designer//artist// printmaker My name is Ryan Tempro and I enjoy eating sushi, reading about neuroscience, listening to Ben Folds, sarcastically joking with people and I carry a 32 ounce water bottle almost everywhere I go to stay hydrated. I find that working with people, in a group is often the most stimulating and creative for design. Jumping from one idea to the next is more helpful when more than one brain is trying to solve the problem. Collaboration is key. Often I feel that being in a new situation or in a new environment creates for interesting creative solutions. I like being exposed to new and different problems and using creativity to solve them. I have been graced with many incredible experiences in working with others to create something greater.
cApTurE international video art exhibit
I’m marrying the microphone save the date. Mr. and Mrs. Microphone
the walking dead
nrise Kingdom Moo
requests your presence
at the marriage of their daughter to
jamsDean dean Jams
two o'clock in the afternoon
3425 West Fullerton Avenue
all about beer
wes anderson
The Burlington
Chicago, Illinois
more than delivering
44 cents first class u.s. postage
look book
Capture is an international video art exhibit created by Patrick Moser, department chair of the Art at Flagler College and myself. A call was placed for artist to submit their work. No theme was set for each video, but a five minute time restraint was set. Video as a medium that allows for numerous more possibilities than any physical, tangible medium such as paintings or sculptures. Videos can be shown in numerous places at the same time without affecting the original. Overall 50 artists applied to have their work to be judged, in the end, 13 were chosen. Work from across the globe were included, not only from the United States but Colombia and Greece as well.
cApTurE international video art exhibit
The Pentel Pocket Brush Pen. The brush pen simply combines two different tools, the brush and the pen. It has the ink capacity of a pen with the stroke variety of a brush. A nylon tip and resevoir screw into the top. The nylon tip is flexible enough to give a wide variety of stroke thickness, but bounces back into its fine point shape after being decompressed. The Pentel Pocket Brush Pen allows you to make marks that a round pointed brush can make, with the longevity of a pen in one stroke. The main message is that the Pentel Pocket Brush Pen is versatile. Marketing media used along with this campaign are a vinyl floor that is placed on the floor in stores where the Pentel Pocket Pen Brush are sold. A full set of temporary tattoos were created as well from the illustrations that are used in the campaign.
Tatto !
the walking dead
A mobile game created for the iOS that allows you to play a grownup-zombie-themed version of tag. It has a simple and intuitive display for easy of use while on the run from zombies! Players can challenge their friends in a local game where four or more set boundaries and a time limit to fight for the last one standing. Survival mode allows players to choose between being a zombie or human. Throughout the day, local businesses become hot-spots where at the end of a time limit, whichever has team has more check-ins is rewarded. Companies such as Starbucks could join in on the game making their store a hot-spot. Offers such as free coffee or discounts on other product are incentives to have your friends join in the game and go to support a local business!
jams dean
Jams dean is a Chicago based rapper. His witty rhymes and catchy phrases become clever plays on words. Working with some of his lyrics, a cohesive package is made. The line “I’m marrying the microphone, save the date� is the one chosen for this theme. To promote his next show, save the date posters were created to resemble a wedding invitation and save the date. To continue on with the theme, the tickets to the show were redesigned as well, to fit with a wedding motif. The ticket resembles an RSVP card that would typically be given in a wedding invitation for the families to get a count on who will attend. Once a ticket is purchased, the name is written into the designated area and their seating choice is selected. A play on formality in a rather non-formal setting and event.
I’m marrying the microphone save the date. Mr. and Mrs. Microphone
requests your presence
at the marriage of their daughter to
Jams Dean
two o'clock in the afternoon
3425 West Fullerton Avenue
The Burlington
Chicago, Illinois
Ticket M general admission
Jams Dean invites you to join him
all about beer
All About Beer is a magazine that is just that, all about beer. It is full of articles and features about new that is happening in the brewing world. From interviews with brewers on their success to finding out how to find beers that you like. This magazine is in circulation currently and is a redesign of the original. This redesign brings their style and layout into a more current state. Articles and features are divided into sections titled, imported and domestic. For the subscriber of All About Beer, each issue comes with two designed letterpress coasters, as an incentive to continue to subscribe to All About Beer. Subscribe to the magazine and collect them all!
look book
My fine art work is based a lot around technology and social media. In the ever changing world, the idea of a coffee table book almost starts to disappear. Why not take all your files with you on your phone or ipad? To be able to carry all of your reading material in one single device is more convenient. I concider myself a graphic designer, a fine artist and a printmaker. This look book showcases the work that I have created by painting and a form of printmaking called matte medium transfers, as well as figure studies that I have done. Created in the same manner as this portfolio, it has been converted to be a single chapter. Welcome to me fine art look book.
RYAN TEMPRO 941.779.4114
Lives and works in St. Augustine, Florida 165 Cordova Street
St. Augustine, Florida 32084
EDUCATION: 2013, Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Flagler College 2013, Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design), Flagler College 2013, Bachelor of Fine Art, Flagler College EXHIBITIONS 2008, Congrestionals Art Show, The Ringling Museum, Sarasota, Florida, Vern Buchanan 2009, Congrestionals Art Show, The Ringling Museum, Sarasota, Florida, Vern Buchanan 2012, Art Under Pressure, The Cummer Museum and Gardens, Jacksonville, Florida, The Up and Cummers 2012, Bachelor of Arts Portfolio Show, The Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, St. Augustine, Florida, Sara Pedigo 2012, Harrel Fletcher Video (Before and after 1565), The Crisp-Ellert Art Museum St. Augustine, Florida, Julie Dickover 2013, Undefined Abstract / Undefined Expression, Onterio College of Art and Desgin Toronto, Canada, Oscar Figueroa 2013, Capture: An International Video Exhibition, The Crisp-Ellert Museum, St. Augustine, Florida 2013, Bachelor of Fine Art Portolfio Show, The Crisp-Ellert Museum, St. Augustine, Florida, Patrick Moser COLLECTIONS Rochester Museum of Fin Art, Rochester New Hamphsire RELATED EXPERIENCE: 2010, Eight Murals, The Thirteenth Avenue Dream Center, Bradenton, Florida 2012, Video Editor for Harrell Fletcher on Before and After 1656, The Crisp-Ellert Art Museum St. Augustine, Florida, Julie Dickover 2013, Creator and chair of Capture: An International Video Exhibition, The Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, St. Augustine, Florida
STATEMENT I am fascinated with pixelated fragmentation and repetition. Higher definition screen resolutions leave me interested in abstraction and generalization. I find the ability to recognize an abstract shape into something representational astounding. Through the act of painting, I physically pixelate photographs by applying and subsequently manipulating a grid. Each square is painted individually and often colors vary slightly from square to square, similar to the visual effect of enlarged pixelated images. Rows and columns form the structure for my paintings; the orientation of each square is altered depending on the one that precedes it. Through the use of paint I am able to distance myself from, and play off of, the transitory nature of electronic technology by working with a tactual and permanent medium. My concentration on the figure stems from the pervasiveness of social media; everyone has a digital identity. Through my large self-portraits I explore the limitations on how abstract a portrait of myself can become, while still being recognizable as a familiar face.
PIXEL PAINTINGS oil on canvas
MATTE MEDIUM matte medium transfers
FIGURE STUDIES mixed mediums
wes anderson
With technology on an ever changing cycle, users are now renting and streaming video media. Instead of buying a dvd box set, why not buy a more tangible keepsake. Wes anderson fans will recognize each shirt, one from each movie. On the inside of the shirt there is a code that can be scanned or typed in a url and the movies can be accessed digitally from the garment. Once the user has come to the site, they have access to his movies. In purchasing the box set of shirts, they are stream the digital content. Having the code on the inside of the shirt allows for more secure access to the videos.
nrise Kingdom Moo
The United States Postal Service. The USPS is responsible for 40 percent the earths mail. It has also been around with its first employee, Benjamin Franklin. This ad campaign is titled “More Than Just Delivering.� The United States Postal Service workers do more than just deliver, they are the helping support that the community relies on, whether they realize it or not. Letter carriers are there for the community, they are able to be a lookout for the neighborhood, a friends to those who need, and a guide when you are unsure of where to go. Branching off the original print ads, a QR code is placed on the stamp. Once the viewer sees the code, they can scan with their smart phones or similar devices which takes them to the landing page, where they can learn more about their letter carriers. The stamp is issued as a 44 cent stamp and can be purchased for use. Twice the market is reached. The sender can learn more as well as the recipient of the letter!
NEIGHBORHOOD GUIDE more than just delivering
NEIGHBORHOOD FRIEND more than just delivering
NEIGHBORHOOD LOOKOUT more than just delivering
more than delivering
44 cents first class u.s. postage
tap to play
ever y mail carrier has a stor y
Wayne has a stor y. Way ne Newc o mb is n’ t jus t yo ur av erage m ail c arrier. H e is a father o f two b oy s and a hus b and to his wife. W hile o ut o n his ro ute, which he has b een o n fo r the p as t 1 9 years, he no tic ed a fam iliar wo mans m ail had b een p illing up ov er the week. She was in he 8 0 ’s and alway s greets Way ne with a s mile and as ks him how he’s b een. Way ne o ne d ay kno cked o n the wo m ans d o o r. H e d id n' t hea r any thing. H e p eaked into the c rack o f the wind ow next to the f ro nt d o o r and s aw the wo man lay ing o n the flo o r, with a table kno cked ov er next to her. Way ne quickly c alled 91 1 and an am bulanc e was quickly o n its way ! W hen the p aram ed ic s arriv ed they o p ened the d o o r and s av ed the wo m an. She had fallen and c o uld n' t get up. L acking the s trength s he lay o n the gro und fo r 3 d ay s until Way ne’s quick thinkings and ho s p italit y s av ed her! Witho ut Way ne d o ing his d aily ro utine o f his m ail d eliv er y ro ute, the wo man might no t
have be e n so for t unat e. The ne i g hbor hood has de e me d Wayne N e wcomb t he ne i g hbor hood look out . Hi s fami li ar i t y i n t he ne i g hbor hood has allowe d hi m t o spot any abnor mali t i e s. He si nce t he n, has save d t he ne i g hbor hood from a ve r y e lusi ve cat bur g lar, aft e r re por t i ng a van w i t h a man wai t i ng out si de a re si de nce t hat i t s occupant we re out of t ow n for t he we e k . Wayne i s doi ng more t han de li ve r i ng .
ever y mail carrier has a stor y
meet wayne
meet janet
meet joe
meet tammy
meet rick
meet joel
A group collaboration with fellow designer, Kristie Feltner and myself, the Delta interactive display was created. The display is located in Delta terminals across the United States. Travelers can interact with the display by stringing out where their travels will take them. They can then photograph and upload them to their favorite social networking sites to share with their friends. The feeling is personal and nostalgic; encouraging the traveler to call Delta when they arrive at their destination. In turn, this promotes feedback to the company in a fun and interactive way that allows the customer to be subtly reminded of their journey and to share it.