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Hometown Heroes
Our Mission Our Organization
To honor those who served and to support those still serving. Our Patch
Hometown Heroes U.S. is a motorcycle based association of men and women who understand the true definition of service. Our members are current or former Military, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, Search and Rescue, Emergency Medical There is an old saying in the motorcycle community Services, 911 Dispatchers, and family members ... “If it’s not in your heart, don’t put it on your who share a certain “esprit de corps” along with a TNFT TNFT passion for riding motorcycles. We are law-abiding citizens who are united in supporting and serving our communities, states, and nation. Although Hometown Heroes is not a charity, many of our members are active in numerous charitable causes within their local areas, especially those that benefit children’s organizations, our Veterans, and the families of Fallen Police Officers and other First Responders. We take great pride in our commitment to our communities and helping those in need. back.” This is why we designed every single detail of our back-patch with a specific meaning. Our organization’s colors are the same as those of our nation ... Red, White, and Blue. These colors represent the patriotism that each of us share, as evidenced by our chosen professions. The U.S. Flag is tattered, symbolizing the hardships endured while serving our communities, states, and nation ... as well as those endured by our families that stand with us. The background of the patch is white to remind us of the purity of our mission and that we represent something larger than ourselves. The patch is bordered in black. This is to honor those who are no longer with us; true heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice. The figures on the patch are silhouetted. This is to represent all who serve, or have served, regardless of gender, age, race, religion, heritage, or social status. These silhouettes are positioned in front of the flag, standing tall. This is to inform all who see our patch that we stand for our flag, we stand by our oaths, and we stand together as family ... Military, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMS, and other Emergency Response Personnel alike. So yes, we agree ... If it’s not in your heart, don’t put it on your back. For more information visit: www.hometownheroesus.com and on Facebook @hometownheroesustennessee01 (see original Full Throttle spread in September 2020 issue)