The Temple Journal of Phi Kappa Theta - Spring 2010

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Making An Impact Phi Kaps Serve their Communities and the World

PRESIDENT’S NOTE National President Challenges You This “Movember” Dear Brothers, Leaders have no time for themselves. And the good ones understand that fact. President John Kennedy (WPI ‘A) said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” His call for servant leadership inspired a generation and continues to inspire many. Phi Kappa Theta brothers understand servant leadership. It is leadership that requires one to think of the whole and not just a select few. It is about making decisions that require considering options and looking for solutions that are not quick fixes, but building strong foundations for future leaders. Servant leaders understand it is not about them. It is about making their chapter, university, community, country and world a better place. Phi Kappa Theta has a rich history of servant leadership. From the White House to the halls of Congress, from corporate boardrooms to community organizations, from academic chairs to military service, from the hometown block to a distant international city, brothers lead a with greater purpose — a desire to serve a cause greater then themselves. Some even lead by growing moustaches. Last November, brothers from coast to coast participated in “Movember.” They grew moustaches and collected sponsorships to raise awareness and money for research on prostate cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in American men. Some brothers were more successful in growing moustaches than others, but all raised money and awareness. Those who participated have seen that the simple act of growing a moustache could make a difference. In my picture, you can see my beard. I have had one pretty much since the members of Epsilon Class of Illinois Kappa Mu Chapter at Western Illinois University grew beards during our associate member education period in the fall of 1979. I am willing to shave it this October 31 and grow a Fu Manchu moustache to educate others about prostate cancer. Here is the catch: 50 percent of our chapters must participate in “Movember” and at least 25 alumni need to sponsor me. My razor is ready, are you? In this issue, you will read about diverse servant leaders — collegians who traveled to Guatemala to establish a sanitary water system in one town, three chapters who joined together to work in the devastated Detroit community, a Board member who turned his hobby into a philanthropic endeavor, and others. If each of us puts his own time and talent toward servant leadership, no matter how big or small the effort, we will make an impact on others. This “Movember” is just one chance, one way for you to make an impact! Yours in the Bonds of Phi Kappa Theta.

Spring 2010 Volume 93, Number 1 MANAGING EDITOR Heather Matthews Kirk (LSU, ‘04) COPY EDITOR Gregory E. Stein (CCNY, ‘70) GRAPHIC DESIGN EDITOR Keith D. Harshbarger (IUPUI, ‘06) NATIONAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES President Kevin J. Lampe (Western Illinois, ‘83) Vice President Nathan G. Rues (Missouri-Rolla, ‘01) Treasurer Mark C. Anthony (Georgia Tech, ‘90) Secretary Father Owen J. Mullen (Univ. of San Diego, ‘A) Trustees Dan A. Bureau (Univ. of New Hampshire, ‘94) Larry F. Dorocke (Purdue University, ‘68) Joshua J. Gisi (Univ. of Kansas, ‘96) Rick Maggiore (Univ. of Georgia, ‘68) UGAC Chairman Thomas M. Jasper (Univ. of San Diego, ‘11) UGAC Vice Chairman Kevin J. Hakenewerth (Missouri-Rolla, ‘10) EXECUTIVE OFFICES 9640 N. Augusta Dr., Suite 420 Carmel, IN 46032 317.872.9934 FAX: 317.879.1889 EXECUTIVE OFFICES STAFF Executive Vice President Robert W. Riggs (RPI, ‘02) Director of Operations Sarah A. Harris (Indiana Wesleyan University, ‘05) Director of Member Development Anita L. Kerlin (Bowling Green State University, ‘03)

Kevin Lampe, (Western Illinois, ‘83) National President THE TEMPLE is published twice a year as an educational journal for Phi Kappa Theta members, family and friends. Postmaster: If undeliverable, please send notice on Form 3579 immediately to Phi Kappa Theta, 9640 N. Augusta Dr., Suite 420, Carmel, IN 46032 Submission deadlines are March 1 and September 1 of each year. Brothers and friends are encouraged to provide clippings, releases or notices about themselves or any aspect of Phi Kappa Theta for consideration. All submissions become property of Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity. Pictures cannot be returned. Letters to the Editor will be printed at the discretion of the editor. Copyright © 2010



Assistant Director of Member Development Gretchen E. Stahl (Valparaiso University, ‘04) Director of Communications and Marketing Keith D. Harshbarger (IUPUI, ‘06) Accounting Clerk Bill T. Ryan (Indiana University, ‘79) FOUNDATION STAFF Development Assistant Allyson L. Clarkson (Centre College, ‘01)

Contents SPRING 2010

On the cover: Kevin Hakenewerth surveys land in Guatemala for a clean water system.

Features 04 Redefining Education Phi Kappa Theta’s new education plan attempting to transform membership enrichment and development.

09 Making Connections Technology helping to foster efficiency and communication for chapters and members.

18 Movember Recap Phi Kaps succeeding in bringing awareness about men’s health by growing moustaches.

23 Advisor Profile Nicholls State advisor seeking to improve chapter communication.


10 Making an Impact Chapters and individuals going beyond their communities to improve society.



Redefining ed·u·ca·tion Pronounced [ej-oo-key-shuhn] –noun 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.

Phi Kap Creates New Plan to Develop, Enrich Members By Anita Kerlin Director of Member Development When the Fraternity’s Strategic Plan was created, Phi Kappa Theta began to place significant emphasis on each of the five developmental areas to cultivate true personal development in its individual members. This philosophical shift is now shaping chapter operational structures and educational opportunities. The Fraternity has added an additional staff member to the member development team, allowing the Director of Member Development to dedicate time to education. This shows the importance Phi Kappa Theta leadership has put on comprehensive education and development. The first step in aligning education with the developmental areas was the creation of the Accreditation Program, which helped Phi Kap analyze and reward chapters’ successes in each developmental area. Work continues with changes in chapter officer structure, associate member education, conferences and other educational opportunities. During 2010, the Fraternity will continue to make significant strides in aligning its expectations and resources within the five developmental areas. It is important that we provide resources and programming for all chapters in an effort to help them be balanced and successful groups. Members will notice several major changes this year in an effort to provide more support, resources and stronger educational opportunities than Phi Kap has ever been able to offer before.



3. a degree, level, or kind of schooling: a university education. 4. the result produced by instruction, training, or study: to show one’s education. 5. the science or art of teaching; pedagogics.

6. the development of each member of Phi Kappa Theta in Leadership, Intellectually, Fraternally, Socially & Spiritually

—Related forms an·ti·ed·u·ca·tion, adjective non·ed·u·ca·tion, noun o·ver·ed·u·ca·tion, noun pre·ed·u·ca·tion, noun pro·ed·u·ca·tion, adjective su·per·ed·u·ca·tion, noun

Accreditation Program

5 Developmental Areas

This marks the second year of the Fraternity’s Accreditation Program. It was created with the help of two collegiate chapters and to the Undergraduate Advisory Committee in an effort to improve how Phi Kap evaluates and rewards its chapters. The Accreditation Program consists of minimum requirements or expectations for all chapters in each developmental area. Each chapter submits documentation and programming summaries online that are then scored and averaged. To be “accredited,” each chapter must earn the minimum required score in all five developmental areas. Chapters are rewarded for the innovation and success at the summer conference annually. Minimum expectations will be updated each year to reflect the growth and development of our organization. These expectations can be found at under the “Our Mission” tab.

Leadership Development Phi Kappa Theta actively develops the next generation of business, professional and civic leaders by providing real world experience. Campus organizations, communities and employers worldwide seek Phi Kappa Theta members because they are ethical, value-based and socially responsible leaders.

Chapter Officer Structures With great emphasis placed on the developmental areas, it is imperative that Phi Kap finds a way to help chapters align themselves to these principles. Supplying chapters with an operational structure supplemented with job descriptions will help streamline operations and ensure more effective chapter management. The new structure will include a President, a Vice President for each of the developmental areas, and chair positions. The structure mirrors a traditional corporate model. A company has a CEO (or the President in this case) who ensures

Intellectual Development Phi Kappa Theta attracts intellectually motivated men who share a passion for lifelong knowledge, learning and development. Fraternal Development Phi Kappa Theta is a committed journey of lifelong brotherhood. Phi Kappa Theta challenges its members to accept responsibility for all brothers, their communities and society. Social Development Phi Kappa Theta fosters human development through community service and social interaction. Phi Kappa Theta members are socially engaged, recognizing their responsibility to affect positive change in themselves and others. Spiritual Development Phi Kappa Theta brothers explore their natural curiosity about spirituality and individual purpose. Phi Kappa Theta’s Ritual is a guide to help men develop spiritually. Phi Kappa Theta embraces its Catholic heritage, welcomes diversity and embodies the moral values upon which it was established.

Members learn at a developmental session at Leadership Institute 2008. Read about innovations to Leadership Institute on page 7.

things runs smoothly and serves as the company’s representative. The company is then divided into departments with people, who specialize in certain areas. Each department has a manager (or the Vice President), who has others working under him to help support the work load. This new structure will help chapters be more organized and increase accountability because of its clearly defined roles. The Phi Kap Staff created two similar but specialized structures based on chapter size to best meet the needs of Phi Kap chapters. Phi Kappa Theta’s colonies, as well as a few pilot chapters, have been using this new structure and found great success. They have noted feeling more organized and having a better understanding of every member’s responsibilities. The new structure and job descriptions will be distributed to chapters this fall with the hope of implementation for November elections. “I really like the new officer structure because there is less stress on the President and Vice President,” said Brenden Albert, the Vice President of Spiritual Development for the colony at Temple University. “Now everyone has very clearly defined roles and there is a better balance of power. As an officer, it is easier for me to focus because I am solely in charge of my area and those who work under me, but Jovan (the President) can quickly check in with me, rather than asking multiple people now.”

New Officer Structure Presidents - Manage VP’s, Plan Quo Vadis VP Social Development

VP Intellectual Development

(Risk Management)

VP Leadership Development

VP Fraternal Development

(Educational Programs)


VP Spiritual Development

Professional Development Coordinator


Recruitment Social Chair Brotherhood Community Chair Alumni Involvement Philanthropy


Associate Member Education When a member pledges himself to Phi Kappa Theta he receives a copy of the Journey. Journey is a member manual

Associate Member Education

The new structures include a President, a Vice President for each of the five developmental areas, and chair positions that work under each Vice President. The structure mimics that of a corporate structure with a CEO and different departments, each with a department head. There will be a suggested large chapter structure and a condensed version for smaller chapters.



that provides helpful education and insight into how to be the best Phi Kappa Theta member, but equally as important, how to be the best man possible. This book is rich with history and guidance that is vital for members to learn and understand. Journey has not been updated since the late 1990s and will undergo a significant re-write this year. It will still include the history of Phi Kappa Theta and the merger, but it will be organized by the five developmental areas. This change is intended to support the other educational avenues members will experience, seeking to develop each individual on a personal level. Journey will contain updated resources and tools to help members be successful in every facet of their lives. Phi Kap leaders are hoping that members hold onto Journey forever and find it useful through every step of life. The new Journey will be paired with a sample Associate Member Education Program that Phi Kappa Theta would like chapters to utilize. The program will last eight weeks and include fraternity education, as well as education in each of the five developmental areas. The new Journey and Associate Member Education Program should be available this fall. Experiential Education

This new member education resource will undergo a significant re-write this year.

that were typically presented at regional conferences. This shift will allows Phi Kap to bring more beneficial programming, such as ethical decision-making, personal responsibility, conflict management, and values training to members during regional events. To provide such training, regional conferences and the Presidents Academy will now be combined. We have divided collegiate chapters into three regional areas, and beginning in 2011, chapter leadership will be asked to send its President and other chapter members to the Regional Leadership Conference in its area. These conferences will be held in January and early February each year.

There will be at least two educational tracks at each Regional Leadership Conference, one of which will be dedicated to chapter Presidents and the other will be for additional collegiate members. The location of the conferences may change based on the chapter in each area that is selected to host the event. Chapters may apply to serve as a host chapter and assist in the logistical planning of the weekend. Applications will be available in the spring and locations will be announced at the Leadership Institute or Convention each summer. These changes in the Phi Kap educational conference structure will help the Fraternity financially and will allow for more members to receive relevant training that is aligned with the Strategic Plan. Chapter members will be able to drive to the conference site which will keep costs minimal and allow for more collegiate members to share in the experience.

Phi Kappa Theta strives to educate our members through regional and national conferences, publications such as the Kappa Quarterly and The Temple and most recently via webinars. Phi Kappa Theta wants to continue to find new ways to bring education to members and at a low cost. The highest attended conferences sponsored currently are regional conferences. Historically, regional conferences consist of training in recruitment, risk management, finances, philanthropy and other operational programming. In an effort to provide the most important and beneficial training possible to members when there are a significant number of them present, operational training will move to an online video format. This way members and chapter officers can go online Members attend an educational session at the Mideast regional conference in 2009. Regional conferences will and view training videos now be combined with Presidents Academy allowing for training of additional members and officers. at any time for topics



Leadership Institute This year’s Leadership Institute will be unlike any past Phi Kappa Theta conference. Programming will be enhanced to address each of the five developmental areas: fraternal, leadership, intellectual, social and spiritual. By creating sessions and programs that focus on these developmental areas, the Institute will be providing valuable life skills training to members, while enhancing individual growth and learning. For example, in addition to Ritual exemplification, focused spiritual development training has been added for all attendees. To enhance social development, formal etiquette training will compliment a new etiquette meal where attendees will put what they have learned to use with coaching from a facilitator. The historically optional brotherhood event has been transformed from a baseball game to a formal meal at the City Museum, followed by exclusive evening access to the exhibits for all attendees. Further life skills training has been added for collegiate members that will include topics like buying a first house. Professional

development training will still be included, as well as an evening for attendees to enjoy all that the great city of St. Louis has to offer. The most significant addition to the Leadership Institute will be an annual philanthropic activity. In the program’s first year a drive will be held for Annie Malone’s Transitional Program, which supports young adults in the foster care system, who are transitioning into living life on their own. Attendees should donate as many items as possible from the list that can be found on the Leadership Institute 2010 page at Each year a new philanthropic opportunity will support the Convention city. We hope that the intensity of our service will continue to increase each year. As Phi Kappa Theta and its chapters strengthen in the developmental areas, programming will be heightened each year with more challenging and thought provoking topics. The goal is to create an environment for members to challenge themselves and each other and for everyone to have a better sense of what it means to be Phi Kappa Theta members. Register before the Early Bird deadline, April 16, and receive $50 off (full registrations only). The final registration due date is July 9, 2010. Late registrations will not be accepted. Items to contribute to philanthropic drive: • Pots and pans • Hygiene products • Bed linens • Towels • Dishes • Silverware A complete list of items can be found at under the LI2010 event page.



Presidents Academy 2010 Recap

“Creating an action plan by writing short and long term goals on paper was really helpful, and it provided something tangible to take away from the weekend that I still look to often.” —Joseph LaHood

an action plan by writing short and long term goals While many collegiate students on paper was were still sleeping in and enjoying the really helpful, winter holiday, Phi Kappa Theta chapter and it provided Presidents were showing their dedication something tangible by attending the annual Presidents to take away from Academy. Funded by a grant from the the weekend that I Phi Kappa Theta Foundation, this year’s still look to often.” Presidents Academy was in Dayton, Unique Ohio from January 8 to10. It was held in to Presidents conjunction with the (iServe) Institute, Academy this which provides training for alumni and year was the advisors. Despite inclement weather opportunity to causing some travel troubles, there were a interact with record number of attendees this year with interfraternal 40 Presidents making the trip. friends. Phi Kappa Curriculum at this year’s academy Tau Fraternity was predominantly based on leadership held its firstexperts James Kouzes’ and Barry Pozner’s ever Presidents Student Leadership Practices Inventory. Academy at the same hotel and all meals Attendees learned about the difference were shared with their group. This offered a chance to socialize and learn from another organization. Other highlights of the weekend included a keynote speech by National President Kevin Lampe, an etiquette dinner and a chance to learn about the positive changes the National Fraternity has been making. Near the end of a great Presidents Academy, participants made a trip to the Children’s Medical Center of Dayton. During their visit, the attendees had the opportunity to meet the children who benefit from the fundraising for Children’s Miracle Network. The men really enjoyed distributing toys and interacting with the children and their parents. It provided a meaningful experience to all those present. The Presidents Academy was a positive Top: The presidents pose for a group photo at the 2010 Presidents Academy alongside National President experience for everyone Kevin Lampe (pictured middle). who attended. Brotherhood was shared, traditions were Above Left: (iServe) Alumni members listen to information presented by Kyle Witham, The Leadership Institute. challenged, and leaders were given tools they need Above Right: Members visited a local CMN Hospital Sunday morning, bonding instantly with the children and to be successful. their parents.



between leadership and management and explored their own leadership styles and dominant practices. There was significant discussion on values-based decision making after attendees spent time reviewing multiple case studies of real fraternities. Other training topics included conflict resolution and making change within a chapter. At the end of the last day, collegiate members had an opportunity to work with their advisors, a staff member or the National President, to create an action plan to take back to their chapter and use throughout their presidency. Joseph LaHood from Eastern Illinois University said, “Creating

Achieve New Heights Technology Aims to Revolutionize Operations By Heather Matthews Kirk Managing Editor While implementation of a new computer database typically does not garner much excitement, Phi Kappa Theta is enthusiastic about the countless possibilities and innovation that the newly implemented Achieve Application and database promise to bring to the Fraternity. Achieve, implemented beginning last fall, currently provides an online portal for chapters and collegiate members to record their events, achievements and activities for the Fraternity’s Accreditation Program. However, this is only the first phase of what Achieve can and will do. “With the implementation of the Accreditation Program, Phi Kappa Theta successfully established a system to measure chapter-level progress within our Strategic Plan,” said Executive Vice President Robert Riggs. “With the roll out of this next phase, Achieve now allows individuals to measure their own developmental progress.” The Achieve Application has been designed to create a much more efficient flow of information within the Fraternity. Achieve will provide a virtual environment for chapters to maintain operational and membership information. Utilizing information submitted by individual members, Phi Kappa Theta will be able to measure the continued progress toward becoming a human development organization. Currently, collegiate and alumni brothers can log-in to Achieve through the Mission tab of the website, Here, they can update their achievements,

awards and involvement in their personal profiles. Each member and chapter has its own profile where information is stored. This fall, Achieve will be merged with the current membership database at Executive Offices to further integrate all personal information into a cohesive profile. Jeff Pope, President of Simplexity, the Achieve Application design firm that Phi Kappa Theta has partnered with, sees the holistic value of this program. “Phi Kappa Theta recognizes the value in being able to measure the quality of their members and wants to be able identify and foster those individuals who are living up to their Mission,” he said. “If Phi Kappa Theta wants to attract the best members, develop them and put forth leaders, they’ve got to know who they are and what they’re doing. Achieve makes that information collectible, updatable and manageable.” In the future, chapter officers will use Achieve to submit chapter information, and reporting will be able to be done entirely electronically. Based on a collegian or alumni member’s role, he will be able to see varying degrees of information about chapter reporting and performance. “With this capability and access to this information, Achieve will open up new, real-time communication between the chapter and advisors, staff and volunteers about what a chapter is doing well and what needs improvement,” said Anita Kerlin, Director of Member Development. “This will increase accountability for our chapters and make things much more

“Achieve will open up new, real-time communication between the chapter and advisors, staff and volunteers about what a chapter is doing well and what needs improvement.” —Anita Kerlin

efficient.” The further Phi Kappa Theta moves into its implementation of Achieve, a multi-stage process that will take several years, the more visibility and edit-ability members will have in their profiles and chapter information. “Achieve provides much more than information gathering. It will allow us to deliver resources and serve our members in ways we have not been able to do in the past,” said Riggs. “With a greater awareness of Phi Kappa Theta members and chapters, our leaders will be better prepared to assess, develop and deliver resources that will serve our members so that their success goes well beyond their collegiate experience.” Achieve is currently accessible to every member of Phi Kappa Theta. For more information on how to access the system, please contact the Executive Offices at



Stories in this feature section by Heather Matthews Kirk Managing Editor n the Journey of Phi Kappa Theta, new members learn that being a brother is about going beyond yourself, your chapter and even your fraternity and serving the larger society. The brothers and chapters featured in this section have lived up to the Mission of Phi Kappa Theta, serving in their local communities and even the global community. They are servant leaders MAKING AN IMPACT on the world around them. By these individuals working on a few projects, they are in turn making a difference in the lives of thousands – for the 5,000 people in a rural area of Guatemala, for the citizens of a Detroit community, and for the patients in a Children’s Miracle Network hospital.



Phi Kaps to Bring Clean Water System to Guatemalan Community Five Phi Kaps at Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T) are working together daily toward a common goal, but not just in the typical way fraternity brothers do – on intramural teams, planning fundraisers or even hosting social events. These five brothers are designing a new sanitary water system for a small community in Nahualate, Guatemala, in cooperation with a program called Engineers without Borders (EWB). Each participating Phi Kap is an engineering or science student and brings a different skill set to the project. They got involved in their campus EWB chapter hoping to make an impact in the global community and provide something new and life changing to people thousands of miles away. Daniel Kienitz, (‘08), a graduate student in civil engineering, has been involved with EWB for almost three years. “I had been involved with many other organizations on campus but wanted to be a part of an organization where I was

giving back more,” Kienitz said. “With projects. The assessment visit for this EWB, this was fulfilled.” project was held in November 2009. Then, He was the first Phi Kap in the design begins, and in subsequent years, Missouri Mu Chapter to join EWB. EWB chapter members make trips to the That year, he worked on expanding a community for additional assessment, school in Solala, Guatamala, in which he implementation, training and monitoring. helped design the roof. On the chapter’s The Phi Kaps in the S&T EWB new project, Kienitz is in charge of the chapter visited Nahualate, Guatemala in structural team, and he is working on the January to gather personal, technical and design of an elevated steel water tank for typographical information. They surveyed the water distribution system and well community members about their health house. habits and illnesses to try to find out if the “This project is water was the cause important to me because of their problems. “Going to the it will bring clean water Kevin to 5,000 people!” he said. Hakenewerth, a community and “This is so important to senior in mechanical talking to the people these people and you can engineering, is doing tell how much they want it relations and had a huge impact on public and need it.” fundraising for the They plan to dig project. He is also me, seeing the way a well 300 to 400 feet working with the they live compared to water distribution deep, which will connect to a pump. A well house in the EWB the way we live in the group will contain the electrical chapter on the design systems. Elevated storage U.S. is unbelievable.” of the project. He has tanks or a water tower the big job of helping —Daniel Kienitz will feed into six miles to raise $240,000 to of pipeline extending implement the water throughout the community. system, working with partners from all All EWB projects begin with the over the country to fundraise. Hakenewerth community members submitting a is also extremely dedicated to his Phi proposal, which EWB says increases the likelihood of success. Then the EWB Below: The children in Nahualate were chapter performs an assessment trip to excited to welcome the engineering team. the community to evaluate its needs and Daniel Kienitz is pictured with several kids from the Guatemalan town. identify priorities and scope of potential



Right: Daniel Kienitz walks with several children of Nahualate. Far Right: National Vice President, Nathan Rues, displays his first bottle cap artwork, a replication of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night.”

Kap chapter, currently serving as the associate • Projects aim to create a more stable and prosperous world by addressing member basic human needs by providing necessities, like clean water, power, educator and sanitation, and education. as the Vice • Has more than 350 projects in over 45 developing countries. Chairman of the • Has more than 12,000 members world-wide. Undergraduate • Has more than 250 chapters, including 180 college chapters. Advisory • Has touched the lives of more than 1 million people. Committee. Source: Going to Guatemala opened Hakenewerth’s eyes to how “People don’t boil water before they important the project will be for Nahualate. drink it,” Hakenewerth said. “We saw “I had never been to a third-world people using the bathroom in the canals country before,” he said. “When we got and river. They wash their clothes in the to the community … there was no clean same river. They can get malaria or flu.” water, nothing was sanitary, few people This difference in living conditions had shoes, but the community welcomed deeply affected the Phi Kaps on their visit. us a lot. Kids would follow us around all “Going to the community and day, running around trying to talk with us talking to the people had a huge impact and hang out. on me,” Kienitz said. “Seeing the way “When we actually got they live compared “When we actually got to the way we down there and saw how they were living and where live in the U.S. down there and saw they were getting their water is unbelievable. from, we realized we needed how they were living The people are so to do something,” he said. gracious about what and where they were Hakenewerth said the we are doing.” homes in the community are Three other getting their water “one-or two-room shacks Phi Kaps are made of mud and brick,” involved in the from, we realized most of which do not have project: Michael we needed to do bathrooms. Many people Seana, a junior cook on outdoor fire-stoves in business something.” and few people have beds. information science The community gets its water —Kevin Hakenewerth and technology; from a nearby river and Mitchell Duffield, irrigation canals, and a few a senior in homes had very shallow wells. mechanical engineering; and Paul On the EWB assessment visit in Mallmann, a junior in civil engineering. November, bacteria was found in the “I got involved with EWB because water, contributing to the plan for the new I wanted to make an impact on people’s sanitary water system. lives for the better with what I was learning

Fast Facts: Engineers without Borders



in college,” said Duffield. He is a part of the team working on the well house, water pump and its enclosure, vital parts of the project that will help deliver water to the elevated tank. If the chapter can raise 70 percent of the funds for the project, there is a possibility of starting the implementation this summer. Hakenewerth estimates that the project will wrap up in 2012 to 2013. Each says that Phi Kap taught them great lessons about servant leadership. “You have a commitment to society and your brothers and the community throughout the world,” Hakenewerth said. “You are supposed to be doing something with what you’ve learned in Phi Kap – it’s about living it out.”


Guatemala Río Nahualate

had to ask friends and family to collect bottle caps for him to use. “People thought it was very strange initially. They couldn’t visualize what I was trying to do,” he said. Alum Creates Art to Benefit In 2007, he finally Local CMN Hospital completed and unveiled a huge replica of the recognizable artwork. While in college, Nathan Rues (‘01) “Once I unveiled the first thought it would be interesting to decorate piece, because everyone was a coffee table, covering it entirely with so curious about what I was a design made of bottle caps. In his doing with the caps, it was so sophomore year, he began collecting bottle well received,” Rues said. “But caps casually, thinking that whenever I knew if I was going to keep he had enough, he’d get to work on the doing this, I would need a better table. Between his involvement in the Mu flow of supplies.” Chapter of Phi Kappa Theta at Missouri He contacted a local University of Science and Technology Indianapolis bar that was on his (S&T), his academic schedule and other way home from work, called commitments, he never really had the time the Blue Crew Sports Grill, to begin work. a hangout for Indianapolis What he did not realize at the time Colts fans. Bartenders began was that this supposed hobby would soon collecting the become a way to give caps for Rues, back to his community. “I am taking a very who would Rues graduated and ugly stereotype of stop in and got an engineering job pick them up and realized that “the fraternities and the every couple coffee table idea wasn’t of weeks. really mature,” he said. Greek system with Through Yet he had already alcohol abuse and word of collected thousands of Rues bottle caps. turning it on its head.” mouth, began to “If I was going get requests to do something with —Nathan Rues all of these caps, I was Middle Right: Bottle caps that are going to go all out,” he said. “I tried to more infrequently collected by think, ‘What is the classiest thing I could Rues. do?’ – (a replication of) Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night.’” Right: Rues works on his bottle cap adaptation of the Phi Kap It took him more than two years to crest. collect enough caps to create the piece. He



Rues’ depiction of the Phi Kap crest is made of thousands of bottle caps.

for customized pieces of bottle cap art. I am not interested in that. I want to give His alma mater heard about his work and my proceeds to charity,” he said. “I do contacted him to create a piece depicting technical stuff all day as an engineer. The the university’s logo. They auctioned it at art side is an outlet for me. It is a relaxation an event in September 2009 for more than method. $900. “For me to turn it into a job, for it to This gave Rues the idea to use his become my meal ticket or my rent money, artwork as a philanthropic outlet. His it would become a source of stress rather involvement in Phi Kap has taught him than a source of enjoyment,” Rues said. what it means to be a servant leader. “By giving the proceeds to charity, I can Rues is the current Vice President of the keep doing it because I like it and want to National Board of Trustees. do it.” This winter, Rues created Because “A lot of people have a piece to thank the Blue Crew CMN is Phi Sports Grill bar for collecting Kap’s national told me that I can caps for him to use. It depicted philanthropy, a blue horseshoe to represent Rues felt a make a lot of money the home NFL team. Before the natural bias doing this, but I am Colts played in the American to assist that Football Conference playoffs not interested in that. organization. in January, a local news station He thinks that was at the Blue Crew Sports Kaps for Kids I want to give my Grill doing a story on the could even proceeds to charity.” business. The journalist saw extend further Rues’ artwork and showed up than his own —Nathan Rues on his doorstep to do a feature work. He hopes story for the evening news about his to get other brothers, who are interested in unique work. making a difference, involved in designing After the story aired, requests began and completing bottle cap artwork. pouring in for his bottle cap art. Rues “When I was in college, we designed a second horseshoe piece, posted tried a bunch of different events and it in Blue Crew Sports Grill and sold it philanthropies, where we worked really through a silent auction for $500. He hard but saw little return,” Rues said. decided that from that point that he would “Because this is so well received, I know work with the Phi Kappa Theta Foundation this can be more than just art. This artwork to donate all proceeds from his artwork to is unique and original, unlike so many a local hospital in the Children’s Miracle of our old fundraising ideas. It is evident Network (CMN), Phi Kap’s national that the public is very interested in it. The philanthropy. Rues is calling his effort response has been overwhelming. Every “Kaps for Kids,” paying tribute to his art time I create a new piece it generates more medium and the children that he hopes the demand.” money helps. The national Phi Kappa Theta “A lot of people have told me that I Foundation has served as a resource for can make a lot of money doing this, but Rues, helping him to meet his personal



goals in serving his community. In the future, he plans to donate his artwork to the Foundation, so that those who purchase it or buy it in a philanthropic auction can make a tax deductible donation for the piece. The Foundation will then donate proceeds to CMN. When he sold the artwork on his own, Rues did not have the capability to provide people with a tax deductible option. This partnership makes Kaps for Kids a “win-win” for both the purchaser and CMN. Creating a piece is labor intensive for one person. Rues would like to engage individuals or chapters in helping him collect bottle caps or even reproduce original pieces with his guidance. All profits will go to CMN. To create one of his pieces, he divides his collected bottle caps in buckets sorted by their color. He paints the image he wants to recreate on a thin piece of plywood. He begins positioning the bottle caps over the painting to match the color underneath, finding the best cap to match the background color. Once he has placed the caps and covered the board, positioning them in the best way to recreate his drawing, he glues them down and then epoxies them to adhere the caps permanently. Rues finds delightful irony in his creating beautiful artwork out of bottle caps typically recycled from beer bottles. “I am taking a very ugly stereotype of fraternities and the Greek system with alcohol abuse and turning it on its head,” he said. “If you can turn that stereotype into a beautiful work of art, maybe you can also help to change that stereotype. I say, let’s address it head on and generate something beautiful from what is typically perceived as negative.”

which he calls a “battle cry for philanthropic efforts.” Lee scheduled a weekendlong service trip for November 2009. He knew he wanted to take the chapter to Detroit, but Three Chapters Join to Serve he was not yet sure what type of service they could do to make a the Detroit Community difference. In his research about Detroit service projects, Lee found that Phi Kappa Theta had As the Philanthropy Chair of the a chapter at the University of Illinois Kappa Phi Chapter at Lewis Detroit Mercy. Lee contacted University, Steve KC Lee, decided that he the chapter leadership in hopes would aim beyond status quo in his role. It of collaboration. was not enough for him to plan a fundThe Michigan Omega raiser or to help out a local service agency Chapter officers from Detroit once or twice a semester. Lee sought to Mercy were excited “make sure about the idea of [his] brothers “It was a practice working with the got a taste of Lewis group on a something what you preach joint service project outside of [their] in Detroit. They bubble,” he said. sort of thing – we all presented the idea of “I wanted preach that we’re the brothers aiding to open their Top: Two Phi Kaps work to demolish an abandoned the Brightmoor eyes to the fact home in Detroit on a service trip last Fall. about community Projects Northwest that there is Above: Phi Kaps from Detroit Mercy arrive at the service, so it gave Redevelopment more than just demolition site. organization to Chicago – there three chapters the demolish several are a lot of abandoned houses in a Detroit connecting with the service organization problems out opportunity to jump community. and planning transportation around the there,” Lee said. on board and show “When you tell people that city. Lee organized his chapter’s travel After you are demolishing houses, arrangements, but also brainstormed about researching what we’re about.” they look at you funny,” said how the group could best maximize its online and Christian Nunez from Lewis limited time in Detroit. reading articles —Steve KC Lee University. “But what a lot They decided to hold a blanket about struggling of people don’t know is that Detroit has drive in their local community, collecting cities, Lee set out to organize a hands-on an epidemic of abandoned homes, and blankets to take to Detroit and donate. service project that would take his brothers each one costs anywhere from $10,000 to Along with students from two middle more than five hours away from their $15,000 to demolish. So we know we did a schools, the Phi Kaps collected blankets campus and into the city of Detroit to try good thing.” that filled more than 15 large trash bags. to make an impact on a community most Detroit Mercy leadership organized They worked for two months to collect the of them had never seen. He dubbed the trip the logistics of the service work, by blankets, making their trip to Detroit all the the “PHIlanthrophy Kaps Care Initiative,”



Service project participants gather outside of the Detroit Mercy Phi Kap house.

more worthwhile. “That was a big challenge, bringing all of those blankets with us on the train into Chicago and then on the bus to Detroit, but we did it!” said Lee. Before the trip, another chapter got on board with the project. Brothers from Illinois Psi Chapter at Northern Illinois University also planned to make the trip, providing additional manpower to the group. They also contributed to the blanket drive. In all, 35 students from the three chapters assisted in Detroit with the project. Sixteen members, associate members and prospective members came from Lewis. Fifteen Phi Kaps came from Detroit Mercy, and five traveled from NIU. The Phi Kaps spent an entire day of the trip demolishing two abandoned homes. “We were given sledge-hammers, axes and crow bars and we all went to work,” said Detroit Mercy Phi Kap, Brad Harbisson. “It was definitely a cool experience.” “We were just swinging the hammers,” Lee said. “It was a lot of fun and kept our guys interested, and it was meaningful to the community. It was a lot more difficult than we thought it would be.” A neighbor across the street from one of the houses watched the demolition from her front porch. “I’ve lived here, on and off, for about 20 years,” she said. “There are so many negatives going on in Detroit right now. It is extremely heartening to see some youth out here, doing some good.” The Phi Kaps were proud of their work. “It was a ‘practice what you preach’ sort of thing – we all preach that we’re



about community service, so it gave three chapters the opportunity to jump on board and show what we’re about,” Lee said. The Lewis Chapter made the conscious decision to bring prospective members they were recruiting on the trip to show them that “we are not one of those chapters that is just about partying,” Lee said. “We do care and we are trying to do some good. It was a turning point for many of the prospective members; it solidified their desire to become brothers.” The collaboration between chapters was also very worthwhile to the brothers. The brothers traveling from Illinois were welcomed into the Detroit Mercy Phi Kap home. “We stayed at their fraternity house throughout the weekend,” Lee said. “It was a rewarding Steven KC Lee, the former Lewis University experience because we got to meet philanthropy chair, created this logo to promote the program. brothers that we had never met before. It was definitely the first time anyone casualties. In May, they will work with at Detroit Mercy could remember another Habitat for Humanity chapter visiting,” said Billy Mackey, the Lee hopes that the PHIlanthropy former Lewis Phi Kap chapter president. Kaps Care Initiative sticks around This was the first project in an for his chapter, but also for the larger ongoing service effort for the Lewis national organization. He emphasizes the Chapter, the PHIlanthropy Kaps Care importance of serving others within and Initiative. They have continued serving outside of the local community. their local community with fervor by doing “When we took a step back and ongoing projects on a smaller-scale, like looked at what we did, it gave all of the working in a soup kitchen and with area brothers a new perspective,” he said. children. They just completed their second “It was good to get out of our bubble big project in the PHIlanthropy Kaps and go somewhere where you know the Care Initiative in March by delivering fire neighborhoods are rough and people education to a local school after a large have fallen on hard times. It keeps you house fire in Chicago caused several child grounded.”

( iSer

Training to Serve

National President Kevin Lampe pictured with the St. Francis Chapter.

Saint Francis Celebrates Re-charterting

Convention. “These brothers live the values of Phi Kappa Theta every day,” said Lampe. “They are true servant leaders in every way. They have answered every challenge, not with questions but plans.” The weekend started with the Pennsylvania Xi Chapter from Duquesne University traveling to assist with initiating the members of the Saint Francis chapter. By Gretchen Stahl Saturday morning was spent cheering Assistant Director of Member on many of the chapter members as they Development played the last home football game of the season, and for a few senior members, the last game of their career. The evening The Fraternity is happy to welcome concluded with a celebratory banquet for the newest chapter of Phi Kappa Theta, the members, advisors, alumni, and parents. Pennsylvania Tau chapter at Saint Francis Speeches were given by Lampe, Kerlin, University. At the 2009 Convention, a university president Father Gabriel Zeis, motion was passed to re-charter the group. and chapter advisors. Staff members Anita Kerlin and Gretchen Lampe officially installed the new Stahl and National President Kevin Lampe officers and presented the charter to the made the trip to Loretto, Pennsylvania to group. The weekend ended with a lot of spend November 20-22 with the men and pictures, brotherhood to officially re-install the chapter. “They are true servant and even heavy emotions as the members saw the The brothers culmination of their hard had been working leaders in every way. work come to fruition. since spring 2008 They have answered “It was a humbling to earn their charter. experience to be able They spent that every challenge not to present Saint Francis time setting up a with its charter,” said budget and chapter with questions but Lampe. “Their passion, operations, obtaining plans.” enthusiasm and love a board of advisors, of Phi Kappa Theta and recruiting new —Kevin Lampe brought me back to my members. In addition, own chapter’s charter they started Theta installation in the fall of Fest, an annual Battle 1980. I am proud to see brothers who are of the Bands philanthropy event to raise dedicated and committed to the ideals of money for Children’s Miracle Network. Phi Kappa Theta.” They visited their local nursing home for their “Adopt-A-Grandparent” program. Their work earned the brothers the title of Chapter of the Year on campus and earned them the Colony Development Award this past summer at the Phi Kappa Theta

ve )

By now you have probably heard of Phi Kappa Theta’s volunteer training program, the (iServe) Institute. The (iServe) Institute is designed to provide volunteers the essentials necessary to effectively serve in Phi Kappa Theta’s (iServe) Network. The (iServe) Institute has been developed through the partnership between Phi Kappa Theta and the North American Interfraternity Conference. The (iServe) Institute is a values-based education program that includes training on the following topics: • Understanding Values Based Organizations and Volunteer Challenges • Understanding the Culture of today’s Collegiate Member • Creating a Coaching Culture • Navigating Conflict through Values • Creating Change and Commitment

If you wish to become an active member of Phi Kappa Theta’s (iServe) Network, register for the alumni training track at this years Leadership Institute! Go to page 7 for more information. SPRING 2010


Meaningful Moustaches First Movember Effort Successful, Looking to Grow By Heather Matthews Kirk Managing Editor

Last November, Phi Kaps across the country dedicated themselves to “changing the face of men’s health.” Collegiate and alumni brothers put away their razors and spent the month growing moustaches to celebrate “Movember,” the world’s largest charity event raising funds and awareness for cancer affecting men. The brothers of Phi Kap joined more than 28,000 “Mo Bros” in the US, raising more than $3.3 million total for the Prostate Cancer Foundation and the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Globally, Movember had more than 250,000 participants, who raised more than $100 million for men’s health in seven countries. Phi Kappa Theta members donned thin, thick, bushy and barely-there moustaches to serve as conversation starters, giving them the confidence and

opportunity to talk about their reason for growing facial hair. They had meaningful conversations about men’s health and cancers with those who asked about their new facial feature. “My moustache wasn’t very full and didn’t look very good,” said John Tate, the former President of the Missouri Kappa Upsilon Chapter at the University of Missouri. “But I was asked several times about my moustache and I explained what Movember was about and encouraged people to get involved.” Collegians like Tate at universities across the country rallied their chapter members around this cause, and promoted it throughout their campuses and communities. At Missouri, the chapter made T-shirts to raise awareness, hosted an educational speaker and collected almost $600 for the cause. They used social media outlets to educate and received press coverage from the campus newspaper and local radio station. The Interfraternal Council at UM also partnered with Phi Kappa Theta by holding a Movember Man of the Month competition to get other fraternity men involved.

“A creative opportunity to feel comfortable talking about their health and brings light to the fact that men’s health issues are often pushed aside.” —John Tate



“Movember brings men a creative opportunity to feel comfortable talking about their health and brings light to the fact that men’s health issues are often pushed aside,” Tate said. The men of the Kansas Iota Chapter at Kansas State University were seeking a new philanthropy event for the fall semester and were excited to hear about the Movember opportunity at the summer Phi Kappa Theta Convention. “This year was the first year participating in Movember and while there were difficulties getting our Mo’s growing, we did have success getting the organization’s name out there on the K-State campus,” said Eric Fielder, the philanthropy chair. “Everyone in the chapter really helped out in getting this great philanthropy started.” They held weekly meetings to stay motivated and plan events and promotions, but “having awesome moustaches was a pretty big encouragement, as well,” said Fielder. “I couldn’t grow a great moustache, but I tried. My family commented on it when I got back home and teased me a little.” Thomas Pulliam, the current House Manager and former Vice President of Risk Management for the Delta Rho Chapter at the University of Georgia, helped to bring Movember to his campus. “Movember is a great cause because it focuses on men’s health issues,” he said. “While women have philanthropies and events to support research and increase awareness about breast cancer, men do not have that kind of support.” Pulliam’s grandfather is a survivor of prostate cancer, so this cause hits close to

home for him. No matter how their moustaches looked, the Phi Kaps said that people commented and asked about them, giving them the opportunity to share information about Movember and men’s health. One in two men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, making Movember a perfect partnership with the fraternal community. “I liked growing a moustache because I felt like I was a part of something that was providing awareness toward a good

cause,” Fielder said. “2009 was an incredibly successful year for Movember in the college community across the country,” said Jack Choate, Director of Development for Movember North America. “Among college students in the U.S., we saw a participant growth rate of over 500% from 2008 to 2009. “Engaging younger guys to talk about and be aware of health concerns that will affect them in their adult life is the key to accomplishing our mission to change the face of men’s health. We are excited and

thankful to have the support of the entire brotherhood of Phi Kappa Theta and look forward to Movember 2010!” National President Kevin Lampe has challenged Phi Kaps for Movember 2010. If half of the collegiate chapters get involved and at least 25 alumni sponsor him, he plans to shave his beard and “grow a Fu Manchu moustache.” For more information, please visit



NEWS FROM YOU Saint Francis Phi Kap Honored by the NCAA for Sportsmanship

Russell Fisher, a Phi Kap in the Pennsylvania Tau Chapter at Saint Francis University, was one of 10 finalists for the Annual Sportsmanship Award given by the Awards and Recognition Association (ARA). The honor is given each year to one “outstanding NCAA Division I collegiate football player who best personifies the spirit of sportsmanship.” Fisher is a defensive end and

Lewis Univ. Chapter Teams up with Fire Department The Phi Kaps at Lewis University teamed up with a fire department to offer education about fire to local youngsters in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.

mentor to his teammates. He is known for his tireless work ethic and leading his teammates by example. He is the football team captain and a member of the 2009 Allstate/American Football Coaches Association Good Works Team. He has a deep commitment to his community, philanthropy and campus. To qualify for the award, an athlete must be a starting player or significant contributor on his team; be in good academic standing; demonstrate great respect for competitors, school, teammates, and coaches; show an ability to accept victory and defeat graciously; convey a high degree of humility and integrity; and demonstrate commitment in the classroom and to the community. Although Fisher did not win the award, being a finalist is a significant accomplishment.

In February, seven people, including a newborn, a toddler and two teenage twins, died in an apartment blaze in the Chicago suburb of Cicero. This tragedy prompted the Phi Kaps to develop this educational opportunity for area children. In partnership with the Romeoville Fire Department, the chapter brought a fire truck and two firefighters to the Lewis University campus to meet 50 children in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, as well as their mentors. The firefighters helped kids understand fire safety, posing questions like, “How many of you know what to do if your clothes catch on fire?” The kids yelled in a unified voice, “Stop, drop, and roll!”

Missouri Mu Holds Memorial Golf Tournament in St. Louis The Missouri Mu Chapter of Phi Kappa Theta from Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T) hosted its tenth Annual Alumni Golf Tournament in St. Louis last October. The tournament is a staple event for the group, but this year, it was renamed the Tom “Doc” O’Keefe Memorial Golf Tournament, honoring the long-time chapter advisor, who lost his battle with cancer last year. O’Keefe served the chapter for 35 years, retiring in 1999. The renaming served as a fitting memorial and honor of his service to Phi Kappa Theta. The tournament posted a record turnout of 100 participants.



Alumnus Climbs Kilimanjaro, Meets Celebrity on Hike Paul Boushka, an undergraduate from the California Phi Delta chapter at the University of San Diego, recently traveled to Tanzania, Africa to climb to the highest point in Africa, the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. He made the trip with his father to celebrate his 50th birthday. They traveled with mountain guides because they did not consider themselves experienced climbers. It took seven days to get to the top of the mountain, trekking through five different ecosystems. They stayed at the top (19,340 feet) for just 20 minutes because of the sub-zero weather, and then descended to 18,000 feet to make camp. Boushka said this was the hardest night of the hike because of the severe cold. On the hike, they met a group climbing for charity, which included celebrity Jessica Biel. The group camped with them each night and they made it to the top together. Boushka took a photo of himself at the top with a Phi Kap T-shirt he packed in his climbing bag. “I will always think of this as a great experience,” Boushka said. “It was physically tough but also just as mentally tough.” Texas Brother Published in Physics Journal Brother Christopher R. Ramirez from the Texas Tau Mu Chapter at The University of Texas-Pan American was recently published in the prestigious Journal of Physics, created by the Institute of Physics. Ramirez co-wrote a paper entitled, “XAFS Debye-Waller Factors for Deformed Hemes and Metal Substituted Hemes.” His article was published in the 2009 issue of the journal. The paper is about a more efficient means of calculating the debye-waller factor of the deformed active sites of hemoproteins and metal substituted hemes.

Univ. of Illinois Alums Gather at 9th Reunion

Texas Tau Mu Helps Local Food Bank

Ohio Univ. Polar Bear Plunge Raises Funds for Special Olympics The Beta Delta Chapter from University of Illinois of Phi Kappa Theta held its ninth annual reunion last September in Colorado Springs. The event was organized by Ted DeRousse, Greg Liptak and John Eure. It was attended by 14 Phi Kaps and their spouses. The group is already looking forward to its 2010 reunion to be held in September in Chicago. They hope to drum up interest to recolonize the collegiate chapter at U of I, especially since so many brothers live in the Chicago area.

For the third year in a row, the Ohio Psi Chapter of Phi Kappa Theta at Ohio University sponsored the Polar Bear Plunge on February 13. The event made a big splash, raising more than $22,000 for Special Olympics Ohio. More than 200 students and community members braved icy temperatures to jump into Dow Lake at Strouds Run State Park. Each person raised a minimum of $50 to participate. The chapter met its $20,000 fundraising goal, significantly topping last year’s total of $16,000. The chapter sponsored the event in conjunction with the Ohio University Police Department. Members are eager to continue the tradition because, “You’re doing so much for somebody and it takes a very little amount of your time,” said Ryan Wright, a member of Phi Kap who was in charge of the event.

On March 8, 16 members and associate members of the Texas Tau Mu Chapter from The University of TexasPan American pitched in to help the Rio Grande Valley Food Bank in their local community. The group planned out routes to collect food that had been gathered throughout the community. The brothers, one alumnus and a friend of the fraternity traveled throughout their county collecting donation boxes and barrels full of food and delivering them to the central food bank location. “This event was a rewarding and gratifying experience,” said Felix Rodriguez, the chapter’s Associate Member Educator. “We were able to see parts of the area we had never seen before all the while meeting interesting new people and promoting the fraternity and our ideals.”

Significant Milestones for Phi Kap Chapters Worcester Polytechnic Institute

1920 90th

Ohio State

Several chapters in Phi Kappa Theta are celebrating significant milestones this year. These chapters have existed through the good and bad times, serving as examples of what makes Phi Kappa Theta thrive.




Texas-Pan American 40th



Carnegie Mellon Cincinnati Nebraska Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Syracuse

Eastern Illinois 5th




San Diego State



Call For Photos, Story Ideas Send us story ideas and suggestions about ways that you, other brothers or your chapter is living out the Mission of Phi Kappa Theta. Share your stories with more than 30,000 readers in The Temple! We would also like to include photos from your collegiate chapter and alumni brotherhood events in each issue of The Temple. Submit your photos to help illustrate the great things chapters and brothers are doing These pictures have certain guidelines they must meet in order to be used. Follow the tips for submitting photos to get yours published. • Turn off your camera’s date stamp. • Send pictures of small groups of members, rather than trying to fit the whole chapter into one frame. • Keep your background and foreground uncluttered.

• Photos of members wearing letters is encouraged. • We do not print photographs that show alcoholic beverages.

E-mail photos to: Subject: (Chapter Name) Temple Photos

E-mailing photos: • Photos must be 300 dpi, so set your digital camera shoot at 4.0 megapixels or higher.

Mailing Photos: • If you have a valuable or important photo, scan it at 300dpi and send it by e-mail or print a professional copy at a drugstore photo department. We do not return photos.

• They must be in an accessible format such as .tif, .jpeg or .eps.

• We cannot use color copies or digital photos printed on your home printer.

• Photos from your cell phone, Facebook, Snapfish (or other similar photo collection websites), or any website cannot be reprinted in the magazine because of their poor quality. Send digital files that come directly from the camera.

• Write the chapter, names and explanation on a label and stick it to the back of the picture. Do not write directly on the photo or paperclip paper to the photo.

• E-mail photos as attachments. Do not paste them in an e-mail or Word document.

Mail photos to: Phi Kappa Theta National Office Attn: Keith Harshbarger Director of Communications & Marketing 9640 N. Augusta Dr., Suite 420 Carmel, IN 46032

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Advisor Profile

Jeremy Perque Nicholls State Advisor Seeks to Improve Communication By Gene Ney Slippery Rock ‘90 Born in Chack Bay, Louisiana, and me when I was in college, but also in my variety of roles including that as National the oldest of three sons, Jeremy Perque President and a Foundation Board member. current life,” he said. has dedicated himself to helping others Perque’s main goal as an alumnus According to Perque, everyone should help themselves. In Phi Kappa Theta, “give expecting has been to “revitalize that means being actively involved as an nothing thereof.” the alumni association “Phi Kappa Theta advisor and mentor with his undergraduate so that there is a strong When not chapter, Louisiana Nu Omega at Nicholls and productive working taught me leadership providing advisory State University. assistance to Louisiana relationship between skills, which not only After his high school graduation in Nu Omega and its the undergraduates 1998, Perque enrolled at Nicholls State. association, and the alumni.” He helped me when I was alumni The freshman communications major has worked to provide Perque works in the had always been interested in how people investment business better organization of in college, but also in interact with others, and during that fall with Mc Makin the alumni association, my current life.” semester, he explored ways on campus to Financial services as well as foster good become more involved. communication and and resides in Baton After searching through all the groups support between the Rogue, Louisiana. He and organizations on campus, Perque is currently in the process of building a alumni and active membership. attended a rush event at Phi Kap. home, and is scheduled to marry Lindsay Among the challenges Perque “It was a no brainer,” he said. “This Barocco, a speech therapist, in July. sees for not only his chapter, but for all was where I belonged.” Phi Kappa Theta chapters, is improved With that, he joined in the fall of communication. 1998. Through his outgoing personality “A lot of the problems that and altruistic concerns for others, he earned chapters have is because there is poor the respect of both the associate and active communication between the undergraduate members of the chapter. chapters, the alumni and the national Following his initiation, he served in a Fraternity,” he said. number of leadership roles. Most notably, Perque attributes a lot of Phi Kappa Perque served as president of the chapter Theta’s recent success to the works of and the associate Robert Riggs, Phi Kappa member educator. Theta Executive Vice “Both of these “Both of these President. Perque feels positions taught me how positions taught me he has “done much to to be a leader and how improve communication, how to be a leader to organize things,” as well as organization Perque said. “I learned in the Fraternity – and how to organize a lot from others, but something that was a I think they may have weak point previously.” things.” learned a lot from me as Perque has never well.” regretted his alumni Perque continues today in an involvement with the Fraternity, and advisory capacity for his chapter because encourages other alumni to “get involved.” of what he learned and experienced as an One of Perque’s greatest influences has undergraduate. been Jerry Traigle (Nicholls State, ‘87), a “Phi Kappa Theta taught me fellow alumnus who has also served the leadership skills, which not only helped national Fraternity for many years in a



Foundation to Jumpstart New Regional Alumni Groups

Regional Alumni Events

Alumni have started two regionallybased alumni groups successfully on their own in Kansas City and Washington D. C. The groups formed by getting a “few alumni members excited about the idea,” Phi Kappa Theta brotherhood does said Welch. They did an e-mail campaign not end after four (or more) years in an about starting the groups and upcoming undergraduate chapter, and the Phi Kappa events. The Foundation is hoping to recreate Theta National Foundation is determined to the success these help alumni brothers continue two groups have their fraternal journey long “The new groups experienced. after college. This year, the The Foundation hopes to begin provide professional, Foundation planting roots for regionallycontacted Jim based alumni groups to engage social and personal VanAcker and alumni brothers in a new way. connections for those Chris Messina, who Traditionally, alumni helped to start these efforts have been centered on alumni living in the groups, about their the college or university and area.” methods and “what its respective undergraduate it has taken to keep chapter. However, when a —Steven Welch the groups alive,” member moves away from he said. This is helping the Foundation the area where he attended college, it is understand how to initiate the launch of new difficult to stay involved and connect with alumni organizations. the fraternity. “The new groups provide professional, “Based on this approach, once an social and personal connections for those alumnus moves out of the area, he becomes alumni living in the area,” said Rob Riggs, ‘displaced’ in the sense that he leaves the Executive Vice President of Phi Kappa the Greek community he once belonged Theta. “They will provide the much to,” said Steven Welch, Foundation Vice President, (USD, ‘84). “By creating regional needed opportunity for members to remain connected to our Fraternity’s Mission and groups that are not school-based, thousands purpose throughout their lives.” of alumni will have the opportunity to get To get involved or inquire about an involved and continue their Greek life alumni group starting in your local area, experience.” contact The Foundation trustees plan on Staff members are excited to provide more sponsoring events in the areas where they information and resources to begin the live to recruit alumni into the new regional establishment of a regionally-based alumni groups. The National Fraternity will help group. support this effort by assisting connecting organizers with local alumni. By Heather Matthews Kirk Managing Editor

Help us celebrate Phi Kappa Theta’s Founder’s Day! Alumni in several cities will have an opportunity to meet fellow Phi Kaps from a variety of chapters. Regional alumni events typically are held in public establishments offering refreshments. These ‘meet and greet’s are usually from 6-8 PM and have no program besides informal socializing. There are no speeches or solicitations. These events could be particularly useful to alumni who have recently moved or those seeking employment opportunities. No paper invites are mailed, so it is important that the Executive Offices has your e-mail address. Go to for more up-todate information on these events. If you would be willing to host a similar event in your city, please contact the office at • Ames • Athens • Boston • Dover • Kansas City • Pittsburgh • San Diego • Washington, D.C.

Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring

• St. Louis


• New York City


Brothers Tom Maddern (George Mason, ‘04), Matt Sewell (George Mason, ‘03), Adam Beverley (George Mason, ‘05) gathered at the Washington, D.C. regional alumni group’s Annual Dinner in late March 2010. Washington, D.C. Alumni is one of two regionally-based alumni groups already in existence.



University of Cincinnati Chapter sets up $75,000 Foundation Fund The alumni involved in the corporation responsible for the real estate holdings of the Ohio Omicron chapter at the University of Cincinnati recently sold the chapter house. With a portion of the proceeds, $75,000, a restricted fund was set up with the Phi Kappa Theta National Foundation for the chapter’s exclusive use. The current thinking is that the endowment will be used to offer scholarships to brothers of the chapter. This is the twelfth chapter of PKT to set up such a fund. Chapters with Special Foundation Funds University of Cincinnati University of Detroit-Mercy Georgia Institute of Technology Iowa State University Merrimack College Missouri University of Science and Technology Northern Illinois University Ohio State University Pennsylvania State University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of San Diego Saint Louis University

Current Foundation Trustees

New Board Members Elected The Phi Kappa Theta National Foundation’s board held a meeting in March in Dallas, Texas. During the meeting, four new trustees were elected, bringing the total number of active trustees to 19. The new members are Samuel Castalano (Nicholls State, ‘83), Michael Duplantier (New Orleans, ‘68) who served as National President from 1981 to 1983, Jeff Jowdy (Georgia, ‘85) and Paul Scherrer (Butler, ‘62). The Foundation is actively seeking to add more members and would welcome nominations. Please contact executiveoffices@phikaps. org. The board’s next meeting will be in St. Louis, Mo., in connection with the fraternity’s Leadership Institute in August of this year.

Samuel J Castalano John R. Covert Laurence P. Czajkowski James F. Dickow Doug D Dilling Michael A Duplantier Ed Fulford Stephen J. Hollander Jeffrey W Jowdy Walter J Kronzer III Kevin Lampe Jerry F. Morris Eugene C. Ney Ph.D. Dr. Thomas F. Patton Paul A Scherrer Cameron E Smith, OD Gerald J. Traigle Jr Steven N Welch Anthony R. Zinnante Emeritus Trustees Robert Bailey Pat Calabrese Ed Solvibile Greg Stein Archbishop Donald Wuerl

Phi Kappa Theta Chapter “Sitelets” Phi Kappa Theta recognizes the need to create a consistent brand and image. For this reason, the Fraternity has developed chapter-based websites for chapters. These “sitelets” provide chapters with: • A professional online presence for their audience. • Maintenance, content and support from the professional staff. • Direct link to the National events posted on your site. • Up-to-date news and events from the National Fraternity. This is a fee-based service provided by the National Fraternity (through the Executive Offices). These sitelets will eventually sync up with the Achieve Application (page 9). For more information visit the Resources tab on View a mock up of what your chapter’s website could look like:




Chapter Eternal — April 2009 to March 2010

The following is a listing of those Phi Kaps who have passed away throughout the past year. Please let us know

if you encounter inaccurate information while reading the chapter eternal. If there is a brother that is missing from this time period who has passed away please contact us.

SPOTLIGHT Former University President Passes Away Father Donald P. Merrifield, an alumnus of Massachusetts Eta Chapter at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, died Feb. 25 in San Father Donald P. Jose, California, at Merrifield the age of 81. He was the 11th president of Loyola University and a pivotal figure of the institution. He was well known and respected for helping develop the character of the university, its students, faculty and staff. He served as university president for 15 years, from 1969 to 1984. He had a passion for diversity and inclusive education. Merrified was also interested in spurring dialogue between religions and helped establish the first Interfaith Group on campus. It is evident that throughout his life, Father Merrifield served the Mission of Phi Kappa Theta through his work in higher education. He was selected as Phi Kappa Theta’s Man of Achievement in 1997. He earned his Bachelor of Science in physics from California Institute of Technology, his master’s degree from the University of Notre Dame and his doctorate in physics from MIT, where he was initiated into Phi Kappa Theta. He was ordained in 1965. Father Merrifield taught physics at Santa Clara University and the University of San Francisco. He was also a consultant to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. — Adapted from an LMU press release.



Belmont Abbey College John C Pillion ‘63, John T Edwards ‘79 • Boston University Urban A Johnson ‘49 • Carnegie Mellon University Anthony J Cacchione ‘34, John F Magnotti ‘44 • Case Western Reserve Theodore M Evon ‘66 • Catholic University Charles J Cummings ‘33, Edward L McMahon ‘49, Kevin A De Martino ‘64 • Duquesne University John A Sands ‘60 • East Texas State University Robert A Manson ‘70, John Michael Aldridge ‘70, Gerald V McKibben ‘71, Jerry W Taylor ‘72, Dennis R Paschal ‘72 • Ferris State University Frederick D Weier ‘74 • Indiana Institute of Technology Jon R Pirrello ‘68, Ronald J Brayer ‘70 • Indiana University William H Breedlove ‘52, James A Burch ‘58, Lawrence E Seng ‘59 • Iowa State University Eugene C Drendel ‘58 • Kansas State University Robert Brice Oberhelman , Joseph M Ingram ‘24, Charles A Goris ‘48, Kenneth J Mahoney ‘50, Edward F Dunn ‘63, Ronald A Engelken ‘70, Gary D Paulsen ‘70 • Kent State University Donald Deer ‘51 • Lehigh University S. Philip Passantino ‘52 • Long Island University Vincent J Cannuscio ‘64 • Louisiana State University Merlin A Pistorius ‘55 • Loyola Marymount University Charles E. Strait ‘70 • Massachusetts Institute of Technology Rev. Donald P Merrifield, S.J. ‘61 • Michigan State University Antonio J Califa ‘70 • Missouri University of Science and Technology Robert M Struckhoff Sr. ‘67, Robert L Wethington ‘71 • National At Large Robert Cosciano • Northern Illinois University William H. Bain ‘58, John F Mitchell ‘62 • Ohio Northern University Stanley R Bogdan ‘50, James E Reardon ‘55 • Ohio State University Donald J Harper ‘48 • Ohio University John Sabol Jr ‘49, Robert G McGlone ‘51, Ronald J Vonosinski ‘55, Bernard J Lukco ‘60 • Oklahoma State University William M Hays ‘59 • Oregon State University Norris J McDonald ‘60 • Pennsylvania State University Vincent A Callery ‘52, Francis X O’Brien ‘54, Henry A Giuliani ‘54, Richard J Surovchak A memorial gift to the Phi Kappa Theta ‘56, Michael P Hazel ‘60 • Purdue National Foundation in the name of a University Mark W Helm ‘35, Orian brother who has passed to chapter eternal J Henderson ‘40, Walter F Simons is a wonderful tribute and long-lasting ‘43, Hugh Stippler ‘44, Fred J Sharn opportunity to remember the life of a brother. ‘49, Donzil D Roberts ‘56, Ralph E. Gifts are tax-deductible. Biggs ‘58, Kenneth R Erickson ‘60, Charles W Schilling ‘69 • Rensselaer To make a gift, mail a check payable to: Polytechnic Institute Albert F Phi Kappa Theta National Foundation Skarzynski ‘50, Fredrick L Kulakowski 9640 N. Augusta Dr., Suite 420 ‘59 • Saint Francis University Charles Carmel, IN 46032 R. Sloan MD ‘51 • Temple University or contact the Carl J Melone ‘35, John J Kolibas ‘49 • Trine University Edward S De Call 317.872.9934 to make a gift using a Crappeo ‘43, John R Lavelle ‘43 • credit card or bank account. University of Cincinnati James H


Messer ‘53 • University of Detroit/Mercy Albert L Giles Jr ‘63 • University of Georgia Mr. Jordan D. Woods ‘09 • University of Houston Dennis P Delafield ‘69 • University of Illinois William F Murphy ‘52 • University of Kansas James M White ‘64, Douglas Wayne Doty ‘97 • University of Mississippi Victor A Nix ‘71, Frank P Izzo ‘72 • University of Missouri at Columbia Francis R Gardner ‘52, Egon L Doering ‘53, Forrest K Ayer ‘57 • University of Oklahoma Richard A Cranford ‘53 • University of Pittsburgh Leo T Walsh ‘52 • University of Wisconsin Howard M Buenzli ‘38 • Washington State University Charles E Behlke ‘48, Leonard J Rizzuti ‘50, Gene J Rinna ‘50 • Worcester Polytechnic Institute Frederic R Butler ‘20, Stephen D Donahue ‘29, William F Reardon ‘32, Edward F Donohue ‘32, Harold J Granger ‘32, Antonio Maggiacomo ‘32, Arthur W Back ‘33, John A Boyle ‘33, Joseph E Flanagan Jr ‘34, Angelo V Mauriello ‘36, William M Stanton ‘37, Francis S. Harvey ‘37, Thomas M Nolan ‘37, John F McGinnis ‘37, Allison Maggiolo ‘40, John P Wells ‘42, Joseph P Jurga ‘42, Robert J Sargent ‘42, Elso R Caponi ‘45, Louis J Hallisey ‘45, William G Daly ‘46, Henry J Bove ‘47, Francis J Sauer ‘47, Salvatore J Intagliata ‘48, William S Dorman ‘48, G Edward Desaulniers ‘48, John M Petrillo ‘48, Francis J Bigda ‘49, Matthew Babinski ‘49, Francis W Holden ‘49, Walter J Mussoni ‘49, Louis J Bauer Jr. ‘50, John F Burke ‘52, David A La Marre ‘54, Lee W Catineau ‘54, Philip M Leavitt ‘55, Francis J Horan ‘55, Timothy J Healey ‘55, George P Strom ‘56, Raymond De Matteo ‘56, Andrew F Manzi ‘56, Donald R Ferrari ‘59, Raymond J Tivnan ‘59, John N Galian ‘61, Marcel H Clavien ‘63, Albert J Metrik ‘64, Stephen J Formica ‘66, James Marshall Rogers ‘88


Disease Takes Young Alum’s Life

Jordan Woods, an alumnus of the Delta Rho Chapter at the University of Georgia, passed away Jan. 2. He was a 22-year-old graduate who planned to return to the university to study politics and obtain a master’s degree. Jordan Woods Woods was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and confined to a wheelchair early in life. Johnathan Mitchell, one of his fraternity brothers and previous roommate at the Phi Kap house, said that helping to cure the disease was one of Woods’ life goals. Michael Kobleur didn’t want to be carrying his friend Jordan Woods’ casket at his funeral. He would have rather been sitting on the porch of the Phi Kappa Theta fraternity house discussing sports and politics, Woods’ two passions. “He thought finding a cure for MD was too selfish because he had it. Getting into politics, he could help more people,” he said. Many of his fraternity brothers remember his passion for life and politics. He served as House Manager of the Phi Kappa Theta Chapter, and in 2006, Jordan received the Georgia State Personal Achievement Award from the Muscular Dystrophy Association. He was also an accomplished Eagle Scout — Adapted from story featured in University of Georgia’s Red and Black

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9640 North Augusta Dr., Suite 420 Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 872-9934

Relatives: If your son is no longer in college and not living at home, please forward his permanent address to: Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity 9640 North Augusta Dr., Suite 420 Carmel, IN 46032 Or e-mail this information to:

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Deceased Members Names should be entered on the roll of the Chapter Eternal. In case of death, please clip this section and send to: Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity, 9640 North Augusta Dr., Suite 420 Carmel, IN 46032

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What is on Target and What Misses the Mark? Actions that meet the Mission of Phi Kappa Theta prove to be right on target. When we “give expecting, nothing thereof,� through our service, involvement and brotherhood, we are living the Mission and are right on target. Negative behaviors, like alcohol abuse in social interactions, or hazing, are way off mark.

Involvement as an alum

Serving your community Serving the global society

Seeking Spiritual Development

Only engaging in the social side of Phi Kappa Theta

Reuniting with brothers at an alumni event

Donating graciously to the Foundation

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