All Hallows R.C. Business, Enterprise and Sports College
Prospectus 2009 - 2010 New uniform 2009/2010
Achievements and Standards OUTSTANDING
extra curricular opportunities for all our pupils. Our aim is to offer
of all to personalise the learning experience in our school. Indeed, it is fundamental to our Enterprising culture that we develop the
One of the most improved schools in the country since 2001! KS3 SATS results in English, Maths and
transferable skills of all our pupils to make cross-curricular learning
Science have set new records. All examination targets set by the government have been exceeded.
links that prepare each pupil for adult life. As always we are grateful to the partners who support us in our
Dear Parents,
mission. The Arcadia Group and Salford Foundation not only provide
All Hallows RC Business, Enterprise and Sports College continues to
important sponsorship but also offer an invaluable link to the world
make great progress in offering an excellent Catholic education for the
of business and many learning opportunities for our pupils. As stated,
children of Salford.
we continue to have strong links with our associate primary schools and have further enhanced our collaboration through staff teaching
Our College community has continued to make outstanding progress in 2009. Headline events have included the ever-improving performance of our pupils in their external examinations, the awarding of High Performing Specialist School’s Status and our successful application for a second college specialism in Sport. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the pupils and staff of All Hallows whose continuing dedication to learning has made these achievements possible.
tailor-made, bespoke opportunities that maximise the potential
The foundation of our college is our Catholic ethos. Our mission is to offer the highest possible Catholic Education for all our pupils, in an environment where Gospel Values are central to teaching and learning, and in which the unique value of each person is recognised and respected. It is this mission that provides the bedrock of our excellent pastoral system of care. This ensures that we provide a smooth transition for new pupils on entry. We maintain strong connections with pupils from our feeder primary schools, ensuring excellent transition links through the work of our transition mentor, Mrs Dickerson, and the Year 7 Pupil Progress Leader to care for all new pupils even before they have formally joined us. This system of
“At All Hallow s I feel safe… this is a caring school” Ainsl ey
care continues throughout your child’s time at All Hallows via the form system, peer mentors and the caring classroom environment. Likewise, learning is at the heart of all we do. At All Hallows Roman Catholic Business, Enterprise and Sports College we provide an innovative curriculum that offers excellent academic, vocational and
visits to these schools and Year 5 and 6 visits to us. And our partners extend as far as South Africa where we have a long-standing support for the Imibala project whereby we fundraise each year to support the welfare and educational needs of pupils often less fortunate than our own.
We see learning as a partnership between home and college. At All Hallows we aim to provide a broad and balanced education for all our
pupils, resulting in the highest possible academic achievement, a full
Our Catholic mission is central to our ethos. This manifests itself in
awareness of personal and social responsibility and a commitment to
the special, caring atmosphere evident to all who enter our school
Gospel values through the teachings of the Catholic church. As such,
community and provides the backdrop to learning.
you will always be welcome in school should you wish to discuss
At All Hallows we wish to be a Catholic community to which
issues regarding the progress or welfare of your child.
children wish to come to learn, to which parents wish to send their
Finally, it is with great pleasure that we announce the news that All
children, and where teachers wish to teach.
Hallows has signed an agreement with Manchester United FC to
Our Mission is to offer a high quality Catholic Education for all, in an
become the first Foundation-linked school in Salford. This will allow us
environment where Gospel Values are central to teaching and
to offer unique opportunities in partnership with Manchester United
learning, and in which the unique value of each person is recognised
Foundation such as extra-curricular training programmes and coaching
and respected.
in our feeder primaries.
We have a whole-school approach to prayer, worship and liturgy
Please take this opportunity to read through our prospectus. Detailed
and expect all members of the school community to play an active
policy and results information can be found in the inserts at the back. If
role in developing Christian growth. Our liturgical life is evidenced
there is anything else you would like to discuss about the opportunities
in; our voluntary mass each Thursday morning, daily form prayer,
on offer at All Hallows please contact us; you are always welcome.
regular assemblies, celebration of key dates in the church calendar,
Yours faithfully, M. Owens Headteacher
celebration of our school feast day, fundraising for charities and work within the Education Improvement Partnership. In addition, we celebrate a Year 7 ‘Welcome Mass’ as a key part in the recognition of and pastoral welcome afforded to the newest members of our community.
NEW PLAYGROUND New playground paid for by All Hallows pupils at our Cape Town School
ALL HALLOWS – IN PARTNERSHIP WITH MUFC! Salford Lourdes Children and families group.
At All Hallows we aim to offer an outstanding, personalised and
At All Hallows ‘Achievement and Standards’ are recognised as
inclusive learning experience for all our pupils. We aim to ensure that
outstanding. We have high expectations of our teachers and our
our pupils are at the heart of the learning experience playing an active
pupils. We continually strive to set high aspirations, to motivate pupils
role in learning that is explicit, exciting and innovative. It is our
and to ensure that we offer a curriculum and learning experience
intention that after five years in our care, our pupils have developed
designed to get the best from all our pupils.
transferable skill sets that allow them to continue to learn through life and empower them to achieve. INNOVATIVE CURRICULUM At All Hallows we offer a curriculum that is innovative and bespoke. A full range of National Curriculum subjects are offered at Key Stage 3
cellent x e e d a m e v a h “I y time progress in m e, I tur here. In the fu or…” oct want to be a d Dorcas
with additional options being made available in Year 9 offering greater choice to learners.
At Key Stage 4 the options for students increase greatly as pupils are able to select from a diverse range of traditional academic disciplines and an ever- growing range of business, sport and vocational qualifications. Our commitment to offering the best possible learning experience for all All Hallows Pupils, and our successful collaboration with the Salford Sixth Form Colleges, means that we are able to offer college placements and learning experiences tailor made to your child’s needs and interests.
ENTERPRISE COMPETENCIES At All Hallows an enterprise culture permeates all that we do. Our enterprise curriculum allows us to develop identified personal, learning and thinking skills across all subjects. This ensures that our pupils can see links between the different subject disciplines, develop transferable skills essential to their future economic and social
well-being and encourages a ‘can-do’ attitude.
“I have made m y choices and ca option nt wait for next year…” Kelsie FOCUSED UPON LEARNING
We are a business and enterprise specialist college. This status has enabled
2009/10 marks an exciting year in the sporting life of All Hallows.
us to provide an extensive range of both curricular and extra curricular
From September we add a second specialism of sports to our college
activities for pupils across all year groups. Pupils gain an experience of the
provision ensuring that your child will get an excellent sporting
world of work culminating in Year 10 work experience, visits to a diverse
experience. We are already the Hub school of the Salford North
range of workplaces, the partaking in business competitions and pupil
School Sports Partnership, which involves 39 primary and 8 high
involvement in a variety of social enterprise projects to support those in
schools. Our new status will ensure that every child will have the
need. We are grateful for the collaboration of the partners who make this
opportunity to enjoy 5 hours a week of sporting opportunities ranging
possible, including; Arcadia, the Manchester United Foundation, Salford
from dance and performing arts to rugby and kayaking. Combined
Foundation, Allen Building and Connexions.
with our new status as a Foundation Partner School with Manchester United, our sporting future is bright!
ENTERPRISE The ‘can-do’ approach we encourage in our pupils, together with the development of enterprise skills is central to all the learning enjoyed by All Hallows’ pupils. Our pupils regularly partake in Enterprise Days where whole year groups are brought together in a non-classroom environment in order to collaborate with guests from industry in a variety of themed learning experiences. These specific days help to provide a ‘real-world’ context to the teaching and learning of enterprise at All Hallows ensuring that ‘those who can – do!’
ys are fun… a D e s i r p r e t n “E to learn they allow us work” f o d l r o w e h t from Rejoice ENTERPRISE TEAM WORK Y7 DAY
All Hallows RC Business and Enterprise College is a voluntary aided 11-16 Roman Catholic High School provided by the Diocese of Salford and maintained by Salford Local Authority as a voluntary aided school.
Admissions will be in accordance with the following criteria:1. Roman Catholic Looked After Children. 2. Baptised Roman Catholic children living in a contributory parish and attending an associated primary school. 3. Baptised Roman Catholic pupils living in a contributory parish and attending a Catholic primary school. 4. Other Roman Catholic children living in contributory parishes. 5. Baptised Roman Catholic pupils who attend a Roman Catholic primary school and who have a brother or sister currently at All Hallows. 5. Roman Catholic children not living in a contributory parish and attending an associated primary school. 6. Other Roman Catholic children. 7. Non-Catholic Looked After Children. 8. Other children who are registered pupils in contributory primary schools. 9. Other children.
(a) All applicants will be considered at the same time and after the closing date for admission which is provided by the Local Authority.
Admission to the school is under the control of the Governing Body who is responsible for taking decisions on applications for admissions. For the school year commencing September 2009, the Governing Body has set its determined number at 120. The Governors recognise that the first responsibility of the school is to serve the Roman Catholic community for which it has been established. This is focused on designated parish communities and the Roman Catholic Primary Schools that are partners in providing for those communities. In establishing their oversubscription criteria, the Governors have also taken full account of the Code of Practice produced by the Department for Education and Skills and the emphasis placed on supporting children in public care. All Hallows serves the contributory parishes and associated primary schools listed and aims to provide a place for every Catholic child from these areas who seeks a Catholic education. The nominated parish communities served by the school are:1. St Thomas of Canterbury 2. St Boniface 3. St Joseph 4. St James 5. All Souls and St John Vianney 6. Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist 7. St Sebastian’s The partner primary schools are:1. St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School 2. St Boniface RC Primary School 3. St Joseph’s RC Primary School 4. St James’ RC Primary School 5. All Souls RC Primary School 6. Cathedral School of St Peter & St John 7. St Sebastian’s RC Primary School
(b) Each Roman Catholic applicant will be required to produce a Baptismal Certificate. (c) Brothers and sisters are defined as blood brothers and sisters, step-brothers and step-sisters and brothers and sisters by adoption. (d) Parents should check carefully whether they are resident within the parish boundary of one of the designated parishes. Maps illustrating these boundaries are available from the LA. (e) If an application has been turned down by the Governing Body, parents can appeal to an independent Appeal Committee. This appeal must be sent in writing to the Clerk to the Governors at the school within 14 days of refusal. The parents must give their reasons for appealing in writing and the decision of the Appeals Panel is binding on the Governors. (f) All applicants will be expected to have completed the Local Authority’s application form and to have returned the form by the due date. (g) Late applications will be considered by Governors after and separately to all other applications.
OVER SUBSCRIPTION In the course of allocating places for children within criteria 1 to 9 of the above criteria, it is possible that the schools determined number will be reached before all the children within that criterion have been allocated places. If that happens all of the children within that criterion (but not higher criteria whose place will be assured) will be ranked according to distance from the school. This would involve a measurement being made between the child’s permanent residence and All Hallows in a straight line (as the crow flies). Those children who live closest to the school will be those who get priority for places.
(h) Social and Medical Need will be considered with supporting evidence from an educational or health professional. (i) Waiting list children will be ranked in the same order as the criteria.
THE CURRICULUM WHAT IS THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM? Our school curriculum describes the programme of study available to pupils at All Hallows. Curriculum provision differs between Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) and Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11).
KEY STAGE 3 In the first three years at school, all pupils broadly follow the same curriculum within classes that are set according to your child’s needs. This is in accordance with the National Curriculum and an appropriate amount of time is devoted to: Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, History, ICT, Geography, Spanish, Music, Art, Technology, Physical Education and Games. All pupils also follow a course in Citizenship and Personal Development. In addition, we place great emphasis on developing cross-curricular, transferable skills that enable children to identify links across the curriculum through the high-profile promotion of Enterprise Skills and Literacy. In Year 9, pupil choice is increased in order to personalise the curriculum further. Pupils are able to opt to follow a vocational BTEC award (worth 2 GCSEs) in one of the following: Performing Arts, Public Services, Art, Hospitality, Sport, Travel and Tourism. We also offer GCSE Film Studies and a pre-vocational course in building skills. Furthermore, instead of Science, pupils study Biology, Chemistry and Physics. All pupils begin to follow a course in Careers Education and Personal Development.
OPTIONS At Easter of Year 9 pupils decide which courses should be followed in Years 10 and 11. An Option Booklet is issued which gives advice and information and this is followed up by one-to-one option interviews with teachers. Parents are also invited to a Parents’ Evening to meet all the teachers and discuss the choice of options. Expert advice is also available from the Careers teacher, Connexions and post 16 institutions. When making a choice, the following principles apply: n The overall choice must be balanced, to include a range of different subjects. n The options are available on the understanding that sufficient number of pupils opt for them. n The level of the course must be appropriate for the pupil Full details and information are given in the Option Booklet mentioned above.
All pupils follow a core curriculum in English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, ICT, Physical Education and Personal Development. In addition, they pupils can choose to study from three options choices. As a Business and Enterprise College, All Hallows offers a wide variety of vocational qualifications. Between 2009/11 the following vocational courses will be delivered on site at All Hallows. n GCSE in Applied Business Studies n BTEC Sport n BTEC First National Diploma in Science n BTEC Construction n GCSE 21st Century Science n ICT OCR National Award n Foundation Award in Building Craft Occupations (City & Guilds). n CACHE entry level in preparation for Childcare also delivered for All Hallows pupils at Pendleton College.
In years 10 and 11, all pupils study English, Maths, Science, ICT and RE to examination level. In addition GCSE courses are offered in the following option subjects: P.E., Geography, History, Business Studies, Spanish, Graphic Design, Food Technology, Design Technology and Sociology. Parents are not expected to pay any fees for external public examinations; however, if any pupil is absent, fails to produce any of the necessary coursework or fails to attend an examination, parents will be sent an invoice for the appropriate fees. This will not apply if a pupil is genuinely ill and a medical certificate is provided.
n n n n n n
NVQ Level 1 Horticulture NVQ Level 1 and 2 in ‘Preparation for Employment’ and ‘Enterprise and Employability’ Level 1 Award in Sports Leadership BTEC Music BTEC Performing Arts NVQ Level 1 in Salon Services (Hair & Beauty) is delivered at Pendleton College with support from All Hallows Any comments or complaints concerning the curriculum can be addressed to the Chair of Governors via the Headteacher.
CONNEXIONS (CAREERS EDUCATION AND GUIDANCE) All pupils take part in the Connexions programme. The purpose of the Connexions programme is to help individual pupils to gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to manage their own lifelong learning and career development. Connexions helps pupils to achieve this by providing information, offering guidance, helping to raise aspirations and developing skills required to make informed decisions with regard to their future. They have access to an up-to-date and fully comprehensive library of careers information; experiences of work are offered in a week’s programme of work experience on company premises and guidance is available from a trained Connexions Adviser as well as staff in school and relevant computer software.
GENERAL INFORMATION CARING FOR OUR CHILDREN The form teacher is very important in the school life of every pupil. All Hallows also has an experienced Pupil Progress Leader for each year group. These members of staff will keep you informed of any problems and check on attendance, behaviour and uniform. Please contact the appropriate member of staff if you have any issue you would like to discuss.
8.30 -
All pupils are expected to have the school P.E. Kit. This must be bought from school.
8.45 -
9.35 - 10.25
n n n n
10.25 - 10.40
10.40 - 11.30
11.30 - 12.30
These items should be provided by the pupils for all school sessions: n A school bag n Pencil case n Pens n Pencils n Ruler n Rubber n Homework Planner
12.20 -
1.10 -
1.20 -
2.10 -
PERSONAL VALUABLES Neither the school, Governors nor the Education Authority can accept responsibility for money or valuables that are lost or stolen on the premises. Pupils are advised not to bring large sums of money or items of value to school. On the rare occasions when this might happen, the item should be placed in an envelope on which the pupil’s name is written and handed to the school secretary for safe keeping. Mobile phones, I-pods and other personal music equipment are not permitted.
RELIGIOUS LIFE During their time at All Hallows pupils will be expected to contribute to the religious life of the school. In addition to religious education there is a full programme of activities which contribute to our young people’s spiritual and moral development. Voluntary Mass takes place each week in the school chapel; we have we have regular year group assemblies; visiting speakers, groups and workshop activities which encourage spiritual reflection and a deepening of faith; and reconciliation services before major feasts. Pupils are encouraged to develop a sense of commitment to the needs of others by involving themselves in fund-raising activities for charities such as CAFOD, The Salford Lourdes Children and Families Groups, The Rainbow Family Trust and IMIBALA which helps provide education for children in South Africa.
Year 7 pupils will have PE one morning per week from 8:30 to 10:30 and will be registered in that lesson. Similarly, Years 10 and 11 will have PE from 1:10 to 3:10 on one day per week.
All Hallows polo shirt* : Gold with royal blue lettering All Hallows shorts* All Hallows blue football socks (boys)* All Hallows blue P.E. ankle socks (girls)*
PE is compulsory. If injury or illness prevents participation, pupils must have a note from their parents.
SCHOOL UNIFORM All Hallows prides itself on the appearance of pupils. All items of school uniform must be worn everyday (the jumper is optional between Easter and the summer break). The uniform consists of: n n n n n n n
School blazer School jumper School tie White school shirt Black knee length pleated skirt/black tailored trousers Black or white ankle socks or plain black tights Plain black school shoes
COLLEGE POLICY WELCOMING PEOPLE Prior to the admission of Year 7 pupils in September each year, pupils visit to familiarise themselves with the building, meet the Headteacher and staff and see the school in operation. In October an open evening is held to give parents of prospective pupils an opportunity to meet the Headteacher and staff and to tour the building to see the full range of facilities we offer our pupils. At this meeting parents will be given information about the development of the school and its aims. At the end of the summer term children from our Primary Schools visit us to take part in lessons and other activities. Also in July we hold a ‘New Intake Evening’ where parents of children who are to start with us in September are invited to school to become familiar with the school’s expectations, purchase PE kit and take the opportunity to discuss any issues of concern. Every child will be placed in a form which has a form tutor responsible for the care of that group of pupils. The form tutor is the child’s first point of contact on a day-to-day basis and pupils should form a good relationship with their form tutor. The work of the form tutor is co-ordinated by the Pupil Progress Leader for that Year group. The school has a transition mentor who ensures a smooth transition form primary to High school.
HOMEWORK Every pupil is required to complete homework and the school relies on the support of parents in seeing that it is done. Homework forms an important part of the academic life of every pupil. The amount of homework given, and how often it is set, will depend on the age and ability of the pupil and the nature of the work being undertaken. In order to do their homework well, pupils need parental guidance in choosing a good time and a suitable place in which to work. A homework timetable is provided for the various years. A journal is given to every pupil so that homework set may be written in on the appropriate day. Parents are asked to sign these journals weekly when they have seen their children’s homework. Sanctions will be applied if homework is not completed.
Regular and punctual attendance is essential to a child’s progress and, except in cases of sickness, pupils must not be kept away from school. Parents are asked to send a note on return to school following absence.
A school community functions successfully when each member of the community respects the rights and values of other members, as well as the values and beliefs that the school is founded on.
Where the absence is likely to be longer than three days, the school needs to be notified by letter or telephone as soon as possible. When a child will be absent from school to go on a family holiday, parents should complete a holiday form available from the school office. We urge parents, whenever possible, not to take holidays during term time. Pupils with an attendance record of less than 90% will not have holiday absence authorized. Holidays for Y11 will not be authorised. When no absence note is received or where there is concern over frequent absences, our Social Inclusion Officers will also liaise closely with parents. No pupil may leave the school without permission. In the case of appointments for dentists etc., pupils should bring an appointment card or a letter from the parent/guardian. Pupils must always sign out at the school office before leaving school and sign back in on their return if it is the same day. Parents are asked to complete a form to indicate how they can be contacted during school hours in the event of a pupil’s sickness or injury. Obviously in the event of accidents, appropriate action will be taken and parents will be notified immediately. To encourage and recognise achievement, prizes and certificates are presented to those pupils who, at the end of each term, have a high attendance record.
2008 / 2009 ATTENDANCE Number of pupils of compulsory school age on roll for at least one session
Percentage of pupil sessions missed through authorised absence
Percentage of pupil sessions missed through unauthorised absence
Percentage attendance for year
We aim to provide a secure environment which fosters self-discipline and respect for the school and wider community. We aim to provide a microcosm of the type of society we hope for; one in which effort is rewarded and recognise and all are given the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential in a secure environment. A well defined discipline structure is in existence at All Hallows and employs a balanced range of sanctions and rewards designed to recognise achievement and promote self discipline. Rewards are used to recognise and celebrate achievement. Pupils are actively encouraged to earn reward points and merit marks. Points and merits are awarded for a wide variety of activities that reflect the personal, social, moral and academic aspirations and values of the school community. Prizes and certificates are awarded on a termly basis. Sanctions which might occasionally be used include a reporting system, detention, withdrawal from class, and in serious incidents, exclusion procedures. The success of our discipline policy has been achieved through close partnership, co-operation and collaboration with parents. We recognise the importance of parental support in promoting our pupils’ self discipline and growth into adulthood and full citizenship. We ask that if parents have any concerns, or worries about discipline procedures they contact the school immediately. Under certain circumstances, pupils may be asked to stay for up to 10 minutes at the end of the school day without notice, in order that teachers may have the opportunity to more immediately address any issues or concerns arising that day. Where detentions of over 10 minutes are deemed necessary, pupils will be given verbal and written notice of 24 hours. We insist on parents full support for this policy. Pupils at risk of permanent exclusion due to behavioural problems have the additional help of our Learning Support Centre where, after learning to modify their behaviour, they are reintegrated into the normal classroom situation. A seclusion unit is used on occasion to separate a pupil, who has behaved badly, from other pupils. Since September 2003, the school has been part of the Behaviour Improvement Programme which means pupils and their families now have access to additional support from a Behaviour & Education Support Team.
GENERAL INFORMATION Nail varnish and make up are not to be worn. Jewellery, other than a watch and one small pair of ear studs or sleepers, is not permitted. All uniform and P.E. kit should be clearly labelled with the pupil’s name. Chewing gum may not be brought into school. No bottles/cans to be brought into school unless kept in bags for consumption in canteen at lunchtime.
The governors and staff of All Hallows School believe that sex education is part of the entitlement of all pupils.
This is a modular course based on the development of skills and on student outcomes, the content of which is specifically designed to meet the needs of pupils at different ages. The programme is divided into six modules of work in each year.
All young people, whatever their ability, develop physically and emotionally and need to be helped to understand their bodies and their feelings. Education in sexuality helps our students’ overall development, confidence and self-esteem. The school incorporates in its general curriculum appropriate teaching on matters of human love, the function of the body and an understanding of God’s creative love as embodied in human reproduction, at a level suitable to the growing child at various stages of development. Teaching will be in accordance with the child’s age, ability and moral development and in accordance with the doctrine of the Catholic Church.
LUNCHTIME ARRANGEMENTS Meals are available on a self-service cafeteria basis. Pupils pay for what they want. Pupils who bring sandwiches must use the school dining room.
The law now says that a compulsory programme of sex education including teaching about HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases must be provided for all pupils of secondary age, with the exception of areas currently in the National Curriculum Science syllabus.
Those who qualify for free school meals can claim them by phoning 0161 909 6508.
Copies of the full school Education in Sexuality programme can be obtained from the Headteacher.
Parents are welcome to come to school, at any time, to discuss matters arising from this with the Lunchtime is from 12.20 to 1.10 and pupils stay for lunch on the premises at lunchtime unless permission to do otherwise is given by the Headteacher. The school takes seriously its duty of care for Headteacher. the children and considers the health, welfare and safety of the children to be paramount. The Headteacher expects all children to remain in school. However, should a parent or carer of a child in Years 7 – 9 wish to provide lunch at home, they must make an appointment with the Headteacher to agree arrangements. Parents of pupils in Years 10 – 11 may make an appointment with the appropriate Pupil Progress Leader to make alternate arrangements for their children at lunchtime. Pupils who do not stay for a school dinner are the responsibility of their parents during lunchtime. They are expected, however, to return to school for 1.05pm. PUPILS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO VISIT LOCAL SHOPS AT LUNCHTIME. The school has received the Healthy Schools Standards and Healthy Future Gold Award for the work it has undertaken with regard to healthy eating and lifestyle options.
MEDICAL WELFARE Nurses from the School Health Service visit the school regularly and carry out an annual health check on pupils in a target year. All pupils can expect at least one health check during their time in this school. Parents will be notified in advance of the health check and will be invited to attend if they so wish. If any parents know that their child suffers from a disability which is likely to affect schooling, please arrange to call into school to discuss the matter. It will be dealt with in absolute confidence. Trained first aiders are on hand in the event of an emergency.
These are designed to encompass the transmission of KNOWLEDGE, the development of SKILLS and UNDERSTANDING, and the provision of a variety of learning EXPERIENCES. Opportunities are provided to enable pupils to develop a wide range of personal, management, and interpersonal and social skills. Understanding Citizenship and the development of Enterprise skills underpins this course.
THE SALFORD FOUNDATION The college has established and developed strong links with industry and is an active participant in the Foundation. This is a partnership between teachers, students, parents, businesses and their employees. Salford Foundation is a sponsor of the College. The business community provides staff and resources to assist the school in its work with students. We value the links we have with the Arcadia retail group. Some students are involved in projects such as mentoring (one to one support for students by employees from local companies and vocational training at local businesses and colleges). They are also offered opportunities to find out about the world of work and a chance to access employment at 16.
THE CURRICULUM - RESULTS PuPils gaining 5 a* - C grades 65% (including english and Maths - 40%)
(including Functional english and Maths - 52%)
entered for 1+ gCse’s or equivalent
entered for 5+ gCse’s or equivalent
achieving 1 + a*- g gCse’s or equivalent
achieving 5 + a*- g gCse’s or equivalent
achieving 5 + a*- C gCse’s or equivalent
school 2009
school 2008
2008 salford average
2008 national average
VoCational QualiFiCations nVQ level 1
Certificate in salon services
CaCHe entry level Certificate
Preparation for Work with Young Children
VrQ level 1
Vehicle Fitting operations
level 1 BteC
introductory Certificate to Construction
Progression routes For Year 11 leaVers in 2008 (Percentages) Further education
apprenticeships / other study
not in Work or education
not known
ALL HALLOWS R.C. BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE & SPORTS COLLEGE, Weaste Lane, Salford, M5 5JH TELEPHONE: 0161 736 4117 Fax: 0161 737 2066