Architecture & Industrial Engineering

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Creative Works 2019 Teodor Petrov


Creative Industrial Work 2019 - Present Day














When Underwater Robotics meet 3D Printing and Coral Redevelopment of our Oceans

Breaking the Grid is Innovative Moonshot Project Developed by Teodor Petrov Architect & Robotics specialist at GXN 3XN and benefactor Dansk AM-Hub.

Fixing our Decaying Infrastructure through autonomous Legged Robotics.Could Legged Robotics revolutionize the way we maintain our infrastructure.

Fire Fighting Robotics can be the future of fire fighting that can significatly effect the way we deal with forst fires.

Delivery Drones can be used to delivery to remote places from medical packages to life saving organ transplants to commercial product delivery.

High Rise facade cleanning robotics can change the way we maintaint our cities in a ways that provides safe and efficiant way.













Autonomous 3D printing Robotic systems as driver for innovation and 3D printing the cities of tommrow.

Autonomous ABB arm implemented Robotic arm to the Drone for controlled motion and building capabilties.

Drones as Construction Survey and Managments Automation of the future can change the way we survey and manager large construction sites and Estate Dev.

Fire Fighting from the skies in urban environment can safe lifes by providing safety factor for fire-fighters and people in need.

Automated Welding processes of today can change and optimize the way we build high rises by utillizing autonomous welding climbing robots.

Underwater 3D printing Machines can revolutionize the industry by creating underwater cities and open doors for exploration and new industries.

INFO +45 91 87 32 17 ADDRESS

Denmark Copenhagen
















When Underwater Robotics meet 3D Printing and Coral Redevelopment of our Oceans

Breaking the Grid is Innovative Moonshot Project Developed by Teodor Petrov Architect & Robotics specialist at GXN 3XN and benefactor Dansk AM-Hub.

Fixing our Decaying Infrastructure through autonomous Legged Robotics.Could Legged Robotics revolutionize the way we maintain our infrastructure.

Fire Fighting Robotics can be the future of fire fighting that can significatly effect the way we deal with forst fires.

Delivery Drones can be used to delivery to remote places from medical packages to life saving organ transplants to commercial product delivery.

High Rise facade cleanning robotics can change the way we maintaint our cities in a ways that provides safe and efficiant way.













Autonomous 3D printing Robotic systems as driver for innovation and 3D printing the cities of tommrow.

Autonomous ABB arm implemented Robotic arm to the Drone for controlled motion and building capabilties.

Drones as Construction Survey and Managments Automation of the future can change the way we survey and manager large construction sites and Estate Dev.

Fire Fighting from the skies in urban environment can safe lifes by providing safety factor for fire-fighters and people in need.

Automated Welding processes of today can change and optimize the way we build high rises by utillizing autonomous welding climbing robots.

Underwater 3D printing Machines can revolutionize the industry by creating underwater cities and open doors for exploration and new industries.

INFO +45 91 87 32 17 ADDRESS

Denmark Copenhagen



SDG MOONSHOTS SDG GOALS - Visionary Moonsoht Ideas 2020

When Underwater Robots meet 3D printing. Could Autonomous 3D Printing Robots Print new artificial coral landscapes in the hopes to grow a better future? Break the Grid Project is a Innovation research Moonshot focused on investigating the potentials of Underwater 3D printing as well as seeking solutions to improve the Marine and Ocean Conditions. The R&D was developed by Teodor Petrov GXN and sponsored by Dansk AM-Hub. How could 3D Printing provide solutions to the global issues and effect on our environment?



There could be a 3 way solution that requires the fusing of existing technologies such as: 3D Printing, Marine Engineering and marine Biology. Thus the development a family of ROV each with specific function from: Ocean Plastic Collection, Coral Printing & Tsunami Coastal Protection.Prototyping Remote Operated Vehicle as a solution to Coral 3D Printing. Could 3D Printing Coral ROV’s help the regeneration of our coral ecosystem?The Prototyping phase of the ROV allowed for complete experimentation and creative


UNDERWARER 3D PRINTING CORALS When Underwater Robots meet 3D printing. Could Autonomous 3D Printing Robots Print new artificial coral landscapes in the hopes to grow a better future?

When Underwater Robots meet 3D printing. Could Autonomous 3D Printing Robots Print new artificial coral landscapes in the hopes to grow a better future? Break the Grid Project is a Innovation research Moonshot focused on investigating the potentials of Underwater 3D printing as well as seeking solutions to improve the Marine and Ocean Conditions. The R&D was developed by Teodor Petrov GXN and sponsored by Dansk AM-Hub. How could 3D Printing provide solutions to the global issues and effect on our environment?

design thinking. Teodor Petrov have developed series of ROV each one superior to its previous version with optimized buoyancy and flotation mechanism as well as 3D printing mechanisms. Also the final 2 prototypes were equipped with underwater IP Camera allowing for direct video feed of the underwater environment as well as optimized control.

There could be a 3 way solution that requires the fusing of existing technologies such as: 3D Printing, Marine Engineering and marine Biology. Thus the development a family of ROV each with specific function from: Ocean Plastic Collection, Coral Printing & Tsunami Coastal Protection.Prototyping Remote Operated Vehicle as a solution to Coral 3D Printing. Could 3D Printing Coral ROV’s help the regeneration of our coral ecosystem?The Prototyping phase of the ROV allowed for complete experimentation and creative

The development of the project was driven through economically viable mean though rapid fictional prototypes in combination with digital fabrication allowed for the most economical way to develop technical solutions on short financial boundaries. The Prototypical methodology of the project also allow for a steep learning to drive the project as each experiment finding will drive new solutions to new problems thus continuously improving the system and its functions.

Experimental Development and use of Economically Viable Business Strategy can allow for ROV Coral Printers to rebuild our coral landscapes back to life.



Prototyping Remote Operated Vehicle as a solution to Coral 3D Printing. Could 3D Printing Coral ROV’s help the regeneration of our coral ecosystem?

The Prototyping phase of the ROV allowed for complete experimentation and creative design thinking.

Teodor Petrov have developed series of ROV each one superior to its previous version with optimized buoyancy and flotation mechanism as well as 3D printing mechanisms. Also the final 2 prototypes were equipped with underwater IP Camera allowing for direct video feed of the underwater environment as well as optimized control.


The development of the project was driven through economically viable mean though rapid fictional prototypes in combination with digital fabrication allowed for the most economical way to develop technical solutions on short financial boundaries. The Prototypical methodology of the project also allow for a steep learning to drive the project as each experiment finding will drive new solutions to new problems thus continuously improving the system and its functions.


DIVE ROVER- D/1 UNDERWARER 3D PRINTING CORALS The development of the project was driven through economically viable mean though rapid fictional prototypes in combination with digital fabrication allowed for the most economical way to develop technical solutions on short financial boundaries. The Prototypical methodology of the project also allow for a steep learning to drive the project as each experiment finding will drive new solutions to new problems thus continuously improving the system and its functions. The Project conception and development had lead us to start speculating and problem solving possible application and functions the Underwater ROV can undertake. The target was the SDG Goal 14 Life underwater with direct focus on Coral Re-development though 3D printing Limestone and Organic matter directly on the sea bed thus creating organic stable platform for corals to be planted. The planting of the Corals can also be achieved through autonomous Robotic ROV system equipped with planting mechanism on board.



Underwater Robotics Systems

Fast and Economically Viable Rapid Prototyping allow for innovation to thrive under low economic investments.

R&D development findings. The processes the design to fabrication stages were exposed to allowed for creative design freedom. Working in a multidisciplinary team new questions and collaborative design methods were employed allowing for well-rounded understanding of all the aspects of the projects to be grasped and tackled.

The Prototyping aspect of the project was pressured by the boundaries of the fund which covered the fundamental part of the Moonshot. Thus the ROV prototypes were developed in the most economical way possible using custom made 3D printed parts as well as counterfeiting hacking and creating new purposes to mechanical parts that can be sourced. Thus the project had shown not only a technological innovation in the way it was rapidly developed but also in the resources invested in the development were minimal with maximum return potential in

Aenean eu ante turpis. Ut sit amet egestas ipsum. Sed ultrices cursus enim, nec dictum lectusgestas sit amet. Etiam et tortor at libero tincidunt egestas. Mauris consequat consequat nulla, et ornare enim venenatis sit amet.





Break the Grid using Autonomous 3D printing Construction Machines. How can new technologies brake the boundaries and show the potentials? Break the Grid using Autonomous 3D printing Construction Machines. How can new technologies brake the boundaries and show the potentials?Break the Grid Moonshot speculated on what could autonomous mobile 3D printers be and how their implementation in the construction industry be introduced. This particular aspect of the moonshot was dedicated to the development of mobile driving 3D printing platforms. The Prototypes act as testing platform as well as learning system that allow for indoor testing and computational simulation and analysis of the entire system. Break the Grid using Autonomous 3D printing Construction Machines. How can new technologies brake the boundaries and show the potentials?The use of Autonomous Construction machines could revolutionize the construction industry not only in the way of optimizing the quality and performance of construction but also its going to open new industries and field in a multidisciplinary collaboration. The use of 3D printing has already proven to be reliant method of construction through today’s large scale concrete printing machines.

Experimental Prototyping in combination with Hacking and Creative Design Thinking allows for true innovation to grow.The methodology of the project is driven through experimentation development and creative design thinking. The rapid prototyping of the robotic system is also inspired by hacking existing technologies and creating new function and uses. The system is incorporating 3d printing technologies in combination to locomotion capabilities and single board computer systems. Testable Mobile 3D Printers are paving the way to creating new Construction Methods and Strategies.The Autonomous construction systems are going to pave the way to the future of construction technology. The use of autonomous machines would optimize the way we build the world around us through speed, performance, quality of the construction alongside the fact that machine can work 24/7 with minimal supervision this making it much more resource, energy and labor efficient.



Machine Learning as a Automation Strategy in Dynamic Construction Environments.

Machine Learning is the key to dealing with such a complex dynamic environment such as construction sites. By determining the optimal parameters and conditions of the site and deal with unexpected changed based on the dynamics of the site and the agent involved in the construction. Also the machines have to be able to deal with agents that are moving on site and adjust to their dynamics.

Collective Intelligence and Collaborative Construction Process-



DRIVE- 3D DRAVING AUTONOMOUS 3D PRINTERS Machine Learning meets Autonomous 3D Printing Machines. Could the future of construction be in collaborative construction robots? Breaking the grid is innovation research & development moonshot project dedicated to exploring the potential of mobile 3d printing machines to deal with global environmental issues. The project was developed by Teodor Petrov GXN and Dansk AM-Hub. This particular phase of the research development a series of mobile testable platforms were developed by architect & engineer Teodor Petrov investigating the way machine learning can be implemented in mobile 3D Printing machines to aid in establishing new construction strategies of symbiotic relationship between Additive Manufacturing, Robotics & Architecture.



Mobile 3D Printers on the Go

Autonomous 3D Printing Machines From Design to Testable Prototypes

aiming to explore the untapped potentials of 3D printing, mobility and autonomous behavior.The business and development side of the project looked at how economically viable investments can be structured to accommodate innovation. The processes of investigation and engineering were primarily based around developing new ideas and possibly new technical solutions to 3D printing and autonomous construction machines.

The Development of the project was based on unusual strategy of speculative design thinking that was driven by existing technological platforms that acted as box of tool to use and commingle. The Design of the Testable prototypes was based on asking questions, experimenting, investigating and proving hypothesis by testing every aspect of the design and technical development through physical experiment. Thus the design, fabrication, programming and construction of the machines was inspired through experimentation and learning from existing technologies while

Aenean eu ante turpis. Ut sit amet egestas ipsum. Sed ultrices cursus enim, nec dictum lectusgestas sit amet. Etiam et tortor at libero tincidunt egestas. Mauris consequat consequat nulla, et ornare enim venenatis sit amet.





by Teodor Petrov & GXN 3XN

3D Printing as a solution to Micro-crack filling and road maintenance of our Global infrastructure Fixing our Decaying Infrastructure through autonomous Legged Robotics.Could Legged Robotics revolutionize the way we maintain our infrastructure

the world that are not reached and community’s towns and cities are disconnected from the rest of the world. Even in some cases infrastructure maintained can be effected by extreme environment that can be too dangerous for people to maintain. Hence the use of renewable powered autonomous crack filling robotics can be the solution. The large scale of our infrastructure requires automation and sustainable means of maintenance therefore the symbiosis between Additive Manufacturing, Robotics and renewable energy generation can be the solution.3D Printing as a solution to Micro-crack filling and road maintenance of our Global infrastructureMicro cracks are cancer to our road surfaces. The breaking down of our infrastructure starts by the development of micro cracks which then lead to large while and complete surface breakdown. Thus the use of Micro-crack filling can be achieved through existing technologies such as 3D printing. Hence the development and symbiosis of 3D printing and robotics came together to form innovative solutions.

Breaking the Grid is Innovative Moonshot Project Developed by Teodor Petrov Architect & Robotics specialist at GXN 3XN and benefactor Dansk AMHub. The moonshot looks into the future by speculating on new types of technologies and services can emerge from merging additive manufacturing, locomotion, and renewable energy, AI and Machine Learning and Architecture. The Project drivers are based on rapid prototyping and digital fabrication alongside experimental and creative design thinking to drive technological innovation. Global Infrastructure Maintenance Cost grow every year. Could Maintenance Robotics aid in developing maintaining and rebuilding our decaying infrastructure? Global Infrastructure Maintenance cost millions of dollars a year and it’s still there are areas around



Digital Fabrication and Rapid Prototype development as a Business Model to Success.

The Design and Development of the Moonshot was driven through the methodology and research strategies that were implemented by Teodor Petrov which was digital design and fabrication combined with rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing.

Prototyping the hexapod prototype was particularly exciting part of the moonshot project. The hexapod system was engineered using open source hardware and software.


Final Prototype Solution. Could Economically Viable Testable Prototype Platforms accelerate Technological Innovation? The Final Prototype solution was developed using 3D printing of functional parts alongside with custom made 3D printing components and device mounted right on top of the system. The 3D printing mechanism is mounted on the top of the robotic system as well as IP Cameras and IR sensors.


3D Printing as a solution to Micro-crack filling and road maintenance of our Global infrastructure.

Global Infrastructure Maintenance cost millions of dollars a year and it’s still there are areas around the world that are not reached and community’s towns and cities are disconnected from the rest of the world. Even in some cases infrastructure maintained can be effected by extreme environment that can be too dangerous for people to maintain. Hence the use of renewable powered autonomous crack filling robotics can be the solution.

Micro cracks are cancer to our road surfaces. The breaking down of our infrastructure starts by the development of micro cracks which then lead to large while and complete surface breakdown. Thus the use of Micro-crack filling can be achieved through existing technologies such as 3D printing. Hence the development and symbiosis of 3D printing and robotics came together to form innovative solutions. The Design and Development of the Moonshot was driven through the methodology and research strategies that were implemented by Teodor Petrov which was digital design and fabrication combined with rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing. Prototyping the hexapod prototype was particularly exciting part of the moonshot project. The hexapod system was engineered using open source hardware and software.

The large scale of our infrastructure requires automation and sustainable means of maintenance therefore the symbiosis between Additive Manufacturing, Robotics and renewable energy generation can be the solution.



AUTONOMOUS LEGGED CONSTRUCTION ROBOTICS Automation in 3D Printing 1:1 Structure. How Could Autonomous 3D printing Legged Robots revolutionize the construction industry of today? The potential of autonomous in construction today is directly influences by the way technology I shaping the way we deal with complexity and repetitive task that prove an efficient to sustain the ever needed production and construction need. Thus the utilization of autonomous 3d printing robotics such as the Black Panther Autonomous 3D Printing Robot could aid in Foundation and Construction Processes, thus greatly improve construction time, efficiency and quality.



Hexa Legged Print Bot

The capabilities of the Black Panther allow for the 24/7 autonomous work powered by renewable energy and capable of re-charging on the go. And with cloud capabilities ans satellite communication embedded systems the Black Panther could be deployed anywhere around the world to aid the Reconstruction of 3rd world countries in post disaster situations, Search and Rescue and Infrastructural development of roads and motorways.Vision and Future Ambitions of Autonomous 3D Printing Robots in 2020.The Vision I have is one that empowers people in need to build the world around them for a brighter future tomorrow. Technology is simple a

The use of Autonomous Robotics can be seen an many sectors of the construction industry but perhaps the need for autonomous construction machines can be found in the places around the world that face and are struck by environmental Disaster such as Hurricane Catrina, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Tornadoes and floods.



tool in the hand of man. Thus the design and engineering of autonomous robotics if used in the right way could prove to revolutionize the way we deal with Post –Disaster Reconstruction, Infrastructural development and maintenance as well as aid the the development of needed infrastructural connection making it possible for people in medical and financial need to be reached. In short the use and creation of autonomous technology as a tool to support the needy the one’s in poverty, disaster and medical situations should drive us to build a world that cares and uses technology for the right reasons.


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