Teom Magazine Issue nr.1

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Emerging models

Fashion Model No Nos

TEOM’s Fashion Face Off

A ‘little’ Surprise

An all exclusive interview with the people behind MMI

Staff List & Credits TEOM staff Editor-in-Chief: Selena Moonlight-Wayne (musiicl0ver resident) Creative Director: Amity Sorbet Executive Editor: Dr. Kiett Baker (kiett resident) Copy Editor: Darla Watanabe Desktop Publisher: Michelle Moonlight (mitchy.foxdale) Â Â

Photographers: Bijou (bijoulee resident) Li Aoki (jamaicasianbaby resident) Blue Dreamz (bluemoon11 resident) Models featured: Leon Kostas (leonkostas resident) Portia Pexington Kendall (serena.novo) James Kostas (licksv resident) Celina Montfort-L’amaury (celina.lavecchia) Emmy Whitewolf-Vendetta (popsit resident) Michelle Moonlight (mitchy.foxdale) McKenzie Numbers (mckenzieky resident) Little Bird Denver-Royce (twospirit.quixote) On the cover: Maree Romanova (mauree.taurus) Vin Gabanna (vingabanna resident) Guest Editors: Veskari (veskari.karu) Greg Baker (gregbaker resident) A warm thank you to all for making this magazine issue possible. You are all truly remarkable people.

Table of contents: s e r u t a 4 fe 1 . M p O s TE del o m g in g r e m e

’s f e i Ch

n i r o Edit

The p. 2 r e t t e l

Meet th team e Editori al p. 5

Inte r MM view wi I’s A th va and Cass Jhami n McM ie aste r p. 2 4


p. 2 s ’ o N o N Model

en e T d n a d i K 36 . p s el d o m

Fash betw ion Fac e Kos een Jam Off tas p es a . 32 nd L e

Upc o p. 40 ming Even



The Editor-in-Chief’s Letter When people first started hearing about The Evolution of a Model Magazine, I knew many were wondering why am I starting a brand new Second Life fashion magazine, especially if there are quite a few fashion magazines already out there. There were even a few people who asked me if I am doing this for the fame or for the Lindens. Well the answer is, I’m not doing it for the fame nor fortune. I’ve started this magazine because as a professional model I’ve noticed that there are very limited opportunities for aspiring and newly certified models. Especially for those who aren’t wellknown yet. I’ve also noticed there are few to no opportunities at all for the

younger models in the current SL fashion & modeling industry. So with TEOM magazine I hope to bring about a change. I hope to create new opportunities and open doors for aspiring models, but also for the new designers, photographers, stylists and fashionistas stepping onto the fashion scene. But most importantly, I hope that you, dear reader will enjoy our very first magazine issue.

Selena Moonlight-Wayne


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Who is Selena MoonlightWayne? Selena is a wife, editor-inchief, model, teacher and a goofball! Her sense of humor and warm, bubbly personality makes her one of our favorite people. Selena noticed that there was a need to bring new and talented models and

designers just starting in the fashion world to everyone’s attention. Selena created TEOM with her friends to provide that opportunity for models, designers and photographers to showcase their creativity and talents! -­‐ 5 -­‐

Affectionately called The Dictator by her TEOM magazine team, Editor in Chief Selena MoonlightWayne wholeheartedly gives all of herself to friends, family and any project she is involved in. Selena demands and gives the best of herself and others to see through the end anything that is needed. Giving her complete best in return. She is never condescending, always respectful, friendly, and a natural leader. We love Selena for her creativity, her passion for modeling and fashion, and

her warm and energetic personality! "I want people to see themselves in TEOM: a reflection of their beauty, creativeness and depth. TEOM will not be just about the fashion, but who the individual is behind the design, the person modeling the clothes, and so on. TEOM will be an immersive and dynamic experience, not just a magazine. I look forward to sharing this with SL." Selena Moonlight-Wayne. Written by Dr. Kiett Baker, Executive Editor.

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Who is Dr. Kiett Baker? This tall, dark chocolate goddess before you is Kiett Baker, M.D. I fell in love with SL Fashion at my first fashion show when I was just 30 days old, the Saviad Fashion Show! It was an awakening experience to be amongst all the creativeness, energy and beauty.

That experience and sense of community spurred me to become an Amici certified professional model. One of my greatest thrills as a model was being selected as a Charlie's Angel for a movie!

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I love this SL world that we all partake and support. It has given me my wonderful husband Greg, fashionista aunt and sister, a gaggle of model sisters and brothers, a true blue designer girlfriend, a multitude of great friends, a career as medical director at Olrich General Hospital and co-owner of a new clothing store, Apartment 21! It's a great gift that I can be part of something new and to give back what SL has given me, The Evolution of a Model Magazine aka TEOM! A magazine that promotes

and celebrates new and fresh faces in all facets of SL Fashion: Adult/Teen/ Tot models, designers, photographers, stylists, and my favorite - the runway dj! I am Dr. Kiett Baker and I can't wait to meet you all!

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Who is Darla Watanabe? A purple haired model/ blogger who can be found laughing hysterically at her own jokes when no one else is. Thanks to her (un)healthy love of purple, she’s easily spotted. Graduated from FMU, Jun 2014 under the ever stern

Clif Sharktooth and his lovely wife Hermione Mocha, I found myself blogging soon after by chance having applied for Penumbra Fashion Week. My experience in and of the fashion industry has been pretty fifty/fifty so far. -­‐ 9 -­‐

I’ve had great teachers, themselves. made wonderful friends who help me out whenever Darla Watanabe I need it, and put up with constant grumbles when it comes to being prim perfect and looking just right. On the flip side, there have been instances where...people have been just outright mean or even backstabby. My vision for the magazine and its future is this: “WHABHAM!” I want it to hit people in the face (metaphorically speaking), making people want to read it and making aspiring models feel more enthusiastic to enter this world while being

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Who is Amity Sorbet? I am a manager, model, blogger, photographer and now a magazine staff member. It is exciting for me to be part of TEOM because it suits my personality. I am a ‘big picture’ thinker and longterm planner, aspects I don’t often utilize in SL;

with the exception of when I ran events for a large sim. I have been on SL for many years. At first I was a curvy red-head with green eyes! Ever since starting SL I have loved taking photos and worked for commercial clients.

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Photography naturally led into blogging, which I still do. It also connected me to fashion. Since early on in my time here, I wanted to be a model but had no idea how to start. The goal seemed unattainable! Even now finding opportunities is not always easy. It's important to network and make friends who inspire you. It took time to find the right modeling school. Eventually I graduated in June of 2014. Since then I have held several jobs in as a store model and placed in multiple styling contests, as well as had my photography featured publicly. Taking chances and stepping out of my comfort zone paid off because I got

the chance to represent Romania in Miss Virtual World 2015. I did the audition for the experience, never imagining I would be selected. At the end of the day, remember that this is supposed to be fun. Second Life is where you live out the dreams you can’t do so easily in the real world!

Amity Sorbet

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Emerging models In between these pages are models we wish to feature who are new to the fashion world. Along with detailed photos, each of them has a story to tell. No two models have to be alike, there is a unique individual behind each avatar. Let their wonderful

stories inspire you on your own journey throughout the fashion industry.

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Amity Sorbet

Portia Pexington Portia Pexington is fairly new to modeling, but she is not entirely new to the fashion world. She describes her avatar’s overall look as refined, elegant and fashionable. She originally began as a custom bouquet designer for a wedding sim and then continued on to be a fashion blogger. She has been involved with Chop Zuey in various aspects since 2012. The Chop Zuey Girl competition was Portia’s first foray into modeling and she made it as far as the finals. Seeing the results of her styling work and having the chance to walk the runway is what propelled her towards becoming a model. Since then she has been a live

model at the store and featured in several vendor ads. This winter Portia kicked her prospective career into high gear when she started taking modeling classes at Mimmi Boa Academy. Portia looks forward to seeing how far she can go in the Second Life modeling world and would love to be on the runway. In her eyes, to become a model it takes one part magic and two parts grit.

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Celina Montfort-L’amaury (celina.lavecchia Celina hails from Germany in real life. Her first love was building and she now owns two sims that are quite popularly visited which she built entirely by hand. She first found out about modeling when she attended a runway show several years ago. Celina graduated from the Miss Virtual World Modeling Academy as a full-fledged model with high praise from professors. The photoshoot with TEOM magazine is her first appearance since earning her diploma. Celina enjoys following the newest trends in SL fashion and one of her dreams is to take part in a contest in the

future and most especially to win, sparing nothing in her efforts to achieve this.

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Leon Kostas leonkostas resident Leon has always been original mesh clothing interested in fashion and design brand in the future. has a natural gift for modeling. His interests have led him into the Second Life modeling industry and studying mesh design for fashion. While he isn’t in modeling school yet, he is exploring his options thoroughly before making a decision, though he wants to enroll soon. Leon not only has a strong presence, his personal style adds to that with a masculine and edgy look. Leon's personal fashion sense in general is GQ eclectic, high fashion and quality. One of his dreams is to model for LaPointe & Bastchild, designers he admires greatly. He hopes to start his own successful men's

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Kendall Serena.Novo Kendall has always used fashion as a way to express her inner feelings and emotions; as a result, what she wears changes from day to day. She has always admired strong features and that is reflected in her own avatar’s face; striving to incorporate a balance of western and Asian features. Kendall is happy to be back in SL after a hiatus. She was a model four years ago before getting herself a modelling contract with a major brand as soon as she graduated from Mimi Boa Modeling Academy. When the contract expired, she took a hiatus from

modeling, one that ran long. Now, she is a different person and ready to show her new perspective through modeling. For the future, Kendall currently does not have any specific goals. For the time being, she just wants to go with the flow and jump on the right opportunities that arise. Kendall looks forward to working with the new generation of talented designers and photographers.

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Mr. & Miss Model International pageant, what is it all about? Â

The Interview It was truly a pleasure to interview the CEO (Ava Jhamin) and the COO (Cassie McMaster) of Mr. & Miss Model International pageant. Both ladies visited our the TEOM office headquarters for the interview and answered all the questions we were wondering about. SM: Who came up with the idea of starting a new pageant contest? CM: Well Ava has been talking about it for over a year so when I became available she asked me if I would like to help her ...of course I was all for it. AJ: I had been thinking about it for over a year, when I hooked up with Cas it just happened even quicker. KB: You both are very close? CM: This is my sister AJ: Very my sissy poo. It's rare but I am sooo beyond happy to have Cas at L'Amour, she is my right hand, brain, friend, she is a special woman. KB: It seems like you have the same mind. That must help with the creativity?

CM: It does! AJ: It's scary how we work and very amazingly, where she is weak (no where) I am strong and vice versa...when we work we are a well oiled machine truly. SM: So why were you thinking of starting a new pageant contest? AJ: Well for me truth be told and I will be very candid because it’s the only way I can be. I am sick of the bullsh*t pageants being one on where it was who you were and not on being the best. Representing countries you know nothing of made no sense...so I wanted something different, where the model or person represents who they are in RL and SL and not what is thrown at them. It's to the point of nauseum for me truly. And frankly I’m tired of picking up the pieces of the broken hearted models...I warn them but they have to do/try and then they are crushed. And Cas can speak for herself but I think she would agree.

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CM: I do agree...the broken hearted models who don't know what they are doing wrong and why they aren't making good scores. With our pageant they will know our comments and get actual feedback. AJ: It breaks their spirit for sure...And it makes them doubt themselves when in reality they’re better than the top ten.

even called them out on it. And when they say the bottom line is I am going to have who I want I say to them then the bottom line is how much money you can get out of say 40 contestants when you know who is going to win all along? And this happens a lot ladies. I have been doing this almost 6 years and I went and saw it for myself, so I speak from experience not hearsay. CM: We just want to promote fun and fairness. AJ: We want to do it right and do it fair and stick to rules with no exceptions. And they will have a blast and they will learn a ton doing it.

SM: How would you insure and maintain the integrity, objectivity and fairness among judges when scoring/ranking participants? CM: Well...our comments are our opinions and not shared with everyone instead being recorded on a NC and then shared with the models each week. AJ: *picking up where Cas finishes* Because it is going to be completely see through. CM: We want them to see what we see and improve. You can not improve if you have no idea what others see when they judge you. AJ: Exactly Cas, we want them to learn more then anything and be confident and not feel it's all for nothing. People, even the general public will know exactly who are the top ten. CM: Ava went through MVW and she knows what happens. AJ: There won’t be anything hidden. CM: We don’t and won’t do that. AJ: And I don't want to name names, but I see it a lot and have

SM: What types of participants are encouraged to apply, should they be professional models or have similar looks? CM: We encourage all to apply. Models, certified or not, new models school/no school, men and women, etc. We want to build up the models as so many are awesome and never get the foot/step up to be that much better. We hope to help with that. AJ: Pazzo Style Challenge is same, it's open to everyone on the grid, model or not and going into its 3rd year. I agree 100% with Cas. We’re going to make this accessible to all like it should be. The best stylists on the grid will have nothing to do with modeling

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SM: What makes your pageant contest unique? Knowing now that Pazzo Style Challenge is similar. Would you say being open about the results? CM: Well one, we are going to have challenges that are tailored to the avatar. Meaning this, say I am a contestant, Cacilia McMasters from Oregon, USA. Model, photographer, director and Mom. Then the challenges will be tailored so I could style myself to my liking, celebrating me and who I am, the avatar as well as the person behind the screen. Two, open and fair: the rules will be few but followed to the letter with no exceptions. Three, all comments from judges will be available to the contestant and the public if they so desire. AJ: This is why I am transparent, that is who I am and in all I do. This competition will be no different.I say it like it is and mean what I say. There will be no one going behind backs and thinking something is off kilter because all will be out there for everyone to see. CM: Its how we conduct business at L'Amour Nexxus. So it will not be any different. AJ: Right on sis, lol.

grow...with regular comments they get better each week. Thats so awesome! AJ: I love the idea of them as far as getting yourself out there and doing it. I like that if you do well you can gain that confidence. I have done many and it was fun and I learned long ago from another model to go in with no expectations, meet and have a blast, then don't get so disappointed. I think the hardest part for a model is to let it go and move on. CM: We also don’t want the contestants to spend 100’s of 1000’s of lindens. We want them to pull from their inventories. Most models have so much they never use! SM: How would you encourage the models to move on and let it go? CM: Encouragement, uplifting them as models, teaching them and being friends. AJ: This is what I say....Cas, did you give 100%? And when they say yes, I then say: you gave it your all..and the rest is out of your hands. You have no clue who is going to judge and even if they are qualified to judge..lol. So know you did best and move on...and yes it is easier said then done.

SM: What do you both personally enjoy about pageants? CM: I love the creativity that each model brings to the table. We give them 100% creativity. So when they submit a photo or they walk the runway with their original designs its a special time and an AWE moment. I also enjoy seeing them

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SM: So tell us a little about yourself for our readers. CM: *laughs* Well lets see ....where to start? AJ: Well I have been here for 6 years, I worked on my avi for 3 months before coming inworld...lol and was offered my first job in the first week here doing a campaign for an egyptian sim. I have always done fashion and L'Amour was my third agency. I own three businesses in RL so I feel I have a sense of how business is done. I know for me without all my staff, models, photographer, all of them I wouldn't be who I am...And I am smart enough to let them all know each and every chance I get. I want to change how things are done in SL and in the fashion industry. The injustices drive me mad. And all I have said about others I have said to their faces...so I can sleep at night. Because I know I am fair and I give people something great for their money. And it's time that some are just taken off their own pedestal. *winks and giggles* And I truly care, that is the biggest thing for me. I care about my models and my staff and am a mother tiger with them all. CM: I started modeling 4 years ago and I have walked in more than 300 shows. I have worked hard at learning as much as I can about SL modeling. I have directed many shows, pageants and competitions. I teach, mentor and just love being

around good people. At the present time I have found my forever home with L'Amour Nexxus and am enjoying every minute. When I am not working with Ava, I am designing clothes for my store (cm) Obsessed. Currently working on a MVW gown. I am also learning to build and will doing a lot of that in the next year too. I have been blessed to have some good teachers and friends here in SL and the pageant that I am sure will bring that many more into my little world. I am also a mom here in SL and that warms my heart to have a wonderful family. SM: So what would you like to say to the people who are thinking about joining the pageant? AJ: JUST DO IT. You won't regret it. Come play with us, lol. CM: Come have fun, be creative and be ready to show us who you are. AJ: And the best will win...not the name, the person. CM: You all will know who wins the same time we know. Mr and Miss Model International will be the pageant to be in. AJ: Finally a fair competition where it isn't who you know but what you can do as your own person, stylist, and most important with your integrity and grit.

Interviewed by Selena Moonlight-Wayne & Dr. Kiett Baker

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Model No-No’s

Welcome to Model No-no’s. There are some things you should not really do/wear as a model. Or even as an SL’er in general and though some of these are common sense, even the best of us out there can and will forget at some point. I will almost guarantee it. For January, we have picked facelights and bling and sought out FMU’s Hermione Mocha and Rose for their their combined insight on the topics. Written by: Darla Watanabe -­‐ 29 -­‐

DW: As an FMU professor, having taught plenty of models, how do you feel about face light and bling? HM: Facelights and bling.. I am not very fond of either. I think that neither should be used unless told to (which rarely occurs). Bling to me makes things stand out in a "oh look at me" way, and facelights, well, they blind me, and everyone else. Don't use them! DW: What would you like to say to the aspiring models or to the people who would love to be a model? HM: To anyone who truly would like to become a model, I say GO FOR IT! Embrace fashion, attend fashion shows, get a feel for what is expected of you, and stay focused on learning. As a model you

NEVER will stop learning new things. You will need to understand that fashion changes and very often. If you aren't part of the future, you will become part of the past. So, follow your dreams and push it to the limit. You will be great! DW: Have you had any experience yourself with face-light and bling you would like to share? Or do you have a story about it? HM: I am blind! Help me, I can’t see! You are on fire! Stop drop and roll! Hahaha! ...Sorry, I just could not help myself here. Please DO NOT use face lights or bling!

Hermione Mocha FMU Professor

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Fashion Face-Off Written by Dr. Kiett Baker TEOM brings our readers into the fashion world by making YOU, the reader a judge! Every issue we will present to you a Fashion Face Off! Two chosen models will wear the same outfit and style it anyway they want. TEOM fans can then vote for who rocked it best on our Facebook page of TEOM Magazine! Â

Fashion Face Off : Who Wore It Better?

Our first Fashion Face Off Challengers are James Kostas (licksv) versus Leon Kostas (leonkostas) ! Brothers and new models to hit the scene! The Challenge: FashionNatic’s Elliot Male Outfit! Let’s get ready to rumble!

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Model: James Kostas Accessories: ^^Swallow^^’ Arabesque Red & Lapis ring and *COCO*Homme Black Engineer Boots.

Model: Leon Kostas Accessories: LEVENCHY Leather Panel Cap (with studs) and Lapointe & Bastchild Men’s “Marine Link” Chain Necklace Platinum.

A little suprise TEOM Magazine is proud to announce their first kid and teen models. It has been a pleasure working with these cute and adorable models and we are proud to announce that we, as a fashion/modelling magazine, wholeheartedly accept teen & kid designers, stylists, fashionistas and photographers. No matter what your age is or your size, we would love to give you an opportunity to be a part of TEOM Magazine.

Selena Moonlight-Wayne

Model: Michelle Moonlight -­‐ 36 -­‐

Teen Model: Emmy Thighs: *MUKA* Thigh Socks - Muka Release Skirt: Tee*fy Savannah HighWaisted Skirt Necklace: To Be Unique April Outfit Clutch: R@SE^_^M@RINE LEGENDARY LOVERS Top: BLOKC Off Shoulder Top - Black Accessories: Go*DiVa SeLKieS bangle Shoes: Ricielli for TDR Chain Boots - Gold

“Stepping into a new chapter”

“Happy New year and peace on earth across the globe, to all my friends wherever they may be. May your year be as wonderful as the friendship we share.�

Kid Model: Little Bird Hair: Wasabi PillsSugar Rush Night Shadows Shirt: Buttons and Bows - Happy New Year Tutu: Peekabee Carter Tutu Leggings: Smallfry Victorian White Leggings Shoes: Petite Bowtique - Natalee Shoe (Pink)

Kid model: McKenzie By the designer from MeshMerized, NGI brings you New Years outfit - Available at NGI - Next Generation Adoption Agency The outfit is made for Kid sized avatars & also Toddleedoo Avatars and is located at the entrance of [Next Gen Inc.] Adoption Agency (NGI)


TEOM Magazine is super excited to share with you where we will be going and what we’ll be doing! We invite you to join us! You’ll find us at….. Pageants: The Mr. & Miss Model International 2015 L'Amour Productions and Ava Jhamin are pleased to announce the Mr. & Miss Model International 2015! This competition is unlike any in SL as you will represent "YOURSELF". Contestants will participate in competitions, both runway, photo and group events that will highlight you as a model and individual. MMI 2015 Dates to Remember:

January 9, 2015 MMI Meet & Greet 6:00 P.M. Mandatory for all contestants. January 10, 2015 1st Competition 11:00 A.M. (Models backstage by 10:30). January 14, 2015 2nd Competition Photo Challenge. January 17, 2015 3rd Competition Runway Challenge 11:00 A.M. (Models backstage by 10:30). January 24, 2015 Partner Challenge 11:00 A.M. (Models backstage by 10:30). -­‐ 40 -­‐

January 28, 2015 Partner Picture Submission. January 31, 2015 Be You Be Unique Walk, All Contestants and Top 10 Announced 11:00 A.M. February 7, 2015 MMI Final MR. & MISS MMI Crowned TEOM Magazine January 25th Deadline for models, designers, photographers, name submissions. January 29th Deadline for Fashion Face Off Photo Submissions due

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“Who says working can’t be fun?”


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