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MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION The Board of Isaiah Women cordially invites you to renew your membership or join as a new member for the calendar year of July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016. OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Isaiah Women (IW), our temple’s sisterhood, offers women various opportunities and programs to promote leadership, learn together, engage in social causes, and build relationships. The mission and goals of IW, the organization, include activities that aim to: • Support and further the goals of our congregation through participation in the life of our temple-wide activities and through designated monetary contributions. • Work in cooperation with Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) and WRJ Pacific by paying dues, attending area workshops, and supporting WRJ’s Youth, Education and Special Projects Fund (YES). • Provide learning opportunities in Jewish ritual with the clergy for events such as Rosh Hodesh evenings and celebration of major religious holidays. • Gather for intellectual stimulation at programs such as IW Book Group and Lilith Salon, adult education programs, and docent led museum programs. • Engage in social activism through projects with Temple Isaiah, the larger Jewish community and greater Los Angeles. • Build relationships through social gatherings such as lunch bunch, movie and theater events. _______________________________________________________________________ Tear-off and return with check • Annual dues are $50. • I wish to make an additional contribution in the amount of $__________ to help support our ongoing social action projects and adult education opportunities at Temple Isaiah. • Total contribution to Isaiah Women: $____________ • Please make check payable to Isaiah Women and send to Laurie Gantz, Membership Chair 2015-16: 2317 Canfield Avenue, Los Angeles 90034 YOUR INFORMATION; Name: ___________________________________ Address: _________________________________ Phone # Home: ____________________ Cell: ____________________ Email: _______________________________ Please check the following to indicate your interests: Join a committee (fundraising, social action, programming, and/or membership) Engage in social action projects Attend movie and theatre events Attend Jewish holiday celebrations Lead or attend educational programs Participate in museum and other outings

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