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teng jing ping


A Chinese Malaysian born in Malacca, a colorful nostalgic place cover with hybrid cultures. Being immersing in multicultural for years, like most of the Malaysian, speak fluently in different languages and acquired various cultural sensibilities.   Teng Jing-Ping graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from National Taiwan Normal University in 1995. He graduated from Taichung Tung Hai University with Master of Art, majoring in Contemporary Fine Art in 2003. He also participated several global curator’s cultural events and attended the Freeman Fellowship Artist Resi-dency in Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont, USA in 2002.   He participated in creative business for decade to executive film produc-tion(commercial film to TV program), cultural creative EXPO, NPO and enterprise creative business. Although he sharing ideas and potentials in creative business for many years, he still never stop to creating his own works.    He really fulfilled his potential as an artist. Sharing personal artistic ideas and experiences will creative possibility.  Continuously find out the singularities and the potentials of cultural creative in the future.  His personal journey is the hybrid of creation.
