Teodor Petrov Industrial Portfolio

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Creative Works by Teodor Petrov


Creative Industrial Work 2019 - Present Day


Corona, Vray



Grasshopper, Vray

Email: t.l.petrov@hotmail.co.uk


Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign

Web: teodorpetrovrobotics.wordpress.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/teodor-petrov


+45 91 87 32 17 FUSION 360


Copenhagen, Denmark





1 GXN & Dansk AM-Hub //DIVE

2 GXN & Dansk AM-Hub // DRIVE

3 GXN & Dansk AM-Hub // HEXA

4 SHL & Wicona //HCF

5 SHL & Stykka // AGILE

6 SHL & Lampas // ELLIPSE

When Underwater Robotics meet 3D Printing and Coral Redevelopment of our Oceans.

Driving Mobile Robots that could build the world around us though technological symbiosis Additive Manufacturing and Automation.

Autonomous Legged Infrastructure repairing robots could be the future and the way to repair our deteriorating infrastructure.

Heat embedded cavity for triple glazing facades. This project was developed in collaboration with Schmidt Hammer Lassen and Wicona.

Agile Office Spaces. Programmable Meeting Room Spaces with spatial temporal functionalities and programmability functions.

Elegant street lighting concepts that focus on design for disassembly and smart IOT urban services and functions.


//DIVE 3D PRINTING CORALS UNDERWATER When Underwater Robots meet 3D printing, could Autonomous 3D Printing Robots print new artificial coral landscapes in the hopes to grow a better future?

Could Autonomous 3D Printing Robots Print new artificial coral landscapes in the hopes to grow a better future? Break the Grid Project is a Innovation research Moonshot focused on investigating the potentials of Underwater 3D printing as well as seeking solutions to improve the Marine and Ocean Conditions. The R&D was developed by Teodor Petrov GXN and sponsored by Dansk AM-Hub. How could 3D Printing provide solutions to the global issues and effect on our environment?

There could be a 3 way solution that requires the fusing of existing technologies such as: 3D Printing, Marine Engineering and marine Biology. Thus the development a family of ROV each with specific function from: Ocean Plastic Collection, Coral Printing & Tsunami Coastal Protection. Prototyping Remote Operated Vehicle as a solution to Coral 3D Printing. Could 3D Printing Coral ROV’s help the regeneration of our coral ecosystem? The Prototyping phase of the ROV allowed for complete experimentation and creative design thinking.


IDEA & PROTOTYPES// The prototype was built to allow for underwater 3d printing tests and locomotion, user control and data collection. It was built with affordable supplies and materials , by means of hacking existing 3d printers.


//DRIVE DRIVING AUTONOMOUS 3D PRINTERS Break the Grid using Autonomous 3D printing Construction Machines. How can new technologies brake the boundaries and show the potentials?

Break the Grid Moonshot speculated on what could autonomous mobile 3D printers be and how their implementation in the construction industry be introduced. This particular aspect of the moonshot was dedicated to the development of mobile driving 3D printing platforms. The Prototypes act as testing platform as well as learning system that allow for indoor testing and computational simulation and analysis of the entire system.

The way new technologies brake the boundaries and show the potentiality use of Autonomous Construction machines could revolutionize the construction industry not only in the way of optimizing the quality and performance of construction but also its going to open new industries and field in a multidisciplinary collaboration. The use of 3D printing has already proven to be reliant method of construction through today’s large scale concrete printing machines.


CONCEPT & DEVELOPMENT SKETCHES// Concepts and prototype development of mobile 3d printing robots. The concepts explore different types of mechanical function such as industrial robotic arm for manipulation and control of object, omni-directional wheels for obstacle avoidance and complex environments, and the use of solar power.


SKETCHES & PROCESS// The Development of the project was based on unusual strategy of speculative design thinking that was driven by existing technological platforms that acted as box of tool to use and commingle. The Design of the Testable prototypes was based on asking questions, experimenting, investigating and proving hypothesis by testing every aspect of the design and technical development through physical experiment.


FABRICATION & BUILDING// The design, fabrication, programming and construction of the machines was inspired through experimentation and learning from existing technologies while aiming to explore the untapped potentials of 3D printing, mobility and autonomous behavior. The business and development side of the project looked at how economically viable investments can be structured to accommodate innovation.



PROGRAMMING & TESTING// Collaborative and Collective intelligence is the key to success in implementing such autonomous infrastructure. The robotic agents have to be able to exchange information and also work collectively and co medicated continuous on all decisions made on the construction site as well as the agreed peripherals of the embed G-CODE plan by the architect and the engineering team instruction that are embedded in the robotic system.


//HEXA MICRO-CRACK FILLING ON LEGS Fixing our Decaying Infrastructure through autonomous legged robotics. Could crawling bots revolutionize the way we maintain our infrastructure?

Global Infrastructure Maintenance cost millions of dollars a year and it’s still there are areas around the world that are not reached and community’s towns and cities are disconnected from the rest of the world. Even in some cases infrastructure maintained can be effected by extreme environment that can be too dangerous for people to maintain. Hence the use of renewable powered autonomous crack filling robotics can be the solution. The large scale of our infrastructure requires automation and sustainable means of maintenance therefore the symbiosis between Additive Manufacturing, Robotics and renewable energy generation can be the solution.

3D Printing as a solution to Micro-crack filling and road maintenance of our Global infrastructure. Micro cracks are cancer to our road surfaces. The breaking down of our infrastructure starts by the development of micro cracks which then lead to large while and complete surface breakdown. Thus the use of Micro-crack filling can be achieved through existing technologies such as 3D printing. Hence the development and symbiosis of 3D printing and robotics came together to form innovative solutions.




The project was inspired by biomimetic marine life. Crabs like legged systems and jelly fish are some of the design drivers and inspirations.


OPEN SOURCE// Prototyping the hexapod prototype was particularly exciting part of the moonshot project. The hexapod system was engineered using open source hardware and software.

RAPID PROTOTYPING// The design and development of the moonshot was driven through the digital design and fabrication combined with rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing methodology and research strategies.


3D ASSEMBLY// The prototype is partially 3D printed and partially mechanically assembled. It features 3D printed Hexa legs, 3D printing nozzle, on board computer for locomotion and material dispensing chambers.


The Heated Cavity Facade Project is a Schmidt Hammer Lassen Industrial Design Unit Project in Collaboration with Wicona Window and Facade Manufacturer. The Project looks into the implementation of thermally heated cavity in a triple glassing aluminum system extrusion that diminishes the need for convector to be installed beneath the window.

Thus the aesthetics and performances of the system allow for a cleaner and more energy efficient indoor thermal conditions. The projects aims to achieve a smooth flow of heated air or water though the interior of the alunomium extrusion and thus to create a thermal barriers within the window system and thus reduce thermal heat bridging and provide a clean aesthetic appearance of the window.


EXPLORING & SIMULATING// The thermal analysis of the double cavity facade system is especial to determine the airflow of the pressurized air which is regularly heated and pushed though the aluminium window frame. The simulation is calculated in CFD and it deal with airflow. Thermal conditions, air pressure and velocity and turbulences as well as magnitude of air flow.


The retrofitted module would allow for the installation of heated cavity module that is powered through the installed heating systems such as radiators or electrical power supply for the heating unit.

The Air flow pressure is essential for the motion of hot air to be transferred form the fans to the inner glass cassette.

The turbulences of the air flow in the frame and the glass cassette can be in result of the pressure of the air pushed though the fan system.

The pressurized air in the frame as seen in the simulation bellow shows the velocity and magnitude of the air flow is channels though the frame as it driven downwards and pushed back though the fan.

PROTOTYPING & ANALYSIS// The extrusion of the double cavity facade test model allows for the computational fluid dynamics to be calculated. The parameters of the simulation are based on the airflow and pressure as well as temperature analysis The perforations of the extrusions allow for the airflow to transition from the base to the top and through the glass cassette and back to the fan system.


CLOSED LOOP// The close loop air flow system is based on the air of heat flow that is not lost but continuously channeled though the frame and pressurized though the glass frame perforations. The air flow is channeled thought the fan and the opening in the extrusion resulting in heating the entire frame and the inner glass boundary.


The CFD analysis investigates the thermal and air flow of the pressurized air that is pushed through the aluminium extrusion and is channeled though the upper window extrusion perforations channeling it back to the fans.


PLUG & PLACE// Curved embedded installation concept that is allowing for a plug and place installation to any existing window system. The concept shows the opportunity for direct installation of the heating unit to per-designed manufacturer specification double cavity facade frame extrusion.


ANALYSIS & CRITIQUE// The turbulences and vortexes have negative effect on the thermal flow of the heated air and will result in creating thermal heat build ups know as heat islands in the frame resulting in condensation due to the temperature coefficient form the external temperature of the frame and the internal air floe of the frame.



Agile Offices is a project focusing on programmable spaces for flexible use in multi-use occupancy buildings. The idea and concept was further developed into an office environment. Renting office today requires flexibility of interior design thus, these products allow for easy changes on interior conditions without external engineering.

Flexibility of use, function and program are the drivers of this project allowing buildings to contain a matrix of programmable spaces. The pods allow for adaptable changes as well as open vs private space, solid vs void, and changes if wall and surface finish. Social interaction was researched and explored to anticipate spatial usage and direct the project towards better office environments.





The image above show the modularity of the Agile Office System Modular Configuration system. The meeting pods are designed based on block system and universally interlocking mechanisms and profiles.

Second Stage Assembly show that modularity of the system by placing the plaster panels directly on modular structure that is configurable and it does not require cutting or resizing.


FLEXIBILITY // Office spaces are not agile enough to comply with the need for space change and occupancy needs especially in multi use building programs. Space optimizable and programmable partition walls that allow for office place to be reconfigured by untrained personnel on demand.


Mobile Agile Programmable Wall Partitions allow for creating spaces with multi-use capability in mind in minimal time.

Plug and Play system allow for the modules to be programmable with new functions and thus surfaces can be adjustable to needs of office space.



//ELLIPSE IOT STREET LIGHTING SHL & Lampas How can street lighting become more elegant? How can street lighting become more sustainable? How can street lighting be disassembled?

This series of Lighting Solutions, look into circular economy and design for disassembly principles. This project was developed between Schmidt Hammer Lassen and Lampas Design Lighting Company to bring elegance to Island Brygge’s existing street lights.

Retrofitting the existing lamps, a series of concepts were created to enable circularity, disassembly and design flare. Design for disassembly in street lighting is a growing strategy to mitigate material waste and optimize sustainability. This project also aimed at extending the product life-cycle of our street lamps.



The project was under a tight deadline however hundreds of sketches were made and a selected few lamps were developed further and rendered for the client. The iterative process allowed real attention to detail.



The lamp is a statement piece as well as a vital street element. As a sculptural piece, it shines and plays on aesthetic and atmosphere, but as a solution, it redirects light through its grillage via reflection and refraction to be consistent in enlightening the street but stopping glare to surrounding homes.



Programmable light functionality means that light can be adjusted according to IOT sensor-based technology. In the case of fog, the sensors detect humidity in the air and intensify light or increase focal distance, to provide better light conditions for vehicles.


The lamp is designed with circularity and intelligent disassembly in mind. This means that the lamp does not contain any toxic adhesives and is manufactured with minimal at-hand processes and is designed to be repaired and sold again. This expands its life-cycle.



teodorpetrovrobotics.wordpress.com linkedin.com/in/teodor-petrov +45 91 87 32 17

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