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LIFELONG LEARNING AT TEMPLE ISAIAH Temple Isaiah’s Lifelong Learning program offers adults a variety of learning opportunities from one time lectures to ongoing courses. These opportunities help us to discover what is meaningful to us from a Jewish perspective. Please take advantage of all that we have to offer. By participating in Lifelong Learning at Temple Isaiah you will be participating in the Union for Reform Judaism’s Keva program. Members who complete 100 hours of learning, will receive a special gift from the congregation. Each learning opportunity corresponds with an amount of time. We hope you build up to the 100 hours.
Shabbat Morning Torah Study Join with Rabbi Klein every Shabbat morning to explore the Torah verse by verse. See how each word and phrase can have meaning in your life. The Shabbat morning Torah study group meets at 9:30 a.m. in the library. Keva: 1 hour per session
Adult B’nai Mitzvah
Thinking about becoming an Adult B’nai Mitzvah? Our new class will begin in October. The class will culminate with an Adult B’nai Mitzvah ceremony in May of 2011. The fee for the class is $120. Topics will include an overview of Jewish texts, Holidays and Shabbat, what it means to be a Reform Jew and God and Prayer. Every Tuesday evening beginning October 12, 6:30 – 8:15 p.m. Keva: 25 hours
Adult Confirmation Temple Isaiah offers an Adult confirmation class that meets twice a month on Tuesday evenings. We will study Theology, Spirituality, Jewish texts and examine the ways we can incorporate Judaism into our every day lives. This class will be taught by Rabbi Kellner and Cantor Kent. The fee for the class is $90. Two Tuesday evenings a month, beginning October 19, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Please see the temple website for specific dates. Keva: 20 hours
Dive into Hebrew Temple Isaiah will be offering two opportunities to learn Hebrew beginning this fall. We will offer a course in conversational Hebrew that will meet two Tuesday evenings per month and we will also offer a course in beginning Hebrew for those who wish to learn to read the letters. Beginning Hebrew will meet Tuesday evenings per month beginning October 4, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Fee: $120 Conversational Hebrew will meet two Tuesday evenings beginning October 12, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Fee: $120 Keva: 20 hours for each course
Adult Weekend Retreat Join us in the hills of Malibu for our adult retreat weekend at Camp Hess Kramer. We will celebrate Shabbat as a community. December 10 – December 12- “Psalm and Chanted Weekend" Camp Hess Kramer $275 per person $75 single supplement Keva: 15 hours
League of Women Voters Join us on Sunday morning, October 24 at 9:45 a.m. We will hear from a representative from the League of Women Voters as we learn more about the ballot initiatives on the upcoming November ballot. Breakfast will be served. Keva: 1 hour
Daughters of Torah
Movie Lunch
Explore the voices and stories of women within Judaism’s sacred texts, drawing inspiration from our ancestors’ journeys. Anchored by Torah, we read, discuss, discover, and learn from one another. No knowledge of Hebrew or prior study experience is required. The sessions are led by Temple member Elaine Diamond, MA, Judaic Studies. Please join in as your schedule permits. Wednesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. in the Temple Library. Keva: 1.5 hours per session
Cinema Isaiah -- Monthly Movie Lunch Join Rabbi Zoë Klein to watch a short film each month followed by a discussion and light lunch. Third Thursday of Each Month, Beginning at 11:30 am. Fee: $5 for lunch Keva: 3 hours per session
Hearts and Minds: A Torah Roundtable Join this passionate, joyous and sometimes critical study of Torah. Interpretations range from the poetic to the political, always thoughtful, provocative, well informed and respectful of multiples perspectives of contemporary readers. 2nd Saturday of each month, 9 -10:30 a.m.
Scholar in Residence Weekend Mark your calendars for this year’s Scholar in Residence weekend as we welcome Rabbi Richard Address on “Reaching the Sacred: Our bodies, our minds, our spirit.” This weekend will take place on March 4 – 6. For specific times please look for a Scholar in Residence postcard in January.
Israel Over Breakfast
Shabbat Schmooze
Join with Rabbi Klein and Rabbinic Intern Jordi Schuster for a monthly roundtable conversation about Israel, the first Wednesday of every month. For specific topics, please look in the weekly bulletins throughout the year. Keva: 1 hour per breakfast
Join us for great food, nourishing learning and a little schmoozing as we begin our fourth year of Shabbat Schmooze. Local scholars will join us for Shabbat and present on various topics from the arts, Jewish texts and politics. This will follow Jazz Shabbat services at 8 p.m. There will be an option for a catered dinner at each Shabbat Schmooze. Watch for more detailed information on each guest speaker. Shabbat Schmooze: October 8 November 12 January 14 February 11 March 4 – Rabbi Richard Address as a part of Scholar in Residence Weekend Keva: 1 hour per Schmooze
Jewish Meditation Circle Join Cantor Kent as he leads this thoughtprovoking and truly necessary moment of quiet reflection in this on-going meditation circle every Wednesday evening. Wednesday evenings at 6:15 p.m. Keva: 1 hour per session
Tisch Introducing Temple Isaiah’s newest learning opportunity. A Tisch is Yiddish for table. Join us as we reignite the ancient Chasidic tradition where Jews would gather at the rabbi’s table to learn. This year there will be four Tischen, one taught be each of our Clergy. Each Tisch will begin at 7 p.m. at the home of one of our congregants. Please see upcoming Isaians and online bulletins for more information. November 3 – Rabbi Zoё Klein “So you want to be a novelist? Find the Jewish author inside you and let him/her out!” December 1 – Cantor Evan Kent “Chanukah: More than Latkes and Dreidel” February 23 – Rabbi Rick Kellner “In Pursuit of Healthfulness: Finding your path to a healthy life” March 23 – Rabbi Dara Frimmer “Judaism and Justice: To whom are we responsible? To what degree?” Keva: 2 hours per Tisch
Join us for a Yoga Experience Please join Sara Abrams RYT and 3rd year rabbinical student at Hebrew Union College, for a heart-opening, Hatha yoga class that develops and incorporates deep breathing, vibrant poses, and self-awareness. Sara has taught yoga in Boulder, Colorado; Jerusalem, Israel and most recently at Kutz Camp in Upstate New York. Our yoga class will take place in the Social Hall on Friday mornings at 9:15 a.m. Please look for updated information in the weekly bulletin and on the temple website. Keva: 1 hour per session
Tiyul: Shabbat B’yachad Join with our Tiyul: Shabbat B’yachad families as we explore the hidden treasures of Torah, our Jewish virtues and our connection to Israel. We join together for discussion, learning and community building. Join us for services at 10 a.m. or study at 10:45 a.m. and stay for a pot luck lunch afterwards. Tiyul: Shabbat B’yachad meets on the first and third Shabbat morning of each month. Please check the temple calendar for any scheduling changes. Keva: 25 hours
Taste of Judaism Judaism is more than just a bagel and lox. Join us as we explore spirituality, ethics and community. We will meet three consecutive weeks and engage in discussion on each of the three topics above. This three session course is designed specifically for those who wish to gain a better understanding of Judaism. Whether you are Jewish or not, this class might be for you. There is no fee for this class. Taste of Judaism will meet three Wednesdays: January 19, January 26 and February 2. Keva: 3 hours
ISAIAH 10345 West Pico Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90064