Architecture Portfolio 05

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5 Years of Education 5 Projects 4 Competition 6 Exchanges


Sagrada Familia X Geylang

Dizzy, Meticulous, Magical, Camouflage, Checkpoint, Secluded, Grubby Elevated quaters created a fantasy world for the foreign workers. The space transits the foreign workers from the mundane reality to a world that is reminiscent to home. Above all the filthy alley, is a realm of tranquility. The Elevated Quaters has a connection of communication for the foreign workers to reconnect home eventhough they are thousand of miles away. The axis of this back alley leads them to the Spire of Love, Continuum to Home and the Fantasy Annex. Along this back alley of Geylang, the foreign workers uses the back alley through out the day; breaks, working hours, lunch time, etc. The back alley acts as a checkpoint where they check in the hide themselves away from reality. They were always on their phone with their family, and eating home cooked food while sitting one an empty beer carton. Therefore, the design is designated for them to feel as though they are home.

People climb mountains to arrive the peak as an achievement. Foreign workers climb the spire of love to have the entire space opening up to them, themself, to this unobstructed world to feel the unconditional self love while being alone. While walking through the spire, an inward looking space at the core of the spire.



Spire of love

Fantasy Annex allow foreign workers to facilitate their movement by transmiting them from a “continuum to home” to another by interweaving into theirs homes. Foreign workers explores one another’s home by travelling through connector. Everything links up and turned into a village above the mundane reality.















Original shop houses

A stretch of shops located at the ground level where people from everywhere gathers. On the second and third level, are the rented shared room for foreign workers to live in.


Fantasy annex


Continuum to home

Apart from the bunk beds in the shop houses, foreign workers owns a space which virtually brings them back home. A semi-privete hide out zone. They are able to explore neighbouring homes, just like a village.































Year: 2019 | Location: Pasir Panjang Power Station | Building: Gallery as a linkway | Type: Academic



Receding into Memory. The Singapore’s water story gallery raises awareness of the role of water during the evolution of the nation as it have developed from a fishing village to a towering metropolis. Singapore was once a nation which was facing issues of water shortage and water scarcity. We have accomplished to become a water independent nation by the improvement of national water security which have powered the country with its economy, modernity and progression.

Singapore’s Vision -

Singapore’s culture of long-term and visionary planning, pragmatic decision-making, and the extent to which political will has backstopped its many strategic initiatives as part of its truly relentless pursuit of progress. Commendably, in spite of being endowed with few natural resources, the city-state has not seen its overall development thwarted. On the contrary, it has chosen and continuously tailored a path that has allowed it to grow and prosper. As Singapore continued to develop into a towering metropolis, water has adopted with the progression of the Nation.

The Water Gallery This gallery raises awareness of the role of water during the Nation’s evolution while it developed from a fishing village into a towering metropolis. It shares the memory of water shortage and scarcity, improvement of national water security and the power of the economy with water. It also creates value and importance of water conservation and usage.

Historical context of water -

Sir Stamford raffles first found Singapore as a Fishing Village Singapore River was a lifeline of businesses and trading activities. The opening of Marina barrage (Commemorates reservoirs where it collects rainwater as a source of water, a success to be water independent) powers the economy - collectively create hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions of economic output.

Entrance of The Water Gallery

Site – Vision

The hypothetical Singapore in the next 50 years is explored to live work and play as one. Spaces in the future should have flexible and adaptable space, interactive and not being fixed. Multi-layered space with different layers for different opportunities. These spaces varies programmatically with the aim for the users to disconnect from the city while they heal their body and mind.


Location Plan

“Good acupuncture is about drawing people out to the streets and creating meeting places. Mainly, it is about helping the city become a catalyst of interactions between people.� - Jaime Lerner’s

The changing process of the city tends more to evolution than preservation which is a process where monuments that are preserved presented as propelling elements of development. The city expresses itself through monuments and rituals. Monuments become pathological therapeutic as they stand in isolation from the present. The richness of the history is the characteristic of the power station, its promising character and haunting moments of life based on experience makes it a fundamental part of the city. The uniqueness of the power station is affected by time and space that forms the city. lease runs out in 2040, this will lead to a reduction of vehicle traffic on the Westcoast Highway viaduct which links Jurong industrial estate and Tanjong Pagar to the city. The total length of the highway is 11 km, it was anticipated to cope with the growth of heavy vehicles transporting stockpiles from Malaysia to the Pasir Panjang Port. The proposal of the intervention repurposes the existing viaduct to an elevated green linear park users have an opportunity

to experience an elevated space with uninterrupted views with its beautiful landscape. On the other hand, it increases the opportunity for better connectivity with the neighbouring places safely. These places includes the Mapletree Business District, Labrador MRT station, Pasir Panjang Power Station,the future development of Greater southern waterfront and more. The viaduct and road forms an implied border where users inactively crosses the street. Streets are not well sheltered with numerous cross junctions. Moreover, Singapore is working towards a Car-Lite future, the proposal will integrate with the green linear park where users are able to cycle as a mode of transportation, jog and walk as their preferred choice for commuting. The elevated green linear park will be house above the existing west coast highway. The bus lane serves autonomous vehicles and this platform technology that could be used for other types of vehicles... Potentially, it could also be used for transportation on the sea towards neighbouring country.

Panjang Power Station's consists of two existing structures; a chlorinating plant and a pum uncovered that there are 3 existing water storage and chanelling system underground. Firs water outfall and Powerstation's B water outfall. The design aims to design a gallery that en of progression is translated through the inclined volume of space from an dark undergroun


he evolution of the nation as it have developed from a fishing village to a towering metropolis. r scarcity. We have accomplished to become a water independent nation by the improvement of nity and progression.

he masterplan to preserve our rich culture and allow visitors to get engaged and inspired by ture reserve with an uninterupted view of its beautiful seascape. The waterfront of the Pasir nd a pumphouse for power station B. with an underground water storage area. It is further ound. First, the underground water storage area for power station B, second, power station A's ry that engages visitors with the along with the timeline of Singapore's water story. The notion derground water storage area to the garden on the park.

Roof Plan

Ground Floor Plan

Underground Plan 10

Studio Title

Architecture Diagrams

Greater southern waterfront is the development by having the removal of the port and keppel club. This is the Future of the area. This gallery taps on the transformation that will take place on the surrounding of the site. What is present now will become the past. The idea of what happens ultimately to the gallery once this transformation is complete in 2050? It reflects in the change of tides since it will be evechaging with the impact of rising sea level and tides?It will be constantly rising and will not go backwards. This is the constant future, a future that will become present. Is this a gallery that changes overtime? Over time till the GWS is completed, what does the gallery focus on? The rising sea level issue?

Studio Title


Isonometric Diagram

Timeline of Singapore’s Water Story

Exploded Isonometry with diagrms of existing water inlet and outlet

The design shares the narrative of Singapore’s water story and it it a reminder of how far we have come through from a water scarce nation to a country have drinkable water from the tap for ever household and it should not be taken for granted.


Perspective Renderings


Alongside with the timeline of Singapore story, the spaces in this architecture will be designed with designated spaces to evoke atmospheric emotions with the interactive exhibits. The compressed and dark space evokes a sense of fear and starkness. Resevoir with the falling water symbolises the collection of rainwater that evokes a sense of hope.


The emotional connection with the story told leaves visitors with a comprehensive understanding of the history and importance of water in Singapore while it engages different senses.

Year: 2019 | Location: Labrador Nature Reserve | Building: Bath house | Type: Academic



I explored the relationship between nature and the city by imagining the Labrador Nature Reserve – and more generally open green spaces – in Singapore’s future. Through a process of writing, collage and architectural design, students were asked to create visions and alternative spaces, which blur the boundary between architecture and landscape, thereby discovering and reinterpreting the opportunities of their building’s envelope. An intriguing scope of programmatic issues was addressed and lay the ground.These narratives were translated into briefs, which generated a variety of community-motivated architectural interventions.

Aim and Strategy The project aims to address this issue of water scarcity and raising stress levels amongst Singaporeans. Working with the natural surroundings of the Labrador park, the two-storey bath house is built on the hill top of the hill, capitalizing and overlooking the panoramic view of the Singapore Strait sea. It serves the guests and the local community with a relaxing experience that provides therapeutic health activities. The building main access is via a long slope serving as a transition down to the architecture in the landscape.

Design This building is submerged into the topography at the peak of Labrador park. The canopy is expressed in a floating structure that evokes the presence of the surrounding trees, It’s natural forms enters in harmony with its environment. The space within the bath house is organised with 2 outdoor pool, an indoor pool, a tea house, an outdoor and indoor yoga space and a sauna.

Enviroment Rather than depending solely on a region’s public water supply, incorporating rainwater harvesting and collection systems can provide a supplemental source of water, helping to reduce stormwater runoff and erosion,The water collected from the building systems is treated on-site treated. It will be used for the pool of the spa for bath.

Site – Vision The hypothetical Singapore in the next 50 years is explored to live work and play as one. Spaces in the future should have flexible and adaptable space, interactive and not being fixed. Multi-layered space with different layers for different opportunities. These spaces varies programmatically with the aim for the users to disconnect from the city while they heal their body and mind.

Social Issue: This project aims to address this issue of raising stress levels amongst Singaporeansand the water scarcity in Singapore. Site specificity: The site at the peak located at the top of the hill capitalizes the panoramic view, overlooking the Singapore Strait sea. A destination whereindividuals and groups meet to enjoy space, surroundedbythe natureinatranquil atmosphere. Challenged addressed: Recent studies have shown that stress, a lack of exercise and insufficient sleep are the top health issues affectingworking professionals in Singapore. 56 per cent of employers said stress was an issue for their workers to a great extent. This was followed by 52 percent for lack of physical activity, 32 per cent for lack of sleep. This reflected Singapore’s highpressure working environment, said Willis Towers Watson.

Strategy for intervention: The amount of activities people can engage in is not as diverse as other places. Building a spring bathforrelaxation gathers users for many benefits. The spring bath provides health benefits,relaxing, socialize and it is a therapeutic activity. To benefit users in contemporary conditions by technology, building the relationship between the context, environment and people.

West Elevation

Section A-A

North Elevation


Section B-B

Captures NE and SW wind for Natural Ventilation

East-west and North South facing Glulan Beam 500mm x 500 mm

ETFE Membrane - 80% Transparency To manufacturer detail

East-West Facing Ventilation blocks 300mm x 200 mm

Glass Rainwater Filtrating Column 1500mm PV/ Solar Panels To manufacturer detail

Sky light and Ventilation outlet

EW and NS facing structures to control sunlight

Rainwater Runoff


The canopy structure is configured to provide a natural basin for collection of rainwater and a windsail for cross ventilation which diffuses sunlight onto the architecture. The natural basin incorporates a rainwater harvesting catchment area and a collection systems to provide primary source of water for the pool and cleaning. It acts as a second roof and functions like a wind sail for the a prevailing wind to ventilate and cool the space underneath. Sunlight is diffused through the ETFE with timber stuctures that are aligned to control and reduce direct sunlight from the eastern and western sun path. The abstract character of this roof in levitation above landscape is allowed by a structure in diagrid structure supported interdependently.

Rainwater Filter

The advanced rainwater filtration system is incorporated into the structure of the canopy. It is a water inlet where the rainwater flows through the exposed filtration. Internal filtration like charcoal filter, sand, gravel, etc can be seen and treated.


The openings of skylight introduces natural lighting into the architecture. These spaces includes the yoga room, massage room, w/c, changing room and the main corridor. These openings provides sunlight into the interior for the plants along the the architecture. Additionally, The open void above the roof right under the canopy is a sheltered public space for park users.


Underground retaining walls are used to support the soil laterally and columns for the overhanging roof ahead.


The sequence of the building has the order of the shared to the sacred space in a hierarchical order vertically down the architecture. The white metal structure, the clear grounds, the clear cement walls and the wood cladding, harmonizes with the surroundings vegetal universe.The teahouse faces the the pool that visually submerges into the sea with the incredible view of the water.


The the interior roof treats both the pools’ acoustics and luminous environment for a sacred space for more privacy. The outdoor pool has unique spaces where natural light constantly transforms the atmosphere. The outdoor pool located on the south west creates a sensory experience being in the land trees.

Rainwater Harvesting Tank

There are 3 water collecting inlets draining to 3 water storage areas. Stored harvested water is purified and it supplies clean water to the individual different pools in the bath house.


The building relates to the topography and geography if the location. It is built into the contours of the terrain submerged and camouflaged into the ground and the surrounding forestation.

Sectional Perspective This sectional perspective shows the cut section of the rain water channelling system where the rainwater channels through the canopy’s membrane into the rainwater filtration system. These water will be reused in the bath’s pool.

Axonometry This axonometry shows the the spot detail of the rainwater channeling system.

AR 2327 Tropical Envelope Teng Ying Shi Max A0192379N


Detail A 1:10 | Timber to Glass

Detail A


Detail B 1:10 | Timber to Concrete


Detail B

Detail C 1:10 | Concrete Footing

Detail D


Detail C


Detail D 1:1 | Glass Block Section

Detail D 1:5 | ETFE Membrane Profile

Detail E

Final Interior Rendering


Final ExteriorRendering

Year: 2018 | Location: Green Corridor (Ghim moh) | Building: Bike Tour Centre | Type: Academic


RIDE VOYAGE Site.Programme. The Green Corridor

Singapore and Kuala Lumpur were once connected by a direct railway. While there once was a railway in Singapore, it was never Singapore’s railway. The land and tracks were owned by Malaysian Railways KTM, and Malaysia had partial sovereignty over this land. The ‘Green Corridor’ is an uninterrupted stretch of greenery and woodlands that runs the entire length of Singapore, from the old Tanjong Pagar Rail Station in the south to the border of Malaysia in the north. Once the beginning of a rail network that was planned to extend all the way to Russia, this incredible stretch of ecological and culturally significant land has been re-surfaced to allow the community access to a ‘Green Corridor’ through the city.

Concept Journey is the midwives of thought. At the end of hours of journey, we may feel we have been returned to ourselves, back into contact with emotions and ideas of importance to us. Traveling leads us to our desired destination, often, we are unaware of our surroundings during the period of travelling. The bridge users crosses the bridge frequently, The site acts like a transitional space for the neighbourhood.

Design Intention The design intention introduces a bicycle ramp to allow cyclist of the green corridor to have a sense of detour on site. It acts as a meeting point of the green corridor for a guided bike tour and exhibits the ecological environment and historical value of the green corridor.

Programming A bicycle tour centre housing a green corridor gallery with exhibition space, a gathering space. The Vending café is built as an orientation point in attribute of the site of the long vista towards the distant corridor – a rare view that signifies the genius loci of the unspoilt greenery.

Materials Prefabricated steel columns, treated pine timber cladding & decking and glass railings. The design blends perfectly into the greenery and subdues into mother nature. The building is naturally ventilated with angled timber decking to allow cross ventilation in our tropical climate.

Site – Vision “These spaces do not serve merely as respite from our urban landscape; there is immense potential for these spaces to be a repository of shared memories and experiences, and to connect communities.�


Cyclist are able to detour around the green corridor along the yellow line on the diagram to experience the surrounding vegetations, ride-through art gallery, the water feature and more. Residence are able to ride across the green corridor along the red arrow and get to the ground level. Cyclist are able to stop by the vending cafe, green corridor gallery, souvenir shop or bicycle rental. The green roof helps to reduce heat gain into the architecture.

Concept Sketches During the process of form development, the aim of the design was to intergrate the circulation of the green corridor

to the neighbourhood. The ramp should be cohesive in the X, Y and Z axis. Additionally, These bicycle ramps shall

provide an interactive experiece . This is a starting point and the meeting point of the tour of the green corridor.

Process Models

Section East

Elevation North

Year: 2018 | Building:Green Corridor (Ghim moh) | Tutor: Giovanni Viganò | Module: Structual Principles

Green Roof Detail Drawing

Corbell and Steel Connection

Detail Isonometry Roof to Ground These architecture details expresses the materials and the identity of the structure. It puts a unique stamp to this architecture and it’s structure.

Concept Sketches

Year: 2017 | Location: Bern, Switzerland | Building: Bakery Cafe | Type: Academic Exchange Program



BERN, cafe restaurant, 1950s The primary object of the bakery restaurant in the heart of downtown Bern to create a place that invites customers to linger in the bakery /cafe with a cosy ambience and a modern twist. Firstly, the design of the interior is based on user experience base on the circulation and order of spaces to achieve the best experience. Bern has many fabulous attractions; the rose garden is one of Bern’s most beautiful parks. For the idea behind the conept, the design will integrate the spirit of these attractions into the bakery to achieve and aesthetic pleasure and enjoyment fot the perception of value and quality.

In Breitenrain-Lorraine, a city district of Bern north of the historiccenter that was built mainly in the 20th century, there is a bakery with a café that the Weibel family has run since the1950‘s.

The design of the bakery cafe derive from the art of the process of baking. Flour, water, air, heat and time Creates a freshly baked bread. Rounded shaped influences the interior of the bakery.

The aim of the design is to create warm space for the guest and families of all ages to strengthen their role as a typical neighborhood bakery and focus much more on the needs of local families.

Site – Bern, Switzerland’s capital Bern, the capital city of Switzerland, is built around a crook in the Aare River. It traces its origins back to the 12th century, with medieval architecture preserved in the Altstadt (Old Town).


the historic ry, run since the

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Restaurant dining couch cuddles guest together to create a sense of intimacy like how ingredients are fused in one. The Cozy corner with a soft touch of lighting and natural timbre creates an enviroment that acts as a hut of a loaf. aspects, such as carbon sequestration, enrichment of the city’s biodiversity, and social C

gathering, recreational and events spaces. Careful planning and thought are put in place to both safeguard the natural assets and allow the public easy access to the natural flora and fauna. With this in mind, the Labrador Nature Reserve offers visitors the opportunity to be close to its major natural assets – tropical plants and the sea.


Year: 2017 | Location: Geylang Lor 27 | Building: Back Alley of Shop houses| Type: Academic


Sagrada Familia X Geylang

Dizzy, Meticulous, Magical, Camouflage, Checkpoint, Secluded, Grubby Elevated quaters created a fantasy world for the foreign workers. The space transits the foreign workers from the mundane reality to a world that is reminiscent to home. Above all the filthy alley, is a realm of tranquility. The Elevated Quaters has a connection of communication for the foreign workers to reconnect home eventhough they are thousand of miles away. The axis of this back alley leads them to the Spire of Love, Continuum to Home and the Fantasy Annex. Along this back alley of Geylang, the foreign workers uses the back alley through out the day; breaks, working hours, lunch time, etc. The back alley acts as a checkpoint where they check in the hide themselves away from reality. They were always on their phone with their family, and eating home cooked food while sitting one an empty beer carton. Therefore, the design is designated for them to feel as though they are home.

People climb mountains to arrive the peak as an achievement. Foreign workers climb the spire of love to have the entire space opening up to them, themself, to this unobstructed world to feel the unconditional self love while being alone. While walking through the spire, an inward looking space at the core of the spire.



Spire of love

Fantasy Annex allow foreign workers to facilitate their movement by transmiting them from a “continuum to home” to another by interweaving into theirs homes. Foreign workers explores one another’s home by travelling through connector. Everything links up and turned into a village above the mundane reality.

Original shop houses

A stretch of shops located at the ground level where people from everywhere gathers. On the second and third level, are the rented shared room for foreign workers to live in.















Fantasy annex


Continuum to home

Apart from the bunk beds in the shop houses, foreign workers owns a space which virtually brings them back home. A semi-privete hide out zone. They are able to explore neighbouring homes, just like a village.







Year: 2017 | Location: Ang Mo Kio | Building: Multistorey carpark | Type: Industrial project (group)



reinterventing unused spaces In collaboration with URA, the design brief was to reintervent unused spaces in the neighbour hood. Me and my 3 other groupmates proposed a design on a multistorey car park located at Ang mo kio. In relation to the neigbourwood, our proposal was to work with 2 existing organisation in this neighbourhood. This allows more interaction between the elderly and youngsters, allowing them be creative with handson projects.

Awwa, a non-profitable organisation that provides an enviroment for the elderlies to gather toghether and engage.

YGOS reqaches out to the youth at risks and help these people to be more constructively in the society

Year: 2017 | Location: Urban Redevelopment authority | Building: Urban design | Type: Competition (Group)

Challenge for the urban and built enviroment 2017 One metropolis, holland village, urban integration


CUBE 2017 IThe Challenge for the Urban and Built Environment (CUBE) is an annual workshop and competition for junior college and polytechnic students. It enables participants to delve into the intricacies of planning

and urban design for Singapore and gain first-hand experience as urban planners. Organised by the URA since 2009, the workshop aims to inspire a future generation of architects and urban planners.

Year: 2016 | Location: Singapore| Design: Visual merchandising| Type: Competition (Individual)

World skills singapore 2016 visual merchandising. bronze award

BIO Teng Ying Shi wanted to improve her designing skills, and therefore decided to join the WorldSkills Singapore (WSS) competition.

In her course of study, she is exposed to architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and landscape design, as well as public art. However, as a visual merchandiser, she has been learning a different set of skills to enhance her reportoire of skills.

She now knows how to communicate directly with the target audience through her designs to create a positive impression. She has also learnt how to use Adobe Photoshop, Adobe illustrator, and drawing skills, which has enhanced her skillset.


Year: 2017 | Location: SIngapore | Building: Product design| Type: International Workshop (Group)

25 years future international workshop japan, Taiwan, China, Korea

Health-stix As technology advances, the food intake we consume changes too. We start to consume food that benefits more to our health rather than those that does not. The Health Stick is a personalised health data tracker and taste reader that stores the nutritional needs and intake of the user. Before every meal

consumption, the stick can be used to detect the level of spiciness, bitterness or even saltiness of the food which can then be seen when the sticks are placed apart through a projected technology. The Health Stick can also act as an add-on to our current utensils such as forks, spoons and chopsticks and even our physical hands. With the use of

WIFI / Bluetooth, an application can then be connected to the Health Stick. This allows the storage of the nutritional intake of the users and helps to inform the user on whether if they have reached their targeted optimum intake. It also acts as a great detector when we want to try our friend’s food but fear that the ingredients might not suit our health.


Concept Sketches


Year: 2018 Location: Korea, Seoul (Hongik University) | Project: Product design| Type: International Workshop (Group) Prize: First Runner-Up

Asia Design Workshop

Korea, Japan, China, Singapore

A Soju cup that allow users to Hold the shot glass with both hands while receiving the drink. This is also a symbol

of respect. Raise your cup in the air and hold it towards the server to make pouring easier. This allows first time users to be

able to adapt to the new culture quickly .

Concept Sketches

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