Rochdale Style Magazine

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EDITOR Colin Meredith


STRAWBERRY SPARKLE Fundraising fun at Nutters


FASHION TIPS Winter trends 2012-13


PRIDE OF ROCHDALE Celebrating local volunteers


CHRISTMAS BEAUTY Tips from our expert


EDITOR’S WELCOME Happy 8th Birthday Style


BEST IN BUSINESS Rochdale award winners


STYLE EXCLUSIVE Benidorm’s Tim Healy

49-56 PREVIEW 8-page What’s On Guide


SIMPLY SPELLBINDING Rochdale Amateur’s new musical


ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS By Motoring expert, Mark D’Apice


ROCHDALE SUPERSTAR Meet Gracie’s biggest fan


GOOD FOOD GUIDE Dine out in Style this winter

14-16 CO-OP PAYING DIVIDENDS Rochdale: Capital of the Co-operatives


AMBER’S ANGELS Rochdale pets in safe hands


STYLE EXCLUSIVE Local actress Sue Devaney


KID’S PAGES Festive fun


MAYOR FOR THE DAY Fancy the top job?


WHATS COOKING? Andrew Nutter’s latest recipe


WATCH THE BIRDIE Get tweeting!


CURTAIN CALL Local theatre reviews


DISCOVERING PILATES At The Physiotherapy Clinic


COMPETITIONS Fantastic prizes up for grabs!


CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE Stylish shopping in Rochdale


HOSPICE NEWS Recent events at Springhill Hospic


RETAIL THERAPY Christmas gift ideas


COMMUNITY Catching up with life in Rochdale


REET GOOD READ Local book reviews


MAGIC MOMENTS Dan Dan The Magic Man


Front cover image by Miss Boudoir® Model: Paula Vickers





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All rights reserved. The contents of this magazine are protected and may not be reproduced without written permission. The editor does not accept liability for statements made or opinions expressed in this magazine. While every care is taken to make sure information is correct, details are subject to change and the editor takes no responsibility for omissions or errors.




Over one hundred guests attended the GEM Appeal Strawberry Sparkle luncheon held at Nutters Restaurant in Norden. The ladies-only annual event included a drinks reception and three-course lunch, devised specially




for the occasion by celebrity chef Andrew Nutter. Guests enjoyed entertainment by Andy Lee and a fashion show by Denis Hope. The event raised ÂŁ2500 for The Gem Appeal.

Pictures courtesy of David Howles



of Rochdale

Hundreds of people attended the recent Pride of Rochdale Borough Awards held at the Middleton Arena. The awards aim to celebrate the borough’s most inspirational volunteers, community groups and sports stars, with over 40 individuals and groups shortlisted. The 250 guests were treated to live music from Rochdale Brass Quartet, Heywood's Voice Choir and Japanese drumming group Tantara Taiko.

Congratulations to the winners‌ Young Volunteer of the Year Jade Martin Education at the Heart of the Community Norden Community Primary School Sports Coach of the Year Donna Hankinson Good Neighbour Doreen and Michael Bamford Sports Volunteer of the Year John Percival

Connecting Communities Heywood Active Citizens Literacy Changes Lives Bushra Zulfiquar Involving Volunteers Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust's expert patient programme Sports Club of the Year Rochdale Company of Archers Disabled Sports Achiever of the Year Aaron Wood Sports Achiever of the Year Stuart Bithell Changing Lives Through Wellbeing Jade Martin Community Group of the Year Disabled People for Learning in Rochdale Volunteer of the Year Tony Roberts Unsung Hero in Sport Robert Heaton

Message from the editor EDITOR Colin Meredith

Up on the roof at No.1 Riverside

Naylor’s new outlet on Mellor Street

Welcome to our winter edition of Rochdale Style. Style is celebrating eight years of promoting the positives of Rochdale, both in business and pleasure. The economic climate has totally changed in that period and the landscape of our town is also changing dramatically. The arrival of the tram in 2013 will mark a much-heralded transformation of our transport system, together with the opening of the travel interchange next to the new council offices Number One Riverside. These positives changes for the town are having a slightly negative effect on the number of people visiting our independent shops, due to lengthy road closures. Some shops are tricky to get to at the moment, but if you have a look through our gift guide you will see that it really is worth the trip, as they have plenty to offer this Christmas. This edition is packed full of places to dine and things to do

Hollingworth Lake Image: Peter Clegg


The new Starbucks Manchester Road

this season, plus plenty of Christmas gift ideas. We also have two exclusive interviews with Benidorm’s Tim Healy and local actress Sue Devaney. Join us on or follow us on Twitter @RochdaleStyle – we love to hear your thoughts on the magazine. I would like to wish all our readers and advertisers a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year. I hope you enjoy this edition and look forward to bringing you more good news about Rochdale in 2013. Colin Meredith, Editor


Tim Healy

Popular actor Tim Healy is probably best known for playing Dennis Patterson in Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, and Les/Lesley in ITV comedy-drama Benidorm. Other numerous credits include Dave the security guard in Waterloo Road and the father of Sean Tully in Coronation Street. He also played the father in West End musical Billy Elliot.


Lesley in Benidorm - image courtesy of ITV Pictures


Style caught up with Tim to discuss false boobs, crazy fans and life in the limelight…

work. Their dream was to go over, make money and come back to buy a house. But of course, once you get out there it all goes wrong.

What was your first acting role?

What projects are you working on at the

I watched my dad on stage when I was a boy; he


used to play all sorts of parts. When I was 11, he

A new series called The Spa, which starts in

was doing Finian’s Rainbow and he asked me to

February on Sky. It’s set in a health spa and it’s

play Henry, the little black boy.

all about the different therapists and the women

I used to watch my dad do his makeup and I

who come in for their 10-day weight loss plan,

insisted on doing my own, so I blacked myself

colonic irrigation etc. It’s a comedy by Derren

up – it wouldn’t be allowed now - but forgot to

Little, the writer of Benidorm. I play the odd

do my legs, so I went onstage the first night with

job man Eric.

a black head, black arms and little white legs! That was my first role and then I just fell in love

Will you be back for a sixth series of Benidorm

singing or acting?

with the whole thing.

or the rumoured Benidorm film?

I went to Durham Technical College to do

Yes, I’m back filming in March. No film at the

drama and music. The music department wanted

You’ve had many varied roles in your career

moment, we’re doing 7 one-hour episodes

me to be an opera singer and the drama

so far, but which has been your all-time

again… they might make a film after that,

department wanted me to be an actor, so I chose


you never know.

to be an actor. I think I chose the right one.

On stage it was a play called Operation Elvis,

I still love singing though. I think that’s where

where I played a little boy who thought he was

our favourite scenes from the last series have

my son has got it from - he used to watch me

Elvis Presley. I was 25 and played an 11-year-old

to be the Baywatch scene and your Lady gaga

in bands. I taught him to play the guitar and

boy! The story was between my character Malcolm

tribute… is the Benidorm set as much fun as it

drums… but now he’s a much better guitar

and a little boy who had cerebral palsy. The little


player than me and a much better drummer

boy’s dream was to go on a boat and I eventually

It’s brilliant, we just laugh all day long. I get

than me!

find a way to get him on a boat trip. It was an

frustrated though, cause I’ve got all that gear on,

education thing I did around all the schools. We did

the false eyelashes and all the makeup – and at

so your son has caught the entertaining bug?

90 performances in eight weeks. We’d go to a

lunchtime everybody dives in the pool, but I’m

Yes my big lad, Matt, is a singer and musician

school, unload the van, put the set up, do the play,

not allowed in. Everybody else is filming in

and he’s doing really well now. His band has

knock it down and onto the next school… and they

shorts and I’ve got false boobs on and a flippin’

been signed and played on Radio One. They’ve

were the happiest days of my life.

wig and its 90 degrees! It’s hard work, but great

got a Radio One playlist so listen out for them,

I think my most successful television role was

fun and it’s a great part.

they’re called The 1975.

Dennis in Auf Wiedersehen, Pet. I just think it was

My youngest lad was in Wilmslow’s Got Talent

so clever; it made a statement about fascist Britain

do you prefer stage or screen?

at Wilmslow High School. He’s in a drama

and the fact that the construction industry had gone

I like theatre the best, because you can just

group now and wants to be an actor.

in England and the poor guys had to go abroad to

go on and tell a story; start at the beginning and take the audience with you, through to

Would you advise it?

the applause at the end.

Well, he’s very good so yes. It’s something that

Television is very technical, you’re waiting for

you can’t teach. You can only help them with

the weather, you’re hanging about, you do things

technique and stuff like that and teach them

back to front and you don’t necessarily film

things about how cameras work. It’s a bit like

things in sequence. It’s a bit like a jigsaw.

singing - you can either sing or you can’t sing you can either act or you can’t act.

Comedy or drama?

I wouldn’t let him on a film set as a young boy

Well it depends; I like comedy-drama where

though, he needs to wait until he’s older and

you’re making a statement. To be able to make

learn what the job is about.

people laugh and cry… that’s a great thing.

Acting has to be something that you don’t just

I was a stand-up for 7 years and a court jester at

want to do, you need to do. I’ve been an actor

medieval banquets. I’ve done straight stuff as

forty years, but still have to audition and

well though - lots of Shakespeare.

sometimes don’t get the part. It’s really hurtful. But my advice, for anyone who needs to do it, is don’t let anybody put you off. cont’d


Dennis in Auf Wiedersehen, Pet

do you have any crazy fans?

us about her sons’ Simon and Mikey. We thought

What would you love to work on in the

About 20 years ago a woman used to follow me

she was doing a great job setting the charity up,


everywhere, but she stopped when I got married

so we became patrons and we’ve supported her

I would love to have done more movies. I’ve

to Denise. She once sat outside a film set for 12

and The Gem Appeal ever since.

done a few, but I’m mainly a television, theatre

hours waiting to see me and she used to be on

and radio actor.

the front row of my plays. When I wasn’t on

Will you and denise still be hosting the gem

stage she’d take pictures of me out of her

appeal Ball?

handbag and start looking at them and when I

Yes we’re still great friends. Same as normal,

Nah, nah, nah, I’m too much of an Englishman

walked back on she’d start watching the play

nothing has changed there. We’re hosting the


again. She was a bit strange!

You could still go to Hollywood?!

Winter Ball and I’ll try and make the Summer Ball if I’m not filming Benidorm.

What do you get up to when you’re not

Your private life has been in the spotlight a lot recently, how do you cope with it all?


Well Denise is, you never see me. She talks

I do a lot of charity work. I’m ambassador of

about me a lot but I don’t talk to the press. I like

Children North East [helping children & young

to have a private life, so any publicity you see

people in the North East who live below the

about me is either about my work or it’s what

official poverty line] and we’ve been given some

Denise has said.

funding from the People’s Postcode Lottery.

To me it’s just a job that I love. I’m still

We’ve transformed a terrace house into a

passionate about it and still get excited about

fantastic drop-in centre. Yesterday I was teaching

it now.

them all how to cook! My hobbies are clay

I’m the same person that I always have been.

pigeon shooting, snooker and golf.

Fame can change a lot of people. What happens is, when you get famous, the world changes

are you a good golfer?

towards you. That’s what happened in my

Not bad, in the middle! I’ve won a few British

situation, I’ve just stayed the same person.

Celebrity Tours. My handicap is 17.6. I’m lucky if I get to play once every six months though. one of the charities you support is the gem appeal in rochdale; how did you first become involved? Denise and I met Karen [Johnson] and she told 8

Tim at The Gem Appeal Ball

Ruth Meredith

LoNg - staNdiNg

SerVICe thirteen long-standing independent retailers in rochdale town centre have been awarded a commemorative plaque and invited for afternoon tea by the Major and Mayoress of rochdale. The event, organised by the Rochdale Town Centre Management Company identified retail businesses that had been trading for over 25 years to celebrate their contribution to the town in the Jubilee year of 2012 and in honour of Rochdale being declared the World Capital of Cooperatives by the United Nations, as part of the International Year of Co-operatives. The thirteen businesses include Wilds of Rochdale – the longest standing independent retailer in the town, trading since 1902 selling beds, suites and fitted carpets, Seeley’s Bathrooms on St Mary’s Gate trading since 1935, and family owned furniture store Lovicks located on

Yorkshire Street, established in 1919. The battle for longest standing independent retailer was closely contended by Butterworth Brothers – family jewellers located on Drake Street who started trading around 6 months after Wilds of Rochdale, in 1903. The nine other businesses recognised include Denis Hope, Sandifords, The Accordian Shop, Butterworth Sports, Chris Paulson Cycles, Gregory Couzens, Chantilly, Jim McNicholas Carpet Bargains and Pennine Photographic. Ian Sandiford, owner of Sandifords Rochdale said: “The fact that over half of

these long standing businesses are located on Drake Street shows just how important Drake Street is and the role that it has in the future of the town.” The Mayor and Mayoress of Rochdale hosted the event and awarded the plaques, celebrating afterwards with High Tea in the Mayors Parlour in Rochdale Town Hall. Jim Taylor, Chief Executive of Rochdale Council said: “The contribution these businesses have all given to Rochdale has been significant over the years and should be celebrated. The town simply would not be the same without them.”






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Simply Spellbinding! r

ochdale amateur operatic society (raos) are currently in rehearsal for their next exciting production ‘Witchfinder’, at the gracie Fields theatre 20th-23rd Feb 2013. the new musical promises to be a spellbinding show, with a score that has even been compared to that of West end favourite Les Misérables. The 2009 world premiere in Mossley scooped five major accolades at the Greater Manchester Drama Federation Awards, including Best Book & Lyrics. A review from the premiere raved, “... a remarkable tale ... almost every tune is a winner, from big ensemble songs that stir, to ballads that romanticise ...”

Paul Genty, Oldham Evening Chronicle.

so what’s all the excitement about? The story is set in 1612 and Jacobean England is still reeling from the Gunpowder Plot and the implications it has for the people and the King; a king fearful of those who do not practice the faith of the state. Against this backdrop, Witchfinder introduces the story of two young lovers from different classes and backgrounds, thrust together in a melting pot of politics and suspicion, fuelled by fear and an over zealous desire to hunt down the evildoers - whether they exist or not. Prejudice, power, love and honour all vie for supremacy in both the corridors of power in London and the simple village life of Pendle in Lancashire.

This is a not just another musical. With a cast of 20 characters plus company, it has a script that has the weight of a pure drama but with soaring songs, beautifully orchestrated. Add to this an array of powerful and absorbing characters; real people, real lives... but with tragic and heart rending consequences. Here at Style we’re on the edge of our seats already! We’ve just snapped up our tickets for this thrilling new production and we hope you’ll join us in supporting a very talented society.

CoMPetitioN - We’ve teamed up with rochdale amateur operatic society to giveaway a pair of tickets to see the show. to be in with a chance of winning just enter our competition on page 75.


OurGracie This January marks the 116th birthday of Rochdale’s own superstar: Dame Gracie Fields.

Sebastian Lassandro. Sebastian wasn’t even born when Gracie died, and yet in his past five years of collecting and researching the great lady he has become one of the leading experts on Gracie, assisting British Heritage in their Blue Plaque placement and the BFI in showing ‘This Week of Grace’ in 2011.


rom humble beginnings above her grandmother’s fish and chip shop in Molesworth street, to the enchanted isle of Capri, during her 60+ years in showbusiness grace stansfield, the mill girl from rochdale, became the favourite of Kings, Queens and most importantly to her: the ordinary working lads and lasses. Whilst Gracie’s popularity suffered at the hands of the British press during the Second World War, her down to earth, no airs-andgraces style recaptured the hearts of the West End and the world when she made her Palladium comeback in 1947. Now, some 65 years after her comeback her name is being kept alive and preserved by the legacy of the ‘Dame Gracie Fields Appreciation Society’, and its President

Sebastian has amassed a museum-worthy collection ranging from hundreds of signatures, photographs, programmes, 78 records, sheet music and even personal effects of Gracie’s, including stage-worn costumes, headscarves and her 1940 USA export visa, birth certificate and private unreleased home recordings of Gracie in her later years. He has just returned from his sixth visit to the Isle of Capri this summer, where he is one of a few fans who tends to her grave, bleaching and cleaning the white marble and ensuring its upkeep is preserved for years to come.

2500, and boasts many rare and exclusive television clips and appearances of Gracie unavailable elsewhere. They boast a core of Gracie experts in their own field, from those interested in the recordings to those interested in the personal side, the DGFAS is the place to go whether you have a Gracie query or want to share your love and appreciation of the great Gracie. Sebastian is always looking to extend his Gracie collection, so don’t hesitate to contact him if you have a photograph, a 78 or anything Gracie related, or just want a conversation with a Gracie collector and researcher, he would be delighted to hear from you. He also does talks and lectures on the life of Gracie and is available for bookings for any type of event or group.

“The charm,” he says, “is that Gracie had a fascinating life, and she truly was the first lady of the British Music Hall stage. As time has moved on, Gracie remains mainly unforgotten for her massive war-efforts, overshadowing the likes of Anne Shelton and Vera Lynn. Whilst she still does have a loyal fan base, Gracie should be properly recognised and remembered for what she was. She could set the audience crying or laughing in the same song; had a vocal range opera singers envied, but never lost her Rochdalian groundings.” The Dame Gracie Fields Appreciation Society, based online, holds the internet’s greatest resource of Gracie photographs, in excess of 07557536917 The Dame Gracie Fields Appreciation Society: Find us on Facebook 12



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The Flower and the Glory Floral Design

70 Church Street, Littleborough OL15 8AU T: 01706 371860 The Flower and the Glory celebrated its first anniversary earlier this autumn. The owner, Carole Stirzaker, was a late entrant into floristry. After a long career in language teaching she took the plunge and returned to college, gaining distinction in Commercial Floral Design. After 3 years working for one of Britain’s top florists at Design Element in Irlam, she opened the business last September and has seen it go from strength to strength. Carole said: “We have been delighted with the feedback locally – particularly on how long the flowers have lasted. Our

W Gift bouquets and arrangements W Wedding and event flowers W Contract and corporate work

specialist cooler keeps the flowers at premium condition and also allows us to stock a wide range. I’m a Rochdale girl and have been pleased to be involved in a number of community and charitable activities in Littleborough and further afield. We don’t work to a catalogue – everything is made for the individual, whether it’s a wedding design, a gift bouquet or a bespoke funeral tribute.” Orders are now being taken for the Christmas and New Year period... call into the shop or phone to discuss your requirements!

W Contemporary and classic designs W Sympathy and funeral flowers W Demonstrations and workshops for fundraising events, social groups etc.

Open Monday – Saturday W Local delivery W Credit cards and telephone orders accepted 70 Church Street, Littleborough OL15 8AU T: 01706 371860 W W: W E:

ROCHDALE’S GLOBAL AUDIENCE AN INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE WAS HELD IN MANCHESTER ON 1ST NOVEMBER, FOR A NEW MOVIE TELLING THE INSPIRATIONAL STORY OF THE BIRTH OF THE CO-OPERATIVE. Fact is more compelling than fiction for “the rochdale Pioneers” – starring John Henshaw, who is known for roles in “Born and Bred”, “early doors” and “Looking for eric” - which tells of 28 men who battled a backdrop of poverty and prejudice and whose principals are still changing the world almost 170 years later. It was the Rochdale Pioneers’ vision for a better social order, which inspired them to overcome such adversity to form the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers Society in 1844. Fed up with dishonest and corrupt shopkeepers, selling poor quality products at high prices, they decided to take matters into their own hands. By pooling the few resources they had, the group managed to get enough money together to open their own shop and pledged to only sell quality, unadulterated products, sharing the profits fairly with their customers. The shop, on Toad Lane, Rochdale, was only small and stocked just a handful of products, like butter, flour and sugar, but the idea itself was revolutionary and the way they did business fundamentally different in its nature. The tale is particularly powerful as from these somewhat humble and unassuming beginnings it is estimated that there are now 1.4 million individual co-operative enterprises globally securing the livelihoods of over three billion people!

Mark Robinson-Field, The Co-operative’s National Co-operative and Membership Manager, said: ”The original Rochdale Pioneers set out the principles that became the basis for how co-operatives around the world still operate to this day – a remarkable story of struggle against adversity that is just as relevant today. We believe that the time is right for this inspirational story to be re-told to a new generation.” The International Premiere was held at The Exchange Auditorium in Manchester – close to the site of the Peterloo Massacre in 1819, where friends and family of some of the Rochdale Pioneers were amongst the 80,000 strong crowd charged by cavalry when they gathered to demand the reform of parliamentary representation. the film had its television debut on Film4 on 11th November. if you missed it log on to to find out where you can watch it.

That’s why, today more than ever, the story of the Rochdale Pioneers is one to inspire others to change their own world by making a difference in the society they live in. The film was commissioned by The Co-operative Group – whose own origins can be traced back to the Rochdale Pioneers – and, produced by The Co-operative British Youth Film Academy whose directing duo of Adam Lee Hamilton and John Montegrande, in the true spirit of collaboration, recruited many of the cast and crew from the local community to work alongside the established actors. 14

The Manchester premiere on 1st November

NEW GRAPHIC NOVEL UNCOVERS RADICAL ROOTS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE MOVEMENT The history and principles of the co-operative movement, which began in Rochdale in 1844, have been turned into a stunning 80 page graphic novel to shine a new light on the origins of the co-operative movement and celebrate “the most successful grassroots campaign the world has ever known”.


t is well known that 28 weavers and artisans got together and established a co-operative shop on toad Lane, rochdale in 1844 – and this went on to kick-start the global co-operative movement.

What is less well known is the links between the Rochdale Pioneers and the radical politics of the day – their aim was so much more than the provision of unadulterated, affordable food. Friends and family had fallen at the nearby Peterloo massacre and they were determined that the failing campaign of ‘votes for all’ would not be for nought. In addition to the new historical context, the novel tells of the incredible diversity of the 1.4million cooperatives that now operate across the world (from snake catchers in India to the supporter-owned FC Barcelona). It also explains how scientific thinking has evolved in recent years to recognise that cooperation is a major driving force in nature – equalling the power of selfish genes. Paul Monaghan, Head of Social Goals and Sustainability at The Co-operative, said: “The story of the Rochdale Pioneers is incredibly relevant to the challenges the world faces today. Back in the nineteenth century, the political establishment would not tackle the ills of democracy or poverty, and so the Pioneers and thousands of communities took action themselves. Today, the world over, new revolutionaries are tackling everything from feeding a growing population to generating clean renewable energy.” Author Paul Fitzgerald said: “As a social justice campaigner, and an active member of the Cooperative movement, bringing this story and its characters to life again was an intense and often moving experience - we hope the end result will resonate deeply with everyone who craves a sense of hope and optimism in these challenging times.” The novel has been commissioned to mark the United Nations International Year of Co-operatives, 2012 and is available in paperback and e-book formats. More information about the novel can be found at

We have two copies of the novel to give away. to be in with a chance of winning a copy just enter our competition on page 75.


PioNeers mUSeUm oPeNS After 2.3M reVaMP

Rochdale Pioneers Museum housing the "spiritual source of the co-operative movement" has reopened after a £2.3m renovation.

the revamp of the Pioneers Museum has included conservation work and the addition of new learning spaces. The Museum, at 31 Toad Lane, incorporates the original Co-operative Society shop and has been updated to include new visitor facilities and displays from the co-operative archive, including the first minute book of the Rochdale Pioneers. It has also brought in new members of staff to work with schools, colleges and the local community. Museum Guide, Clare Hirst, who comes from Rochdale explained: “We’ve been waiting for this moment for months, we’re very excited and feel privileged to have seen this museum go through what it’s come through and finally open to the public.” “We do think that education is vital, it was a principle written by the Pioneers, and we’d love children and families to be able to come to the Museum and use it as an educational source to learn about their local heritage.”

The Museum received a grant of £1.5m from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Sara Hilton, Head of the Heritage Lottery Fund North West, said: “The development of the co-operative movement is an important part of our social history – both for local communities and for people across the world. “By safeguarding the collection and redeveloping the Rochdale Pioneers’ building, this project means that more people will have the opportunity to learn about and be inspired by the wonderful story of the co-operative movement.” The re-opening of the Museum coincided with Co-operatives United in Manchester, which marked the end of the International Year of Cooperatives. Over 1,000 people, from all over the world, made the trip during Co-operatives United to visit the home of the modern Cooperative Movement. The Pioneers Museum, on Toad Lane in the 1960’s.

A party of visitors from Brazil visit the museum as part of their visit to The Co-operative EXPO in Manchester.

Councillor Colin Lambert, Dame Pauline Green and Sara Hilton at the re-opening of the Rochdale Pioneers Museum.

the museum is open Daily monday to Saturday - 10am to 5pm, Sunday & Bank holidays - Noon to 4pm. admission is free. rochdale Pioneers Museum, 31 toad Lane, rochdale, oL12 0NU. Tel: 01706 524 920 / 16

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Sue playing Jane in Dinnerladies


Rochdale Actress Debbie Dingle’s midwife in Emmerdale Live



Top comedy actress Sue Devaney is a well known face of stage and screen. Coronation Street viewers will remember her as Kevin Webster’s little sister Debbie, while Emmerdale fans will have seen her play Debbie Dingle’s midwife, in the recent live episode. She has also starred as Jane, the toast lover, in hit sitcom Dinnerladies and paramedic Liz Harker in Casualty. Sue has graced the cast lists of some of the country’s most popular television programmes

When did you first start performing? When I was 7, I did tap, ballet and acting at Syke

leading lady, but I was always cast in the comedy sidekick role… I see why now!

and most well-respected theatre productions. She

Junior Theatre Club. My tap teacher was called

is also a comedy writer and performer and one

Maureen and I still see her now for the odd

Workshop and got my very first role at Yorkshire

half of the double act Mave and Maureen.


Television, playing Mildred Bailey in In Loving

Style caught up with Sue to discuss her

I used to do variety shows and little

When I was 14, I went to Oldham Theatre

Memory, with Dame Thora Hird. And I got my

exciting career, the dark side of comedy and the

pantomimes at Whitworth Civic Hall and

first soap aged 16, playing Debbie Webster in

things she’ll do for a dishwasher…

remember always wanting to play the glamorous

Coronation Street.


Do you prefer comedy or drama? Both really, I like playing really interesting parts. I think that getting older has made me a better actress because of my life experience. To be a good comedy actor I think you have to have a dark side - they always say that comedy is a serious business. A lot of comedy comes from the stresses of life, just seen from another angle. What have been your favourite stage and screen roles? My favourite stage role was Mari Hoff in Jim Cartwright’s The Rise & Fall of Little Voice, earlier this year at Bolton Octagon. And my favourite television role was playing Mad B*****d, a skinhead grave digger, in a Channel Four film called The Real Eddie English – I had to live on an allotment for three months! Did you enjoy filming Emmerdale Live? Yes, I was very proud to be a part of the 40th Anniversary and it was an amazing experience, with over 400 cast & crew involved and 35 cameras. The cast and crew were so friendly and made me feel really welcome, even though I was only coming in for one episode. I had such a laugh with Charley Webb who plays Debbie Dingle; we hit it off the moment we met. She asked me why on earth I’d agreed to do a live episode - she couldn’t think of anything worse. I said ‘well… I need a new dishwasher’. Were you nervous? Where there’s faith there’s no fear. What’s the difference between standing up infront of 400 people in a theatre and 10 million in a studio?! Live acting excites me. Certain life events have caused me to suffer from anxiety and depression. But I’m at an age where I’ve worked through most situations and now grab any opportunities with both hands and live from moment to moment. Do you think you would make a good midwife?! No, but I like to pretend! My friend Gail Naylor helped me to research the role. She works at the Liverpool Women’s Hospital and took me through the script, training me for two days with the midwives. I based my character on a lady there called Angie Dean. Spending that time with them was amazing; they do a fabulous job and work long hours. Actually, my best mate said I was a terrific birthing partner when she gave birth to my beautiful godson… I kept cracking jokes and mopping her head!

Double act Mave and Maureen

world. But would I go back? YES! What would be your dream role? Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream or Edith Piaf in Piaf. What are you working on at the moment? I’ve just filmed a new BBC comedy called Lapland with Sue Johnston. I play a mad DIY shop assistant who wants to be the manager. I’ve also just finished filming Shameless and it’s been great to be a part of the very last series (Episode 9, aired next year). I’m playing a woman called Mindy who has had too much botox, (sadly they didn’t let me have any!) and she’s trying to get away from her controlling husband. It’s typical Shameless - very strong issues, but at the same time very funny and over the top. In October, I was in Curtain Up at the Coliseum (the re-opening of Oldham Coliseum); a review show where we did sketches from successful shows such as The Rocky Horror Show and Fur Coat, No Knickers. Our Musical Director, Howard Gray gave me Non Je Ne Regrette Rien by Edith Piaf and I loved it. Mr Friel, my French teacher at Howarth Cross, would have been very proud.

What projects would you love to work on in the future? I just feel lucky to be working and still doing something that I’ve always wanted to do. I’m really happy to be doing more television work at the moment. But i’d love to work with Victoria Wood again. What advice would you give to aspiring actors? Try not to take rejection personally. It’s a tough industry - not for people who want security, routine or regular money. But it’s the only thing I’ve ever known or wanted to do and if anyone feels like I did when I was young, there will be nothing that can stop them. What I love about my profession is that the phone can ring anytime and whisk me off on my travels yet again. Oh hang on, it’s ringing now… it’s my agent… it might be the Royal Shakespeare Company wanting me to play Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream…!

Ruth Meredith

Right now, I’m in rehearsal for Cinderella at Sheffield Lyceum Theatre. I’m playing Fairy Fanny Bobbins… on wires doing somersaults!! We open 2nd December and run until 5th January. Do you watch yourself on television? No, but maybe I should… one director told me to close my mouth a bit, because I wouldn’t like it when I saw it played back! You can become too critical if you watch yourself though. Would you ever go back to Corrie? Well, Debbie left and moved to Southampton to become a hairdresser. Maybe she could come back with hair extensions and a mobile beauty salon? Or maybe she has an allotment now in Hebden Bridge?! Who knows? Only the soap

Mindy in Shameless



the toP


Ever wondered what it would be like to be Mayor of Rochdale borough? One local young person will find out as they are elected ‘Mayor for the Day’ following an exciting new competition. The winner will gain a unique insight into what it’s like to be the borough’s first citizen. the competition, being run by rochdale Borough Council, is open to all 11 – 16 year olds in the borough. to enter all you have to do is email or write (max 300 words) on the subject of ‘What would i do if i was Mayor for the day?’. The winner will be chosen by the Mayor, Councillor James Gartside. They will be officially unveiled to the media and public at the full council meeting in February 2013 and then take up the role for a day in March. As part of the duties, the winner will be escorted around that day’s engagements in the Mayoral car, accompanied by Councillor Gartside, who has promised to provide some helpful tips. They’ll get to meet the community and generally get a taste of what it’s like to be Mayor.

The real Mayor, Councillor James Gartside, said he is actually looking forward to having a day out of the spotlight: “One of the questions I am asked nearly every day is ‘what is it like to be the Mayor?’ This is an opportunity for someone to find out, and it’s the first time Rochdale has run such a competition. It will give a young person a very memorable day and the chance to learn more about what the council does for the community. We may well be seeing the Mayor of the future making his or her first public appearance!” The closing date is 31 January 2013. Send your entry to or post it to: Mayor for the Day, Committee Services, PO Box 15, Town Hall, Rochdale.

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WATCH THE BIRDIE... If you still haven’t joined the Twitter revolution, just follow our simple steps and you will be ‘tweeting’ with the best of them in no time.

1. Go to the Twitter signup page: 2. Create an account. Your username can’t have spaces, so many people just use their real name without the spaces. For example, our Twitter account is @RochdaleStyle. You could also use the first part of your email address before the @ symbol. 3. The next step is to see if your friends are on Twitter. This will look through the addresses in your email address book. You can skip this part if you prefer. 4. Twitter may show you some of the celebrities that are on Facebook and ask you to ‘follow’ them. You can skip this step or ‘follow’ a few of your favourites to see what they’re up to. Don’t worry you can always ‘Unfollow’ them at a later date if they start to get on your nerves! 5. The next page that asks how you are doing is your main Twitter page. Type in something and click update to send your first 'tweet' which is a Twitter message. 22

You can search to find people who may have a Rochdale connection and/or similar interests to you. You could start by following family, friends, local people and businesses, so you will more than likely receive a response to your tweets. You can also respond to other people’s tweets by ‘re-tweeting’ or commenting on them. Twitter can also work wonders for those with local businesses. Sam Flynn trains businesses in using social media to help them win more business. She commented: “Twitter is a great platform for getting your message out there and interacting with others. So, make sure you are saying things that will appeal to those you want to connect with. Add value to their day with your tweets, so you stand out from other users. Another important action is to ENGAGE! Speak to people, reply to what they are saying and build relationships!”. Follow Sam @_SamFlynn.

Here are some Rochdale tweeters you can follow and they will more than likely follow you back… LOCAL BUSINESSES… Style Magazine - @RochdaleStyle Rochdale design company - @ten94design Alison Seagrave at Macaroon - @yourmacaroon C’est Chic fashion accessories - @CestChic1 Paul Clark at Rochdale award winning architects @CJPRchitects James Campbell Associates - @JCA_Design Rentruck Rochdale - @Rentruck Rochdale Ghost Walks - @ghost_walk 25TenBoutique - @Kelly25Ten / @Paul25Ten Moss Lodge Hotel - @MossLodge The Waterside Restaurant - @watersidelboro Rochdale Gifts - @GiftyLady Roller City Rochdale - @Roller_City Ladies Only Gym - @ladiesonlygym Starstuck Talent Agency - @rochdaletalent Just Bras lingerie - @JustBras The Baum Pub - @TheBaumRochdale Denis Hope designer fashion - @denishope Brett Harkness Photography - @brettharkness Rochdale Emporium - @Rochdaleemporium Craven & Murray Opticians - @cravenandmurray ICloud comparison - @icloudcompare Nutters Restaurant - @nuttersofficial ROCHDALE CHARITIES… Syke Community Base - @Sykebase Rochdale Childer charity - @RochdaleChilder The Salvation Army Rochdale Songsters - @RCSongsters Rochdale Amateur Operatic Society - @rochdalemusical Springhill Hospice - @SpringhillHosp SPORTS CLUBS… Rochdale Football Club - @RochdaleFCNews The Rochdale Jets netball team - @ROCHDALEJETS Rochdale Cricket Club - @RochdaleCricket Rochdale Swimming Club - @RochdaleSC Rochdale Lacrosse Club - @rochdalelax Rochdale Cycling Club - @RCyclingClub OTHER USEFUL TWEETERS… Rochdale Jobs - @Rochdale_Jobs Rochdale Sixth Form College - @RochdaleSFC Rochdale Town centre - @RochdaleTown Rochdale Pioneers Museum - @PioneersMuseum Link4Life - @Link4Life Touchstones, Rochdale - @Touchstones Simon Danzcuk, Rochdale’s MP - @SimonDanzcuk Rochdale Council - @rochdalecouncil North Rochdale Neighbourhood Police @GMPRochdaleNrth South Rochdale Neighbourhood Police @GMPRochdaleSth Rochdale Rochdale Rochdale - @RochdaleX3 Rochdale Exchange Shopping Centre - @RochdaleExch Rochdale Round Table - @RochdaleRT55 Littleborough Local news & events - @littleboroughlo The Wheatsheaf Shopping Centre - @WheatsheafFC

JOB VACANCY AT ROCHDALE WE'RE LOOKING FOR AN ENTHUSIASTIC AND HIGHLY MOTIVATED SALESPERSON TO JOIN THE ROCHDALE STYLE TEAM. This is a commission only part-time position starting in January 2013 with completely flexible hours. We're looking for someone to work under their own initiative, in and around Rochdale, building relationships with local business people. Over the past eight years, we have developed close friendships with many of our advertisers and we're looking for someone who can build on this. We're looking for a friendly, positive and reliable person who doesn't take rejection personally. We are NOT looking for someone who can recite the same lines and do the 'hard sell'. Most importantly, we need someone who is enthusiastic about Rochdale Style Magazine, so if you're a fan it will definitely help! We're a 'good news' family-run publication and are dedicated to sharing our belief that Rochdale is a great place to live. The magazine is published quarterly, so workload will vary throughout the year, with the majority of work required in the six weeks preceding each deadline. Sales experience is not essential. Own vehicle would be an advantage.

Informal interviews will take place in December/January. If you're interested please send us your CV and tell us why you'd be a great addition to the Style team. Email Colin Meredith at


124 Church Street Littleborough

01706 377233

It has been a fantastic first year at The Hairdressing Room and Salon owner Hayley Staniland, is excited at the prospect of celebrating her first year in business in March 2013. She said: "The continued success is down to the professionalism and experience of us all as a team; Angie, Jodie, Caroline and also Gemma our nail technician. We are keen to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere throughout the salon and with the continued support of our clients, we hope 2013 will be just as successful". Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year!



from all the girls at the hairdressing room


The Hairdressing Room






Ruth Meredith

disCoVeriNg PILAteS

Features Editor, Ruth Meredith discovers the numerous benefits of Pilates at The Physiotherapy Clinic… Having suffered from recurring neck pain for far too long, i decided to seek the friendly, expert advice of physiotherapist Lisa sharratt, at the Physiotherapy Clinic, Bamford. as i suspected, one of the main contributing factors Lisa identified was my posture, made worse by my job as Features editor, hunched over the computer for hours on end. i’m also a photographer and the weight of the camera around my neck, pulling my head forward, all added to the strain on the joints and discs in the spine. the bad news - i have awful posture. the great news - if i act now i can prevent, or at least reduce, the number of future episodes… not to mention the couple of inches i’ll gain from standing up straight! Lisa recommended Pilates as part of a long-term management plan and explained that spinal problems can be significantly improved if abdominal muscles are trained correctly. Pilates is all about training those tiny core muscles you didn’t even know existed. Following activation of the core stability muscles, arm and leg movements are added, to load and strengthen the rest of the trunk muscles and reduce the stress and strain on the spine.

Joseph Pilates devised the original exercise techniques, which form the basis of today’s Pilates methods. He was thought to have been a sickly child, growing up in Germany at the end of last century. He developed equipment and an exercise/breathing programme, to enable him to overcome this sickness. During the First World War, he helped rehabilitate injured patients in hospital with these same exercises, with good results. In the 1920’s, he emigrated to the USA and set up a studio that included apparatus on which the exercises may be practised; an approach that became very popular within the dance community. The original Pilates Method has been modified by several groups to incorporate current

medical and biomechanical thinking. The Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI) is one such group. All members are fully qualified physiotherapists, implementing modified Pilates into prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal problems. For further information please visit The Physiotherapy Clinic currently has a fantastic special offer of just £10 per class if a course of six is paid for in advance. You’re also required to complete an initial one-hour assessment which is £40. There are lunchtime and evening classes to choose from and you can progress through beginner, intermediate and advanced classes.

With the concerns over my neck pain, I decided to join one of the small Pilates classes, held upstairs in the studio at The Physiotherapy Clinic. Instructors are chartered physiotherapists, so will modify the session to suit individual problems and with a maximum of six participants per class you really feel like your getting expert attention. I’m now beginning my third Pilates course (six sessions per course) and can definitely feel an improvement in my core stability, flexibility, muscle tone and awareness of my posture. The sessions are also a great way to relax, yet re-energise… strange but true. Other participants on the course include people with back, shoulder, hip and knee complaints, to name but a few. But you don’t need a physical complaint to reap the benefits of Pilates – improving core stability will help prevent any future problems and it’s also perfect for any sport enthusiasts.

for more information please visit or contact Joanie or Lorraine on 01706 525621 / email Christmas gift vouchers are also available. 26

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A GREAT DEAL oN YoUr doorsteP

Avoid the hoards of stressed out shoppers and mile-long queues, by shopping locally this season. Rochdale boasts many independent retailers, stocking a wide range of quality gifts… and you’ll save on fuel costs too! supporting rochdale’s independent retailers can provide lots of unseen benefits. Most importantly of all, they offer quality, unique gifts and provide that personal touch. the element of surprise and discovery is sometimes lost in large chain stores. However, in a small local retailer you can often find all sorts of unexpected treasures and original gift ideas. Local shops greatly value your support and the friendly staff are usually more than happy to help you choose the perfect gift. Many independent retailers will even wrap the Christmas presents for you, making your gifts look extra special and saving you the hassle. Save time by coming up with a few gift ideas before you set out on your shopping trip. Take a closer look at the advertisements in this edition… we’re certain you’ll find plenty of gift inspiration. Many shops and businesses are offering generous discounts and special offers. Don’t forget to mention ‘Style’ when you shop!

Love Rochdale card gets a makeover… The Love Rochdale loyalty card, launched in summer 2010, has unveiled a new look just in time for Christmas 2012, aimed at increasing the number of people shopping locally and showcasing the best that Rochdale has to offer. As well as a refreshing new design, the scheme has a revamped website – But most importantly the deals available to cardholders have been improved. Debbie O’Brien from Rochdale Town Centre Management commented: “We’ve been talking to local businesses, looking at how we can make offers more attractive and some new ideas on how the scheme can be used to attract more customers whilst offering something extra special for the cardholder.” There are no points or vouchers to collect. Just check the Love Rochdale site for the latest local offers and then present your card when making your purchase. Debbie O’Brien added: “You can also feel proud that when you’re using your Love Rochdale Card you’re supporting your local community, helping to support jobs and keeping money in the local economy. It does make a difference.”

to get a Free card, visit or call 01706 926676. You can now follow @Loverochdale on twitter for the latest deals, and find Love rochdale on facebook.


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Christ mas GIFT IDEAS

From Rochdale’s Local Independents

B.Young Nem Fur Scarf £19.99, available from 25Ten Boutique, 87-89 Yorkshire St, Rochdale. Sleep-in rollers & Amy Child’s perfume, available from 25Ten Boutique, 87-89 Yorkshire St, Rochdale.

Joules slippers, available from Best Dressed, 55 Church St, Littleborough

Tamaris Mocca Antic - £79.99 Shoes by Laces, 2 Cheetham St, Rochdale.

Fuji FinePix JV 100 £69.98 available from Pennine Photographic, 74 Drake St, Rochdale

Mundo Unico, Suspensor Multi Stripe Boxer Shorts £18, available from Just Bras, Mill House, Mellor St, Rochdale. Flowers £42.50, available from Funky Floral Design, 2 Roefield, Rochdale.

Ted Baker socks gift set of three £22, available from Denis Hope, 83-85 Drake St, Rochdale. 30

Mamas and Papas Brandy the Rocking Horse - Available from Kids Stuff, Duke Street Mill, Whitehall St, Rochdale.

Converse All Star children's shoes, available from Little Tiggerz - 2 Harehill Road, Littleborough.

Simon Carter Cufflinks £39, available from Sandifords, 78 Drake St, Rochdale. O Clock Watch £29 (interchangeable straps available), Sandifords, 78 Drake St, Rochdale. Swarovski Love Pendant - £72, available from Sandifords, 78 Drake St, Rochdale.

Ladies nightwear available from Chantilly, 4 Cheetham St, Rochdale.

Pocket Mirror £20, available from Glass sheep, cows & ducks from £5.99 Number Ten Gallery, 10 Baillie St, Rochdale.

Jars full of locally baked goodies, available from or

Flowers from The Flower and The Glory. 70 Church St, Littleborough.


Kid's Stuff, based at Duke Street Mill, off Whitworth Road, has everything you could need for your baby or child, from prams to furniture. One-stop shop for newborn babies to children aged three and a haIf.

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Good Read! A REET

style magazine went along to george Kelsall’s Booksellers in Littleborough, to search for those perfect Christmas stocking fillers. this traditional bookshop is also a reseller of books and offers many publications with a local flavour; here are just a few…


roCHdaLe: a Press PHotograPHer’s

VieW This book is packed with fantastic images of


doWN tHe FigUre 7

Rochdale, taken by Clifford “Raggy” Ashton, the son of a

black peas and munching on roasted spuds straight from the

local mill owner. His entire career was spent as an

fire? Set in Rochdale, this is an evocative time trip back to

adventurous and enthusiastic freelance press photographer,

the black-and-white 1950s. The story of a northern cotton

with Rochdale his main preoccupation. These images have

town struggling to emerge from the shadow of war and a

been compiled by Hannah Haynes, a former local studies and

decade of shortages and rationing. It's all here in its nostalgic

reference Librarian in Rochdale. A fascinating nostalgic read

grimy glory written by Trevor Hoyle. sPeCiaL PriCe

of how Rochdale used to be. £14.99



tHe Prestige series YeLLoWaY


Remember gangs of kids collecting bommie wood? Slurping


tHe roCHdaLe HaNgMaN

The name may have returned, but this is a record of how the

Jack Doughty has put together a comprehensive history of

great name of Yelloway started life in Rochdale in 1932.

Rochdale’s infamous hangman John Ellis. Born in

Yelloway became synonymous throughout the United

Balderstone, in 1874, this chronicles his life in Rochdale

Kingdom as the luxury coach travel firm, taking millions on

before, during and after his life as a public executioner.

their summer holidays. Packed with pictures of how coach

Recently reprinted £14.95


design has changed over the years. £9.50

7 3

sUPerNatUraL PeNNiNes

Jenny Randles book reveals why the Pennine Hills are called

tHe diarY oF edWiN WaUgH

Edwin Waugh was to become the most famous of the dialect poets, who flourished in Lancashire, in the second half of the

the backbone of England. This book tells you the hidden

nineteenth century. Written when he was only thirty, this

secret of the Pennines, ‘which are haunted and always have

book is an insight into his work, day to day life and his

been’. It includes the mysterious case in 1994, when it started

dramatically deteriorating marriage. A fascinating read. £9.95


raining inside a Rochdale bungalow. £10.99

8 4

roCHdaLe aFC: tHe oFFiCiaL

HistorY 1907-2001


HistorY oF LittLeBoroUgH PUBs

In the mid 1700’s, Rochdale had more pubs per 100 population than anywhere else in the county. This

This book traces the origins of the club from its inception

informative book chronicles the many pubs, past and present,

and is a fascinating exploration into the fight to start a

in the Littleborough area of Rochdale.

football club. There are records and statistics galore in this

There are lots of interesting photographs with a detailed

great archive put together by Steven Phillipps. Originally

history of the buildings built as public houses no longer

published at £20.95 now reduced to £9.95

serving beer. £12.99





turn to our competitions page on 75 for your chance to win a copy of rochdale aFC: the official History. george Kelsall Booksellers 22 Church street Littleborough oL15 9aa 01706 370244



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Find us on face book and press Like for upto date offers and special promotions OPEN LATE NIGHT THURSDAY 10 - 6 AND SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OPENING TIMES SAT 22nd Dec 10 - 5 c SUN 23RD DEC 11 - 4 c MON 24th Dec 10 - 4 c TUES 25th Dec closed c WEDS 26th Dec closed c THURS 27th Dec 10 - 5 FRI 28th Dec 10 - 5 c SAT 29TH DEC 10 - 5 c SUN 30th Dec closed c MON 31st Dec 10 - 5 c TUES 1st Jan closed c WEDS 2nd Jan 10 - 5



‘The time is right for the emergence of a Rochdale Creative Foundation', writes local author and broadcaster, Norman Warwick, of Just Poets.

rochdale boasts more than a dozen revenue funded arts organisations and they are regularly seen at major borough events. there is even an arts forum, at which representatives of these organisations meet to exchange their success stories and to occasionally explore joint funding applications. the arts forum members are now all housed on one website at; a site which clearly shows how much creative talent there is in rochdale. Looking at the effect of the current economic climate on arts organisations and civic centres, there seems to be an urgent need to review and plan a borough-wide arts strategy, linking the arts to our social economic needs. Rochdale will eventually require a dedicated and purpose built arts venue to facilitate the arts in addressing a warning set of social indicators that include low literacy levels, low cultural engagement, low youth employment and low life expectancy. So why does Rochdale need a creative boost? A vibrant arts community can massively attract tourism to an area and even help to regenerate impoverished towns and communities. A strong arts quarter attracts shops and shoppers and even new industries and services. Across the UK, examples can be seen of successful arts strategies. Close to home the Lowry Centre, Salford, has encouraged footfall to multi-media locations and events around a previously rundown area. Wakefield 36

recently opened a modern arts venue, celebrating the work of Barbara Hepworth and The Jerwood Centre will open in Hastings, as the latest of such arts-led ventures. A borough with a vibrant artistic community challenges the orthodox, celebrates the innovative and embraces the challenges and changes of the future, whilst retaining the best of the traditional. Arts generate income and wealth and help build a quality of life that attracts investment. This in turn, offers vibrant local lifestyle opportunities, encouraging talented and enterprising young people to remain living locally and contribute to the community by developing individual creative thinking. In doing so, they could stimulate the enterprise, courage and creativity to help

Rochdale turn its history of industrial revolution and co-operation into a model for the 21st century. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that encouraging our borough artists would contribute to social cohesion, good mental health, happiness and wellbeing and help Rochdale to reach its full creative potential. We need the revenue funded and freelance artists of the borough to step forward, speak as one voice from a rochdale Creative Foundation and create wider awareness of rochdale’s excellence in the arts. People still don’t know where to find us and we must change that. are you interested in joining a new rochdale creative foundation? get in touch and let us know your thoughts. email

CELEBRATING ROCHDALE ARTS Touchstones Creative Writing Group hosted a LeXicon festival in September celebrating a day of words, poetry, music and dance. The eventful day included contributions from Skylight Circus Arts, Spiral Dance and bards from The Baum. The Mayor of Rochdale Cllr. James Gartside supported the event and watched some of the live performances.

“where tomorrow’s stars can be found today”

HAVE YOU GOT TALEnT? Why not join our Theatre School, Television and Modelling Agency in rochdale

Former pupils include Shannon Flynn (Emily James in BBC's Waterloo Road) & Katie McGlynn (Scout in BBC's Waterloo Road)


OPEn AUDiTiOnS We are holding our next round of auditions for 4-18 yr olds for the Theatre School and Agency, along with 0-4 year olds for our Model Agency.

Saturday 19th January 2013 St Andrews Church Smith Street rochdale OL16 1HE (next to bus station)

10.00am until 1.00pm (Audition scripts provided on the day)

TEL 01706 710810 fOr MOrE infO or Jo in us for our P roduction of Ol iver M a y 2 0 1 3


Just over a year ago, local youngster daniel rhodes decided he wanted to become a street magician, following in the footsteps of his idol, dynamo. the nine year old has since become well known around rochdale for bringing magic to the lives of everyone he meets.


he Newhey Community Primary school pupil recently flummoxed oldham athletic directors, players and spectators with his impressive magical illusions. While watching oldham athletics victory over Preston North end at the o2 day in an executive box at Boundary Park, daniel decided to provide some magical entertainment and showed off some of his best card tricks. the directors enjoyed daniel’s tricks so much that they led him straight to the directors' and Players' Lounge for another performance, before taking him to entertain the fans. He’s since been booked for his first professional job with JD Williams, quickly followed by a booking from Preston North End Football Club. Daniel has also convinced his mum, Lisa, to let him audition for next year’s Britain’s Got

Talent and he’s already busy perfecting his tricks to impress the judging panel. “He leaves packs of cards and bent spoons all over the house!” says Lisa.

Daniel a few new tricks. Another professional magician Mark Hartley has also been very kind to Daniel and even given him some of his tricks, which Daniel was over the moon with.”

Daniel, a member of Starstruck Talent Agency, is also a keen actor and has starred in Morrison’s commercials and the ‘Who Will Stop Jack Frost?’ horror spoof ad campaign for the AA’s Home Emergency Response Service. He also appeared in BBC1's ‘Turn Back Time, The Family’ in the 1970s. Lisa commented, “When we’re on the train down to London for auditions, he’ll walk up and down the train showing his tricks to people - he speaks to everyone.”

Daniel recently wowed the Style team with his magical illusions and we think the cheeky chappy has certainly got a bright future ahead of him… let’s keep our fingers crossed that the BGT judges agree!

Lisa added, “Wherever we go there is always a crowd around Daniel as he entertains people with his tricks… even when we’re shopping in Asda! We recently bumped into professional Rochdale magician, Andrew Jordan, when we were in Asda, Rochdale. He and Daniel had a ‘magic-off’ and a big crowd gathered to watch them. Andrew has even been round to show

You can keep track of daniel’s latest news on, twitter @danrhodesMagic or Youtube Hdrhodes2012. 38

ruth Meredith

Koo-toure - Best Dressed Littleborough

toP teN Ladies fAShIoN treNds: WINter 2012/13

LEATHER Matt and wet-look leather – take your pick. This season’s trend is less fetish, but still feisty. Look out for leather block detail on skirts and dresses.

ONESIE The romper suit for adults has become a fashion must-have. Famous onesie fans include


Cheryl Cole, Robbie Williams

Make a slick style statement in

and Olympic medal winner Tom

PVC, patent leather and

Daley. Jump in!

rubberised rainwear, in bright and bold hues.




This vibrant colour complements most skin tones. For an incredibly striking look go head-to-toe with minimal jewellery and simple shoes.

Oversized coats, pillow-sleeved jackets, billowing trousers… great for hiding the turkey dinner! Contrast volume with slimline structure.


Koo-toure - Best Dressed Littleborough

Wearable marshmallowy jackets and vests are back... and the brighter the better.

DECORATED HEELS Your shoe’s heels are getting a shot in the limelight this season, with fancy embellishments, decoration and even see-through heels. You could always dig out the sequins and glitter and have a go yourself…!


Wear with a waist-defining belt. Simple, stylish… and oh so snuggly!

BIKER JACKET The must-have item you’ll wear over and over… with just about anything.

Amy Childs - 25Ten Boutique Rochdale


The peplum arrived on our fashion radar this time last year and it's back! Seen on pencil skirts, dresses and sitting on tops to break up a top and trouser set, peplums synch the waist and add a touch of drama.


WiNter BeAUtY tiPs ok, so you might refuse to even glance at the Christmas decorations, which have been put up in your favourite shops, but you can’t hide forever... Christmas is certainly on its way. the winter mornings may be frosty, dull and bleak, but you don’t have to be. Here is my ultimate guide to see you though these winter months and treatments to help you achieve glowing skin, a festive radiance and fabulous feet for those party shoes. During winter months, we expose our skin to extremes of hot and cold, from the harsh bitter wind outside, to the snug of our central heated offices and homes. These extremes in temperature cause our skin to dry out and become flaky and dehydrated. I recommend drinking plenty of fluids during these winter months to keep your skin hydrated and try to exfoliate the whole body twice a week; use circular motions all over the body to increase circulation, remove dead flaky skin and soften and brighten the skin, giving you a fantastic polished look. Darphin’s Nourishing Smoothing Body Scrub with red berries and eucalyptus essential oil (£38) is perfect for removing dead skin cells, increasing your circulation and at the same time feeding your skin nutrients, helping to flush toxins. If this wasn’t enough, the eucalyptus oil leaves your skin ever so soft and nourished. To ensure you get that festive glow, use a good cream or body oil and apply to damp skin after exfoliating. I would recommend Darphin’s New Satin Oil with red ginger essential oil for that extra luxury (£39). For the face, it is important to exfoliate twice a week and use a mask once a week. Exfoliating the face will increase the regeneration of new cells, aiding the absorption of creams. I would recommend Darphin’s Age Defying Crushed Pearl Dermabrasion Exfoliator (£49) - use on damp skin and exfoliate using small circular motions for around five minutes, before rinsing with warm water. Your skin will feel smooth and look polished. A mask can then be applied to boost hydration Darphin’s Hydrating Kiwi Mask (£29) is the perfect option for that much-needed boost.

Why not prepare your feet for that Christmas party? Take the time to exfoliate your feet, buff away hard skin, take off toe polish allowing your nails to breathe, soak your feet and push back cuticles once a week. Use a good quality moisturiser to massage the feet for five minutes. If you want to re-polish the toe nails, be sure to apply a base coat and top coat to get the most out of your polish and remember that polish takes 20 minutes to become dry to the touch but a full 24 hours to be hard dry, so avoid hot baths and showers for 24 hours after they have been polished. Follow these tips and you will look radiant and glowing in time for the Christmas festivities, but if all this sounds too much like hard work, why not let the professionals help? With treatments starting from as little as £6.50, there is something for everyone at The Retreat.

EMMA FITTON Business, Salon Manager

the retreat, Nails and things. To find out more or to book your appointment please Call 01706 868 898. 42

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Bathrooms can be viewed on youtube (richardbathrooms) or vists  After over 30 YEARS of experience Richard has not lost his enthusiasm in planning and fitting bathrooms  from simple to luxury for his many customers. Quality work need not be expensive, but is excellent value for money.

Call: Richard on 01706 653031 / 07870 172857 or Sandra on 07973 918989 for a FREE QuOTATION 43

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Butternut Butter nut S Squash quash S Soup oup

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Main Slow Roast Belly Slow Belly P Pork ork with A Apricot pricot Stuffing S tuffing & Crackling Crackling Fillets F illets of Plaice Plaice D Duglere uglere Meat S Special pecial W ild Mushroom Mushroom & S pinach P ancakes Wild Spinach Pancakes with Tarragon Tarragon Butter S Sauce auce

Dessertt Desser See S ee Special Special Boar Board d

Intermediate Inter mediate Course Poached Fillet Poached Fillet of P Plaice laice with a Chivee Butter S Chiv Sauce auce & P Pea ea P Puree uree

Main Braised L Braised Lamb amb S Shank, hank, Creamed Cr eamed P Potatoes, otatoes, P Puy uy lentils & Roasted Beetr Beetroot oot

Dessertt Desser Lemon T Lemon Tart art with a Co Compote mpote of Fresh F resh Raspberries Raspberries Barista coffee Barista coffee and petit fours fours available to co complement mplement any any meal.

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Business Awards AND THE WINNERS ARE… More than 300 guests, in their finest tuxedos and dresses, filled the Great Hall in Rochdale Town Hall on 2nd November for the second Rochdale Business Awards.

guests from businesses across the borough enjoyed a champagne reception, meal and a glamorous awards ceremony. dubbed the oscars of the rochdale business world, the annual event is organised to recognise and celebrate the achievements of rochdale businesses. the evening raised in the region of £3,000 for springhill Hospice. tHe aWard WiNNers: l Business Co-operation - Ladies only l Business of the Year (turnover 1m-5m) - suprafilt l Business Man of the Year - daniel shackleton and stephen grindrod l Business of the Year (turnover under 1m) - recruitment solutions l environmental Business - the Casey group l Business Woman of the Year - rebecca schofield l apprentice employer - smart electrical l start up Business of the Year - Warburton estates l Business of the Year (turnover over £5M) - the Casey group



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Hair extension, Tanning & Nail Salon

657 Edenfield Road / Norden / Rochdale / OL11 5XE Telephone: 01706 868 669


FARROWDALE HOUSE PREPARATORY SCHOOL Farrowdale House Preparatory School is a high achieving co-educational school with traditional values for children aged 2½ -11 years. It offers an excellent level of educational provision within a caring, family orientated environment. The success of the school and its pupils continues to be achieved each year as a result of Farrowdale House’s founding principle that nurtured children reach their full potential. In order to ensure that every child is afforded the opportunity to achieve their very best, Farrowdale children are taught in small classes to their own individual abilities by highly qualified and experienced staff. In addition, the school is

able to provide individual programmes for those who are particularly gifted and talented. At Farrowdale House we aim to meet the needs of all our children and pride ourselves in caring for the individual child through a broad and balanced curriculum, within a relaxed friendly environment in which all pupils are able to develop their individual talents. We also aim to ensure that our pupils have a sense of identity, confidence and well developed social skills. In addition to the usual classroom facilities, the school also has an ICT suite which is networked to classroom computers and interactive whiteboards with wi-fi access throughout the school. We also have a multi-purpose hall which has an original sprung maple polished floor making it ideal for PE and sports lessons. In addition, the

hall’s domed acoustic ceiling makes it perfect for elocution, music and drama productions. Our choir also use the hall to rehearse which has served them well as they have been invited, year after year, to sing in Manchester Cathedral at Easter and Christmas, for charity. The school consistently achieves well above average SATs results and outstanding 100% pass rates for Grammar School entrance examinations each year giving a wide choice of schools for your child at 11 years old. However, whilst a strong emphasis is placed on academic achievement, Farrowdale is not academically selective and children of all abilities are welcomed and well catered for. This current academic year the year 6



Farrowdale House Independent Preparatory


Open 7.30am to 6.00pm

Established 1983

Outstanding SAT’s Results

Extensive extra curricular activities

100% Pass Rate for Grammar Schools Scholarships Awarded Programmes for Gifted and Talented


Co-educational places available for 2-11 year old children

tel: 01706 844 533 email: | children were awarded 3 academic scholarships through to the age of 18 and 1 sports scholarship through to the age of 18. Farrowdale House School is not affiliated with any other educational institution and is wholly independent of any secondary educational provider. We are therefore able to offer our parents independent advice when the time comes for them to choose an appropriate secondary school for their child. In consideration of working parents a


homemade two course lunch is available daily. The school has an early bird service from 7.30am, an after school club until 6.00pm and a holiday club. Extra curricular clubs are run for the children on a daily basis covering a wide range of hobbies and sports.

pupils travelling daily from Chadderton, Middleton, Ashton-U-Lyne, Mossley, Saddleworth, Marsden, Rochdale, Walsden, Rossendale Valley, Littleborough and Whitworth. The school is now the oldest established completely independent preparatory school in your area.

Since opening in the early 1980s, Farrowdale House has continued to attract pupils from a wide catchment area that covers Greater Manchester and theYorkshire Lancashire Borders with

Parents interested in a place for their child at Farrowdale House are invited to visit the school at any time and discuss their child’s future. Admissions are accepted throughout the academic year.

DEC 2012 - FEB 2013 ROCHDALE


events guide



Matthew Houlding: More Places To Get Away From It All On show at Touchstones Rochdale 15 December 2012

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Heritage Attractions


Live Music, Concerts & Dances


Markets & Fairs




Street Events & Festivals


Theatre & Performing Arts


Walks & Tours


Workshops & Talks


Preview Events Guide is a Link4Life publication compiled by Rochdale Tourist Information Centre, Touchstones Rochdale, The Esplanade, Rochdale, OL16 1AQ. Tel: 01706 924928

Weds 26 Dec 2012

A Mixed Media Exhibition by Rochdale Artists

Mince Pie Special

Organised by Littleborough Coach House 6ENUE Littleborough Coach House, Lodge Street, Littleborough Time: Monday-Saturday 11am-4pm Enquiries: 01706 378481

Film Cinema listings

Organised by Rochdale Odeon Cinemas Baby Odeon (parent and baby screening) every Wednesday morning. 6ENUE Rochdale Multiplex Cinema, Sandbrook Park, Rochdale Time: Various "OOKINGS ENQUIRIES THROUGH 0871 22 44 007 or web site

Thur 10 Jan 2013

%NQUIRIES "OOKINGS To find out more about any event, or to book tickets, please contact the organiser direct on the number provided with the event listing.

How to get there GMPTE Enquiries 0161 228 7811 or visit a GMPTE Travelshop

A film by Gordon Yates: A Taste of Islay Organised by Rochdale Field Naturalists' Society 6ENUE Cutgate Baptist Church, Edenfield Road, Rochdale Time: 7.30pm Price: Members ÂŁ2, Non-members ÂŁ3 "OOKINGS ENQUIRIES 01706 630707

Not listed? If you would like your event listed free in a future issue of Preview then email us on or post details to Rochdale TIC (address above). Photos and editorial, max 75 words, also welcome. Link4Life cannot guarantee to include all requests and may edit submissions at their discretion. Deadline: Fri 18 January

Regular events For a list of regular weekly groups and sessions visit or contact Rochdale TIC to obtain a printed copy.

Large print Preview can be made available in large print on request.

Heritage Attractions Sat 1 Dec 2012 to Mon 24 Dec 2012

Santa Specials Organised by East Lancashire Railway Fun for all the family at this regular festive event. Children will receive a gift from Santa. Parents can enjoy a mince pie and festive tipple. Dates: 1-2, 8-9, 15-16, 20-24 December 2012. Prebooking is essential. 6ENUE East Lancashire Railway, Bury & all stations. Price: Please telephone for details "OOKINGS ENQUIRIES 0161 764 7790 (10am-4pm) or book on-line on

Preview Online


Email to be added to our Preview E: Bulletin list and receive all the latest information.

Fire Service Museum Open Day

Disclaimer Information has been supplied by events organisers and may change without prior notice. You are advised to confirm details.

Organised by Greater Manchester Fire Service Museum Please refer to museum for further information. 6ENUE Maclure Road, Rochdale Time: 10am-4pm Price: Free Enquiries: 01706 901227

Key to symbols Where the information has been provided, we have given symbols alongside the listings to help you decide if the event or activity meets your needs. Family Friendly

Facilities for the disabled

Free Admission

Discounts for Passport to Leisure Members

Accessible by public transport


Preview Events Guide

Heritage Attractions

Sat 1 Dec 2012 to Sat 5 Jan 2013

Sun 9 Dec 2012

)N 3TEAM #HRISTMAS &AIR WITH 4HE Moonshiners Organised by Ellenroad Steam Museum Experience the awesome power of the world's largest working mill engine in full steam and on public display, plus live music from The Moonshiners, sing carols with a brass band and visit the Christmas Fair stalls. 6ENUE Ellenroad Steam Museum, Elizabethan Way, Newhey, Rochdale Time: Admission from 11am; with steaming from 12noon-4pm Price: ÂŁ3 Adult, ÂŁ2.50 Concessions, ÂŁ8 Family Enquiries: 07789 802632

Organised by East Lancashire Railway Pre-booking is essential. 6ENUE East Lancashire Railway, Bury & all stations. Price: Please telephone for details "OOKINGS ENQUIRIES 0161 764 7790 (10am-4pm) or book on-line on

,IVE -USIC #ONCERTS Dances Sat 1 Dec 2012

Christmas Carol Concert Organised by the Friends of the Edgar Wood Centre & THI Initiative Rochdale Girls’ Choir will support the final event in Middleton’s celebration of its medieval past. Donations will be in aid of the Restoration Fund. Seasonal refreshments will be available. 6ENUE Long Street Methodist Church & the Edgar Wood Centre, Long Street, Middleton Time: 7pm "OOKINGS ENQUIRIES 0161 643 4362

Sat 5 Jan 2013

Rochdale Town Hall Organ Recitals Organised by Oldham, Rochdale & Tameside Organists’ Association The launch of the Rochdale Town Hall Organ Centenary with Ronald Frost from St Ann’s Church, Manchester performing on the Binns organ. 6ENUE Rochdale Town Hall Time: 12noon prompt Price: £8 Adult, £6.50 Concessions & Members – entrance by programme available on the door Enquiries: 01706 924775

Fri 15 February 2013

"IG 3HOT 3WING "AND 6ALENTINE S Dance Organised by Heywood Civic Centre 6ENUE Heywood Civic Centre, Church Street Price: £10 Time: Doors 7pm for 7.30pm "OOKINGS ENQUIRIES 0300 303 8399 Monday to Friday (9am – 4.30pm)

Saturday 1 December 2012

A Christmas Spectacular Organised by Rochdale Youth Orchestra An evening of festive music and carols. 6ENUE Gracie Fields Theatre, Hudson’s Walk Time: 7pm Price: £9 Adults; £6 Concessions; £1 Child Enquiries: Sue Verity 01706 631942 "OOK TICKETS In Person/Phone: Touchstones Rochdale 01706 924928 (Tues-Sat 10am-5pm) or at the door on the evening.

Fiona Curran: swim to the other side of the pool (detail)

15 December 2012 – 9 March 2013 Fiona Curran’s paintings and assemblages of found and made objects present real and imagined landscapes where the boundaries between the natural and the artificial are blurred. This exhibition will feature a number of new works that re-present images of scenic views dating from the 1960s, transforming them through the use of different fabrication processes including print, collage and tapestry. The 1960s were a period marked by the rapid advance of new technologies, the development of the consumer society as we know it today and the emergence of environmental politics, it therefore offers a rich symbolic reference to be explored in the present.

Matthew Houlding: More Places To Get Away From It All 15 December 2012 – 9 March 2013 Matthew Houlding’s sculptures draw us into a fantastic, retro-futuristic world, where bespoke and meticulously built environments celebrate Modernist architecture and the pursuit of utopian ideals. The exhibition features two significant bodies of work, Sons of Pioneers (2009) and The Chemosphere (2010). Houlding has exhibited widely in Britain and Europe and is represented by Ceri Hand Gallery.

Echoes of the Edwardian Era

"LOOM 16 February 2013 to Spring 2014 The beauty of flowers has inspired centuries of art and design. This exhibition celebrates the significance of flowers and how floral motifs feature in our Museum and Art Gallery collections. Learn how local botanical societies collected and stored specimens, explore the wonderful language of flowers, be amazed by the varied Museum objects on display and look out for a special knitted installation at the front of the Touchstones Rochdale building which will expand to Broadfield Park in the spring. This exhibition includes hands-on activities to inspire our younger visitors.

Gallery One Shows Martin Jenkins: Landscape and Light 5NTIL *ANUARY

Martin Jenkins uses photography, video and sculpture to express his thoughtful observations of urban and rural landscapes. The unusual structures of his corrugated cardboard sculptures invite the viewer’s participation through touch and sight. The exhibition represents his ‘journey’ as an artist from 1990s Rochdale College evening classes to a Bradford School of Art MA.

Touchstones Rochdale

Fiona Curran: 7AITING &OR 4HE 0ERFECT 6IEW

The Esplanade, Rochdale, OL16 1AQ | 01706 924492

OPEN: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm. Free entry. Closed for Christmas 23-26, 30-31 December 2012 & 1 January 2013

ATIC Studios: Compulsive 26 January – 13 April 2013


Photographer Ian Clegg and sculptor Angela Tait are artists who have been collaborating on creative projects since 2010. Their practice addresses their individual obsessions and collections which are explored through the combined mediums of ceramics, sculpture and experimental photography.

Following on from the Gallery’s successful Victorian Stories exhibition in 2010, this is a chance to see Edwardian paintings from the Art Gallery collection alongside costume, objects and ephemera of the time from the Museum and Local Studies collections.

Family Friendly Events All children must be accompanied by an adult (max. 3 children per adult). Where booking is required please note this can only be made in the two weeks prior to the event on 01706 924492 or in person at Touchstones Rochdale.

"UGS "EASTIES AND "EAUTIFUL "LOOMS All things bright, beautiful, wriggling, buzzing and hovering will be the focus of this exciting workshop based on what you might find alive in the garden. Come along and help artist Cat Jessop create a giant garden mural made up from all the handmade flowers and bugs you will make in this fun session. For ages 5-12 years old. Drop-in activity – no need to book. 4UES &EB s AM PM \ &2%%

Construct A Sculpture Inspired by Matthew Houlding’s sculptures on display in the Art Gallery, make your own colourful sculpture to take away. &OR AGES "OOKING ESSENTIAL &RI &EB s AM NOON \ &2%%

We welcome applications for Gallery One exhibitions from anyone who lives or works in the borough of Rochdale – just ring 01706 924492.

Young People Event For 13-25 years. Booking is essential – parental consent forms will be sent out when booking on to the session for young people under 18 years. Ring 01706 924492 to book.

Create Consult: Retro-Futuristic Sculpture Working with an artist find out more about Matthew Houlding’s contemporary sculptures inspired by architecture and create your own work in response. 4HURS &EB s PM PM \ &2%%

Holiday Quiz

3AT $EC TO 3AT *AN 3AT &EB TO 3AT &EB FREE Drop in during normal opening hours – no booking required. Complete the quiz and get your chance to be entered into the free prize draw.

Image: Matthew Houlding, The Chemosphere (detail). Image courtesy of the artist and Ceri Hand Gallery. Photo Jonathan Shaw.

Bookings is essential ~ ring 01706 924492 to confirm your place.




Sun 2 Dec 2012

Mon 18 Feb – Fri 22 Feb 2013

Flea Market

Go4it Half Term Holiday Junior Activities

Organised by Heywood Civic Centre 6ENUE Heywood Civic Centre, Church Street Food available all day. Time: 9am-4pm Price: Tables ÂŁ10 in advance; Entrance: ÂŁ1 Adults; 80p Concessions Enquiries: 0300 303 8399 or 01706 624104

Sun 9 Dec 2012

Farmers Market Organised by Littleborough Events and Associations Forum Please refer to for further details. Further dates include: There will be no market in January 2013, trading for 2013 starts 10 February & 10 March 2013 with further dates throughout the year. Produce available includes delicious meats, vegetables, chutneys, cakes and cheeses and local crafts. 6ENUE Conservative Club, Peel Street, Littleborough Time: 10am-3pm

Organised by Link4Life Contact your local leisure centre and pool for what’s on during the February half-term school holidays. 6ENUES Bowlee Park Sports Centre 0161 643 4907 Heywood Sports Village 01706 924000 Littleborough Sports Centre 01706 756602 Middleton Arena 0161 662 4000 Rochdale Leisure Centre 01706 926000 Touchstones Rochdale 01706 924492 See the full programmes online at

Sun 16 Dec 2012

Third Sunday of the month 3UNDAY -ARKET #AR "OOT 3ALE Organised by Middleton Town Centre Management Runs over three levels in the multi-storey car park of Middleton Shopping Centre on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Just turn up – pay on the day. Free parking available on-site and off-site. Further dates include 20 January 2013 & 17 February 2013. 6ENUE Middleton Shopping Centre, Limetrees Road, Middleton Time: 6am–1pm Price: Cars £12, Vans £20 payable on the door Enquiries: 0161 653 4990 No pre-booking facility, simply turn up on the day.


Annual Christmas Concert Organised by Chimera Opera Society For further information please ring 01706 343163. 6ENUE Spotland Methodist Chapel, Tenby Street, off Rooley Moor Road, Rochdale Time: 7.30pm Price: Tickets available on the door; please ring for details.

Weds 19 Dec 2012 to Sat 22 Dec 2012

Christmas Markets

Peter Pan

Tues 5 Feb 2013

4OY 4RAIN &AIR Organised by Heywood Civic Centre 6ENUE Heywood Civic Centre, Church Street Time: Doors 6.30pm Price: ÂŁ1.50 Enquiries: 01706 624104 (Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm)


Organised by Gracie Fields Theatre Let your dreams take flight at Gracie Fields Theatre this Christmas. Join Wendy, Michael and John as they take off to Neverland with the boy who never grows up, Peter Pan - starring Nikki Sanderson from Coronation Street and Dawn Bellamy from Heartbeat. 6ENUE Gracie Fields Theatre, Hudson's Walk, Rochdale Time: 24 December - 1pm & 5pm; 25 December - no shows; 26 December – 1pm & 5pm; 27 December – 2pm & 6pm; 28 December – 2pm & 6pm; 29 December – 1pm & 5pm; 30 December – 1pm & 5pm; 31 December – 1pm. Price: Adults £17.50, Concessions £15.50, Groups 20+ £12.50, Family Ticket £52 (2 Adults, 2 Children). "OOKINGS ENQUIRIES THROUGH or for on-line ticket sales or box office 0843 208 0500

Preview Events Guide

Organised by Colin Meredith & Russell Richardson Rochdale Ghost Walks will run on the first and third Thursday each month – Dates include: 6/12/12 & 20/12/12; 17/1/13; 7/2/13; 21/2/13 with regular dates throughout the year. Please note there will NOT be a walk on 27/12/12 & 3/1/13. Private parties for 15 or more catered for; anytime to suit. Ghostly tales and murderous deeds from Rochdale’s past will chill you to the core on these evening walks around Rochdale town centre. After the walk you can warm yourself in the cosy surroundings of the Baum, one of Rochdale’s finest ‘Real Ale’ pubs. Ghost walks suitable for adults and children. All children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. 6ENUE Meet at the Baum, 33-37 Toad Lane, Rochdale OL12 ONU Time: 7.30pm-9pm (approximately 90 minutes) Price: ÂŁ5 (all classes) "OOKINGS %NQUIRIES 07774152620 or 07939215458 or email: No need to book; just turn up. Group bookings are necessary.

Coach Trip – Old Moor Nature 2ESERVE 3OUTH 9ORKSHIRE 230" Organised by Rochdale Field Naturalists' Society 6ENUE Depart from the cul de sac, Manchester Road, Rochdale Time: 9am Price: Members £13, Non-members £15 Enquiries: 01706 644394 Sat 29 Dec 2012

Car Trip – Todmorden Area, Calderdale Organised by Rochdale Field Naturalists' Society 6ENUE Depart from the cul de sac, Manchester Road, Rochdale Time: 10am Price: Free, but contribution to petrol appreciated. Enquiries: 01706 853791 Sat 12 Jan 2013

Coach Trip – Carssington Water, Derbyshire Organised by Rochdale Field Naturalists' Society 6ENUE Depart from the cul-de-sac, Manchester Road, Rochdale Time: 9am Price: Members £13, Non-members £15 Enquiries: 01706 644394 Sat 26 Jan 2013

Car Trip – Dunham Massey Parkland (NT), Cheshire

Sat 9 Feb 2013

The Mikado by Gilbert and Sullivan

Sat 9 Feb 2013

Reindeer Parade


Dec 2012 to Feb 2013

Organised by Rochdale Field Naturalists' Society 6ENUE Depart from the cul-de-sac, Manchester Road, Rochdale Time: 10am Price: Free, but contribution to petrol appreciated. Enquiries: 01706 853791

Sun 2 Dec 2012 Organised by Rochdale Town Centre Management Company 6ENUE Starts at the top of Yorkshire Street then parades down the Butts Time: 12noon Enquiries: 01706 926676 or

Rochdale Ghost Walks

Sat 8 Dec 2012

Mon 24 Dec 2012 to Mon 31 Dec 2012

Organised by Rochdale Town Centre Management Company Venue: Lower Yorkshire Street Enquiries: 01706 926676 or


Organised by Rochdale Phoenix Opera Society Tickets will available on the door. For further information, please ring 01706 370287. 6ENUE Spotland Methodist Chapel, Tenby Street, off Rooley Moor Road, Rochdale Time: 7.30pm

#OACH 4RIP n 7INTERSETT 2ESERVOIR Anglers Country Park, Yorkshire Organised by Rochdale Field Naturalists' Society 6ENUE Depart from the cul-de-sac, Manchester Road, Rochdale Time: 9am Price: Members ÂŁ13, Non-members ÂŁ15 Enquiries: 01706 644394

Go online to visit clubfinder For details of over 200 local clubs

For more about getting into sport in the borough of Rochdale visit or call 01706 926204

Link4Life is the trading name of Rochdale Boroughwide Cultural Trust. Registered Charity No: 1118610 5



Sat 23 Feb 2013


Car Trip – Whalley Area, Lancashire

Lancashire Dialect Evening

Organised by Rochdale Field Naturalists' Society 6ENUE Depart from the cul-de-sac, Manchester Road, Rochdale Time: 10am Price: Free, but contribution to petrol appreciated. Enquiries: 01706 853791

Organised by Edwin Waugh Lancashire Dialect Society Poems, pathos, rhymes and laughter; further dates include 9 January & 13 February 2013. 6ENUE Jarvis Street Methodist Chapel, Jarvis Street, (off Whitworth Road) Rochdale Time: 7.30pm prompt Price: Donations welcome. Enquiries: 01706 343163

7ORKSHOPS #LASSES 4ALKS First Thursday of Every Month

Touchstones Creative Writing Group


Organised by Touchstones Rochdale Now independently constituted, the Touchstones Creative Writing Group meets monthly to encourage and promote creative writing. Encouraging the positive health and wellbeing benefits which can be gained through expressing yourself with creative writing, the group welcomes new members, both would-be and existing writers, to join in. Sessions led by Norman Warwick, Just Poets. Please phone for details. 6ENUE Touchstones Rochdale, The Esplanade Time: Workshops 2pm-3.30pm Enquiries: 01706 924492

A talk by D Hudson – Local Postal History Organised by Littleborough Historical & Archaeological Society New members welcome. 6ENUE Littleborough Coach House, Lodge Street, Harvey Room Time: 8pm, refreshments 7.45pm Price: £2 members, £2.50 non-members Enquiries: 01706 377685

Thur 7 Feb 2013

Family Quiz Night Last Tuesday of Every Month

Knitty Gritty Organised by Touchstones Rochdale No booking required. Join our monthly knitting circle in CafÊ Life. Bring along your own knitting projects, share ideas and be inspired. Younger knitters are welcome in the school holidays. Free session – just buy a brew! Sessions dates for January to February 2013: 29 January 2013 & 26 February 2013 6ENUE Touchstones Rochdale, The Esplanade Time: 2pm-3.30pm Enquiries: 01706 924492

Organised by Falinge Park High School & Performing Arts College Limited seating; led by S De Courcey and staff. Booking is essential. Come and join us as we host an Arts inspired quiz night with fun for all the family. Plenty of prizes to win!! 6ENUE Falinge Park High School & Performing Arts College, Falinge Road, Shawclough, Rochdale OL12 6LD – Drama Studio Time: 7pm-8.30pm Price: £4 for a team of 4 "OOKING ENQUIRIES 01706 631246

Thur 7 Feb 2013 Thur 6 Dec 2012

A lecture by Stuart Meredith – Shorebirds, the Wonder of Waders Organised by Rochdale Field Naturalists' Society 6ENUE Cutgate Baptist Church, Edenfield Road, Rochdale Time: 7.30pm Price: Members £2, Non-members £3 "OOKINGS ENQUIRIES 01706 630707

! LECTURE BY *EFF #LARKE "ISCAY AND Picos Organised by Rochdale Field Naturalists' Society 6ENUE Cutgate Baptist Church, Edenfield Road, Rochdale Time: 7.30pm Price: Members ÂŁ2, Non-members ÂŁ3 "OOKINGS ENQUIRIES 01706 630707

4HUR &EB ND 4HUR OF THE -ONTH Mon 10 Dec 2012

Indonesian Shadow Puppetry Workshop Organised by Falinge Park High School & Performing Arts College Limited to 60 places; suitable for 9 & 10 year olds. Led by S De Courcey, discover how to make real Indonesian Shadow Puppets and hear about the myths that inspired them in this exciting session. Booking is essential. 6ENUE Falinge Park High School & Performing Arts College, Falinge Road, Shawclough, Rochdale OL12 6LD – Drama Studio Time: 11.15am-12.30pm "OOKING ENQUIRIES 01706 631246


Preview Events Guide

A talk by Keith Mellor: Clocks – A Collection Organised by Littleborough Historical & Archaeological Society New members welcome. 6ENUE Littleborough Coach House, Lodge Street, Harvey Room Time: 8pm, refreshments 7.45pm Price: £2 members, £2.50 non-members Enquiries: 01706 377685

Tues 19 Feb 2013

Middleton Floral Arts Club Floral Demonstration Organised by Middleton Floral Arts 6ENUE St Aiden’s Church, Sudden, Rochdale Time: 7.30pm Price: £4 per ticket Enquiries: 01706 923124

NewYear’s Eve

Spectacular Monday 31 December

This New Year’s Eve spectacular featuring the International Multi Award Winning Soul & Motown tribute Show. Sit back, relax and experience the magical Motown sound of The Manhattans. These guys really know how to entertain. Listen to classic Soul & Motown hits from The Temptations, The Stylistics, Barry White, The Drifters, The Four Tops, Edwin Starr, Boyz 2 Men, Billy Ocean and many more.... All delivered with style, charisma and outstanding talent! Dance the night away with the Manhattans and guest DJs. Come to Heywood’s premier venue for Entertainment and see in the New Year in Style. A Premium table for up to ten people, next to the dance floor and stage, including a bottle of Champagne and three bottles of wine costs £250. Seating at other tables costs £20. Tickets on sale now from the box office. Times: 7.30pm to 1.30am with a Champagne Bar between 10.45pm and 11.45pm to see in the New Year.

Saturday 15 December

Rochdale Music Society presents

The Rat Pack Christmas Special

Saturday 1 December 2012

The ‘Purveyors of Cool’ swing into town with a sensational Christmas Show featuring the fabulous sounds of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jnr. – all totally live and every song an absolute classic. With an abundance of class and style, take a trip back to vintage Las Vegas with outstanding tunes and endless trademark Rat Pack banter. This two hour show is the hottest party around.

BENYOUNES STRING QUARTET The members of the prize winning Benyounes Quartet are united by their love of chamber music and have appeared in recitals and festivals across the UK and Europe. They will perform: Mozart - String Quartet in D minor; Debussy - String Quartet in G minor and Mendelssohn - String Quartet in F minor. Time: 7.30pm Tickets: £14 Full, £12.50 Over 60, £5 Student, £1 Child

“Magnificent” BBC

Sunday 16 & 23 December Heywood Civic Centre in association with The Fame Factory Spotlight Ltd presents

ALADDIN This ever popular tale of the poor down trodden Aladdin is bound to be a sell-out. Book now to avoid disappointment as tickets are already flying out the door. Performances: 1pm and 5pm on Sunday 16 December Performance: 1.30pm on Sunday 23 December All Tickets £5 in advance from the Box Office

Saturday 9 February 2013

MENGYANG PAN: SOLO PIANO Critics describe Mengyang’s playing as ‘so fine that time seemed to stand still. Her shading, use of tone colour, and the most brilliantly clear and precise playing of the music in the highest register was a real joy to hear’. Graduate of the Royal College of Music, Chinese born Mengyang regularly performs in the most prestigious concert halls throughout the UK. Mengyang will perform: Beethoven – Sonata in D major, Op.10, No.3; Schubert/Liszt – Song Transcriptions (Standchen, Erlking; Schumann – Symphonic Etudes Op.13; Liszt – Venezia e Napoli (Gondoliera, Canzone, Tarantella). Time: 7.30pm Tickets: £14 Full, £12.50 Over 60, £5 Student, £1 Child

"OX /Fl CE 0300 303 8399

Time: Doors 7pm, show starts 7.30pm Tickets: All seats £19 - contact the Box Office or visit to buy online

Heywood Civic Centre


Church Street, Heywood, OL10 1LW

Christmas Events

BOOK TICKETS In Person/Phone: Touchstones Rochdale 01706 924928 (Tues-Sat 10am-5pm) or at the door on the evening. Online:

Friday 21 December Heywood Civic Centre in association with Vivas Dance Club presents a

Christmas Ballroom Special Dress to impress, black tie optional Admission is £5 on the door Doors 7.30pm

Saturday 22 December Heywood Civic Centre in association with SPARTA UK present a special night of

Glam Rock

Soul & Motown Nights Saturday 7 December 2012 Saturday 26 January 2013 Saturday 23 February 2013 Time: 8pm-1.30am Price: £5 pay on the door

This night comes together after the ever popular Headbangerz Ball. We will be bringing you the very best in Glam rock to keep you on the dance floor all night, featuring a top notch band plus more time on the decks from our resident rock DJ Tom Seedhouse. Doors from 7.30pm with a late bar. Tickets £10 in advance from the Box Office

Saturday 29 December Heywood Civic Centre in association with Vivas Dance Club presents a

New Year’s Ballroom Special Dress to impress, black tie optional. Admission is £5 on the door Doors 7.30pm


0300 303 8399




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Corporation Street Middleton M24 1AG

Calderbrook Road Littleborough OL15 9JQ

West Starkey Street Heywood OL10 4TW

01706 924200

01706 923175

01706 756602

01706 927202 Link4Life is the trading name of Rochdale Boroughwide Cultural Trust. Registered Charity No: 1118610


Preview Events Guide

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KITCHEN WORKTOPS AND WALK-IN WET ROOMS IN MARBLE, GRANITE AND LIMESTONE FROM THE QUARRY TO THE BATHROOM We provide a quality service whatever the room in your home Kitchen Bathroom Shower Room Steam room Lounge Staircase Projects of any size undertaken View our extensive portfolio of work at

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aLL i WaNt For CHristMas IS YoU...

'Twas the month before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, just me and the computer mouse; The internet was browsed with diligence and care, In hopes that something exciting for Christmas would be there; When all of a sudden, an idea went ping!


A list I should write, so Santa knows what to bring; A wide selection of cars, I know I will need, For a huge motoring appetite they will need to feed.

MAZDA MX-5 First on the list has to be one of the most enjoyable little cars available, the evergreen Mazda MX-5. It is almost impossible to find anyone

drove to the pub. A night sipping orange

The best part of £170k gets you a lot of

juice was a small price to pay for the fun

car, and even more gadgets, but the

had on the blast there and back. It was also

smoothness of that 6.3-litre V8 engine and

the last time I did the drive from

sumptuous interior mean that the blast

Manchester to Sheffield via Settle, Skipton,

down the auto route to your south of

who doesn’t like the little MX-5. Over the

Whitby, Malton, Hull and Gainsborough,

France villa (see last year’s Christmas list)

last 23 years and three generations, it has

such is the amount of pleasure these little

will be no more tiring than sitting beside the

proved to be the spiritual successor of what

cars deliver.

cars like the MG Midget and Triumph Spitfire would have been like today. I can distinctly remember the last time I tested a new MX-5, as it was the last time I 58

pool in the sun. Fiddle with the buttons on the dash though and this car becomes the


snarling, Ferrari beating beast that is

Getting a little more ambitious is our

making its tin-topped brother so successful

next contender…

as a safety car in Formula 1.


AND YoU... And so off to bed to wait for Saint Nick, to dream of that list which I hope he will bring. I hope that he knows that I want them all in white, happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night. Your spring-summer wardrobe may have to be sent on though, as luggage

The backend will step out at every opportunity given, but that’s all part of the

This fourth generation car is definitely the pinnacle of the marques development. It

space is not where the SLS convertible

fun. Traction and grip are excellent, but the

behaves perfectly in the urban environment,

excels… at least you won’t be struggling

limits of adhesion will eventually be outsized

cruises happily along the motorway and

with the bags when the paparazzi just want

by the weight of the right foot meaning you

when the going gets tough, hardly misses a

one more picture.

will end up spinning.


Prices start at £41,995, but once you get CATERHAM R500

the track day bug you will want to upgrade

TOn any dream car list there always

the brakes, and engine, and tyres, and the

has to be at least one track day car included clutch, and the suspension, and the diff... and seeing as money and practicality is no object, it has to be the R500 for me. Using a tuned 263bhp 2.0-litre Ford engine, the R500 has a better weight-to-

frugal. The amazing gearbox and torque converters get driven to exactly the right

Of course, the day-to-day chores,

wheels at the right time, while the cabin

commuting and general running about still

power ratio than a Bugatti Veyron; 60mph

need to be taken care of and what better way to do that than with the ultimate swiss

Out on the track, the R500 feels like an

used throughout the Jaguar-Land Rover range; torque smooth and powerful yet


comes up in a superbike-beating 2.88 seconds.

I never fail to be surprised at just how good the 3.0-litre diesel engine is, which is

army knife of a car… the latest Discovery

remains a quiet and peaceful environment. Mark D’Apice Motoring Expert

from Land Rover.

overgrown go-kart with an equal thrill factor.




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i doN't BeLieVe it!! as someone who loves driving and tries their best to look after their car, with regards to regular servicing, i was intrigued to hear about terraclean. With the price of fuel going up on a weekly basis i wanted to see if this could really increase my MPg, reduce emissions and regain the performance of my 2.0 VW tdi engine, which has done 70,000 miles.

Duke Street Autopoint, in Rochdale, are the only service centre in the area offering this advanced and effective decarbonising treatment. The treatment only took about an hour, yet the results were immediate. The engine felt to have more ‘get up and go’ and when I took it on the motorway I noticed my rev counter had decreased from nearly 3,000 revs to 2,000 revs, when I reached the speed limit. My onboard computer telling me how many miles I can do on a full tank started to rise when I put my foot down. It’s early days yet, but if this continues I will certainly have recouped the cost of my Terraclean and feel like my engine has regained its performance of old.




Dine in Style e. d i u g d o o f d o o g The


The Green Door is Littleborough's newest restaurant owned by chef Graham Sherwin. The former New Inn has been transformed into a light and inviting restaurant offering a traditional English menu. The restaurant also has special offers for mid-week diners that include free wine when ordering from the a la carte menu. The restaurant can also cater for private parties up to 50 and is now taking bookings for the Christmas period. They also offer a wide selection of wines to compliment every dish at prices to suit every pocket. Closed Mondays the restaurant is open for lunch and dinner Tues - Sat and all day Sunday 12 - 7pm. 122 New road Littleborough OL15 8NL 01707 838016

VEENAS The Veenas Restaurant Club is a beautiful, authentic Indian Restaurant. The restaurant itself is impeccably laid out, with an elegant East meets West style, where attention to detail and exceptional service is second nature. The Indian food at The Veenas Restaurant is unique in both flavour and quality. They offer sophisticated dishes, laden with bursts of flavour. Indian dishes are authentic recipes made from fresh produce, the finest vegetables and the tastiest meats. Whatever your preference for Indian food; hot or mild, vindaloo or korma - The Veenas Restaurant has something for everyone. We have some excellent offers over Christmas and New Year 41 York Street Heywood OL10 4NN Book on 01706 366 822

ANNABELLAS Nicky and Andy have certainly put Annabellas firmly back on the map when it comes to fine dining in Whitworth and you are always guaranteed a warm welcome. They have transformed the menu and offer fine dining in a relaxing and attentive atmosphere. Gift Certificates available for any amount, to be used at any time There are always regular event evenings and they offer a mid week special Mon - Thurs with 3 courses for £10.95 Sundays Nov/Dec, 1 Child Eats Free (off the children's Menu) with every full paying Adult Restaurant open Tues - Sun from 5pm 142 Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale OL12 8SZ 01706 550303


THE HEALEY HOTEL A traditional local public house featured in The Good Beer Guide. Proud of its quality home cooked food served 7 days a week. Why not try them for a home cooked Sunday roast. Large beer garden & two boules piste. The Healey is the ideal place to start and finish a walk through Healy Dell Nature reserve which is just on its doorstep. Steeped in History The Healey Hotel like its sister pub The Baum has a real welcoming feel. Food served Mon -Sat 11.30am - 9pm,


Sun 12pm - 6pm.

Rachel & Andrew have moved! from The Cedar Tree on Huddersfield Road and you can now find them at "The Cedar Tree at The Sheaf", Haugh Fold, Newhey where they have transformed "The Wheatsheaf pub" into a stylish, modern Tapa's restaurant and bar offering fresh, seasonal, authentic Spanish dishes. Special offers include 3 for 2 Tapa's on Wed, Thurs, Fri between 5-7pm, Wed - Fri any 5 tapas inc a bottle of wine or Sangria £37.95, Sunday special kids eat free from separate children's menu, served 1-8 pm. Check out the website for further details and discover what entertainment nights are coming up in the near future. Christmas Party nights and Christmas & new Year Bookings still being taken.The restaurant is closed Monday & Tuesday. Haugh Fold, Newhey, Rochdale, OL16 3RF Book on 01706 842626

THE GALLOWS Peter and Judith McCormick invite you and your family to their family friendly pub. Situated within easy reach of Hollingworth Lake, the Gallows is open all day every day, serving excellent value for money snacks and main meals. You will not find a warmer welcome anywhere else in Rochdale, this is a real family friendly pub.The pub offers real ales, with guest beers, plus a selection of fine wines. Now showing all Sky Sports. Food served Monday to Saturday midday - 7pm Sunday midday - 6pm (inc Sunday Roast) Christmas & New Year Bookings still being taken. The Gallows Kiln Lane Milnrow OL16 3JW 01706 642898

MOSS LODGE HOTEL Rochdale’s premier 5 star luxury guest accommodation, wedding, conference & events venue. The Moss Lodge restaurant is now open for dinner to non-residents. Using only the finest of locally sourced and freshly cooked ingredients to create a monthly table d’hôte menu as well as regular Chef’s specials, all reasonably priced at just £30 for 3 courses followed with coffee. Prior booking is essential. For reservations & all enquiries please Kings Road, Rochdale. OL16 5HW Tel: 01706 350555 e.mail:

Christmas & New Year bookings still being taken. Food served Mon -Sat 11.30am - 9pm, Sun 12pm - 6pm. The Healey Hotel 172 Shawclough Road Healey Rochdale OL12 6LW Book on 01706 645 453

THE WATERSIDE BAR RESTAURANT The restaurant is nestled in the heart of the Pennines; a fantastic venue with beautiful views of the surrounding Littleborough countryside, newly refurbished Rochdale canal and a small walk from the scenic Hollingworth Lake, yet the ambience is relaxed and continental. The restaurant portrays an intimate and relaxed lounge feel, with a comfortable sofa seating area for drinks on arrival or just to socialise with friends and family. Using only the finest ingredients and produce, Lisa & Kristan have combined traditional cooking with a passion for Mediterranean and Continental cuisine, creating exciting and extensive varied menus, from Lunchtime to A'la Carte. Now with their new outdoor al fresco dining area, it is the perfect place to enjoy dining when the sun shines.Christmas and New Year bookings still being taken. Open Tues - Sunday Book on 01706 376 250 No1 Inghams Lane Littleborough OL15 0AY



The Rose 'N' Bowl is Rossendales longest established Carvery Restaurant & Bar based in Stacksteads with panoramic views to rear complete with heated decking area and private bowling green. It has been owned by Lords Caterers Whitworth (est 1934) for over 20yrs. Family friendly eatery from pub food to full famous carvery all from fresh local produce. You can opt for the 3 Course Carvery with unlimited vegetables at ÂŁ14.90 or a main course for only ÂŁ9.15 Wed Eve 4 for 2 on 3 course Carvery when purchasing a bottle of wine Thurs Diamond Diners (over 60's) 2 course Lunch 12.00 - 1.30pm ÂŁ6.25 Early Eve Specials 5.30 - 6.45pm only ÂŁ7.10 Food available Tue - Fri 12.00 - 2pm & 5.30 - 9.30pm Sat & Sun 12.00 - 8.30pm Sun Breakfast 10am - 12.00 Breakfast bookings can be made for Race Days, or similar outings Christmas parties start 29th Nov ring for details Crown Green Bowling Parties for 2013 bookings now being taken

Purveyors of Fine Wines, Ales & Food. Situated next to the CO-OP museum in a conservation area, The Baum has a welcoming oldie world ambience, with wooden oors and old enamel adverts. The quality bar menu, served all day 7 days a week, consists of light lunches, traditional dishes and tapas (served in the evenings & weekends). The Baum offers an excellent selection of World beers on draught & bottles plus 8 ever changing guest cask ales & cider. Awarded Best Bar None ‘Best Pub’, ‘Best Overall’ & ‘Long Serving Business’ as voted by the public & Rochdale Town Centre Business Awards. Plus featured in ‘The Good Beer Guide’ for the last six years, winning Camra’s Rochdale, Oldham & Bury ‘Pub of the Year’ 2012. Rochdale Ghost Walks start from outside The Baum every ďŹ rst and third Thursday of month. ÂŁ5 pp. Christmas bookings now being taken 33-37 Toad Lane, Rochdale. 01706 352 186

The Rose & Bowl Newchurch Rd Stacksteads OL12 0UG 01706 879555

LA MANCHA TAPAS BAR La Mancha is Rochdale's only specialist tapas restaurant serving authentic Spanish cuisine in atmospheric surroundings. Situated in the very heart of Rochdale, the restaurant is easily accessible with lots of local parking. La Mancha was established over 10 years ago and has stood the test of time thanks to the quality and authenticity of its menu. Along with their lunchtime specials, they also have an extensive specials board with dishes from all the regions of Spain. We have a great party atmosphere so why not celebrate your special occasions with us without breaking the bank! Now take-away service available (collection only not available Friday or Saturday evenings or busy periods) We are closed mondays - food served tuesday to thursday 12 -2.30 and 6-9.30 - friday and saturday 12-10.30 and sunday 5-9 Now occasionally by popular demand live music nights Still taking bookings for Christmas & New Year, a small deposit is required. La Mancha 5 The Butts, Ave Rochdale OL16 1ES. or for all bookings Tel: 01706 713400

THE PEACOCK ROOM The Peacock Room within The Crimble restaurant complex has now placed itself amongst the regions ďŹ ne dining culinary elite. With 2 AA Rosette's and 2 Michelin Knives and Forks it has become the Deckers Group’s premier ďŹ ne-dining restaurant. The Peacock Room uses only the ďŹ nest ingredients featuring the best cuts of meat prepared in our own butchery department to create a variety of sumptuous dishes to ensnare the senses. Our extended wine list will provide you the opportunity to combine our dishes with a variety of wines from around the world. Here at The Peacock Room we are passionate about the quality of ingredients we use. We work closely with local suppliers to ensure the dishes we serve are to our consistently high standard. The type of food served at The Peacock Room cannot be stylised or pigeon-holed. The constantly evolving menu encapsulates modern English cuisine with a contemporary twist. Watch out for our regular special offers and themed evenings, details of which can be found on our bookings can be made online or over the phone on 01706 368591. The Peacock Room – Crimble Lane – Bamford – OL11 4AD

DEMETRIS CAFE & TAVERNA Situated within the Coach House in Littleborough you will ďŹ nd Demetris Cafe & Taverna. It is a cafe during the day, but on Friday and Saturday evenings, you can also experience fantastic Greek Nights. The night’s include Greek Mezze, 15 courses, plate smashing, free ouzo and a live bouzouki band. The venue is also available for private Greek nights and can seat up to 36 people. If you want the total Greek experience then book your table now. Evening bookings only. Now open Sundays. Now taking bookings for Christmas. Littleborough Coach House Lodge Street Littleborough 01706 378481 / 07889 868 954

FALLEN ANGELS Fallen Angels Continental Ristorante has captured the style of 14th century Italy by using genuine relics and sculptures for its interior, combining the ďŹ nest authentic Italian cuisine with the excitement and ambience of the Renaissance. Many of the dishes are made or have been adapted from traditional Italian family recipes. The continental staff are extremely knowledgeable and will gladly advise customers as to which dish best suits their tastes. They will also advise on the type of wine which best compliments a meal, choosing from a selection of ďŹ nest Italian and continental bottles. Whether you are looking for a pizza, a pasta or perhaps something a little more adventurous, the Fallen Angels is an unforgettable experience. Watch out for our weekly specials and also our special reduced choice menus, which offer superb value for money. Menu details can be found online at bookings can be made online or over the phone on 01706 861861. Fallen Angels @ the Royal Toby Hotel Manchester Road – Castleton – Rochdale – OL11 3HF

The Cedar Tree

af at the She


3 for 2 Tapa Tapas Ta pas Offer pas s dishes We are offering 3 for 2 on all Tapa & Fri and All Day Sunday between 5pm - 7pm on Wed, Thurs KIDS EAT FREE ALL DAY

Not Hungry? Have a drink and relax in our lounge area.

Christmas Party Nights Looking for the perfect Christmas Party Night? Look no further, we have entertainment every weekend Throughout December

Christmas Eve Let the festivities begin Relax and unwind before the big day FULL TAPAS MENU AVAILABLE Open from 5.00pm

Christmas Day A day to chill out, indulge and leave all the hard work to us. No cooking, cleaning or washing up TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS MENU from 1-00pm - 5.00pm (last orders) Adults ÂŁ49.95 Children under 12 ÂŁ24.95 Children under 5 ÂŁ14.95 Got Something to Celebrate? PRIVATE FUNC TIONS at The Cedar Tree Buffets from ÂŁ9 per perso n FREE ROOM HIRE Opening Times Mon-Tues Closed O Wed-Sat 5pm - onwards O Sunday 1pm - 8pm (last orders) 7HO ‡ +DXJK )ROG 1HZKH\ 2/ 5)


CHEERS to the BAUM the Baum, on toad Lane is proudly celebrating having won the greater Manchester regional Campaign For real ale pub of the year 2012. owners simon & Heidi Crompton were presented with their award by CaMra. simon said, "We are all very very pleased. the award is for our whole team who are the key to the Baum’s success. they are all trained in the cellar and are all very conscientious about knowing about the beers so they can advise our customers. to win this award is just great, every one of us is smiling. We pride ourselves on our ever changing range of cask ales and ciders. there is always a minimum of one beer from a local brewery and ingredients for their bar menu are sourced from local suppliers.”

SundayS nov/dec

1 Child Eats Free (off the children's Menu) with every full paying Adult

Monday/ThurSday 3 Courses £10.95

The Perfect Gift for those who have everything Gift Certificates available for any amount, to be used at any time Andy and Nicky would like to thank all their customers who have supported them in the last 12 months and wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year. ***************

142 Market Street Whitworth Rochdale OL12 8SZ

01706 550303


Moss Lodge, the premier 5 star venue in Rochdale and winner of “Best Small Hotel” at 2008 Manchester Tourism Awards.

In addition to the luxury guest accommodation and events venue, the restaurant is open for dinner to non-residents. Using the finest of locally sourced and freshly cooked ingredients to create a table d'hôte menu as well as regular chefs specials,all reasonably priced at just £30 for 3 courses and coffee. Seasonal Christmas Lunch & Dinner menu’s are now available and serving throughout December **Prior bookings is essential**

For reservations and enquiries: Tel: 01706 350555 E.mail: Moss Lodge, Kings Road, Rochdale. OL16 5HW

NoUVioN at tHe statioN 1st oFFer .... Full body massage, file n polish fingers n toes, eye brow shape only £30! Normally £71.

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roCHdaLe Pets IN SAfe HaNds a newly formed Pet rescue trust is rescuing and re-homing animals from across the borough this winter. amber Pet supplies, in Cutgate shopping Centre, has launched the rescue trust ‘amber’s angels’, with the generous support of local animal lovers and rochdale company Bowser supply.

Wendy owen, Managing director at Bower supply, commented: “angela Collinge, at amber Pets, has been re-homing pets for a very long time. over the years i have seen her pay - out of her own money - for pets to be cared for and neutered before being rehomed. i recently suggested she should set up a charity – and as i have always been involved with animals i became a trustee, along with angela and Claire thompson (who both do the hard work!). at Bowser supply we will support amber’s angels as much as we can, through donations and also free administrative services. We have recently produced a charity calendar for amber’s angels to sell, in order to raise much-needed funds for the rescue and have opened a bank account strictly for this purpose.”

Wendy added: “Angela is one of the most caring people I have ever met. I first met her when I lived alone with my two dogs. When one dog passed away the other dog (Sammi who was blind) would not eat and I nearly lost her too. A friend suggested I go to Amber Pets and speak with the lady there. I did – it was Angela – and every couple of days she gave me bits of dog food to try to entice Sammi to eat. Eventually we cracked it and I was so grateful for her help.”

in the same situation. Advice is given and shared and Amber’s are always there to take in pets where necessary or assist members where needed.” If you adore your pet, why not join Amber Pet Supplies on Facebook, where you can share tips and advice with other local pet owners. They also run monthly competitions where you can share your favourite photographs of your pet.

“Amber Pet Supplies is the best pet store I have ever been to. All the staff are extremely knowledgeable, friendly and always there to help. They have a Facebook group with over 1200 members and we all feel like a ‘family’ of pet lovers. When Sammi died recently, it was fantastic to speak to local people who had been

2013 calendars are available from Amber’s Pet Supplies at Cutgate Shopping Centre, edenfield road. all money raised will be used towards vet bills and associated costs. the calendars are packed full of pet photographs, sent in by their proud rochdale owners… why not see how many of them you recognise? 66

aWard WiNNiNg SerVICe

in conjunction with Rochdale exchange Shopping Centre





£1 0





For the second year running, Cartridge World's rochdale store on Kingsway has won rochdale town Centre's Business award for 'Best National retailer'. To win their award, Cartridge World Rochdale had to beat off the challenge from a number of well-known national high street retailers. A mystery shopper who visited the store noted the friendliness of Cartridge World's staff, their helpfulness and the undivided attention they received whilst in the store. Cartridge World Rochdale is a franchise owned for the past seven years by Guy Sedgwick. He operates the business along with his wife, Kirsty. They collected their award at a celebratory dinner held at China City Restaurant, attended by Rochdale's Lord Mayor, Councillor Jim Gartside. Commenting on their second year of success, Guy Sedgwick said: “This is fantastic news and proves yet again that it's hard to beat the level of service delivered by an owner managed business. As well as delivering value for money to our customers, we believe that great customer service is key to our ongoing success.”

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CALL PAUL 01706 641 685 OR 07850 471 462 “Win the race book your place”


join us on for

Our winners in the spot the difference competition in the Autumn mag were Jack Mearns 748 Edenfield Road Norden Rochdale OL12 7RB (6) Melissa Butterworth 1 Links View Bamford Rochdale OL11 4DD (7)

3 Wise MeN torte; JACk, JoSe aNd JIm

serVes 5


to BUiLd

CaKe iNgredieNts 185g softened butter 185g soft brown sugar 112.5g dark chocolate 112.5ml warm water 4 large eggs, separated 200g self raising flour Pinch salt

1) Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

2) Melt the chocolate and stir in the warm water and egg yolks. Add the • chocolate-egg mixture to the creamed butter and sugar and mix thoroughly. Add the pinch of salt then fold in the • flour.

FiLLiNgs Pot of Nutella or chocolate spread Ganache Ingredients 90ml milk 150ml Rum 50g liquid glucose 2g leaf gelatine, soaked 300g melted dark chocolate

4) Cook in the oven at 150ºc for 20-25 minutes until springy. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.

to FiNisH Jack Daniels Jose Cuervo Jim Beam Chocolate Decorations

5) For the ganache topping, bring the milk, rum and liquid glucose to the boil. Add the leaf gelatine and then stir in the chocolate. Allow to cool slightly.

3) Whisk together the egg whites till light and fluffy, carefully fold into the cake mixture and pour into a large round cake tin.

Slice the cake into 3 even slices and splash Jack Daniels on one layer, Jose Cuervo on one layer and Jim Beam on the other layer Sandwich the layers together with the Nutella or chocolate spread Pour over the topping and leave for 2 hours in the fridge to set and cool

to FiNisH Decorate with the chocolate decorations

CELEBRITY Rochdale Chef Andrew Nutter


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Les Miserables

HEY KIDS (Heywood AODS Youth Production)

The direction by Joanne Marshall, ably assisted by Sarah Davey was sympathetic to the story. For those theatregoers who are huge Les Mis fans (of which I am one) the show needed to retain its spectacle, era and use its playing space well. All this was achieved here, with seamless changes of scenery and props. The choreography by Jill Mcintosh really suited the mixed abilities of the cast and really suited the show.

Now to the cast! The chorus, often with individual singing lines, did not disappoint. Lucy Grogan as Young Cosette sang her heart out and Alfie Harris as Gavroche stole every scene he was in. This young man has a very promising future with bags of stage presence, excellent vocals and clarity of diction well beyond his years. Tom Winstanley sang beautifully as Enjolras, which is a really hard role to play as he holds the vocals together in “Do You Hear the People Sing” and “Red and Black”.

I have watched George Jones come through the ranks in Hey Kids and this role of Javert was a perfect vehicle for him to show off his talents both as an actor and singer.

Esther Weetman and Tom Shiels played the Thenadiers expertly. These two young performers commanded the stage and Master of the House was wonderfully funny.

The role of Jean Valjean is enormous for any actor to undertake; a part which ages throughout the show, with many lines and songs to learn with complex harmonies. Joshua Leach did an amazing job in this role and his singing voice sounded beautiful in falsetto on “Bring Him Home” and also leading “One Day More”.

Lottie Davey, as Fantine, sang a wonderful rendition of “I Dreamed a Dream” and her twin sister Alex Davey, as Eponine, showed a beautiful vocal and such emotion in both “On My Own” and “A Heart Full of Love”.

Musical Director Anthony J Quimby did a fabulous job in working with this group of young people, drilling the harmonies and providing a full well rounded sound with a great orchestra. n

Jessica Wiehler sounded lovely as Cosette, opposite Henry Roadnight as Marius. Their voices blended well together and their scenes were very touching.

Sharon Drummond NODA


THE MAD THEATRE COMPANY Written by Jon Comyn-Platt

Fire is the third of the Milnrow Trilogy based around the history of the Rochdale Pennine villages. The final play covers the period between April 1915 and May 1916. It was a moving drama documentary, performed in the unique setting of Ellenroad Steam Museum giving it the perfect backdrop. There were plenty of amusing moments in the play, even though it covered a period in history when Britain was at war and the working class were experiencing real hardship. Much of the action revolved around the Howarth family in Milnrow, with memorable performances from Sue Pecheur as the mother and Chloe Birtwistle as her daughter. The play opened with the talk of war and dealt with the real emotion of the Howarths’ losing their son Peter, played with great confidence by Andrew D. Wood as he went away to war. His Milnrow friend who joined him on the front was Charlie Butterworth, played admirably by Sam Winterbottom. We also saw the reaction of their girlfriends, as the young men left Milnrow to fight for their country. The war had a real impact on the working lives of people in Milnrow and we 72

saw how Peter and Charlie were involved in the fateful invasion of Gallipoli, which involved many local conscripts. The lads returned injured from war, shortly followed by the Ellenroad Mill burning down and the loss of 300 local jobs, with serious consequences for the local economy. The play had an abundance of humour, together with real emotion made especially moving as it related to the history of the audience. The production was complimented by songs from the period, which the audience were encouraged to join in with and made for a memorable evening’s entertainment. There was not one weak link in this unique ensemble production, which could not have taken place without the help and support of the Ellenroad Trust and the Ellenroad Steam Museum Society.n

Colin Meredith

ADVERTISE IN ROCHDALE Rochdale Style Magazine is fantastic value for money and will improve your business potential from as little as

£35 per month (NO VAT). We are Rochdale’s one and only independent lifestyle maagzine, distributed across Rochdale and surrounding areas. With an estimated readership of 60,000 in print and online, can you afford to miss out? A stylish way to promote your business.

TO BOOK CALL 01706 710 810 or 07774 152 620 Every issue of Rochdale Style has a three month life span, so it's not a case of today's news being tomorrow's trash. Email:


RUTH MEREDITH PHOTOGRAPHY NEW PHOTO EDITING SERVICE... Do you have scratched or torn family photographs that you would love to bring back to life? Or recent photos that you would like retouching? Just email for a quote.

Beautiful & contemporar y photography


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78 Drake Street, Rochdale, OL16 1PQ (above Sandiford's) Email: 74

call or text - 0777 643 4526

WINTER COMPETITIONS WIN a pair of tickets to see

Witchfinder The Musical, at the Gracie Fields Theatre (valid for Weds 20th or Thurs 21st Feb performances). A thrilling new production from Rochdale Amateur Operatic Society. Turn to page 11 for more details.

WIN one of two copies of The

Cooperative Revolution: A Graphic Novel. Turn to pages 14-15 for more details.

WIN afternoon tea for two at the

WIN a paintballing voucher for

award winning Nutters Restaurant, Edenfield Road, Norden.

ten people at Paintball Plus, Indoor Paintball Centre - Unit 8, Ensor Mill, Queensway, Rochdale, OL11 2NU (valid until 31st Jan 2013). Worth £100!

WIN a copy of Rochdale AFC: The

WIN a photoshoot voucher

Official History 1907-2001. There are records and statistics galore in this great archive put together by Steven Phillipps, tracing the origins of the club from its inception.

COMPETITION WINNERS FROM OUR AUTUMN ISSUE * Marcus Brigstocke tickets - David Whelan, Whitworth * Photoshoot - Margaret Edwards, Littleborough * The Salon body massage - Tracey Mitchell, Shawclough

courtesy of Ruth Meredith Photography. Beautiful and contemporary photography for families, babies, children and teens.

* Paul Daniels tickets - Suzanne Winfield, Todmorden * Dick Whittington family ticket - Miss H Beswick, Heywood & Denise Webb, Castleton * Browns Cakes cream tea for two - Susan Daniels, Milnrow

WHAT DO YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT STYLE MAGAZINE? (Answers will not affect your chance of winning)


Please tick all prizes you would like to be entered for (if more than one please put prizes in order of preference). Winners will be selected at random..

Name: Address:

Witchfinder tickets


Nutters afternoon tea




Coop book


Football book





Please post your answer to: Rochdale Style competitions, 13 Norden Lodge Apartments, Clay Lane, Rochdale, OL11 5AS. Alternatively, you can email the above information to Closing date for Paintballing entries – 14th Dec. All other entries – 31st Dec 2012.

Ghost rochdale's

tales of terror


horrifying hauntings

Join us through the narrow alleyways and hidden courtyards as we delve into rochdale's murderous past ! we take you on a journey back in time, into the shadowy recesses of forgotten parts of rochdale, disturbing the sleep of the long departed, as the dead stir once more into ghostly life. Join your guide for a walk around the haunted streets of rochdale. ghost walk suitable for adults & children. all children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

please note we have had to cancel the ghost walks on December 27th & ursday 3rd Jan 2013 forThcoming walks 6th & 20 December 2012 all walks only £5 per person ursday 2013 walks all @ 7.30pm 17th January 7th & 21st february 7th & 21st march 4th & 18th april 2nd & 16th may 6th & 20th June 4th & 18th July 1st & 15th august 5th &19th september 3rd & 17th october 7th & 21st november 5th & 19th December



as featured on

walks start 7.30 pm the first and third ursday each month. e Baum pub 33-37 Toad lane rochdale ol12 0nu no neeD To Book JusT Turn up.

The only professional regular ghosT walk in Town. group Booking on 0777 4152 620 & 07939 215 458 Booking online coming in 2013 76


Springhill Hospice christmas cards, 2013 calendars and diaries are on sale now - available from the Hospice reception, all Hospice shops and many other outlets around Rochdale, Heywood & Middleton.

HOSPICE WELCOMES NEW CHIEF EXECUTIVE Springhill Hospice has recently welcomed its new Chief Executive, Mr Jonathan Parris. Jonathan joins Springhill from St John’s Hospice in Lancaster and as he and his young family live in Littleborough, he laughs that he now has a considerably shorter daily commute. Jonathan brings with him a wealth of experience from both commercial and charity sectors having worked for Marks and Spencer and national charities such as Macmillan Cancer Support and Diabetes UK.

CHRISTMAS FAIR Christmas at the Hospice wouldn’t be the same without our Annual Christmas Fair which is on Sunday 25th November 10am-3pm. We open our doors and the place is filled with fun, laughter and stalls galore, selling everything you could imagine. There are lots of craft and gift stalls, where you can sort out all of your Christmas shopping requirements, plus the regular tombola, raffles, brica-brac, books, CD/DVD’s, jewellery, toys and Santa’s grotto (always a favourite!). Plus you can sample the delicious homemade cakes from our kitchen with a hot cup of coffee or a mulled wine.


Jonathan commented: “I am so impressed with the support we get from our local community. Springhill Hospice was built by the people of Rochdale, and as a community charity, it is only with their support that we can keep going year in, year out. I look forward to meeting our supporters and volunteers over the coming months, as it is they, as well as our staff, who ensure Springhill Hospice is here for local families when they need the expert, loving care that we have become famous for. Our new Hospice at Home service means that we need that support more than ever, as we now also provide care for families in their own homes.”

DATeS FoR youR DiARy: sUN 25th NoV

Fri 30th NoV

tHUrs 6th deC

sUN 9th deC Fri 14th deC

Christmas Fair (please note change of date) – At the Hospice. Free entry, over 40 stalls, attractions and music to entertain us all along the way. Men of Rochdale – this prestigious event held at Rochdale Town Hall includes a five-course dinner, guest speaker Martin Gold and the announcement of the Man of Rochdale 2012. Commences 1pm with a beer reception. Tickets are £36 and are available from the Fundraising Office at the Hospice on Broad Lane. Email: / phone: 01706-649920. Annual Carol & Lights of Love Service held at Rochdale Parish Church (St Chad’s) starts at 7pm. The Rt.Rev Mark Davies (Bishop of Middleton) will take the service. Everybody welcome. Father Christmas Fun Run – around Hollingworth Lake. Please see above for more details. Lights of Love services at Springhill Hospice at 3pm and 7pm. Free entry, including the switch on of the Hospice christmas tree.

Springhill Hospice will be holding its 7th Annual Father Christmas sponsored Fun Run around Hollingworth Lake on Sunday 9th December, sponsored by Rollers. The fun run is open to all ages – if you’re not into running then just turn up and walk, as long as you are dressed up as Santa! You can even bring the pram. Over 200 Santas took part last year and the numbers keep on growing. The event commences at 11am from Hollingworth Lake Visitor’s Centre and goes around the perimeter path of the lake. Once again, we have prizes for the best dressed Santa and also the first male and female to cross the finish line. Anybody wishing to register for the event should contact Kath at the Springhill Hospice Fundraising Office on 01706649920 or


COMMUNITY NEWS Charity Pedal Power


Heartbeat’s Jack Marsden and Rochdale actor Colin Meredith opened The Static Tour de Rochdale at The Exchange Shopping Centre. The event was organised by Laura Dixon for the Neuroblastoma Alliance UK. Laura commented, “It was a great, fun event, inspiring others to get pedalling for a worthwhile cause and we raised nearly £200”.

CUP OF TEA AND A SLICE OF CAKE Macmillan Coffee Mornings have now become an annual event nationwide. The Moss Lodge Hotel, on Kings Road, once again pulled out all the stops.

On 12th October, the Freemasons of the Rochdale

Not only serving tea and coffee, they offered a delicious array

District joined with the recipients of their charity donations

of cakes and pastries and organised a raffle and tombola

at a Charity Giving Evening. Forty-eight different charities

raising £300 for the charity.

were the beneficiaries of the proceeds from the nineteen Rochdale Masonic Lodges and during the past three years donations have exceeded a staggering total of £80,000. The monies the Freemasons raise comes from collections in their individual Lodges and from fundraising events. The charities represented at the evening included Springhill Hospice, Help for Heroes, Skylight Circus Arts, St Aidan’s Church, Rochdale Children's Moorland Home, Breast Cancer Campaign, NSPCC and North West Air Ambulance. The event was held at the Masonic Hall, Rochdale, with over a hundred guests. The Mayor of Rochdale, Councillor James Gartside, and the Mayoress, Councillor Jane Gartside, were also in attendance. An additional £500 was raised on the evening for the Mayor’s Charity Appeal.



Heywood Cancer Research recently held their seventh annual dinner at The Royal Toby Hotel in Castleton. Over a hundred people attended the event and Secretary, Lesley Rains Sutton, was ‘delighted’ with the £920 raised.

STEAM ENGINE WINS TOP AWARD Rochdale’s Ellenroad Steam Engine known as “Victoria & Alexandra”, has received a prestigious Engineering Heritage Award for Outstanding Engineering Historical Significance. The Ellenroad Engine is the largest working steam mill engine in the world and still runs for the public on the first Sunday of every month. The award was presented by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, one of the country’s leading and most highly respected engineering authorities. Over the years their Heritage Awards have been bestowed on such icons as the Isambard Kingdom Brunel's “S.S. Gt. Britain,” the Wellington Bomber and the London Tower Bridge.

“IT’S NUTS AT NUTTERS!” Rochdale celebrity chef Andrew Nutter recently hosted a successful and slightly ‘nuts’, pork-themed fundraising event, raising £9000 for Hospitality Action. Guests enjoyed a cocktail reception, whilst pig masked waiters delivered Crispy Black Pudding Wontons as canapes. Kevin from Birtwistles enthralled diners with a display of master butchery to showcase the versatility of a pig carcass. A pork feast was to follow, as some of the country’s top chefs showcased the use of prime pork in their dishes, including new Michelin starred Mark Poynton of Alimentum in Cambridge, Paul Foster of Tuddenham Mill in Suffolk, TV chef James Tanner and his brother Chris of Tanners in Plymouth and famed chocolatier Paul A Young. The idea was to show diners what could be achieved using the cheaper cuts of the animal.

CHARITY FOLK NIGHT Rochdale East Rotary Club recently hosted a Charity Folk Night at Rochdale Cricket Club, with Hindle Wakes and special guests The Saddlers, plus dialect poetry from Alyson Brailsford and Sally James. All proceeds from the evening were donated to Wheelchair Foundation UK, an independent charitable organization with a goal to deliver a wheelchair to every child, teen and adult worldwide who needs one, but has no means to acquire one. They offer independence to people deprived of mobility by war, disease, accident, natural disaster and advanced age.



Counting down ‘one year to go’ to the opening of the Rugby League World Cup 2013, tickets have gone on sale for the match between Fiji and Ireland, hosted at Spotland Stadium. The Group A, Monday evening match in Rochdale is scheduled to take place at Spotland Stadium on 28 October 2013. In a group that contains hot favourites England and Australia, the match is already being billed as a key decider for which of the two competing teams will go through to the next round. Mark Widdup, Service Director at Rochdale Borough Council, said: “It’s very exciting to see tickets for our game at Spotland Stadium finally go on general sale, and I think that with tickets starting at £10 to see the best players in the world in such a prestigious sporting event is exceptional value. We are very proud to be hosting what I am sure will be a fabulous occasion for all the family.” Tickets starting at just £10 (£5 concessions) for group games and quarterfinals are available to purchase for all games and via various special packages at or phone 0844 847 2013. They are also available in person from Spotland Stadium box office. Find out more on Twitter @rlwc2013 or


Rochdale based charity, The Gem Appeal, has raised an incredible £2 million, since it was launched 18 years ago, by Bamford mum, Karen Johnson. Karen's sons, Simon and Michael, suffered from Hunter's Syndrome - a rare degenerative disease with no known cure. It affects just 90 people in the UK and there are now drugs available to minimise or halt its effects. Unfortunately Simon died in 1999, aged 12 and Michael in 2001, at the same age. Karen has continued her fundraising efforts in their memory and the charity holds many celebrity supported events throughout the year. Money raised has gone towards building a specialist research centre at Pendlebury Children's Hospital, which helped develop enzyme replacement therapy used today to treat the sufferers of the disease.


1 0 YEAR







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