FRIDAY, March 1, 2013
Embracing Entrepreneurism By: Vane Hugo, Central Texas Entrepreneur Center
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free and low-cost technology, you are empowered and enabled to sell to local markets and reach customers on a global scale. Easy to say and easy to do! Three good reasons to start a business today: • Low start-up costs – many businesses can now start with less than a few hundred dollars in actual startup costs. With a smartphone and a handful of business cards, you can instantly set up your operation and quickly make sales. And…you can do it from home or anyplace else you can get an internet connection. • Enabling technology – cheap computers and phone equipment, social media platforms and online shopping carts provide start-up companies with a powerful way to market, just like big business. Selling and promoting yourself online is affordable, achievable and The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas, rewarding. Small businesslocated at 19 North Main St., Temple, TX 76501 es are more nimble than Photo by Skeebo the behemoths. Businesses are being built on Facebook and pronesses in the United States. These are enterprising times. Faced moted via Twitter, YouTube and with limited entry level jobs, students LinkedIn, selling everything from are turning their talents into business heirloom vegetable seeds to e-books ventures. Experienced professionals and financial services and artisan are choosing the freedom and flexi- foods. Whatever your passion you can bility that comes with self-employ- sell it as a product or service. ment. Middle aged people are finding • High level of support – when startgaps in the market and filling them. ing a business, you won’t be alone! The over 50’s are leaving the insecu- There is an abundance of support to rity of modern corporate life, launch- help you start and grow, including ing new ventures, to support their public and private sector support. In lifestyle as their life expectancy fact, there is so much data out there on starting and growing businesses grows. Regardless of your age or current that you may want a safari guide to employment, there is potential to turn get you through the information juna passion or skill from your profes- gle. TEC is just such a guide. The sional or personal life into a bright Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas business idea. Embracing your entre- ( assists with preneurial spirit and coupling it with mentoring and coaching individual Many ask, “When is the best time to start a business?” The answer is crystal clear,“There has never been a better time to start a business.” When the numbers are finally tabulated, 2012 likely marked a record high for the opening of small businesses. With an improving economy, millions of people just like you established their own businesses and became their own boss. Now is your opportunity to join those millions of self-employed people and small busi-
businesses, providing workshops and seminars on specific aspects of small business and connecting new entrepreneurs with experienced small business owners to deliver advice and provide business specific expert mentoring. With all this available, can you resist the draw to become your own boss? For every business, regardless of its current state, there is a logical set of next steps. Often, the business owner knows many of these activities. Yet, no business has to be an “island”. Help is just a call or click away. Use it! (254) 298-8781 w w w. T E C - C e n T e x . c o m
What is the Entrepreneur Center
The Entrepreneur Center is a nonprofit organization that serves the Central Texas community, by providing area businesses with the right resources at the right time in the development of each business. Through group and individualized training coupled with connecting businesses to needed resources, The Entrepreneur Center is able to teach business skills to startups as well as mentor existing businesses to grow their revenue and profitability. In the next issue, there will be two short articles, one focused on topics for the startup business and a second on a topic of interest to more established businesses. I encourage you to read both, as the gap between what you know and what your business needs you to know, may occasionally widen.
Executive Director of The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas
FRIDAY, March 1, 2013
Business Networking Breakfast & Health Care Reform
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By: Tammy Lawson, Scott & White Healthcare
March 28 5:15pm-7pm Sponsored by: Don Ringler ChevroletToyota-Scion
Scott & White Health Plan will be hosting the Temple Chamber of Commerce Business Networking Breakfast for Chamber Members at their location at 2 N. 5th Street in Temple on Wednesday, March 13 from 6:45 am - 8:00 am. The focus will be on Health Care Reform, with a presentation from Health Plan experts on what to expect as we move into 2014 and the Health Care Exchange. There will also be an open forum for questions and answers. If you are thinking about Health Care Reform and want to know more, this meeting will be worth your time.
Wednesday, March 13
Topics to be covered and discussed include: * Individual subsidy - Who will get them and how * Tax Penalties - Individual and Groups * Essential benefits - Plan designs * Small Employer Group Exchange vs. Non Exchange “SHOP” * Open Enrollment - When and How For more information on Business Networking Breakfast, visit the events page at, e-mail Starr Freeman at or call the Temple Chamber of Commerce at (254) 773-2105.
6:45 am - 8:00 am
Temple Chamber of Commerce 2 N. 5th Street, Temple TX 76501 Breakfast - Networking - Presentation This month is sponsored by:
*Business Networking Breakfast is only available to Chamber Members.
Easter Happenings Chevrolet-Toyota-Scion
3rd Annual Underwater Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, March 24 Ages 3-5 will hunt from 1 - 1:30 p.m. Ages 6-9 will hunt from 2 - 2:30 p.m. Sammons Indoor Pool, 2220 West Ave D “Hunt for those wonderful Easter treats in the pool! Afterwards, enjoy some down time playing with your friends in the water. “ Make sure to bring your favorite Easter basket! Space is limited. Register by March 13. $5 per child, call 298-5930.
Kids Kraft: Easter Thursday, March 28
Week of the Egg Monday, March 25
10:00 a.m. - 1:30 a.m. West Temple Community Park “Join the fun at this Easter Extravaganza! Decorate Easter eggs, make a bunny basket, and hang out with the Easter Bunny. It’s going to be a morning full of Easter, art, and fun with friends.” $7 for kids ages 2-6. Call (254) 298-5474
9:00 am - 10:00 am Wilson Park Recreation Center, 2205 Curtis B. Elliott Dr “We have found lots of fun and entertaining things to do with eggs such as making geodes, paint, marbled eggs and much more. This four day class will teaching your little one ideas like the scientific method as well as fine motor skills. At the end of the week, we will attempt to walk on raw eggs.” $15, call (254) 298-5737
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FRIDAY, March 1, 2013
Spruce Up Your Spring Landscape By: Susan Howe, Friends of the Temple Public Library
March Is Here Local nurseries and & So is Spring home and garden centers are busy getting Fever! ready for spring and M A S T E R GARDENER’S SPRING PLANT SALE Local gardeners will have a chance to buy plants and gather information from the experts at the Bell County Master Gardener’s Spring Plant Sale on Saturday, March 23. The sale will feature perennials, vegetables, herbs, succulents, roses and trees, as well as information booths. Master Gardeners will be available to answer questions.
already have a good supply of fertilizers, chemicals, tools and garden and patio equipment, as well as house plants and some cold tolerant plants. Shipments of annuals, bedding plants and other spring and summer garden items will be coming soon. Now is a great time to prepare your lawn and garden to make sure that the grass is green, and the flowers and shrubs are bursting with color as the spring and summer season arrives. Your March checklist should start with cutting the dead winter growth off both the
The sale will be held from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 23, at the Master Gardener Building and Grounds at the Bell County Extension Office located at 1605 N. Main St. in Belton. The Master Gardeners of Bell County are volunteers who work with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to improve gardening skills throughout the community. Plant sales in spring and fall raise funds for the non-profit organization. The organization provides youth and community education, establishes and maintains demonstration gardens and provides a speaker’s bureau. Master Gardener training is held annually.
grass and shrubs, Brian Coffield, nurseryman at Home Depot said. After the threat of frost has passed, which is usually March 15, the grass should be cut a little shorter than usual to about 2 inches and then it should have fertilizer applied. Make sure the fertilizer is watered into the soil to prevent burning. A combination fertilizer and weed killer may be used if weeds are a problem. be careful in selecting plants. Choose plants Prune roses and other shrubs before the based on their sun or shade and soil type spring growth starts and clean and prepare needs. In addition, choose plants with beds now for plant- When planning new landscape additions, drought tolerance and resistance to insects and ing. A pruning paint be careful in selecting plants. Choose disease to reduce landis recommended if scape maintenance and cuts are made on tree plants based on their sun or shade impact on the environment. and soil type needs. branches. Adding mulch Alvin Simcik, a certified Texas to beds has many benefits: holds in moisture, controls weeds and pro- nurseryman and owner of Cen-Tex Nursery since 1978, recommends plants that are tects bare soil from erosion. to work well in this area such as If you are planning a vegetable garden, it proven nadina, yaupon holly, possum haw holly and is a good idea to have a soil test performed antique roses. Snapdragons, begonias and to find out the fertilizer needs of your petunias are also popular bedding plants. plants. While waiting on results from the soil testing report, till the garden space and add compost. Some of the cold tolerant veg- Garden Centers & Nurseries that are etables such as onions, broccoli and lettuce Temple Chamber Members: can be planted outside now, but wait until Walmar t Super Center, Cen-Tex later for tomatoes and other warm season Nursery, Home Depot, U.S. Lawns & Landscape, Heart of Texas Landscape vegetables. & Ir rigation Co., Inc., Chick When planning new landscape additions, Landscaping, Inc.
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S A L E S • S E RV I C E • I N S TA L L AT I O N
t i n t g u C E v n o e n b b ts i R
FRIDAY, March 1, 2013
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FRIDAY, March 1, 2013
RCA Spotlights
Each quarter, we take the opportunity to acknowledge a Red Carpet Ambassador who has gone the extra mile in representing the Temple Chamber of Commerce and supporting our local businesses. This time though we also want to acknowlege our three-way tie runner ups! Thank you for your service to the Chamber and to our community! Left to right: Joann Alley, Richard Schneider & Gabrielle Parkey.
We also want to congratulate our Jean Garner RCA of the Year Eula Jett! This award goes to the Red Carpet Ambassador who has attended the most events, ribbon cuttings and meetings during the year. Left to right: 2012 Chair Sandy Pontes, 2013 Chair Kenny Kelly, Jean Garner RCA of the Year recipient Eula Jett & 2013 Co-Chair Gabrielle Parkey.
February New Members American Cancer Society Brooke Honza 1700 Lake Success Blvd. Waco, TX 76710 (254) 753 0807 Organizations & Associations Balcones Resources Steve Shannon 9301 Johnny Morris Road Austin, TX 78724 (512) 472 3355 Recycling/Resource Management Bird Creek Mobile Home Park Amanda Korn 1712 N. General Bruce Dr. Temple, TX 76504
(254) 773 9431 Mobile Home Parks BNSF Railway Company Donnie Stilwell PO Box 967 Temple, TX 76503 (254) 771 4701 Railroads Communities in Schools of Greater Central TX, Inc. Mary Barr 4520 E. Central TX Expwy #106 Killeen, TX 76543 (254) 554 2132 www.cis Educational Services
Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant Jennifer Boudreault Temple, TX (254) 290 1967 Cosmetics & Skin Care Operation Homefront of Texas Tracy Curran 10157 IH35 North, Ste. A San Antonio, TX 78233 (210) 659 8039 Military & Veteran Family Assistance Ponder's Auto & Fleet Service B.W. Ponder 3321 Parkway Drive Temple, TX 76504
(254) 773 5993 Auto Repairs & Service Templeton Electric Laura Templeton 214 W. 4th Hearne, TX 77859 (254) 778 6644 Electrical Contractors Thumbs Up Compliance Amanda Reese RN 5 Meadowbrook Dr., Ste. C Temple, TX 76502 (254) 231 0023 Employer Compliance Services
February Renewals Alejo USA All Seasons Storage Centers Temple Arnold Student Union Food Court TC Baird Brothers Express Car Wash Baylor University Executive MBA Program Austin Belton ISD Best Li'L Hairhouse In Temple Big Chew Chew's, Inc. BMI Pest Management, LLC Carothers Executive Homes Centex AMBUCS Centex Homes Cen Tex Nursery CFS, Inc. Chappell Hill Apartments Clark & Fuller, PLLC Cunningham Real Estate
Days Inn Doctors Express Eagle Self Storage Emporium Packaging Fikes Wholesale, Inc./CEFCO Food Stores Friars Creek Nature Preserve at Green Oaks Gold Key Technology Solutions Green Life Interiors Gym X Heart of Texas Goodwill Industries, Inc. Hunnington Apartments Jaynes, Reitmeier, Boyd & Therrell, P.C. Kerley's Grocery And Market Kleinfelder La Quinta Inn Temple
Manpower Nazareth House Magnificat Center Books & Gifts Office Systems 2000, Inc. Paramount Wastewater Solutions, LLC Pattillo, Brown & Hill, L.L.P. Judge Stanton B. Pemberton Primerica/Jackson Aparicio Primus Real Estate Services Railroad & Heritage Museum Ronald McDonald House, The The Salvation Army Schoepf's Old Time Bar B Que Shipley Donuts Belton The Shoe Box Smashburger State Farm Insurance/Larry Wilkerson Sundek of Central Texas
TCBY Temple ISD Temple Meridian Retirement Community Temple Veterinary Hospital Temple Visitor Center Temple Welding Supply, Inc. Texas First State Bank Texas Wildcat Parking & Storage TXU Energy Visiting Angels Walgreens Walmart SuperCenter Wave Healthcare Wilsonart LLC
FRIDAY, March 1, 2013
Tax Prep Pointers for Business & Individuals By: Melissa Davis, Charter Real Estate
Tax Time is Here. Are You Ready?
The US tax code can be so complicated that it’s no surprise many small businesses and individuals make mistakes in their bookkeeping or filing. Making sense of tax laws and recent changes can be overwhelming. The number one rule for tax preparation is to resist the temptation to put it off until the last minute. Rushing to meet the deadline may cause you to overlook potential sources of tax savings and will likely increase the risk of making errors. Preparing early also provides more time to plan for any changes coming to tax laws for 2013.
Along with preparing the proper paperwork to shape a tax return, individuals can check out the Internal Revenue Service’s tips to reduce stress at tax time by visiting
search of their directory can help get you on the path to smooth and timely tax filing.
is vital to making that happen. You can head off a lot of issues by taking simple steps to make tax filings easy for your company, no matter how big or small. The IRS continues its efforts to regulate tax preparers. If you choose to enlist the help of a tax preparer, be sure to ask about their IRS registration status along with your usual inquiries to verify their ability to meet your tax needs.
Accountants that are members of the Temple Chamber of Commerce:
Te m p l e C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e (254) 773-2105 Staying out of trouble with the IRS should be the top priority for any business owner. Tax preparation w w w. Te m p l e T x . o r g
A few tips for the entrepreneur: • Save receipts! • Be careful not to lump equipment, a capital expenditure and supplies together. • Track reimbursable expenses. • Be careful how you calculate automobile deductions. • Give more than you receive, tax-wise. Find a contact list of local accountants at
Brockway, Gersbach, Franklin & Niemeier, P.C.
Whether you’re an individual looking to make the most of your deductions or a small business owner trying to make sense of tax code, getting the help of a qualified professional can be one of the smartest moves you make during tax season.
Jackson-Hewitt Tax Service/Centax, Inc.
The Chamber of Commerce has several such qualified members in the accounting and tax preparation field. A visit to the Chamber website and a quick
Matthews, Ludwick, Templin & Montgomery, P.C.
Jaynes, Reitmeier, Boyd & Therrell, P.C. Henry Jezek L.S., CPA Kimmy Jackson & Associates, LLC Knutson, Bedrich and Assoc., CPAs Lott, Vernon & Company, P.C.
Pattillo, Brown & Hill, L.L.P. Alton D. Thiele, P.C.,
4 Strategies for Successful Facebook Marketing By: Kelsey Teal, Charter Real Estate Facebook continues to be the dominant player in the social media montage. Facebook can be used to attract potential customers and contributes to brand recognition. Here are four strategies to make Facebook work for your business. Make Meaningful Connections: Research shows that you can successfully manage no more than 150 online relationships. You need to identify 150 or fewer “friends” who are willing to do business with you and interact with them at least once a month. Don’t just hit the “like” button. Look for posts where you can congratulate them, share a resource or otherwise engage with them. If you allocate 15-20 minutes per day to post on at least 5-10 of your Facebook friends’ accounts, you will have no trouble staying in regular contact with the most valuable members of your database.
Use Facebook Marketplace: Many companies are aware of Facebook business pages, but do you know about Facebook Marketplace? Facebook Marketplace functions much like eBay. It’s ideal for posting information about your products or services. Because Google and other search engines now catalogue the public portions of Facebook, using Marketplace can also improve your search engine rankings.
Post Videos: Search engines love video. Posting videos about your trade and/or services becomes a way to achieve better search engine rankings as well as engage Facebook followers.
Experiment with Facebook Ads: What makes these ads so powerful is that Facebook has catalogued incredible amounts of data about their users. You can target specific locations, age groups and demographics. Determine who the target is for your business. What income would your customer need? What age group are you targeting? What are their professions? Facebook will allow you to target these groups in your ads.
By implementing these key strategies, your business can stand out in the social media arena. *Information Magazine
FRIDAY, March 1, 2013
Education for the Future, With Leadership Temple By: Elaine Ewing, David Wesson, Susan Hagen, Jeremy Schroeder, Leadership Temple
On February 12, Leadership Temple had the opportunity to learn about education in Temple as we toured surrounding school educational campuses. One notable thing we learned was that local public schools and area colleges are experiencing new and durable building renovations designed to lower maintenance costs for years to come. Beautiful new expansions from the elementary level up to area colleges will enhance the education al experience for all ages. These necessary improvements also include new educational programs to benefit Temple area students of all ages. Next, we toured the new Travis Middle School building, which will have a new entrance facing 25th Street once it is completed. The initial move to the new addition is scheduled after Spring Break 2013. A common feature we learned about is a single color theme for each hallway to aid students to identify classrooms easily. Mr. Riley showed us his Math and Science CAD classroom that is aimed at boosting these skills sets for students in a fun way. Middle schools now have a whole school program designed to prepare students for more advanced classes as they move into high school. Scott Elementary currently has building improvements taking place on their campus as do other campuses in the Temple area. Elementary schools have implemented the Gateway to Technology program to teach students computers skills in younger grades. Cscope is a practical new program implemented for teachers to prepare lessons and to maintain consistent learning skills throughout Temple schools. The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor is in the process of building a large sports stadium along with other additions we can look forward to enjoying in the future.Temple College has added a new nursing department complete with computer aided mock patients. They also have added a dental hygiene department.
Here you can be scheduled for both low cost teeth cleaning and xrays. The campus of Texas A&M College in our area will also be an asset to complete a bachelors or masters degree in varied degree programs. The first building on this expansive campus has recently been completed and the college has plans to continue its growth. This tour proved to be an exciting trip and we were very impressed by the improvements and gains for our students’ education. To find out more about Leadership Temple, visit the Committees & Task Forces page on the Temple Chamber of Commerce website at
Leadership Temple receives a tour of the Travis Middle School building, which is currently under construction. It is sheduled to open after Spring Break of this year.
Leadership Temple 2012: Dog Park Update By: Kristi Sykora, Temple Parks & Leisure, Leadership Temple Class of 2012
The first public dog park in Temple is now under construction, but donations are still needed to get the park operational and ready for public use. “We want to give back to the community and provide something new to the area. Dog parks provide a great place for outdoor recreation and socialization for both people and their pets,” said Leadership Temple 2012 Class Member, Ashley Williams. “We are very thankful for the dona-
tions and support we have received from Mars Petcare, Belton Small Animal Clinic, Sit Means Sit, Hilton Garden Inn, BBVA Compass, Extraco Banks, Almost Home Pet Resort, Temple Chamber of Commerce, Temple Parks Foundation, Cultural Activities Center, Temple Parks and Leisure Services and the many other individuals that supported our fundraising events,” said Williams. “We are just asking the community for a little more financial support to be able to finish construction.” The dog park will include a fenced one acre section for large dogs and a half acre section for small dogs. The
park will be fully accessible and will be located in Lions Park in Temple. Leadership Temple is a program offered by the Temple Chamber of Commerce every year to foster community involvement and understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing the Temple community and surrounding area. The Leadership Class of 2012 is composed of an array of professional individuals who work in the Temple area. Each year the individuals who make up the class commit to completing a project that gives back to the community. This Leadership Temple class decided to build a dog park in Temple. For more information and updates on the dog park, please visit our website at
FRIDAY, March 1, 2013
Beautiful Starts Here By: Tanya Gray, Keep Temple Beautiful Everyone wants to live, work, and play in a clean and green community . . . and it’s up to everyone to make it possible and improve the overall quality of life for us all. Join Keep Temple Beautiful across the city – and Americans across the nation – for the Great American Cleanup. You can participate in the Temple 2013 Great American Cleanup by cleaning up litter and trash along our roadsides, creeks, parks and neighborhoods. Additional events include holding recycling events for hard-to-dispose of items like tires and appliances, shredding events ensuring that personal documents are properly disposed, creating or enhancing green areas by planting plants, bulbs, and trees, removing or painting over graffiti that devalues your neighborhood, and other activities that help beautify your community. During the Great American Cleanup which is from March 1st to May 31st, registered events can get free cleanup supplies, such as bags and gloves
donated by Keep Temple Beautiful and Keep America Beautiful. Additionally, during the "Pick It Up Days" on March 5th from 2pm-7pm at the Vine Church, 4902 S. 31st Street, special guest speaker Jim Kennard, Master of the Mittleider Gardening Method & President for the Food for Everyone Foundation will educate participants for 21/2 hours on the procedure. Participants will then put what they've learned with hands-on gardening experience for another 21/2 hours. This Mittleider method is a simpler way of gardening. It increases yields up to 6 times with higher nutrition value, conserves water irrigation- only 30 to 60 seconds a day, garden in any soil without adding soil amendments, grows healthier pest resistant plants 365 days a year and that's just to name a few advantages. To learn more
of the wonderful benefits of the Mittleider Gardening method, register by contacting Kelly Einboden at (254) 913-5485. This event is free to the public but space is limited. Keep Temple Beautiful invites you to take part in the Great American Cleanup, the nation's largest community improvement program! Community and civic associations, schools and youth groups, families and friends, business employees, sororities, fraternities, churches and others can organize their members and participate in this nationwide event. This is a great way for students to earn community service hours. Contact Tanya Gray at (254) 493-4000 or and register your organization's activities today. If you don't have one, we will be happy to provide an activity for you. Be a part of Team Temple - citizens who want better for their community.
CAC Happenings Cultural Activities Center: A ‘Must-Visit speakers who have insider knowledge about the for CAC roof repairs. Please sign up in advance to films. All screenings are free to the public. The cur- participate, donate or be a run sponsor. For more Venue’ For Live Entertainment In Temple Tucked into the north side of Temple is the Cultural Activities Center – a multi-purpose facility at 3011 N. 3rd St. that offers community arts enrichment programs and musical styles requested by local residents. For the past couple of years, the CAC Performing Arts Series (PAS) has featured a Texas SingerSongwriters series that is bringing a new style of culture to Temple with performances by Hayes Carll, Bob Schneider, Joe Ely, Carolyn Wonderland, Ruthie Foster and more. The talents of these and other artists continue to make the CAC a must-visit venue in Texas. “Temple’s little gem – the CAC – is becoming a known destination that showcases diverse performers,” says communication director Jane Boone. The current PAS runs through September with Bob Schneider on March 16; Walt Wilkins on April 20; Rodney Crowell on May 18; The Gourds on August 17; and Ruthie Foster on Sept.14. Another ongoing free entertainment draw at the CAC is sponsored by the Central Texas Film Society, which screens 24 movies in 4 themed series and hosts discussions with
rent series focuses on Stanley Kubrick films: “Barry Lyndon” will screen on March 5 and “Spartacus” on March 19. The CAC, which draws approximately 90,000 patrons through its doors each year, is supported through memberships, major underwriters, individual donors and corporate sponsors. Check out the CAC website or join the CAC on Facebook and twitter to stay up-to-date with upcoming events.
Festival Of The Arts Offers Free Activities April 6 Music blends with art on Saturday, April 6, during the 2nd annual Festival of the Arts at the Cultural Activities Center, 3011 N. 3rd St. in Temple. This free community event will feature a collage of arts, crafts and food booths as well as live local music from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. ArtWorks -- the largest children’s exhibit in Central Texas -- will kick off the festival with an art opening at 10 a.m. in the CAC galleries. Family and friends are invited to see the beautiful floor-to-ceiling displays of art. Prior to the Festival kickoff, the CAC Contemporaries is hosting a “Run for the Roof” 5k run/walk fundraiser to raise financial support
information on the Festival of the Arts, please call the CAC at 254-773-9926. More info: and on Facebook.