Early Childhood Special Needs Symposium 2015 | 2016 Please join us for a series of lectures designed for early childhood teachers, directors, specialists, parents and other ECE professionals. Each evening will be hosted by a school in the Los Angeles area, as we are joining together in unity and with strength of numbers to ensure that every child and every family has a place in our Jewish community. UCLA Education Extension offers Early Childhood Education units for attendance with the addition of a short essay assignment. Each three seminars you attend could provide you with one ECE unit for a maximum of three units. Additional information will be provided to UCLA Extension participants.
Each seminar will cost $26. Purchase three or more in the series, and the cost is $18 per seminar. 6:00 pm registration and informal tour of the host Early Childhood Education program 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm seminar
Wednesday, October 21 Location: Steven S. Wise Temple 15500 Stephen S Wise Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90077 Helen Davis and LeeAnn Roca present Speech and Language Pathology: Screening, professional language, and interventions and strategies.
This session will highlight the relationship between speech, language and thought. We will learn to recognize speech and language difficulties that prevent young children from accessing, producing and using language to support complex thinking. By the end of the evening, you will understand the professional language and vocabulary used to discuss children’s speech and language challenges.
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Wednesday, November 18 Location: Temple Isaiah 10345 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90064 Nancy Kislak, MA, OTR/L and Joni Schumacher, MS, CCC‐SLP present How Does it Feel? A First Hand Experience of a Sensory Processing Disorder
Wednesday, December 9 Location: Kehillat Mogen David 9717 W Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 Olivia Karaolis, MA presents Identifying and Understanding how to manage Autism Spectrum Disorders in the ECE classroom
This session will provide participants with experiences to help them understand how it feels to be a child (0-8) with a sensory processing disorder. It will also help in identifying strategies to enhance sensory organization and coping mechanisms.
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Autism spectrum disorders appear in infancy and early childhood, causing delays in many basic areas of development such as learning to talk, play, and interact with others. Learn how to identify the signs and where to turn when you suspect ASD including how to include these children in your ECE programs.
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n I wish to attend all three lectures for the discounted price of $54.00 n Please check here if you would like information sent to you about UCLA Extension units See reverse for registration form. Upcoming lectures include: Managing Difficult Behavior, Talking with Parents, Connecting to Community Resources and much more!
ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED Please check those seminars you wish to attend and provide your contact information. Additional information will be emailed to all program participants.
Name______________________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________ State_________ Zip__________________ Email______________________________________________ Phone___________________________________ School______________________________________________________________________________________ Ages you work with/ages of your children_______________________
Check one:
ECE Teacher
ECE Administrator
Other _____________________
Please return forms with payment to Rivkie@TempleIsaiah.com or mail to: Temple Isaiah Preschool c/o Rivkie 10345 West Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90064 For more information, contact Rivkie at Temple Isaiah Preschool Rivkie@TempleIsaiah.com 310.277.2772