Move With Intermediate Brochure

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INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Supported by: Salford


Hosted By: All Hallows RC Business, Enterprise and Sports College



“The motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to maintain physical activity throughout life” (Professor Margaret Whitehead, Key features of a curriculum to promote physical literacy 2011) It is something that everyone has the potential to be, by undertaking an individual journey of guided learning through a range of activities. To become competent and confident movers, or physically literate, children need activities which promote: • Locomotion - movement from one point to another • Stability - body balance in static and dynamic movement situations • Object control - sending, receiving and controlling an object

THE NATIONAL CONTEXT Physical Literacy is both a national and international concern

The Youth Sport Trust has been working with Bupa to develop

with colleagues in many nations considering the model.

Start to Move, an approach which aims to provide teachers

Whilst we are in a transition with regard to National Curriculum content, it is certain that the concepts contained

with greater knowledge and confidence in how best to deliver PE to four to seven year olds in a fun and engaging way.

within physical literacy will be adaptable to any

Further information on this can be accessed

developments, as children need it to be confident in any


challenging physical situation.

‘MOVE WITH’ THE SALFORD PHYSICAL LITERACY PROGRAMME This resource has been developed locally by School Sport Partnerships in Salford over the last 18 months in partnership with All Hallows RC Business, Enterprise and Sports College

Agility, Balance and Co-ordination.

and Manchester United Foundation and has been funded and

The terms Locomotion, Stability and Object Control are likely to

supported by Salford Healthy Schools. It has been designed to

be used more frequently in the future when referencing Physical

provide teachers with a range of ideas and approaches which

Literacy development.

they can use to ensure that pupils develop the fundamental

These activities are embedded within the Salford Physical

skills and control that they need to take part effectively in PE

Literacy Programme, and progress from early movers or

and school sport. Physical Education in Foundation and KS1

Beginners, to Intermediate and Advanced. Whilst these are

provides children with movement vocabulary necessary for

progressive, they are not age specific and children should be

lifelong participation in physical activity, enabling them to be

able to complete challenges competently before moving on to

physically literate. This supports the development of competent

the next level. These challenges are an opportunity to assess


the personal progress children are making on their individual

Lesson plans are designed to be clear and simple, focusing on

physical literacy journey, and act as a benchmark at the

the quality of movement. Photographic images are used to

beginning and end of each level.

demonstrate what this quality looks like. Through familiarity with the format and principles, teachers will be able to adapt them to suit the differing learning needs of their children.


The activities in the programme are referred to as developing:




INTERMEDIATE UNIT: INFORMATION FOR TEACHERS UNIT OVERVIEW The intention of this scheme is to specifically develop pupils’s agility, balance, coordination and general body control over the course of this and subsequent units. This is achieved via structured lessons that focus on key movements outlined separately for each lesson, for example “balancing/dribbling” in lesson 3. In each lesson you will find descriptions of these movements for your ongoing assessment and also clearly labelled “teaching points” which will assist you in teaching the movements properly. In addition to this, we have provided a set assessment lesson for both the first and last lesson of each unit, the purpose of which is to provide you with a measurable and repeatable benchmark for each child’s attainment.

ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Each unit has three distinct challenges based around AGILITY, BALANCE and COORDINATION which the teacher can use as a guide to measure pupil attainment. Variations are taught in the first and last lesson of each unit. Key note on gathering evidence:

l Video or photo evidence should be used to compare performance between the two assessment lessons at either end of the unit. The assessment criteria for the first and last lesson of this unit are as follows:

C HA L L ENGES CHALLENGE 1 (agility): Can pupils move easily among others, evade defenders and change direction with control? ASSESSMENT POINTS: WHAT TO LOOK FOR PUPILS SHOULD BE:-

1. Looking ahead and anticipating movements of defenders 2. Shifting body weight from one foot to the other to change direction


3. Controlling speed: accelerating by leaning forward on their toes and decelerating by leaning back on their heels

‘MOVE WITH’ CHALLENGE 2 (balance): Can pupils balance on one leg while throwing and catching? ASSESSMENT POINTS: WHAT TO LOOK FOR PUPILS SHOULD BE:BALANCING 1. Stood upright with a straight back, using arms to balance



1. Be looking towards the target (i.e. catcher)

1. Watching / tracking the path of the object to be caught

2. Adjusting their body weight and arm placement to retain balance, e.g. by moving arms slightly

2. Be throwing underarm, aiming towards the target

2. Adjusting position (e.g. by hopping) when necessary to match object path, retaining balance throughout

CHALLENGE 3 (coordination focus): Can pupils throw a beanbag into the hoop with accuracy, evading a defender? ASSESSMENT POINTS: WHAT TO LOOK FOR PUPILS SHOULD BE:1. Looking towards / focusing on target 2. Throwing with an underarm action with control

4. Evading defender’s movements with counter movements (e.g. looking around opponent, moving side to side to find space to throw)

3. Watching defender’s movement



UNIT AND LESSON NUMBER: INTERMEDIATE LESSON 1 Movements/skills covered in this session A S S E S S M E N T S E S S I O N : GENERAL BODY CONTROL, AGILITY, BALANCE AND COORDINATION VIA THROWING / CATCHING / DEFENDING / EVADING DEFENDERS EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES IDEAL l Cones l 4 hoops (same size) l beanbags (enough for one per pair) l 4 sets of coloured bibs MINIMUM OR ALTERNATIVE l Assorted beanbag or small balls (enough for 1 per pair) l Hall or playground markings l small amount of cones to make ‘goals’ for main game

T E A C H I N G P O I N T S F O R T H I S L E S S O N : How to teach these movements T H R O W I N G Stand facing the target - keep your feet still - throw with an underarm action, pulling your throwing arm back behind your body, and forwards in an arc to release the object in front of you

C A T C H I N G Keep an eye on the ball – put hands together in a cup shape – wrap hands around it and pull it into body

EVADING DEFENDERS Track movements of other team members – look for space to move into – communicate with team members to make the best use of space


D E F E N D I N G (THROWING CONTEXT E.G. NETBALL / BASKETBALL) Place yourself in the path of the ball (i.e. between the two opponents who are passing it) – extend your arms above your head – make your body as large as possible – move your arms and body to intercept the ball

W A R M U P A C T I V I T Y: FOOTIE MIMES: GENERAL AGILITY/BALANCE A N D C O O R D I N AT I O N l Set out a plain coned area as per main game but without hoops and cones l Pupils walk around, gradually increasing movement to explore the space l Introduce series of mimes relating to football, as follows: rolling/bowling action = “goalie”, jumping/heading action = “header”, kicking imaginary ball in net = “striker – pupils then respond to commands as they are shouted PROGRESSION IF TIME: l Walk around with a ball and ask pupils to catch it and return it l Use a variety of throws and bounces at different heights l Extend to providing 3 or 4 pupils with balls in the same role and repeat


OGRE AND SWAMP l Set out area as per Diagram 1 l The aim of the game is for children to take turns to approach the defender (ogre) individually and try to throw a beanbag into the hoop (swamp) l The attacker then takes the place of the defender and the defender goes to the back of the line l Extend to splitting children into groups of 3-4 attackers at one time and 1 defender to play the game on their own TEACHING POINT: Take time to demonstrate how the ogre should defend, using Q and A where possible EXTENSION SUGGESTION: WARM UP: Add more mimes or choose a different topic area e.g. animals, alphabet. MAIN TASK: Use more defenders






UNIT AND LESSON NUMBER: INTERMEDIATE LESSON 2 Movements/skills covered in this session A S S E S S M E N T S E S S I O N : SKIPPING / JUMPING / THROWING (UNDERARM) EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES IDEAL l 20-30 Rubber marker spots l small cones of various colours l 1 large ball between two l Class set of coloured bibs MINIMUM OR ALTERNATIVE l Hall or playground markings l Chalked ‘spots’ on yard playground l 1 large ball between 3

T E A C H I N G P O I N T S F O R T H I S L E S S O N : How to teach these movements T H R O W I N G Stand facing the target with large ball in both hands keep your feet still – lift the ball away from your body with an underarm action towards partner in an arc l As per lesson one

C A T C H I N G Extend both hands forward beneath the ball – cradle the ball and pull into the body l As per lesson one

DEFENDING/EVADING D E F E N D E R S Place yourself in the path of the ball (i.e. between the two opponents who are passing it) – extend your arms above your head – make your body as large as possible – move your arms and body to intercept the ball

BOUNCING l Individually: Stand upright with ball in both hands – drop ball – catch with both hands l To a partner: Face opposite your partner with ball held in both hands up to chest – choose a spot on floor – push ball from chest to bounce on spot – receive the catch back from partner with both hands and pull the ball into chest


‘MOVE WITH’ W A R M U P A C T I V I T Y: PLANET SWAP: THROWING/ C AT C H I N G / BOUNCING l Set out space as per DIAGRAM 1 with two equal colour of marker spots distributed in area e.g blue/red l With one ball between two, children to move between spots while throwing the ball to their partner. On command ‘swap’, children to place their ball down and run to another ball to begin process over PROGRESSION: l Move between spots bouncing/passing the ball 3 times on each spot to their partner before moving to a different spot l How many spots can they hit in a set time?



‘MOVE WITH’ MAIN GAME: HIT THE SPOT S M A L L- S I D E D T E A M G A M E : THROWING/ C AT C H I N G / BOUNCING l Keep area set out with spots as per diagram 1 l Split children into teams of 3 or 4 with coloured bibs (more if children are more able) l Put two teams in the area and assign each team a colour of spot as their ‘targets’ l The aim of the game is for them to score for their team by passing the ball around their players and for any player to bounce the ball on their own coloured spot l The other team has to tig them or intercept the ball to gain possession TEACHER NOTES: l Cones could be used instead of spots, with children touching the cones to score points EXTENSION SUGGESTIONS: WARM UP : Introduce the command ‘change partner’, allowing children to throw the ball to different classmates MAIN TASK: Progress to the removal of opponent’s spots when hit, eventually leading to one team being eliminated due to losing their spots





UNIT AND LESSON NUMBER: INTERMEDIATE LESSON 3 Movements/skills covered in this session ASSESSMENT DRIBBLING/BALANCE EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES IDEAL l Cones l rubber spots MINIMUM OR ALTERNATIVE l Hall or playground markings l 15-20 cones l 1 ball between two

T E A C H I N G P O I N T S F O R T H I S L E S S O N : How to teach these movements




Stand upright with a straight back – make your body stiff – stretch out your arms in a scarecrow shape – move them if you have to keep your balance

Start slowly, walking with ball at feet – keep eye on ball use the toes to control the ball forwards - use the sole of the foot to stop (trap) the ball if you are losing it

‘MOVE WITH’ W A R M U P A C T I V I T Y: F I N D A S P O T: BALANCE l Set out area as per DIAGRAM 1 l Ask children to jog around the area l On a signal (e.g. whistle or a clap of hands) they have to balance on a spot on one leg l Insert a variety of different movements such as bunny-hopping, hopping, star jumps, while keeping the balance element the same l Extend to playing a game of ‘musical spots’ by removing 3 or 4 spots l Play again, with children without spots each time doing a task e.g. 5 star jumps/twist and turns



Dribbling obstacle course (diagram 2)


obstacle course for each team using just 4 cones with a hoop

l If not enough footballs for one each, this game can be

at the end with one ball for each team member – each team


Split children into four teams and set up the same slalom

played with one between two, with the children dribbling

member, one at a time, has to slalom between the cones and

then passing the ball to their team mate to repeat

retrieve a ball, which they must dribble back. The first team to

l Encourage the children to start dribbling slowly until they

collect all their balls wins the game.

gain better control KEEP AREA AS DIAGRAM 1 l Give children a football each and demonstrate how to WALK THE DOG by dribbling the ball, guiding it with the toes around the spots l Children to try to do the same, in and out of spots. l Add the command SIT, meaning that they should stop and trap the ball with the sole of their foot DIAGRAM 2

l Add more commands as follows: KENNEL = take ball back to a spot NAUGHTY DOG = tap the ball forward, run after it and trap it


SWAPSY = like Kennel, but leaving the ball on the spot and

WARM-UP : Teacher to make up own commands to

getting another different ball

add to those given

PAT THE DOG = keep ball still and alternately tap each foot on top of the ball

MAIN TASK: If time, add more equipment to the obstacle course

HUG THE DOG = pick up the ball and hold it to the chest l Progress to a ‘musical spots’ version as per warm up game



UNIT AND LESSON NUMBER: INTERMEDIATE LESSON 4 Movements/skills covered in this session A S S E S S M E N T S E S S I O N : FAST FEET / LADDER FAMILIARISATION EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES IDEAL l 3 agility ladders l 5-10 cones l 3 sets of coloured bibs MINIMUM OR ALTERNATIVE l A line of cones to replace ladders l chalked ‘ladders’ on yard l small amount of cones

T E A C H I N G P O I N T S F O R T H I S L E S S O N : How to teach these movements LADDER WORK

Keep body upright – use light movements - stay on toes – move arms backwards and forwards

as if running. These are some of the ladder movements they could try:



One foot in each space

Two feet in each space

DEAD LEG RUN Moving down one side of the ladder, lifting the inner foot high as if keeping a ball up, but keeping the outer foot close to the floor in a small hop



Moving across the ladder sideways and back again with both feet in each space

‘MOVE WITH’ W A R M U P A C T I V I T Y: AEROBIC WARM-UP: TOP OF THE TEN l Children to jog around area Children in facing groups behind cones

l On command (e.g. clap or a whistle) they stop l On count of ten they run on spot, getting faster and faster l On count back down they slow down to a stop l Repeat LADDER FAMILIARISATION


l Set out area as per DIAGRAM 1 (NOTE: cones or chalk markings can be used instead of ladders) l Show how to move up ladder on toes, with one foot in each space as if jogging lightly l Pupils to take turns travelling across from alternate sides and joining the back of the opposing line l Repeat so that each pupil has at least three attempts l Progress to DIAGRAM 2, with pupils running with one foot in the ladder and crossing over DIAGRAM 2

MAIN GAME: TRIANGULAR DRILL: GENERAL AGILITY/LADDER WORK l Set out area as per DIAGRAM 3 l Put children into 3 teams with different bibs l Aim of the game is for each team to move along the ladder to the centre then move CLOCKWISE around the circuit, joining the back of each line PROGRESSIONS: l Use different movements l Use 4 ladders and 4 teams, with 2 going one way and two another, crossing over as per diagram 2 EXTENSION SUGGESTIONS: Use different footsteps for going through each ladder – see lesson notes.




UNIT AND LESSON NUMBER: INTERMEDIATE LESSON 5 Movements/skills covered in this session ASSESSMENT SESSION: AGILITY EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES IDEAL l 4 ladders l 4 footballs l variety of PE equipment for main game l 30 footballs or large balls l 30 marker spots MINIMUM OR ALTERNATIVE l Hall or playground markings l 4 footballs l cones or chalk markings to serve as ladders l whatever other PE equipment is available for main game

TEACHING POINTS FOR THIS LESSON: How to teach these movements DRIBBLING (as per lesson 3) DRIBBLING Start slowly, walking with ball at feet – keep eye on ball - use the toes to control the ball forwards - use the sole of the foot to stop (trap) the ball if you are losing it


‘MOVE WITH’ W A R M U P A C T I V I T Y: LADDER DRILLS: AGILITY/DRIBBLING l Set out area as per DIAGRAM 1 with 3 cones alongside a ladder l Split children into 4/5 teams with each team at end of ladders as per diagram l Ask each team to move across the ladders with one foot in each ladder space and by swerving in and out of cones


l Ask children then to invent own ways of moving down the course PROGRESSION: Dribbling ladder drill l Add footballs as per DIAGRAM 2 and repeat the first game, this time with children dribbling the ball forward to the next cone before turning and

Dribble ball then turn and pass back to partner following behind


carrying it back to the following partner

MAIN GAME: C R O S S OV E R O B S TA C L E C O U R S E : AGILITY l Set out area as per DIAGRAM 3 (NOTE: any PE obstacles can be used so long as it provides a crossover course) l Split children into two teams and position them at opposite corners of the course l Choose one child to complete the course, giving instructions on the way for other children to observe SAFETY RULES l Pupils must always use the correct movements as per the starting example l Give way to a pupil coming from the opposite direction if they are there first l Only one person per piece of equipment (e.g. ladder) at same time EXTENSION: Add a similar dribbling task to the warm up game e.g. teams have to take a ball from a centre ‘nest’ (i.e. a hoop) and dribble it through the second half of the course.

Team B

Team A




UNIT AND LESSON NUMBER: INTERMEDIATE LESSON 6 Movements/skills covered in this session A S S E S S M E N T S E S S I O N : SIDE STEP / SEND AND RECEIVE EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES IDEAL l 4 ladders l beanbags l coloured bibs MINIMUM OR ALTERNATIVE l Hall or playground markings l cones or chalk to replace ladders l 4 beanbags

T E A C H I N G P O I N T S F O R T H I S L E S S O N : How to teach these movements S I D E S T E P Keep body upright - stay light on toes – move arms forwards and backwards as if running

SENDING A BEANBAG Look towards catcher – say their name - throw the beanbag underarm when they respond

RECEIVING ( C AT C H I N G ) A BEANBAG Extend both hands forward beneath the ball – cradle the ball and pull into the body l As per lesson one


‘MOVE WITH’ W A R M U P A C T I V I T Y: TROPHY ROOM: GENERAL AGILITY l Set out area as per DIAGRAM 1 with cones spread in area (enough for one per child) l Jog around lightly on toes, picking and holding up ‘trophy’ (cone) on command ‘trophy’ l Add these different commands: ‘Heavy’ – children pretend it is hard to lift ‘Light’ – children pretend that the trophy is easy to lift PROGRESSION: l Balance on one foot while holding ‘trophy’ l First person to bring the teacher a specific coloured cone wins a point EXTENSION: Add a similar dribbling task to the warm up game e.g. teams have to take a ball from a centre ‘nest’ (i.e. a hoop) and dribble it through the second half of the course.


MAIN GAME: LADDERS GAME: SIDESTEP & SEND AND RECEIVE CONTINUING LADDER FAMILIARISATION l Set out ladders and allow children to move down the ladder at least twice each as per previous lessons MOVING ON TO: l Set out area as per DIAGRAM 2 with teams lining up behind the ladders l The aim of the game is for each person to side step through the ladder while catching a beanbag from the ‘feeder’ l Ensure that the children know that the feeder moves with the catcher l The child on the ladder then becomes the feeder for the next child EXTENSION SUGGESTIONS: WARM-UP: Teacher to make up own commands to add to those given MAIN TASK: Put a hoop with beanbags in at the end of each ladder – the aim of the game is to side step and collect all the beanbags before the other teams.








UNIT AND LESSON NUMBER: INTERMEDIATE LESSON 7 Movements covered in this session A S S E S S M E N T S E S S I O N : PIVOT/TURN/TWIST + SEND/RECEIVE EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES IDEAL l 30 cones/beanbags l ladders x 4 MINIMUM OR ALTERNATIVE l Hall or playground markings l small amount of cones l beanbags, small balls or other items to throw/catch

T E A C H I N G P O I N T S F O R T H I S L E S S O N : How to teach these movements S E N D / R E C E I V E (AS PER LESSON 6) TWIST/TURN Feet together – swing arms to the opposite side you want to twist – swing them back and jump at the same time, facing in the new direction and then repeat – remember this is a jump so also bend knees on jumping and landing


‘MOVE WITH’ W A R M U P A C T I V I T Y: TROPHY ROOM: GENERAL AGILITY QUICK AEROBIC WARM UP l Set out area as per DIAGRAM 1 with cones spread around area l Play ‘trophy room’ game from lesson 6, using the later progressions if not covered last time


LADDER WARM UP l Split children into 4 teams with 4 ladders l Children to move up and down with increasing speed and control using a wide range of movements e.g. bouncing, jumping, hopping 1 foot to the other foot etc. Progress to crossover work, with children returning past a partner down the same ladder as in lesson 4

MAIN GAME: TWISTER: PIVOT/TURN/TWIST + SEND/RECEIVE l Set out 4 ladders with cones alternately either side as per DIAGRAM 2 l Demonstrate how pupils need to move in a pivoting motion as per DIAGRAM


3, reaching down to touch cones NOTE: this is a complex move and may require re-teaching as the activity progresses l Increase pace as pupils’ skills improve PROGRESSION:


l Lead on to providing a feeder each side of the ladder as per DIAGRAM 4 to throw and catch a beanbag to them alternately all the way down the line.


Children swap with a feeder when they reach the end. (TEACHING POINT: ensure children know who has to swap so that all children get an equal turn).


END GAME: l Which team can get all the players to the other end in the fastest time, without dropping the beanbag? EXTENSION SUGGESTIONS: MAIN TASK: Repeat with another beanbag balanced on the head of the child going down the ladder. Can they make it down without dropping it?




UNIT AND LESSON NUMBER: INTERMEDIATE LESSON 8 Movements covered in this session P I V O T / T U R N / T W I S T + S E N D / R E C E I V E ( C O N S O L I DAT I O N O F L E S S O N 7 ) EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES IDEAL l 30 cones l footballs l large balls l ladders x 4 MINIMUM OR ALTERNATIVE l Hall or playground markings l small amount of cones l different sized balls or other items to throw/catch

T E A C H I N G P O I N T S F O R T H I S L E S S O N : How to teach these movements P I V O T / T U R N / T W I S T : AS PER PREVIOUS LESSONS S E N D / R E C E I V E : AS PER PREVIOUS LESSONS W A R M U P A C T I V I T Y: ‘BUNDLES’ GAME: GENERAL AGILITY l Children jog around in space


l On command they have to get in a ‘bundle’ of a given number, points awarded to the quickest TEACHING/PLANNING NOTE: This is a consolidation lesson to allow the children to practice the complex pivot movement from the last lesson, INTER 7. As such the instructions are the same (apart from the final progression which uses a large ball instead of a beanbag) as follows:


l Set out 4 ladders with cones alternately either side as per DIAGRAM 1


l Demonstrate how pupils need to move in a pivoting motion as per DIAGRAM 2, reaching down to touch cones


l Increase pace as pupils’ skills improve PROGRESSION: l Lead on to providing a feeder each side of the ladder as per DIAGRAM 3 throw and catch a beanbag back alternately all the way down the line. Children swap with a feeder when they read the end. (TEACHING POINT: ensure children know who has to swap so that all children get an equal turn). END GAME: l Which team can get all the players to the other end in the fastest time, without dropping the ball? EXTENSION SUGGESTIONS: WARM UP: Children could use different movements to move around the hall e.g. bunny hop/hop/leap/star jump. MAIN GAME: Provide different methods of feeding the ball e.g. throwing to head, bouncing to foot – also can children balance a beanbag on their head while they move down the ladder?






UNIT AND LESSON NUMBER: INTERMEDIATE LESSON 9 Movements/skills covered in this session A S S E S S M E N T S E S S I O N : PIVOT/TURN/TWIST + HEADING OR CATCHING THE BALL EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES IDEAL l Cones l balls l ladders x 4 MINIMUM OR ALTERNATIVE l Hall or playground markings l small amount of cones l 4 footballs

T E A C H I N G P O I N T S F O R T H I S L E S S O N : How to teach these movements P I V O T / T U R N / T W I S T : AS IN PREVIOUS LESSONS

HEADING Stand straight in front of the ball – keep watching the ball – move the head forward to make contact with the forehead

C AT C H I N G I N F R O N T OF THE HEAD Stand straight in front of the ball – keep watching the ball – move hands to catch the ball before it reaches the forehead


‘MOVE WITH’ W A R M U P A C T I V I T Y: (SAME AS LESSON 1) FOOTIE MIMES: GENERAL AGILITY/BALANCE A N D C O O R D I N AT I O N FOOTIE MIMES l Pupils walk around, gradually increasing movement to explore the space l Introduce series of mimes relating to football, as follows: rolling/bowling action = “goalie”, jumping/heading action = “header”, kicking imaginary ball in net = “striker” – pupils then respond to commands as they are shouted PROGRESSION IF TIME: l Walk around with a ball and ask pupils to catch it and return it l Use a variety of throws and bounces at different heights l Extend to providing 3 or 4 pupils with balls in the same role and repeat

MAIN GAME: CRAB SHUFFLE P I V O T I N G D E V E LO P M E N T + H E A D I N G PART ONE: PIVOT DEVELOPMENT l Remind children of the pivoting movement from previous sessions and practice once as in diagram 1 l Extend to the diagram 2 movement, with children pivoting to cross the ladder as shown l Allow children several attempts to complete this more complex movement PROGRESSION: Can pupils put together their own sequence of twists and turns to progress down the ladder? PART TWO: HEAD OR CATCH l Demonstrate how to catch a large ball as per enclosed ‘teaching notes’ l Provide a feeder each side of the ladder as per DIAGRAM 3 from previous lessons l Using the basic pivot from DIAGRAM 1, pupils have to catch the ball and throw back to the feeder (Children to swap with a feeder when they reach the end). l Demonstrate how to head a large ball as per enclosed ‘teaching notes’ l Repeat task asking pupils to choose whether to head or catch and throw the ball back to the feeder EXTENSION SUGGESTIONS: WARM UP: Children can add more mimes or choose a different topic area e.g. animals, alphabet.

Feeder Feeder DIAGRAM 1





UNIT AND LESSON NUMBER: INTERMEDIATE LESSON 10 Movements/skills covered in this session A S S E S S M E N T S E S S I O N : PIVOTING / JUMPING / THROWING / CATCHING / BALANCING / DRIBBLING / BOUNCING AND CATCHING EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES IDEAL l 5 x rubber marker spots l 2 x ladders l small cones of various colours l 10 x hoops l 12 x beanbags l 6 x footballs l 4 x hurdles MINIMUM OR ALTERNATIVE l Hall or playground markings l cones l selection of hoops l selection of different sized balls

NOTES ON THIS ASSESSMENT LESSON: This lesson comprises a series of ‘stations’ which provide you with the opportunity to assess the development of children’s skills over the course of the programme. After demonstrating each station, provide the children with the opportunity to experience all the stations and observe their movement, taking more than one lesson if required.




with beanbags and one other empty hoop at end. Also with alternate cones either side l Pupils pick up a beanbag and carry it to the other hoop in a twisting motion as per DIAGRAM 2, while also reaching down to touch the cones on each side


STATION TWO: JUMP AND CATCH KEY MOVEMENT(S) ASSESSED: JUMPING / THROWING / CATCHING HOW TO USE: l Set up ladder as per DIAGRAM 3, with one start hoop filled with beanbags and one other empty hoop at end l Pupils pick up a beanbag and throw and catch it upwards while


jumping two footed through the ladders STATION THREE: HURDLE BALANCE KEY MOVEMENT(S) ASSESSED: BALANCE / JUMPING HOW TO USE: l Set up area as per DIAGRAM 4, with one start hoop filled with beanbags and one other empty hoop at end l Pupils pick up a beanbag and balance it on their head while stepping over the hurdles


(NOTE: CONES COULD BE USED IF HURDLES ARE NOT AVAILABLE) l They take a final throw into the hoop and return back to the line STATION FOUR: BALL COLLECTING KEY MOVEMENT(S) ASSESSED: DRIBBLING HOW TO USE: l Set up area as per DIAGRAM 5, with one empty start hoop and one other hoop at end filled with footballs l Pupils run to collect a ball with their feet and then dribble


it back to the empty hoop STATION FIVE: BOUNCE AND CATCH KEY MOVEMENT(S) ASSESSED: BOUNCE / CATCH HOW TO USE: l Set up area as per DIAGRAM 6, with one start hoop filled with either large balls or tennis balls, and one empty hoop at end, joined by a line of spots l The aim is for pupils to take a ball and bounce and catch


it on each spot and put it in the end hoop


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: All Hallows RC Business, Enterprise and Sports College, Manchester United Foundation and NHS Salford for their support The pupils and staff at Claypool Primary School and St Luke’s CE Primary School All coaches who contributed to the development of the programme ‘Move With’ ORIGINAL CONCEPT: Dean Gilmore and Andy Smith WRITTEN BY: Darren Birchall and Elaine Gilmore EDITED BY: Dean Gilmore, Elaine Gilmore and Andy Smith PHOTOGRAPHS BY: Bill McLaughlin DESIGN BY: TEN94 DESiGN

This booklet is intended to be used by schools to help develop Physical Literacy in a simple and fun way. It is not to be used for commercial gain by any organisation and the session plans remain the property of School Sport Partnerships in Salford. No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without prior permission of the publisher. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of this booklet, School Sport Partnerships in Salford cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies or changes since compilation. This booklet is distributed free of charge to members of School Sport Partnerships in Salford on the condition that School Sport Partnerships in Salford, or the authors, are not held responsible in any way for any incident or accident that may occur as a result of undue care and concern shown in the delivery of ‘Move With’.

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