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Veritas CoaChing UK

“A fantastic professional coach, with a deep understanding of her market. I would not hesitate to recommend her as a result of her creative thinking and

high energy approach to any individual or organisation . InternatIonal BusIness Development DIrector, WHsmItHs

ExEcutIvE coAchIng hAs A posItIvE ImpAct on pErformAncE, productIvIty And profItAbIlIty.

Veritas CoaChing UK

Who ArE WE?

WhAt WE do?

A professional coaching and training organisation based

our philosophy centres on building firm relationships

in the north West providing bespoke development

with clients over many years; this gives us a deep

programs to maximise the success and performance

understanding of their needs, their business and

of our clients.

challenges. We pride ourselves in the fact that our clients understand our values, and that’s the reason we

We provide services for organisations throughout the uK

establish long lasting partnerships with all our clients.

in the private, public and third sectors, and our clients include multi-national companies, smE businesses,

We work in partnership with our clients to ensure your

entrepreneurs and individuals from all walks of life.

commitment all the way and to ensure success is achieved. there is no one size fits all approach – every

Whether you are a multi-national corporation, or small

client is unique and needs pragmatic development

business, we will apply our expertise to create real

support based on real understanding of the drivers and

solutions for you; your team; or even the whole

needs of the client.

organisation! We will work in partnership with you to ensure that we have correctly identified your need, and established a solution that is realistic and sustainable for you or your organisation and the context within which you work. veritas coaching uK has a positive impact on professional and personal performance, improving productivity and profitability in all areas.

“I have worked with my coach over a number of years and would have great pleasure in endorsing the high level of integrity, skill and knowledge associated with the coaching. my coach has a vast range of experience gained from the competitive retail market and can transfer relevant skills and identify skill gaps using a number of techniques relevant to today’s ever changing and demanding workplace. these are delivered with skill, confidence and humour and give individuals a genuine opportunity to improve their career or personal life experiences. this is achieved in a safe environment with mutual

respect and the right balance of challenge and empathy . HeaD of corporate servIces, npoWer

ExEcutIvE coAchIng hAs A posItIvE ImpAct on pErformAncE, productIvIty And profItAbIlIty.

to ensure that we will create a real and lasting difference in your business, we have an explicit set of guiding values that we will apply to all our interactions, from first meeting, to dealing with each individual.

our vAluEs:

w to be open and transparent in all our interactions with you and your teams w to understand you, and enable you to understand others w to challenge you, and be open to challenge from you w to work in an ethical and professional manner w to make a real difference to your business w to be receptive to ‘better ways’ and dare to be different w to respect the uniqueness of you and your needs w to show a passion for excellence and quality w to invest in others and the community

“my coach quickly grasps specific and conceptual key issues and addresses them with enthusiasm, innovation and positive encouragement. I would have no hesitation in recommending their services” sales and marketing Director, novograf

“In merging two Airline finance teams and introducing new staff, we needed to start to build a single team focus and at the same time actively encourage an open and constructive sharing of ideas. With veritas’ help and facilitation, on the day, we delivered an event where the members of the new team really engaged with each other, began to share what was important to the success of the department and started to identify with each other as "one" team. We found veritas’ ideas and role in the planning and delivery of the event invaluable. It was a great success

and is still discussed now some months after the event . fInance DIrector, tHomas cook

ExEcutIvE coAchIng hAs A posItIvE ImpAct on pErformAncE, productIvIty And profItAbIlIty.

tHIs Is HoW We can make a DIfference to your BusIness anD you:

enhance communications at all levels develop leadership and management skills improve teamworking and motivation

facilitate change programmes and initiatives

improve morale, performance and productivity

reduce conflict and stress in the workplace

facilitate assessment programmes

“shap is a medium size supported housing charity that provides services for homeless and vulnerable people in merseyside and the wider north West. We approached veritas to help us to achieve our business goals of improving organisational, team and individual performance, whilst enabling us to successfully maximize our potential for growth in the future. veritas provided a blend of consultancy, performance assessment, training and coaching which enabled us to develop and implement our business strategy.

With help and support from veritas we have successfully implemented significant change, while maintaining service levels and employee motivation and productivity. the culture of our organisation has evolved, retaining the excellence in service delivery and the superb team spirit, while increasing performance focus and accountability. We approached veritas on the basis of a strong recommendation and will certainly, in our turn, recommend them to others.

mArK WEIghts, chIEf ExEcutIvE, shAp ltd.

thIs IncludEd:

working with our senior management team to plan and implement a management restructure of the organisation

management performance assessment

• •

teambuilding programmes leadership skills development and coaching for the new and wider management team

ExEcutIvE coAchIng hAs A posItIvE ImpAct on pErformAncE, productIvIty And profItAbIlIty.

our programmes include, but are not limited, to the following: w management consultancy w organisational change and restructure programmes w Executive coaching (1 to 1) w leadership and management core skill programmes w core sales skills programmes w teambuilding programmes w stress and conflict management coaching w self confidence building and awareness workshops w Effective communication programmes w motivating and inspiring others workshops w career management and outplacement w Assessment centres w search and selection recruitment w Interviewing and presentation skills w recruitment best practise programmes w future basing workshops w conference and meeting facilitation w hr solutions and 360ยบ feedback w transformation leadership profiling (tlp) w managerial Assessment of proficiency (mAp)

“We used the services of a veritas coach for an assignment recently. the individual who was being coached did say to me after that he had initially been unsure of the benefit he would gain but after the first session was very signed onto the coaching and after completion of the sessions was very complimentary about his coach and felt she had significantly helped him move through the issues he was experiencing. personally, I found veritas very good to work with and would not hesitate to use them again


if the need arose . Hr manager, Bae systems

ExEcutIvE coAchIng hAs A posItIvE ImpAct on pErformAncE, productIvIty And profItAbIlIty.

our ApproAch We bring an accelerated learning approach to all of our coaching provision based on:

w positive expectations and enjoyment w learning through hands-on activity and participation w high impact sessions providing “tools” which can be easily applied in real life. w variety of learning methods w multi-sensory inputs our programs involve part “theory–based” learning, and “action-based” practise sessions, which are designed to engage and stimulate the individuals to ensure that it makes a real difference in their future performance. veritas coaching uK has a positive impact on professional and personal performance, improving productivity and profitability in all areas for an initial discussion, please contact: m: 07814084093 E: W:


Veritas CoaChing UK

eXeCUtiVe CoaChing & ConsULtanCY m. 07814084093


ExEcutIvE coAchIng hAs A posItIvE ImpAct on pErformAncE, productIvIty And profItAbIlIty.

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