College faculty member Teri Johnson will swing in the holidays with her version of Santa Baby. The concert will
end with the great Count Basie band’s version of Jingle Bells. For more information contact the division of Fine Arts at 298.5555 or visit us on the web at
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FRIDAY, December 7, 2012
Santa at the Depot By: Kristi Sykora, Temple Parks & Leisure Over 300 people welcomed Santa as he arrived by train to Temple at the Santa Fe Depot on Saturday, December 1. Attendees took pictures with Santa, listened to stories, enjoyed arts and crafts, walked through the Christmas Village, visited the special Christmas Train Village in the Railroad and Heritage Museum, and much more. The Marshall family looks forward to this event every year. “This is a family tradition. Santa at the Depot is how we start off our holiday season. The kids love it!” said Patti Marshall.
If you were unable to attend this event, you can still enjoy the Christmas Train Village at the museum through December 29! Contact the Temple Railroad and Heritage Museum at 254-2985172 for more information.
Christmas Parade
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Temple Chamber of Commerce!
And don’t forget to “Like” and “Follow” us on Facebook and Twitter!