Focus on Business - May 2013

Page 1

FRIDAY, May 3, 2013


A Booming Population: What Does That Mean to the Central Texas Workforce?

MAY•2013 EVENTS CALENDAR 7 Business Link Lunch - Temple Mall, 12PM 7 Downtown Temple Alliance Committee Meeting, 3PM 8 Business Networking Breakfast - Temple College, 7AM 8 RCA Committee Meeting, 12PM 14 Leadership Temple Graduation, 6PM 15 Education Workforce Committee Meeting, 8AM 23 Business After Hours - First State Bank Central Texas, 5PM

By: Melissa Davis, Charter Real Estate Community members were treated to an in depth look at Texas demographics last week when the Chamber of Commerce hosted Lloyd Potter, Texas State Demographer at their legislative luncheon. Mr. Potter, who also serves as the Director of Texas State Data Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio, presented a myriad of data related to population growth, education trends as well as racial and ethnic composition. Texas is the second largest and most populated state. Its growth exceeded that of all other states between 2000 and 2010. Texas’ growth can be attributed to both natural increase and net migration. A total of eight Texas counties were among the top largest growth counties in the country. The most populated counties in the state are Harris, Bexar, Dallas, Tarrant and Travis; leaving Central Texas at the center of this exponential growth. Texas had eight of the nation’s fastest growing large cities according to the

booming, with the state adding over 1.62 million net new jobs in the last decade. Texas employs over 12.6 million workers and has the nation’s second highest civilian labor force. At the beginning of 2012, Texas was the only top 20 state with more jobs than three years ago. In 2011 alone, Texas ranked first in total employment growth by jobs gained with 310,900. (Source: US Bureau of Labor and Statistics) The composition of this increase in population is as important as the growth itself. According to Potter, Hispanics are on pace to become the

biggest ethnic group in Texas by 2015. The 2010 Census estimated that 38% of the Texas population was of Hispanic descent, 11% were nonHispanic African American and approximately 6% were nonHispanic other (mostly of Asian descent). 27% of the Bell County population is Hispanic with the other numbers closely mirroring those of the state. Sadly, Texas ranks low in percentages of perDr. Lloyd Potter, State Demographer, during his presentation at the Hilton Garden Inn on April 23. This was part of the re- sons aged 25 years and vamped series of luncheons organized by the Temple Chamber of older with less than a Commerce Legislative Affairs Committee. high school diploma or most recent census data. Round Rock equivalency, at 81% of the population. led with the No. 2 national ranking Of those with less than high school and a 4.8% growth, followed by Austin education, 71% were Hispanic. Texas will need to ensure that this demoat No. 3. Job growth in Texas has also been graphic finishes their high school

Attendees for the Demographer presentation exceeded 150 guests, nearly twice that of the largest attendance from Legislative Luncheons in recent years.

education and moves on toward college at a higher rate than prior generations. The alternative is a rapidly growing, unskilled workforce with higher poverty and unemployment rates, according to Potter. Texas Workforce Commission has specific programs in place to provide residents with job-training. In an effort to graduate a more prepared workforce and give students opportunities to learn a trade prior to graduation, area schools are offering more career focused curriculums that allow students to graduate with specific certifications in place so they are prepared to enter the workforce upon graduation. Temple ISD plans to implement a specific bilingual program to assure compliance with performance based monitoring and analysis systems. Retention and decreased dropout rates are another large component of TISD’s District Improvement Plan, available on the TISD website. In essence, our state’s rapid growth can be a genuine benefit to our workforce but the challenges of training and supporting a rapidly growing population will be challenging test for area leadership over the coming decade.


FRIDAY, May 3, 2013

Make a Difference With the Workforce Development Committee BUSINESS ESS AFTER S HOURS

MAY 23 5PM-7PM

By: Erin Spencer, Temple College The Temple Chamber of Commerce ture is to provide leadership that helps be more successful when it’s time for them Workforce Development Committee build the programs needed to get folks to choose a career in the future’” said works to address the education and train- trained so they are prepared for the jobs of Rojas. Job training, leadership develing needs of the lìê=ÅçããáííÉÉÛë=Öç~ä=áå=íÜÉ=çîÉê~ää=éáÅíìêÉ=áë=íç=éêçîáÇÉ opment and job shadowing are local communiäÉ~ÇÉêëÜáé=íÜ~í=ÜÉäéë=ÄìáäÇ=íÜÉ=éêçÖê~ãë=åÉÉÇÉÇ=íç=ÖÉí=Ñçäâë just some of the programs develties’ businesses. oped by the Workforce “We provide a íê~áåÉÇ=ëç=íÜÉó=~êÉ=éêÉé~êÉÇ=Ñçê=íÜÉ=àçÄë=çÑ=íÜÉ=ÑìíìêÉIÒ Development Committee as catalyst to bring local businesses, Jj~êó=^åå=oçà~ëI=`Ü~áê=çÑ=tçêâÑçêÅÉ=aÉîÉäçéãÉåí=C=lïåÉê=çÑ=gçÄ=pçìêÅÉ part of their education initiative. This past year the committee added a community representatives and education- the future,” said Rojas. Though the Committee works on various Career Expo and was able to introduce al institutions such as the ISDs, colleges and universities together,” said Mary Ann aspects of workforce training, one of the more than 1,500 area students to various Rojas, chair of the Workforce Development areas that they have particularly focused business and industry professionals in the Committee and owner of Job Source in on in recent years is making sure area ISD Central Texas region. Temple. “Through this collaboration, we students are well informed on the local job are able to ensure the emerging workforce opportunities and career paths that are The Workforce Development committee has the skills they need to enter the local available to them. meets at 8 a.m. on the third Wednesday of “We have found that educating students at every month at the Temple Chamber of job market.” “Our committee’s goal in the overall pic- an early age [around 8th grade] helps them Commerce.

First State Bank Central Texas

Executive Search Underway By: Stacie Bratton, AVP, Central National Bank & Chamber Board Member

Earlier this year the Board of Directors appointed a Chamber President Search Committee responsible for sourcing candidates for the role of Chamber President. Committee members include Chairperson Stacie Bratton, Marc Hallee and Harry Macey who recommended to the Board to hire Eric Peterson of Waverly Partners, Cleveland, OH to conduct a nationwide search for the next Temple Chamber of Commerce President. Eric has 25 years of in depth executive search consulting experience and spe-

cializes in recruiting senior executives for Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development Corporations. He has conducted and successfully placed several senior Chamber executives in Texas and knows the market well. “Given the opportunity and potential of Temple and the surrounding area, we feel confident,” says Bratton, “that Eric will help the Temple Chamber of Commerce find the most qualified person for the position of President.”

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FRIDAY, May 3, 2013


The Entrepreneur Corner What to Do, When You Have Too Much to Do

By: Vane Hugo, The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas

The Entrepreneur Center of Central Texas, located at 19 North Main St., Temple, TX 76501 Photo by Skeebo

BLOOD DRIVES May 10, 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Hilton Garden Inn (1749 Scott Blvd) May 10, 1:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lowe’s (605 SW H K Dodgen Loop) May 10, 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Breakfast Drive at Blood Donor Center (2401 South 31st Street) May 16, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Acer (3906 Range Road) May 16, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Acer (1394 Eberhardt Drive) May 24, 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Raye-Allen Elementary School (5015 South 5th Street) May 29, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Extraco Bank (18 South Main Street)

To sign-up to donate blood or to find out how to host a blood drive, please contact the Scott & White Blood Center at (254) 724-6231.

How is it that some people seem to be organized and productive, while others struggle with competing priorities and never seem to get things done or are always late? Well, fortunately it’s easy to become productive. Organizational and time management skills are learned and through practice, become habitual. A common benchmark timeframe for turning an activity into a habit is seven weeks. With an eye toward the end result, most ordinary people can stick to something for that long. You certainly can! You are an entrepreneur! That’s it! Here are the So here is what I recommend. categories in priority I call this 2 Things. Set two order: Your Health, Your Your near term goals in each of Knowledge, Wealth, Your Family or four categories. Friends. The knowledge and wealth areas should be primarily business goals. You should be able to see some future profitability in the things you intend to learn. Also, the basis of your wealth is your business. Yet, don’t neglect the personal goals. You must maintain your health and keep your social commitments, for your own well-being. So now we have these 2 Things goals for each category, for a total of 8 goals. You should look at the whole set of goals every day, as your last business activity, and decide what specific actions you will take the next day to move toward your goals. If one of your action steps is too big to do in 30 minutes or less, break it down into multiple steps and just put the first step on your list. Pick only 2 tasks for each 2 Things goal. This is also the time to change any of your goals, if needed. Don’t feel bad about a goal change, it is not a failure. Life happens, so change to

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reflect your current priorities. OK, now we have 16 specific action steps. The first thing in the morning, go through the list and bang out the tasks. Don’t let e-mail or phone calls get in your way. It is OK to let the truly urgent and important tasks take the priority as long as you move your focus back to the 2 Things tasks. Keep it simple. Don’t stress about missing a task or two. Just get them done the next day. The whole purpose is to keep the tasks to a realistic size and number, pick the most important tasks and get them done. The daily picking of tomorrow’s Lastly, respect that is a list of importasks is the key to always having this tant tasks, not necesthe most important things on sarily urgent tasks. If your 2 Things list. Each day you you do the important on time, they have the 4 categories, 8 goals tasks won’t become urgent. and 16 action tasks. Pop up tasks, that seem to be urgent have to be weighed against their true importance. There are times when you should say, "No.” to urgent interruptive tasks. Today, as you wrap up your work, pick 2 Things. You are invited to send your feedback or questions to the author, If you inquire, I will send you the 2 Things worksheet template in MS Word format.


FRIDAY, May 3, 2013

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FRIDAY, May 3, 2013


April New Members Central Texas Marketing & Management David Ortiz 2010 SW HK Dodgen Lp #104 Temple, TX 76504 (254) 231 4349 Marketing Children's Special Needs Network Molly Clark 204 N. East Street, Ste. F Belton, TX 76513 (254) 933 7597 www.special Youth Services

Earthscapes Mike & Kay Lynch 5317 Loop 205 Temple, TX 76502 (254) 773 4668 Garden Centers & Nurseries Kiska House Hance Smith 605 W. Nugent Ave. Temple, TX 76501 (512) 845 9339 Glass Houses

New York Life Insurance/Ken Higdon Ken Higdon 16 E. Avenue A #209 Temple, TX 76501 (254) 207 0350 Financial Services

Insurance Wildflower Meadows Twila Thiele 5602 Blue Star Boulevard Temple, TX 76502 (254) 300 1615 Real Estate

Senior Care of Texas David Gosnell PO Box 33 Killeen, TX 76540 (800) 240 3675

April Renewals Almost Home Pet Resort Best Way Carpet Services, LTD CAPITAL Choice Finan. Serv./Melinda Bulls Cappolino | Dodd | Krebs LLP Cen Tex Alcoholic Rehabilitation Center, Inc. Charter Real Estate Chick Landscaping, Inc. City of Temple City Manager's Office Country Inn & Suites Czech Heritage Museum Discover Natural Foods, Inc. El Chico Restaurant

Extraco Events Center Firestone Complete Auto Care I 35 First Convenience Bank inside Walmart First Texas Brokerage/Jennifer Kasner Galleria Wellness Center Garden Estates Retirement & Assisted Living H E B Food Store #071 Hindu Temple of Central Texas The Home Depot Horny Toad Harley Davidson Johnnie's Cleaners & Tailors King's Daughters Clinic

KNCT TV and FM 91.3 Knutson, Bedrich and Assoc., CPA's Materials Transportation Co. McGuire Tire, LLC Mr. Gatti's Pizza Mueller Inc. Panel Specialists, Inc. Parsons Commercial Roofing Pendley Party Productions, Inc. Resource Benefits Administrators Robert S. Love Foundation Business Rodney Dunn Co., Inc./Guy Fowler Surplus Warehouse

Temple & Central Texas Railway Temple ISD Voc./Transition Coordinator Temple Meridian Retirement Community Temple Professional Firefighters Temple Towing Service Alton D. Thiele, P.C. Topstone Tranum Used Cars United Rentals, Inc. Universal Services Wildflower Villas David Yeilding

Chamber Membership: An Excellent Investment for Non-Profits By: Susan Howe, Friends of the Temple Public Library

It goes without saying that member- “That exposure comes though netship in the Temple Chamber of working and committee assignments. Commerce is a good investment in the It is an irresistible investment for them, community. While the bulk of “While in a sense the almost 1,000 Chamber members represent businon-profits are not a businesses, large and small, there are many non-profit ness, we need the support of organizations who also business, and the arts support enjoy the benefits of the community, so we support Chamber membership. each other.” This group includes more than 30 church or churchrelated members, about 25 community but also a major investment because organizations, 20 social service agen- their budget dollars are precious.” Quality of life is an important aspect cies, a dozen or more arts and cultural groups, 10 health related groups and of economic growth and development, and the arts, culture and educanumerous other organizations. “It’s important for not-for-profits to tional opportunities are essential to get networking opportunities with having a good quality of life for the business people not only to promote entire community. “To attract new business and industry their organization but also learn best practices and other strategies from for economic development, there businesses,” Judy Covington, director of needs to be something other than membership and sponsorship, said. jobs,” Don Nelson, a board member of

the Temple Symphony Orchestra and long-time supporter of the arts in Temple, said.“The arts and cultural activities are a part of making a community as well as a workplace.” Promotional items from members in the Temple “It’s important to belong to the Chamber of Commerce lobby on 2 North 5th St. in Chamber because it represents downtown Temple. the business community of Temple. learn about their business or organizaWhile in a sense non-profits are not a tion. I have made some really good business, we need the support of busi- contacts that way.” Bolton also takes advantage of the ness, and the arts support the community, so we support each other.Anytime Chamber Calendar of Events and proyou can be a part of something it is vides flyers and brochures for the information table at the Chamber good for an organization.” Susan Bolton, executive director of office to promote special events such Ronald McDonald House, agrees. as the 26th Annual Ronald McDonald “Networking is definitely a great bene- House Golf Tournament coming up on fit,” she said. “I love going to Business May 19 and 20. For information on how a business, After Hours and other networking events and talking to people. It is a non-profit group or individual can join great way to meet more people, espe- the Chamber, contact Judy Covington, cially people new to the area. I love to director of membership and sponsorspread the word about Ronald ship, at the Chamber office, call 254McDonald House, but I also listen and 773-2105, or visit the website at


FRIDAY, May 3, 2013

Local Manufacturing Sector Offers Steady Employment Opportunities By: Carol Mouché, Chisholm Trail Chorus Sweet Adelines International

Temple is considered unique in Central Texas for its Temple Chamber of Commerce and the Temple strong manufacturing and distribution base – which Economic Development Corporation to foster job translates into many job opportunities, according to growth,” she says. “They’ve done a wonderful job of bringing new companies to our area.” Vaden, who local employment staffing agencies. “Here in Temple, due to a heavily structured manufac- joined the Temple Chamber 26 years ago, served on its turing environment, the majority of staffing we do is in Board of Directors in the 1990s. Crouch and Vaden both say their companies, similar to the manufacturing arena,” says Sedona Staffing Services most local staffing agenowner Robert Crouch, “The growth of our manufacturing whose company has sector says a lot about the commitment cies, fill temp-to-hire positions year-round, with been a Temple Chamber of our Temple City Council, Temple summer charting the of Commerce member for the past 14 years. Chamber of Commerce and the Temple most job openings. Most “Some of the jobs Economic Development Corporation to require applicants to have foster job growth...” entry-level experience require a minimum level with no criminal or drug hisof experience in assembly, packaging and warehouse positions, but we also fill tory. “The seasonal jobs tend to be a lot of factory positions in mid- and upper-level management as well work,” Vaden says. “For example, the school furniture, as administrative support and technical openings at chalkboard and desk manufacturers’ openings start in early spring to get ready for the next school year and those companies.” There are a surprisingly large number of manufactur- peak in the summer.” “Nationally, 80-85% of companies utilize staffing coming and distribution plants situated in the Temple Industrial Park as well as around Loop 363 and near I- panies as an extension of their own human resources 35, including WalMart, HEB and McLane distribution department to deal with their staffing needs,” Crouch centers and furniture (desks, chairs, tables) and chalk- says, adding that Temple presents a competitive market board manufacturers, he says.“This is quite a phenome- both for labor and for staffing agencies. “Temple is a good place to live,” he continues.“It offers non for a town this size.” Nan Vaden, owner of Nan Vaden’s Temple Temps, stability for those individuals who want to work. agrees. “The growth of our manufacturing sector says a Temple’s growth is steady and the city continues to add lot about the commitment of our Temple City Council, to its employment base.”

Member Spotlight Summer Tunes & Fixin’s - Johnny’s Steaks & Bar-Be-Que

Temple Chamber Members Staffing Agencies Express Employment Professionals 200 W. Calhoun Ave. Temple, TX 76501 (254) 771-5595 Job Source 100 W. Adams #306B Temple, TX 76501 (254) 773-8822 Kelly Services 1105 Wooded Acres #210 Waco, TX 76710 (254) 776-3510 Link Staffing Services 2712 Exchange Plaza Temple, TX 76504 (254) 778-9476 Manpower 1904 W Avenue H #B Temple, TX 76504 (254) 774-9722 Nan Vaden's Temple Temps, Inc. 315 W. Avenue M Temple, TX 76504

(254) 791-8367 Personnel Experts 1105 N. General Bruce Dr. Temple, TX 76504 (254) 770-9900 Power Consulting & Search PO Box 234 Florence, TX 76527 (254) 624-1530 Sedona Staffing Services 1024 S. 31st Temple, TX 76504 (254) 791-5627 Spherion Staffing Services 2309 Birdcreek Terrace Temple, TX 76502 (254) 778-0533 Workforce Solutions of Central Texas 200 N. Main St. Belton, TX 76513 (254) 939-3771

By: Kelsey Teal, Charter Real Estate

The father-son duo, Johnny and Josh Bratton, established Johnny's Steaks & Bar-BeQue on March 25, 2002. The restaurant industry runs in their blood, as both have been actively involved in the industry for years. The pair takes pride in being a family run business; and it doesn’t stop at the top. Moms and wives, siblings and in-laws all pitch in to make Johnny’s what it is today.The family atmosphere is complemented with all things Texas with Aggie flags and antlers decorating the ceiling to signatures on the wall Middle: Father-son duo, Johnny and Josh Bratton, catering and bumper stickers on the door. the Military Affairs Appreciation Luncheon in September. Johnny’s strives to surround their patrons with bits and pieces of Texas. The restaurant has grown to much more than just good bar-be-que. Johnny’s prides itself on fresh, cooked to order food and southern hospitality.They specialize in hand cut mesquite grilled steaks and Texas pit BBQ with all the trimmings. The facilities

have grown since the start of Johnny’s to a full restaurant, on-site or off-site custom catering, the Texas Banquet Hall and now the new outdoor concert and event venue, complete with outdoor catering, a stage, a covered pavilion with benches and tables and an area for dancing. The Saturday country music series is bringing guests from all over Central Texas. Johnny’s Outback Lone Star Music Johnny’s Outback hosting Asleep at the Series features big name entertainment like Wheel on April 26. Reckless Kelly, Dale Watson and Deryl Dodd. For more information check out: The Bratton family is building a thriving destination for locals and tourists alike. With its finger lickin’ bar-be-que, Texas decor and party deck, everyone is sure to have a great time at Johnny’s.

May 4th Curtis Grimes

June 8th Walt Wilkins

July 13th Jason Cassidy

September 7th Deryl Dodd

May 18th Reckless Kelly

June 29th John Conlee

August 17th Dale Watson

September 21th Bleu Edmondson Mack Abernathy entertaining the crowd at Johnny’s Outback in Salado. Photo courtesy of Johnny’s Steaks & Bar-Be-Que Facebook page.

FRIDAY, May 3, 2013


Leadership Temple - Public Services Day By: Stephen Clifton, Adam Soorholtz, H.B. Macey & Amber Speer, Leadership Temple

The last leadership day proved to be one of the most eventful classes of the year. We had people being lowered into manholes while others were wearing full hazardous materials simulating a biological attack. Later in the day we saw the full capability of our great Police Department. The morning started at Firehouse Station # 3. A brief presentation was given by Fire Chief Lonzo Wallace, describing the rich history of the fire department and what it is they do on a daily basis. Students were actually outfitted with a harness and lowered into a manhole, at least the ones that were brave enough to go into a dirty sewer drain. The brief amount of time spent at Fire Station #3 was extremely rewarding because it allowed our group to get a firsthand account of the

dangers and real life situations these extraordinary people face on a daily

wooden table. Each had a specific purpose and job that was utilized at the appropriate time.We were shown demonstrations of smoke grenades and flash bang grenades the SWAT team uses. Then came the participation sessionwe were given 9mm long rifles to use on targets which had full automatic capabilities which each person took advantage of. This was probably the most fun part of the day.

“We are honored to be part of a city which is protected by men and women with such dedication and courage.” basis. The next stop of the day for Leadership Temple was at the headquarters of the Temple Police Department. Once there we were given a briefing by Chief of Police Gary Smith, who spoke about the dangers the police face daily. Also, the briefing covered the crime rate which was impressive given Temple’s size. Our crime rate is low which speaks to the outstanding job our police department does day to day. From there we were escorted to the Temple firing range. Upon our arrival the first thing we noticed was an array of weapons used by the SWAT team splayed out on a

Tickets are $25 each and you must RSVP. No tickets will be sold at the door.

Thank you to our Leadership Temple Premier Sponsor

dedication and courage. So, thank you Police and Fire & Rescue for everything you do and the heroism you display each day on the job.

This day was not only one of the most entertaining days for Leadership Temple but it was the most rewarding. We were allowed to see firsthand what our city’s first responders endure. After meeting both the Police and the Fire & Rescue, I have one word that keeps coming to mind: Honor. We are hon- ^Ç~ã= pççêÜçäíòI= iÉ~ÇÉêëÜáé= qÉãéäÉ= Åä~ëë= çÑ ored to be part of a city which is pro- OMNPI=íêáÉë=çå=~=e~òã~í=ëìáí=ÇìêáåÖ=iÉ~ÇÉêëÜáé tected by men and women with such qÉãéäÉÛë=mìÄäáÅ=pÉêîáÅÉë=Ç~ó=çå=^éêáä=VK==


FRIDAY, May 3, 2013

Raye-Allen’s Secret Garden: A Community Effort By: Tanya Gray, Keep Temple Beautiful

A school garden helps students gain an understanding of natural systems through firsthand experience, promoting education in fields as varied as nutrition, health, science, math, reading and environmental studies. These gardens foster community spirit by bringing students, school staff, families, local businesses and organizations together. That is just what Raye-Allen Elementary’s gardening project through the direction of Site Coordinator, Gill Hollie is accomplishing. Raye-Allen’s Secret Garden project is a demonstration of how school and community come together. Like Keep Temple Beautiful (KTB), for the past 2 months, there have been a number of organizations and businesses assisting in this endeavor: Lowe’s, Home Depot, Modern Woodsmen, LULAC, Bell County Juvenile Services (BCJS),

NAACP Youth Group and numerous others. On April 27th as part of Global Youth Service Day, the Bell County Juvenile Services, under the supervision of Joey Cummings assisted Mr. Hollie and KTB with this educational project. BCJS received a grant specifically to aid in the Secret Garden project from the Texas Community Service Association. So far, materials to build a walkway and raised bed have been purchased with the grant funds. The Secret Garden sits quietly in the school courtyard. It features fruit, vegetables, local native plants and trees, a composting bin, walkway, benches and a greenhouse. As stated by Hollie, “The purpose of the Secret Garden is to develop a gardening class for students, supply food to food banks in order to help feed the hungry and sell these locally grown plants allowing the students to learn about business.”

As shown from RayeAllen’s Secret Garden, involving children in a school gardening program does more than cultivate a green thumb. School gardens are a wonderful way to use the schoolyard as a classroom, reconnect students with the natural world and the true source of their food. It teaches them valuable gardening and agriculture concepts with skills that integrate personal and social responsibility. The garden will not only provide a beautiful green space on campus but it will offer an accessible space for educational purposes. As a result of the community and Hollie’s hard work, Raye-Allen’s Secret Garden is now waiting for the bountiful harvest that will come. Keep Temple Beautiful is a communityled, charitable organization dedicated

Tickets available at

For more information about these events, businesses or about the Temple Chamber of Commerce, call (254) 773-2105, visit our website at and “like” us on Facebook for recent updates.

to making our City a more beautiful place to live, learn and work. Our organization facilitates a wide range of activities relating to: Litter Prevention and Control, Beautification, Education and Public Awareness, Community Involvement. If you are interested in becoming a member or volunteering for one of Keep Temple Beautiful’s projects contact Tanya Gray at (254) 493-4000.

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