Agricultural Mixtures Short, Medium, Long and Specialist Mixtures, Reseed & Rejuvenate, Legumes, Red Clover, Vetch & Lucerne, Sainfoin, Organic Mixtures, Green Manures, Chicory, Brassicas & Root crops, Kale, Stubble Turnips, Fodder Rape & Fodder Beet. Offering clients bespoke mixtures and ready made mixtures contained in this brochure. Our commitment to service is uncomprimised, with many of our clients already experiencing a friendly, efficient and speedy service that comes second to none with delivery throughout the UK.
NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE or call 01377 271 400 to order.
All major cards accepted. sUPeRIOR QUALITY seed eVeRY TIMe
Hurrells (Hurrell & McLean Seeds Ltd) Beverley Road Cranswick Driffield. east Yorkshire. YO25 9PF Tel: +44(1377) 271400 2
CONTeNTS 4 5-7 8-9 10-11 12-14 15-18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31
Welcome Sort Term Mixtures Terranova (NEW) Medium Term Mixtures Long Term Mixtures Specialist Term Mixtures Reseed & Rejuvenate Legumes Red Clover Vetch & Lucerne Legumes Sainfoin Clover Root Weevil Green Manures Chicory (Cichorium Intybus) Brassicas & Root crops Kale Stubble Turnips Fodder Rape & Fodder Beet Stubble Turnip Mix
“The right mix of grass varieties and clovers, managed correctly – underpins the high quality, cost effective-feed strategy here at Elm House Farm. Hurrell & McLean provide the whole package of seed and management advice, with a tremendous depth of knowledge that has enabled us to push the boundaries of forage production-finishing heifers’’ MikE PowLEy Elm House Red Herd owner. 2005 and 2006 Beef Farmer of the year.
Useful Contact Numbers Soil Association Certification Ltd Tel: 0117 914 2412 DEFRA Tel: 08459 33 55 77 Environment Agency Tel: 08708 506 506 Healthy Food Production Tel:01278 683066 Royal Association British Dairy Farmers Tel: 0845 458 2711 Tel: 01684 892661
welCOMe ‘’Hope you like our new forage grass seed brochure that introduces new mixes and improved varieties for this forthcoming year. Hurrells have developed dramatically over the last few years –brand new warehousing and the completed conversion of 200 year old barns to new offices-it’s a very exciting time to be at Hurrells. Hurrells have committed to holding good stocks of individual grasses for this year and we can now offer next day service for most parts of the UK-that means your mixture delivery is only a phone call away. We are also on the internet where the new web site is live and online at – where game cover seed and environmental mixes are also available, and only a click away.
Nick Gladstone MD
Although grass seed availability has not been as plentiful as normal, we now have a full portfolio of superb grasses that we have commercially evaluated for superior performance. All grasses and mixtures have the Hurrells guarantee and peace of mind of superior quality and performance.’’ Nick Gladstone
The tea m and cu , where Q ualit y s to mer ser vice are N o. 1. Here to help! 4
SHORT TeRM MixTUReS HM.13 Dynamo
5.0 kg EMERSON
l Grows a mature crop in 8 weeks!
4.0 kg LEMNOS
l Very fast growth habit 6.0 kg ENERGYL
l Easy to establish mixture l Catch crop for Cutting & Grazing l Includes top performing LEMNOS l Multicut Westerwolds l Brilliant first cut and early spring growth l Can be sown after maize or spring sown
4.0 kg
LEMNOS, Westerwolds Ryegrass
6.0 kg
ENERGYL, Italian Ryegrass
5.0 kg
EMERSON (TET), Italian Ryegrass
15.0 kilos per acre
3.0 kg
LIGRANDE, Italian Ryegrass
3.0 kg
MERIBEL, Italian Ryegrass
5.0 kg
EMERSON (TET), Italian Ryegrass
14.0 kilos per acre 1
EMERSON (TET), Italian Ryegrass
BANQUET11 (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
MERIBEL, Italian Ryegrass
3.0 kg
LIGRANDE, Italian Ryegrass
A short term mixture for top quality silage. The mixture is designed to give optimum 70D value in combination with yield. The varieties have good winter hardiness
BANQUET11 (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
HM21. Peover
HM.6 Short Term
“After an autumn reseed with HM14, we took 2 silage cuts this year, in what was the very driest year i remember and achieved 14 tonnes per acre in the 1st cut and 12 tonnes per acre in the 2nd cut awaiting 3rd cut as we speak.
A 1-2 year mixture that will produce high yields of quality hay or silage but can also be aftermath grazed if required. The sward will respond well to nitrogen and is highly suited to high input regimes.
Hurrells seeds take some beating-this field just grew and grew-never known grass like it’’
4.0 kg
ENERGYL, Italian Ryegrass
4.0 kg
EMERSON (TET), Italian Ryegrass
4.0 kg
BANQUET11 (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
3.0 kg
PREMIUM, Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
15.0 kilos per acre
Mr R Greenall, Hollin House farm. 3.0 kg PREMIUM
4.0 kg ENERGYL
4.0 kg BANQUET11
4.0 kg EMERSON
HM.10 Short Term Hi Pro-Red This 1 – 2 year low input mixture will give good yields of high quality silage, which will be high in protein and trace elements. The Red Clover will not only add to the feed value of the silage but will also fix large amounts of atmospheric nitrogen, which will benefi t not only this ley but also the following crop. The late heading perennial ryegrass is prostrate in it’s growth habit and therefore will give good ground cover for late grazing as well as acting as a weed suppressant. 3.0
3.0 kg ENERGYL, Italian Ryegrass 3.0 kg EMERSON (TET), Italian Ryegrass 2.5 kg STERLING (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
2.0 kg CANCAN, Late Perennial Ryegrass 2.0 kg MERVIOT, Broad Red Clover
ENERGYL, Italian Ryegrass
EMERSON (TET), Italian Ryegrass
12.5 kilos per acre
STERLING (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
CANCAN, Late Perennial Ryegrass
MERVIOT, Broad Red Clover
HM.9 Forage express l Will last upto 2 years l High protein forage l Very early spring growth with maximum yields at first cut l High sugar content for maximum fermentation l Contains high levels of improved Red Clover varieties for high Nitrogen fixation l Includes Vetch for supreme Nitrogen fixing and increase of protein l Soil conditioner for successive cropping l Well suited to high input and also low input systems. 5.0 kg
ENERGYL, Italian Ryegrass
4.0 kg
EMERSON (TET), Italian Ryegrass
2.0 kg
MERVIOT, Broad Red Clover
1.0 kg
CONTEA/INTA, Crimson Clover
5.0 kg
SLOVENA, Common Vetch
17.0 kilos per acre 5.0
TeRRANOVA Bio-Fumigant
Beats Nematodes 3 Increases Organic Matter 3 Domestos for Soil A green manure planted before the susceptible crop.
The main goals of any fodder radish cover crop in arable
Purpose bred to naturally reduce nematode populations by
farming are to:
up to 300%. Nematodes are especially a problem in
➢ To catch nutrients that may be lost after the growing
potatoes and carrots –Terranova reduces damaging
season and reduce nitrogen leaching
nematode populations in potato, sugar beet and carrot
➢ To reduce soil erosion and weed growth
crops increases organic matter, “domestos” for soils
➢ To suppress Nematode populations
Terranova has been bred especially for this use to reduce nematodes and is a high glucosinolate variety, required to produce high levels of Isothiocynate (ICT) for effective suppression of soil borne pests and diseases. l Topical and popular with potato farmersl Biofumigant l Green Manure
➢ It is more effective than mustard and other fumigant crops Terra Nova, Anti Nematode Radish is an excellent cover crop for use before a sugar beet, potato or carrot crop due to its OUTSTANDING ability to reduce the population of nematodes in the soil. It has been purpose bred to reduce the amount of potato cyst nematode. Not only is it a nonhost plant to the Nematode thereby giving them nothing to feed on but it also, on ploughing back into the soil, releases a
l Late sown cover crop
bio fumigant that helps to reduce the number of nematodes
l Nitrogen catcher
even further which in turn drastically lowers the risk to
l Erosion control
future (highly susceptible) potato crops.
l Improve’s soil organic matter
TERRANOVA is also a very deep rooting variety of fodder
l Domestos for soil
radish, this is beneficial because it also ensures that the
Husbandry tips Chop biomass plant when TERRANOVA is 50% flowering for best results, chop into small pieces to rupture the most cells possible.
nutrients that can be located deep in the soil can be utilized where as other crops are unable to extend their root network deep enough to reach.
Choose moist conditions when incorporating
The chart below shows just how deep the fodder radish
as moisture is essential to the chemical reaction.
roots grow compared to the root network of other
We recommend 80kg of Nitrogen per Ha for maximum
agricultural crops.
bio-fumigation from a well developed crop.
0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Radish Winter Rape Rygrass
The graph below shows results from trial work carried out in Germany showing the number of nematode egg masses per potato planted after various varieties of radish.
Agronomic Guidance The idea is to produce a dense crop that also has a high degree of biomass because these crops have a greater impact upon nematode population in the soil, which in turn improves the quality of the following potato crop. To get the best results from TERRANOVA it is recommended that around 80 units of nitrogen is applied and that the crop should be ploughed in once around 50% has started to flower. The natural bio-fumigant that is contained within TERRANOVA becomes active immediately upon “chopping� and once the crop is ploughed under the nematode population starts to reduce. In choosing, TERRANOVA is a valuable and beneficial cover crop to be used after a harvest of sugar beet or potatoes and is likely to become very popular in the upcoming years.
Radish Varieties
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
MeDiUM TeRM MixTUReS HM.11 Multi Strike
HM.14 Hybrid Power
l Easily lasts 3-4 years
l Hybrids combine the yield of an Italian and the quality/sugar content of a quality perennial that has more leafy growth characteristics
l Very potent mixture of high yielding grasses l Suitable for all cutting managements including haylage and silage l Great for high input systems-can be cut upto 4 times
l Hybrids establish much faster than normal perennials and are very easy to establish and grow
l Can be aftermath grazed later in the year
l Most Hybrids are also tetraploids so offer excellent silage fermentation
l Will respond well to nitrogen can be pushed hard for incredible yield
l HM14 can be used for hay or silage
l Good winter hardiness for use in marginal areas l Best cut at 4 inch cutting height or 10cm.
l Very good palatability even in summer production l Will last easily 4 years and in kinder seasons and good management will last upto 5 years
4.5 kg
STERLING (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
5.0 kg
BANQUET11 (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
l Can be grazed and is useful for a 2 heavy cuts and graze system
5.5 kg
DORIAL (DIP) Diploid Hybrid
l Excellent leafy weed suppression.
15.0 kilos per acre
4.0 kg
FLEURIAL (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
4.0 kg
BANQUET11 (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
4.0 kg
BREE, Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
3.0 kg
FOXTROT, Late Perennial Ryegrass
15.0 kg per acre 3.0 kg FOXTROT
5.0 kg BANQUET11 (TET) 4.0 kg FLEURIAL
4.0 kg BREE
5.5 kg DORIAL (DIP)
4.0 kg BANQUET11
0.0 kg
1.0 kg
2.0 kg
3.0 kg
4.0 kg
5.0 kg
6.0 kg
HM14C Power + Clover
4.0 kg
STERLING Hybrid Tetraploid
4.0 kg
BANQUET11 hybrid tetraploid
l High protein levels from the higher yielding large white clover specially selected for this mix
4.0 kg
OCEAL Intermediate Diploid
2.0 kg
INNOVAL Late Diploid
l Fixes very good levels of Nitrogen.
1.0 kg
VIKING Dual Clover
l Extremely high yielding for cutting through the hybrid tetraploid and intermediate diploid varieties
15 kg per acre
l Very good summer grazing and high palatability l Will produce 2 heavy silage cuts of good protein with excellent grazing aftermath
“Hurrell & Mclean Seeds combine the reliability and service of a small family business with a good range of competitively priced products� MR T SelleRS, Carr House Farm, Foston on the wolds
HM.16 Medium Term Hi Pro Red This 3-4 year mixture is more persistent than HM.17 and although it has slightly lower annual yields in the first harvest year, it will still produce large amounts of protein rich silage of a very high quality. This mixture can be aftermath grazed if required and with the nitrogen fixing qualities of the Red Clover this mixture, when ploughed in will not only improve the soil structure but also leave large amounts of residual nitrogen for any following crop. 3.0 kg
STERLING (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
3.5 kg
BANQUET11 (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
3.0 kg
CALIBRA (TET), Perennial Ryegrass
1.5 kg
START/MERVIOT, Broad Red Clover
1.0 kg
ALTASWEDE, Late Flowering Red Clover
HM.22 Hurrells Somerford A 3-4 year mixture well suited to conservation. The combination of the new Hybrid & Perennial Ryegrass varieties give good yields both for silage & for aftermath grazing over a long period. Will respond well to applied nitrogen. 2.5 kg
BANQUET11 (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
2.5 kg
DORIAL (DIP), Hybrid Diploid
3.5 kg
PREMIUM, Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
3.0 kg
CALIBRA (TET), Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
1.5 kg
ORION (TET), Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
2.0 kg
DELPHIN (TET), Late Perennial Ryegrass
15.0 kilos per acre
12.0 kilos per acre
“we grew 50 acres of the HM16 red clover mix it not only gave us very good protein levels but also yielded fantastically the best we have grown’’ NCFP, North Cattleholmes Farming Partnership, wansford.
HM.23 Hurrells Knutsford 2.5
CALIBRA (TET) Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
2.5 kg
PREMIUM, Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
2.0 kg
CANCAN, Late Perennial Ryegrass
1.5 kg
DELPHIN (TET), Late Perennial Ryegrass
1.0 kg
CHELFORD, White Clover Blend
14.0 kg per acre
1.5 kg
1.5 kg DELPHIN
ORION (TET) Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
2.0 kg CANCAN
1.5 kg
2.5 kg PREMIUM
DORIAL (DIP), Hybrid Diploid
1.5 kg CALIBRA
2.0 kg
1.5 kg ORION
BANQUET11 (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
2.0 kg DORIAL (DIP) Hybrid Diploid
2.0 kg
2.0 kg BANQUET 11
A medium term mixture designed to give flexible management, giving good grazing after an early silage cut. The mixture is responsive to the demands placed on it by the progressive farmer.
lONG TeRM MixTUReS HM.15 Continuous Grazer
HM.17 intensive Grazer
A “Permanent Pasture” type mixture including perennial ryegrass varieties with a broad range of heading dates and growth patterns designed for continuos grazing.
l Long term-Permanent mixture
Timothy is included for added palatability. This mixture can be taken for hay or silage if required and will respond well to applied nitrogen 2.5 kg
KIMBER, Early Perennial Ryegrass
2.5 kg
RESPECT, Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
3.0 kg
CALIBRA (TET), Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
2.5 kg
FOXTROT, Late Perennial Ryegrass
3.0 kg
ELGON (TET), Late Perennial Ryegrass
1.5 kg
CLIMAX, Timothy
15.0 kilos per acre
l Highly digestible and the ultimate palatability l Includes ELGON one of the top preferentially grazed varieties l Superb ground cover will suppress weeds very thick in the ‘’bottom’’ l Formulated with grasses that nurse clovers for increased clover concentrations l Fixes high levels of atmospheric nitrogen through legume content
l Option of including 1 kilo of AURORA Alsike for clover content and its ability to thrive in indifferent pH values
3.5 kg FOXTROT, Late Perennial Ryegrass 3.0 kg ELGON (TET), Late Perennial Ryegrass 3.0 kg DELPHIN (TET), Late Tetraploid 1.5 kg CLIMAX, Timothy 1.0 kg VIKING, White Clover Blend
1.5 kg CLIMAX, Timothy
3.0 kg ELGON (TET), Late Perennial Ryegrass
3.0 kg CANCAN, Late Perennial Ryegrass
2.5 kg FOXTROT, Late Perennial Ryegrass
3.0 kg CALIBRA (TET), Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
2.5 kg RESPECT, Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
2.5kg KIMBER, Early Perennial Ryegrass
l Produces excellent yields
l Option of including 1 kilo of GREENLAND Fodder Rape-the forage rape that re-grows better than Winifred after first graze
l First class grazing mixture
15.0 kilos per acre
1.0 kg VIKING
1.5 kg CLIMAX
3.0 kg DELPHIN
3.0 kg ELGON
3.5 kg FOXTROT
s keep HM.15 happy. me
3.0 kg CANCAN
HM.7 Grange
HM.18 Manor
A flexible long term mixture suitable for either cutting or grazing. The Hybrid Ryegrass will enhance cutting yields whilst the perennial ryegrass will help to produce a highly palatable and digestible sward. This mixture works well in high input systems as it will respond well to applied fertiliser.
l Very flexible grass seed mixture of permanent grasses l Provides grazing all through the season l Well balanced mixture using a wide range of species that can adapt not only to different climatic conditions but also offers a wider nutritional base
2.0 kg
STERLING (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
l Suitable for hay or silage
3.0 kg
PREMIUM, Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
3.0 kg
CALIBRA (TET), Perennial Ryegrass
l Highly palatable and digestible.
3.5 kg
FOXTROT, Late Perennial Ryegrass
2.5 kg
PREMIUM, Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
3.5 kg
ELGON (TET), Late Perennial Ryegrass
1.5 kg
CALIBRA (TET), Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
1.0 kg
ORION (TET), Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
1.0 kg
FOXTROT, Late Perennial Ryegrass
1.0 kg
CANCAN, Late Perennial Ryegrass
1.5 kg
DELPHIN (TET), Late Perennial Ryegrass
2.0 kg
ELGON (TET), Late Perennial Ryegrass
1.5 kg
ERECTA, Timothy
1.0 kg
CLIMAX, Timothy
0.7 kg
COSMOLIT, Meadow Fescue
0.8 kg
VIKING, White Clover Blend
0.5 kg
MERIAN, Broad Red Clover
15.0 kilos per acre
15.0 kilos per acre
3.5 kg ELGON
3.5 kg FOXTROT
3.0 kg CALIBRA
3.0 kg PREMIUM
“The Manor mix supplied by Hurrells has worked exceedingly well for us here at Denton Estate-establishing very easily and performing well. The mix has done very well, yielding brilliantly-we used it as an under-sowing mix in the spring-when we took the cereal off – the grasses romped away! we have never seen clover grow like it from any other mixtures and this has developed into a tremendous grazing mixture that we will also cut for silage next year-a top performing dual purpose mix’’
GEoRGE BusH Denton Estates
HM.12 Mourne long Term Clover
1.0 kg VIKING 3.5 kg ELGON
l Long term l Very Flexible l Suitable for cutting or grazing
2.5 kg CALIBRA 3.5 kg FOXTROT
2.5 kg PREMIUM
l Produces high cutting yields l High palatability and digestibility l Fixes atmospheric nitrogen
2.0 kg BANQUET11
l Provides trace elements l Suited for a wide range of soils even heavy soils l Fixes atmospheric nitrogen 2.0 kg
BANQUET11 (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
2.5 kg
PREMIUM, Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
2.5 kg
CALIBRA (TET), Perennial Ryegrass
3.5 kg
FOXTROT, Late Perennial Ryegrass
3.5 kg
ELGON (TET), Late Perennial Ryegrass
1.0 kg
VIKING, White Clover Blend
15.0 kilos per acre
HM.25 Siddington long Term Dual Purpose l A long term grazing mixture l Very dense sward. l Choice of top rated varieties l Gives plenty of grass forage production for many years. l This mixture will cut and graze its late perennial will produce high quality grazing and silage. 1.50
BREE Intermediate Diploid
FOXTROT Late Diploid
INNOVAL Late Diploid
IDEAL Late Tetraploid
ELGON Late tetraploid
13.00 kilos per acre
Innoval Late Diploid
Ideal Late Tetraploid
Elgon Late tetraploid
White Clover Blend
2.75 kg
2.75 kg
1.00 kg
2.0 kg
Foxtrot Late Diploid
3.0 kg
Bree Intermediate Diploid
1.5 Kg
SPeCiAliST MixTUReS HM.26 Hurrells Overseeder
HM.24 Alderley
l This mixture is ideal for overseeding damaged or worn-out pastures.
l One of the very best dual purpose mixes we have ever seen
2.0 kg
EMERSON (TET), Italian Ryegrass
3.0 kg
STERLING (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
l An adaptable mix aimed at long term cutting and grazing with exceptionally high yields for both.
3.0 kg
CALIBRA, (TET), Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
2.0 kg
ORION (TET), Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
10.0 kilos per acre
l Good overall seasonal growth with excellent disease resistance and exceptional performance under intensive management l We recommend that this mix can be cut to 3 inch or 8cm cutting height. l We have an option of adding 2.00 kilo Westerwolds to this mixture if required as a fast growing nurse crop
2.0 kg EMERSON
l One of our very best selling mixes suitable for all areas of the UK.
3.0 kg STERLING 3.0 kg CALIBRA 2.0 kg ORION
3.50 kg
SUGARMAX from Hi Sugar
1.50 kg
1.50 kg
INNOVAL Late Diploid
2.50 kg
IDEAL Late Tetraploid
2.50 kg
ELGON Late Tetraploid
1.00 kg
1.00 kg
13.50 kilos per acre
HM.27 Henbury High Sugar (new formulation) l Top quality mix designed for high animal intakes and therefore better performance. l Higher intake means more milk l Dual Purpose mixture containing ELGON one of the best preferentially grazed varieties in trials. l Especially suitable for customers that require grasses of very high quality 2.00 kg
ABERDART Intermediate Diploid (HI-SUGAR)
1.50 kg
BREE Intermediate Diploid
4.00 kg
CALIBRA Intermediate Tetraploid (SUGAR MAX)
3.50 kg
3.00 kg
ELGON Late Tetraploid
3.50 kg ELGON 20. kg INNOVAL 3.50 kg FOXTROT 40. kg BANQUET2
2.50 kg CALIBRA
14 kilo per acre
HM.8 equigraze l Acknowledged as leading the field for equine usage
HM COOl SeASON** New Formulation
l Designed for horses, racehorses and ponies
l Unique mixture
l Can be cut for hay if required l Added Timothy increases grass palatability
l Contains new variety BanquetII that is a fast establishing hybrid tetraploid that is a strong perennial type with good quality
l Strong creeping red fescue produces a strong, dense turf to increase sward resilience under hoof
l First mix in UK to be especially designed for paddock system grazing using New Zealand varieties
l Self repairs after damage l Prostrate growth habit that is easy to manage
l New formulation adds bottom and sward density for improved grazing
3.0 kg
KIMBER, Early Perennial Ryegrass
l Amazing cold soil growth will grow at temperatures as low as 30C
4.0 kg
PREMIUM, Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
4.0 kg
CANCAN, Late Perennial Ryegrass
1.5 kg
CLIMAX, Timothy
0.5 kg
BROOKLAWN, Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
2.0 kg
HERALD, Strong Creeping Red Fescue
15.0 kilos per acre
40.00% BANQUETII Hybrid Tetraploid 40.00% STERLING Hybrid Perennial Tetraploid 20.00% INNOVAL Late Diploid 100% 14 kilo per acre
1.5 kg CLIMAX
2.0 kg HERALD
3.0 kg KIMBER 4.0 kg CANCAN 4.0 kg PREMIUM
40% BANQUET 11
NZ COOl GRAZe Unique out wintering mix for paddock grazing systems-new formulation
Testimonial from our Friends D & A Percival & son
l Grows even in very low temperatures-new improved formulation. Designed especially for New Zealand grazing systems – grasses in this mix are available to graze even out of season at cold time of the year.
alongside his son simon, who has developed the
D & A Percival & son was founded in 1973 By Dennis Percival as a family Agricultural Contractor Business, based in North yorkshire. Nowadays Dennis works
l Banquet II and Sterling are both New Zealand grasses that have superb high yielding performance, and under grazing systems such as this will perform easily into the long term. l We have added Carillon to add sward density this year and also increased the seed rate too.. 4.50 kg
years have seen agriculture change in many ways and we have had to keep up with the demands of our customers and also try to stay one step ahead of our competitors. in 2005 we were very honoured to be approached by Nick Gladstone who asked if we would like to be a part of the Hurrell's team. our relationship as two strong family businesses has grown very close and we
BANQUETII Hybrid Perennial
are very proud of delivering high quality products
(90% Long term mainly perennial type)
alongside our own high standard service.
4.00 kg
BREE Intermediate Diploid
4.50 kg
STERLING Hybrid Perennial (90% Long term mainly perennial type)
2.00 kg
business, not only with the contacting but also into machinery hire and as a grass seed merchant. The
CARILLON Late Perennial
Rachel Percival D & A Percival & son The old Byre, Northfield Farm Patrick Brompton, Bedale. DL8 1ju TEL: 07813 204592
15 Kilo Per Acre
2.00 kg CARILLON 4.50 kg STERLING 4.50 kg BANQUET 2 4.00 kg BREE
HM.20 Pig Grazer
A hardwearing mixture designed for outdoor pigs with a good source of nutrient and trace elements. The chicory especially has shown to be especially nutritious as well as a natural wormer
Many ryegrass based plants exists naturally only as a diploid (2n) plant.
1.5 kg
STERLING (TET), Hybrid Ryegrass
3.0 kg
ORION (TET), Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass
2.0 kg
CANCAN, Late Perennial Ryegrass
3.0 kg
ELGON (TET), Late Perennial Ryegrass
2.0 kg
PRAIRIAL, Cocksfoot
1.0 kg
ALICE, Large Leafed White Clover
0.5 kg
14.5 kilos per acre
Tetraploid grasses have a more open growth habit compared to diploid varieties that makes them an ideal companion for legumes such a red and white clover.
Diploids have a higher sward and tiller density and now with breeding improvements also show higher yields and better persistency. 1.5 kg CHICORY
1.0 kg ALICE
3.0 kg ELGON
2.0 kg CANCAN
3.0 kg ORION
These grasses are termed tetraploid grasses and are broader with darker leaves-they are more often than not more palatable grasses due to a higher ratio of soluble carbohydrates(sugars) in the cell compared to cell wall fibre. Tetraploids have larger plant cells that lead to larger leaves and larger seeds. These tetraploid larger seeded types also establish much faster due to greater energy reserves per seed. Tetraploids need sowing at greater seed rates when compared to diploid varieties.
Medium Leafed White Clover 1.5 kg
Using modern European plant breeding techniques some plants were bred and found to have double the amount of chromosomes than diploid types.
Diploids due to their closed in dense nature can be ideal to shade out and overcome weed problemsbut at too higher rates can boss out cost effective legume plants capable of fixing free Nitrogen
COMInG sOOn New certified seed improved forage grass varieties-to Hurrells ROY high yielding tetraploid perennial grass with exceptionally good 10 year persistence trials data MERKEM dual purpose cutting and grazing variety a long term perennial MELPRO a very long term variety very prostrate growth dense tillered and a very high quality grazing grass variety.;
Reseed & Rejuvenate It is widely recommended that every 5 years even long term mixtures should be ploughed out and started again - yields of grasses involved are by then past optimum performance and the problems of weeds and natural grass build up often takes hold. Grasses such as Yorkshire fog and meadow grasses are inherently lower yielding and compete against the wanted sown grasses.
silage cut or very hard grazing at a time when there is available moisture in the ground. If best results are not achieved with normal grass mixtures instead go for specially developed overseeders dominated by Tetraploid varieties of ryegrass that recommended as they are much quicker to emerge against the existing grasses and therefore establish effectively.
Essentially a new pasture will offer an initial yield and growth boost for the first few years which becomes less reliable over time. However, there are areas on the farm were reseeding is not an option. Some farms cannot afford to take the land out of production for the period required to establish a new ley or perhaps areas may not be suitable for reseeding for example valleys and steep sided fields as they are in accessible and difficult to consider. A very good way to improve old or damaged leys without reseeding is to over-seed with the improved grasses or clover mixtures.The primary advantages are two-fold: there is not much interruption to the use of the field and yields can be increased at minimal expense.The seed mix should be broadcast or slowly and delicately drilled, but beware of sowing too deep. If broadcast, the seed should then be chain harrowed, rolled in, or stock turned onto the area for a short time to paddle the seed in to a minimum depth. Seed depth and timing is critical.The seed should not go under the soil more than 1cm and should be sown straight after a heavy
‘Harrowing’- important to do in the spring to break up dead grass and grass thatch and any cowpat debris. ‘Rolling’helps spring tillering of any grassland and reduces any frost kill from rolling back down any heave from hard frosts.
legumes Legumes are part of the Leguminasae family. The family includes peas, beans, lentils, clover, and alfalfa (Lucerne). Legumes are important in agriculture because of their specialised roots, which have nodules containing bacteria capable of fixing nitrogen from the air and increasing the fertility of the soil. An important advantage of legumes is their unusual ability to obtain and fix ‘’free’’ nitrogen, a major element needed for plant growth, from the soil and convert it into a form that is available to other plants. They do this by forming a symbiotic relationship with a group of bacteria called Rhizobium. These bacteria colonise the roots hairs of the legumes and multiply causing nodule swellings on the plants roots. The bacteria benefits from the relationship by obtaining carbohydrates (plant sugars) from the legume. The growing legume benefits from the nitrogen that is captured from the air and converted into ammonium within the nodules. The Rhizobia take nitrogen (N2) from the air and convert it into the form plants normally obtain from the soil. The process is called nitrogen fixation. This reduces the amount of fertiliser required for the following crop. The amount of nitrogen fixed by legumes depends on the legume species, the effectiveness of the legume bacteria association in root nodules, soil fertility, and climatic conditions. Growing legumes gives a producer several options besides green manuring. The crop can be a source of high quality feed in years of hay shortage, or it can be grown for seed and serve as a cash crop.
Adding crop residues to the soil helps maintain soil organic matter.The increase in soil organic matter increases nutrient availability and improves the physical qualities of soil such as water infiltration, moisture storage capacity, aggregate stability, and resistance to erosion.
Red Clover The silage swards of Red clover, not only help to fix atmospheric nitrogen into the soil, they also meet the forage requirements for grazing stock, whilst improving the protein content and overall feeding value of winter forage. Red clover is better suited to silage production than white clover because of its much more erect growth habit and its significantly higher forage yields. However there are several strains of Red clover that are now more persistent and less erect in their growth habit such as ‘’Merula’’ and ‘’Milvus’’. Red clover is generally best sown along with grass. Competitive, short duration ryegrasses are the best companions for Red clover. Hybrid ryegrasses, bred by crossing Italian and perennial ryegrasses, are often very suitable. Red clover will perform best on well drained, fertile soils with a pH of 6 6.5. It is ideal for a two to three year silage or for hay production. Avoid over grazing and leave at least 30 days between each grazing to allow sufficient recovery time. It is important to avoid plant crown damage by poaching.
Red clover does not spread like white clover, so a good distribution of seed is important from the outset of a new sward. Red Clover makes an excellent break crop and can be mulched providing all the benefits to the soil that the legume family offers. As a crop it offers good palatability, a high protein content in silage, and is also relatively drought tolerant, but it does not like wet or compacted ground. Breeding ewes should not generally be grazed on Red clover swards around mating time due to the high levels of oestrogen in the plant, which can reduce lambing performance. Good lambing percentages have been achieved on swards with a moderate Red clover content owing to its high feed value and ability to flush ewes. Bloat is also a potential hazard when swards with a high Red clover content are grazed. Preferred varieties of Red Clover are Merian, Merula, Milvus, Start and Merviot.
Red clover can be grown alone or with companion grasses. The inclusion of Italian/hybrid or perennial grasses offer in our opinion better nutritional balance and reduced poaching to swards, red clover monocultures offer quite open swards for grazing purposes. Red clover is best sown from march until end of May for the best results. A fine soil particle size is essential in site preparation and we recommend rolling prior seeding-for a firm fine seedbed. l Lasts 2-4 Years l Easier To Esatblish Than White Clover l High Protein l Fixes Large Amounts Of Nitrogen For Following Crop l Yields 15tons Dm/Ha l Long Tap Root –Improves Soil Friability l Better Suited To Cutting Longer Stemmed Than White Clover l Upright Growth Habit l Cut To 8cm And Graze To 6cm
Vetch Vetch is a legume and high protein member of the pea family. It can be used in both grass and arable silage leys and also as a green manure in cereal production. Vetch in one of the very best crops to fix nitrogen from the air, and this helps to meet the nitrogen requirements for a follow on organic cereal crop.Vetch provides excellent bulk in the first year. It is quick to establish and is a good weed suppressant. Preferred variety is Ebena. “Vetches and Clovers fix atmospheric nitrogen whereas Rye and Phaecelia lift nitrogen from the soil helping to prevent nitrogen leaching from the soil in the winter climate.”
l Hardy annual l Weed suppressing l Likes heavy soils l Sow March – May or July – Sept
lucerne (alfalfa) Lucerne is an ideal crop for organic use being a good high protein feed (18-20% crude protein) and a nitrogen fixing legume feeding itself and successive crops. Fresh yields of 45 tons per ha can be expected with a dry matter of 28-30%. Seed is sown at 8 kilo per acre in April or July/August at 1020mm seed depth depending upon moisture levels. A firm fine consolidated seed bed is recommended. A pH of around 6.00 is essential to good crop establishment. Lucerne is best suited to a cutting regime as silage or hay. High DM (30-35%) round bale silage is the very best way of preserving the forage resulting in minimal leaf loss and reducing secondary fermentation. The first cut is normally available around the 15th May and then continues at 6 week intervals through summer. High dry matter intakes of Lucerne are possible due to the highly palatable thin cell wall of the Lucerne when compared to grass. Preferred varieties are Daisy & Marshall l Sow at 8 kilo per acre l Fixes Nitrogen l High protein sow with inoculant or use pre inoculated seed
Nitrogen Fixing legumes ALSIKE CLOVER - Trifolium hybridum Alsike Clover has growth characteristics of both Red and White clover. It thrives well on heavy, acidic and waterlogged soils and is an excellent alternative in these conditions to Red clover. It is however less drought resistant. Due to its more superficial root system Alsike Clover is best used in mixtures with grasses suitable for these conditions. This clover is suitable for both cutting and grazing. The main yield of Alsike clover is harvested in the first cut. It has an upright growth habit and generally lives for two to three years, but sets seed freely if allowed to mature. It is usually used for meadows, hay making or silage. In order to increase palatability it is best mixed with grasses unlikely to compete too heavily with its establishment. Alsike clover is also a good green manure, under sown in cereals, green fallow or for game pastures. 3.00 kgs/ac (7.41 kgs/ha) PERSIAN CLOVER - Trifolium resupinatum is an annual legume. Growing over the period spring to autumn, it can as a special purpose forage crop or to help regenerate pasture. Regrowth after hard grazing or cutting is excellent and its nutritive value is an added benefit for pasture and hay production. Its tolerance to water logging is high, and prefers soil with a high clay content. It can be sown with oats or a tetraploid rye grass to help improve production, this also helps to reduce the risk of bloat. Persian clover is very small seeded, and needs around 6kg/ha. If used as a one year forage legume break crop, Persian clover should be
sown at higher rates to maximise early herbage production and weed competition. When drilling, drop seed onto the soil surface and cover it by using light harrows. Direct drilling can be successful, but Persian clover competes poorly with other species, so use higher seed rates. It is important to graze, as this controls other plants in the sward that can smother small Persian clover seedlings. YELLOW TREFOIL - Trifolium dubium Sibth is ideal for organic farming and is especially suitable for undersowing due to its shade tolerance. Offering all the benefits a legume (a close relation to Alfalfa) it is also a superb weed suppressant thus working in two key areas.Yellow Trefoil is low growing and can be undersown into a main crop in the spring. It is vigorous grown as a green manure especially when the main crop is harvested. It is wonderfully shade tolerant and is excellent at suppressing weeds within the upstanding crop. Seed can be broadcast from mid March and before the main crop has a fully established canopy. We can expect slow initial development of the young sweet clover plant followed by an explosion of growth after the 6-8 week period. Yellow trefoil can fix to 125 kg/ha of Nitrogen ideal for the follow on organic crop. 3.00 kgs/ac (7.41 kgs/ha)
Sainfoin Sainfoin is perhaps the most under utilised forage species and has a rather unique spectrum of benefits. High in protein (20%), flexible as grazed or conserved, it offers superior animal performance. It is bloat free, highly palatable and drought tolerant. Sainfoin is very palatable and a natural wormer when fed as forage to animals. Sainfoin fattens livestock faster than any other forage. Typically, it provides a heavy cut for silage or hay in June and then regrows for grazing during the summer. It is leguminous and requires no artificial nitrogen once established. Sainfoin is best sown in the spring into free draining soil. A poor result will be seen in compacted or wet lying heavy clay soils. Spring sowings give best results when undersown with a spring cereal. Sow the cereal at half the recommended sowing rate. Cut the cereal, ideally spring barley, for silage at the milky stage. The first year of sainfoin should be treated as an establishment year with full production not being realised until the following spring. A clean seed bed is preferable and will maximise potential harvest. For the best results we recommend a companion/nurse crop of half rate cereal or if preferred a non competitive grass crop that gives a weed supressing canopy that also helps silage and the fermentation process. Sainfoin should be sown at 25-35kilo per acre and drilled at 1-2cm. “Some of the better Sainfoin varieties can yield up to 14t DM/ha. There is a great range of regrowth potential after cutting or grazing within the varieties” l Seed rate 25 kilo-30 kilo per acre l Best sown late spring l Improves stock performance l 20% High protein levels l Best on well drained soil l Worms stock
“Some of the better Sainfoin varieties can yield up to 14t DM/ha. There is a great range of regrowth potential after cutting or grazing within the varieties” 24
Clover Root weevil
Clover Root weevil CLOVER ROOT WEEVIL is a serious insect pest of white clover which reduces its nitrogen fixing capability. Correct application of nitrogen fertiliser can minimise this impact on a farm’s business.
CLOVER ROOT WEEVIL is a small (up to 6mm long) insect. Adults live at the base of the pasture and their feeding damage is characterised by “U” shaped notches in the edges of clover leaves.The larvae are small (up to 6mm long), whitish grubs which live underground amongst the roots of white clover and they are present throughout the year. Nitrogen lost from pasture due to Clover Root Weevil can only be replaced by applying fertiliser. Experience indicates that small amounts of fertiliser applied regularly are most beneficial. It is important to know if pasture is infected by Clover Root Weevil; look out for signs of adult feeding damage and also dig up clover plants to look for the larvae. If the insect is present, make sure that the right amount of nitrogen fertiliser is applied.
TRIBUTE is a medium-large leafed clover which has been shown to have tolerance to CLOVER ROOT WEEVIL ATTACK. Tribute is also well suited to a wide range of applications, is persistent under hard grazing, produces high quantities of dry matter, has good out-of-season production and has a very high stolon density. It is therefore an excellent choice for all high performance pastures.
Try not to assist its dispersal by moving hay from infested fields. Oversowing white clover into infested pastures usually fails as the adult weevils prefer clover seedlings. Research is ongoing into Clover Root Weevil resistant strains of clover and also potential biological controls, such as the fungus Beauveria bassiana. However, at the moment implementing the correct management regimes, in particular the correct use of nitrogen fertiliser, are the best forms of defence against this pest.
Worms can make a big contribution to nutrient availability. 5 times as rich in the available nitrate nitrogen 7 times as rich in vailable phosphorous 11 times as rich in exchangeable potassium Twice as rich in exchangeable magnesium Increase in structural stability Increase in Cation exchange capacity Reduction in bulk density
Natures Unseen workers earthworms
Can we afford to ignore the contribution of natures unseen workers.
Green Manures Soil productivity is an important concern for farmers. Green manuring is gaining popularity as a method that successfully improves soil productivity. Almost any crop can be used for green manuring but legumes are preferred because of their ability to fix nitrogen from the air. Green manuring with legumes (peas, beans, clovers, vetches etc.) is called legume green manuring. Legume green manuring adds nitrogen and organic residues to the soil. It protects soil from erosion and is an alternative to conventional summer following. This method can provide outstanding benefits for the soil, the crop and for the farmer by increasing organic matter, earthworms, and beneficial microorganisms.This helps to increase the soils available nitrogen and moisture retention, provides cover that helps to stabilise the soil and will help to prevent erosion. Deep minerals are lifted to the surface and break up compacted soil. Green manures can also help by providing habitat, nectar and pollen for beneficial insects and reducing population of pests. Green manures can be used to smother persistent weeds; they may also make conditions unsuitable for certain weeds by improving the structure and nutrient status of the soil. Green manures can be used to under sow crops such as cereals, reducing weed growth and protecting the soil from erosion.They can also be used to interrupt pest and disease cycles in much the same way as crop rotation. Soil should never be left bare, vulnerable to erosion and weed invasion, it is always best to put in a green manure crop.
These green manures are also useful for protecting soil from erosion due to the thick canopy they produce. This stops the rain from lashing down on the soil and causing erosion.They also help drain water efficiently from the land.Their thick canopies also help to suppress weeds. Green Manuring involves growing a crop that will be worked into the soil later.The addition of organic material improves soil tilth. At the same time, the nutrients used in plant growth are conserved and returned to the soil to enhance its fertility.
HM30 Pastoral Chicory Mix l Great for dry land l Highly drought tolerant
CHICORY PROVIDES HIGH QUALITY GRAZING. It is very palatable and has good nutritional value for both cattle and lambs and is referred to as a ‘bioactive’ forage because of its anti parasitic properties. It is a high protein crop and has excellent mineral content. Due to the natural tannin found in the plant Chicory fields help to prevent parasite worm problems for young sheep and cattle. Chicory grows best generally on light soils such as chalk or gravel, and likes a lot of sunlight. Chicory is a perennial. It has a deep tap root, and its deep rooting habit helps to improve the soil structure. The leaves are very rich in fructose. Despite these obvious benefits it is worth noting that Chicory is not a legume and does not fix nitrogen like red and white clover. It also does not ensile well and needs careful management to keep it at the optimum growth stage for grazing livestock. Chicory struggles when there is too much fertiliser.
l Unbeatable for finishing lambs l High ME l High proteins l Chicory dominant in summer l Grass dominant in winter l Requires intensive grazing to avoid chicory from going woody later in the year 2.50 kilo INNOVAL Late Diploid 2.50 kilo CARILLON Late Diploid 0.80 kilo PUNA Chicory 0.65 kilo CRUSADER white clover 0.40 kilo MERWI white clover 0.55 kilo BARBLANCA white clover 0.60 kilo GRASSLAND Tribute white clover 8.00 kilo per acre Also available with an additional 1 kilo red clover if required
Preferred varieties are Puna & Puna 2
Chicory may be effective against worms in sheep.
Brassicas & Root Crops SweDe / TURNiP The turnip family is a native of Europe and Asia. These brassica / turnip catch crops have been part of successful rotational farming for centuries. Popularised in the UK for agriculture around 1730 when Lord ‘Turnip Townsend’ observed the potential for sheep together with the ‘investment’ turnips made into the soil for future crops. Swede a high energy crop that can be grazed or lifted and kept for later feeding. Traditionally Swedes are very popular in Scotland, Northern England and the South West as areas of high rainfall are best suited to this crop. Graded seed can be precision drilled at 250- 400gms/acre dependent upon spacing. l Optimum sowing times are between April and June. l Swedes can be utilised from August to February. Fresh yields of 70 tons per ha. Preferred varieties are Airlie & Kenmore
KAle Kale can provide an ideal leafy and high D value feed to boost autumn or winter grazing. It can also be cut and fed. Most UK sites are suitable for kale although high levels of nutrient from the soil and good fertility levels are required for good crops. Varieties fall into 2 types pre Xmas use types and after Xmas use types which have a longer utilisation period. Hybrid varieties like Merlin are specially bred for their digestibility with a greater leaf to stem ratio. 28
l Natural seed should be broadcast at 2.50 kilo-3.00 kilo per acre or direct drilled at 1.50-2.00 kilos per acre. l Graded seed can be precision drilled at 0.75-1.00 kilo per acre again depending upon spacing between the rows and plants. l Kale depending on variety and sowing time can be easily utilised between mid September - early March. Fresh yields of 60 tons per ha. Preferred varieties are Bicaulor, Proteor & Merlin
Stubble Turnips Stubble Turnips are normally sown after a barley crop when the grain has been harvested in time to get a catch crop such as stubble turnips sown. Average stubble turnip yields are 6500 kilo/ha. 1 ha of stubble turnips can keep 11 suckler cows or 49 lambs for 100 days. We recommend 80-120 kg/ha of Nitrogen for best results.
wHiTe STAR post harvest stubble turnip l White bulb l Very well anchored variety
“Higher seed rates will produce a leafier crop with a higher leaf to stem ratio”
l Sheep cannot knock over this variety l Very clean white root. l Excellent all round disease resistance l Very flexible stubble turnip. l Recommended for sowing June-end of august
FRiSiA stubble Turnip with very large root l Good keeping and grazing quality. l Excellent mildew tolerance l Purple root of very large size-seed rate must be reduced to get larger bulbs and maximise the potential of this variety. l Early sowing opportunity to achieve biggest roots.
GReeNlAND the Fodder Rape that Re-GROwS! The first bred variety that re-grows after grazing better than the older variety Winifred. Anyone that has tried Winifred will love this new variety Greenland. l Highly digestible l Easy to grow l Fast to establish l Fast ground cover for grazing l Cost effective crop to grow l Can be grazed or used with stubble turnip l Sown June –end of August
Yield kgDM/ha
Fodder Rape/Beet FODDeR RAPe
FODDER RAPE is an ideal catch crop to boost mid to late summer forage production when spring sown.
FODDER BEET is a very high yielding high energy crop that is commonly lifted and fed inside but is also suitable for grazing.Varieties differ greatly from the low dry matter varieties such as Feldherr that are similar to the old Mangle, all the way to intermediate types and then very hard but good keeping varieties that are more like sugar beets in the high dry matter content. Fodder Beet prefers lighter soils where the dirt tare is lower and roots can be therefore fed ‘cleaner’.
Alternatively it can be summer sown straight or in conjunction with a quality stubble turnip such as White Star or Frisia. Sowing is recommended to be at 4 kilo per acre broadcast or direct drilled at 2.50 kilo per acre to achieve a very leafy fast establishing crop. Sowing would normally be between late May and mid August depending when the forage was required to mature. Fodder rape is very fast to mature and can be available for utilisation from July to December. The variety Sparta is especially effective as it is the only variety with clubroot resistance. Fresh Yields of 25 tons per ha. Preferred varieties are Sparta & Akela.
Suitable for grazing, varieties differ greatly from wet, low, dry matter varieties
Pelletted seed is utilised and requires precision drilling. No organic seed is available but pelletised normal seed is especially produced for organic farmers. The sowing period is late March until the end of April. The seed is packed in boxes containing 50,000 seeds enough for 1 acre. Fodder Beet is utilised October through to March. High dry matter varieties normally sit lower in the ground and low dry matter more out of the ground. Fresh yield of 100 tons per ha.
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