Theo Svoronos architectural folio of works 2010-2015
Ia may ou nga r c hi t e c t , g r a du a t eoft heDe pa r t me ntofAr c hi t e c t u r eoft heUni v e r s i t yofPa t r a s , t het ops c hool ofa r c hi t e c t u r ei nGr e e c e . Ha v i ngj u s tf i ni s he dmys t u di e s , Ia m l ook i ngf ori ns pi r i nge n v i r onme nt st ha ts u i tmyme nt a l i t y , t obe g i napa s s i ona t ec a r e e r . Ia mhi g hl ymot i v a t e dt obr oa de nmye x pe r i e nc eb ywor k i ngi ni nt e r na t i ona l c ha l l e ng i nge n v i r onme nt sa nda l wa y sl e a r nne wwa y st ode s i g na ndwor k . Ia maha r dwor k i ngpe r s on, opt i mi s t i c , a mbi t i ou s , r e s pons i bl ea ndi nt e r e s t e di nt heq u a l i t yoft her e s u l t . Iha v ee x c e l l e nt c ommu ni c a t i v es k i l l sa ndc ons i de rmy s e l fa na da pt a bl e , e nt hu s i a s t i ca ndt e a mor i e nt e d pe r s on. Iv a l u ea r c hi t e c t u r ea sac r e a t i v epr oc e s sofc ons t a nt l yr e i n v e nt i nga ndc ha l l e ng i ngt he wor l da swek no wi t . Is t r ong l ybe l i e v ei na r c hi t e c t u r e ’ sc a pa c i t yt oi nf l u e nc ebot hi ndi v i du a l a ndc ol l e c t i v ee x pe r i e nc e s , i ni t spo we rt os ha peme nt a l i t i e sa nda f f e c tt heq u a l i t yofl i v i ng . I a mi nt e r e s t e di nc onc e ptdr i v e na r c hi t e c t u r e , ma t e r i a l i t ya ndc ons t r u c t i onde t a i l , e c ol og i c a l a nds u s t a i na bl ea ppr oa c hi nde s i g na swe l l a st hes oc i a l be ne f i t si tc a nde l i v e r .
Independent Coursework 2014 2014 2013 2012 2011 2008
Cob Workshop - Natural Building and Design Panorama of Entrepreneurship and Career Development Film direction, theory and production Seminar/Masterclasses “Ab_Use” computation and design Workshop Sens[e-Res]ponsive Architecture Workshop EcoWeek Architecture Seminar
AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS - Villard13 - ReUse: “strategie sostenibili di riqualificazione urbana”, 2013 Project for European Student Workshop, Quartu, Sant Elena 1rst Prize
- Island Shelter, 2015 - Athens after 2005: Immigration and Urban Transformations, 2013
AutoCad, Adobe Suite, 3dStudio Max, Rhinoceros, Sketch up
LANGUAGE SKILLS Greek (native proficiency) English (professional working proficiency) Spanish (intermediate) French (beginner) other interests
cinema, literature, psychology, photography, running, basketball
Design Master Thesis and Research Master Thesis Published in “”, in A2610 Workbook and the official school website
- Family House, 2009 - “Green Veil” House Block, 2010 - Collective Housing and urban farming, 2011 - Cinema Complex, Waste Energy Plant and Park, 2012
Projects for Design Studios Published in A2610 Workbook of the year and the official school website
- “Flow”, 2010 Video Art Project for Visual Arts Studio
official entry in “Athens Video Art Festival 2010” and “A.S.T.O. Short Film Festival”
references Yannis Aesopos +30 210 6899100 Dirk Peters +31 (0)104256650 Harris Biskos +30 210 345 2856
Theo Svoronos adress // Anapiron Polemou 5, Athens e-mail // tel. // 0030 - 6979012729
“Hortus Apertus” Island Shelter, 2015 Design Master Thesis
p. 2
Athens after 2005: Immigration and Urban Transformations, 2013 Research Master Thesis
p. 22
Cinema Complex, Waste Energy Plant and Park, 2012 Project for Design Studio No8
p. 28
“Eleonas Platform” collective housing and urban farming, 2011 Project for Design Studio No7
p. 32
“Green Veil” House Block, 2010 Project for Design Studio No4
p. 40
Small House with Bookstore, 2012 Project for Sustailable Design Studio No1
p. 44
Published in “”
Published in “”
Published in A2610 Workbook of the year and the official wedsite of the school
Published in A2610 Workbook of the year and the official wedsite of the school
Published in A2610 Workbook of the year
“Tourism Landscapes” Remaking Greece, 2014 Greek Participation in the 14th International Architecture Exhibition Professional project for the Ministry of Culture, under Yannis Aesopos
Athens Do-It-Together, Athens, 2014
Professional urban project for the Municipality of Athens, under Charris Biskos
p. 48
p. 52
[01] “Hortus Apertus” Island Shelter Design Master Thesis, 2015 published: “” with: Giorgos Kourakos tutor: Yannis Aesopos
The site The uniqueness of the Strofades Islands is easily perceived through a single visit in this isolated and almost secret place of the Ionian Sea -a uniqueness not only in its geographical and geological features but also in its course over the centuries. The Islands’ various habitats are composed of rocky coastlines, sandy beaches, fertile soil, uncultivated and bushy fields and a dense cedar forest. The ‘fragile’ geology of the island complex is exposed to the almost oceanic cli-
mate – the waves are constantly altering the coastline by shattering the rocky borders of the land, while the land is constantly stormed by the mighty salty winds. The ‘fight’ will be going on till the Strofades find themselves in the same state as the nearby reefs -a small archipelago visited almost exclusively by migratory sea birds. However, the human presence is obvious from several kilometers away. The medieval tower of the Strofades’ Monastery in the south island, Stamfani, stands out in the flat landscape - historically a home of 40 monks, whose herit-
age is now preserved by one last elderly monk. The cultivated fields of Stamfani are still active under the auspices of the Holy Metropolis of Zakynthos and Strophades and the National Marine Park of Zakynthos. The latter provides the islands with two seasonal guards for the environmental watch of the vulnerable to human presence habitats. The north island, Harpyia, with its two small ruined houses is now deserted. Its name is a reference to the Argonauts’ detour (strofe ->
Strofades) to chase the Harpies via the islands - the mythological flying monsters, which are now identified as the migratory seabirds Cory’s shearwater, which nest and breed on the islands during summer and their cries during the night are very distinctive and maybe ‘haunting’. They are object of observation and research of the other seasonal visitors of the island, ornithologists and biologists.
[01] “Hortus Apertus” Island Shelter Design Master Thesis, 2015 published: “” with: Giorgos Kourakos tutor: Yannis Aesopos
Nonfictional activation: Ecological and Culture routes (or a day in Nature)
Fictional activation: Shelter (or Inverted Monastery Cloister)
Our first objective is to activate the larger Island Stamfani, by giving prominence to its unique existing features, conservatively according to specific regulations that engage the ecosystems of the National Marine Park of Zakynthos. The Monastery would be restored after a study of the Department of Architecture of the University of Patras, which provides the accommodation of six monks and a minimum amount of short term guests. The NMPZ would acquire new facilities for the accommodation of the seasonal guards and an independent accommodating and research facility for 8 researchers/scientists. Also, a reception area and 3 paths would be defined for one day visitors to explore the Islands’ ecology and history without giving space to any further human intervention to the sensitive habitats. The use of local structural elements (e.g. rammed earth, local stones, reeds, parched cedar logs) would be necessary.
On Harpyia Island, which is of less ecological importance, we imagine an allegory of a religious monastery, where 20-40 people could take shelter, inhabiting this desolate landscape. The communal life will be characterised by an institutionalised nature observation ‘ritual’, which would promote the complex comprehension of the constantly changing structure not only of nature but of contemporary life in general. The effect of the natural phenomena on the islands is so violently perceptible, that this specific site could function as a unique living space of an experimental self-sufficient community.
Its inhabitants would live in small individual shelters and would be organized according to two separate communal life principles. The first would be the functional or nonfictional one and the second would be the institutionalised or fictional one. The first would be composed of the fulfillment of basic individual and communal needs, i.e. the physical communication via two safe little harbours and supplies storage facilities, twenty small dwellings/shelters, the production and preparation of food on small gardens and the common kitchen with a large dining room, the communal assembly and the communal library with communication facilities. Each of these spaces corresponds to a different level of
individuality in an every society, from the most individual (dwelling shelter) to the most communal (library). The second principle would be what makes the community come together in a different level through an everyday ‘ritual’. It would be expressed by a path which would connect the four points of Harpyia most exposed to the natural phenomena of precipitation, wind, tide and waves, and the sun. The observation of the ever-changing natural scene on the ‘ritual path’ would be intensified by the local flora and fauna. The path would be the reference point of everyday life in the community, setting at the same time a different counting of the calendar year in the imaginary structures that bring communities together.
General Masterplan
Masterplan (+3.00)
Settlement around the hermit - small temple
Irish monastery: influenced by hermits, Egyptian and Syrian monasteries
Monastery typology of the cloister and the “Hortus Conclusus”
New cloisters added to recieve more monks
Settlement around the hermit - small temple
Irish monastery: influenced by hermits, Egyptian and Syrian monasteries
Monastery typology of the cloister and the “Hortus Conclusus”
New cloisters added to recieve Complex building typologies Source: Walter Horn, "On the Origins of the Medieval more monks hosting a variety of new Cloister" Gesta 12.1/2 (1973:13-52) programs
Ιερό στοιχείο, περίκλειστος κήπος και κτηριακός όγκος σε μοναστηριακές δομές:
Ορθόδοξο μοναστήρι
Καθολικό μοναστήρι
Complex building typologies hosting a variety of new programs
Βουδιστικό μοναστήρι Source: Walter Horn, "On the Origins of the Medieval Cloister" Gesta 12.1/2 (1973:13-52)
Το αίθριο περικλύει τον ναό
Το αίθριο ορίζεται από τον ναό
Το αίθριο είναι ναός
abstract diagram: enclosed sacred element
excess need of enclosure/protection: abolition of the cloister
sacred element ever present and accessible: parallel development
deconstruction of the wing into entities, linear garden as a buffer zone between sacred and functional realm.
Intersection of the realms: buildings/programs are located on the nods as a common ground.
Gradient distribution (privatecollective), according to monastery life.
abstract diagram: enclosed sacred element
excess need of enclosure/protection: abolition of the cloister
sacred element ever present and accessible: parallel development
deconstruction of the wing into entities, linear garden as a buffer zone between sacred and functional realm.
Intersection of the realms: buildings/programs are located on the nods as a common ground.
Gradient distribution (privatecollective), according to monastery life.
κελιά ξενώνες abbot
refers to
βιβλιοθήκη σχολή
sacred element
individual σφαίρα
παραγωγή αποθήκευση κουζίνα τράπεζα
ναός παρεκκλήσια μνήματα
new type
sacred ιερό element στοιχείο
collective σφαίρα
The Shelter - Cell entrances 8
The Shelter - Cells
The every-day ritual The place of dwelling also expresses the general investigation of the concept of the flow and constant change. Is thus found irrelevant to form a monastery cell, a protective bubble of inclusion. The cell is organised in a linear plan, that concludes to the sea, providing the dweller with the nessesary reference of a starting and finishing point of everyday life and prosseses, but not allowing the mental differentiation of “inside-outside“. The cell is designed to produce a linear sequence of different experiences by entering. It follows principals involved in rituals (as the dive in through narrow, dark opening, the revealing of a new reality, clensing and purification ect). It acts as a prossess of preparation for a more esoteric and personal state.
Rhino/Illustrator: Theo Svoronos
The Shelter - Cells
The Shelter - Cells 12
The Shelter - Kitchen
The Shelter - Kitchen 15
The Shelter - Agora
The Shelter - Agora 17
Non fictional activation - Guard, Researcher and Visitor facilities
4 9
7 10
Rest stop Culture Natural beauty Ecology
Existing routes and paths
Places of interest
3 new thematical paths
2 11
7 10
Rest stop Culture Natural beauty Ecology
Existing routes and paths
Places of interest
3 new thematical paths
Pilgrimage Line
Eco Line
Tourist Line
2 3 5
4 9
7 10
Pilgrimage Line
Guard facilities
Eco Line
Tourist Line
Non fictional activation - Researcher and Visitor facilities
Researcher and Visitor facilities
[02] Athens after 2005: Immigration and Urban Transformations Research Master Thesis, 2013 published in “” tutor: Yannis Aesopos
Introduction The present research thesis addresses the local implications of the global immigration phenomenon of our era. Aim is to investigate and assess the urban transformations that presently take place in Athens, triggered by it - partially or merely. While present political leadership in Europe, expresses the view that the shift towards a multicultural society was a wrong turn that EU needs to rethink, Greece is found in an unprecedentedly multicultural social condition, as well as in the process of sensitive social, economical and cultural reform. The research in the effects and transformation caused by immigration in Athens, as an attempt to evaluate present urban reality, is therefore found crucial and topical.
Structure Despite the globalized nature of immigration, the present thesis does not focus on that level. On the contrary, main effort is the listing and analyzing of local implications of the phenomenon. That would allow us to come to specific conclusions that concern the local community, and avoid generalized observations in a larger, irrelevant scale.
Laying a common ground with the reader, useful terms, immigration policies and local cultural aspects are introduced. Theoretical models explaining immigration are also presented, in order to allow for personal points of view on the reader to be developed, before going into further details. The paper’s main part, the research on Athenian transformations, is divided into 3 parts:
1. the distribution and characteristics of migrant households and the way they reshape the urban landscape, 2. the influence of immigration on urban public space, and 3. the effects of the city’s re-actions to these triggers. During every step of this multi-leveled research, observations are made in order to work towards a final conclusion. The issue of altered, inaccessible or missing data, lead the project to resort to field research: Interviews with locals and immigrants in key spots, mapping of commercial activities and door to door visits, were used to fill the gaps where needed.
15 %
16 %
25 %2001
Immigrant percentage of total population in Greece
30 % Sources: Hellenic Statistical Authority, «Globalization, Urbanization and Migration» 12 %
1,4% Κονγκό 1,7% Ερυθραία 3,8 % Συρία 2,1% Παλαιστίνη
= Rio De Janeiro 1%
= Tokyo
2% 7%
7,5 %
20 % 50 %
rental 0%
0% 0%
4th 3rd
30 %
7,5 %
12 %
20 %
9.9 % West suburbs
14.7 % Piraeus
25 %
9,4% Bangladesh
11 % ownership
= Barcelona 0 %
43.8 % Municipality of 1% Athens
16 %
2,9% Irak 1,2% Iran
15 %
arround Athens
50 % 15.9 %
ducing 30% of GDP of Greece
Sources: Geographies, νο 19, 2012, D. Balabanides (2012) 67% works illegaly insurance)
Sources: Ministry of Public Order & Citizen Protection, To Vima ning 7% of its housing petries
51% workers industry/building/farming, 32% service, care 12% office employee/vendors,
10 % North-east suburbs
23% Afganistan
= Paris
Source: To Vima
Immigrant houshold distribution in Athens, by floor
lives in Athens, 40% of which in Municipality of Athens
= San Francisco
7th 5.7 % South suburbs
12,4% Albania
Country of origin (arrested illegal immigrants in Athens, 2011)
43.8 % Municipalit Athens
43.8 % Municipality of Athens
7. 8.
51% workers industry/building/farming, pruducing 30% of GDP of Greece 32% service, care 12% office employee/vendors, 5% scientists/ technisians/bussiness owners.
of total Greek population is igrants
11 % ownership
of the Athenean population, migrants
15.9 %
14,4% Pakistan
Source: To Vima
3,9% Μαρόκο
Area of residence (immigrants Area of residence in Athens), (immigrants 2011: in Athens), 2011:
10 % North-east suburbs
and 67% works illegaly (no insurance) pruducing 30% of GDP of Greece
arround Athens
0,9% Τυνησία 2,6% Somalia
14.7 % Piraeus
15.9 %
6. 7.
9.9 % West suburbs
77% of immigrants find a job through friends and relatives and 67% works illegaly (no insurance)
Source: To Vima
14.7 % Piraeus
77% 67%
arround Athens
5. 6.
20,1% Other
5.7 % South suburbs 5.7 % South suburbs
Source: To Vima
9.9 % West suburbs
Country of origin (arrested illegal immigrants in Athens), 2011:
= Miami, London
Area of basement residence (immigrants in Athens), 2011:
of immigrants find a job through nds and relatives
10 % North-east suburbs
77% of immigrants find a job through friends and relatives
workers industry/building/farming, service, care office employee/vendors, scientists/ technisians/bussiness owners.
12,4% Albania
23% Afganistan
10 %
Collapse of USSR
15 %
Olympic Games
20 %
Dublin ΙΙ
12,4% Albania
23% Afganistan
25 %
Arab Spring
Source: To Vima
Memorandum EU,ECB, IMF
To Vima
ry of origin (arrested Country illegal of origin immigrants (arrestedinillegal Athens), immigrants 2011: in Athens), 2011:
20,1% Other
0,9% Τυνησία 2,6% Somalia
20,1% Other
0,9% Τυνησία 2,6% Somalia
3,9% Μαρόκο
3,9% Μαρόκο
owning 7% of its housing propetries
2,9% Irak 1,2% Iran
9,4% Bangladesh
1,4% Κονγκό 1,7% Ερυθραία
36% of the Athenean population, is immigrants owning 7% of its housing
2,9% Irak 1,2% Iran
percentage in total population 30 %
9,4% Bangladesh
1,4% Κονγκό 7% Ερυθραία
50% lives in Athens, 40% of which in the Municipality of Athens 36% of the Athenean population, is immigrants
3,8 % Συρία 2,1% Παλαιστίνη
the Municipality of Athens
Africa Asia
3. 4.
12% of total Greek population is immigrants 50% lives in Athens, 40% of which in
2. 3.
3,8 % Συρία 1% Παλαιστίνη
12% of total Greek population is immigrants
14,4% Pakistan
1. 2.
14,4% Pakistan
National Statistical Source: Service, National Eurostat Statistical 2012 Service, Eurostat 2012
Immigrant household distribution, 2001
Immigrant household distribution, 2013 based on personal field research
immigrant places of religion
immigrant community centers
immigrant shops
(by size)
(by type)
immigrant related NGOs
abandoned shops
abandoned buildings
(by size)
(by number)
(by number)
Athens is depicted by the research foundings as a city undergoing a rapid change of structure (social and spatial).
cat. 1
These foundings can be presented in 3 categories: 1. movement/relocation of specific activities, characteristics and qualities in the urban environment
Re-location of housing Re-location of housing Re-location
Vertical segregation Greek “Polykatoikia” Vertical segregation Greek “Polykatoikia” Vertical segregation -
of housing
Greek “Polykatoikia”
(De) Centralization (De) Centralization (De) Centralization
Reverse (De) CentralReverseization (De) CentralReverseization (De) Centralization
?? ?
cat. 2
2. the rise of new aspects/properties of public space in Athens 3. emerging new social balance and its spatial expressions
Rising importance of the neighborhood Rising importance of the neighborhood Rising importance of
New social roles of public New socialspace roles of public New socialspace roles of
Cultural significance of different localities Cultural significance of different localities Cultural significance
New use of public space New use of public space New use of
the neighborhood
public space
of different localities
public space
Fragmentation and polarization of space Fragmentation and polarization of space Fragmentation and
Rising social importance of space Rising social importance of space Rising social impor-
Social introversion - the thrive of the Private Social introversion - the thrive of the Private Social introversion - the
polarization of space
tance of space
thrive of the Private
cat. 3 «Super-diversity» «Super-diversity» «Super-diversity»
1. Immigrants inhabit and revitalize areas that were abandoned during the decentralization of the last decades and the movement of the middle class towards the suburbs. That prevented the gentrification of the city center by the reintroduction of dwelling (preservation of multiple programs coexisting) and the simultaneous presence of various classes (using vertical segregation allowed by the type of the Greek multistoried “polykatoikia”). At the same time,
an other process of decentralization takes place: immigrant households move to the center periphery, state services trying to attract vulnerable social groups are relocated to the outskirts of the city, and commercial activity seems to reorganize and concentrate in bubbles towards the suburbs.
2. Despite the social introversion that was detected, research in every level showed the rising importance of public space: reinforcement of the role of the neighborhood, attachment of cultural elements on public space, , increasing appropriation of public space and use as an informal extension of the household, unifying role as common reference of different ethnic groups and as a binding element that leads to the formation of new social groups.
3. Social groups -and personal identities- are rapidly becoming cross linked, ever changing and harder to define. In this context of “super-diversity”, social and spatial segregation are unlinked from one another. However, it seems that public space in return, has fragmented into defined places of homogeneous character, often being the fundamental connecting aspect between individuals.
[03] Cinema Complex, Waste Energy Plant and Park project for Design Studio No8, 2012 published in A2610 Workbook of the year and the official wedsite of the school with: Giorgos Kourakos tutor: Panos Dragonas
Introduction The project involves the re-design of a “terrain vague”, a residual landscape between highways and watercourses. We suggest the introduction of two programs along with an experimental park: a cinema complex and a waste energy plant (commercial and industrial). The collision between the natural and the artificial element is obvious throughout the site. As a result, the constant changes -due to mechanical interventions, informal temporary shelters, the erosion of land, the sequence of the seasons, and many more unpredictable forceswere the starting point of a search into the notion of the manipulation/inscription of time.
The cinema complex ‘swings’ between two notions, the spectacle and the time (either natural time – spectator, or artificial time – direction or montage). Our programmatical allegory explores the relationship between the two realms and the power of the “machine” to entangle them.
Our project aspires both to balance these elements and to combine them spatially and conceptually, particularly through the manipulation of water in the site a system of follies which is scattered through the park hosting various functions and events. There is also obvious an effort to explore the idea of architecture as platform for interaction between users, or between users and space. Finally, water is considered to be the key element in the erosion and
evolution of the site through time, and its effects are highlighted by the design of the park.
Open air follies, paved paths and water creeks affect the erosion of land over time differently, leading to a new georgaphy.
The cinema complex is penetrated by a main axis , part of the main walk of the park, that over the watercourse concludes on the plant. 30
The cinema complex is designed to restrain the rainwater, producing a wetland of various levels and vegetation.
Halls are scattered and integrated into the wetland, allowing users to experience natural elements. 31
[04] “Eleonas Green Platform� collective housing and urban farming project for Design Studio No7, 2011 published in A2610 Workbook of the year and the official wedsite of the school with: Giorgos Kourakos tutor: Yannis Aesopos
Introduction Eleonas is a former industrial district, now technically absent from the contemporary Athenian life, characterized by lage voids, abandoned buildings and a scattered informal patchwork of nature. The proximity to the city center allows the project to seek for oportunities to re-introduce the area to the public realm.
Basic intension of the project is to investigate possible advantages from the intersection of urban and rural life. We locate 4 types of users: farmer, dweller/farmer, dweller and visitor. The street level invades the site to form a platform of interaction between these categories.
The project involves dwelling, urban agriculture and a public park. The concept is to differenciate the type of housing by user: community and close to nature houses are developed as a fabric under the park, with agriculture areas acting as a barrier to the sourroundings, whereas urban living is concentrated in floating blocks that provide constant contact with the city (easy access and view). The park is on street level, accessible for all.
Dwelling is divided into two types: rural and urban. In every type, unit and block, strategies of space and level manipulation provide a wide variety of states between the private and the public (tools: atriums, green spaces, floor level, blinds of various opacities ect)
Dwellings that are closer to natural elements are located under the surface of the park, and are organised in 6 neighbourhoods, signified by thematic gardens. 4 archetype units form 8 composisions of various coverage, that become the complex unit, as a reference to the blocks of Athens. Private atriums differenciate living and sleeping spaces, where as public atriums act as community meeting points. A system of mobile shades is used as a filter towards these atriums, providing a buffer zone and tranforming the outlines of the houses.
The park is organised around a main path that crosses 6 thematic gardens. By leaving the main path, the visitor is introduced into these gardens, that are of smaller scale and larger shape and space variaty. Larger plateux are also present in the project: 2 accessible green roofs work as places for concieving the total area, 2 public squares.
General masterplan
0 0 0 place market 0 market 0 place 0
136 194 136 2 apartments 194 6 2 apartments 58 6
118 240 118 2 apartments 240 6 2 apartments 78 6
110 250 110 3 apartments 250 8 3 apartments 72 8
100 310 100 3 apartments 310 8 3 apartments 85 8
visitor level visitor level
resident level resident level
atrium dwelling atrium program dwelling residents min.program vegetation residents min. vegetation
Masterplan -2.00m
95 300 95 4 apartments 300 12 4 apartments 110 12 110
90 300 90 3 apartments 300 10 3 apartments 90 10
0 0 comunity0gathering, gardens 0 comunity gathering, 0 gardens
Wooden elements work as filters between spaces. Different programs are separated from each other in various ways, depending on the desirable amount of interaction.
- easy and autonomous access - easy and autonomous access - easy and autonomous access - easy and autonomous access from/to the city - direct contact with agriculture - storage space - view of agriculture - individual city view - proximity to marketplace - proximity to marketplace - various speeds of crossing - individual open air space
One of the 6 unit/compositions of variable densities 36
Bedroom extending to small atrium. Atriums are used to separate private from common rooms in the house.
Urban agriculture surrounds the complex, enhancing the rural quality of the experience. 37
The park is developed above the community housing complex and is open to visitors. The units above the park offer an urban quality of livinig .
Section b
Upper level
Lower level 39
[05] “Green-Veil” Housing Block project for Design Studio No4 published in A2610 Workbook of the year tutor: Yannis Aesopos
The project proposes a new way of organising collective housing in the central area of the small city of Patras: public spaces and commercial programs invade the building which in this way becomes active accessible part of the urban fabric. The block contains apartments of various sizes, a laundry-mat and a restaurant.
The commercial programs are located on ground level, connected directly to the street and the public balconies/gardens. The shape of the site is extruded in a large system of hydroponic agriculture. This system wraps both the apartments and the public spaces of the building, and becomes a green veil towards the city, revealing a new way to experi-
ence and live in a small scale urban environment deprived of natural elements. The hydroponic system works by using a persentage of gray water of the complex, and therefore vegetation is organised accordingly (sections of purification and filtering) The metallic 3d grid is filled with the boxes/apartments, allowing sunlight to run
through the complex, and a central core of vertical movement is connected to all of the boxes as well as with every point of the “screen” with a perimeter outdoor corridor. Further future supplementation of the system is possible.
hydroponic green veil
scaffold/3d grid
existing layer
Selected level plans 42
Bookstore (front) and house with office room (back)
[06] Small House with Bookstore Project for Sustailable Design Studio I, 2012 with: Giorgos Kourakos tutor: I. Alexandri
General The project explores the potential of a small sustainable complex in a typical Greek province city. It involves the design of a house, an office, a retail bookstore and a meeting room (available to both the office and the bookstore users at times).
It is located in the center of Patras surrounded by typical medium-sized poly-programmatic buildings. The project achieves the required sustainability levels by a series of strategies: urban agriculture faces south, a green barrier on the north acts as a windshield, the complex is located on the center and its openings are oriented
towards the south but covered with blinds, and is divided into two masses in order to maximize sunlight and preserve a micro-climate management strip between them. The north zone of the complex accommodates vertical movement and offers thermal protection during winter time and ventilation during the hot summer. The roof has an inclination of 30, and acts as a rain collec-
tor as well as energy provider using solar panels. Great emphasis is placed on the economical use of space and resources for the construction.
upper floor
June 21
ground floor
Dec 21
March/Sept 21
use of air streams
natural ventilation
use of air streams
natural ventilation
micro climate
water collection
solar energy
thermal zones
Main Strategies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
deciduous trees on the south to filter summer sun adaptable wooden blinds inclined roof - rain water collector micro-climate managment water storage inclined roof - rain water collector and solar panels sunlight diffusion indoors high openings to the north for cooling north wing protection - circulation natural ventilation evergreen wind blocker
11 1 10
5 5
ATHENS DO-ITTOGETHER Strategic masterplan development and urban acupuncture for the revitalization of Athens city center.
[07] “Athens Do-It-Together” strategic masterplan for the City of Athens Professional Project, 2013 project architect: Charris Biskos client: City of Athens
“Athens do-it-together”
The project is a strategic masterplan of ephemeral interventions towards urban revitalization, developed in key points of the historical and commercial center of Athens within a period of 6 months. It falls under the Development Program of the City of Athens “Project Athena“, a network of direct and brief interventions in the economy and public space of the city. Aim of the project is to use global relevant experience and case studies, as well as investigate new ways, to reactivate underutilized urban space and contribute to a commercial and cultural boost in an environment of generalized crisis and pessimism.
The desolation and dereliction of designed urban space combined with the re-location of commercial use in suburban bubbles, left the city center empty and neglected. Athenian society, already going through an identity crisis, was caught up with an unresolved urban problem, that calls for action. Despite the generalized degradation of the center, new economic and social conditions led to the emergence of newly formed collectives, bringing the ideas of the “collective” and “local” in the public dialog. Fragmented urban space is now -more than ever- subject of claim and reference point, in an effort to recharge it with meaning. As such, it acts as a common ground between artistic,social and political groups.
In this context, through key point interventions for the revitalization of public space, and based on an expanding masterplan scheduled to grow for 6 months, our proposal focuses on the area known as “commercial triangle“, the heart of the city center. At the same time, it forms a platform of cooperation and interaction between groups, broadening the vision we have for the mediate future of Athens. A toolbox is formed based on various case studies and new ideas, analyzed by size, cost, construction time, visibility, green space and other variables. After careful research and analysis on different sites, points of intervention are selected and matched with the optimum, most suitable type from the toolbox.
Interventions are focused on selected key points of the city, that have fallen in a state of inertia, vacant from public or commercial use, that present a potential of high urban influence. Vacant shops and windows can host small periodical exhibitions, empty or unfinished buildings can act as large scale canvases, arcades no longer live can receive multiple programs and act as incubators for collective activities, and large public spaces can be turned into temporary landmarks.
Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Experimental, ephemeral Enrichment of the proand highly visible interven- jects along Stadiou. First tions along the main axis reference point in the area known as the “commerof the busy Stadiou street. Branding the project. cial triangle” of Athens. Base point of the project: incubator and workshop spaces. Open call for proposals by artists and link with think tanks and platforms as “Re-Activate Athens“.
Phase 3: The network expands and adapts: from road axis, to central focal points and finally to anchor points in neighborhoods. Different interventions are used in each step, engaging the public in various ways and scales.
vacant shops
visit time
area affected
1 6
vacant window exhibitions
1 3 6
city πληροφορία
1 7
6 urban playgrounds
2 3 πληροφορία
2 πληροφορία δικτύωση/ κοινότητα
yarn bombing
large scale installations
δικτύωση/ κοινότητα
δικτύωση/ κοινότητα
3 8
4 9
5 10
2 4 7
3 5 8
4 9
5 10
δηµόσιος χώρος
ψυχαγωγία/ απόλαυση
4 8 10 προσβασιµότητα
5 9 πράσινο
δηµόσιος χώρος
δηµόσιος χώρος
ψυχαγωγία/ απόλαυση
5 πράσινο
1 9 10
δηµόσιος χώρος
project location
ψυχαγωγία/ απόλαυση
δικτύωση/ προσβασιµότητα πράσινο κοινότητα ψυχαγωγία/ πράσινο δηµόσιος χώρος απόλαυση
4 5
project size
central remote
ψυχαγωγία/ απόλαυση
2 10
δηµόσιος χώρος
ψυχαγωγία/ απόλαυση
δικτύωση/ κοινότητα προσβασιµότητα
4 προσβασιµότητα πράσινο πράσινο δηµόσιος χώρος
5 6 δηµόσιος χώρος ψυχαγωγία/ απόλαυση
ψυχαγωγία/ απόλαυση
2 7
8 9
δικτύωση/ κοινότητα
7 8
6 7
ephemeral gardens
πληροφορία προσβασιµότητα
κοινότητα 1-5’
lighting/ installation
3 7 9
δικτύωση/ κοινότητα
2 6 8 neighborhood
project properties
δηµόσιος χώρος
δικτύωση/ κοινότητα
ψυχαγωγία/ απόλαυση
[08] “Tourism Landscapes” Remaking Greece Greek Participation in the 14th International Architecture Exhibition, 2014, La Biennale di Venezia: “Fundamentals - Absorbing Modernity, 1914-2014” Professional Project, 2014 Commissioner - Curator: Yannis Aesopos Assistants: Maria Chassioti, Ioanna Koulouri, Georgios Kourakos, Mina Roussou, Thodoris Svoronos
Greece’s 10th participation in the International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia is directed and curated by the National Commissioner architect and professor Yannis Aesopos, under the title “Tourism Landscapes: Remaking Greece”.
“It explores the role of tourism as a vehicle of modernization of Greece through the emergence of constructed tourism landscapes: hotels and resorts, organized beaches, archaeological sites and museums, public space designs and infrastructure facilities. Moreover, it focuses on the concurrent (re)shaping of Greek national identity that is enhanced through the contact of the “other”, the foreign, new and global element, which the activity of tourism presupposes.”
Greek history and the Greek landscape jointly made up the myth of contemporary Greece. Historical and cultural continuity through the unaltered landscape defined the identity of the modern Greek state. These same elements –history and landscape– provided the foundation for Greece’s entry to a new sector of economic activity that intensified rapidly during the country’s post-War modernization period: tourism, a global industry in which Greece was to play an important role at a global scale. Tourism is by definition an extrovert activity
that presupposes regular contact with the “other”, being in touch with the new and adapting to it as well as a continuous (re)configuration of identity. In architectural terms, a constant remaking of the built landscape. The exhibition examines and presents –through examples of both built and unrealized projects as well as through new designs developed for the exhibition by Greek and foreign architects– architectures of tourism as tools for the modernization of the country and the shaping of its identity.
Exhibition on progress
Opening day 54
Exhibition Description
New Projects
The exhibition is organized in 2 parts: The first section is an in-depth research on architecture of tourism in Greece the last 100 years. It is presented in the form of a timeline that is lined with landscape photographs and cultural identity hints, in order to create a main narration in comprehensible context. The second part is a collection of New Projects by respected architecture offices, that having taken into consideration the former research, investigate the possibilities of the post-crisis, contemporary touristic product and the architectural language it incorporates. The goal is to outline possible interesting future directions and result in new forms of both tourism and tourism architecture.
The Archival part presents the architectural production of tourism landscapes in Greece in the last 100 years. It is organised as a continuous surface of images placed on the surrounding walls of the Pavilion’s interior, as a linear narrative timeline, indicating the ever changing character of the touristic product (a shift from sanative tourism on the turn of last century, to luxurious, then modern, traditional, generalized, up to the minimal aesthetics of today) as well as the architectural form that results from its expression. Influencial projects of each era are analized and presented in a sequence suggesting a continuous process of evolution.
Forming a collage of natural lanscapes that surrounds the exhibition, lagre scale photograps are placed on the lower part of the walls’ surfaces. They are topped with the former architecture timeline, providing the ground for the survay and the visitor’s mental journey through the building of Greece to continue. Scattered through the timeline projects, photos of ‘identity elements’ introduce the anthropological dimension, the common references of the society behind the architectural product.
The New Projects part is placed in the center of the Pavilion and presents through models on identical stands of various heights that create an interior geometric ‘island landscape’ the proposals of 15 Greek and foreign architects for a tourism inhabitation in a Greek sea-side landscape. These projects were produced specifically for the Biennale exhibition. The time frame is the end-of-crisis era that is characterized by limited resources, asks for the reassessment of priorities and the reestablishment of values, the reconsideration of human imposition on nature, and, through spiritual restructuring, the reappraisal of less. The coexistence of Greek and foreign architects refers to the interaction between local and foreign that tourism presupposes.