The Evolution of a Model (TEOM) Magazine - Issue 2

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March/April 2015

Stylish families

Interview with New Era

Mr. and Miss Model International winners

Interview with Next Generation

Because family matters - Selena

Staff List & Credits TEOM staff Editor-in-Chief: Selena Moonlight-Wayne (musiicl0ver resident) Creative Director: Amity Sorbet Executive Editor: Dr. Kiett Baker (kiett resident) Copy Editor: Darla Watanabe


Photographers: Bijou (bijoulee resident) Li Aoki (jamaicasianbaby resident) Amity Sorbet

On the cover: Adonis Hansome Lady Falina Katze (falinakatze resident)

Models featured: Alister Adlam (aaalistair resident) Cyberdawg Foxclaw Eva Madenwald Faye Huntress

A warm thank you to all for making this magazine issue possible. You are all truly remarkable people.


Table of contents:



The Editor-in-Chief’s Letter

Selena Moonlight-Wayne Editor-in-Chief 7




And the winner of the family themed style contest is‌. The Lectar family! In order from left to right: Aiyana Fallen, Kimberly Hilltop, Sahyel Cristole, Blue Lectar, MsNia Garnet and TinkViper


On the following pages we have highlighted individuals who are part of the family community.







New Era: The Interview Dr. Kiett Prince from New Era sat down with Amity Sorbet for a brief chat about her school and the programs it has to offer. We hope you will enjoy this glimpse into a brand new concept on the metaverse. Amity Sorbet: Let's start out with the most important question; what is New Era? Kiett Prince: New Era is a modeling school for all avatars who want to become professionally certified and competitive models for SL fashion. However we specialize in teen and toddler avi's. Adults are accepted for one on one tutelage. AS: Are there eligibility requirements and if so, what are they? KP: Willingness to learn, be open to constructive criticism and committed to doing the assignments. AS: What will New Era be offering to its students? KP: The first and only modeling school dedicated to certifying teen, kid and toddler avatars and all at an affordable cost. AS: Have you partnered with any individuals and/or entities to create and run the school? KP: Oceania Kiranov is my partner with me at this time. I hope to expand partnerships to experienced models who are interested and have the time to commit twice a week to mentor. New Era will also franchise.

AS: Since New Era is not yet [open to the public], can you fill us in on what is to come? KP: Currently, we are perfecting our course offerings, making sure we are offering unique and competitive benefits to our students to increase their appeal to designers and store owners. AS: What do you hope students will do with their education? KP: Exceed my expectations, become a powerhouse in the fashion industry and increase New Era's marketing brand in the SL fashion industry. AS: Thank you for the interview, it has been a pleasure! For more information, please contact Oceania Kiranov, New Era Co-owner



Mmi pics

MMI Winners This was the first year of the Miss/Mr. Model International pageant. TEOM has chosen to spotlight the top 3 winners of the Misses and the Misters through photographs and stories. These emerging models dedicated themselves to the challenges of MMI and came out on top. Read their words to find out how 20 the experience impacted them.


Adonis Hansome Adonis Hansome is the winner of Mr. Model International (MMI) for 2015. Looking forward to the prospect of the learning process MMI offered, Adonis is ecstatic to have won the title at the end of it all.

For him, it was fulfilling working with someone else toward a shared goal and he appreciated that the runway challenges were not like the typical runway shows often seen.

Adonis particularly enjoyed the couples challenge and it was through that experience he learned about the variety of amazing skills that others possess. That challenge was his best moment, sharing it with Brianna Beresford, his partner for the couples challenge. Competitors having to work as a couple was something entirely new from any other pageant that Adonis had previously experienced.

For the future, Adonis is interested in helping other models to better themselves and increase their skill set. If possible, he’d love to see a couplesfocused contest take place in Second Life. That speaks highly of the impression MMI has left on Adonis.



Lady Falina Katze (falinakatze resident) Lady Falina Katze, the winner of Miss Model International, learned how to be true to herself during the competition. Instead of trying to fit a mold of what she thought the judges wanted, she focused on representing the true essence of herself. Falina feels that the keys to winning are maintaining a consistent style and always giving your best. The competition further solidified her desire to always follow her heart to wherever it leads.

The best moment of the competition for Falina was the finale and her chance to walk the runway in a gorgeous Lybra gown. Wearing a gown fits so well into her much loved style of glamour. When Falina was announced as the winner, she was full of happiness! At the same time, she said she had to “pray to the lag gods� that she would be able to make it to the right spot on the runway.

For much of her second life, Falina decided to audition for MMI Falina has supported various since having modeled with L’Amour charities, in particular Relay for Productions previously, she wanted Life. Now that she is Miss Model to lend her support to the new International, she would like to competition. Falina has taken part take part in runway shows that in many other contests and support charities and get pageants, but for her, this was involved in fundraising that something different. supports organizations fighting AIDS. Some day when she retires from modeling, Falina would like to become a modeling instructor and expresses an interest in becoming a pageant judge. 24


Cyberdawg Foxclaw Cyberdawg Foxclaw, the 1st runner-up of Mr. Model International auditioned for the competition as a test of his skills. He had come back from an extended absence from Second Life and was looking for a fresh opportunity to sink his teeth into.

There were many styling challenges during the competition, and Cy identifies his win in the make-up challenge as his best moment. Even when he felt the odds were stacked against him, he did better than he anticipated.

For Cy, he learned not to take himself so seriously and realized how harshly he had judged himself in the past. The image he now has of himself as a model and stylist has certainly changed as a result of the competition, not to mention that his confidence has increased.

In the future, Cy shares that he may consider opening a boutique, an idea he and a friend have had before the competition started. He also looks forward to working with the MMI producers on next year’s pageant.



Faye Huntress Faye Huntress, 1st runner-up in Miss Model International, graduated from modeling school not too long ago. Prior to graduating, she had participated in a few small contests, but wanted to try something much larger and that brought her to MMI. The competition gave her the opportunity to learn from other models and grow together with them. She also learned to focus on the small details of poses and accessories in order to take her stylings to the next level. The questions she asks are, “What story am I trying to tell? What emotions am I trying to draw from the audience?” The competition was difficult for her at times due to the lag she felt during the challenges. As a result, her best moment was during the “Be You” challenge, the night the top 10 were chosen. It was her most perfect performance; the lag did not affect her and she hit each pose without incident.

Faye hopes MMI has opened doors for her because she would like to participate in more charity events and hopes others will participate in the ones that she runs. Even before taking part in the competition, Faye has helped raise money for Relay for Life and Toys for Tots through her company, [Huntress] Inc. Faye felt the feedback meetings were a unique aspect of the competition and she hopes to see feedback being provided more frequently in the fashion industry. After taking a short break, Faye plans to participate in many castings. She said she has been “bitten by the show bug” and doesn’t want to stop modeling any time soon. Another exciting opportunity presenting itself is that Faye plans to take part in the production and PR of next year’s MMI given her new role as a 28 board member.


Alistair Adlam (aaalistair resident) Alistair Adlam, the 2nd runnerup for Mr. Model International plans to put everything he learned during the pageant to good use within the industry. During the competition, he found a great deal of value in the feedback meetings offered by the organizers.

Friends of Alistair encouraged him to enter the competition, and he managed to work through the crippling stage fright to complete the audition. It was his first time undergoing any such endeavor. Because of the experience, he jokes that he now has a much more At one point during the MMI expanded wardrobe. This will competition, he felt like he definitely come in handy for wasn’t improving. Instead of future fashion castings or holding back out of fear, Alistair competitions in providing a went all-out with every aspect of diversity of looks. He learned his style and presentation for the how to finish looks with competition. In the end it paid- unexpected, but off! complementary, items. Alistair looks forward to the possibilities of further utilizing his new skills within all aspects of the fashion world.



Eva Madenwald Eva Madenwald, 2nd runner-up in Miss Model International (MMI) looked forward to the opportunity to represent herself. This was her opportunity to bring light to Huntington’s Disease, a cause about which she is passionate. In each challenge, she wore either purple or blue, colors that represent awareness about both the children and adults who suffer from the disease. The challenges gave her the chance to continually ask “Who are you, Eva?”

While the organizers talked about her, the things they said were so beautiful and touching they made Eva cry in real life. She felt like people fully understood who she was and that she had accomplished what she had set out as her goal all along.

In the interview, Eva identified two moments that she felt were her best. The first was during the partner challenge when she and her colleague executed their runway exit perfectly in sync. The other moment that stood out for her was during the finale.

Due to her great experience in MMI, Eva is willing to share her story with anyone. At the moment, she is preparing for her SL wedding to her real life husband. TEOM wishes her many congratulations! After June, Eva plans to keep herself on the 32 fashion radar.

Eva’s philosophy about Second Life is that it should be fun. That’s how she approached the challenges, going so far as to wear a t-shirt that said “laugh” for the pose-off! She learned that she can work in a MMI encouraged her to always team, even though the prospect was add a bit of herself into every a little scary. Eva also found a great contest and casting going forward. deal of camaraderie during the Her approach used to be to please competition and she is glad for all the the judges, but she now knows friends she made during her time that staying true to herself is there. inevitably the most important.



Model No-No’s Welcome to Model No-no’s. There are some things you should not really do/wear as a model. Or even as an SL’er in general and though some of these are common sense, even the best of us out there can and will forget at some point. I will almost guarantee it. For February and in spirit of child/teen models we have picked HUDs that talk in local and unedited hair on the runway with Oceania Kiranov of New Era sharing her thoughts on the chosen topics. Written by: Darla Watanabe 35

DW: As a principal and a teacher used to kids, what do you think about ‘noisy’ HUDs and unedited hair? OK: Noisy HUDS...Life! The Life HUD is totally a no no on the runway. I mean who wants to know that you need to go to the bathroom when you’re on the runway? Unedited hair…I understand you can’t edit some mesh hairs.. but if you can...they’re modifiable for a reason people! Just don’t forget to make a copy of it before you edit it.

people who do. And it’s just embarrassing at times. There was this one time when there was a model on the stage and her Life HUD shouted that she didn’t shower and that she had to pee as well!

Oceania Kiranov Co-Owner of New Era Modeling School

DW: What advice would you share with SL kids who want to try modelling? OK: Go for it! Don’t be afraid to rock the runway and join our school! *laughs* DW: Have you had any experience yourself with chatty HUD’s or bad hair? OK: I don’t have Life Hud myself, but I know tons of 36





It was truly a pleasure to interview Next Gen. Inc. Adoption Agency owner, Tommy Numbers and his two sons Alexx and McKenzie. We had a fun conversation and we feel honored for learning more about their family. Selena Moonlight-Wayne: How did you meet each other? If there are any interesting stories, do feel free to tell us. McKenzie Numbers: chuckles Tommy Numbers: Saw Kenzie in a dress on a blog! McKenzie Numbers: Its true.. Alexx Numbers: I met my brother by derendering him! Alexx Numbers: No not really, haha! Tommy Numbers: I thought this poor child, confused and needs a Dad. Selena Moonlight-Wayne: Ahh I see Tommy Numbers: I forget how I met Alexx! McKenzie Numbers: I lost a bet that the new royal baby in England would be a girl but it was a boy so I had to wear a dress, which an owner blogged and then Daddy saw that and IM’d me. Then we got talking lots and he’d spend time with me and when I was lost in a trailer park and he gave me a flamingo! Tommy Numbers: Alexx was a furry when I met him 39

Selena: So how did the adoption process go? Were you like all "Hey kids, wanna be my sons?", and they were like "YES!", ? Alexx: Haha I met you like 3 years ago Dad, when I first came to NGI and then I started helping out, then set parts of the sims on fire >:D McKenzie: And I named the flamingo Mr Skittles and then I told Dad I was gonna make a panel to be adopted and he said “nooooo I’m kidnapping you” so then he did on 3rd Feb 2014. Tommy: I think I kidnapped them Alexx: And then I met Kenzie through buying everything in his store, then becoming neighbors and pranking each other with garbage and balls Alexx: I think >.> Selena giggles Tommy: Make sure you get my good side. [While taking photos] McKenzie: Yeah! McKenzie: I was Alexx’s friend, like, 3 years ago then became his brother then Dad got us both! So we’re still brothers! McKenzie: Its kinda confusing I spose Alexx: And Dad became my step-dad earlier in 2014 and then officially kidnapped me August 21st 2014. Tommy: Oh wait all my sides are good McKenzie: And I don’t think Alexx can see what I’m saying coz he DERENDERED ME! ‘accidently’ he says Alexx: I can see what your saying. [copied from the conversation] “McKenzie: I was Alexx’s friend, like, 3 years ago then became his brother then Dad got us both! So we’re still brothers!” Tommy: Hahaha Alexx giggles McKenzie giggles Selena: How long have the kids been adopted? McKenzie: I asked Dad stuff he liked doing and we clicked really when we first started properly talking and spending time together Tommy: Almost a year for Kenzie Alexx: Kenzie since February 2014 Tommy: About 6 months for Alexx? Selena: Ooooooh okay Alexx: Yah! We wont talk about the "Don’t listen to Alexx, he's just a step!" months :P Alexx giggles Selena giggles McKenzie chuckles Alexx: I’m more American than Kenzie! Alexx: Tea is still drinkable! For me *nods* McKenzie: I’m British! 40 Selena: LOL!

McKenzie: I have a speech impediment Alexx: I’m Canadian! Tommy: Don’t tell people that! Alexx: Uh pfft, Boxtrolls! McKenzie: Yeeah! Selena: What is your favorite family activity to do together? Tommy: I like to make them work! McKenzie: Um Alexx: Make things McKenzie: Watching the Thanksgiving Macys parade together Alexx: Oh yeah that was the best! And decorate houses! Tommy: And we like harassing their Granny Selena: What kinda things do you make together, Alexx? Alexx: Well... Kenzie makes skins, I make clothes and Dad..makes us focus! Alexx: So we make things :D McKenzie giggles Selena: Hehe, ok Alexx pinches Daddy's nose for missing an X Tommy: :P Selena: Do you find your cute boys get into mischief often, Tommy? McKenzie picks his nose Tommy: They have also been known to be rude to customers at NGI Alexx eats Kenzie's boogers Alexx: OMG NO! That’s not trueee! Tommy: Ewwww McKenzie grins Alexx: Don’t say that Alexx: We're very polite! Selena: hahahaha Tommy: My boys are cute? McKenzie: I'm well known for my outstanding customer service! I rate myself 5 stars for it! Selena: Uhuh Alexx: I’d rate him a 10 star myself Tommy: Well they aren’t too ugly McKenzie: Thats what my daddy says, "uhuh" Alexx pulls Daddy’s ear McKenzie: Oma is dutch but we still love her Tommy: Being a single father is a struggle Alexx: We find our Dad gets into trouble so brother and I always make sure he stays out of it as a dynamic duo! 41 Selena: ahh yes, Cloudy.. I'm dutch as well :p Tommy: Make sure you put that in so people know I’m available

Selena: LOL Alexx: No! McKenzie: No! McKenzie: Daddy’s single forever Alexx: Forever and ever and ever! And he's not adopting either *nods lots* Selena: Why do you want your Dad to stay single? Alexx: Because uh...... Alexx waits for Kenzie to answer McKenzie: Because... if he dated then he’d be homeless Alexx: Yah! Tommy: Psss plug your stores McKenzie: Plus what he wanna date for? Alexx: He’s got us who keep him busy! McKenzie: I never understood adults dating and stuffs, all that kissying on faces Darla Watanabe: Psss you can plug them at the end, psst McKenzie: YUCK Alexx: Ewwwww McKenzie: That’s how cooties are spread, yah know? Tommy: hahah Alexx: I don’t want cooties Selena chuckles Alexx: I’m gonna walk into Kenzie lots, idk where he is! Tommy: Damn they were heavy Alexx giggles Selena laughs McKenzie: Its like being on the Jeremy Kyle show but less dramatic Alexx: Idk where we are! Selena: And why not an extra lil' brother or sister? Alexx: Cause together Kenzie and I make up like 10 kids! Tommy: They need a sister! McKenzie: Because...sisters smell and because Daddy struggles Alexx: No no that’s what we have Kaci and Maggie for Alexx: Plus we wear dresses McKenzie: Yeeah! Alexx: And tutus! Tommy rolls eyes McKenzie: Yes I do like to wear the occasional tutu Alexx: I like my pink skirt and cowboy hat Selena: I see *chuckles*


Selena: What would you say makes your family unique? Tommy: Loyalty McKenzie: We're nuts McKenzie: That too Tommy: That too :p Alexx: That we're genuine, loyal, a bit craycray, very connected and really, really, good friends if you pull the family part away. McKenzie: We're very loyal to each other and there when we need to be and help each other out to encourage each other Selena: Aww that's nice McKenzie: We can each be ourselves and be whatever we wanna be and not be judged Alexx: And uh we have the best Dad ever that loves us :) Which is something hard to find. So that too makes us pretty unique I think. Selena: What do you love most about your family? Tommy: :P McKenzie: Yeeah! He makes special stuff for us, like Thanksgiving he cooked lots and watched the parade with us! Selena: Oooooh nice! Alexx: I know and then after he watched Big Bang Theory with us even though he doesn’t like the show Selena: cute xD Tommy: I hate it! McKenzie: I love that we're all connected and have a strong bond Alexx: I second that McKenzie: We all just fit and work together Selena: How about you, Tommy? McKenzie: Daddy is more relaxed coz hes shipping us off to camp on Saturday for a week Tommy: Hahah Alexx: Yah Dad, what do you love about the family? Tommy: I can be myself around them and they still like me :P Selena: Hehehe Alexx: ❤ McKenzie: We adore you! Tommy: I’m trying to make them modest like me Alexx: Pfft Selena: Is it working? Alexx: Our Dad’s the best ^.^ McKenzie eyeflips Tommy: NO Alexx: And my brother is phatabuloussss! McKenzie: And my brother is epicness McKenzie: HI4 43 Alexx: Hi4!

Selena: What would you like to say to people who are looking for a family in SL? Tommy: Don’t look for perfection, look for effort and put some effort in Selena looks at the boys and asks "how about you two?" McKenzie: That sometimes it can seem such a long process and alot of hurt can happen along the way when looking for a family but if you’re patient you can find your family & never give up looking Alexx thinks McKenzie checks his brother’s hair for bugs Tommy: I’ll shave both your heads! Selena laughs McKenzie gasps McKenzie: I’d die Daddy Tommy: Uhuh Alexx: I would say...never give up looking, that's for sure. And sometimes the most unexpected people are the ones who will end up being your family if you give them a chance to be. And if it feels right, go for it! McKenzie: Yeeah! Selena: Awesome! Alexx: Even if it takes 2 years for them to see that you're meant to be with them! Tommy: Omg, who are these kids, they are so polite! Alexx looks at dad Selena giggles McKenzie: I used to trip him up with bananas a few years ago before he adopted me McKenzie: Its funny how things work out Alexx: I was going through my inventory and i found the letter I wrote to Dad asking him to be a guide at the agency after I came back. Alexx: Hee hee McKenzie chuckles Selena: Aw! Alexx: Yah I kept it Selena: Well that was kinda the interview xD thank you so much for your time and everything! McKenzie: Byebyeee Tommy: Thanks ladies! Alexx: Thank youu, byebyeee!


“Who says working can’t be fun?”

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