EBook conversion into different formats EBook conversion has become very popular for the libraries as they can transform all the older editions into a digitized format. Online notes could be converted into the PDF files as per the requirements and the specifications of the users. There are many software and online applications available to accomplish the task. Print version can be expensive as compared to the EBook because the latter doesn’t use paper. Scanning has its own limitations because some devices do not deliver impeccable resolution. Once the Ebook is created, it can be transferred to different devices such as laptops and smart phones, however it is important to change its format. There are many extensions such as EPUB, HTML or LRF which are supported by EBOOK however, one needs a suitable reader to download the requisite information from the document. If people are using the reader, they can make notes, highlight important passages and also create bookmarks. Generally people use PDF format which is considered to be an open standard extension, therefore it is compatible with numerous application. EBOOKS contain text, graphics, images, sound, animations and video providing an unparalleled experience for readers.